Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 05, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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.Mm. O. H. Osliiirn ami .MIkk Kva
Osbunic rrliiriii-il Friday niht Hum
a short online, tili.
lie. Von will wnvo to the. corner of
Main ami Oaluialo itlinul Aiinst
JO. '
Aecimliim lo City ICIoi irleian llln
man, 1"0 lampa on 1 lie Main Mrcet
dreamer K.vKtcni will have lo bo re
placed. The streamer, as I buy now
exist, will he entirely lalien down,
tlin Hupporlinii cables will lie rained
six feet above the trolley wires and
the streamer supporters will bo taken
from the cluster Unlit poles and
fastened lo corner boil, link's, thus
removing; all dancer of trolley" or
teams KtrililnK the wires. Work Is at
present delayed pemlitii; the arrival
of heavy supporting cable and f00
rive-wnlt lambs.
Get yonr bakery goods at Be
The puhllc library will be closed
Monday arcl Tuesday on account of
Mrs. A. True l.umly, Nu-Hono cor
sets. Phono K2I. 47 X. Orange.
Aslilaml Thursdays nt Austin.
Arnold K. Knlinhaiisen arrived
from Portland Friday and is em
ployed in Paul's Klcctrir store.
lint tor milk r.c quart at l)e Voe's.
, Calo Hells, United Slates commis
sioner of Indian affairs and William
Jl. Freer of the Klamalh Acency,
spent Thursday and Friday In Mecl
ford. Mr. Sells is now on a tour of
all western Indian articles.
Auto wheels repaired; first class
Job Riiaranteed. Prices reasonable.
.Mitchell's Itnpair Shop, opposite pub
lic market.
Mrs. Sarah von Meter 'returned
this niornluK from ItoseburK, where
she spent a few days as the Sliest of
Miss Olive Mnthls.
Typewriter paper of all kinds at
M?dford Prlntlnn Co.
.1. A. Wcsterlund will leave Sun
day for Union Creek where lie will
join Mrs. Wcsterlund and Miss Mar
aaret Daily, who established camp
there a week airo,
Something; new, brick Ico cream in
sanitary packages. Keeps two hours.
Take ono with you. Tho Shasta.
Post master .1. It. Woodford left
Friday for a fortulnht trip to the
Take thoso loose nulo wheels to
Hillings Oiirriairo and Auto Works
and have them mado llko new, nt a
mnnll expense.
Mrs. Scott Wolf and daughter,
Airs, Frank Pool and little son, have
Just returned from a six weeks' trip
to California.
(let your labels early, llnn't wait
until 1 ho last minute. Tho Medlord
Printing Co. Is the place to got
Tobe Hrouse of North Central ac
cepted a position as guard at the
state penitentiary. Ills family will
remove to Salem shortly.
Yon Invited lo the Moose dance
tonight, Ccitllcmcn fiO cents.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. .larmau, SI Is
Kdllh .larman, Miss Katbryn Wll
llama and .Miss Cora Itlpley are mem
hers of a party of San .lose tourists,
wlio arrived In Medford Friday uluiii
and later loft for Crater Lake Satur
day morning.
Public, dance at the Moose Mall
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. llauey ami
Mr. and Mrs. (leorue Roberts will
leave Sunda moruini; to spend a
week at Craler Lake ami Klamath
Pear label time Is here. Stock
labels or special labels at the Med
ford I'ri'itinK Co.
K. C. F.iwcelt and Krick Anderson,
who recently purchased properly in
tho lllue!o district, are In .Mod-:
ford purchasjui; supplies lodav.
Picnic lunches. Central CaTeterla.
P. O. Muml'ord of lis Plumas, i
Cal., is H'endinu a few days In Med
ford. Smoke a Kins SplU clKar, lie.
They are tf
Mr. and Mrs, C II. Anderson and
II'. rl ami 111 nl. ill llolse lilalio. .i i .
