' i i -fT n ASHLAND AND VICINITY MEDFORD HATL TRIBUNE, atEDFORD, OREflONMVEDyESDAY. JT.VY 2fi, 10 PA'GE MVti ifcENE" AT FORD'S THEATER SHOWING YsSASSINAflOH OF LINCOLN, FROM "BIPTH OF A NATION;' AT PAGE TMimcnM Addlaou I, Holms, now of El Ccntro, Cat., was recently arrested (it Eugene by Deputy Blnto Marshal Ful ler on a chargo of conspiring to ovndo tliu bankruptcy laws. Tho federal authorities claim that Holms gnvo promiscuous deeds to parties -without consideration In order to defeat lliu claims of creditors. Ho had been sought for by govcrnmoiit officials since April. Helms la well known thrnuehnut tho county. - (Mrs. Orvlllo D. fJadwoll loft. on Monday for her homo in Los Augcloi after nn extended visit with rola Hvoh In tlin Dunn, Van Bant and cither families. Chnrlca McWIlllams, omplojod In tho Dnnhain garage at Klamath Tails visited early In tho wpek at tlin homo of lils parents Mr and Mrs, I'. 0 McWIlllams. llo brought over a nlinibor of 1'iussviifcarH to witness tho baseball game at Medford last Bun day, returning Tuesday afternoon. lllshop -Watt Hughes and family passed through hero today curouto to Portland whero thoy will maho their future home. Tho IJIshop presides over tho Methodist dio cese of Oregon. Thoy tamo from Pasadena, and llfelr mil out Into Portland will bo mado tho oicaslon of a moat Interesting social event on Trlibiy evening of thfo wroh. lltcv. V, II. Cox, of Yuma, ArUonn, In tho now pastor of tho Ilaptlsl church at Klamath Kails. Mrijor General J, Franklin Hull, commander of tho regular army, passed through Ashland early In tho week on- tho way to tho Milieu's proparcdness camp lit American Lake Washington. Dan ApploKaln, Wolls Fn.rgo agunt returned Tuesday from tho KlkB" (Irand Lodge at Ilaltlmoro, which gathering Iiu attcudod as a delegate. Mrs. William Dodge Is visiting In Portland at tho homo of her paronlc Mr and Mrs. A. F. Hunt, forniT insldolitB hero. With mallH arriving at Klamath Falls twlco dally, that town Is now clamoring for free mall dollvcry, a sorvlco for tho litstnllntluti of which tho population of tho town doc's not as yet warrant. , Lieutenant Alfred Plcclnlnl, for merly of tho Italian army, posiod through Ashland recently on a gtohc trottlnu tour embraclnit 85,000 ml lev. Tho wages Is $50,000. mom or less according to tho old chestnut condi tions. Whllo on laud ho must cither iropoll a blko or hoot It. Under hli asserted stipulation ho mint appear at tho homestretch In Home by Jul) 1, ID 18 an cxpodlout precaution In vlow of tho probability that tho Kitro. lioan wor will bo over by that time. l)r. and Mrs. Swedenburg ard party loft for Crater Luko Tuesday. James McNuIr Is seriously lit at tho homo of his Bon-ln-Inw, Howard Itoso, residing at Hlllcrest. "Wade llainptori," an Ashland horseflesh speeder, owped by Jim Dowers, of this city, will participate In runnliiR rares at Medford July 30. Tho Wilson Club will meot at tho Commercial Club rooms Wednesday owning, July 20, pursuant to 'calt of President II. (J. Gllmoro. Subscription papors aro boliiR cir culated to ralso $500 needed to lin provo tho Doad Indian road so that It wll bo available for anion to tho Lnko of tho Woods roglon. A.spoc lal commltteo Is making nn energetic campaign In behalf of this noKloctcd work, an Improvement which has laitKcd for years. President McClaimhau, of Kuruiiq, at tho head of tho Btntoa