Unl- r-ult, n( OrffiOH Lihrtf Medford Mail FORECAST Klllt TODAY AND TOMOltltOW. WEATHER Mutlmuiii Yesterday Hit; Minimum Today nil, Kortyitxth Ter. tlallT Wvnth Yr. ' i MEDFORD QftEUOX. '.TKSDAY. JVLY 2.'). lOlfi xo. ion , Tribune M I' ' ' ! 4 -.- f , nil: H It ALLIES GAIN IN SMASHESALONG IHE FRONTS British Repel Counter-Attacks and Gain Ground at Pozicres French Make Progress South of Somme Italians Capture Monte Clamont Germans Admit Russians Penetrate LONDON', July '.'.V The IliitUi lire holding nil tlio gionnd nitiecl along the Somme front in northern France against desperate counlor-nt-tack hy the Gnnnnns necording to today's official statement from Lon ilmi. Tlie gi enter part of the impor Innt fortified town of Porietes, which stands on high ground vital to n fur ther ml vn nee toward llnpnume, is in lhitlf.li rtosaefdnn. North of the town, despite the strong opposition hy the Hermans ndditionnl ground Iuin hcen gained. South of the Somme the Freueh have made progress, hnth to the north and Muth of Snyccourl. At Verdun there are indication of an operation of importance northeast of the citadel, h violent bombardment being reported. On the Atistro-ltulinii front, Home announce.! the onpture fiom the Aus trians of Monte Cinnionl. The ltorlin official statement ad mits Uusxian troops have penetrated Herman first line positions defended liy Heneral Von Linsingen's troops. Merlin declares n combined French and Knglish attack uoith ot' the Somme broke down. Itrltish Iteport. LONDON, July 'Jo.Ilritish tioopi have captured the greater part of the village. atUaiUynifc, biijk the JlrjtWh oifioiul statement, issued tins ititor iioon. Tho (let man Iroijlit up rein forcement, of infantry nnd guius hut the counter-attacks everywhere, the sfntjimont add, were lepnlsed hy the British. Ohiuni Itepoit. UKHL1N, duly 25 . Hussion troops succeeded in penetrating the Herman front on n tainnll part of the front defended by the troops under coin uinnd of Oenernl Von Linsiugen, ac cording to the official statement is sued by the Herman army headquar ters staff. An Knglish and French combined attack made yesterday north of the Ilivor Somme in Fiance, says the of ficial statement issued today bv the Herman headquarters, Jirnko down. llwvdnn Heot, PP.THOOHAI), July 25. Some 'Ifiibslhir detachment, already have fcHtht)d position, about ten miles Train 'the Tutkieh fortified town of HrWlignn,' in Armenia, says the Hus 'Siflll'tlffiofoil sUlcmont given out heie today; HQMK, July 25, via London. -Italian troop., have onptmed Monte Clroono from the Austrian, as the official Italian sttitoioent issued to day. FltMICIl ltCMlt. PARIS, July 25. On tho south hnnk of the River Somme e tarda y evening French troow captured a bloek of houses soutlmf Kstrcon nnd drove the Hermans out of trenches north of Yenuandoviller. say the French official statement issued this atternoon. IEN MILE MARCH SAN ANTONIO, Tx Juh 25. The firm ItliuoU brigade, which ye terdji) went on a ten-mile march, lot almost a third of iu members tkiotujtfa soldier, tlropptng out for lift in ttuioaMlHl dud ambulances, itMiwal its HirH to Lom Springs twUy. Rugular army offVers aorU yes tenlay's reauUc entirfly to tit so tne4 eoii4ition of the men. Tb fact that none of ciajdiiy'N stragglers wtre returned to the baa Hlal during the night coin uued oin, artsy affiowfs tbat moat ot $um were shirkers raihcr than vietims of beat and fatigue. 