In Meiliord today, liiiiin soiilliliouiid
in their ear.
Where (hey all o lo the Moose
ilaiii,. S;, uiht.
.Noel helsiii el vYasliiiicton, 1 1. C.,
arrived In Modlnrd this iiinrnlni; and
will vlsii iliroiiuhout the l.omie rier
The hi s always. Central Cafeteria
Mrs. F. M. Allen of Poitlaliil Is In
.Mdlfurd lor a few das.
Mrs. A. True l.iintly, NM-ltono Cor-
rels. I'hcuie 17 N (Ira nee. IIS
P. I,. .McliilMe is a iiuslneKs visitor
from Portland.
lie Vne liny., beer bnltlos.
.1. H. lien e, l.nui - M .u l in an, I Karl
Nuti'i of Tiail spent l,st niiiit in
Kvery Saturday niiiit, Moom
dance. W, II. Vaucliu o!" Table Ito.-I, is in
Medlord on business today.
llct Ice-cream at. !o '(ie's,
J. II. Fisher of Sams valley is
transacting business la Medford to
day. llnltermilk l'b' sal. lie Voe's.
C Austin Chlsholm, former pro
prietor of the Austin hotel In Med
ford and who now operates tho old
Oregon Ifotel in Ashland, under the
namo of tite Austin, Is in Medford to
day on business,
You can dance from fl to 12 at
the Moose dance for .o cents.
Makery noods at Me Voe's.
Spranuc and Jack Morrill
of (lol.l Hill were In Medford Friday
afternoon, later icolnt; to Ashland,
where they attended the dance at the
The Oakland Hoy's Hand ot 32
pieces will i;lve a dance at the Xat
August .". Admission 10c. Jiances
70e. , llli
Aiiionu the Medford people who
motored to Ashland Friday night,
were: Virpil and Hob Strang, Hob
IHienl. I. eon Speck, Hen Plymalc
and Klmer Fops.
Try a King Spitz cigar and en
courage home industry, tf
Hen Plyiunle and Leon Speck re
turned to Medlord Friday night
after spending a week at Woodruff
Meadows on the north fork of the
Ttogue River. Inning their stay Kiev
made good catches of fish and killed
a bear.
Oct your milk, cream, butter eggs
and buttermilk at De Voe's.
Mrs. James Crotchett and her son,
James of Weed, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Orth.
I'enrs and apple label printers for
the Ttogue river valley. Medford
Printing Co.
Henry O. Owens of Wellen is
spending the day In .Medford trans
acting business.
Don't fall to he at the big dance
it the Xat. August 5. 1 Hi
Horn io Mr. anil Mrs. Krnest
Kice, August "i, a daughter.
Dr. KIrchgessnor will be at Hotel
Mash every Wednesday. Hours for
consultation 10 to 3.
Miss Francis Ash left Saturday for
San Francisco, where she will spend
ii fortnight.
Tho Oakland Hoy's Hand of 32
pieces will givo a dance at tho Nat
August a. Admission 10c. Dances
0c. llfl
Miss T.ounsbery left Saturday
morning for San Francisco, whero
she will attend tho fall millinery
opening nnd a school of designing.
Cray's place, cold, nrlnks, fruits.
.1. A. Westeiiund received two
doen China pheasants from the
Statu damn Farm, Corvallis this
morning and later liberated them on
the Westeiiund orchards.
dion't fail lo be at tho big dance
at die Nat. August r.. 1 lf.
L. D. Crawford and Charles .1.
Hchnffler of Fort Jones. Cal., are
transacting business In Medlord to
Sco Dave Wood nbout that flro In
surance policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
C. A. Taylor of Central Point is
spending the day In Medlord.
Why not get It at Do Voo's?
.1. 10. Olmstead, accompanied by his
family and their guest Miss Helen
Downing of Portland, will leavo Sun
day morning In llnir new Chalmers
six for Crater Lake ami Klamath
Gates sells Ford can, $200 down
and $25 n month.
