TUriFRTT rrrroT?"n vatt: TftrnrxR iuf.dfotjt). otcfjox. tvkdkerday, july sn. ioin ! 'A W tt a m& JBHffiKT j id BUBBLE BURST oulvcoiymoilm ampR WdMNG BELLS BAND CONGER I Ortow Wlthtvt Ptralltl ftwitViil ti Tiny Air In Artiry MOST ENJOYABLE Tin- Merit nr Imiiil tfHi- if- weekly roneert at the ei1 imrk mi Tiie-ilnr pvpnintf anri altliouitli the mr waa eool, it C?med to Iih little el'fVct I ha tlnaiia tllvar valla fna th . Ci-4t in CtrftM UwJir Prewwrc ronr ,... bf)d. fom.rly 1144 In (Irand Pork, N. ., but has llrtd In Mmtford for the pMt two year, and ha won many frltnda by hr charming tnannar. Mr. and Mr. McDonald will make their horn at I PHyftotaiT! ICttlfn Ywlk Who Kftfit Ctmaany Willi Utrl AccumiI OI.NKY. Ill, Jul 2H -Whin a ttm air Itiihl'le hurnt in n nrtery tmr preKdiire or a ih)nl latiH knife, the firm riialn of vldMM- moilnat Hor lllntirlitfr, who (noun-lit the hnrtv of VtlKM Klirntieth Ualrllffc to n -nnltHrl'ii.i here, In a liuuiey laxt Irlilin nltsfit, wai ill '. roM-ul-In V miflioililei to have heen welded T)i iintiii r the iiateiirra; Kin is aia I., metlli.d niithorltle to be without ,nii,ille. If II (levelopa a irlme nc i i.iiu w.'i roinmitled. III.iK t Ht r uan held lo Ihe urn lid lir wir.NMil iiond vnntnilny by a tfiioneri Jim which held him renpon i iiiio for the kIH'u death. HinteTllicr liegau ralllua on thtt irl nlMint len month ago, wlieii alio 1. 1 in- to olml rrom I'aoli. Ind., to t .. llli In r hUht. Mrs. Hert lan- 1 1 r I. ' iiiritiv evenlnx I lie eotiil 'it ilrUinii The Kir! la said to i.iw it if i MMieatii an old aim tra in mil iriim (own. Doctors say t j, Kirl rk ied when aha was i.hixil In Hie Imikk) for tli rlile to 11m Hiiiiltiiriiitn AntiMil VoiilliV Story. e . rr xeti in near (own whan i.. M.iid, Km. i (eel bad,'" lllutar ii"i t il(l tin iihvHlrluns. "Then she i- ii in or i u .1111 I ruiibad her hands iimi f.-et, t.'M louldn't bring her to." M tin Kutoimv no marks of vlo lime !. round, hut it (levalupetl m.ii the i in wih Minn to bacom a mot her. im-eMI examination failwl . ieeai m attempt at nil IIIukhI Ol'l'l iitlon ihe .niiiii ii wan examlHod. No r,i . of ii iin an round. Than ana .i ih MiniiniiiK doctors stuck a i r .i.- ini.i .in aiier.i Thar waa a Mnf til ",.i Innmllble, at a bubble iiii w .. - mid only two thing i ,. "Mi ' ini'iliinl lu'len' would u - ni in i lie arlei ii, faulty Million i hi! ii iitpodern.U' xaedl, i. ' '' il n ni l ItlllK. ih.i ii! w.ih iixumlnad earefully. ,,..,- k i- no needle mark. Thar ii no i' ioii of tit lungs. Tha . n .- i nihil io b full of water. i i ii .i" v'irii piaread, almost es- I I. nil .1 in-nninHt. PWiwI. Mm, 1. 1 ura sto4 an a man in .i mrlng town ram to - A i i Morris' off Ire with "t'Ui i t.iaiai a surnlral In- ii mi. in id -I4 ho had found on i.i hi. !.. rnrods of Hlniarlilar 1 1. nm ii H ii uu'iar an old elm tra. . uivi ii ii any from Mm and i mi. -in H i.. i..wa thinking It might i i. inn. !' mug on the raa, ii nfi u . -I vuiied the spot men- 1 i i n4 where a horse had n ilea ..mi uarks of a struggle in i snd -"'H, the imprint ot a girl's mil uud ' bap's shoes. 'nteaii o( nalng tha Instrument ns ' lulled, ii la nuOnlnlned by phy- i. in- Hi ii b ua4 It as an uaflllod i 'l.-riiw nandm nn4 punctured a I. ii! ariy. 