T. 'Ay w "v c T; paoe 7:totit MEDFOJU) MWL TRJBrVE. MKDFORD. OR, HOW S VTl'RDAY. Jfl.Y -TJ. WW GREAT BASEBAL L SUGGESTS A 6AM E OLD T 0 SECURE FED MOST PfDLAR ilNFANT PLAGUE m KLAMATH TI battene ill h . Yr Klam aid full, Jolly, eatcber; rhgtsM pftetor. For Medford. Heber. nitdwr; Heibcrts, pitcher. 1'lay Mir TM aaawmBeemcnt tomorrow fit 2 M p. w. will start a game of Inn. ball which, wilt open Medford's oyus mnI which, weather permitting nad pftirMaf justifying it, will ubtr in a season f reel hull game. The Medford fans have already learned ijjr experience, that Manager Ilrevard make good his promises, even at a personal M'nfW, anil the fart that he ia eionjieUed by the lim ited accommodations at the Mil park sod lh large attendance from the KnIIh to eel aside a limited number of reserved sonls Ht 75 cents, ia mr to guarantee tho visitors mm cwn break Cor good seals Uimm for financial reasons. As a matter of fact, thii oxirn oxKmee of putting I lie k rounds in tlioir iirrfsent firet i'Ihw. condition, lonulhur with the iiriii-iml rtxpijiisf of bringing the Klamath MYiIls Iumih hero, will in all probability abaorli anv additional .receipts ho way Inure; lint bis desire i- li how that good hull cmii lit far fuhcd here If tits (while will supjtort It. If the attendance gives dim niy .in-nfo-ation, just aa good guinea will be arranged fur lhe future, and com lllc box score will lie kept, eo tliHt I he Iiiiih can heap traelc of the work ol iln-ir favorites. 'Pin playing Mini helling averages of the loeal play er - il ho ihiIiIUIiciI from time to lime nmt an attempt will lit) made to lime h regular baseball season here. Iml it ih no more tliHii full- that Hie tun- who Iihib lliu HtijoviiiHiit hIioiiIi! pl-i hcMr tfioir almrr1 of liia ivtHiio, 4i lcnt to lliv xttit of Httfinliiifr the uNini'H. Dtiii t l"l it lit) aoiil nan in Unit llic vtailum fiirnialiinl IIiii ina Jnrits of lliu HtliUMlHiiit. TIiito nri plfiiU of faiiM horo -IhI'm nil IhmhiI fr Komi ball. And rwntmiln-r, lliu (MnI .fitiM will mo onrly A- for lliu KHiHluy Him( tlicr will In- iiini' iiiimi on 1'Hnli (wiiii nil tin1 linn-, mnI (Himu of our old IriuniU ill innkii (Imi fana ii)ii thi'ir iiyua. Vnl.li Miikrlllt ateal Niicoml ln ( In -k with BIihiIv Ninl Iluilv ooviir fftp llii' -Mnk, Mini miw liow iiiiii'll li'iiil tlif Iuim riiiinei'a ant on tiniliurt. Tin-!'' will tin no aooiva HHMlimt tia on Htin-ui liny, oUlmr. Dmi't take i mr for ll ooiim Mini mio for yi.iiivi'lvca, i You'll mo aluff (hat will Hinkf llnki'- "'i" laata tik aiiKar Mini Mull' nikI I'm mil kitH-kin "IVi," iiiiii If you ilnn't imhih1 for anv iiilnr ri'iiiM, lif a rM,l "ImiK hihI aiw it a ihhI nriiil-wff at tlif firat Ifffia uihIit Hrcvartl nianaKamitiil. Hainit liilwanla Iihh hut (wo meal tiekaN mi 1li (rmiii' ho . ERAL , BAND CONCERT SHOWS INCREASE IN Yi OF f'inianv MPrri- throtK tril of th- natural rarrr of that Mate, I HIGHWA SEASON GEN (irnrite K. Hm h r" -i-l Ihr fwllewiMa: roarnianifatiofl from thr Atfit-rirnn AnlnmaMI association, nw-tiar prompt art win t mrm fiflnral aid aa4r tH natfwwal nm rimAn Mil, nemtij mmoi for I'a rhCur hiahway ivipror iMaaat : "Cltnte K. Itooa, aarratary, Tri HUt flood Kwaila aaaoeteUca, Mad ford, Or. -My l)r Mr. Ileoat MTh wiawtwa; of th fedaral aid rna4a Mil by I'rtaioVat Woodrvw Uliaoa, emrtybm a MmtraVatioa of