Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1916, Image 1

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flrmon HlstnlrrI Satlil
2075ecridil tJi
Medford Mail Tribune
MAxImuni Yesterday 71;
Minimum Today 4 1.
" '.
rortr-stxth Tar.
Unlly Klflvcntli Yfr.
NO. 107
Clcarlnn of Turks From Armenia Ac
complished by Russians When
Great Central Fortress Is Cap-
turctl Russians Contlnuo Success
ful Drive In Volhynla, Taking 4000
Additional Prisoners Hlndenburu
' Repulsed on Rlna Front.
Enllrc Village of Pozlcrcs'Now In the
Hands of Allies Territorial
Troops Capture Two Trenches
British Now Domlnato the Highest
Point Overlooking German Lines.
l'FTROGRAD. July 20. Tho
Turkish fortress of Kmillinn. ill dell
tral Aimonin, Inn been captured by
tlio Russians. TIiIh was announced
officially by tbu Hussion wnr depart
inent. Tlio offlcinl statement announcing
the cnpluro nf F.rzingun sny:
"On Tnosdoy our gallant 'troops
under command of General Udcniteh
in took in bnttlo tlio town of Krzin
gnn. Ah n result, thovclenilng of tlio
Turku from Armenia has been uicoin
)1IhIh'i1, "Tlio cinpuror yesterday sent tlio
following telegram to tlio eomiiiundev
in rhiuf nt Tiflis:
" Ml is with joy tlint I hnvo heard
of tlio taking of Knungnn. From tho
bottom of my honrt I congratulate
you mid tho liorolo Cniienalnn nnny
upon your victory. I inn delighted
Hint tlio tronps bo quickly justified
tho confidcin'o placed in them."
In Southern Yolliyiiln
VKTHOGRAD, July '-'0. Tim Rus
hintiH uro continuing their successful
ilrivo in southern Volhyuin, preninK
linek tho Teutonic. forces nenr tlio
Nfonevku river, n branch of tho Styr,
uliieli tho Russians arc crossing, tho
wnr office nnnounced todny.
Great Josses Imvo been inflicted on
tho retiring hostilo forces.
IIouvv losses in prisoners wero
HiiHtiiincd also, tlio announcement
Htiitox, (Icnernl Sukhuroff capturing
muro Hum 1000 officers nnd men.
Tlio forcoH of Oencnil Von Roelun-
Knuolli nro being attacked by tlio
Russians in Gnliola, ten mil on north
. of llrody.
Gumma foroos under Field Mundinl
Vii IllndcnhurK nttneked tlio Hus-
mIiiii linos nenr Keimnoru, twenty
miluH -west of Riga, nnd nriirlv sue
vceded in penetrating tho Russian
front lino, tho wnr office nnnounced
lmhiv. lint finnllv were eoimiellcd to
vet root by tho concent ration of tho
luinu Are.
Tho statement soys:,
10(10 ,l'i Imiiiois Taken
"In tlio legion of Kemmern, nfter
artillery preparation, tho Germans
inudo two attacks nnd weiu on tho
point f forcing buck our front lino
ilutiiclimcntH when, owing to our con
vontrnted fire, tlio enemy was com
pelled to full bunk, Icnvinir iminv dead
nnd wounded. During those buttle
tlio OonniuiH used oxplosivo bullets
ntiil l(nr.iiri)iliifinu' shells.
"NorthwoHt of llurniiiiviuhi u fiorco
'artillery bnttlo wiih 'waged on both
"sides, together with engagements bo
tueon front lino dutiudiiucnU, Dur
ing those nttnokf our detachments
inudo small advances.
"Six enemy, aviators throw thirty
two bombs on tho Ginnirii station.
KIovcli ncropluuofi also throw sov-
enty-uno bombs on -tlio station ut
"During tho night, after fioreo
lighting in tlio region of tho villngo
'Of Fonskl,' boutliwost or Darnnoviciii,
n coiiipiHiy of tho enemy crossed tho
Tivor Sliurn nnd uppronohed our wire
cntiinglciucnt, but wero repulsed by
'our ritlo and gqn fire.