'to I tend who saw lllaterllter. "t ii' hd taken the girl to a saui- t'ridav night, the latter ! i i il as aavlna 1 no lo bad Take my ria home '' ' nil mother -that I don't know i i ll lie home, bin to expert A wedding whlrh rome im a tun lirlse to their man filemU i sol emnised Wednesday afternoon July 2 l, at .'! 'o'clork at ili liont of Rev. John Mrltonald nn Mistletoe street, alien Miss Jessie Carolina Olson b tame the bride of leatr K. MrDon alil rtev. John McDonald, who la a brother of the groom performed the marriage ceremony, whlrh waa very simple and Impressive. The aioom is a nroareslve vouna business man, and la wall and favor- s,n wdnHnw the ifroimrtimiM of tha Hblv known hero, having realded in Vrowd- that have been o rtmsjdeu- oum ill true neuHtm k entertainment. Thnt fimt lively mon-h by the band Tnarie a dUtinel ehnntre in the atmos phere. Any enolneH there nin.v have iieen in the air wn easily ounter- halnneed by the warmth of uiipreein lion it h own by the erowtl lowartlw the the beautiful naw Itogue Klk resort at i,mnd fnr t e-ffort-, mw of the -e Blk Creek, of whlrh Mr Mrfion.ia nrnnnma rweivtnf rtouble nneores. Is manager. Owing to having Juat I The "?n,w J""" WR Mn "',"et ooaoad tin tha new resort u, ..! lumber, the march "Hir lien" and Mn u.nauiM in .,i,,nnn ih.i, Tlie xeleetioir- of old fnvoritc "War hanavmnnn until i.i.. i it., f.it wufH,, won iriHtnnt favor. Tor the when they eoutemplate a trip through i'ir"1 ,"n,' "Th'' BaUl" (v "' r"' tha east. The. l-est wiahea of their v"ai I'. ' - ""IM "y " ' friantta ataM.larf i. il,.i nuiHioiwr, n. .1. .nernee, was nannt, it iihh a tiinerm meimiy vritii n pretty ari-Miiirwnent. The (Inim- ails. Margaret ICmla anil J. B. ,"!- wt lnnnH.in with exi-erj)le tin- meeting, will he $1 181.14. leuv-' he lift- Ihcii viMiting her mother, mn a im in nee or jzniw.HO. JJertnet- Mr. iniauneey iye, ami ner mmei, iliMjilay of (lie irwluel n hi funn at the Man FruneiMCo lair Inel ear. They were out workimr up on inter-ling- Ihe $2.V0 for lenehen' hire itKiJIm. ,lw IHMifif. et in the coming etftuity fair and c- airreeri to by ihe old hoard, that is, I leelinjj perxim- to wink up an inter- 1(100 fnr the irineiml ntid $(i"'i i'-l in thin ilixtriet, No. II. lie ' eneli for the two lady teaehen, then that he in going to haw nn exhibit add ikl,')l) tor furnihinir the high nl the fair thia fait, but thnt he does whoid, pmvided it carries, and if not intend to enter the eonteat for Jt does entry we will have to my, the prise. He mid that from the rotd-r th ntfreetnenl with tile old present nppearnnees that we lire go ing to have the bast eminly fair thia many for a long anil happy Ufa, ' U I Miiu will I.,. - l Hi. I I .into I 111 Hit- Mutiuiil l'ien uvui riit thunh tmiiorioH etfiilug Ut id, iHicimUle Mipoiuud Iin ill. tioulUvru ttmniua l'r-ti (rrv. consmt Ins ki itev It. tfpenaar, moderator. whu i hava v barge of tha sarvlce. The principal addreas of the eveniHK will b aade by Be. A. J. Mam goauvo ui' Hvrtiaad, a puluit orator I great UrUlMi wnwer and abillt. A brtwf i harg will be wade lo tint MtMrteaattttn tr In i K. BaiUe k H the i-iiarga tn the pastor w delitii-.l iy Hot ttr. Carnabnn. Tkr Ui . . utrua Uotr wtt aing uiiti v suaatal tvumr of ih-h i vsram will h ius uy Juou ttiMutan and tlulin uuh It ' luiii. Ueiaaatloas from i. ..ii. I..