f7AHH),0O0 fnna Urw fwlral trwaa iiry, to be NamlaniHtid bv a like amount from the atatea, idna $10,- (KJO.OOO lo'be ihI"I on mada in '"Tba moat popular conc-rt of th wh aa axpraaaloa that waa NUMBER OFVIGTIMS SKW VOIfK. JuU 2J Then- werr uvrr death in the epidemic of in fantile naralrnM dunne tha laat haard !rm kaadroda af maate bftwily.for homd. than at anv time nf ailMMal la fnramt nu'ivaa an. """" V-j- n..i ii i- ii- iM.rf.1 lfcltilorl,4ha mnltltailo only bdnc t- tbr rolaaiaMUy fifed away attar Uit ffnal nambar of taa eancert atven ay lbs Medford band at the park ea TrMay orenlas. Promptly at t o'eloefc the Medford band aadtr IU abla lead er, ItetSlnald 0. Itewland, eommoaead aae of tfas moat deltahlfal entorUtln mohU that baa boon Klvaa for many a month, to poaalMy the laraeat and moil approrlatlT attdloaco of the fioaiKin. Tim well arraaxoil proeram con- lHlriil many hnAMtlfal and tannfal iininaera which wore admirably ran- .A. J, BE 1 Um afwnnara for the trnnk line in- li'rttti' hiahwayx mirmeelina the different wrta of Iho eonntry aball wnlmivor to iditain a reentaaa of the feleral-atalo mom'r for their Ink Nrtrie of oontiHuaieatioH. Of eourutt, you nut rimrinrmi thai tlif I'Hcifie hnthway ia Koaoml to none in importance to the dtataa thronah wlifpfa il twaaoa, and natur ally yon will at tinea nut inU petipuj in obtaining iart ol thia twinral atHiti money for your mad, na ila aa inlilure in ilrjiandefil upon the rer iHamendalion of a xtali- hiahway de imrtiaont whieli Ima tba aHirval of the neeralary of aaricultiire. "Aflnlil wo atiaaoat thai yon at once aet into oummnniitalion with the Iriahway duartmonta of the aevoral atatew in an affort to Inina; ahont a logical apiMirtioiiint'iit or part of the joint fiinda to Ihn Pacific hiahway. "If you ileaire anv aihliliinial in fonnatioH, which i ohtainalile from VhIiIiiIoii, hc hall he pleaHcil to Hiipply it. Vcrv truly. "A. fl. ItATl'UKUmi;' "Kxccutic Chairmini " MUSIC PUBLISHING laflad whon oncorea were reapondad to. Tho wnlu, "Hliie IMnuhe," Ma xwrka "Dorothy," ami ovorture, "Hrokan Dawn" wore sreat favor Ifoa. The nolillor aoni? "Keen tlio Home Plroa ItiirnltiK" (Till tho boys ooino home) which wan very appro priate whon o many of our local hoys aro away at camp, wa tho hit of the ovunliiK, tho vocal fhorim by th ''and being atiammtol by many voeailata ffl the audience. "AtwayR a favorite. "A I'ortact Day" iiIhvihI hk a cornet nolo" by Mr Wlbion Walte broni;ht the artist a flattering oncoro to which he responded, tho hand pro viding a filling accompaniment. A feituro of next wook's concert, which will take pmco on Tuesday ovcnlng, will bo tho playing by tho band of a now work Ly a local com honor. Tho song uiiilor the title "Tho Ilattle Cry of irnlvorsal I'onco," Is by 11. J. McI'Iiho, a well known Ineal citizen. Mr. Howlnnd has nrrnngoil the noiig In band form, nnd tho com position will Im given Its Initial ren dering on Tueda I'WiiIiik. TUf llev. AJfrwl A. .1. IIorr hiII be nwlaWtsj mtev f tilt .Mwlford I'rea Iiytvriaw i-Iiiiimm en 'lliurwlav evening by lit 'uiiiiiilUee apHinled liv the Nmtbeni (ircyoN 1'taali.vler in mm awn at Cugeiie tl urine; the mt week. Iter. A- J. AluHtRowery, I). I)., of I'efUaad, will Oeliver the pnncinl aiblttMv ol the evenina;. Itev. I ir. J K llatlic ot I'lmeuu Hilt dehtcr " cliarmr to the imator. It. NMncir. mmUriiloi of the l'reiblcr, Mill MMkl-. KCV )r. KolllllH Will Hid case Hie new imailr mi iH-linlf ol the Mid ford MiiiiNtenul unioii All I in i-burekea in Medfuid bar Incu invited to Hit slid thu wiv intiicNtni(.' ami moat linpno-iw scnicc The liuldlr u lordlulK iiimIciI i:cibud Metrome. A miiHlr (MiWIlHliing ioinianv has been Ihhih lifd In Huh ill) l I'rid Alton llalght and I'M win Onirics Itool, to be known tut the Kreil Alton llalaht,Cv., Miisle I'litdlnbors. 