Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 31, 1916, Image 1

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mjiit i Tii:snY.
Maximum yeMordny HU;
Minimum todoy IK.
Medfgrd Mail Tribune
Fortv-slxth Yr.
Dnllv i:ifvnth Tfar.
rotir Dead, Three Mortally Jnjured
35 Others Injured and 20 Missing
as Result of Explosion of Munitions
That Shakes New York and Jersey
City Barges Loaded With Ammu
nition the Cause Arrest of Rail
road and Dock Officials Follows.
XKW YORK", .Inly .11. Two men
nro under nrrwd todny under war
rants olinrginit them willi itmii1iitijrli
tr in (lirwlly causing Hie death of
"ono of tho victim nf tlu terrific ex
plosion of ammunition nu Mock Tom
pier yesterday morning. Kstiinnte
;f the casualties pnrl.v todny placed
llic number of deml tit four, with throe
others mortally injured, :$. Miifforiiiic
front lo serious injuries nml eleven
lo twenty missing. Kslimnte or the
jimpei-ty loss range from $'2.V)lll),000
lo $.r,00(),n(ID.
The Jersey City imlico todny nelil-
oil to tlic lint of dead Cornelius J.
"Ley-don, chief oflliii Lehigh Valley
niili-oitil police, who him been niiiir
'ulneo the explosion occurred.
Mnny persons who wore on board
barges moored nt the burned piers
sire ini-i-ihft and it i feared that thoy
Unvc perished. In omo qunrtor it
win believed tho totiil niniiher of
iliHiil would reneh thirteen.
Tluv.o I'lider A not.
Those under arrest wore Albert 51.
Dickmuu, agent or the Lehigh Valley
railroad, stationed nt Itlnck Tom
jiior, and Alexander Davidson, aupor
iiiteiident or tho warehouse or the
Nnliminl Storage ooniwny, thirteen
jif whieh Wore ortedsywl hv fin' which
followed the e.doion. A warrant
whh issiunl for the urrest of Theodore
It. Johnson, president of n lightering
company, one of whose barges loaded
with oiumiuiitioH is alleged to luive
Iwii moored nt the ier.
Flunk Hague, commissioner of ptili
lle safety of Jersey City, ehurged that
tho IiIiuih for the explosion lay with
the U-hinji Volley ruilrond company,
(be storage coniuny or the lightemg
company, and that some of them hud
violated the lawn of Xcw Jersey, the
Jersey City ordinance and the mien
of the inter-stnto commerce commis
sion in permitting barge loaded with
explosive to remain moored nt the
pier overnight. These halves were
boingr ied ' transput the ammuiii
tiouto steamer lying in Oravesoud
Ituy. ,-
V- O.tttls.
Several inysitgmtion were com
menced today ujfl9oover the uriitiu of
the tire whuJjMied the explosion
that destroyed $.'i,0ni),0U0 wuth !'
aaiiiiiiiiti(JiyAf1'eirht ear. et hlax
inir ammuHtiH.httrRe. adrifl to hn
Iwrd the Statue of Liberty and the
ICIIiti Maud uiiiaiBralioii "tatioii wuh
nhelU and dirapnel anil Hhutteietl
Htl OO.OKtO worth of window in iln
j'ily. One of the invetiiratiiii i
eonilueteil hy Colottei lieverlv W.
Dunn, chief innpeetor of the huteau nf
e.vploxive of the Amerieaii Kuilwuy
aoeiation and the interstate eoiti
ineree iotuiniion. lie i- ahled hy
thirty inp4'tarii. The county pro
ecutor and city authoritien in Jersey
City are making ittvtmligtion aluo.
It u midertol that agent of the
department or justice are making in
QUirieK to learn whether or not the
(xpWiuH wu the work pf an mcen-
ltivo I" Uleiiiori.
