Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr. mid Mrs. V. U llerry lcrt this
mnrnlng (or a visit with Mrs. Dcrrj'a Ktna Mills, Cnl.
Il.iths 25a. Hotel Holland.
Tho'oun iiroiilo'B societies of (IiS
different WclioB of tho city -will
Mold a' HuslnOBS' Meeting mul social
at tlm' Plrsf Mctorilsl church till
ovrnll'iK'nt 7:30 o'clock. AH younft
pcoplo nro Invited to nttcnil, ns the
proprnm wilt Include several Intcrcst
Inc features.
(Irny'a plnco ror cigars, to
bnccocs. Kvcry summor lint must bo. ISO
trimmed and untrlmmcd lints, values
to $7.00, now 9Sc. Ahrrfns. '
airs. Mnry Mnthla will loiuo tomor.
row for her old homo In Indiana, Sho
will accompany tho dlslntcrrod re
mains of Mr. Mnthla, who Will bo
hnrlrd In litdlnnn. Mrs. Mnthls will
bo nliscnt from Med ford two months.
Mothers do nwny with tho laundry
work. Uso on hahy Thro-Away
Diapers. No mora chafed and Irri
tated skin. 25 for 25 cents. Heath's
Drug 8torc, opposite Nash Hotel. 108
Mrs. Ada, Way arrived Tuondny
morning from Tucson, Ariz., nnd Is
thp guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 1-2.
Jenkins, 121 Kenwood street.
D6 Voo gives trading stamps with
everything except groccrlos.
1). A. Worthlngton, 1'rcsUlcnl of
the Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Vet
tcrn railway, nrrlved In Mcdford
Tuesday accompanied by his family
nnd n party of frlonds In IiIb prlvato
car, Indianapolis, No. 7. Tho party
nro delighted with their tour of tho
Pacific coast. They wore taken over
tho highway to Ashland by A. S.
Itosenbaum nnd Carl Tcngwald.
Get your milk, cream, buttor, eggs
and buttermilk at Do Voo's.
J. W. Ilorrlqn has presented his
resignation to tho school hoard, as
signing ns his reason for resigning,
tho fact that his work at tho flih
ponds at Ilutto Knlls koop him from
attending tho mcotlngs. Tho school
hoard has not yet acted on tho resig
nation. Mr. Dorrlan was appointed
last January to succeed I). F. Mulkoy,
who roslgned upon his romoval to
Your choice of our summor trim
mod lints, valuos to $15, now 12.08.
"Ulondy" illollnrls, of Klamnth
Kails, who suffered two, broken ribs
nnd n crushed link In when tho car In
which ho was riding turned over on
tho (Iroon Hprlng grado Sunday, loft
Wednesday morning on tlia train for
Klamath Falls. Bince tho nccldont ho
had boon confined to a room In tho
Mcdford Hotel, Ho was accompanied
by Knrl Hilton nnd Cllva Kennedy,
Neither of these latter wore seriously
hurt In the accident.
Tho world's greatest companies
Holmes, The Insurance Man.
Mrs. A. M. Wood of Castle Hock,
Wash., arrived In Medford this morn
Ing and will bo tho guest of her alitor
Mra. Davo Wcntherly.
Typewriter paper of nil kinds at
Medford Printing Co.
iMrp. H. K. Duller of lloguo Hlvor
Is spending Wednesday In Medford.
Mr. and Mm, Ocorga It. Mnynnrd
of Ashlaud are spending today In
Mcdford and tonight will attend tho
lecture- nt Ht. Mark's Hall.
Try a King fipllz cigar nnd cn
courago homo Industry. tf
W. V. Ullcry, who was n Medford
resident 12 years ago, stopped off In
Medford this morning. Mr. Ullcry
Is bound from his homo In Kitgonn
to ItoKwell, New Mexico. Mr. Ullory
spent n few dnyii In Mcdfprd last .May
When ho iMssed through In a cur
from Now Mexico.
Immenso harguliis In wio wnsli
ilrcsses and sport dresos, $2.98 mid
H SK. Ahrens,
Miss i), Farrnlior of Oszcllo, Mrs.
KlUaheth Newton; Miss N. kVellor,
Mis Klliabotti Neller, Uubtirt J,
Nixon, and WHlam J. Nollon all of
Yrekii, nro members of a party of
northern California tourists, wlio
spent Tuesday nlulit In Medrord.
