PAGE I0IOTJT MEPFORD "MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON7, FRIDW, .JTLY 21, lOlfi . 4 '! ' -IP' IV" MILITIA IK AD M R AT F. STEVENS Artillery Practice, Tcnt-Pltchlnfj and Routine Work Leave Mcilforil Boys Ready for Ocd at Close of Stren uous Days Tardiness Brinns Prompt Punishment. F RENCH CAPTUR E OF HILL TRENCHES LABYRNTH IT. 8TKVWNB, Ore, July 18. (8aclnl Corrosiiontlonco.) TIio hoo onil day In enmp linn como to n clono nftor tlio tnoHt IntormitlnR sorlon of ovonta yet iindcrtnltnn by tlio sovontli company In this or nny previous rnmp or limtrtiotlou. After Mich a ntron uoiih dny yostcrdny ovory iiihii was In Ills bunk whon tatoo wn Hounded nt y o'clock nnd It took no hccoiiiI nd monition that nil HrIiIb iniiHt bo out to oxtliiRulnh ovory Kdlnon Mazdn. Many of tlio men woro In bed ovnn beforo the bu(?lo ordered thorn thoro. Thin fi:30 n. in. tIhIiik IiiihIiiohh that provnlls In nn army ramp iwoiiib to tnko enro of tlio onrly to bed require snout without nny further effort on tho part of tlio squad corpornlH. Tlio bnrrnokB by noon todny pro xontud a niuoli rliangod apponranco hk a rcfliilt of a thorough HrrulililtiK from front porrh to flooond story dor mitory, duo to Ihti combined offorlti of four mon of the company who were Into nt falling In for rotroat ycHtnnlny ovmiliiR, and iih a conse quence Rpout todny drlllliiK with mop xtlrkft limtond or BprliiKflold rlfloH nnd 10-lnoh kuiir. Punctuality and obodlnuco to ordor Ih oxneted oven to hucIi minor matters an fallliiK In for roll call, iih thono four young men can totally. It would not bo proper to publicly dlflcloxo who tliono adopt with tlio mop Ktlrk nro, but If tlio fond molhorH of Privates I'urdln, Allnkler, (loblo nnd Welch nhould need nny ntwlHtimro of like nature about tlio fnmlly quiirtom they could enquire through tliu propor military channelH. A it I liny )i ills Artillery drill todny wnn on lint tery Low Is, ono of tho 10-lnoh bat terloH located on the ImukM of tho Columbia. Iimtoad of theorotlcnlly rIiiUIiik tho ocean linen iih was 1I0110 ycHterdny, dun Pointer Hill contented hliiiKolf with taking pot rIioIh at whole flockH of flBhliiB hontH Inno cently uitKiiRed In Kill nt'i'titliiK wl inon out In tho river. Tho tldo w-ntt comliiK In this mornliiK mid with It tlio schools of famous Columbln rlvor Halmon. The rlvor trim lltomlly cov ered with tlioutmtnln of motor flub boats, which hnvo In tho jwnt few tnrs completely roplncml tho old hI1o cut hontH with tho sIiikI,. hhII. very ImpoMnK Rluht on tho rlvor todn, nt lonst to a Hokuo rlvor land lubber, wnR tho mnJoRtlc Htwunor (Irunt Northern laxlly droppliiK down Ktroum, KrlHco bound. Tho rnllR woro llnel with pniwoiiKer. who npponred to bo much InloroHted nt tho hIkIiI of the IIk dlwippenrliiK kuiih roIiir In to hurjory for an liiHtant and then re ceding nH quickly out of view. Thoro Is nothing from oawir( to Indicate the location of tho ImttorloH oven nt n dlRtanco of a fow hundred nrd. the cunciMilment has been no clover!) arranged. It Im not difficult to un demtaud why tho Krontont dreud UHUKhtH or hnttto orulmim ongHod In the pitwnut ICiiropimn conflict Iihvh been unable to oopo with tho oppo Iiik land uattarlmi, Indloatlnic that tho forolKii powont hnvo an olttvorly con coal wl tliolr eonRt defeuiMi Oivkoii Im SIkIiUmI Tho battltwhlp Ornmi uh hIim picked up through tho hlrrb iMiwtrml (eiHic4)pii prDtewlliig up tli eoiit with tho CHlirornlH naval mllltlu