N SIEDFOtttf MATL TRTRUNB, rEDFOTlTJ, OttfiflON. FttTDAY. .TTTLY 2ft. 'I01fl 1 l H'W PAfTO TTTRET5 $ ,i PROGRAM R STATE EDITORS AT MEDFORD MEET The proRram for tho iiipetlns: of the IMItorlal asnoclatlon In Med ford, Auk. 4-7, has bcon nnnotineed us follews: Frltlny 11 n. m. ItoglBtratlon and pay ment of clues. 1 p. in. Invocation by Dr. T. B. Ford, district superintendent of tho Methodist KplHcopal church, Salem; address of wolcomo; response and an nual address, President 13. 13. llrodle, MornliiK Kntorprluc, Oregon City; ap pointment of committees; "Tho Edi tor's Wife," Elbert llede, the Senti nel, Cottage, drove; "Co-operation llctweon the Publisher and the Col l'KO of Journalism," Eric W. Allen, dean of School of Journalism, Uni versity of Oregon, Eugcno; "The Publisher and the Merchant," 0. S. Whltmoro, tho Washington Farmer, Heattle; "How to Make a Country Paper Pay," A. E. Voorhels, Dally Hogue ltlver Courier, (Iratita Pass; "The Washington Newspaper Field", Major II. W. Patton, editor of tho Dally Washlngtotilan, Iioqulam; ad Journnient at 3 o'clock. Automobiles will take convention delegates and their wives over tho Pacific Highway to tho California Hlnto line, over tho summit of tho Hlsklyous and return to Ashland, "where a banquet will be served in hlthla park, after which thoy will re turn to Mcdford. Saturday 9 a, m. "Phases of Organization Work," fl. LaiiHlug Kurd, xtenslon department, Oregon Agricultural col. lege; "How Wo Handle Newspaper Organizations In Washington," Wal lace D. Jessup, president Washington State Press association, Bremerton; "Tho MoHUHumano AVay to Execute tho Price-cutting Fiend Who Mutil ates Job Prices and Legal Publication Hates," O. D. Hamstreet, the Sun, Shorldan; "Problems of Journallsni, E. Hofer, Pacific Coimt Manufactur er, Salem; "Some Dlfforonces In City and Country Journalism," Lloyd Itlches, tho Standard, Stanfleld; "Tho Newspaper as a Rural Community Developer," 0. J. Taylor, tho Pioneer, Molalla; "Is It Good Business to In utall a Linotype In n Ono-Man Of fice?" W. C. DoPpw, the Criterion, Lebanon; adjournment for luncheon. 1:30 p. m. Itoport of committees; annual report of tho secretary, Philip S. Hates, Paclflo Northwest, Portland; "Newspaper Ethics," Joseph P. Hur ley, Washington County News-Times, Forest Grove; "Partly Libel and Part ly Label," C. E. Ingalls. Dally Ga-xctte-Tliues, Corvallls; "Guaranteed Advertising," John E. Oratke, Dally Budget, Astoria; "Why Are So Many Newspaper Offlcon Dirty?" E. H. Olm- ntcd, tho Mall, Stuytou; "Standard Uniform Cost Finding System and Its Application," John J. Johnck, F. W, Baltes & Co., Portland; general dis cission of suggosted topics; election of officers; adjournment. MOONEY DECLARES KNEW NO TIN OF BOMB OUTRAGE SAN FIUN'l'ISCO, .Inly US. Tlios. J. Mooney, Hooiuliil and labor nsi lutor and hi wife, Henn, the seventh and eighth persons under detention as suspected partiew lo tho ImiiiiI) outrage of Saturday, were taken iunnedintoly to the hall of jimtiur- early today up on their nrrival from Unonicville in nimtody and examined separately ly District Attorney Fiekert. Both, while en route from the ferry, denied all guilty knowledge of tho bomb plot. Mooney, who was ne Jive in the fomenting of n recent at tempt to hrinjj about n fitrcot ear strike here, said hk labor rVeoid would show an unfailing iidlioienen to pence! ul methods. Neither mnde any nlleinpt lo cv.tr plain the bullets, senjp iron and the dynamite records found in the Atudio of Mrs. Mooney, who is n musician. After their arrival nt the hall of jus tice nt 1 o'clock this nioniinir thov wero held incoinuiimichdo, us nro nil (lie other prisoners in tho enso silvj James J. Hyun, the suspect held lis n possible author of Ihrentcninjr loiters. The lochl organization of Indiistrilil Workers of the World isxucd n writ ten statement yesterday Hint none of 'the men under arrest was nn I. W. W. Although District Attorney Fickcit said yesterday, "we need no confes sion," it was persistently rumored in pollpe uircles Hint W. I. Hillings, sus p.ecled ilynniifiter now under arrest, ami Israel Weinberg, the jilhey bus driver, said to hnve hcen. hired to