3?SGE mVU MEDFOBD MATL) TBLT3TJNE, MEDFOBTJ, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, ,TULY 26, 191G k P rf HEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NnWSPAPKtl. ruBLiHtini) nvnur aitisunoon EXCUI'T HUNDATT Iir T1II3 MKDFOnU rillNTlNQ CO. Otfle M&tl Tribune nulldlng, 2S.17-28 North Fir streotj tolctihono 70. Th Dcmocrntlo Times, the Mdfo Mnll, Tlio Alcdford Trlmino, Ths Sout ern Ore&onlan, Tlis Ashland Tribune. QKOnQH PUTNAM, Editor. SOnSOBIPTIOlT RATES I One year, by mail... ....!!. 00 One inontti, by mnll. .. .to Per month, delivered by oarflar In ItMlrtrrd. VlKHtlDt, JuckNOHVltto nnd Central Point - .CO flnturdny .Only, hy moll, per year. 2.00 Wfkly, (ir yenr. ............. 1.60 Official Psnrr of tho City of Med ford. Official I'aptr of Jnolmon County. Entered ns neCond-rlBn.i matter at Mndfnrd, Oregon, under ths net of March I, 117V. Sworn Circulation for 191E 2468. full leased wire Aeioclated Press dl patent. nig' BOYCOTTING GERMANY EM-TEES A ItntllliiKOood Cnr JudgoYou any you nro suing this lnnn becouso lio did not blow his horn lioforo ho ran Into you, Plnlntlff I didn't say ho didn't blow Ills born. I Raid thnt I couldn't hoar It. IIJs blamod old car rattled too much, PJiyslclan Well, but If your llttlo plK won't grow big nnd fat you mutt go to tho vot. Woman (who has brought hor pot jillt to .tho doctor) Oh, doctor, t Imvo no confldonco In hlmj lie's so thin himself. Cii)i nnd Hiuovr Donald Cup p nnd Kva Bnescr woro married In Lancaster, O., last week, Ono fiooil llcitson Coriiillcnt Individual nut you cnn't rIvo mo any reason why I should not enlist. Spouso Well, I should tnlss you, dear, but tho Gorman couldn't.' London Mull. A Scotchman visiting In Amorlca itood gating at a flno statuo of (Juorgo 'Washington, whon an Amort cun nppronclicd. "That wna a great nnd good man, Handy,' said tho Amurlcun; "a llo novo r pnosod Iilg lips." "Woll," said tho Scot, "I prnysumo ho talked through his hobo Uku tho rest ofyo." Convenient Hlylo 'V Is no Ipngor nocoasary for n niyllshly droeeod womnn to lift hor sftlrt." Clallpolls (Ohio) .Vows. At tho Cotillion Soph Your girl Is n wonderful dnncer but for two things. ' Junior (olntcd at compliment paid his girl) Yes, I think so, too, but What nro tho two things ;53oph (boating if hasty 'retreat) I lor feet. COnPORATION FORFEITS POND TO GRANTS PASS (WANTS PASS, Oro July 30. Aflor n long fight agulust tho Catl fornla.Orogon Power company, tho JJoguo Itlvor Tubllo Sorvlco Corpora tion, nn Irrigation nnd power concern having Its main office and place of business at (Irnnta l'ass, last night pnssod up Its lust opportunity to onter Into competition with tho Cull fornla-Oregon 1'owor company In tho Halo of electric power to tho people Of this municipality. In tho last two or throo years tho Public Sorvlco Corporation has spent thousands of dollnra on dams and power sites at Oold Hill, In Jackson county, preparatory to entering tho sou thorn Oregon field as a competitor to the CallfornlaOrogon company Last summer they applied to tho city rouncll for a franchise to. Install their polos and wires In the city of Grants Pass, promising the council n very material reduction In lighting and Routing rates both to tho city and to the private consumer. Tho council reforrod tho matter 'to a dlroct vote of tho people, and after a blttor fight tho pooplo last July tfrantod tho franchise to tho Public Sorvlco Corporation, with the proviso that a J100Q surety bond be given to guaranteo tho stringing of two utiles of uloctrlo" power wires within the city. Tho time limit oxplrcd last April without a foot of Tlro bolng Installed. Tho Public Service Corporation mndo vlon after plea for extensions of time. Finally at tho city council meeting of two weoks ago tho presi dent of tho company was notlflod that unless work was commenced by tho 20th of thn irent month tho bond would bo forfeited. At tho reg ular meeting Saturday night the bond was doelaroil forfeited and tho city nttornoy authorized, to begin an ac tion for collection. nplLE wnr has rovcnlod thnt Germany Svns tho great J- broker nation ot the world. Germans sold English. American, French and Russian