on board enrnuU to AlMska for thtt tum nifr milte. The program for tht day hmIhiiwI the Hf(frHo to th Till etHttiHtuy for tint pitching practle. (toe only eom lHin t Htttuitptlni tills future of iiiIIKmi) ImtruetloH, ami In fuel tho III t tlm It but Immii iIuhh at nuy rml rtlllr mw. It wit a moat lutrMlltt dlvemlou fioui the iijiutU right and Uft evolution that Ue ! worn threadbare and oo initio n plwae Ih month of armor) drill. It apiMuanll) npiMared Nt wiually Intar- Mtting to tho oibtir mimpaiilM, alnce lUw auaiMMdH! drill t WMtrh tht Mod lord company go luto CNiup lu fltld cHtupaigH aiyltt. Ttia eoHtMMgy pr4NMld Ut tit large pamdv ground Ih hvy warch lug ordar, and at command lu thir ty threa ImuU. or "ahaltar halvva," were In a few wluutva aUndtng Id a Iuuk roM lu military preaUlsH. Wda made, and the company ready tw turu In. Bach man carries one half ot a tent. It beiHg uaed ordinarily aa the covering for tun blanket rwll which Is wung over the Wt ahouider. W'ropiwd tualde the uhtnkel roll are the U teut nliyi and Jointed uol At jn command "ptLh teuia." the ro'lU" ace quickl) opeueS, to halvea Ninety Underground Fortifications Taken in Drive Yesterday Ger mans Make No Attempt to Follow Up Smash at Verdun, Due to In creaslnu Difficulty Concentration. HOOPffiGIVEN TEN YEAR SENTENCE A I JPLIN MBSOUR BEST BASEBALL 1 EOF SEASON AS SUNDAY tl'AltlB, July 21. Tho resumption of tho liattlo of tho Boninio In tho Pronch noetor linn Rreatly onhnnced tho Kouoral confldonco In tho situa tion. The protracted halt of oporn tloim on i ii ore than a minor ncalo was boKlnnliiK to mako tho public four that the first results would hnvo uo morrow, nnd that nH lu tho enso of tho CliumpnKuo offensive a yonr ago, there might ho a rovomlon to tho old trench warfare Yostcrdny's bullotiiiH effectually removed tills Im pression. 'jiIiiio libyilntli. A particularly fluo ploco of work from tho French point of view, waH nccompllRhed In tho now Hector at tacked south of tho rlvor. lCnst of tho old French front, which ran from tho east of llerbovlllo to lyilf way between that village and tho Koii- qiioHcort-VcnnnndovlllorR rond, tho (lermatiR hml coiiHtructed, by inonths of pntleut toll, anil iinderRround fortlflriitloiiM lu n star limped wood, very doep with two Horlo of under ground Rholters, lu which tho soldloiH lay snug, during tho hottoet honi- bnrdmunlH, Tho (lorniniiH bore, nn In tho llnr- lenux nnd Hoyecourt region, whore tliolr positions formod nn Intricate nuiro of trenchoR, offered a Hlouter roslslanco than olnowhoro on tho long line of attack. Hut the French IroopR carefully propnrod for tliolr work, and Hklllfully led, not only won through ovorywhero, hut hold on to tliolr gain nnd worn preparing liiHt night to attempt still further to ex tend them. , It now dovulo tnnt yoslordnj'n effort wan duo Hovoral dnyn ago, hut tho arttllury preparation wan ilclux-d by heavy weather. Tho French com mnuder'a report la that tho prelimi nary bombardment wan ho effective, that tho lowteR of the nttnckem wero comparatively light. (t'eiiuiiii lllftlcultleH, Contrary to oxpeclatloim, tho (er iiiniiH have made no Httempt. to fol low up tho smashing blow delivered against the northern Verdun defomttw a woek ago. Tho French counter at tacki, according to tho official ac counts, nro gradually winning hark tho ground gained by the (lermniiH nl heavy cost In the vlclult) of Tlilnu inont nnd Finery. Thin InactlvlM on tho