"In tho rcgion(o tho. river Slon
ovko, n brunch of tho Styr, our
troops crossing to tho Joft bank of
tho livur, continue to press tho ro
trailing enemy, which suffered great
losses. '
LONDON, July 20. TUo vlllago ot
I'ozlcrca Iiob been captured by tlio
British, according to nn official an
nouncement nmdo today by tho war
rio toxt uf tho statement follow-
( "Tho whole village of Po7lorco la
now In our hands. Went of tho vll-
Ibro our territorial troops made a
furlhor advance and captured two
r l rone trenches and a number of
prisoners, including fivo officers.
Rlsowhcro on tho battlo front there
Is no change."
Tlio capture of Pozlcrcs, In tho
Sommo river region, roportcd today
by Field Marshal Sir Douglas HolB,
Mm Tldtlali fnmilintlt1pr In Clllof 111
Franco, gives tho Drltlih troop dom
ination of tlio hlRltest point ovorlook
Ing tho plateau on which tho aarman
lines oxtend to tho eastward.
Stmtcglc l'olnt Taken
Somo ot tho most stubborn fighting
In tho recent Ilrltlih offonslvo which
now has lasted nearly a month, has
occurred In tho streets of this vil
lage which tlio Germans have forti
fied until It heenmo one ot tho strong
est points of tholr lino.
Kvory house had to ho fought for
and taken separately and tho Hrltlsh,
after obtaining possession of a con
siderable portion of tlio village, woro
subjected to sevoro counter attacks,
which thoy withstood successfully for
sovcral dnys and then In turn again
solzcd tho Inltlatlvo until tho wholo
nlaco.foll bororo their onslaught.
Tho Gorman general staff regards
tho possession of I'ozlores of such
Importance that they oven brought
reinforcements from troops which
had boon fighting in tho Vordun sec
tor and thCHO hold tenaciously to part
of tho village until driven out or cap
tared In tho band to hand fighting.
l iusssEIsLHsnsBlw&?MMrMHfllM )&JSijR LrHsPsssOHssssr IssBksVSHF. sssBssH
A - lUrmrr iffja iswmiinni t iSTyTT- -'"'''"''IsWsflWslWllfsffTfriV - tbLJKBtfL. KS -mBv JmHR
,M 'V HsHKBSy i iBBBv,! !. f iMssssssMsMMMHBsBBBRyTr "V WssHHMP jpjJMPTlJpilMIBMttj
9 iliiifflB'JSNr BausHilflBHIs9issssK9slsHsHssssBPIe J ttllKKKKftSrfXt irBiBt
.KKLtEBB.'WUMiBBESRBMBIBt'QKB4 rt . t -"fZ-HslsssssrMsBsMBsssWPAiiJr JsWfcy.fjCsrVrHlsgf dssLsssssLsM
JHnHIBSSvr ,. a. ' ' 'tsWssWJ&ffWsssWssWMsBgTVPjRr. kv46ilKJHssssssssV
IBsssssssssslsssHsHSHslssWaBsssssBHsSMslHsniisK)1 ' j! Vl TBrBrrnt I m JimMsMslMMlBTCifcf . . mF fHlsT fci .wTsfctTiBssMssnssssssssssSM
iBBBBBBHBBBBBBSHkHVUiBBkr BBBSBsQuHBEn' MJBni $ J. fc fc ' Vb4Hk' &QKKBBf9lE9KiffL.&n9QBBttntv&Kl
mm SHE
TI.Im. .no of tho flmt nuthctitlc plcttii of tho UrltlAh drlvo against tho Uci-mniM In Fnmro fro iiiVprm to tho Homino rlyer, riiom lino of
ll,o Mg new howitzer imsl by tho llrltUh. It nun with giuw of UiIh iypo lluit tho IlrllUli lioml-nnW Ouriimn MmnKiiouw mm cionrc .. o ,
for Infantry nilvnnccfi MlitcU cnpturctl first nnd cconrt lino trenclicD. 'io iimuizcni nro i iK w " " -
utecl ctirs nwdo wiMflnlly to trniwport them.