- aad etahbttruta PJlPJkrl ' ' m wtM ntlettd the asjbr . Ut and t'hri gbjt vbu i id) tha i vtt Ki' a nnurth U MiittMi ranant. it iiJiiUi ""' fwWsflRl """" ' .h' ffm .i i .. . aad rbot ' Woohnlck wr iinlted In marriage nl :sn n'olnok at the Calholle churt-h Hev. Ilhor Power parformlng the OHramotiy. Tha young couple left af ter tho eoiemony for Portland wheru they will make their Hi lure home. I Mtaa Rmig, who la tha daughter or i Mr. atiil Mrs. Adam Umlg. sir. West i 18th atieet, lias bean employed until j rocontly at date's garage. Mr. Woelt-' ntrk, In eompany with his father and ! hrothur hauilleil the brlrk ami atone construction work on the federal bulhllug In Madfonl. Of lata be baa started In busln for himself mid is liullillng a $30,000 muooI Iioiiko at UUseo, Oregon. from sevcrnl niitmuiil nirx in npfim )irinte to tht litle of the nuw work. The arranging of the hiiml miinie lms been done in Meilforil bv IbnidiHHator Howliind. EAGLE POINTEAGLETS Uy A. C. Ilowlstt Local and Personal Mr. nail Mrs. II. J. Hill anil Mr. anil Mrs. J. M. Arnold are spauilliig a few- days In Medfunl and vicinity sightseeing. They (mine from the Willows, Oal., In their ear. George rMlleubaiigh of CanyoiivIHa Is In Madfonl for a few days on a combined business and pleasure trip. Itaiph 8. Harris or Aahland Is spending Hi afternoon with Madfonl frltnid. Hlewart MrArlbur returned to Med ford thl morning after n two years' stay lu Sitokana, Wwsh. v . ('. Ilecker and II. ('. Iirown of l.tf Hoy, New York, lire In Medford for a few da. Irvin T.Miel o Like Creek w among the i-allei Wednesday. .Mr. Andrew OrinNom, wife of one of our progreMNive Innuera in the like Creek region, hail the misfor tune in have her tare and neek bad ly burned by eiirlmlie neiri. The bot tle wiim knoeked over by'xoine menn-t anil the eonlent itruok her in the laee and nome of it went inM one of her even, but Dr. Holt, who wax call iil to iliexM the burn, Ncaiued to think that Ihe eye waa not crioiiMy hurt. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. I .owe of AnIi Inud railed for dinner Wedmmilny and while here entertained iin with an nrroiint of how he nuinnjjeii liiw dry land Innninu that !h, without irrigation, nnd how he manam'H to raii-e fruit of alnurnt nil kimU wilh oul the uxe of wnler, nnd how he uianageii o urnuige in- on-mim mi no to lie litrui'lv immune from fru-t. The render will remember thai Mr. Lowe wiih the mini who had urh a fine ilin il.i al tlii- ri.imlv iiini -late fair-, mil I Muni iluil In- nl-i hnil iinle a fall that we have eer bad in tha county. I M liilutx Hart of nhland was also here with Mr.' ( and wife in tha same ear. - Note Oormnii 'wns here tha same day. fie was xprayiHg W. Hart Ham ilton'- orrliard for him, and us Mr. Hamilton m one of oiir refntlnr baaril ern, he mrtiirnlly linmuhl him here for dinner. fieorge K. Itooa, dit-trid nftenl for the North AmgrhjnH Aeeident ftud (leallh Int-uronea oniiany, wna also here the name dny. It. F. Morris of Dutte Falls wna do ing hiKim in our town Wednesday. He eaiue ont with Mr. Hen-inn, wh.i hns ehnfge of the