purl of tho Crown Prince Ih lu terprotutod by FronnJi mllltar) opln Ion nn evidence that the (IcriuuiiH are finding Increasing difficult) lu con ceutratliiK troops at one point on the front. The French officers sa that each freeh aaeniilt on Verdun Ih re quiring longer mid longer IIiiih to pntMro Thoy olalm that the Car man look no letw than IS dny In preparation! for tho attack of .Mil) IX. Wilbur Mnon, known In thin sec tion nn John Austin Hooper, wan sentenced July 12, nt Joplln Mo., to servo ten yearn lu tho penitentiary for killing l.ouli Wells, a ipeclnl po licomnn. Iloopor, who wan out on pnrolo from San Quotum prison, whore ho hud boon given a life lenience, was wanted for tho robbory of a postofflco for rifling the Itogne Itlvor hank, ror holding up an lutoriirban train, for robbing a hardware store nt limit ing bin oRCitpo from tho (Irants Pass Jail a yonr ago, after ho had locked up tho aherlff. Iloopor, or Mason, offorod nn bin dufenco lu bin latest crime, tho story that Im did not know his victim was a policeman, but thought he was a tramp nttomptlng to hold him up. Tho prlsonor In a sort of Jokyl llydo porson. On ono side ho Is a crook, who has spent most of IiIb life, since 18 yonrs of ngo In prison. On tho other hand, ho In a polished goiitlomnti, who moves In good Ro ddy, hnndRomo, nnd well droftned, bookish nnd having In bin prison cell Dr. Klllot'H flvo-foot shelf of cIiihrIch. Ho Is nn authority on Omar Khny yhni. Dr. Joliniou and tho theories of iWwIn, lluxioy nnd their like. lie hue homostonilcd In Oregon, lie has llwid In most of tlio Rtalon In' tho union mid (ins worked ns engineer, nloro dork, bookkeoper, ranchman railroad hand nnd numerous other positions. Ho In rognrdod by Chlof IlltUoii nnd other police officials of .Southern Oregon nn tho smoothest crook, who has uvor oporntod In this section. 8. S. Smith loft Friday afternoon to attend tho meeting of republican campaign and executive committees In Portland Snturday. From Portland ho will go to Aberdeen, Wash., where ho will Join Mrs Smith who Ih tho guest of her daughter nnd husband, Mr; nnd Mrs llenumnut I)I,osh. lu place, plus driven, gu) ropes at tached, iMiurhne and blanket apread Inside, and a complete shelter provid ed for the entire eompaii), In pa I is. Teut I'iteliliiK I'nulln'd The thirty-three tents wen pled the eiitlio length of the large parade ground. After all tenia wore erected and the occupants standing nt atten tion lu front of their reapeethe cn vmi abode. Hie officers inspected the entire row and awarded the first prli for neatueaa and precision to Privates Welch and Mlnkler, the "ouukles" of the heat ereetmi tent. Privates Seamen and Jackson carried off the secoud prise. The prattles proved o hilerostlBg that a geurMl requeat waa made IhfU the cumpau) le perilttwl Hgalu (e pitch their sbelloi kahes tteteie hieaklug eamp. This eienlng lh Imud gave a ten eert In fioui of the bar rusk, which ever) ouo attended The coast artil lery band is a splendid urgsHlutieu and does much to vultwu the ratMp and take aw a) the drurtgerj of drill. Tomorro eveutng the Hevenlh com pan) puts oh the guard mount, the eae ceremou) that the entire eamp turn out to lw and criticise or commend, a the leaulls desene In consequence every man had out his drill tactics tonight and the squad leaders were putting their men through their guard mount sprouts The greatest ambition ef ever) com pany and every mau in It is to have