Poultry as sociation, waa In ABhland on Tuesday. Bert 0. Adams, superintendent of tho Lnkuvlow sihools. accompanied by hts wlfo and daiiRhlor, ore vlslt luir thn family of Conductor J. II. Turner, HI) Union street. Miss lary Alway, of Seattle, oUo her sislor-lu-la, Mis. Alway and daughter of Detroit, Mich., are visit lug thp family of W, II. Hodgson a cqiuln of Mrs. Hodgson, 'Tho Jowolry store In tho Elks' building, conducted by It. J. Smith, has been closed pending tho out qomo of orclosuro proceedings, In stituted by M. C. llreoslor. Tho iimount Involved In ft chattel ui'grt gago approximates 41SH0 . Tho stock will" be sold at auction on Au,K "list Btlj, unless In tho meantime othor disposal shall have been made. ..The Eastern 8tar Thlmblo Club jijet n tho open amid park surround ings' on Tuesday afternoon, adjourn InR to Masonlo hall, where refresh . were present. The clyS will meet on tho second and "fourth Tuesdajs throughout the summer. Professor Irvlnk Vlnln'g, accom-, panled by a trio of ladles, left on Tuesday for a camping outing In tho Jleaver vreek section. Tho ladles' names are. Hilling Schuerman, Mar lon Mlllor, Clarence Cornelius. The party may visit Cinnabar Springs bo fore returning. . Tho prize wfrn by the ."comic" float In tho parade du-l'ng the cele bration nerlod. amounting to five dpllajs, hat been donated to the Ash land band by the lady winning, also In the realistic production, Tppre- pentlng the city council In routine f 'mmimrmM&imnw3?smjnEm m fBgwsssffm WffWAar'wnPwHwiw : iwmwi.: iimmzmmMmbimim . WSJEBmPF ymMwrnmmwl m&ssi&&Hi&mm!m IJJHJiSwiWElBBi? fejjBBS&l i'PjPImB ilny, wlicrc Mr. lMimmdxim i sin-1 tlOllt'll dllllllft tllO fll'O nflllMUt Mr. nnil Mm. II. I). Mill en ortnln- eil n l'cw oP their friewlf Munilay eve- ninc. W. Unv Pnrlicr wont to his hilioii. UiiNiellV iionli. Tiledn.v, where lie I lookout during the xufnmcr. Mr. and Mm. (J. W. llarker mnde trip to Unt;uo riVor Wt'ilnesdny nf tcrnt6n. i Mr. aiiil Mw. Jack Cmtionc moved nut tn tile UmorHim lent liouso mi (linjrer umck Monday to rcmnin ilur- injr the mliumur. ('. tiecldillp of Klnmatli pinintv Imn been visiting Ins umit, Jlw, Abbott, thirf weak. rr. (iild Mr. 0. lLiMurriwi Hlnit ed TucHilny fm n wccbB'iiulinj,'. Tlu-y expect to cfiniJi Jnniitt Pitt. Charles StownrW Wnllcf O'lltien mnl Caprial Joiioh ntnrted ntcr tho muuntnin for t'oliean bay lumber 'camp Sumlny mioiu Howard Vnidenbury; etartcd Siitur diiv fur I'nlii'tin linv. Mr. and Mrn. Unci Ilildnth went t thrlr Rtiitiim thlrt Week. Iiul KiIkhII of Kudo Point wan in town on HimnenH l-riilay, M.rs. Kd WjiIhiiii rotnnicd liomo from n wcck'H vNit In AkIiIiiiiiI Tues day. DOfttXMMI DlKAOTOKY Anfq AfitiMe lU1-u"li injTjn.ni r i. "-i -iii'i " " M t-AJiKft AUTO RPRINQ 00.--W are operating thn Urficst, oldeM hnd heit cijulpped nlant In tho I'ft clrlc, northwest. Uso ouf nprlnge when others fall Bold under cntM anteq. 