MEDFonn anvrfl tribune; MiroForm, omwoy. aiondw. ,in,v 21, mm ASSERTS MIL A SENT BORDER ON FALSE PRETENSES WASHINGTON, ,1ulv 24. C'lmrpcB tlmt the mitionul jjnnnl wii sent to 'the Moxienii border unilur false pro tunmiH were inndo by Sonntor Town Kund todny during debate on the hnny npproprintion bill. He urged flint the military forces not in actual service- ought to, he sent home. ( "It is now apparent to cvorjhody that the national guard in not going to Mexico and they weie mobilised under falnc pretenses," Kaid the en ntor. "Diplomntio correspondence be tween the United States and Mexico discloses that there never was any Intention of sending them into Mex ico." A proposal to cut in half a $.',000, 1)00 appropriation for Hinntl nrinn drew protests from Senntors Cum mins, Jones, Townscnd and others. Tho Kenate, however, by a olo of 2.") to 23, agreed to cut the appropria tion to $2,500,000. Senator Reed in sisted a majority did not know wlint Uiey were voting for nnd gave notice lie would make an attempt to get the liill out of the committee of the whole. Discussing increases in appropria tions for automatic machine guns, Senator Norris aroused Chairman Chamberlain of the military commit tee by saying the committee had pro posed increases in cases whore pur chases were to bo made from pri vate manufacturers nnd decreases where articles were lo bo manufac tured by Hie government. "I am tired of sitting in this sen ate listening to constant intimations from members opposed to prepared ness that this eommitteo is in con spiracy with munition maiuifnetiir ors," declared Senator Chamberlain. "I might as well accuse the senator from Nebraska and those who opposo preparedness with blowing up the people of California at the prepared ness parade." , j w NATION MORN (islnr. Mr. Murv l'nvnn. of Vork. DEATH OF RILEY, INDIANA'S POET NVw WASHINGTON', July aA-l'riml-dent Wilson today sent the following telegram to Henry lfltcl of Indianap olis, brother-in-law of the lute James Whitcomb Kilcty: "May I not express to voti inv in ecrc sorrow at the death of J nine Wliiteomli lliluv? With his departure a notable figure passes out of the na tion's life; a mini who imparted joy ful pleasure nnd a thoughtful Mew of many things Hint other men would have missed. I am sure I am speak ing the feeling of tho whole country in expressing my own sense of loss." INDIANAPOLIS, July 21.- Flags nil over Indianapolis and in maiiv other eittoe of the stain were nt half mast today in memory of Jntnos Whitcomb Kiloy. who died suddenly Saturday night. Preparations were begun early today at tho stale house for the body to lie in state there from It to 9 o'clock this evening. Although tho first plans were to have the bur ial at Greenfield, Ind., tho boyhood home of the poet, the plans were changed Inst night to make the burial heie. Finnl word is nwaited from a nttondod by moro than 1.0D0.000 PXTITC THUm INDIANAPOUS, July 2 . Jnmon Whitcomb Hlley, ngod C3, died Sutur da ovonlng, July 22, of paralysis. Air. Rlloy was born in 18511 but was reticent as to his exact ago. Ono of tho most unlqno celebrations In tho country wns hold In his honor October 7, 19115, when "Itlloy day" was observed by a bnnqunt in lndlnn nnolls, and In schools of the country children. Men prominent In business and politic from nit oyer the country paid tho poet homage nt tho colobra Hon and many congratulatory nics sago were received from abroad on Hint occasion. The dny In tho public schools wan observed by rending his poems. Tho poet's philosophy of life nnd his lnnruior of oxpromlng It In tlooslor dlntcct won for him years ago n plnco tn tho hearts of tho pub lic. Of Into years ho had not ap peared nt publlo gnthorlngs to nny grent oxtout but In nice wenther could bo neon on tho streets of In dianapolis In his automobile Mr Hlley nbvor mnrrlcd. Ills nenr ost living relative Is n sister, Mrs. Mnry Payne of Now York. BLACfIS T PUT FIRMS BUYING WASHINGTON, July 21. Vance MeConnick, chairman of tho dainn cnitic national committee, uonforred with Prosident Wilson, senators and representatives and other democratic leadors here on the democratic eiim pnign and