MATL TRIBUNE, MKIWORO, (TRK(U)X, FlUDAY, .1TLY 21, IMG PAWi awvwic IHtfllMCSS IllttCtiTOttT 1 1 - 1 r - in 1 1 1 it J 1 By Ahem Anto Btipptten MTCDFOKT) Squirrel Food '1 . ...., I 1 tfll?1?NMki .-j" '"m ik-' V !)k , ' t ft ? j j V-rfl rrrrl C ( -ftisHovrK-et). Vup YhcyLu 02 A , music' . ' O""? 4m S3 LONDON, July 21. Tlio Gcrin.ui Mibmnrlno mine lacr which In one of tlio U-35 clnss, ono of tho latest prizes of I ho Hrltlsh unvy, was vielt oil 1y an Associated Press represen tallvo today prior to Its bo Inn placed on public oxhfbllloii In the Thames. Tho prtso, flying tho Oorinan nnvnl onrlsn, atirmounted hy tho Urltish oiihIrii, lay lh h naval ilockyunl on tho onst coast. Tho vessel Is tloslgn od purely for mlno laying. Tho en tiro forward part In composed of wells, Mix In number, each contHln- Iiik two noworftil iiiIiioh, which mill he roloARud hy levora. Tho ahlp him no tropmlo ttibou or alitor nrinuinuiit ocipt aniHll arint! lor tho crew and la only 100 feet In lonKtli. Thlitoon hlno Jueketi and five offi cers comprlKo tho crew of tho oiibiuw rlno. According to ono of tho rcii iniin, hIio inado, prior to her ciipturo, 11) trips from hor huao In Roniiany to tho Ilrltlih coatt and laid over -00 nilnoH in ronton freiiueiitcd by nior chant vobhuIh. She wan on hor twon t lot li trip when mIio wiih oupturod hy the Ilrltlah patrol boat. Tho nalor wild that when the aub- inarliio v; HlKhted and chimod by a patrol boat tho crow tried to Kct rid or her romaliiliiK mliion but had not Hiifflclonl time. SecliiK that capture wa Inevllablo, the officer orderod tlio abHinloiimont of the ahlp, deatro od tho Ior and other records and vir tually doiuollalied the six ryllndered Dleael onlno of approximately 250 horio powor. All of the crew nud of ficers woro taken prlioner. Tho hull of the submarine In In liood condition but shows a number of douts whore It atruck obstacles In ltn underwater voyage. The craft hIiowiir signs of rapid construction, hut appoaroil well fitted for abort trips across -tho North Sea. British naval offleers pointed out that the mines carried no apparatus for ron dorlng' thetu harmless If they broke loose from their nioorliiKs, as requir ed by Tho Hague convention. TO LONDON. Jiilv 21. -A Keitler I'ftroernil firrea)MM)MleMt hm.vm that the Kiixrtinu tuiuHter of fureigu ul laiis m informed IImi Turkish guv etiiineiit, tkroiiirii the auibusmdor of the I'llitcd St a tew iHld Swin tllut Kuxsiu will hene'fortli dire(rtird the pi mi'ipleti of the Hague contention hk fur mm Turkish hoMtul liip are concerned. The ItiisMHii hiiitnl liii I'uHu trnl was Mink by a MibuutriiiP in the Itliiek ei thi llareh. There were a bic'.'c nuiuhfr of wounded mi hoard ut the time untl 115 iv were loot. It hist wu stated (hut the hi hud Ikjcii htink by a Oermau Hnhmarine, Hut later Turket ucewttted the re- BMiuibility, decluriiur that the ship did not fly the WW Cross Hag, and wus MiUtako fvr a traport. On July tt the Viwriode, which tL the place of -the PortugMl. u toiMdid and sent lo the bottom vhile nn her way to Uattitu to em lunk wounded soldiers. Th ofticiul rcMrt of the disaster mode no men tion ot loss of liu-s or of the na tionality of the aubmariM. AtiUrtfLs Attention! ! ! Take your Sundiy dlaaer at the Hotel Austin, Ashland (formerly Hotel Oregon). Table te Hate 75 cents. Bscal'at ntuaigal pro gram. 1V4 Why Smoke IMt CI wars P'hen La Goadas are enly 1C&, .V y ay " ztct- uu-ij' SUBMARINE