Are you using tho Tlno-Away
Diaper. Tho groatoxt convenience
ocr inVenM for mothers, nnd tho
greatest comfort over created for
babies. 25 for 25 rents. Ask to see
tlicni. Heath's Drug Store, opposlto
Nuvh Hotel, 08
Monday, '0. 11. and Ed Hensolman
Journeyed to tho river ufter steel
lioads. They got noiie Tuesday
they repeated and brought homo the
limit and are now discoursing on the
vagarlos of "fishermen's luck."
Pr. Klrchgcssner wjl be at Hotel
Nnsta every Wednesday. Hour? for
consultation 10 to 3.
Mss Nulllo Ilanjoy, whu 1ms boon
the guest of her purcuts, Mr. and
Mrs. llattloy at KRiy Point, left
Tuesday for Portland, from which
place slip will return to her homo in
J-og Angeles.
tiray's place, cold, drinks, frulU.
Miss (llndya Curry loft Tuesday
morulng for a visit with friends at
Coiulle, Ore
Soo Dave Wood about that fire In
surance policy, Office Mnll Tribune
Mrs. Jonnlo Wright Is visiting hor
brother In Ornnts Paso for n few
dajs. ; " ' ''
fWrcnt, 2-room furntshod house.
C. A. DeVoo'. '' v
Hon. II. Von del' Hollpu returned
to his home in Wcllcn Tuesday after
a. tour covering Eastern Oregon. Mr,
Von dor llollen, with follow mem
bers of the Hoard of Itcgcnts of the
O. A. C., has boon making A tour of
Inspection of rtatd Institutions.
Dig Cc Mlikshafcci nt tin Voo's.
A fnlso alarm, turned lu nt 10:15
Tuesday nlghl, pent the fire depnit-
ment iLiirrying lq the end of Hotitli
Onkdnln. Tlm.v tinned rlc)it nround
nnd hai nlinofit reached Main stfoct
on the return tilp before I bo last of
tho usual stream of maclilnos thai
respond to tho cnll.of flro-lind turned
Into Ontulalo. ' " Ji" r, "
Clntes sells Ford carsi'(2d0ilown
and $25' n month. , 'f
Mr. and Mm. II. 8. Kjslicr loft
TuesdnjJ (rf'tlinkc their home In Ih'd
Imperial tl6y! They havo been
Medford' resldouts for tho past 3 car
nnd n half.
Whipping cream at boVoe's,
William HriiiKlnii of Trail, was it
Mcdford visitor 'Tuesday, bringing In
a dozen beef ciitlfn.
Buttermilk 10c gal, at lio Voo's.
Sirs. K. II. Roiriny Jell Tuesday
nftcrnoon fqr n ln of several weeks
In Portland,
Do Voo buys beor bottles,
Hon. H. Von dcr Ifollen, of Wollcn
who 1ms been making a tour of east
ern Oregon, returned to his J huino
Tuesday, Mr. Von dcr llclljjii Is a
momber of tho stnto bonrd of regonts
of tho Oregon Agricultural collcgo,
and, with his colleagues, has boon
making n tour of Inspection of tho
stnto Institutions,
Tako thoso looso auto wheels to
Dllllngg Carrlago nnd Auto Vorks
and have them raado llko now, nt n
small exponso.
Miss I.ornlno Hilton, who has been
living In Klamath Falls for tho pnst
flvo months, returned to Mrdford
Tuesday evening for n visit to her
parcntB, Mr. and Irs, A. S. Dllton.
Postago stamps at Do Voo'o.
(Mrs. M. M. Frcnna returned Tuos
day to hor homo In Portland, after
an oxtonded visit with her son-In-lnw,
E. H. Westerflold.
Plcnte lunches. Central Catotoria.
Miss Holon Swatftquer,; Tom
Swarttlquer and Mr. and Mrs J W. A.
Harris of St. Helena spont Tuesday
night nnd Woduendny morning In
Mcdford. They nro en route to Port
land In tliolr car.
Smoko a King Spits cigar, Co.
They nro homo-mado. ' tf
Mrs. O. James of Ilutto I'alfs spent
Tuesday night In Medford.
Oct your labols early. Don't wait
until tho last mlnuto. Tho Mcdford
Printing Co. Is tho placo -Up. got
thorn, ' W
Gcorgo K. Sanders, wlio orgajilzcd
tho Itoguo Ilher Public Service Cor
poration and tho Utah-Oregon Co.
lias organised tho Montana-Utah
Sugar Co., to locato n factory In tho
Hitter Hoot country, Montana next
Pear label time Is here. Stock
labels or special labels at tho Med
ford Printing Co.
