arEDFORD MAIL TRIBITNE, ArEDFORT), ORWIOW S MTRDAY, JULY 22, 1916 PAGE THREE hmm " MimitMBunmmmmmmmm PAGE ONLY THEATRE in SOUTHERN OREGON PLAYING THIS 8TH WONDER OF THE WORLD yPH m gP BBS BBtL. ( Jl fats H J 1 ' Ef t P. ufiVlilJif Have ftnhr Beginning JULY 27th ursday Evening' TWICE DAILY THEREAFTER SEAT SALE TUES., JULY 25 Mail orders accompanied by check filled in order of receipt Positively no phone orders filled - Don't Delay -. GET 'EM EARLY CURTAIN 2:15 DOORS 1:15 ELLIOTT AND SHERMAN PRESENT CURTAIN 8:15 DOORS 7:15 D. W. Griffith's World's Mightiest kjf L v L'Jw'Cy The Play's Message of Peace If this graphic presentment serves no other pur pose, its message for universal peace marks it of great importance. Morally and educationally it establishes the futility of armed conflict. A mem ber of the senate of the United States expressed the foregoing sentiment. "Anyone contemplating war should see this pic ture," added the senator, "L sincerely beliove it will do more to doter people from engaging in war than anything written or, spoken on the subject in years." Great. caro has been taken not to glorify battle. Even the music stops in its motif of glorification to sound the liote Q.f. terror and desolation which is the real truth of war. Armies seldom settle disputed questions of state. But, where thrty accomplish this much, in the wake of conflict arises newer and more terrible questions. But for the hatred engendered in the civil war, the suffering of the reconstruction period would never have been known. PROM COAST TO COAST THE MOST STUPEN DOUS DRAMATIC SENSATION THIS COUN TRY HAS EVER KNOWN. NOW PLAYING TO DELIGHTED AND ENTHUSIASTIC MULTITUDES. "IT'S WORTH $5.00 A SEAT." New York Journal. Remember, only Three Days in Southern Oregon. All Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass and Rogue River Valley will want to see this groat American play. COST $500,000 3000 HORSES imBBBBLzm-BIbIlj&j 5000 SCENES 18,000 PEOPLE Adapted from Thomas Dixon's Vital and Pulsating American Play, "The Clansman" WITH l) re E J JLU "DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR" "SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA" "THE BURNING OF ATLANTA" "LEE'S SURRENDER AT APPOMATTOX" "WHAT WAR COSTS MOTHERS, WIVES AND - SISTERS" "THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT . , LINCOLN" . 'r'THE RISE OF THE KU KLUX KLAN" "THE COMING OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE" i: i 1 A series of wild i'id(U,th'at ooniniahdccred a county for a, day and cost $10,000. Night' photography of bfiflje scenes, invented and perfected at a cos ', of $15,000. Wonderful artillery IwIk in which real shells, coating $80 apiece, were used. Miles of tre.m-hes, thousands of fighters, "war n it actually is." Musical score of 30 pieces, syaohronized to the several thousand distinct and individual scenes. "THE BIRTH OF A NATION" HAS NO COMPETITORS. TO SEE IT IS A TREAT TO MISS IT IS A MISFORTUNE Never before has this city been privileged to witness a photo play of such magnitude 30 -SYMPHONY ORCHEST There are several never-to-be-forgotten sen sations you will receive for your money when the show, with its accompanying Symphony Orchestra of thirty artists, plays at the PAGE Theatre D. W. GRIFFITH The M.isi-r Pr.l:iri-r !' "Tin- Birth of a Nation" PRICES EVENINGS MATINEES lkx goats J a 00 Box HeU . . 1.80 Lower Floor, first ten rows $1.00 Lower Floor, first ten rows..$ .75 Balance Lower Floor 1.80 Balance Lower Floor 1.00 Balcony, first four rows 1.00 o Balcony, first four rows .75 Balcony, next four rows .75 Balcony, next four rows .. .50 Balance Balcony .50 Balanco Balcony .25 R A. 30 BWMMaMwgnwMPwnwy.iMTiiti i tiau msmmmmtmm HENRY D. WALTHALL A. Tlh' "Llltlr Cnlolirl," I I ' I Tll'Trr1Wl semat v