Dciitschland .Cleared at Customs
House With "Carts ef Gt-iwral
Merchandise" Time ef Departure
Definite, States Captain Kewtft
Escape Believed Difficult.
1916 IS $78,687
On French Front
PARIS, July 20. Tlio night was
calm on. tho Froncli front south of
tho rlvor Sommo, says an official
. tatcmont issued this afternoon by tho
Froncli war department. In tho cap-
turo by tho French or a group or
houses south of Kstrces on Monday
1S7 Germans woro mndo prisoner and
three, new Gorman guns vcro takon.
WASHINGTON. July 2C In reply
o a complaint from Mrs. Honry Smith
or Wlnamac. I ml., who lias a sou In
tho Natlonnl Guard, President Wilson
wrote today that tho guard was being
kept on tho Mexican border to protect
tho country, not for drill, nnd that
tho Bcrvlco tho men woro performing
-was an honor to thom and a necessity
to the United fitntos. -
Tho president's lotor wob made
public to -answer tho criticism that
National Guardsmen nro not being
cared for properly. It follews:
"Your lotcr of July 23rd distresses
mo a groat doal becauso It shows that
you Imvo' not been concisely Informed
as to tho purpose of having tho Na
tional Guard at tho border. It Is not
for tho liurposa of drill but for tho
purpoto of protecting tho country.
Tho sorvlcn tho men aro performing
thcro Is an honor to thom and a ne
cessity to the United States. I cannot
bolloVo that tho men In tho National
f Guard would wish to ho excused from
It or would loso heart hocauso of tho
discomfort and Inconvenience of tho
Bcrvlco. y
"Tho war department has tho
camng on tho border under tho most
careful inspection and Is using every
means known to mako thom sanitary
and safo against disease. Tho health
rocord of tho men on tho border,
both tho rogulurs and the National
auardsmou, Is exceptionally good.
"I would not Imvo you think that
I do not sympathize with your dis
tress in tho'ausonco ot your son, but
I bee that you t.111 tako thoso larger
maters Into cousldoratlon.'
WASHINGTON', July 10. Appor
tionment among tho stales of tho first
year's appropriation of $r,0()0,000
carried by tho nuw good roads oat
was nnnounced today by tlio depart
ment of agriculture, whielshas eertl-
fied the figuroH to tlio treasury de
partment mid Ktnto officials.
To bo entitled tojfs bharo, ench
slato nniht proviilcinn amount equal
to that put up by the fcdornl govern
ment. n. -I . .1... 1 1 .!... com
027 , Now York sceond, ffi50,720; l "thorn, nml we i will get them will
, SAN FRANCISCO, July j0. Chief
of Police White nmplified todny his
Mtalemcnt of last niglitthiit tbu police
would have in eustody within two or
three tlnyn tho porpetrutow of tho
bomb outrage of last Saturday in
which Kcvcn were killed and more
thnn fortv iniured durintrii nreiiar-
ediiess parade. "Wo willgrtjjnj, mail
who actually placed tho bomb and wo
will got bin ticcouiplices, too," tlio
chief declined.
"Thoy uro well known to us and
LONDON, July 20. "Great Brit
ain is not tiring of the wnr. On the
contrary, the country has never been
more Impel ul nnd uuited," naid Lord
Derby, former director of recruiting
nnd now under -oeereiiirv for wnr, in
nn interview today,
Pennsylvania third. 2:i0,04l, nnd
Illinois fourth, $220,020.
Koforo making the division, Secre
tary Houston deducted .1 pur cent, or
$140,000, Kct nsido by tho net for ad
ministration. Then tho $1,850,000
wiih allotted to tho states on a basis
of ono-third respectively in tho ratio,
of nrcn, population nnd rural do
ltvury and Atar mall ronton.