10 ADVANCE CIA ! u'AQtitvnTnv i.ii.. nr . Representatives of three big American bnnking houses in formed Acting Seoretnry Polk today that they were willing to advance n .:tu00O,OI)O loan de sired by Cliitm to rehabilitate the finance of the republic Their proposal, which is under stood to hnve the full approval of the state department, is to furnish immediately $.1,1)00,0011 urgently needed and the remain der as desired. Hands of the Chinese republic will be accepted as security for the loan. f -r-r-r 44- OF BLACK LIST GIVEN BY LORD CECIL LONDON, July 25. Replying to questions in the h"lisc o commons, Loid Robert Cecil, minister of war trnde,said today that the American press criticism ot the HritUh black list wnw based largely on misappre hension. The act under which the Ktatutoi" list of American firms was issued, he said,. was passed last I)o cemhur and list lefcrring to most 'neutral countries had been publish ed. Nor weie the provisions of the act, he added, unduly stringent. The French law, the minister said, provided that nil persons of "enemy nntionjility," wljorevor living, were etieuiiijs of Frnjtco, und tJia,rit Sfris illegal t,or V rcncJimcii to ,u.'ul with 111 the (JJritjh y)e, only persons who. nnd sliijwn (lieuisejycv liuMHc to Hioat Dritnin were put on the list Nefther did Grunt Dritain eek'' hy these its to interfere with the free dom of action of neutral nations, Lord Robert said, it bought only to secure that Ilritish goods and credit be not used for support and enrich ment of those actively assisting F.ng laud's enemies. If any persons were unjustly in cluded in the lists, the minister said, their names would he removed nnd great eaie would he taken in apply ing the law to existing contracts, Je was informed that Hennanv had taken similar action. cmur.MirA city. mpv. Jniv 25. Oenernl Jacinto TreMiio announced today that he had received oiders from General CarrauxM to make every jMMsiblo effort to paeifv and rehab ilitate northern Mexico. The first step necessary to comply with thco orders, he added, is the extermina tion of Villa and bis bandit and ie ports from General llatia Ramos, in active coiuinand ot the command in northern Ourango, indicate that this on the crgw of conipletiou. The dispatches elated that be cause of" bis recent hard riding Villa's injured leg gives him great pain whioli eaitsaa him to en- out fre quently. No surgeon being avail able, he has been coerced to lance it hinwelf several Jimes recently with crydo knives to alleviate the pain. General Travino issued a formal statement denying Amenean reports that he bad been summoned to Mex ico City and that either General Luis Ilerrera or General Luis CahaJlero had been appointed to supersede aim. MEXICAN SLAYER OF PARKER FAMILY LOCATED COU'MIUS, X. M.. Juh .V-Joso Valenziiela. charged with the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Willium Parker, haa been lm-ated on the ranch Del Dos Adolo, tilt unle. northwest of Casas Orandcs, Mes. This report rr.ich. l here early today from relia ble sourees. The Parkers were kilkn) six weeks ago on the limbic ,d.be r.iin li in-ill IIj lill.t, N M. BRITISH WW VILLA SURGEON FOR OWN WOUNDS 24 PERISH BY E Cleveland Waterworks Under Lake Erie Scene of Fatality Explosion Kills Workman Trapped In Tunnel and Memhers of Two Rescue Par ties Trying to Save Men Trapped. CLKVKLAND, O., Jul 25. Twenty-four men nro dead and nt leant half a dozon othera are dying h the rc milt of an explosion of gas In n water workH tunnel five miles from shore, underneath Lake IJrle last night, re cording to a Rtntomeut nmdo by the police this morning. HeHeuers working with oxygen hc.. niets hnd at 10: 1R o'clock liroitg.it eight liodle from the tunnel. No more have been found ullvo. The to tal number of hodlea in the morgue In now ton. Three men rescued by re lief parties have died In lionpltnln. Among tho doad Is fiustav C. Van nuzen, Huporlntondent of waterworkB construction, who was nt the head of ono of the relief partlon. None of .Men Kscact. The dead include workmen who were trappod In tho tunnel when gas exploded and motnbern of two roxcuo liartles who attempted to navo the men flrnt trnpped. None of them es caped, Tho first roecue party con sisted of seven men. Four of tliom porlshod and three were savod. The second resciiqpnrty comprlsod elevon mon. Six on'hose lost their lives and flvo esoap'od. The first rescue party accomplished