26 North Fifteenth Ht, Portland, Ote. i i ii ii -1 i ii rl - ' Atfflrneji session during tho rest room nRltc Hon period. This scene will bo In corporated In Ashland movlos in n later sorlos. iMrs. 18. I.. Mlllor and dnuuhter, loft this wok for tholr home nt llluo Knrth. Minn., after a visit with rolatlvoB In tho family of John U Mnxdon. rosldlng on II street Tho returned by lhi.wnj of 8tin Franrlsco Miss Olydas Good, who has baon vIsltliiK at Slsson for n forlnliht, past, returned homo on Monday. A miieert by tho Medford band Is n prospective muslcnl-ovont In l.lthln park on Sunday, Augutt o, provniou Director Ilnwlond of 'that organUn tlon can mnko the nooessnry nrranBj montB. . ' (This- city Is holng enuvn.Mpd hi rcprcsontntlvos of tho Polke, w,lil.e)i rirm i miuauod In gottlng out n stato directory, Incorporating a)J Oiogou mnl WashliiRtln towns nml precincts, i I THE MEADOWS 4 - It- ar, how working for tho inlnca over on Mill Hollow Cal Diiscnberry brought Samuel Ilortolson from Cold Hill Friday morning In tho now Ford. Ho saya tho now car helps basinets. A buiioh ot 23 new ;ocnt!on cortlfl puicm wen on tho v to Jamison vlllo for riHoul tho lant of the wool Most of them were ror the new Utah Quicksilver Co. W. W. Scott, tho now flro wnrdon tor tho Meadowa dlstriot Is now niak Ing his lioiuliiunrtera nt tho flro war- dnii cabin on Morrison ertok near whoro the old saw mill burned a num. bor off years ago. Klnior Simmons, who Had clinrio of this torrllory last year, l1ooatel noar Winter this ytor. Wlmor and llonuo ltlvor wore mi Aliln innrnt u stroiiK uiiOUKh t Willi to- ntlisr (b tarltlo tho Mondows ball toaiii up thd postponed ilato and there wn no KUino this waak. Tho Merd owe hat net lost n gnmo this year. Fred Muor It gutting lilt thre-lier- rondy for operation, or ho has nbout tlnlthad outting his grain. Rnvnral iiartlea ara tntkliitt of rank- tug the trip to Medford to atumd the Jllrtli or tho Nation OAhlbttlon this weak. i Ivno Wyland and wife returned tram a trlii to the valley last Tlitira- day, bringing tholr mother with thorn for a visit. William Cottrell raturnod from a trip to Medford Saturday night bring ing with htm Mr. llockensmlth. who roetmtly bought the Wyland ranch. Mr. Hockersmlth It staying with hit son-in-law, Duvo Cottrell, for tho protent. POINT uceu maKing uuno h ic-i -lug cinnabar ore from. tho I.lttlo u. Ilia ,wlfo ft yfWk Wo hnvo had n wook of voi;y hot weather following tho roln. Tho danco nt 11111 Poiuerojr..8ut. urduy night na well atlondod. 1)111 Cottrell and wlfo and It. J. Ilowcn drove over Into Josephine county Monday to look over some, mining property in which Hill is interested. Samuol Ilertelion was a uoiit urn visitor Thursday. Timro is omo talk of Fred Sloora'a ihriwhnr uolntt Into tho Antloch conn. try part of this season uud a crow Is being engaged for n long run. iiiml: llutson Is nackliiR up to loavo those parts to take up his resi dence nt or near Malta, Mbntann. Ho has been employed at tho l-lttlo Jean ulna for nbout n yuar utid reconny hat been making aulte n record re tort) Jean rn- Yl.l Mill nlmTll II U'llplf into. lur yum . w.. .. -," -.-. John Payuo has been liolpln Miua Mil) field with liljs hay crop wlrlch wob (julto badly dainaged by tha heuvy rain of a woea ago. The flnnnolal troubles of the Mountain King nilm liavo finally caused nn almost complete oloso down ot thut property, only throe men ro- inninfnir at work ami inuiinor in Hens are boJn foreclosed in tho eli cult court at Jaeksouvlllo. The ore dovolopnimltt nt tho property howovpr keep Improving,, a strike of the main cinnabar ledge recently btilng mad in tho lowor tunnel which IncrdaMs the njiiittrvnt value of the properly r fnllr ilnlltlln. . Till! HOW StrlKO lint eniotiratfixl the nieit who handled,Jto, formoMlojU'toi now ori "" flp understood u now rpmpnny li ready to take over the prajprty and UUt time tho-comnalli IS OJitllly auie iin- nclalb-to; Kjjtjioiifli lth thp donl' H is aptniieu j mrf immuvr ui a nlllsooVvboat'ffrR. I.oran Ico haa beqn working af tho I.lttle Jean mluo for the past weolf. F. W. Onrnahan. Hum Nonber, Krlc Anderson and Gome Warden Walter drovo down Kvans creek this woak to give tho now copper mine tho onoe over. Doctor ChUholm, son and Honr r.. nr f!nl,l lllll ilrnve out to the " "w i- -... -i v.i.l.. hrlmrln.