dotailn of the plans for re electing u democratic senate and house. ANGLO WAR LOAN LONDON. July 21 Great unensi ness exist among American branch houses hero whoso home firms have any lluuuelal or tnidlug eoniiectiou with Genunny, hut they refuso to discuss the miostion of publication, Touring the onnscipiuncoa of any in- discreet utterances. Attention is called in thorn) circles to the appearance on the South American list of several firms de clared to he financed by Now York banking institutions which invested heavily in the Anglo-French loan. Discussing theso assertions, Lord Robert Cecil, minister of wnr trnde, stated today that it wus cpiite pes- -r? dbl the government had not pinned eertaln Ainorienn firms with clne Gerinnii conneetloiis oh the lint, for the tcrv good nmmin that tlioylmd proved frienils of the allies In rcgnrd In the Anglo-1-reach loan. On the other hand, he said, If other friends of the ullies wero suffering through the inclusion of some of their con nection on the list, the Urillsli gov ernment wn lowly lo make ncee arv amends. Lord Robert declared that niune might bo added to the list from time to time, while others might ho re moved. Ho admitted the possibility of making mistake in the rompili tion of the list, but slated firmly that its publication was much better than a possible extieme Inw provid ing Hint no British subject should trade with the enemy, no matter what his domicile, enforcement of which doctrine would entail much gronler hardship on innocent parties than tho present method. O. K. Pitts In a business visitor from Griffin creek this afternoon. SWEDEN TO ATTACK ALL SUBMARINES STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 21. -Consequent upon the ronl decree forbidding foreign belligerent subma rines, to pass through or to remain in Swedish torritoriul waters on pain of being attacked without warning, n general order tins been issued to tho Swedish nnynl and military foteife. It directs Hint foreign submarines in Swedish territorial waters, unlo&i recognized as neutrals or as moB ehaiit ships, are to be immediately at tacked. Two KI1I.n1 at Niagara NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.. July 21. Two men wero killed when nn olec trlc turnaco In the Achcson graphite plant hero blow up shortly beforo midnight. Tho plant was badly damaged. ims:kkkck!m $7000 REWARD (Conttmiod from pago one) storos In tho city ore being visited In an effort to find tho origin of tho motnln that composed tho bomb. Tho infernal machine, as pnrtlally re constructed by tho police evidently consisted of n ploco of Iron plpo, six or eight Indies In dlnmoter, chnrged with nltro-tuliiol, nltro-glycorino or some similar high explosive Mul lets, slugs and various kinds of scrap metal wero tho death doallng mis siles scattorod broadcast by tho fir ing or tho oxplosivo. This Is believed to hnvo beon sot off by clockwork. No Arrosts Yet Mado Nono of tho various clues offered lias as jet led to nrrosts. Tho only innn tnkon Into custody Is Frank W, Josofhon, n Finnish sailor, who was arrested shortly nftor' the explosion. Thor0 Is nothing to connect him with tho outrage, tho police admit. Following n mooting last night of tho law nnd order committee of tho chamber of commerce, recently or ganized to break tho stovedoro's utrlke, Chairman F. J, Koster an nounced that a call would bo Issued todny for n nines mooting of citizens Wednesday night to give expression to the Heiitlmont of tho busluoes com iiiunlty. ' "Tho outrage Is anothor expres sion of Hint disease our Inw and or der committee has started out to com bat," ho said. "We uro bound to stamp It out." t t' fi T T t f f i i ? I ! i I I I I I X t f f ? T ? ? T f f f f f t I t T ? HOT WEATHER SALE Hot-Weather Dresses ; for Children Cool clothes for children arc an absolute necessity in hot weather. They should be provided not alone with cool play clothes, but clothes for "dress-up" days as well. The hot weather sale pro vides values of timely importance. A Organdie Collar and Cuff Sets 50c The favored shapes large collars with pointed backs and tucked cuffs pointed and tucked. Also round shapes and other new