it said that his company excelled in guard mount cerenioale. WOMAN A PHYSICAL WRECK Tells in Following Letter How She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a l Vegetable Compound. Milwaukee, Wis. "Iloforo taking Lydln E. Pinkham'n Vefc-lnblo Com pound 1 wan n phy sical wreck. I had been Rolnf to n doc tor forsovorul yenrs hut ho did mo no Reed. A friend told me nboul l.ydia E. I'inkhnin'n Vvgotn ble ComjK)iind, so I decided to give it fnlrtrinl.nnditgnvo me relief f nun benr ItiK down pnlnn which had been no bad that I would hnvo to lie down. I nlso used tho Snnntivo Wnsh nnd It bus done mo n Rrent dcnl of KiKxI.nnd I nm not troubled with nivcnk- noes any mom." Mrs. P. L. Umix, W llooth Streot,, Milwnukoo, Wis. Tlio most Rucceeful remwly for wo tnnn's Ilia in Lydln E. rinVhnm'a Vege talde Comjwund. It bns Htmxl Uio tt for forty yearn, which would bo imnos Iblo if It did not hnvo genuine merit lo r Hppclnl nilvlce, froo, wrlto to Lydlu K. l'liilflmm Iodlelno Co. (ooiilhleiitlnl) Lynn, Jlnns. Your lottor will ho opened, rond nnd answered Ityrt wonuui, and liolil lu Htrlut coutlduucc Wliy Huuk Hit CiHtxrn When la QondM are ouly He WV SB Notice Send us our mail orders de ceived mall orders from Mtuot, Ne vada, for little ilea alarm clock 1 guess that Is putting Medford on the map ay a mail order town We have the lajtet etock or clocks in South eru Oictttti. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler, lloilto of Oiinllty. til Bsst Xttln Street, Uedford N'Uliorp AlMy Welcome Any doubt AlhlcJ. may have lingered In tho mlnita of tho fans nn to the clnsH of ball they will see Sun day was wiped out when tho nows wbh mado public Hint "Chick" Dnkor would hnndlo tho receiving end for .Medford. "Chlok" nnd Selborts make it bnttory III keeping with tho rest of Uio Inflold nnd Hob can ho relied upon to provldo nn outftold that will, mako a balanced team. r Tho Increaso In tho price of n limited number of scats la rendered i necoesary on account of tho hcnvyl oxponso of gottlng tho Klamath Fails team hero, ns woll iih to assure tho exceptionally lnrgo bunch of rooters from tho Falls Hint thoy will bo Hiiro of seats. The capacity of tho grounds Ih ho limited thai these stopg nro un avoidable, nlthoiih thoy nro not In tended ns a precedent. From all indications, tho ganio will not only bo of absorbing Intorost to local fans, but will also bo well worth the co:.t of admission to tho ' non pnrtlsniiH " Mnnngcr Brevard has a staff at work on tho grounds and everything points to n real hall game. If there In nny baseball enthusiasm In Med ford, n fow of tho fans oupht to fore go tliolr dally fishing trip or Joy rldo, and "play tho gnmo," ns n tenm capable of playing good bull ngnlnst a good team, cannot bo kept going on tho ordinary rccolpts whon everyone, who owns a car has gone to Calif ornia. ' Aulolstx Attention! ! ! Tnko your Sundny dlnnor at tho Hotol Austin, Ashlnnd (formerly Hotel Oregon) Tnblo do Hoto 75 cents. Excellent musical pro gram 101 u V "VELSOR' A LIGHT STARCHED Worn with or without ti pin 15c ca. 6 for 90c. $1.75 (lie dot. Ct.UETT, 1'EAIIODV U CO. INC. Mo ken I BASEBALL Medford vs. Klamath Falls AT MEDFORD SUNDAY, JULY 23 The deciding game for the semi-professional championship of the Pacific Coast BATTERIES For Medford-Seiberts and Baker For Klam. Falls-Bigbee and Jolly GAME CALLED AT 2:30 SHARP Admission 50c. Reserved Scats on Sale at Haskins MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID ALL SUMMER. GOODS MUST GO Jk DURINC OUR, lasiois ii r.oa,aM jmcuws TTheWbman's Store 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON 3 A( 4ff VJ Jt tuf Ju Sensational Clearance in- Ready-to-Wear Departm't Woiiifn's llousi' Drt'sscs, Silk Waists, Wash Divas on and Coats sold up to $8 cat'li, flcip'auce' Q8tf salt' cat'li vOj $20.00 .Suits now $0.98 $10.00 Suits, now .