manufactured articles all over the globe under a "made in Germany" Inbol. English and American made goods were marketed in England and America by Germans, uussia's import and export busr ness was virtually controlled by Germans. - Thrty per cent of the American exports to Russia and 20 per cent of our imports from Russia were handled by Gorman commission houses. Even a greater percentage of me iratie ueiween Jtussia ana oilier nations paw a ucr- man commission. Tho reason that Germany was enabled to become the great international broker was duo to German efficiency the superiority of the service rcn'dpred. Germans studied tho wonts of other nations, their local mothods of business, and catered to them. First in every foreign com mercial field with a superior organization, they naturally absorbed tho bulk of the business, for other nations found it more convenient to rely upon the efficient service ren dered by Germans than to organize and maintain a simi lar service of their own. Whatever the German does, ho docs Well. Thorough ness is n national characteristic. Tho German is a plodder and keeps everlastingly at it. His passion for analysis and statistics amounts to an obsession. lie early learns con centration and mastery of details and his toil is unremit ting. The greatness of the nation is economic and indus trial rather tlian militaristic, though tho iormor enables the latter. Tile entente allies have organized an economic alliance to vo dace by mutual effort the commercial services ren dered by Germany before tho war. It will be successful only to the extent that th'q allies themselves are enabled to render superior service to the Germans. Commerce is a mutual undertaking. A nation cannot sell goods to a neighbor nation unless in return it pur chases tho goods of tho other nation. America can secure the commerce of South America only when she is prepared to purchase tho raw materials of South America in ex change for the manufactured products of tho United States an exchange Eurone imictieod before thn wnr. No nation can boycott Germany without in turn suffer' ing, for Germany bought as much as she sold. Buying and selling is reciprocal. Germany , offered England and France their best market. In attempting to eliminate Ger many tney will bo injuring themselves and though the bitterness nnd prejudice engendered by the war may make such n boycott measurably successful for a limited time, it cannot permanently endure. Tho war, however, will greatly increoso tho efficiency A 11 k " . .. ... . oi all tlio ueiiiceronts. Tho allied nations will be nearer on a plane of equality with Germany in tho operation of KiuiurjuH ami in uynuiiiwiri:. jjusuicss win uo system atized and modernized as never bofore. Wars are all duo, directly or indirectly, to commercial rivalries. Tho present war is no exception. It is due pri marily to surplus wealth seeking privileges in foreign lauds nnd the exploitation of weaker peoples. Trado re strictions and tariffs intended to bonefit tlio capitalists of ono nntion at tho oxpense of capitalists of another, pro voke tho friction that sooner or later produces war. Tho plan of tho economic conference is to promoto after tho war nnd keep nlivo tho primary causes of the war. Tho preferential treaties will create ill-will that will smolder until some overt act fans it into tho flame of conflict. Tho conforonco seeks to interpose an artificial barrier based on hate nnd prejudice nnd is doomed to eventual l'niluro bc- enu8c tho collapso oi twentieth century icudalism is Hear ing nnd tho timo is closo nt hand when pcoplo will refuso to bo led like sheep to the slauchtor to benefit reimiin.? plutocracy. There is no earthly reason why tho people of France or of England should hato tho people of Germany and sacri fice themselves at tho behest of ruling cliques. Thoro is no reason to believe that, even while cutting each other's throats thoro is any ill-will between tho individual bellig erents of the various nations aiivo what has been quickly engendered by tho conflict and will bo as auicklv for gotten. Enduring penco cannot bo attained bv national bov- cotts nnd boycotts cannot bo maintained that