3 ford. ptiLt. We tt IWnoslpn "CrHtnrlUWo Aiarrti", J 'Blf Chwrles Itoot and dttdlpajad to Will 0, Mtfe, swl a sof.'"Tbc Valley of tba ItogHe." by'll. J. MrPhmi. These (ilscea hIII apiiear In about mho week and will he followed at one by four compositions for Ilia piano by Mr. llalght, "A Memory," "An IiiiIIhii ItoHiHiice," "I'leadlng." and a new edition of the popular "Our Navy March." "Viilse Seranado," by V. Uarleton Janes will appear soma time In Au gust Also a aoui by I'HHtile Town- send I'lerro and a song by ll. Hopkins llrvHiit. Ths eompanv Invitee ail mu- slelans who have wrtltau mnalr In any form or have vulltsn words sHllabla to be set to music to present tho mihsh- or words for the eewpauy's ouslileriitliin. An arranKlna ami eopylng depart tin-lit m III he a featuri' of this ioiiiiHiM T FAVORITF CIGARETTE Jfow men, as thoy grip their faor- Ite cigar or cigarette hihI puff enjoy Ingly, remember tln-lr first flirtation with l,ady Nlrollne If thoy could they would recall how, us a hoy, nnd possessed In Mime mysterious way of a iwckaae of cigarettes, they sneaked back of tho bsiji and Initiated DtnH selves Into what tjiey hollevwl to bo the rudiments of a man-n(-the-world's knowlmlge. If their aeiiualNtanoe with the weed rame about In this fashion It Is reasonable to believe that the elgarette they closely guarded and smuggled was a Sweet Caporal. And although porhaps forty years have passed, ltdy Nicotine never smiles so sweetly as she did on thut long ago day. Demonstrators nro now In the city snd are explaining bow Xweet Cap orals, first made In U73, have stood the lest of time by rvaaon of the high grade twbarro nnd paper used The sanitary rouilltloua under which the cigarettes are manufactured ar also explained. Why SinnUr. lilt ('ignrn WIumi I .a (ioudas ore only Ida sine the ineeption of the dineaa foor weeks aro. Sne 10. m. veaterday the ptaame killed thirty-nine childran 'in the five ItornuaJift of Kew York fity. There ware 1.1." new ensea. Qaaranllnc rogalationa of Increas ing stringency, dae to foar of tho spread of Infantile paralysis, wore reported toda from a number of dtlea and town near Mew York. The Krte railroad, which sorvos thousands of dommMtera, has sent out a bulletin to all It station agents warning them to notify prospective passengers that children will be barred from most of tho stations, i along the linos In Now Jersey nnd Pennsylvania. , A total of 219 caaos of Infantile pa.alMM aro reported In, Now Jersey. The cases In Connecticut nHmbored 69. Xew York City has 106 canon. The plague took a big stride In Manhattan, whore thoro were ten deaths, tho largest numhor yot re ported. In tho Ilronx alto, the dls- oaso gained. More there wore Hvo deaths. A marked lucroaso wns shown In Hrooklyn, tho seat of the disease and easos and deaths In the other two boroughs Indicated