Kil Hlnns will spc ml Sunday fish
ing on Little Applegate river.
I'ackerts tally cards In stock at
the Medford Printing Co.
Hen Hrofley of Fagle Point Is In
Medford on business today.
Sen the stock labels carried by tho
Medford Printing Co., If j oil are In
a hurry.
M. A. McPberson of Kayjo Point
is spending the day in Medlord.
Mrs. 11. I.. Leach, expert corsetler.
Ilariiay & Abdo-Supporl. Phone l!
The Misses Itoolll of New York and
Long lloach Cal., and Mrs. C. !'. .leaks
of Iteno. Nov., returned to Medford
Friday night after a motor trip to
Craler Lake, Klamath Falls. Klain-
ilb Hot Sprincs, ami Yreka. Thoy
are Hie guests of Mrs. .1. C. Mann.
;--k'i.. on or Colestlr. w ater, I 0c
iot t lo at lie Voo"s; ac deposit on
Mr. mitl Mrs. Kmuiett Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles While are at
Crater Lake for a shrt oullng.
Pig ."tc milkshakes at lie Voe's.
Motorists roinlni; from Or;, lor
l ake last niiilil, reporl the ro.i.l-, in
i;ood shaps, not liailla cut into
ruts as et.
Ilallis 2;,c. Hotel Holland.
Sheritt" W. II. Sinuler of .la. ksim
ville in Mcillnrd this moiniiiu on
Cray s phi re for cigars, to-
Ceorse Fast of Central Piitit is
hopple;; in Meiilot d tod.i .
Lunch g"ods at De Voe's.
Mrs. K. (I. I .tint of Maple Sprina
Kaniii has on exhibit at the Com
mercial I'liiblinu, oats grown on the
ranch In siibirriMilliHi, moasniiiiL:
mor six te.'t ill hemlit. I'll.' clop 1-.
er heuv this oar.
t all Weaver of Talent spent sie
nil dins llli llalpll I. nut at the
rain h.
Mrs. K. W. Wltte. who has re
centiy relumed from Los Angeles,
where she allended a national train
ing school lor spirilla cersetlers, is
now ready lo give expert serviie in
made to measure forsetry. Phono
I'tlJ-.l or tall ";'t Vancouver five, '
f 1
iftllM'll llllllill-eil Sine' Kimr eitii..u u , ... , .,
i , i, . , . . '.
V"" ""';' '" '
.Im-h nn.l lock-Mep ,, vogiu. lie oi-e
hiKH, iiarhiiM; I Ik hl Syslcm.
SALT LAKK CITY, Aug. a. loo
Martino, u Mexican, was shot anil
killed by Salt Lake police and two
other .Mexicans were seriously
wounded in a spectacular fight late
last night, following an attempt by
three .Mexicans to force their way
into a residence with drawn pistols.
When the police arrived the Mexicans
opened tire, wounding a police de
tective slightly. The police returned
the fire, killing Martino and another.
The third Mexican ran to a vacant lot
where lie continued to shoot, until
disabled by tli fire of the police.
Ilolli wounded Mexicans are expected
to die.
Ai.p.i :(Lin:i;(in:, x. m.. Aim. :,.
lliivelln.r M.-lli.nahl, ill a letter
.'inswcriiiii an imiuiiv iiy n mini-ler
ami made public luday. .-ay.- lie la-vor-
t Ik- -uluiii imi ui -tale-wide pro
liiliiliiui t., the vnler.- of New .Mexico.
Tlli- Id not lie iici-iiMiili-lieil liel'ipre
lite legislature met and had acleil next
Janiiarv. .Melhuialil add- he is not a
candidate l or re-elect ion.
lieoriie I-'. Shew, a -I ranger ill Meii
loril dropped um-ou-eiiiii- on llle side
walk luiiiie KaiU Transfer c'liipanv
al 1 I .-lill toflay and wa- taken by Hi.