Charles D. Whiteside spont Tues
day night nnd Wednesday In Med
ford, roncwlng old O. A. C. acquuln
tnnccsbtps. Pears and apple label prlntora for
the Itoguo river valloy, Medford
Printing Co.
Q. A. Slacker, V, A. Holtor, J. D.
Ogdon nnd K, II. Ciiinmtngs nro
nmong tho Mcdford visitors from
Portland today,
Sco tho stock labels carried by the)
Medford Printing Co., It you nro In
n hurry.
Mrs. Grnco II, I.obo of Albcquer-
itie, N. M., nrrlved In 'Medford Tno'i-
day night and will spend n few days
lu this vicinity.
nutiormllk 3o quart at DoVoe's.
.V'rcil I.. Tutllo of New York '
spending a fow days lu Medford,
Pnokerta tally cards lu stock at
tho Medford Printing Co.
C. C. Smith Is Medford visitor
from Sup FruncUco today.
Something now, brick lea cream In
sanitary packages, Keeps two hours.
Tako one with you. Tho Shasta.
Q. W. Halllstcr of Portland spgnt
Inst night ib Meilfofd.
Inqulro at tho Union Stable for lnt
formation nnd trnnpitoi tatlon to th$
Oregon Caves. Ford cars for hire
with or without drlvor. Payne and
Hstwlejc. ' 108
FOR 1HJNT 5-room furnished house
cheap, Phone O20-M.'
WANTED Four dozen thoroughbred
Darred Hock pullets, hatched ho
fore Moy 5tli. Apply V, fi, Owen
Garnatt-Carey Hldg, Mcdford
Springs for
Studebaker, Buick,
Overland, Maxwell,
Dodge and Ford cars
(Milton Church of lloschurg nr
rlved In Medford Inst lllRlit and will
remain u fow days on Ifualncss.
The best nlwn)s. Central Cafeteria'
Mrs, Kreh DiUlon of" Knglo Point
spont Tuesday nfternonii in Mcdford.
C. W. Holt Is In Htnn, Cut., on
business for n tew days.
Auto iWiools repaired; first class
Job guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Mitchell's iicpalr Shop, opposite pub.
He market,
J. C. Itoblson Is conducting an auto
sales campaign In Yrebii (his wrck
K. ,1. .Ntinii of Illnghum, Ore., it
spondlng n few days In Meilford, lmv
Ing nrrlvild last night.
Olir prompt delivery servico Is a
wfnnor. You try It. Heath's Drug
Slriro. ' 100
,L. C. Sparks Is a buslnots visitor
from Portland.
' Mr. K.'q. Slllliunn dtts on display,
tropical fruits mid vt'otnlilrs raised
without irrigation at tho Sugar
llowl. . ' 110
Mr. mid Mrs, G. M. Kellogg of
Ornntn Pass spent Tuoeday night In
Mrs. C. J. fleer of Corvallls Is
visiting her parents, .Mr. nnd 'Mrs.
3. M. Samuels nt Central Point, hav
ing arrived Sntiirday In a inr from
Culirornlu. Mrs, Gcor Is a slstor of
Gus Samuels, elt treniiurer.
The building formerly occupied by
Moo's dry goods store, mi Mnln sticet
will bo occ,uped In the unr future
by Sid t!rnw)t'jl pool room,
George Oilman has returned rioni
Malrle, Mont., where lie attended
tho funeral of his brother, Wllllnm,
formerly of Mcdford.
Through in error it wns stated
that Dr. J. J. HnimoiiH was visiting
tho Oregon Caves, It was Dr. Clancy
who mado the excursion.
Mrs. Inoz V"o'n "Dylto'w'ns operated
on by Drs. Conroy nnd Soolcy at the
J. II. iS'ewstend of Snn Francisco
(s spending n few dnjsMu Mcdford
nnd vicinity and lu looking after his
Aloha orchards In tho Cokcr Ilutto
Uuffulo Vernon, champion bulldog-
ger of tho world, who figured nt
tho Ashland roundup, and vho h
nl ending n few weeks In Medford buy
lug artillery horses for tho Unttsh
government, has rccolved un Invita
tion to enter tho roundup to bo held
In August In Kallspoll, Idaho. Ho
will defer entry until ho is definitely
nimirod of the management as Inst
month ho was entered In the "Passing
of tho West" show nt Ullllngs, Mpn
tuiia, and nftr winning several hun
drnd dollars In prizes tho mnuni;er
dl--appoareil vlth tho goto receipts
nnd tho performers wcro out uotl
prizes mid expense money.