nothlpg. The second saved one of t)ie. first relief expedi tion. Of the eight rescue who got out nllvo, two died Inter. Tho others may die. Two men who did not go Into tltftuiniel weri also OWn'crimo by ftimofe'. third rescue 'pnrty entor !l .the. tlinnol and brought out alive (lustav C. Van' Uuzbri, superintendent , of waterworks (onstructlon, wild hail Headed the sWond kollef force. Van Duzeu later died from Ills nxporlonce. One body was also brought out by tho third rescue party. This wns n mem ber of the socond roscuo crow. Tragic I'iiIo of Itcscuei's, Tho tragic fate of tho rosouors In tho first and socond InstnncoH was duo to the fact Hint they- worked without oxygen helmets, which were unavailable. The third roscuo party was oaulppod with helmets which had boon assomhlod, but nearly elevu hours had elapsed following tho ox plosion before sufficient equipment to outfit the third roscuo party was at hand to permit u descent Into the tun nel. The cause of the oxploslon has not yet been ascertained. It Is supposed that some workman struck a pocket of gas with a pick or possibly gas collected n the tunnel and became Ig nited by an electric spark. Tho tun ned was equipped with electrically driven mnohlnory for excavating. The first Intimation of the disaster caino when William J. DoUui, look tender In the air chamber at tho on trnneo to the tunnel, heard the dull boom of an explosion This was about 9:80 p m T MJATTLK, Wash., July 26. -The wilice today were inclined to accept till deathbed statement of I. Such iro, the JaMiiese watchman, at a warehouse raided yesterday in the eaten or ciiMironami minor, mat ue shot and killed Police Sergeant John r. Weediu and erioul injured Po lice Chauffeur Robert Wiley last night ia the belief that ibev wore highwaymen coming to the assistauee of wen who had been attempting to enter the buildiug. Indications of nu attempt to force omii u window we, re found by the police today. The two policemen went not iu uniform and it is believed that Sucbiro, who spoke little l!ngiih, did not understand the officers when they made known their kleutity jut before the shooting be gan. The police be been unable to find tin mo men ubo etopped the nolieauien automobile and. awiettlod for help, j using the oflicci to at tempt In Ji -.i j in the Jupaiii - . ON IT IN UNCLE SAM TO SECURE DANISH WEST INDIES Treaty Purchasing Three of Antilles for $25,000,000 From Denmark for Use as Naval Base, Sent to Sen ate for Ratification Treaty Prac tically Certain of Acceptance. WASHtNOTOX, July 2.1. Official announcement was made at the white house today that negotiations have practically been completed for the purchaso of the Danish West Indies by the United Slates from Denmark for ?2S,0OO,n00. A treaty closing the transaction probably will be signed today and sent Immediately to the. senate. Whllu dctafls of tliu.ltr.onty were not given nut, it Is uiitlefstood that the United Slates would come Into complete possession of tho Islands. Word has been received from Den mark that the treaty Is practloally cortain of being ratified by the Dan ish parliament, Three Isles In (irou(i. The threo islands of tho Danish West Indies,. St. Ctolx, St. Thomas, and St John, lie (Inn cast of Porto Itlco and their value to the t'nltod .States Is strategic from a military point of view. The harbors of St. Thomas nnd St. Croix nru of first Im portance to the American navy and St Thomas, Itself, lies In the lane of shipping from Kurope to the Panama eannl. Important Cermau and Eng lish and French mall companies have coullng stations there. The ncquislyou of the- Islands by tho 1'nlted States has been the sub ject of uiiscccossrul diplomatic nego tiations since tho Civil war. Negotiations lU'guu. Secretary SQwnrd begun negotia tions for acquisition of tho islands ill ilHOri,. because the naval oporitlons of tho war Imd 'shown tho ileiJtHttity ot a base In the West Indie. ' A