iirjuro tho boycottor as well as tho boycotted. The economic conforonco scorns created primarily to perpetuate national prejudices that mako possible tho oxpioiuuion oi pcopieo oy surplus wealth. TONAL FIRS HIGHWAY WED YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL pAHIC, Wyo., July 20. Tho National 1'nrkH Highway uHHocintiou wns per manently o'rirniiifod horo yesterday With Guft Holms of Cody, Wyo., pres ident, nnd li. L. Newton, uIku of Cody, secretary, Vice-presidents woro clcotoil ns follews: For jrentnnn: II, J, Miller of Liv ingston; for Wyoming, W. A. Pem inj of Cheyenne Cohirndo, T. O. llnll, Jnrosn; Oregon, I-'rnnk C. ItiggH, Portland; Idnho, Curl Davis, Dome. Directors elected were: FnrMontnnn, P. S. Webster, While Sulphur Springs; Wyoming, W. )i. yros, Wheatland; Colorndo, L. P. Anderson, Pueblo; Oregon, J. C. 'Ainswoifh, Portlniid. Stephen I), Mother, assistant sec retary of the interior, in charge of nntional parks, fipnko nnd promised further nld in tho promotion of motor travel. BIRTH OF A NATION ILLEGAL F S1G AIROGraUIH STILL CONTINTES As the world ndvnnccR, should it happen in his timo nnd while ha still has his wonderful Rrhsji, perhaps I). W. Griffith nny find fliibjcot to produce thnt will mean infinitely more to nil tho people, thnt will he jilgKcr nnd inoro clnbornto and cntnil inconceivably more expense nnd dif ficulty, but, until such n timo corner, if it over docs, his "llirtlt of a Nn tion" spectacle, covcnnR ns it docs, tho wholo mpturo between tho two distinct factions of a grcnt country and whnt camo out of it, to a filor ioim conclusion will remain thn high water mark. It shows vthai can bo done, it is true, nnd most pooplo believe thnt whnt lias been done can bo dono, yet Shnkcspcnro, hundreds of yenre ago, proved whnt it was possiblo to do with tho English language nnd still ho has not been surpassed or oven nppronclicd to thin day, nnd likely never will be. .In this glorious spectnelo ono is netunlly witnessing in n singlo sitting tho condensed notion of a lifetime in the nnnuls of our nntion, Wnr, romnnco nnd sociology play immense parts but tho cutiro gaunt let of human emotions is plnycd upon ns never woro thoy before, nnd ns it is doubtful if thoy over will bo uenin. Why Smoke nit Cijrani When La Gondas aro only 10a , ( Despite- protests o game wnrdons and of sportsman. Illegal IlfililnR at the mouth ot tho Uotsue continues. Commercial flshormen continue to stretch their nets Just outiildo tho rlvor's mouth li tho surf and aro drlvlnic from tho Tlvor 'countless sal mon nnd stooMicads. Tho law prohibits tho taldiiR ot fish within three mites ot tho mouth of tho IIokuo with nets, yet dozqns of rots nro dally strotched. Arroats by camo wardens brings prompt acquit- tats by local Juries, composed of frlands ot tho fishermen and tho do- frnao has been set up thnt Curry County's Jurisdiction docs not ex tend boyond low tide water ninik, which seems to bo concurred In by county officials, who allege thoy aro powerless to prevent violation. As the Jurisdiction ot tho stato ex tendi) for three miles from shorn lino, tho only remedy seems to ho an np poal to tho governor to use special authority to sco that the law Is on forced. Petitions to thnt effect aro bolng signed locally. CHIP TO STAGE taMTROUW RIVALS THEOA BARA Virginia Pearson, noted Kentucky beauty, who created the part of Kip ling'n "Vnmpiro" on tlio spoiiking stnge, is tho star in tho Fox fenturo photoplay, "Mazing Love," the at traction nt tho Pngo today. Miss Pearson him tnkon to pieturo dmmn no well thnt she bids fair to gfvo Thcdn lliira n serious contest for photoplay suprcmnoy, for sho Iioh a benuty, force nnd distinction which have nover been combined in n so lonllvd "vnmpiro" pctrcss hithorto. Miss Pearson comes of tho Kentucky Cnlloways, h family thnt enmo west with tho trail ninkcr, Dnnicl Boone. Her father, Joseph Pearson, is of a long lino of English writors nnd punitory. Miss Pearson wnx tho dis covery of Colonel Henry W. Savage. At thnt time sho wns nsslstnnt librar ian of tho Uooklovor' library iii Louisville, Ky. A Pntho News, tho latest current events, completes tho bill. NOTICK IJ. l'.,0. KI.KS 