that tho opldemlo, aided by n wave of high humidity, was becoming more wldesproad. Cnsos to date total Z.GG2 and deaths 668. Hundreds of "quack" dootors, patent medicine fakirs and "gut rich quick" schemers are thriving on tho epidemic, Dr. Oscar M. Loiser, as sistant director of public health de clared today. "Solutions Hint cost from flvo to ton cont n gallon to prepare aro being sold for Jl a bottlo," ho as-1 firfml I Commenting on Iho big Incronso In the number of dUonscd from tho diamine, hoaltli Commissioner Ilmor son Insisted Hint the outlook wns not diNcournglug, salug Hint Irrugu lar reports wore to bo expected. tour indirideaJ power aad rfDoet'i bilitv mat be reeos)iaeL Ua ii the court baa onMed free ofTie 'm thit derikm all of the ofTirwla hm the msH reach by law, ami n tiew of the fart that thee men acre found to ha been mere tool and aabortlinate of the company. wc anbmit that the plain duty now devolre upon von to discharge im mediate! v thoee of roar aretrt ami emntnye found hi I hi deciniwn to have been smilty of thene criate aamint free gnvermBeai, to the ead that the worker in the omtdoir ef yonr rowiany mar esereUe their sovereignty freelr and take that part in the election of judicial and ad minlatrative officer which i goar anteed to them bv the conntitotiow of Cotorado and the United States. Yours trnlv, KAfK I'. VAISir. Chairman, committee on industrial relation. Itocknfollcr.; Itcply. "KimI Hnri.or. Mc Jul- 11 lHn rk I. Wh. rhsirmaTt. cyvinmit lee eat sadstMnai reiaHon. SMith- era hoiMsasu Wa-duatloew. I- " Ynar Ulw of Jalr 1! ha- it 1 1. .. tm Lir, vdrr I sa veamnr . amsmer raeation. mmA the first word which has j reached ia reeard to the deei-iea of the uprease eoart of CotolBdo re ir J . - : l-l t.. My nfriee iaferm me that aa yet thev have seen onlv newanaper ac- 'eoanta of the dVcisim and at oaee took ateps to aseertaht the facta. resaNoa; the receipt of this infor mation, I can only ear that any of fene, no matter by wham commit ted, which eoald have been jnatly characterised in neh langnage as yon have onoted, woald be quite as abhorrent to me as In you. and I am confident that no aueh conditions aa yon describe could exist in the catm of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. under the plan of representation which wns adopted by joint action of the company and its emirio.Nc at the time of inv 'mit to Colorado Int fall. .HH1S I) ItOCKFFKI.I.FK. JR." GARMENT WORKERS STRIKE IS SETTLED NEVY YORK. July 22. .Settlement bf the ftrike and lockout which for several months has tied up the gar ment working industry in this city, was announced today at a meeting between represeatatlvtw of tha cloak, snit and skirt manufartnrerV associ ation and the union. houis 1evy, attorney for the man ufaeturcra' association, doclarwl that every major question at inane hail been adjusted and that a new areo ment waa to lie drawn up immediately whereby the workers will rccoivo many concession. The settlement of the strike will rcliexc iliHorgiinixHtion in the iiuliiH- trv which lien lmllcil Die miinufiif-tiitf- of wnmcn'M iipiiril with nation wide el'leet. VALSH CALLS ROCKEFELLER (Contlnuud froin pngo one) eloc their ojuiiion with thin oniinou wa ruiug: "'ITie links in the cliuiim of tyr a n n v are uxiiallv forgeil ihkIv anil silently, Momctiinea