(ianey l.i tiie Sacred Heart liu-ii!al.
lie has a elinnce of reinxi'ry. The
cail-e el' the allael; i- leu known.
l-'nini letli r- liiiiiid in the stricken
man'- i'.i-l;el-. it was a-eeraincd
tllilt lie has a ,ln nulll el . Mrs. II. IS.
Slnipe ill Si'io, Oregon, who was ini-
llicillalcK Mi'tllied ol her lather'- coli-
iliti'iii. Shew bad e iilcnlU arrixcii in
.Meilliiiil llii ii'iiriiin:; a- lie lia.l li"!
been -cell .ill 1 ii street-. Iiv llielllbir-
'I' tile pi'liee .1,
lb' i.- ill i-i ibid a- about IS ea I'
ll' n-:e, lalily well .In--",! anil ei
litil! a rainier, light e!oii!riiii.
ll-hl hi'l' -lleaki'ii with gl.i, weight
Isil i..,iiiiil-. all. I all. .at .". l l uiclu-
III llri-hl.
M'l.KOll Ceilni.l,' II. Mrl.rn.l
lied at III.- S ,, red II, ..ill h.,-ril.i An-:"-',
i. a- ,.,) I:' ,-al -.. Ill I h,. She
had l.ri a a Iv-itleli! ..I .l.iek-,., ,-mhii
l I", -, .-ar- and el On;:. mi I'.ir
Ki .-,,:-. I'm- iie .a-l -i ,-al- -he
ha- in -.i al Mel.einl -la'i u up
per Kiig'l,- mor, where her hll-liMii.i
ran a -l.i'.-. She i,-ae- her hu -ban.!
an.! -i . u , iel.h, p. tin.ige. VI .i,
Hani. : l. Apine, l-.innui. I ,.nua en,!
I 1 M-1 t . The hineiii1 will be hel.l to
i""i r.,v. al Peri's I 'liapii al .1 n. ii..
Intel aient w li be hi the,,,! I. I .
' . 1'. .-, tei.
OM MIA. Aug. .V The Far, el
Siato I, a:.!, ol I-i,,.-, a -,...-l, ol
' lata!, a w a- r.,ob ,1 ..1 a t! -ami do! .
..,r- io,!., l, aaf ..'nohiiO ha n,h;
Tw ,, ii ,jn., e i.p to the bunk ill a
a"'t'-l' ear -hoiliv a Per I n. I l:o
remain,'. I on ga;'i, ..iit-i.i,- whiio Hie
"llior ! rd 1 '.-'sieor N.-is.,n ,, ,.U1,
over al! . nli.nox and .-:isi, a.,il..!.lo.
Alter geiting the ii;,.-.e llie robbot-
.il.AC -out h low., l.i Omaha. No
of t!ie l.aiidiis lia- 1 a leu,,. I, a-
i ling lo the Omaha peine.
V e u T
"." " ls"" " r i no returned Harden, Tin s Alolt ()s.
'ill. Ho resigned. This section of Jml,1(ll. s , ,,, , ,
Osborne stne,I bis .elocns. At hojul f the nnuiliers ,x, me a
The I'ollowing eililurs and gnosis
are regislen.,1 for the eonvenlinn :
W. 1'. Stianborg; and wife, Watlsj
Walt, I'ortlatnl; Kdgar II. Piper and
wil'e, Oregonian, Portland; Henry
Waldo Coo ami wile, .Medical Scnli
ncl, I'orllanil: Mi-s lOlizabetli Wa;:
goner, .Medieal Sentinel. Portland;
K. K. Ka ville. Western Farmer, Poii-l:nt-
fleo. II. Mimes, Oregon (nnr
lerlv, Portland; W. L. Kibbes, T.vpo
grnpliieal liiion, I'orllanih Kre.l
Loekley, J nal, 1'iirthiml ; ).