Conflh'tiiig reMrt u to the caue
of the t'iiv r ""H eireiilatwl.
high all- ni'tiiiaN a.ert that an
(Continued on page six)
gAX Kit VNCISCO, Ful CI. Han
kow, China. tods J in the hluda
of a revolutionary mob gad $wi
UMtilies of property wre IMuk
burned, according to cable aoticcs
reMtv4 hy the Kobort Dollar
Stpamshfo (ompany. from its Hai.
kow office No deiailn were re-celed
Bloody Battle Rages Throughout
Hottest Day of Year Desperate
German Resistance Regains Part of
Ground Gained, hut Good Progress
Made hy Allies on Somme.
THK KIRI.n. July 81. Kroneh and
UrltlHli joldlorn mndo Sunday's nt
tnrl; In nwnlterlng mld-Buniinor limit.
Tho flrnt real hot wavo of tho season
struck nofthorn Krnnco Saturday
uiornlnK Hrltlsh and Kronch Infantry
co-oporatcd in an action north of tho
Somme, In front of Oulllomont and
nrt of tho llrltlsh attnek struck
from tho hloody Tronoa wood and tho
othor pnrt of tho flank, whllo tho
Gorman tried to man machine Rims
ns usual, nftor a Ilrltlsh homhard
nwnt. Tho Germans resisted the
Ilrltlsh hltterly. fighting under tho
broiling sun, as overy Inch of tho
ground was precious.
Mottle at (iiilllemont.
Tho Ilrltlsh got possession of tho
railroad station, which thoy had
reaohod In a previous attack and
this tlmo, according to last roports,
aro still holding It. Somo of the at
tackers got Into Gulllemout and
reached tho church whnro tho Gor
manB, swnrmlng In dugouts, oiit
uumlierod tho advance party, which
fought against their foo on all sides.
It was one of thoso hand to hand
hide and seek conflicts In tho vil
lage ruins, of Indescribable feroolty.
Tho Ilrltlsh hail to retire from tho
odgo of Gutllomont, hut made good
a consldorahlo advauoo southward on
the flunk of the town whoro,
thioughout tho hot night, fighting
J'orsplratlon made water coursos
in tho dust of the men's faces and
their eyes looked through masks to
thick that their faces aeemod to ho
covered with some kind of ormor.
Motor trucks passod like phantoms
in thick clouds on the rosd. Gun
ners, stripped to their skin, kopt
sen lug their guns nt top spoed.
Wreathing rame hard In the mixture
of dust and shell smoke.
l'txii-fiil Oimngo.
Soldiers who reached Gultlomont,
speak of the fearful en run go among
the Germans from tho Ilrltlsh gun
fire, owing to tho masses of (lor
mans concentrated under the Ilrltlsh
bombardment before tho Infantry at
tacks. Thoy said thoy could hear
the moans of tho Gorman wounded
for water above the bombing rifle
and machine sun fire With the news
or the shootiiiK or Captain l'ryatt,
fresh In their minds, the Ilrltlsh went
Into the charge In a fun, swearing
thej would avetiKO the deuth.
WASHINGTON. .Ink .11 Although
j the I'uited Stale- government ha de
clined foruiully to order ixlriionli
nnry protection for the Germsii mer
chant marine lleutoehhind n- he
paxkN out of American ternturinl
wuterb, state deuutment ot'hciaU in
dicated today that if the Auhuiaruii'
"was endungereil by a large number ot
rraft attemptiag to follow her down
Chesapeake Itay from Italtunore, u
'coat guard putter probablv would
interfere. It hat heeu uudertowi
thut the Deulaeblaml'n commander
lean, be will he seriouUv handicap
ped in his efforts, to eseaiie to sea
put the waiting gibed eittisers if he
i- followed hy a fleet of hoaU carry
ing newRNtier roresOBdenls, pho
tographers and sightseers. '
IULTI1JORK, 3Id., July 31. Be
youd un intimalioH front one in au
thority at the pier of the Kateru
orwu tiling company, wheto the Oer
ttian mert'hout utimoriue 7ifutch
irtn.t' m (HKlied, fhaO th suhmariue
oul(j,o? -oil tio!o, Qnth'uig coukl be
leapicd K'at?ifO tfaa sailing pious of
the underwater boat.