$10.9S $10.00 Skirts now .$7.50 $(i.0() Skirts now. . $l.50 $5.00 Skirls now $3.75 Women's and Children's Waists and Middies, some sold as liifdi as $-1.00, slightly mussed, 4C this sale , Women's IVttieoats nntl Child ren'h Wash Dresses. values up to $1.00, clear ance sale price each ? TTheWomarfs Store 1-1-22 NORTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON Sensational Sale of Wash Goods Flowered Crepes, new de signs, worth 12Vi2C, Op clearance price yard ...0t 1000 yards of Fancy Klax ons, Lawns and Dimities, real values up to ' -JOli 20c. this sale. vard.. J-2 I'lessie Crepe in White, for underwear, worth 20c, sale price. a yard 15c 35c. GOODS 19c. 1000 yards of odd pieces of "Wash Goods in Gaber dines, Voils, Poplins and fancy weaves, all good colors, sold regular up to '.)rn clearance sale 1 () price, yard 1 JL I Ml F V-J i 'I It I I i I I ft i l ' J i i i l Ml M L I M m ' 1 J New Wash Skirls In all materials, in all pricos. Additional models .just arrived make our assortment more complete than ever. Every new feature in style and fab ric is represent cd Prices ( $1.48 im to 5 White Gloves Special Sale of Japanese Goods New stock of Japanese Cloths at special prices, napkins to match. CLOTHS ISxIS now 98 C0.C0 now $1.48 72x72 now $1.9S 69c Napkins to mutch, dor. .Japanese Table Runners, new patterns, at 19, 25 and 35 .Japanese Toweling, 10 yard bolt ntp for 'wt .Japanese Crepe in sport stripes, special, 9 a yard lt Japanese Baskets, 9SS $1.25 and $1.98 ea "Women's White Lisle and Chamo sette pair 25c Wo wen's Silk (Moves, 2 clasp, very CAp special t,u Women's Hi-Mutton Silk Glove, Kay- ser's, very flOp special tOL Women's White Kid Gloves .. $1.25 nrx New Colonial Draperies IHMnrli Colonial Draperies for skirts and hats, beau tiful new designs, very 25c special Saturday, yard ;(i-inh f'liifa'n Smiii, floweretl border, 2"m- OA value, S) e-i il, i. I "t :(i-inch Mtiwered Sat me, new pjtt terns, spe- QC rial, vard .... t)l White Hosiery Is very scarce we wore fortunate in getting a shipment in 13' ex press yesterday they go on sale Saturday. , j White Lisle at, pair.. .25tf and 50 White Silk at, pair....$l and $1.25 Special Underwear Bargains Women's Summer Vests, !) allies, now, e.ieli Kayser's Vests, fine grade very special at, 9f each . Kayser's Teddy Dear Un ion Suits, special, (M S)r a suit ql.&d Saturday Sale of Notions Sanitol Talcum pMWtler, per can .. .10tf Hand Mug, all leather. $2,30 grade $1.09 .Madame Root's Face Mlooin at, bottle. .50 I Mann's Tooth paste, 2.V jmek age, for L96 IUhh Siifetv Pins, card. . 3p Snap lasteners, all sizes, per dy 10c Children' lltks.' Supporters 10p White Elastic, all widths, 5p to 15d vaitl. Gtnid Hair Nets, each 5? 10c Women's I'liion Suits, fine grade, worth .")()c, 0C very special, suit. . . e)3L Saturday Sale of Corsets Women's Coiitil ! Women's Flesh Collets, new model, 75c values, social 59c pair at Colored (orset. worth $1.50, sale price, (Qp pair ... 00j Women's extra quality Comets, new models, worth $1.50, ."JSc 'A 4 t (