MeWiilers and wile, l'aeii'ie Paper
Co., Porllanil; ,i-s 'ella Winner,
Club Kililor .loiirual. I'oitlanil; Jehu
.1. .lolinel; nnd wile, llalles & Co.,
I'olilaii.l; p. S. Pales and wife, Sieve
mill Dan, 1'aeilie .Northwest, Port
land; Mrs. ('. A. Ilesllrisay, I'alli.die
Sentinel, Piirllali,!;, Miss Louise Dei
Prisay, laiiil ; (I. I. Ilegnrdl, pul,:
I'e Duel,-' Kngillcer, Porliiiml; ''. S.
Wliitiuore, Spoke-nian 1,'eview, Spo
kane. Wo.; David llazcii, Telegiiim,
Portland; II. W. I'.itt.ui and wile,
W.'i-hiiiglonian, lliiiini.iin. Wash.: W.
P. .lessnp, Searehlighl, P.n rlon,
Wll.; Clark Wood. Leader, We.-lon;
L. S. ISeuuut t,. News, ll, IJiver;
Lloyd l.iidi,.- ned si-ler, Slandnnl.
Sianliohl: K. P.. Al.iri.-li, l-a-t On
goliian. Portland; (1. II. I lam-i reel ,
Son, Sheridan; ( '. 1,. Ireland and
wile, Ob-oner, Mnro; ('. K. Thorp
ami wile, Courier, Oregon Cilv; ,1.
I. Ol-oii, Portland J'nirn.,1, Oregon
''ily; Mi-.- Kva A llilioilge, Kulerpri-,..
Oregon Cil', ; l. M. and wile,
Pioneer, Alolalla ; L. ( '. MeSliaue, l-'.u-Icrpii-e,
lliilih.'ird; Kdilh 'J'ozier
Wealherroil, Slut i- l'-air P.oanl. Salem;
I'lonj. K. We.-I, Sl.llosiiian. Salem;
Itov. T. 1. Ford, Chapliiin, Salem;
Col. F.. II. dor, Pae. Cast Mauiila,
lurer, Salem; John T. Moliletl. Ap
peal, Silverioii; ('. I.. Mou. -i, ii ami
wile. I'a. ii. Paper Co.. Albany; F.
M. !ni-tcu.l and wile. .Mail, Slay
1'ni ; W. I-:. DePew and .vile. Criter
ion. Lebanon; I,'. II. Iletzel. (I. Lans
ing lliir.1 ami wile. Mi K ie Maroii
,Ia. O. A. C, C.rvalli.-; A. 10. Fi'o-I
ami wile, Courier, ("orvallis; C.
IngilM-, (la.otte-Tinii-. Corvalli-; ,1
H'. IbieiM, New-, Spring! iehl ; Prof.
Llle Allen and wife, '. f ()., .;.
gene; ('ha-, iiiiuyaii, liegi-ter Sliop,
Kilgolie; A. 1-:. Sooll and wile, NoWs
Timos, .',,r,.- drove ; t ',,. W. (I. D.
Mercer, Sentinel, Collage (irme: Ki
lo It I'.odo. Sentinel. Collage (irovo:
Will .1. Ilawio- and wile. Sun, Sulb
eriin; M. .1. Shooinaker an, I wife.
New-, i;o-,.,iirg ; 1,'oboi l K. Sinilh
and wife. Tax l.iberalor. l;,,-ehulg;
A. V.. oorliie-, Courier, (Irani- Pa ;
Mi 'l.'ilu Ih-n-'diel. Couiiei, tlraul
I '.is-; Wiltord Alien ami wile. Cour
ier, linuil- Pa-s: A. S-. CoiiImiiI ami
wife, oli.or, r, (Irani- Pa ; F. Wei
lac Sour-. New-, liohl Mill; Win. .
lirower and wife. lleiahl. Central
l'"ini ; Y. (I. Smith, Herald. Kiamalh
Fall-: li. K. (!il-on ,-in.i ml,.. ,. P..