treat.nwas. made and mtlflud by fion-i mtark.'but the Unltod States failed 'to net on It. in propor tlma-nud It lapsed Ineffectual offorta were made to re open the negotiations during Presi dent drain's time. In I'resldont Itoosevolt's administration Denmark offered the islands for 15,000,000. Tho 1'nltcd States senate this time ratified the treaty, but the Danish senate defeated it. Dnmnrk's huge oxpenses since tho lightning of the war are said to he responsible for her wltlliiKiK'SR to sell the Islands. NEGRO MILITIA SAX ANTONIO, Texas, July 2.". Members of the Klghth Illinois negro regiment involved In the little riot of last night when the provost guard shot down three of them, told of ficers linestlgHtiug the lucldont to day that they had been goaded into a display of their resentment by the series of derogatory remarks mailo to them by the white soldiers and civilians, as they passod along the street. A thorough Investigation by head quarters of the Second Illinois brig ade waa under way today. None of the injured men in the hospital aie In a critic il oiidltlou E RILEY'S FUNERAL IS HELD INDIANAPOLIS. Jnlr IT,. -The funeral of Jomos Wliltiionib Itiley, the Indiana pool, waa held at his home bore today. The simple ser vices were attended by relatires and a fow Intimate frlmitts. The funeral was private, but the placing of the body In u vault in Crown Hill ceme tery hero, was public. Large crowds aasembled near the vault. The body was plaead In the vault pending arrangement for Us final disposition. The vault was decorated with flowers of brilliant eelors, which the poet liked beat. BMHtlful rugs were spread on the floor. A abort prayer at the cemetery eonclotled the send ah , RESENT N DEATH LIST OF BOMB OUTRAGE GROWS TO SEVEN 'Captain Vauyh of Berkeley Suc cumbs to Wounds Caused hy An archist's Dynamite at San Fran cisco Perfecting Dragnet to Catch Perpetrator. SAN FUANCISCQ, July 26 Tho death list In the preparedness paradn bomb explosion of Saturday, grow to seven today with the death of Captain Heubon Vaughn of Berkeley whose leg was mangled by the scraps of steel and lead bullets sprayed by the bomb among the spectators and participants In tho parade. The con dition of Mrs. Klngsley Vanl.oo, of Krestio, ami Pearl Sceiuan was still considered grave today. "We are facing one of the nuNt difficult iiivcstigntinnN in police Iuh tory, hut eventually the peipetntor of the bomb outrage will be bioiighl to justice," no id Captain Duncan Mathewou, who Iiiih been placed iu charge of tho special "bomb bureau" at police hcadtUurtor. lie Iiuh undur him fifteen selected men from the detective force. Co-opcruting with the police are all the count v ami fed eral official wliixc hithiucfct. i the upprehciiHiou of lawbreaker. Hut helping more than anything cImc, iu the opinion of Captain MntlicMtu, is the rewind of $1:1,(100 that Iiiih been offered by the city, the ntnte and ui dividuul. Xo AitoU Vet .Made. No ariesls wo.ro made in San Francisco yestenlny in connection with the hiinih o.plnSnn, bpt in Fresno uu alleged 1. W. W. member, Osmond Jneohs, wan taken into cus tody hiHt night. Acuonllnjr to the )!vr ttfi.r'juiuio, hiKLfldl been over heard lo h.v of Saturday's, trngudv: "Mf, a iluuincjil good job., It might hae hucu hultey." He hn not been charged with cu,w)lieily jn tlie'af- ""' ii . i i . 'y' the notice hme in their uswion n number of thieutening . 