uuoohciouI,, l tlie who arc distillled to wcin thetn." The fimlingH of tho court acre1 baaed ii Min the wworu tcatunonv oi ' tlie general niunngor in charge of nil the Hoebefeller mining iroH)itica in Colorado, who still retains control and Ihereliy ymir Hiithority, and thereby has mitucrntit' eoutrol ovei j the livea of lliouaaiiila of your work- . eix ami their dependent. ' I'nlil Ibe iiii'ii h ml women of Col orado mule to ilestroN the iiliolitlf dominnlioii wliiih vou nnd ''oni , Cbnsidor the Mothers Health after ihlldblrth by taking- uccesmiry pre itlllli'iis In' fnre tlu trying oriiuu, by uxliig 'Mothcr'j Frli'iul'' t aslil ini lure In prcpiirlng lier for the pit) Nll'HI CllSllg SP Jp "Alothcr's Friend" for many yenrs lms lii'i'it the means of gU In r lief to tliuaniN of iiiutlicrs. It Is tin cxtrr iml remedy, with unex ci'iU'tl iii.tIIm. mnI should In- In Umi homo if rfrv riitrlant motlwr. llfUl'Ut -ll ll .mhi fur (n- !"' ii Mull,. i'mI lilrrM fho IlrsUlWUI lUcuUtur (, l"l I imir lll.tr. AlUnln, On. Extomal Romody fo Exp oo t ant Motheix, Captain I'uili- It Winn mid n cmiUaa pnrtv will be m Mcdioid mi Augaat 7-y in couuectiou with the re ciuitiug eamimign to eulit meu for sen ice u the Msxican lainler with OragoH Inwna now there. These muni will fill vacauciea occasioned either beeauae onmuiea were not reeruitnl to full war stieugth whsu they left or beoau-e of rejeeUona or liM'bargeM beeauae of mieal e awinalious or bv the return ot mar ried men, under a recent order of the war department. AH told. 1IMH) re fruits will he needed. All men are to go to ths border. The fiiM triiiiilimd i scheduled to go in a -Imi i tunc In the ineauluue iiihii will In- ili ill d mill mi i ucted at t'limp WiHim iiiiiiic, hi t liii'kaaiaa. Aiilicnliou- mi l.r ili- .Inittly to tlio VfitMHUuf MirtMiB for enlistment. BOYS htwe you seen "RED?" and (;o4) fcfewj wal DOPE You'll ho xp in the air if yoa do 288Strong' Highest iiiullt. Jewelry repairing diamond setting, watch repairing Martin J. Rcddy The Quality Store foi Keliiiblo Hoods '!- V MhIii St Medford. Ore ANNOUNCEMENT It is with great pleasure wo announce the Medford Book Store havo become our exclusive representa tives in Medfcrd for tho Columbia Grafonolas and Columbia Records. After considerable investigation before' placing tho agency we bolieve we have repre sentatives who will always be courteous to our cus tomers and willing to give all information and ser vico possible. Stock, both Grafonolas and Records, will bo car ried complete, showing each item catalogued by us. Columbia Records compriso an immense list of titles, covering every subject, supplemented each month by a largo number of popular and classic titles. Wo respectfully solicit your patronago through the MEDFORD BOOK STORE. Columbia Graphophone Company '';Now York, N. Y., U. S. A. V. JaaBBBBmfl laaBBBammaT f M XJVotej aBBmBaBn BA JhL. JL- jL 3l jL-V 1 j Medford vs. Klamath Falls At Medford, SUNDAY, JULY 23 i -i up- i ii . '- ' .ii asMiispswiM.MMM,. i, mmm, ,mmm ,, MmmmMMsawmamsawsssssssmamaiasMasssssMsaisamssssMsssMMaami stft The deciding game for the Semi-professionaf Championship of the Pacific Coast BATTERIES For Medford, Seiberts and Baker For Klam. Falls, Bigbee and Jolly GAME CALLED AT 2:30 SHARP Admission 50c. Reserved Seats on Sale at Haskins KffNsmaaaAi aUt V f r"