'.. CJnoag". Ill: W. I!. Vg and
wile. A. ',. ('., t'o,,,,;!; I',-,.-. W. .1.
Ketr and wile. O. A. ('.. Cov.,,!i-.
'' And .bile: .1. K. tlratke and
''i'"- l!ii.':ot. A-toria: Mi- 1.,,,-is
l oll l'l-:' -u-rooiu anulern house, j
l'lioae .".T.'I-V. lis'
l-'OK SAl.l: neu - mnai loam ..oil. i
ini,roM,l, lulldlims. Income willii
Idace; .I'.oiit $ t:.o,l or more this !
reason. I'rice f.l.'.iMi, -ome lei'inK. !
I'lark Ke.ilty Co.. L'"ii I'liipi's I
lil.l.:. j
i-'ol! Sl.-: -Kive-y.-.u-oKi iTil.l.llr
h,.r'. Well r. ii, e l. j..:. Phone !
'7. ' I So. (Irai'e sin ot. I It i
TAKKN I p Sorrel m.ire. I. ran, led '
' l-:p" .i:h hay colt, sorrel faced;
en. !,:.,. mare. !,r,ni,led P" with'
,'a i oil. strii in la, e W. It.
l.amh, .Medford, Ore. i
Criilke, Astoria; K. E. P.rodie and
wife, Kiili'rpri-e, Orcron Ci(y; Mrs.
Nielii liaiiow Lawreneo, Press, Mil
waukee; Cliarles II. Fisher anil wile.
Journal, Salem; ,. Wiinbeiiy, wife
and daughter, lieview, h'osobunr;
Miss Conies, lieview, liosidiurg:; C. ii.
Iliinlin-; mid wife. Knlerprise, Ore
u'on City; (I. K. lirookings and wife,
Mernhl, Canby; Mrs. 1.. K. MeShane,
Knlerprise. Hubbard; Pert K. flreer,
Tidings, Ashland; K. J. Kaiser. Ash
land; (.'. li. Wolfe, Kccord, Aslilaml.
I"l'csilent on ("inise.
The naval yacht .Mayflower, wilh
the President and Mr.s Wilson
aboard, was cruising today In lower
(iiesa'peake Hay, having made a
leisurely trip from Washington.
Toward noon the vessel was off Cape
Charles City, Va., and it was expected
she would later drop anchor in
ilahpton Koads.
Infantile Fpiilcmic, Lulls.
NHW YORK, Aug. 5. Little
change in the epidemic of infantile
paralysis was shown in today's bul
letin of the health department. Dur
ing the 2 1 hoars ending at In a. in.,
there were -II deaths and ICS new
cases in the greater city. Si mo the
inception of (ho epidemic, Juno llii,
there have been J.til'.G deaths and
I.N2 I Vases.
Glasses lor Children
fi? !
'krm i
V ''l i:
Um innv (ill siImhI iM-itis.
IT ynur cliilil ihmmIs nussoa it is liinh
time ou were iittendiiig to tiu mat
ter. To wait until they have l?j;un
their stintics means suffering on
their part, and less tune for correct
lirlns (hem here any day, and rest
assured they will he kindly, care
fully, and scientifically treated.
-NO 1K01S I SK1.
Dr. Rickert gSffi,
hi: lixmvs now.
Suite l-'J Over the Slay Co.
ri-H.a v& ir.ikA m m t. m a . u i r v. re pi 71
mm tm u it u vs- m) ixU
Allow" me In stale rii;lil ln-re ilia I this will he some t i;s s i ! 1 o,;ini(li
siiKr the low round trip rate nf 2X Medt'orti to Wed and j- - t - ?-1 " "
Leaves Grants Pass 7 a. m., Med ford 8:20 a. in., Ashland 9:20.