1cUmi and notiCN, ent through the mails he fore the parade. It i true these, a well ns the reconstructed bomb which M'ltttctcd denth in the holiday crowd nnd through the dcMenptioiia furnish ed by witncHscN who saw I he bomb placed on the .Market street corner, that (lie police hope to find their first "lead." An-cM AnairhUts, Ah Mirt of the police program, nil anurehiHtie and lovnlutioiiHry grou in the city aie being pinned under surveillance, nunc or lost atrial. Wliile the police investigation are iu progioos, the funeral of four of the bomb wctiins were to take place today. Xo further deaths hnve oc curred since Saturday, though e eral of the injured are in a scrum condition and not expected lo live. A meeting of the aihiwory commit tee of 10(1 apHinled to assist the law and order eoiuiliitlee of the chamber of commerce in arranging for a mass meeting has nlso hcen called for loda. It is planned to bold the iims mcetiuir Wednemliiy to give cpic'nn ot the city's in dignation om-i the hniiili outrage. XIAV YORK, July M. liolh deaths and new eaoes inoteused toda in the epidemic of infantile paralysis. Dining the twenty-four hours period ending at 10 a. m. thirty-eight chil ilren weie killed bv the diseuse und L'tii olneken. Sn the beginning ot the epidemic a month .iu" (here lime been ti 17 death-, unl ID'IH ea-e. F LOAN FOR CHILE WARIIIN'OTiiN. Jul .'.'i. Jntoi mation that the I'll, miller eoiupMliv of Philadelphia ha- atreuged a $30, UOU.UOU louu at t mt ceut to the gov eruiuent uf Chile rr milrond devel nntneut wns n-ceived at the detain ment of eoiiuiieri e toduv from ('im- in i i.i I An, I. In II iv fii. ut S.uii iny... PRESIDENT INSISTS i UPON PASSAGE OF 4 WASHLN'OTOX. Julv 'i.V I'resident Wilson has dcflnitelv decided to remain in Wfiahing- ton. no milf (4i Iinw In t it eiiiiirrnoa " in in session, nnd will postpone "" nolifieiition of liiw reniiiniioilion until ufler.. udjoiinmicnt. The " preaident let it be known today " that he will insist on the ndoo- tion of the pending child labor and fedcrnl employoH compen- "" mi tion hills hy congress during "" the prcicnt session, A ciiueut of demoerutic Hpnn toiN Iiiih been called for tonight to consider including the child labor bill in tin ciou' pro gram. COLORED MILITIA I WASHINGTON, July 2.'.. Major (leuernl Kunstou today reported to tho war department regarding a dis turbance created by groups of the eighth Illinois national guard regi ment at San Antonio, last night, Iu wlilnli three of the men wore slightly wounded by bullets from the rifles of tho provost guard before order was restored. "About rc.'lO p. m. todoy (July 24) nftor having been pah), about 40 man of the Klghth Illinois (colored) were assembled Iu n saloon nunr ha, reser vation. Throats were mndo to throw out tho whlto-ftoldierH and its b lievoll that itoiit! disluilmurii 'oc curred. Reports came to guard house to send guards to stop tho distur bance l'atiol' of ' four or f lvj men went to the scene nnd tried' to dis perse the crowd, bill Without unuch success. I'atrot was Joined by jibout four ntoro memhera of the guard and nil trlod to get the men away by pushing thorn along. "Otiurd finally had to strike some men with tho butts of guns. Then members of the lClghth Illinois bogan to throw rocks nt guards. Guards finally flrod several cartridge ut logs of crowd. Crowd then dis persed. Officer of day and post com ninnder arrived on the scene shortly nftor. "Investigation is being made of tho whole nffnlr, whlph will Im, for warded later. All perfectly quiet n jw." 1 DELAY SAILING OE HALTIMOUIC. July Jf.-"Clrouni-stances, conditions over wblsh we have no control are keeping Ha In Ilnltlmore. There Is no onus for uluriii from any source. At the piopor time we will get away; there Is a time fur everything." Thus did Captain I'aul Koeulg, (omiiianilHi of the (ieriaau luerobant hUbmurlne Dutschlaiul, explain his luescnee. In Hsltlmoie today, when uhU'iI what Is ilels)IUK his sailing. TOF VILLA'S ACTIVITY KL I'AU, Te., July .V u of ficial denial of the (vfwri that a large Villa force was uiurebiug aguiut 'l'orreon was receded today fiom fleueral Alvaro Obregmi, inioistei of war, by Andres (Is rem, local Jleu- a n consul. Couul (laieie hud in formed Ohregoti thai such a reort wan itent to the war department ut Wushiujtton hy fleueral I'eisbiug. Ohregon's repl -ulf.tuiiti.tud pre ioiu reMirt tr.im ('hiiiiiuhuu I'ltj. Newswiei Ir.'in .Mimo t ' 1 1 