1108 Mo suro and como to lodgo Thurs day night, July 27th. Our "KJsn Commltteo" will have good uows for you all. C11ICAOO, July 20. A moat un usual celebration that will reproduco and plcluro tho old nnd now west front Its Inception to tho present dnv Is to bo given nt tho Old Cubs ball park In thp city of Chicago nine con. fcccutlvc days and nights commencing Saturday, August 19th and closing August 27th. The honnrary Judges aro Col. W. V. Cody, (Buffalo nill) Of Wyoming, H. II, Iltisscl! of Mon tnna, Win. Uahlman of Nebraska, Ilnrko Ilurnctt ot Ft. Worth, Texad, and J. W. Lynch of Ponca City, Okla homa. It goos without saying .thfit an ar ray of Judgos composed ot national colcbrltlos each so woll known as all ot the nbovo will do moro to Insure a real roundup than anything of tho sort that has over been attempted before. T.lia leading and publlo spir ited men ot Chlcugo who aro father ing tho enterprises nro giving overy support to inuko tho round up festival tho biggest frontier celebration over staged. Clllcago, really tho Mecca of tho stock mau and cowboy, will "turn Itoolt over" to welcome Its western brothers, Tho commlttoo superintending tho entorprlao doslrlng to do something thnt will glvo entertainment to tho cowboys nnd cowgirls who will pnr tlclpato In tho competitions havo ar ranged to produce two big spectacles "Tho Birth and Passing of tho West" and "Preparedness." This Is tho first timo a spectacular featuro has over boon mado part of a roundup and frontier exhibition and moro than ono thousand men, women, Indians and horses will pnrtlclpato. Arthur V. Holghtland, who has charge ot tho scenic equipment of big "out of doors" spectacles, will per sonally suporlntend tho decorating and lighting ot tho park nnd tho do- Blgnlng of tho sconlc equipment re quired for those masslvo scenes which by tho way will bo tho largost ovor constructed, having a longth of moro than nlno hundred, and a height of moro thau fifty foot. .YOUNG WOMJEN MAY AVOID PAIN J I U, , ' Need Only Trdst to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, says Mrs.Kurtzweg. Buffalo, N.Y.-" My daughtor, whoso plcturo is herewith, was much troubled Willi IIUIIIB 1U . back nnd sides overy month and thoy would somotlmcs bo so bad that It would seem like acuta In flammation of somo organ, btui rouu your advcrtlsomcnt In tho nowspapera and tried Lydia E. Pinkham's V g go tab lo Compound. Sho praises It highly as sho has been relieved of all these pains by Its Mso. All mothers should know of this remedy, and nil young girls who suiter should trylt,"-Mr. Matilda Kuiitzweo, C29 High St., Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who nro troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, hundncho, dragglng-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgutablo Compound. Thousands havo been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy. If you know of nny young-woman who Is Hick nnd necils help fill ndvlco, nsk hor to wrlt to tho Iydlu K.lMiikhnni Mcdluluo Co., Jjynn, Mass. Only women will rccolvo hor letter, and It will bo hold luatrlctcstcoiilldcnro. k Pear Market Thoro wcro OS carloads ot Bsrtlett poars shipped Monday from Califor nia points to eastern markets, Tho Now York City markot was a little off Monday owing to tho fact thnt fully one-half or tho wostorn ship ments havo boon mado to that city. Tho prices nt which Bartlotts sold Monday wore: Now York City, nvor ago of sales, $2; Chicago, avcrago, 2.1G; Philadelphia, avorago, $2.20; Boston, avorago, $1,90. Producers Fruit Association. KENNKTT, Cul., July 20. -Work proceeded this morning at tho Mam moth copper mine, three miles from here, notwithstanding the losses caused by n fire Inst night which burned tho bunkhoiiso, gnibhouse, supply house, motion picture theater nnd other buildings. No one. wn in jured. Tho loss is estimated nt be tween $50,000 und $00,000. iniTISH BIPLANE SHOT DOWN AT ZEEBRUGGE i ' BRULIN, July 211, A Ihitish bi plnuo wns hhot down by n flennnn 8ubiuanuo nt n point north of Zee brnggo, Belgium, on Monday, says nu pfticiiil fitutemont is.sued by tho Cer rmn admiralty today. Two officers in tho mnehino wcro captured. IRISH