Ask lot-ill A.H'cnt ;tt stjitioii for inrormn tion.
l-'L J'ASO, T.vxa. Aii'. .". Ci-nctal ,
Ki an- i -vi) Uunzali connnandiuit nt
-liiiH-i-,. nnlcrett -HO ,:i ;: Irvnn1" to-!
l:iy t" ccnih (lie hiiU ym li of tiiul :
i-it v in an cI'I'mii In niiiH elicnd Mnr-
i;mt Tit int", wlitt with six men n! thej
vullllilcfi tt''lVll'"f eurp.s deserted
eiday with the iinriniiri"ed intentitui ;
i. : ';n.. ;.. 1 1... M ..
Dl J ' 1 11 If m I' l Mliri-co l m.l in i in -i .i - .
iin:i dir-ui'-l. Tames wu ui'ii am-,
ui-ly leei-iulv ! t!te de l'inhi :u
Peru Ignores Elacklist
IJMA. IVrn. Aim, ."i. - h has l.eeii
decided hv the I'ernvian '-nnnine
court that the llritish hlaek lit ol'
t rnders in neutral ennui i ie caiiii'
invalidate husiness contracts made in
AM IS !:! KXTS 'l'( 1 .V
A ItKJ 1111,1. AT Till';
Fatty Arbuckle
In the Kj.aikling Keystimu
The Other Man
And l. W. irimth I'lioUi-lHainu
Willi a UiK human note:
si:i:x. ovi:x
Tl'I,l.'V .M.MISMAI.I,
li.M.I'II I, KWIS.
Meti-o-Wondei'iday, "linsemary," Geo. i'liructuT, 13t. .Mark's 111k. Med
lavyueiite Snow and lmil (Jihnore. 1 ford.
'I'licrc's s( Ic witli (ii;di(y in (lie -M
( 'oiipclt'l as well as Ford duraliilily
in service and econoiny in main! en
M Mcp. lkooiny interior excellenl ly ui
Imlsiered. . Top 1'aised or lowered in
1 wo minutes. A ear ol' superinr class.
Inspect it. The Vmpclet W!)0: K'uii
ahout i!)!); 'rmiriiii;' Car 1 10; Town
('if ifHMO; Sedan r7IO, f. (l. h. )e(r,,i:.
On sale at
VVhat Mothers Say
flirniM tti.'rlt i c. t iol tii'.Mi-
ia' uiiiMiIentliuii ill tuis lime.
"Waii tho mi-.-in-j i if li'iiiikliipv
imn.dnff Kii-kin's'i nri.1 i, i.i
Fi'.ilinij rotiditioii-i Itcluro LHll
llliclin.ul." i Wis
"I'Mivr.l it irr-'f :ilnr. .Inr-
iilf ii ijvrrj' !iy ll u nl.-i-iico (if
li' nui'h uii fvrnt."
of tho t-Tirih Jt (e -i.l.iiii-. in
liri'ii.ii mi; li-i) Air .sm li
;i cV.-int't." Mi;". - .
Veiir ihllirrisl st-!! it. Write
for fr.v ami inU'riH:: bak
(lit MnMtiTliiHwl.
Ihi' Hr.iillii'l'l Uririiliitor Co.
SUM l.;eii!ir lllik'. .tl:nit.i. Un.
S. IT. Ilanilshs auto will leavo
Easle I'oiat at S A. M. ami 1 I'. .M.
flaily, except Sunday; leave MeiKnril
9 A. M. ami 5 I'. M. Will call for
paRHciiKera at holds in Meilfonl an.l
hotels and business houses iu Eat;le
I'llOXB Oil
Modem Bungalow
IS So. Kim street.
For Sale
All imilt in features. Knxt front.
Hath, I.-iuiulry; vi at ionary tul.y; hot
anil cold water connections; fruit and
"hade, tree;-; i;ooit pardeii idol; lanio
lot; eleetrica'e riuiinuent, hest in
town. Wired tor rane and heat,
l-'urther particulars.
, II. (. ruri'el.or. Ashland Ore.'