- some new .. u ""1 " '"". r,";"i III. lino ,.:mt -.....- - - Wllin ,mlr if faMlg Uia tue ujimriiu quicksilver flasks and taMn ouck 9elm t xa,t tlm ball routs. Datay nimin mind ones from iiif i.imr j-u f"vr r - mine. Iat Thursday ' f'1 "k op time It wa found the dav ip'i.ittin: endalled 61 ppupdv which with mer cury at' Its pwswu,prl would seem to pay pretty well Cliff llazlrwoon iia io n. nun, Fred Moor.- with In v m ion w'i J II Uruho and bou uut ud Johu 1.' 1 l,lt. 1,1 Cmh.Iiiii irwirmiiir I'll'II 11 1"L , - V lyJHimi iiivinj for Surorarfwhuro he will upend n fow iIukmI vnenlion. I'. . Tin pin and iumily of Mod rilMPtfil Muiiday iVjIh Mn. Turpin'n liWWrV.BJru,tl Mw.Kumnora. Mum Audio. llnhiiuMwaa tho gueat if Phoenix rolntivea tuid l'ricndK Inst week. The tmid mnfilbrv iiirnio of the l'W MelhiidiHt idiiirch will lie hold in huxtdmll pink Tucxdnv oveniug. On Hint oxenmg the ImliuM will furiilsli (lie lofruidmiunt and iimiiHumenbi ami a unv time U Kiiurniitevil nil uho nttend. The nu'inhera of tho oliuroh lind the Kpaoith Iwiguo nto oxpoolcu ami urged t ntleml. m Air. nml in. OiiUh Aiiiu-i Iiiivo now tiikeo np their ri'kidence in Muilfurvl. Tljey rilt Ik at homo thero to nil of their friatuK Mr..jind Mix. Kriiotit MlliTllh (if jiwl ii. i. 'OUiiiHillioijt. ,r' -0.WIIi1t"o of'-SiimH Vlliy wiia-n ImiiiiwKvii'itin' in Cmittitl Point tho hwtof the wcufe. , ,..-Mtii. Anun llatajoim-of, AncJioiwo AJimkii, onjo.voil a vimi H)t' lior jmr. cjiti Mr. and .Mr. l"liamhiuT8, Imro ;tnr tv few day. Mr, llatiminn loft for her liw Sunday ovoninjt. Mr. and Mrs W. R. I'riae, necom ivuiW by lU(.s Ornee Ujjtnn and lrr, Fr-.mk I'plon, started at ft I'ctoik Siiturdn cMMiiinr for Crater I ui,". Thcj wal i" fur n I'ro peit Siilurdnv ommiuir mid expected to stmt for tile Ink. i in there e.uly Siibbitth nuitnliitr. Jniiii Jlrown mid on 1'iiu' wen in town n fow Jionrs Sntmiluv. From hc-ro tiioy drove to (recent City, lirt tlicv will MHMid the Hiinnnor. Juliii Cimwron of tlio Talilo Hock mIiuo onmo in ton iiltoj u load of stmo aiii'ipllos Sntiirdiiy uftoriioon. JiiHpor ltuditcr- ot IU'IirIo traua- licled liil-ilKHS lure till' lunt of I lie week. Mr. and Mr Nvimhi ul Mwlfoul wore iiut-oft(mii biicmU at llio honio of J. D. Suitre iTi'iMMitly. , Tim fannerf plenlo glvOtv lioro nt the tVntml Point -cluinlhoiwo Sntlir d mih a well uttcmW uml mifOtw ful nflnir. (luLihcriiiKK of till Ifind urr highly benetii'int to tlm (torn- .i tu l.niMiiiur I tin rwiiilitil MlfllMlt t(l- gethcr iinillosWili'h;n u mnlgnl ro iHtiorn!!!' lM't5(icn llieim Iittt la tuiva inori' iP tliwn. t'lai-eni-i. I,irern nml wife and IIisk lloxe llicavcii left in thu Wee wua' liimrn ol the eiirtjbabbatU mum tor I 'nm-Piit Cilv. wtieru Mrn. Ijovorn mid Midi. Chpovi'iH will enjoy a, abort vn- oation. ' Frail 1 f i.i.IirTn i'ii mo down frcim Tnlent one iliiflat week to Jniul few happy liaimf with in jwircuin lei. I 1. R. Oloa-mrouil