drive (lie nhiuh planter to safety, hud confessed fully. Billings was identified yestcidny ns n man who had been on a roof oppos ite the preparedness pantile head quarters before the parade stinted, a suitcase in his hand. Billings was identified today by James Crockett, a former niolunnun, who knows him, as a mini he' Mlw standing on top of a building at St BE RUN SOCIALISTS 0 A INT STRIKE FOR PEACE BERLIN. July 2S. The ninnlfosto to the working clasnes, luaiietl by tho,; socialist oxectlvo coinmltteo and the general commission of labor unions, appealing against tho strike, which the leaders of the Llebkncchl branch of tho sorlallsts aro endeavoring to organize, reads, ns follews: "The prolonged war weighs heavily on all nations and entails great sacri fices. It severely tests tho endurance of those nt hoilie and at the front and It Is natural that 111 feeling and discontent should develop. "This situation Is unfortunately being abused by Irresponsible In dividuals, who wish to mislead labor Into resorting to measures which are not In tho slighted degree adapted to relieve tho burden, but rather to Increase It. An attempt Is being made, through anonymous leaflets which have been circulating for several months among members of tho party and of unions, to sow hatred and distrust ngalnst the deputies chosen by the workmen themselves. The chnrgu launched against these men, who for years, liavo stood at the head of the organization of German labor classes Is that they nro sacrificing soolallst principles, have disregarded decisions of German socialist patty conventions and international con gresses, have porpretated party treasons, etc. "Such Insinuations and abuso could bo disregarded If labor simultan eously was not Instigated to Ill-advised proceedings and an unscrupu lous propoganda. conducted for strikes and mass actions, for which the unions and tho socialist parly must dlsclnlm till responsibility. SAMS VALLEY New lefore url and Mnrket Mrei'tn just 1 the bomb exploded there. Crockett was positive, lie said lie knew Bil lings, Mooney and Xoliui when they were active in a Pacific On, & Klcc tric company strike at one' time. Crockett said Billings left (ho roof of Hie oue-.story building just before the explosion. Crockett was an agent of u private detective agency during the I'ncilic Ons iV F.lcotricJ strike, hired to associate with Moo ue, Nolan and Hilling, it was snitl.fj T PROBE OF COAL CONDITIONS IAN 1 E DENVER, July 'JS.- The federal government's iucstigntiou into eoal trade conditions in the west opened hero today before E. X. Hurley, chnir- inim of the fedeial trade commission. More than iifty prominent coal oper ators, representing the states of Washington, Montana, Wyoming, ntiih, Sou Mexico rfifil Cijlorii'ilo, were present. Subject to bo taken up include methods of mining, trade methods, the financial conditions of the industry and prciuutmn- taken for the safety of cmplc HUNDRED ED IN TROLLEY RIOTS NEW YORK, July 28. -The nn llouol organization of Street Railway Employes today oontinnnl effort to unionize all the motormen and con jduetors of New York City. Its lead er pifsiicted that if tho street rail woy e(mip.in did not yield to their demands in the Hronx and Westrhes ,ter county the strike in tho districts would 1h spicsd throughout the city. Officer of the ear men's organisa tion said Hint arrangements for the fit; lit iu New York hud lieeu in prog ress for several mouths and that fund of $7.10,001) wo oo hand fir iisi in the event of a yeneml tie-up on uhHay, surface and elevated liurti. It is estimated Hint mote ttio 1(0) poisons were .injured in eluidic be tween stnleljrenkei. and rioters and the jKilice. Twentv car- were badly damaged. I W. W. MM HELD FOR MURDER IH'U'TH, Minn.. July 28. -Ten of tho- fourteen Industrial Worker of the World mid one woman, arrested following the killiug of I)Mity Sher iff J. C. Myron in the rwent rioting at lliwabik, are today witiug action by tho grand jury, having been hold hy the wuHteiiml court yesterday. Four who were nevud of having de liver! inflammatory speeches were dismissed b the court. Kne i.t those held nn ih.irvnl unli the miinitr