Among other stnto nllottmcnts nre:
California, $151,00:1; Idaho, iKlO.-HKl
Umifnnn. !IH.'JH7! North Dakota.
$70,113; Oregon, $78,087; South Da-
kotn, $80,010; Texas, $2.1)1 ,!;
Utnh, $30,0.ri0; Washington, $71,881;
Wyoming, $01,100.
Tho fimt installment ii for tho fis
cal year ending Juno !I0, 1017. For
(lin fnur Kiici'i'filiiiL' venrs tho follow-
ing amounts to ho apporlioncd in tho
name innnner were autherized: 1018,
$10,000,000; 1010, $15,000,000; 1020,
$20,000,000; 1021, 2J5,Q0O,O0O.
In nddition, $1,000,000 is nppro
priotcd each year for' tun years for
tho development or rural roads in tlio
national forests.
NBW YORK, July 20. Tho epl
domlc ot lnfanttlo paralysis continued
to galu hoadway today. Although
yesterday's high rocord of deaths was
not equalled there wero moro cases
roportod. Tho dally bulletin of tho
hoalth department shows that during
tho 24 hour porlod ondlng at 10
o'clock this morning, tho plague kill-
od 35 children and there woie 162
now cases renorted In tile liva
boroughs of New York City,
The plague apparently shifted Its
center from Brooklyn to Manhattan,
a gradual Incroasa In now casetand
deaths bolng no'tod there dally com
pared with a decrease In Brooklyn.
Tho most Important contribution
to Information on' Infant paralysis
was made public today in a state
ment by Dr. Simon FJoxner of the
Rockefeller instltuto, that tho dlrf
easo Is spread primarily by personal
contact ot child with child.
The Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals announced that
fear of the epldemlo had caused a
tremendous increase In calls upon It
to mako way with cats and dogs.
Since the first of July, 73,00 Ocats
and 8000 dogs have been put to death
by the society's agents. Men sent out
by the society pick up on an average
3700 animals a day. Last year the
society collected during tho first 24
days of July only 33,000 cats and
LONDON, July 2C Six civilians
have been exoctitod by tho Gormans
at Ghont charged with "war treason,"
according to a Reutor Amsterdam dis
patch quoting tho Telcgraaf.
Tho dispatch also says that tho
Germans have removed a la.-go num.
ber o men, women nnd ciuiiiren
from the cities for agricultural work
In Germany.
in three days. They nro right hero
in San Francisco.
Tlio reward for tho rontliro of tho
bomb exploders totaled $14,100, to
day, whilo tho relief fund started by
Muvnr Knliih for the aid of the fam
ilies of tho bomb victims had reached
Nowlim fl. Poller, mnnnecr of tho
San Francisco Ilrnzing & Welding
Works, turned over to tlio police to
day u sample of what the polico be
lieve is a bomb that Potter made for
two men about two mouths ago. It
is n ten-inch pieco of pipe threaded
ami capped on both cuds with a hole
bored in one end to provide, tho men
told Poller, for n vacuum uxjiiosivu
Tho ownurs of tlio Himinlo told
Potter thoy wore experimenting and
that if ho was biiecessful in turning
out tho right product lliuy would buy
many of thom. Tlicv never returned
a second timi for their sample.
LONDON, July 20. An Algiers
dispatch to Lloyds says that tho
hriti&h fatcamcr Olive has been (.unk,
iier crew being saved.
t ' '
Tho Olive was. a Btcamcr of 2300
Ions. Her recent movements have
not been reported.
ST. JOHNS. N. II.. July 20. The
British steamer Tyne, which struck
on tho Muri ledges off Grand Mannn
during n thick fo Sunday, wus float
ed early today nnd brought intq thW
port. She wns leaking badly.
m.rA'ELAND. July 26. Rclcuq
forces wont to tho waterworks crib
No. 5, out In Lake Rrlo this forenoon
In hopes of bolng ablo somo tlmo to
day to penotrato the remote ana
wracL-nrl nnrtlnllH Of tllO dCatll tllllllCl
where the bodies of the 'unrocovered
dead ot Monday night's disaster still
Waterworks officials stated today
that they bellevo there aro olovon
bodies still In the tunnel Instead of
twelvo as previously estimated.