wife, K. (I. lcn- ann nnd Mr-. OIouhoii, MIms I.hcIIm OlrnKon .mil MiiMtor Men in OloaMin ariwo eiirh Sundnv morning nnd be- fom it wa yet day crniikeil tnwr Forda and hturtod on their way to Jtoaelmrg. Mr. nml Mr. I. It. (lion aim will conthiuo on tliair wav north t'nini ItoHeliuiib, while I. It. and fiim lv will immtHliaioJy liuu nround and wuiul tlieir wiiyloiuowurd, v G. V. Agev WMH one of tho out- pf-tuw(i gueats froju Talent In at- tominnoe m my juntior inoiuc iikiu Sntiirday. I'mfoHMiir .lidiuwon ul Miglo rmni wiih uinong tho fnnners ut their piu nlc the hit ofjpo weuk. Point mntoied out to Ucuglo Sattir- dll OM'nillR. A lnrjso crowd unlheri'il nt the homo of Mm. Snyilor Sunday, every one ho'vlna u fine lime, with refreshments r Inn cri'ilni nnd cllkc. Percy Chnpinun nml wife of lower Hiiiii'm Valley woro up in this hcotion Sunday' isitiiiB rclnllvoH. Km Chirk and wilo ol i cntrai Point inolurcil out riunduy. Frank Do Foul wnt tiding nroiinu Sunday in thft part. A niimhor of peoplo frum HciirIo nnd Sams Valley nttended Hie allow at t.'ontrol Point TliiirHiltiy. livery one rojMirlotl a fine ahow. Tl, ,.n mii it hiririi itldWil oil tho rivur Sundny, the larpost Hint has boon lip in Has part iibiiiiiB " Hummer. John IliKlimn nml wife woto alum jiljijj in town one day last week. - M..ts... I,., .ilil.t wUti lunt lioftl lllllk- l.llll'll IIHHIU'U, p. ...... - Inr her grrtndmotller n visit, returned III uer iiimiii' in inviiii'ni m Clnrpiioo Chho wna In town ThurH ilav. hriiuriiiif hnck hi Overliiml wilh liltn. Mr. Diuilnp njiaut Sunday at hny-dor'i. GKO. W. CIlRnitT Attornoy and Notary, rtooma 0-10, Jackson Coun ty nank untitling, ontranco n. Central, Medford, Ore. PORTEU J. NHFF -Attornoy at law. rooms 8 nnd 9, Moiuorn jvationai Dank nulldlng. A. R. RTSAMSS, IAV,'TSU tlsrsatti uorey bluer. 0. M. nODKnTfl Lawyer. Medford National Bank Balldtag. OoHcctlon. COIAKCTIONS AND nEPORT3 W collected soniq accounts 11 yean old, W know how to get ta woaey. The Bullock MereatrtlW Agency, fee, Rooms 1, 2. J, KM ElnB' Dldg., 21R R. Mala at. 4SK FOR and GET THE 0RIGINA1. C MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes coat YOU asms price. FOK SAJjIJ MlHUMjIiAnBODS FOR SAI.H Uecs. Twenty awnrms, hives and sopors mostly filled with section honey. 2.00 per swarm, quick sale. Ill BUTTE FALLS FOR SALK 1DM Maxwell. Just or- ornauioa nuu in uno simpo; roou tires. Hox U5, Mull Trlbuuo. 110 FOR BALK IJcardlcss barley straw by stack or load. Also splendid hog pasture Tor rent. Call 732J2 131 DenUHa Dr. W. M. VAN ftCOTOO DR. O. a VAN BCOTOO Dentists Onmett-Corcr Bldg.. it !! Medfora, Ont. Phono SS8. ColIcctlcBs and Reports DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. M. F. &. II. Bldg. Offlca Hohw 8130 to 12: 1 to G. rbona 607-R. Knglneei and Ceatraetor FRKD N. CUMMINOS tagiaew 4 contractor, 404 H. F. ft II. Bldg. Surveys,, eatlmatea, Irrlgatlo drainage, orchard and land 1st-provemeat. IIohso Mover MRDFORD HOUSI3 MOVERS We Movo Houses, Barns, aaragos, Ma chinery, Ktc. Phono 488-M. or 488-X. C13 S. Newtown, 811 Dakota. FOR SAI.l' Parlor sot, cut glass water sot, manaoiin nuu cuiar. Ad dress 329 N. Applo. 107 FOR SAM'! Hudson flvo passenger nillO 111 ROOU COIIUIllUII, I1UW lliuir, electric lights, cheap. Apply 1207 W. Main strcot. 