Lester Corllcs of Portland spont
Tuesday with IJoyd Williamson. Mr
Corllos Is the guest of his brother at
SIGHTLY 19i!cacli 6fof9M
rtniTT. rHMimrajw Minn
rage ONLY
The Original
ill thnsPhotopla) that Iuih created
morn discussion than uiiy other pre
plans Fox triumphs.
Blazing Love
Whole Mfo Story of a Wife with hor
problem told.
Now Daily tixcept Sunday.
Howard's Auto Line
Ashland and Klamath Falls
Ashland RoscrvutioiUi llotol
Tac vnrly car Valloy Auto
Lino for Ashland connec
tions, '
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 11. Upshaw mid
Mr. nnd Mrs. James p. Mackto, all of
Portland, nro .spending tho day In
Muiroid, having arrived from Orator
I..iko this moriilnB tn tholr cars. The
party reached the lake from" Poi'tmuii
v.'a tho Columbia highway, llend and
Kort Klnntnth. Air. and Mrs. Upshnw
nro friends of John (loodilcli who was
formerly n resident of Portland.
Misses Mud and Jesslo Mordotf nnd
Mrs. GcOrgo Knnzmmi nnd dnughter,
Madge, aro spending tho dny In Ah
Inml. Sen display of bnnauiiu, oranges
and olives raised In Mcdford with
out water nt Sllllmnu's Sugnr
Howl. 110
Wtlllmn Murphy returned to Mml
ford Wednosdny morning nfter spend
ing tlirco weeks in Portland.
V. A. Uorelinrt, representing tlm
?.ni KrnnclBCo Merenntllo Co., is In
Med'nrd todav on huslncss.
Oi'orgo (loold of tho Orchard Home
district Is lu Medford on buslnc?.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kust of Ann
helm, Cnl., nro spending tho da) In
ft y
Most Richly-Flavored Chew
That Was Ever Pressed
t Into Plugs r
Red-blooded men with real tobacco
hunger find that they can satisfy it only
by chewing, and the most wholesome
and satisfying tobacco to chew is that
made in plug form.
The limit of luxury In tobacco chew
ing is the rich, sweet, juicy flavor that
trickles through your system when you
chew Spear Head.
No other chewing tobacco Is so mel
low, so luscious and so satisfying. No
other equals Spear Head for putting a
keen edge on your appetite.
Spear Head is' made of the world's
best tobacco leaf the choicest of red
Kentucky Durlcr? This leaf Is selected
for its full, juicy richness with the
most painstaking' care, is stemmed by
hand. Is prcsicd into Spear Head plugs
so sltfwly that not a drop of the rich,
natural juice escapes.
Your first' chew of Spear Head will
open your eyes to the genuine enjoy
ment there is In'thcwing
Chew the rich, and mellow tobacco
that has been tfi favorite for a third
of a century llatvs Spear Head. In
10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
3 Bays
Matinee 2:15-COMMENCING THURSDAY-Evenings 8:15
Elliott & Sherman Announce D. W. Griffith's World's Mightiest Spectacle
You Should
You Should
It Will Make,
a Better
of You
Pfi C!
JT 1 IVc:C
The Bask
15 North Fir St. Phone ;143
II I'is. Cnno Sujjar . $1
6 oz. can Oysters I
fieri million Mlncc;l Clams I
Lnnjc can Oysters . 2
Plr.k Salmon, tall cans . I
Larue can rliolcc Fjcd Salmon I
Larue can fancy DIN Pickles I
Sauerkraut, larne size . I
Wlillc Star Tnnn Fish, small I
White Star Tuna" Fish, Inro'c 2
Gal. Sarllncs, lnnjc can I
Heinz Pork anil Deans, small I
Heinz Pork nnd Beans, medium, I
Toothpicks, pkg. .. .
Yeast, pkg. . .. . ,
Lemon Cllnn Peaches t.--r. ,. I
Fancy Asparaous . I
Large can Asparagus . ... 2
Selected Stock Tomntocs,., . I
Seaport Peas ,r . . I
Paciflo Sugar Peas ... -..... I
Sugar Corn I
Fancy Queen Olives, large bottle 22c
rirst class catsup , I
Dried Ocef, small glass I
Dried Beef, large glnss . Z
Peanut Butter, hulk, per Ib. I!