Should this prove to bo tho case tho
total death roll of the horror Is twen-ty-ono
Instead of twenty-two.
Hope that the remalnlug dead may
be recovqred within a few hours was
strengthened today when workmen
were ablo to replace the bulleeyo In
the air lock, broken yesterday to al
low the poisonous gas to escape from
the tunnel.
' LONDON, Jul 20. An official
btutemeiit ikmiciI bv tho Austro-Hun-gnrmn
general Muff says that only
100.000 soldier wore taken prisoner
by the Uuinn during their present
offensive, according to n Budapest
dispatch to the Morning ros,t. the
statement brands ns untrue tho claim
of the Russinns that thov took 200,-
000 prisoners and declare tlint on
the UOO-kilomuter front where tho
actual fighting occurred tho number
of Austrian and Hunguriaub engag
ed was less than this number,
TtKlM.1V. .Tnli. '0. Hritisli troops
Imvo established themselves in the
litton if Pozinrns. HllVS tllO official
Motcincnt issued today by tho Gor-
ninn nnny headquarters statt.
Further to tho east of Fourcatix
wood and near Iinguavnl-iriinor Hrit
isli attacks wero repulsed. Attempt
ed attunks on Trones wood wore ob
served, the statement adds, and fnia
l rat l by German fire.
The official statement regarding
nnnrntlmiH on tho wcstcni front snya:
"On tin Coniines-Ynros canal n
i.. ... . . .. i . i
large, tlntisli bastion wus uesinijeu
with Its occupants by the explosion
if n flurmnn mine.
"Tlio British have established
HicuifelvcH in Po.iorcs. Further cast
minor oncmy attacks on lourcnux
wiuiil nml nenr Lonsueval wero ro-
lnilhcd. Attcmpled attacks on Tronos
wood wore observed and irustrnicu
by our fire.
"South of tho Homme, wiutuwcsi
nf in MiiUnnctto fann. on tho night
if July 25 w"o hold tho ground won
nguinht French attempts to rccapturo
it. Lively hand grenade fighting oc
vurred koiiIIi of Kstrces yesterday.
"French occimicd tlio uruter made
bv tho oxnlosion of one of their
lumen on Lu Fillo Meno lioigni in tlio
Argomie, but wero immeiiiateiy unven
mil hv n Ooniinn counter-mine.
"On tho loft bank of Hie Moiso wo
liiiidc a little progress on Hill 301
"On the. rhibt lunik or the river
there waslnrtillcrv fighting during
tho night in the Tliiiiuiinmt wood."
PORTLAND. Or.. July 20 Attar-
ncy General Brown nnnounced today
at Salem that the deci.ion of Stnto
Cirmilt Judge Robert Morrow, hold-
ing that u niuniifni'tuivr or tlavonng
extracts is ontitlud to import nlcohol
used in his biisinos will mako no dif
ference in enforcement of tho prohi
bltiou law, ponding an uppctil to tho
state sujiremi' court.
DALTIMORB, July 20. Tho Gor
man mcrcbnnt submarine Dcntaeh-
land was cleared at the customs
Iioiibo this afternoon by Captain Paul
Kocnig, her commnndor.
Tho customs officials xnid tho
Doutachlnnd cleared for "Bremen or
any other port in Gcnnnuy," nnd was
loaded with n cargo of goneral mer
chandise. "Tho timo of my dopatturo Is def
inite," snid Cnplnin Koenig in reply
to a question nsked by customs of
ficials for the bcnatit or tho Pilot
association. Collector Ryan, with
tho nnnrovnl of tho trcnmiry depart
ment, granted tho request of tho
commander that tlio mibmnnnon
manifest bo withheld from publication
'.'for a reasonable tunc.