ot the deputx slu-rilt ,u.. Mie otlm-. ot having hetu ,i'U--"n- lie re the l."t, PRONOUN CD WdTH THH GKHMAN ARMY ON THK RIGA FRONT, July 25, by cour ler to Uerlln, July 28. Tho Russian efforts to break the German Hues at various points on this front, which the Associated Press corrunhoudeiit has had an unusually favorable opportunity of Inspecting personally in the last few days, have neither affected the front, nor what Is per haps equally Important tho morale of the German troops. The eorroHpondent has viewed the great sectors of the front from south of Kekkau to a point well south of Fruledrlehtada hat stood on the trencho amid the devastation of drum fire of but a few hours orforu and has talked fieely with the men ensured. He has also mingled Kith the troops beblad the front and had endeavored In every way poiklble, to find some Indication of falling off In morale of the fighting spirit LOSSES ARE HEAVY WASHINGTON, jv 28. -lnnia eaunl tolls were ,f l,28(i,,Vl less than e.xpeiiMs in the year which ended May III. In the months the eaual was eloked by slides llw losses muged be tween .1 10,000 and lyfiAOOl) n month, totalling for the six months from Oittohor to 'Mnrch, inclusive, $.'IHo.,l,f,7. Tolls collected during May UMiounted lo :itlH,0'.,l, the larg est montli incc August, lOl.'i, 500 VILLAISIAS TAKEN BY GENERAL PLANK MEXICO CITY, July 2S - Flvo hundred VlllfiUfc hao been captured In Xncatwas by General Plank, sc cordlng to reports roeelved hero by the Koverumeiit. All were glvn nm nwty. i CIIICAOt), Julv J3. Ed Wttl-h ot the Cbixaco White Sox lur-t muhl turned lifcsiner and rescued two drowning girU from the lake. After nurd ho declined to talk ahuitl his n t, and said he didn't ern know th names of the girU. the f-c toot place at a hotel Iwach, ighr6 Walsh had just dived from a tatt, which someone a moment later overt uraioV, throwing its occupants into the Wa ter. Walsh heard the appeals for help from the guU mid brought them afelv to shoie. WANTED 100 MEN To do aovm input road work at Crater Lake Good shoes and blankets nie requited $1 uo per day and taiard Klght houri worK sa cfHflT O.il.U The Original Malted Milk NourUhing Delidout Di(citibU The powder dutolve In water. RlchMdk, Malted grain extract in powder. For Infanta, Invalids ard growing children. Pura nulntion.upbuildiog th whole body, Invforatca nuulng mother, and lb aged. FUNSTOr; ASKS $5t,tM FOfl 0AD IN MEXICO I i i a SAN ANT'lNUi. fix.. ,Inl .'8 -GiUeral l-mi-tnii b.i. iPinrted to the or (lepiirliiii nl In- i eoiiiu.i tnl itiou that l'(l,ll!lll Ik m hi .hi iilniilding and lepairmu (ii Ml 'i -.lun-'- -up load; lioiu ( oltiiiilnis, N. M., to ('Ionia Diiblan, H beeaine known to lax t"wi?r,trfl Mr. Stout of Cnlil'oiniu, uveiil fur u ueu ugi (cultural school ehiirt, wuh inlerxiewing some of the members of our sehool board Monday. The whooping cough, which hits rnged through almost every family in the neighborhood, is proving to be of no light form. Somo of the older members us well as the younger ones are sulferitig ftom tho mnlndy. The senson for grain is much later than usual and very little has so fur been harvested. fleorge Lyman and family spent Saturday in Medfoid. Mr. W. ('. Kinney visited Thurs day in Central l'int. She was no eompntiied home by her son nnd daughter. W. A. Troshum nnd yon Urtrry wero on u fishing excursion to Kite orcek Snturday nnd Sunday and returned with no more fish than they could dispose of to themselves. H. C. Wilson was visiting Satur day and Sunday iu Med ford. Mrs. J. R. Cook nnd Miss Lolctn lloiighnm were shopping in Medfotd Thursday last. J. I,. Ncnlo'n wns doing business through our precinct Wednesday. Mrs. Hamilton ot! Medfurd nnd family accompanied by Mrs. IT. ('. Keutner, motored through our pre cinct Sunday. Quote a commotion wns experienced on tho Scott ranch last week from a grass fire, but xvilh the aid of near by neighbors it soon resulted iu no more diimnge than n small loss of some fencing, II. I. 1'elton visited in Mcdford on, Suiidny. I The Young IkeopleV Christian Ku deinor society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Dernier in West l'lioenix Inst Friday 