ideas. They'll put new life into your springsuit. Other styles as a mat ter of course simply de signed collars at 25c to $1. Collar and Cuff Sets, 35c to $1.50. Summer Event of Timely Importance Hot Weather Needs Advantageously Priced This hot weather sale is in truth "a Summer event of timely importance," for it provides, unquestionably, "wanted hot-weather needs advantageously priced." The whole store contributes its share of underpriced seasonable items. This event will again emphasize the helpfulness of this store; it will demonstrate anew that such special events as this store inaugurates are de signed to further convince you of our willingness to provide values at all times in just the class of goods that are in most demand. What is more, the merchandise involved represents our own stocks, the very goods which have been so high in favor during the present season. You have probably planned to purchase, at regular price, just such goods as now carry new price tickets. And not alone have we provided worth-while savings, but we have en deavored to make the store cool and attractive, so as to make shopping one of pleasure and profit. Note the items listed, which are but an inkling of the scope of values provided. Plenty of Summer Hosiery White Stockings specially priced during the hot weather sale. Even if this wore not a big white sea son, white hosiery would bo a logical offering dur; ing this hot weather event for white clothes are rec ognized as being an aid in helping one keep cool dur ing hot weather. You will not need to be urged to share in values like these. White Silk Hose It will not be necessary for us to go into detail re garding the desirability of this offering. As a matter i of fact, wo are expecting an unusually heavy de mand. One dollar silk stockings and at a time they tiro in most demand, will sell without the need of any urging on our pnrf. The quality is all you could ask for and will give excellent service. A. .t f t T r t r f f ? ? ? T r Hot Weather Sale Brings Timely and Important Offerings in Women's Wash Suits and Dresses WAR'S COST ENORMOUS (Continued from paga ona simply to pros on with all our ro eourcos and with tho material at our command and victory will bo ours" Home Ituto Crisis Continuing publicly the suspicion that the cabinet has boon unab0 to roach a decision In regard to tho homo rulo amending bill, I'romlor Asqult in tho house of commons to- lay announced that the government womIiI not Introduco any bill of this kUd with regard to which thoro was substantial agreement among all lmrtlos. This was taken In tho lobbies f parliament to mean that homo rule W4 beet dropped forth moment and tfcat David Uoyd George's negotia tors had come to naught. 'fit stumbling block appears to bavt be the roUsiln In tho Im Ial rarllamwut f itlo!U rep rtativw is iUlab,a- autc. Mrs Jake .JkMtf, fcueur of tho a tearlUts, 4 na djournmaat of Ifca aouM ie rflso- tas premier 'a ro Wt ate" tee rrwalar business of the of ceeiett was concluded. t X f V r f X 54-INCH FRENCH SERGE AT $1.25 Possibly you've overlooked a. separate skirt or a new white serge suit; if you have, then. you will be very much interested in this serge at $1.25. It's an all wool fabric, very desirable finish. May be had in white, cream and dark blue. It will take but a min ute for our salesmen to help you select a design and tell you definitely just how many yards you will re quire. GEORGETTE CREUE, S1.75 A YARD If you want to learn what a real pretty material Georgette crepe is, then you must examine this qual ity at $1.75 a yard. It is forty inches wide and may be had in a very satisfying range of colors. Both in light and dark shades. Hequires but a couple of yards to make a waist; only a few yards more to make a full dress, while but a half to a yard to make the sleeves for a dress, or help trim any dress you might design. This is a silk buying opportunity economically in clined women will tako advantage of at onco. ROUGH PONGEE STRIPE SILKS, $1.50 A YARD In the natural color. We believe we've told you on previous occasions of the popularity of pongee silks; and since you know just how much service there is in those silks, how splendidly thoy wash, you will not need to be urged to buy for immediate and future use. They are .'M inches wide. We've only a limited quantity on hand. WAISTS AT $1.98 VERY UNUSUAL VALUES To purchase waists from wholesalers at a certain price and then mark them at a definite figure does not require a jjjreat deal of ability in so far as buy ing and selecting are concerned. So when we say that these are unusual waists at $1.98 we mean that our collection of styles are duplicates of higher- priced models. And because wo have taken special f r T r f f T r v t T .v f ? T T r r ? ? 