fifh hntelieiv nt Itiiltt Fa IN. tl Wn- out Inoking nfter buy to snpply hi nerds thia i'omiii!t winter. Uewey Hill nf IViliy nnd .1. I HughoH and sun Knm of liulle Pulli ami F. K. Iltigiit of "W.iHhingtort alute iient Wednesday niiihl with ns. Mr. Mtwrht i m the dairy )Mius iit m Wn-hitiirtoH nnd was het io look over our eonntry with nn eye to thai line of bnsinaae. A M-H-rial sehool meeting is rolled for Monday, July 31. at .1:16 p. pi. to eleet one director and owe ftlerk. iin tieorge von iier iiellen resigneu ns director shortly atler the annual election ninl C. Hongerhyde, who wiim elected, failed to quality. The vot ers will be ni lied Umui to deride on the -iroMrtit'on as to the extnbli-h-ment ol u high mMiii'tJ. the amount of money lo b rni-cri for sehool lurioHi.- th lining vcir. It is es timated in the bud'-tit ihat our ex- H-n-e will be ")i.'ift75 nml Hie receipt .Ihiih-s .liinioii, who left here some weelti agi with his wire to visit their children in I own and Montana nnd buiieri his wife in thoir old homo town, returned to his home here Fri day. Ifi'v. John Hay of Unite Falls spent Friday night with u- and Sat- the r. & K. tor e board, an additional sum of &A7A for llio adtlitional tenHicr, provided the urdav niitrnun- look i-x i i : i , . .. jiik-imii wne ih employed io ' m.. home. tench, making a total, of .fWiTi lor Mr-. Horn Hi . tenrhrrs' hire alone, more than i be- Ii, i- been m-iIiii- Tier llig panl by any other third grade school distnet in the county. Nn't it about tirno to call h halt ('..II. Hanseom brought in a fine lot of lions nnd broilers fm our rie- Innt agent since my last rumit. , .Mrs. .IoIih Oheiirhniu of Hulie lails. who ban unm nnt In lwlrrl fvisiting relative?-, rctnmed home on TBtirsih.if. .1. l Frill k has finished cutting a thirty-five acre fielil of wheal for W. Hurt Hamlitmi, nnd Mr. Hhude-ftni-teil hU tiireMhing niiiehine In threshing il out this Saturday mrii it. Mis(ts I .a a ih Onles and Mniy Ilnlmes, AHh Allison OITieor O'ltricrt, Miss Margin d and .Mis Kittle Soulier Itnve been visit inu Mi 'Initel Hrown Ihe lat week. Thoinna Itiley nml l:veivtt Dnbnck rwore -niPKliH nt the Sitiin.vide for dinner FrWIay and Inter in the dnv Ari'bie I'nrker of Ceulrat Point. Ihe man who bus taken the place of .Mr. Hrown, the menl market mnti, called fm' dinner. It in quite u eonem anee fo hnve ii man that you can depend on come twice a week with freh meat right to your door. Howard A. Hill and F. H. Steel were here ulso. They were looking over the fruit prowpect, nnd Mr. Steel I.- ui the stock business. He keep pcriiurecri Hcrk-diire hogs, HoNtein entile and I'preheron horse. Mr. Hill is' one of our Mcdionl fruit men and Mr. Steel i- loeateil in Onuil-l'n. Mr. Kiln I-loicy hn relumed Mcilli.nl. -l-ler, who Mr-. Hamilton Wutkitis, Iwik dinner nt the Siinnyside Snturdny ud took Lewis' jitney for Aledfoid the some afternoon. Harry A. Young cniue mil Friday Mlh Rvirrll tlnhitek in hi .ptiipy. Mis Xell TlitiliHMin came out from Derby Saturday and is .iitiiir her con-in. Mi Claire Ciimncriuiui, nt the Suiiiiysiilp. There was n coiitmiiv of our oiti eiis iniiile a tup to Crater Lake tlie tir-t nl the week, but a I line not all the lifiine- will