today staled thui (leiieiul (libiie Uavirti, foriui r i ..iniiiaii.lt r oi tbe .inuy of northern Chihuuhuu, has beeu niade in-etor general of the euliru eon- -1 1 1 u t It.U.I li-t IIIIIIV. INJURED BORDER SALOON DEUTSCHLAND IRISH PROBLEM CREATES CRISIS BRITISH AFFAIR Status of Ireland Has Gone From Bad to Worse Since Revolt Makeshift Government of Judges and Military Rule Land Irish In Parliament to Desert Government. LONDOX, July or,. Apparently the status of Ireland linn gone stead ily from had lo worse ever Miiee the Sinn Fein rising on Hnster Kmiilny, for nt present the country h in tho hands of n temporary nnd makeshift government 'eompoHoil of a commis sion of jiulgiN ussi-tcil. hy .Major (leneiiil Sir John .MiLWel), comman der of (he Itrilisli fon-o.i in Ireland, who still is niniutninin'tf niilitarv con trol over movt of the onlluarv policn funelioiH. There is ho ylnofoy In the ptnee of Jlaron Wiuiboine, fotmcr lord Hcu tciiant of Ireland, nnd iih Premier As ipiith aniiouneod that the Dublin cas tle tcm of government wim an ut ter failure, none is likely to be ap pointed. The office of Augustine Hirrcll, ex-chief xcerotnrv for Ire land, icmiiiiix unfilled and lleihert Samuel, the head oT the home office, who has no speeiul knowledge of Irish affairs, repreamitB the interest of Ireland id the cabinet ami heforo the hoitho of commons, Ciitlcul Stage Hwichccl. flieat Ilriliiiu fiuiU itself nt one of the most critisiil stages of the war again dial meted by wranglingH over the old piohlcni nnd with npparenlly no, light abend. . The nntioiialiHt membort, in tluJi(iue of commona who uh u juirty thus fur hnve sup ported the government'! war and domestic liteiifiiiris.'hrontnn,to shift Ihciv posliioi! nili( to become mi opt positliin fmrty. Tlio position of the natioiihlist. moreover, is niinuiulmis. llisci'infent in Irelniiil over the gov ernment's dealinga' with the insurrec tion bus become so widespiead, ac cording lo nl wports, that the n.i tiniialiH hiue lost the eonfidcucc of their constituent and iirobabh would be repudiated if they atood for re election today. The Kuglish news pa pei of all factions blame the cab inet for Us management of the InJi ipiestiuu nnd regret the failure of u compromise, tho only conspicuous feature being the Morning Post, which consistently has demanded tbe government of Ireland bv n strong band nnd no home rule. Itcdninud'ri HpNcli. i' ' John ItediHoud, leader of the lush uoiiounltsUi iu hi.fpcoeh Inst night said; , , i,ti - i "I will not luutdy wo,ruV njioiil a breach of faith or tho, yjubilion of a -olenui agreement, lmt,iI t,WH the goxerumeut elearlv ti,,i.dfr.fiinil that thc hnve eutered npun u .'ourse which is hound to increase 1 risi mis. piei'in of the good faith of Ilrittsh stntesineii. To inflame feeling in Iie biinl would do serious mischiel. to tboe high imperial interest- which we are told necessitate a provisional settlement of this ipiestinn. "Some tragic fatality seems to dot; the foottep of this government iu ull their dealings with Ireland. H ery step taken by them since the coal ition wa- I'oimed, uud ospecially since tbe unfortunate outbreak iu Dublin bus been lamentable. They have dis regarded evidence we have tendered them, end no, having got us to in duce out icodf to make ,a tremen dous sur n lue ami to agree to the temporsrv exclu-ioii of the six Ul-r.ti'1- eotuiiie-, they thniw tju's agree incut to the winjls Hinl have taken tho -iiui meuiis to accentuate ovory piK-iblc dsuger and difficult in the lll-ll oltlLltlOll." T FUNERAL HELD TODAY DKN VISJt, Colo., July 25.- Tho fu neral of former United States Sen ator Thomas JL Patterson, who died, it In- Iwaoe hare SuiuUy, was to t.ike place today. Tbe services, in iiee.oiLiuce with the wishes of tho deceased, were to be Mliide. Anions me--ages pf s,Mupith received by iclutives vu a telegram from Pres ident WiUou. The slute cupitul waa to cise at noon, r & r