'Veniiig. After n business meeting u social session was heltl. Tho meeting was xvell nt- I tended and a general good time re ported. Mls Jessie Olson of Medford wns a guest of Mrs. II, II. Corliss lust Wednesday. S. C. Huntor linR n fine stnnd of young alfalfa. Mrs. Ilewes of Santn Imrlmrn, who hns been visiting nt the homo of her brother, Mr. Gammill, is at prosent in Ilorubrook visiting friends thoro. Daniel Calhoun, Clnrenec Hunter, George Hartley nnd Frank lllossing returned from n camping trip to Ap plegnto Inst Thursday. Mrs. J. 11. Webster was n Alert ford visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Corliss, Ony Corliss and Webster Corliss or l'orl laud motored to Sams Valley on Sun duy and spent the day with Hamil ton Fox nnd fniuily. Mrs, Dave Walker was in Ashland one day last week. Mr. Fish Iiuh recently opened up the old irrigation ditch from Coleman creek, which has hcen in disuse for several years. Webster Corliss attended the .Hig man Nu dancing parly ut Ashland Inst Thursday. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package nroves it 25c at all druggists. INTEIIURIJAN ACTOOAK CX), TISIB OAIUr. Leave Mcdfora tor Ashland, Talent and Phoonlz dolly, excopt Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:16 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Leavo Ashland for Medford dally, excopt Sunday, at 0:00 a. m.. 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 0:16 p. in. Alio on Saturday nights at 0:30 and 2:20. Sundays loavo Ashland at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. TWO TRIPS DAILY UKTWEEN i MEDfrORD and EAGLE POINT S. If. Harnlnh'fi nnto will loavo Eaclo Point at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. dally, except Sunday; leavo Mcdford 9 A. M. nnd 5 P. M. Will call for passonKora nt hotels In Medford and hotels and business houaoa In Eagle Point. P1IONB .1-X2 OH .l-Xft. New Daily Except Sunday. Howard's Auto Line Ashland and Klamath Falls Ashland Reservations Hotel Austin. Ml Pake earlv car Valley 'Auto Line for Ashland connee- tions. Enjoyable Efficiency Tt 's a fine thing to gain this end in an enjoyable, happy way. The food one eats should not only contain the maximum of body, nerve and brain building quali ties, but should rate high as an appetizer. Grape-Nuts FOOD is unique in both these properties. Made of whole wheat and malted barley, it retains the wonderful nutriment of these grains, including their mineral elements which are vital for health. At the same time CI rape-Nuts is a delicious food-, possessing u natural sweetness combined with a delicate malt flavor. Served with cream, or good milk, Grape-Nuts is ideal for children and grown-ups, building and maintaining the system for tho demands of life iu a pleasant, enjoyable way. "There's a Reason" Clroeers everywhere sell (1 rape-Nuts. Crater Lake Auto Line Our Auto Stage is making regular trips lo Crater Lake. Leave red ford at 8:30 a. m. on Monday, "Wednesday and Friday. Three or moro passengers can go any day for regular round-trip fare. Passdn gers carried to all side points when atuos aro not filled with through passengers. Round trip to 0;'a- tor Lake and return $10.50; one way, $8.75. Phono 00 for seat reservations. HALL TAXI CO. w: rararaVfaaw7 iaiaaaaajaaTajvraiBa .jjyaaajsjajB it on hand. Naedt no cooking Keep Th Original Food Drink for all ages. More nourishing thin tea, coffee, etc, In tho home, orat Hotel and Caei. Sutlitut cot YOU Same Pile. ANNOUNCEMENT i I hereby wish to announce to all my patrons that I have sold out my place of business the JOHNSON'S CAFE to Messrs. Heinze and Youngstrom. Thanking you all for past patronage and pleasant business relations, I am, Sincerely yours, . .;' MRS. FARLEY JOHNSON . -'ai v t.tarttttt1'T-"ttttT ' if. .' & 4 Wishing and trying to be able to keep up the good name of the Johnson Cafe, and by courteous service, cleanliness and well cooked and tasty food, we hope to gain the good will and confidence of the public; and by your kindest support ate looking forward to success and your own sat isfaction, We are at your service Very xespcctfully, einze CAFE; HOLLAND ICotflS. Xoungstrom --vHHWWJMWNH- n n