Narrow Channel
Tho Dciitschland, td leave Cheaa
pcako hay, must tnivcrso nn extraor
dinarily narrow channel. When tbu
dnsh is made for tho open cn, with
jifriscopo submerged, as it may havo
to be, tho nndomea craft must havo
nt least thirty-five feet of water in
Which to travel, without being ob-nm-vcil
from tho surface.
Tlifrn In nnlv one channel out of
riiisiiininkn hav that lias that dentil.
and this channel is only one and
tbrcq-qnortcr mlloa wide. It la at
tho nontliorn cntrnnco to tna uny, ui
rcclly off Capo llrjiry.
Just outftide tlio channel U (ho
llm.rumilo limit, whore allied war-
ihipyj, destroyers nnd motor patiols
aro reported waiting to pounce upon
nnd destroy tho Gonnan merchant
man. ' Milton and ncta nro said to huvo
been placed outsido tho threo-iniln
limit whore tho uIIIch believe they
will do tho most good.
fniitnln Paul Kocnlir of tho aubma-
xine calmly states ho low no fear of
warshipi. Ho could avoid litty or
them, ho says.
Nets Ha I1 to Ilo Placed
Franklin. 1). Roosevelt, assistant
secretary of tho United States navy,
has stated It would bo impossiblo to
place submanno nets oiitRido tlio
three-mile limit. But tho British and
French havo accomplished tho impos
sible, according to uithoritativo
sources. Roosevelt held that it would
bo impossiblo to "plunt" nets outsido
tho thrce-milo limit, and oven if it
woro, the cost of tho notn would bo
Should tho Dciitschland Kiiccecd in
evading the enemy off Cape Henry
und Capo Charles, Bho will Mill nave
ahead or her a journey xineu wiiu
If she attempts to return through
tho F.nglish channel ho will havo to
escnpo n maze of nets ami mines nnd
mnny urmorcd inotorboats.
If she skirta the British isles to tho
north sbo will havo to go hundreds of
miles out of her way nnd will havo to
run the North sea blockade.
From the moment tho Dcutschlniid
is reported out of Chefiapettko hay
the ullii".' fleets will be on tho look
out for her. When she loft Bremen
bho had the advantage of secrecy
concerning her Intentions.
Besides tlicno foreign dangers,
there uro tho ovcr-prascnt memicoH
of internal troubles such as oxploB
ioiib, engine trouble, panic, etc,
William Hendrlckton of Kden
precinct U lu Medford this afternoon
buying supplies for his orchard.
SANTO DOMINGO. July "0. Fed-
ericn Henrique, Curvajal was pro
claimed provisional president of
Sunto Domingo by rongroup tqday.
President t'arvajal succeeds Juan
Isidoio Jiminc;. Ho was elected by
the chamber of deputies on May 27,
but i;ontinnntiou by the senate was
postponed at the lequest of Admiral
t'operton, the American nniil commander.
WASHINGTON, July 20. -Sceic-tury
Daniels announced today that
the armored crui&cr North Curollpa
would do neutrality duty for tho
present outside the Virginia rapes.
The navy department would make no
comment which cbuld connect the or
der to tho jniUer with the U'ccnt
diit-lt of it Ilritith cruiser into Ameri
can waters.
i i i f
Fred Smith, of Ashland, Is spend
ing the day In Medford on biulnnss.
F. S. McArlhur Is a Medford visi
tor today, having arrived this morn
ing from Aberdeen, South Dakota.
LONDON, July 20 S. S. McCluro,
tho American publlshor who was do
talnod for some time by tho British
authorities on his arrival at Liver
pool on tho American liner Philadel
phia, must tetum o the United States
Saturday- on board the samo vessel.
In tho meantime he Is sojourning at
un unnamed watering placo Inland
"for his health," according to a state,
ment 'made by government officials
The British homo office declluod to
grant a permit for Mr. McClnre to
stay In England, , ,