3L w nuu in anri'ijiiHi muse tunics which were in greatest j demand by stores in the largest cities, these waists V are liiidily desirable. Of voile. Swiss ami also hand- V kerchief linen. They arc made in manv nrettv and SPORT STRIPE SUITINGS Plenty of the desirable striking colors now being worn. Stripes are in various widths. Colors are fast, .'(J and JJK inches wide. Just imagine how little it will cost you to have st new sport stripe wash skirt. UNDERMUSLINS AT 69c PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAP IN THE This special lot has been set aside HOT-WEATHER SALE, 8c A CAKE iw. r.....Ki......B L...O 111-un.uuij. fm,:..,.,,.,,.,,..,,.,. ,,,. ,.,... ,!., ..4. ment. We could not possibly list all the sav- Iiey are made in many pretty effective designs, trimmed with frill, jabots, tucking and other new trimming ideas. If you will make up your mind to examine these waists the next time you are in the store you will bo sure to say they are certainly unusual values at the price. WAISTS AT $1 'Attractive styles, made well, fit well. Of lingerie anil voile, trimmed with embroidery, lace or pearl but tons. If you've biught waists hero at $1 you know just how full of importance is the statement made above, for at this store are the best dollar waist val ues in the city. Judo and Urs F L Tou Velle re. turned to Mwlford Monda from Crater Lake They report the snow geiBS rapidly (bough it U still necea ery to waj& mile or M te raeh COO UllQ. The lot includes petticoats, com binations, corset covers, envelope chemise. Not a single garment that hits been selling for les than $1.00 jome much higher. The fabrics include soft nain sook, crepe and batiste. Som are trimmed in lace, others in embroidery and still others in hand embroidery. So if your underinuslin supply is getting low make a note of just what garments you will roquiro to fin ish out the summer and buy at mice. Values such as arc offered here at $1 are not to be had ev ery daw ing oprt unities provided. That is why we hv wi mentioned toilet articles in our for mer announcements. Odors include violet, nwo, heliotrope. Also several other 10c bramla, including glycerine soaps. NEEDING TOWELS? Hardly need to ask the question, for then; is always a greater need for linen and bath towels during tho summer than any other period of the year. Hemstitched Linen Towels IJIeachcd buck, woven of superior quality linen and cotton fibers. Thoroughly absorbent. 'Sr.u 1 8x81 inches. Turkish Towels, 25c each i T t $ T t V T Y V T Full bleached, vivy heavy nap, a good big towol for the bath. Size 21x12 inches. Plain or rod boi'dyr. Pictorial Patterns and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns THE MAY CO .. .. e aft ek'eV A ft, A AAA A A. A. A. k Our Drug Sundries Department Is Always Price-Savinf Of intorost to Mrs. Housekeopor: SHEETS, PILLOW OASES Since Mrs. Housekeeper is al- & ways interested in things for the A iiume, ii ioiiows quite naturally she'll be interested in these bed covering items. Nor will it be necessary for us to lay emphasis on the fact that tho items nicu tioned offer values of tho kind you will call bargains. 42x36-inch Pillow Cases 12c Made of good quality niusliu with n two-inch horn. 90x30 Sheets 85c These are extra large size, have broad hem at top, and tho sis) allows for tucking, so that tho sheet will lie smooth on the mat tress. 72x09 Sheets, 70c These are made of full-bleached muslin. Price is unusually low. ' r ? ? T ? ? t f T f f T T r f v 4 t" VSflMi8iftM'e t4eei00000C04 J&&&&& r , r -H . w d V. .T-T TTT