T all iipM-iiruuce ccm thing i
jf.i'h tir l tit uidi-r In ? t j i f .
Pursuit on Volhynlan and Galician
Frontier Continues Entire Regi
ments Captured Fierce Fighting at
Kovel British Advance Posts on
Somme French Repel Germans.
PHTllOOUAD, July .11 In tho-region
of Ilrody, on tho Volhynlan anil
Gnllclnu frontier, Russian troops aro
pursuing tho Austro-Oormtut nrmlos,
It was officially announcod horo to-"
day, and havu ronohod tho Itlvor
Gragorkl and Zeretli.
The statement says:
"In tho region northwest and
southwest or lloraiiovlehl. n fierce
nrtlllory duel Is taking plnco.
"On the Hlvo.r Stokhod. our forcos
wont forward. At one of tho bonds
In this rlvor during tho courso ot
our attack wo have takon, among
othor prisoners, tho ontlro Thirty-
i'lrst Honveil roglmont with tho rogl
montnl commander and his ontlro
"At othor places on tho Stokhod
wo took xl officers and 914 rank
and filo and four machine guns.
"In tho direction of Kovel, florco
fighting continue.
"In tho Hrody nroa wo aro pursu
ing tho enemy and havo reaohod tho
Hlvors Grahorkl and Kqroth.
"Caucasus; In tho ronton of Hrzln
gan our trooim mudo a furthor ad-
vnnco. A Turkish attack In tho ro-
glon of nisyglavor, In tho dlreulloii
of Mosul, was ropulsod."
IttltMi Gain Ground.
'J.ON'nON, July St. As tho rosult
of lack of encounters In tho rnglon
of tho Itlvor Soiiimo. tho Ilrltlsh
tronpH lust night advanced their
posts nt somo points on the plateau
to tho north of the towns of Hon-tlno-lo-Potlt,
It was officially nn
uouucoil this aftoruoon.
Tho llrltlub official statement
"Ust night was spoilt In Improv
ing the positions gained yesterday.
Thoro wero no further dovolopinents
In tho situation.
"As tho result of local oneountors,
we advanced our posts at some points
on the plateau north or Hsoutlu-le-
Goniuiu Altiuks Itepellcd.
PARIS, July 31. North of tho
Sommo yostorday afternoon and last
night tho Germans redoubled their
countor uttacks hetwoen Horn wood
and Monucti farm, soys tho official
statement, Issued this afternoon hy
the French war department. The
struggle was especially severe In tho
vicinity of Monaco farm, where the
Germans got a footing for a momont,
hut wore Iminedlstoly drven back.
At lloin wood all the German as
saults wero ropulsnd hy the French
counter attack. At the same time
the French batteries on the left bank
ot the Somme, the statement con
tinues, oufiladod the German troops,
Inflicting groat loss.
On the left bank of the Meuso, In
the Verdun sector, a German attack
on the northeast side of Hill 801
On the right hank of the Meuse
tho French progressed slightly In tho
roKlou southwest of 1'leuo.
LONDON, July 31 The second
rsld within the week of the oast
eoasuof England l a Zeppelin air
ship was made this morning. An
official statement, announcing the
raid says the airship was engaged by
a British aeroplane.
The official statement is as fol fel fol
eows: "At 5: IS o'clock this inornlnu one
ot our (geroplaiiM pursued and at
tacked a .eppelln, SO miles off the
eaat coaat, The pilot had (irel more
thsu tfcto trays of ammunition Into
tho Jtfidaaella when he Was Mm
por&flly Incapacitated by a portion of
ills macMlHeguu9flug oft and
stunning htm The eppelln was no
where to be seen wheu the pilot re-KSlot-d
louncloiunexK il. was there
fore, forced to return o Jijs xfutlon "
Kuropatkin, Demoted Once,
Now Big Man in 'Bear' Drive
4Ur ( i$! 'HV aOH
ill H til Wc jf? 3aV Q Mir fh- " jr
... J&iW IM
n 13 l.t-T mri
.vvv, i0m tlsj
Gun. Atexut .Mciioiauvmii Kiiropat
kin, demoted after tho Iluoxo-Japan-ego
war, today Is one of the biggest
figures In tho Hussion military fam
ily. As commander of Ihorlgbt wing of
tho Russians ho Is pitting his mili
tary genius against that of Fluid
Marshal von lllndeiiburK, the Idol of
all German, popularly called tho
IIKIIMN. n.lly .11 Anglo-Freneli
troops in their attack Sunday again!