108 FOR SALE Cream separator Do Lavcl No. 12, used only short tlmo good na now. F. W. Mooro, Ash Isnd, Oro. ' 107 FOR BALH Somo furniture Phono 370-J. 124 FOR SAM: Alfalfa hay cheap. Phono 310. roit H.iiiiu MTrrnGK FOR 8AI.K Cholco litter of thor- oiiRhbrod Duroo Jorsey pls with registration papers. Prlco vory reasonable. Apply to A. H. Case, Phono 571-R1. 112 Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Gordon nnd ftninlv of Klnm'ath county motored over to oitr town tn viait Mrn. Gor don'., parent, Mr. nnd lira. Hen hd PioiiiImiii, arm inn Saturday, mid iu tiiriKxl linme Tuemlny. Jlr. and Mr. Jonoa of Los Amtoloa came 8tiirdn nml vlnilod 1). J. 1'at lou und K. K. Smith fmnilioa ocr Suiuhiv. n w. itniki.r nml family. Miss l'tta nml Iinrn Stowiut vtaltcil Mr. Did Mm. Muiol llnumiril nt tno i-ar-kor rnucli Sunday.' cIihHuh KdmomlMoii Hinl family moved to the Knil linker cabin Mon- FOR SALH Forty Iiorb 12 weighing about 100 pounds, 20 weighing about 00 to 75 pounds, balance wolghing 25 to 40 pounds. Four milch cows, all first class milkers. Phone 314-1.. Ill ANTIOCH ITEMS Mr M.wneifL'er nnd Wlfu nml daughter Ha'eliUlf Auto woro Iium- no. caller, at 'Chiipuian a ono ooy lust wwk. I'luudv t'hapimill Wit out to sco hia homo folk hmt.wq.ok. , i, i, ,ni. tluiiM) ' loiivim for Fort i.'taiu.iii ludt weak Welti V. C. Chap man and miii llur, Dull Morrison und John t'oniui. Sam Mnwhall llllil witc ol Control Every Colli Should Be Considered Serious Bo say th liost medical authorities. Unless promptly dwokcU, often they liad to chronic bronchial ana !'"' monary trouWca which may prov It vour cough or cold has not ro- apoudod to lrinlmni-anu '"'j medlcliio should n)t be aololy relied on timely use of Kckman'a Altera tive may Blve you relief. Kor moro than twenty years It has tieon lieneniliiir suflerera from Iheee dliorders. It Is espoclaljy Indicated when the system (lomsndN lime, (or It contains colrlum chlorld eo com bined as to be easily aeelinlluted by the averogo person. Baft) to try because It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs or any sort whatsoever. At your .lrug8lt;. MtlMMm. UrKIRltn Mwvrmi.1,1 .."-'--- FOR SALE Horses, nnd grain hay in tno noia, ono muo nonuuaei ui Phoenix. B. K. Itcamcs. 106 FOlTsAr,! ACRHAtin JBWHirwwvVr EARL S.'TUMY Qaneral Insurasaa office, Flro, AutornoDira, Acclue Mablllly, Plate aiasa, Contrast, aad Surety Bonds. Excftllent eoM panles, good local servlee. No. 210 Qaraott-Corey Bldg. ir Instraetle in Maaie FRHD ALTON HAIOIIT -Tcneher of piano nnd harmony. Halght Mnslo Btudlo, 401 Oarnott-Corey Bldg., Phono 72. Garbage OARBAOB -i Get, yoV PBJS cleaned up for the bbjbiw Can on the city garhage wagoaa fa good aenrlca. Pheae 174-L. F. Y. Allon. y PliystckiM id BfiTgeoM DR. V. Q. OARLOW. DR. VA' MAINB OARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 aarnett-Coray bldg., phone 1030-L. Relda 26 South Laurel at DR. W. W. HOWARD Oltaopttat physician, 303 Qarnett-CoMMr building. Phoaa 136. FOR BALK Improvod 40-ocro ranch alfalfa, etc., Addross K. V, II., Iloitto 3, box 43, Medford. Ill FOR BALKA bargain, 6 acros In (Irnnts Pass, good soil, family orchard, good buildings, 2 wells, with windmill and gas engine Mrs. M. aethlng, Oakland, Ore., Box 00. 