25c can K. C. Baking Powder 21
Royal Baking Powder, I lb. 4;
Royal Baking Powder, V, Ib. Z
i D. W. Baking Powder, I Ib. 21
uon Ami, cake I
Sapolio, cake . ,. (
We Deliver the
You Money.
M 1 1 nJts in Ek, m
Evening-50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50 (Bo&ts)
- Matinee - 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
et Grocery
Stove Polish, cako ... 0c
Hand Sanollo, cake .. Cc
Lye, can Gc
Polly Prim, can. . 5c
Corn Starch, pkg. flc
Gloss Starch, nku. .. . . 8c
Soda, pkg. 6c
Celluloid Starch, nku. 10c
Hcrshcy's Cocoa, V, lb.. 17c
Ground Chocolate, I Ib. .. 30c
Cal. Star Chocolate, cako 22c
Bal'er's Unsweetened Chocolate 22c
tSpico, pkg. " 7c
zoc ntiiie bxiraets zuc
15 oz. Seed Raising 12c
Not-A-'Sccd Raisins 14c
Matches, box ' 4c
Ark Soap, 0 bars 25c
Swift's White Laundry Soap, doz.45o
Crystal White Soap, tloz. 45o
Pearl While Soap, tloz. 45c
Swteliicnrt Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 1 0c
Trco Tea, Vi-lb. pkgs. 23c
Llpton Ten, I Ib. .. 63c
Lhiton Tea. lb. - . 33c
l5Cc Bulk Teas ... 38c
Large rolls Toilet Paper 7c
Bird Seed, pkg 10c
Citrus Washing Powdor.. . 22c
Ball Bluing, box 7c
Gal. Peaches -. , . . 35c
Ga. Tomatoes . . .30c
Knro Syrup, 5 Ib. pall ... 33c
roods. We Sell for Cash and Save
rive Us a Trial and Be Convinced
Knro Syrup, 10 lb. pail G3c
Log 'Cabin Syrilp, '2 tl'al. " 65c
Crlsco, small can 20c
Crlsco, medium1 can 55c
Crlsco, large can ' $1.10
Puffed Rfce, pkg. . 14c
Puffed Wheat, pkn. . . 14c
Cream of Wheat,' pfeg. ". . 17c
Aiders' Oats, pkg. . . 25c
Allicrs" Wheat .:'".. 1 25c
Liberty Oats, pkg. : 25c
P. C. Flour, pkg..-.... . 22c
Grape Nuts ... '. 12c
S. W. Biscuits ' .. .i-L.:. 12c
Corn Flakes .. .1L. 7c
Bulk Macaroni 7c
Pkg. Marnronl T lOo
2 lbs. good Coftco 35c
Hlgh-Gradc Coffee, I Ib. pkg.. ..25c
Dulk Craqkcrs, Ib. ' . 0c
.Fancy Assorted Cookies, Ib. 15c
Rice, 111. . G'jC
Rice Spaghetti, 3 lbs. 25c
Fancy Prunss, Ib. 10c
Fnncy Peaches, Ib. 10c
Extra value Broom 25c
White cr Yellow Meal, 9 lbs. 30c
Graham, 10 Ib. sack 35c
Wheal Hearts, 10 Ib. sack . 45c
P. C. Flour, 10 Hi. sack 45c
May Flower Oats,- 0 Ib. sack 38c
Good grado Flour, sack $1.25
High nrnUo Flour, sack $1.35
3 Days Only
Vhat the
Tin1 llirco limits it tiUn tn
M-rci-n tlio Tilm anvo a inn
Icr's liiiihluiit; loiicli to it
work, of ml. Dromon Jour
nal. TIip siliui ilrainn, 'fXho Ilirth
of II Nllt KUt," llUH iHJdOIII-
lihIii'd wluit flonli.)inl-blooil
mtor- in a luiiiiip v'orld nan
ih'vit hop to ilo.-rI'(irlluinl
Ilnllianr, t.iihinhilnl 8w
laclo anil (Inimntfo iiioitlenlH
of htii'nih nnd bdnnCy is
"Tho lllrtli t ti'Natluu."
5IirvnloiiH ciituituiniuiuit.
, Positively
The Greatest
Show on