the German Kition. in thu region of
llio liivor Soiiiine did not gain n foot
of ground, according to the Oeruion
nrmy headquarter Mnff In iU state
ment iaHiietl tmlay.
An official atntement iaauod hy the
'AiiHtro-llungarian headquarter un
der date of July JO Hiiils textnally as
"ItusHian theater: The iHtttles in
eat Oitlieia and in 'dhynia continue
With umliminUhed Mdeuee. In ent
Oalieia, epeeially near Jlnlodylov,
iiorthwimt of IColoniea, ami weal and
1iorthwet of Ituesaiwe, the striurirlo is
Idtter. The enemy continued his ef-
fort both dav and niuht hut all failed
under the heaviest hMa,
"Ituiuu attack hetwoen Iteres-
leehk and the .StokhiHl, in spite of
tho ureut 1oh of life, had un uece
whatever. In ni ,nes the nttaeks
were tppei by our artillery and in
fant rv iiie.
"Where the l(uian entered tern
pomrih uiir trenclu-, ns they did to
1 1n- wc-t of I.iil-k i.inuy of General
ii Ti-lvan-k i, iln-y were ejected
1i a counter altai k."
' WASHIS'trroX. :n. All i-r-
Vo.. enierintf or h-avng flcrman.v ..I -
ter tomorrow mut Juiih pciul sr
1a i ion froui the (Jirmuu government,
tccording to a me ago raceived ot
he utaU WMirtineiii Iruai Amha-a-
dar (ierard. Such i-rmlssion will be
granted, the auliaudor aid, "only
Tn cases of inevitable necetuiities, in
're.ird to which thoruugk esplaiiation
Will tt required."
n W Hamilton or Kagle I'olnt wan
a Mcilfont tmitoi s imta)
".Man ot Iron," ami Is making big
Gen. Kuropatkin haw always dis
liked display of pomp or magnlfl
conco, striving In tho very height of
his power to maintain tho ... juoral
standing of his troops. He mntltlarn
It a natural act or duty for ono In
command to lufluenro his army In a
man by settlnx a aood example In his
own manner of HvIiik.
KN'W.KIIAHT, Out ,.lul .11 liofi-
jiite llgiue regardiiiu' the Io ol' life
in iiortliurn Dntnrio through the wip
ing out of half a doseu towns hy
IiumIi fires were Mill lacking today.
Figure on hand indicate that nt least
200 persons are dead.
The known dead ure: Nushkn, 57;
Coehmtie, 18; .Matheon, :; IHriunia
Falls, 15; llamore, II; Total, lfMI.
It is learned thut there baa heen
Iom of Irfe uImi nt I'oreupine Junc
tion where onl the rnilruail station
ecawd the flame.
Outlying place are oxpeeted to
well the lit uiotcrmlly when iecue
parties return.
Irhpiois Falls where great mper
mill aie loeated was not entirely
binned oh reported last night. Ad ice
tinlny tate thai the unMr mill Hiid
one store were aved from the t'bimc-
XiiohkH, ilatheson and Itnmoiv
were entiivly hurned oxer and Coch
rane nearly o. Iluues on two of it
small avenue were aved. At Tun
mina the fire was checked in the out
skirts after 17 houe had heen huiii
ed. Ute reKii1s say fire continue in
tunuy iliretiiourt, but it is 'said the
wort i over. Home rain fell duriiur
the night and heliied the fire fighters.