107 ',rn asr-n- WAJyricn prrnATiQNH WANTHD Lady wants hour or day -work. Phono 3H-Y. iai) WANTIHJ MIHCKLLANKOUH :- .J.., -u ni Zemo for Dandruff flAfr .., nitv .1r.ii. u,A. n l,ntl. nt wmo 'for lKc or fl.Oii for extra Uro mil, lTe a dirwlij, for It doe IM Woik iMWy It k(H the ilaudrulT ganjl, liourUht (tw hulr rruts ami uumiillatijly kluiHtjjUhluit mjIp It U suru iiiul safe, lh noraieai'i Umiv tnrr- and H1 not Halu tuiin lod uauiiKio urn liflrui ful u il'y i ,1111111 ukli. Tin- l"-i tii i. I , ,i . i ' I it ii j.i'i mil auo utxp,n- Zvuip, Oit.tlaud, CraterLake Auto Line Our Auto tngc is making rogulnv trips to Orator Lake. I?Quyo Medford at 8:30 a. m. on aroiulay, AVcdnosdiiy and Friday. Three or more passengers can go any day for regular round-trip faro, Passen gers carried to all sidp ponits when atuos aro not fillod with through passongors. Hound trip to Ora tor Lako'anU return $1G.5Q; ono way, $8.75. Phone 100 for $t reservations. HALL TAXI GO. WANTKD Two Or thrco passongora for triji by auto to Newport, oro., nbout Aug. 0th. Return In about two weeks. Phono 02&-J ovonlnRS wftorT. UP WANTKD 1000 lbs. of poultry wooltly; top prices. Warner, wort luau & (lore. tf. PR. J. J. EMMENS Phyatclaa aa4 surgaon. rractico uuiioa ej, ear, nose and throat Eyea aol tlttrally tested and glanna u pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for B. P. R. U. Co. Officca M. F. 4j H. Oa. bldg., opposite P. O. rhona 67. DR. R, W. CfANOY Pbyalclaa aa surgeon t-unncs, qiui au, imi donco 780, Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. MARTIN O. nARDER Physi cian and aurgoon. Office I'ala block, opposito Nash hotel. Hoar 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. rrlntcra an rubJlaber MEDFORD lMHNTINQ CO.. hi tJ best equipped printing ofUce 1 southern Oregon; book blading, loose leaf ledger, billing aystejaa, etc Tortland price. 27 Norm Fir st. WANTED Foathors to rouovato, old mattresuoB and fepthnr beds mndo Into sanitary folding farms, For samples, Phono 190-J, 322 East 12th st. 124 WANTKD Flxturos for etorc. What have you? O. A. DoVoe. sa MONEY TO LOAN w-1 MONEY TO LOAN Have inonoy to loan upon city and country prop erty. Outck sorylco. Money on liand. Enrl 8. Tumr. 210 Garnott- Corey Bids, tf ,' n i) i .I1 rts LOW LOST- Pbcket book, Howard return to Mall Tribune. for 100 I.OllT llAtwnan Tirnbtinnl find ArIi land ati auto hlghwn). ladle' gold watch and chain, Wnltbam Finder picaso notify James k. unoro, Prospect, Ore, and rccolvp roward 100" WHY? NOW TIME TO TRADE. I havo a 160-acro stock Tanch? good location; 100 acres In grain, eopio alfalfa. This place rccontly sold for 212,000; no incumbrance. Will trado for good orchard, pnifer pears, or -would take city proporty, Would trade oven rr assume some m cumbranco on orchard proposition, J. C, BARNES 1U2) West MaJu Street. w STOLE.V STOLEN 24x32 tent night of July 24. Liberal roward for Informa tion leading to loratlon or recov ery. W. F. lllddle, It. F. D. 3, 111 I1USINKS5 DIUBtroHT -c i. iC li, i r - HAD8 TRANSFER & STORAQE CO ufiice 43 norm irtaai st. raou" sis. Prices right. Berrleo guai NEW TODAY Why not buy u homo now while buying l good? For instnnce. Fine six room modorm bungalow thrco sleeping rooms, pavement paid, S1700.00 or this other oim very closo In, pavement about half paid, snmo number of rooms, $1700.00 or niv other ono almost as attractlto ut 11500.00 A revhal ot good tlmos win double the price ot any ona ot. these places- We have some fine bios In largo and Biuull rauches, and' want to tell you about them. Call ut the olfRo. Hoon-Cathcart Co. 2o. liarnclt Corey Bids PhOtVQ 1U7 id