mention it in my next. , I .Mr, rata i'hupv not iui-liiiliiiir the lax to be Voted at 'from a trip to near Pro-jH-ci, when GOING home to sup per? Wait a minute you may have some guests tonight. Better be prepared. A pocketful of OWLS is a safe guarantee of a pleasant eyening. Just hand a, quarter to the cigar man and have a few OWLS on hand at home just for hospital ity's sake. nt T'l a. a e vvuih ne w rPnnmSSl F(ftflB;'; Doilar C 2VjCu,J 1 U THKiSaU Jf'AJ3tth1tiXTY1Rm:aVCXVltl!RTifo-mP ssnon s B.gar M. A. GUNST & CO. INCORPORATED r Avoids Breskfast Cooking Naw Pot Toaaties arc iv;il tt cat tlirn-t I'imiii the lUH-knc. Thi'x have a I'iiu- n- I'litxtir scU- (It'Vt'lojU'tl h It llt'W pUtl'lllt'tl JlfOl-t'KK. 1 1 K tilt itii't', lint- t'lavoi' hi piiinc wliitc hnliaii com i I sell', niul tin-He New Toaitiw nif the firxt ctuui fltiUcs that tin not ileHiit mi ctvain and suai' for palat aliility. The irHr tf thin tmiwrior i'lavor ut found bv eat iiiy; Huiiie fttmi the iMtekajfe tlry. Thoy'iv delic iouwlv KMttl that way, but r coin-He are iMtially seixetl with civiiiii tr gtMul milk. Kxaniine tho Nw Pott TomUm flake. Tlie tiek, I'U ree Uejtt of the new uces8 of niannt'ac ture nut only ruiwes the tlUtiujftiiNhintf little Imb lilt'H nn each flake, but (fives a Unly and firnmesK that makes the Ntw TonUat a uiiuv sulmUtntial ftMttl than oitliuary "eoni flakes." New PvMt ToattiM tin not "chaff M or enunble in the package, anil they don't muttli tlowu when cream w tultletl. They eoine to you untouched by lutud, ttud in moist tuv-prtMif packajfo that pre ntrvt their delightful oxett-crlHpMn until served at your tttWe. Well worth trying these New Post Toaattes MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED EMBROIDERY 1000 yards of beautiful new Embroidery Flouncing, 18 to 24 inches wide, up to $1.50 vals., now yd S: IN tl 48c omm TheWbmatfs Store .M-22 NORTH CISNTKAL MKm'0Rn,0ftK0N EXPRESS OR MAIL PREPAID EMBROIDERY 1000 yards 46-inch Flounc ing in Voile and Swiss, up to $3.50 values, this (hQp sale at, per yard vOL REM LOT No. itinday, d B 5 Sharp NANTS 1 Remnants of Percale, Gingham, Crepe, White Goods and Curtain materials, values to 20c yd, Zp clean-up sale, yd LOT No. 3 Remnants of Fancy Voile, Sheer White Goods, Poplin, Silk, Mull and Crepes, values to 59c yd, clean-up sale, yd . . REMNANTS LOT No. 2 Remnants of Curtain Material, Sheer Sum mer Goods, Cambric and White Goods, values to 35c yd, clean-up sale, yd LOT No. 4 Remnants of Silk and Wool Goods, Yl off IDf price marked on the ticket Clean-Up Sale io Ready-to-Wear Department Women's Middy Blouses, made of good quality white materials, including silk tie, regular '$1.25 value, "7 clean-up price?, each . . . . C 20 per cent off on all Silk Parasols Women's Sport Skirts, made of good quality washable material $2.25 values now .... $1.48 $2.98 values now . . . . $1.98 $3.98 values now .... $2.98 $4.98 values now .... $3.48 $6.48values now $4.48 Voile Waists trimmed with val lace and fancy crochet buttons, values to $4.48, $fy ftQ 0 Colored German Silk Suits, just a few left, clean-up sale prices $50 values $25.00' $40 values $19.98 ivhJl uU 1 1 ean-up price W J a- li i Ai i " '- -- - - -,- i ii A r i .-imarnidnTtauMMM cl