1 "MK'. 3"U :l ' 'n,, 'ilur ot
ine i-upv s oivhib 10 me wsrrina
nations foe toOce was admitted hy
the pontiff lo oddresfctng delegation
of the youth oP Home. The delega
tion prayed for peace hi aeeoidume
with the pope's appeal to the MI
irn of the whole world lo appeal to
Uod on the last Sunday of llse aaeond
year of to struggle to end tbo war
Oeorge (' nib tree of Cold lflll Is
In Miilfoiil on i'U -.mi h ludav
Senator Walsh in Debate Over Con
stitutional Amendment to Make
Federal Juilrjcs lucll(lfhe to Elec
tion to Office, Says Selection of G.
0. P. a Blow at Judicial System.
' WASIIIXOTON. July .11. In a
peeeh today on the Thomas cnnetitit
ionu1 ninendmeut to uitiho fedoml
judges ineligible to an elective office,
Senator Walsh, drinoenit, declared
luit former Justice Hughe was iiom
uinteil for the prtwideney hy the ve
puhlieniis to "save his party, not to
nvo the country," and charged thai
no more deadly blow over hud hcoii
aimed til the federal judicial system.
Senator Walsh said it was appro
priate fo postpouo action on the pro
isiMcd amundmetit until a caliper lima
and tlmt the election in November
would servo as n referendum on tho
principle involved. If Mr. Hughes wero
dofeated, ho tnid, un political pHity
'would Hgely have the hardihood again
to us me as its candidate Tor presi
dent a member of the supreme court;
while if ho wore elected, the repuhli-
otin party ild not stultify itself hy
submitting or ooiicnting to the
lluuhcN 11)11! Statement.
The senator referred to Justico
.lluglie' deeliuution to ho a candidate
for president in 1111- and his inter
view at the lime on the subject made
;mhlic hy Itiihhl Stephen S. WW.
"Judging hy tho pftsl," ho contin
ued, "thoro must he general uipiluB
couee in tho view of Justice liughos
that no mail is as urcosmrry to his
ooiiiiIit's well heiuir n is the un
stayed integrity nt the courts.
"A departure from the snlulntory
rulc in consequence or which no jus
tice of the supreme eouit has ever
until now become the candidate for
any imrly for the office of president
can lie justified only in some crisis
invoking the national life,
"What condition calls for a disre
gard of it in the present exigency
What radical change i demanded in
older to preserve the country or its
in-titutioiiM from impendimr collate
or ruthle delnictionT From what
ipiurtcr is our iudependciice threat
ened f"
Klectlon a Itcrei-oiidiiiti.
Seimlor WaMi aid that it was on
ly jiiHt to olimo thut Jutiee Hughe
nomination came lo him unsought ami
that "he had no hand in the well or--detcd
pre-couveuliou cnmHUgu Hint
was conducted in his behalf."
Senator Townseud of Michigsn
spoke in reply.
"It is a compliment to Mr. Hughe
thut no one ha raised any other i
sue against him," he said. "He has
never pandered to clue or lo Hib
lic cntiincnt hut he- adhered to hi
duty a- In- n it The public career
of Mr IImuIm- -laud- itlonc in Amer
ican lii-tnn "'
WASHIXtiToN, July ;il.- F.xtraU
from the tinal rejHirl of the inspector
gencrul' depart uieut on the Villa raid
at Columhus, X. M., made nuhlic to-
rdny hv the war deatrtiiieii wliow that
Voloiicl llerhert J .Slucuiu of the
t'ri... ...i ..I... l. . ., i,,.u ........
cd I roin all blame for the urpriu ut
tuck oiiii hi heuilijuarter and the
It wu this i-aid that brought rela
tion between the I'uited States and
the de facto irovsrnment of Mexico
fto a -riJ and led to the dispatch of
Oenernl I'ersUingV punitive exHulitioi
into Mexico,
The iuMUeftor general'" ripoit is
b.i-i-d upon vohuuiiioii- u -tununy
bc.ird ti"m officers ninl lm II nl the
I bull colli, exilian i i niiu mil
.iii ullii I m i -Mi no ' "iilit be
I I lll, Willi llll Hi III ll lull nil iln -ili
cct. I'urt ot the tc-itimony were
-I mm mil with tin- n t -( it u c of I lu-
ih jii i I a J; lu'l ,il- I Milling
XO. Ill
United States Troops, Reinforced by
Carranzistas Engage Mexican Ban
dits Who Had Crossed Into Texas
Three Outlaws Killed and Two
Escape Pursued by Carranzistas.