RELIEF FUND KEPI FROM IRELAND NKW YOHIC, July 20,-Offiecrs of the Irish relief fund nro nwuitine; nn cjtpliination of tho refusal or thn I British government to permit Kugcno ll. Kelly, trensuror of the fund, nnd bis assistant, Joseph Smith, to land in England. Tlio matter hna "been taken tip with tho stnto department at Washington, and it is probable thnt a inootincr of tho executive com- milteo of tho fund will bo called hero to tnko further notion. s Messrs. Kelly nnd Smith wished to go til Uuulin to distribute $50,000 raised in tho United States for tho rolief 6f pot-sous who suffered through tho recent Irish rovolt, Dis patcher from London ychtprdny snid mui inoy woro not pormittcd to land from tho steamship Philadelphia at Liverpool, Kw jLmtam'jF li W bsolutely Romoves in digestion. One package ifyvosu. 25c at all druggists. United State Chain' Trend fMW S JL (W Tin SOME GOOD ADVICE StrengtheiuHl by Mwlfonl 12xtorIcncc. jKldnoy dlscnso Is too dangerous to neglect. At tho first signs ot back echo, hoadacbo, dizziness or urinary disorders, you should glvo tho weak ened kldnoys prompt attention, Bat llttlo meat, tnko things easier and uso a rollablo kldnoy tonic. Thorn's no othor kidney modlclno so woll rcc ommondod as Bonn's Kidney Pills, Hertford pcoplo rely on thorn. Hero's ono of tho many statements from Mcdford pcoplo, J. D. Bamuels, 421 J Strcot, Mod ford, says: "Several years ago I worked at tho stono mason trado and during thnt timo ray back gavo mo a great doal of troublo. I had hard work getting down to do anything and I could hardly straighten up. After I had taken Boon's Kldnoy Pills awhllo, I didn't havo tho lameness In my back and could get up and down as woll ns ovor." Vrlco GOe, at ull dealers. Don't simply ask or a kidney remedy got Bonn's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that Mr, Samuols had. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. TWO TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT S. II. Harnlsh'a auto will loava Eaglo Point at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. dally, oxcopt Sunday; lonvn Medford 0 A. M. and 6 P. M. Will call for passengors nt hotols In Medford and hotols and business houses la Eagle Point. ruoxr. ;icc2 on a.xa. lire Your Investment 'Nobby 'Trend JOHN A. PERL tWDERTAKER Lady AskUtnnt iW fi. lUHThETT Thoao SL 47a nd J7J.a Automobile Hearse Service. Ambulance service. Just oa it is the gigantic stability, resources, end volume of business, of our whole nation that assures investors of the absolute dependability of United States bonds, ( so it is the gigantic stability, re sources, and volume of business of the nrgest rubber company in the ,world $ii ;mm$ automobiljsts of the absolute dapcudubiliiy of United States Tires. r ' r - q " Thoro r five tjnltoil Stfr 'Dalniicml' TlreiHvlifch moot every tnutorlng co.iJituM pf pricu &ni uu, - AlU tha rearait Umtfd Sjlo Tinj Djlrtfor your copy or nq poouf . -jinii)nu I !.? wri 1) toll how to lecjre the exact lnu to .iil iijimu. Royal Cord' 0,1 Mttx x vnur unv taf tha haaitl . mj,iI.tii-ii. Tl, kA. h,l.t T, ." .'.JM v. &ffi " United SiiifisTfre Company' , f('jM-miSJiM3&mm&xija'' i'2mSMKMttB'lOKtlm INTEUURBAN AUTOOAIt 00, TntIT3 OAUD. Leave Medford tor Ashland. Talent and Phoonlt dally, oxcopt Sunday, at 8:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. ra. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a. ra. and 1:00, 2:00, 6:30 and 8:30 p. m. Leavo Ashland for Medford dally, ezcopt Sunday, at 9:00 a, m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 6:30 and 2:20, Sundays leave Ashland at 0:00 a. bi. and 1:00, 4:30, 8:30 and 10:18 p. ra. coroucr.l A Complete Stock of United Statee TirM Carried by BERNARD MOTOR COMPANY RandMcNally&Co. CHICAGO PRINTERS OF BOOKLETS CATALOCS HOUSEMACAZINES COMMERCIAL ART WORK COLOR DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING FIXED FINANCIALLY AND MECHANICALLY FOR PROMPT HANDLINGof LARGE EDITIONS WESTON'S Camera Shop ; 208 East Main Streot, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer! in Southorn Oregon Negatives Mado any time on place by appointment. Phone 147-J Well do tho rest E. D. "WISTOH, Prof ,