Kl PASO, Tcxn, Jupv 3i. Amcii
nan soldier, reinforced hy a sintill de
tachment of rnrrouzfctus, early today
engaged Mexican linnditH who had
crossed the Hio Grande into tho Unit
ed States about live mile behiw Fort
Hancock, Texas, 55 miles ciynf
here. Two Amcriiiiiiw were kifb-dinhd
one was wounded, while thlTisfuKtlio
outlaw wcitj killed and Iwo.iSficil
across the river into Moxirt'jtt)duro
now hcinjj pursltcd hy Mcxfihi!ln(6pH
and iletNcliinofitH of ihc CnranEljJqlis
toniB guaid,. WfiJ
Ifyoii recoiling report frpm Rob
ert Wood, n t'niled Stntiv ciihtoms
Inspector, that the bandits who had
committed numerous deprcdatioua on
the Mexican side of the frontier re
cently, hud crossed tho border, mx
inun of Troop F, Hihlh I'liited Stntcn
cavalry and a hoipitnl corps orderly
under Lieutenant Cluirlcs Telford,
with Wood and Cutnms Inspector
Mean, rode to un abandoned adobe hut
where the Mexicans wero said lo ho
In hiding.
Tho men surrounded the h.indita
ntul llio midcr opened firo from tho
adobe house killing Wood and Private
John Twonoy, and wounded Sargcnur
Louis Thnm)snii in tho shoulder.
Aided hy CarniiixMns.
llenn, fuuriiiK that thu Mexicans
would ogenpe lif small Ainuricmn dc
tuchmunt, eallod upon tho Cnrrntuistn
comuiHiider oiilhc np)oilto-aidoi)f llio
river. He rosjiondcd with n score of
"Soldier, crossing tho river into tho
Tinted Stales to cut off tho outlaws'
retreat. The incident inn iked the firt
time Carmnsistu soldiers have co-operated
with Americans in pursuit of
bandit on American soil.
After three of the five Mexican
had been ' killed, the two remaining
bandit eluded both the American and
Carrausista detachments and made
their wav across tho river to tho Mex
ican side, followed hv Iho Mexican
government soldier who nio pursuing
them into the to the Mnith.
Private Francis K. Khwiiu of Jlnl
limore, Mil., of the bo-pilnl corps,
who broiiKht ScrgcHiit Tboinpxou to
the Port llhs hospital, made a )cr
oiuil ivpoit lo (Icnerol Dell.
OlIICAdO. July 31. Tho end of
one of the worst Jrlod of hot
weather Chicago over oxpurloncud.
came today on the wings ot an IS
mile wind from the north. A drop
or 22 degrees In teinperaturo from
ins, the highest reaehod yostorday,
mi recorded at o'clock this morn
ing, when the government ther
mometer registered SI.
The wind sprang up at 4 o'clock
and gradually Inoreasod In voloclty.
The hot spell bognu on July 1,
since which time the teinperaturo
WHs'constsntly above normal. Yester
day's record was SO degrees higher
than the normal. i
Chicago, after yeatorday's tragedy
of 111 deaths, attributed to tho heat
and more than 400 prostrations, for
th most part, slopt out doors again
last night. More than 180,000 pur
sous, It was estimated, spont yester
day and last night In thu lako and
nearly as many more wore turned
away because of lack of accomoda
tion. Latest figures show that 28 1 per
sons died In Chit-ago. directly or in
directly from the effects ot tho boat.
TORONTO, Out., July 31. A wea--i.-i
ix'sived hy the depatlmont nC
nunc and fore-t slates the fires in
in nt lu-t it Ontario have been ciiirely.
Hiu-iit In il ls biiiv rmn, . , 4