USED 10 PLANT MINES INTRADECHANNELS U INK HOSPITAL HIPS i ' V, '.,. . ," 1- . ... ' . ' '-- " , I 1 .. I ' - I , v i howdy sou . j ' To ouWis flftfty'ou! . ' ( eux sou V f, j some iWttT J n)V I ' ,pM?JPYl V W ' rtBA"!AL CvJyrK .wor?Q: ViWlX VkfuMyCn Vorjv tt ' 7 ?7 ' 7 (tea. JSfe. "Jflf',,yr: ---rgi--. Jgs0tg CHOLERA REPORTED RAGING IN TURKEY ALONGWITH FAMINE N'KW YOIIK, .lulv 21. A iTjplie niOHmigi bv wlneh mi Amerienn mm xionury utiive in 'J'tirkev tol infor inntion of fninine and pestilenee pad the Turkish eennor ia dosotibuil in ii liitlleliu iMMncil lotlny bv the Anierieun lion id r pommiw'ioiitTM fur foieisin iiiitHiniiH. The mofwiigo, written on tlio potenril, follewa: "We mIiiiII very on liave lo Iel the firl Hiit of tlio 'Jlllli veiNo or the tilth ehuploi' of .lob, and ntill Hoiini('i even 3io of the lnrt Jif IViiIiiih, 1)1 til. What n liloMhinu to have a (led who in Into mid able. UiIm of love lo von nil. Dr. llnui- Tiii'h famous mi.ttiiu 3n demniiil here." The rirxl pint of the 'Jlllli veie of the fifth chapter of .lob rendu: "In fninine he ahull redeem thee from death." 1"te The ImhI pail of the third ere of (ho !M I'mhIiii eonliiinn the expreM wlon: "Fur He ahal! dellxer tliiH from (he huh re of tho fnwlei'," mid it h lidded, "and from (lie noinoiiie pe .tilenee." The mature lefVrred (o w it medi cine lined In choleni euae. The hoard of comitiiMNinupr interpret the rofeienee lo the mixlute to meiiii Hint cholera in iHifinir in Hint part of Turkey. I The hoard ii'fei In llie inexinise as "uiie ot wiled iilliiiiiiis. eileil lo the cciimus, hiii clear lo it- Mis. . Ci. (oli'iiinn entertained with ii dinner partv on Tuesday. The Kliusls present were: Misses Anna and Marian Towne, .Mr. Fred 11am mer of .Modesto, Cal., and -Mrs. ('. Christiansen of Ashland. Henry Shaler ami fa mil v isi(ed nt the 1'rutt home on TIiiiimIiiv. There will )h h mass meeting ot the' eitiaen of Plioeuix on the first Tuesday in August to decide what to tlo alHMtt enlarging the cemetery. Frank Ueiifkir in selling his eaHy Hiwhes this week. The frost kindly skipMiil his ipicliatil ami he will have a large crop of early and lute peaches. I The Scull fatnilv moved into Mrs. ItelM'cea MiMtre's hone this we4k. cou.vrv rouisr pitocuKDi.sus (Continued from Tuesday). (N)inl IIoihk I':hiiss. M. 13. Abbot, supplies. . 8 1.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co.. tights 3. K. S. Wilson, carpenter ork m court housa 18. 80 J. W. Wilson, cleaning oourt room - 8,50 Weeks A MeOowan Co.. sup plies' for court loom 2g.5 Total I8. .Is n. ral.-Ore, Power Co.. lights J 7.3B It. B. Uoldea, medksl atten dance to Inmates S.W Mrs. Jane Johnson, washing tar Jail U.80 Mrs. August D. Wutlrr, tward for prtaoaeri 182.36 Taylor-tlllis '., sup- piies i.eo Total $191.55 Cl of JTHat t iHW kll w. A. S. AIM, frcvabt on sup pllos .. . . I. $ Cal.-Ore. Pe"r Co , IliflJU Henry Dur, nursing . .. Home 7. l. Co., tele phone bill Independent Meat Market, meat bill Tbos T. Merrlmaw, black smlthin' Medford Furltur and Hdw. Co., supplied Medford Pnarmac. suppllos A. T. McMban. barber work tor Inmates . . . J. F. Norman, barber for in mate W. M Petri, butchering for ftoor fans Bpltter ten. supplies Talent Lumber Co , supi'lie Talent Merct. Co., supplks . . .si) i a fa l loioo 1.M 3)0 l.ti 16.81 S5.M I I 5 i 180 J 5.00 7 88 6 8". 287 1 PHOENIX PARAGRAPHS 1.15 Total $220.00 l' iv of Poof, XXit nt Toor I'aiin. K AlRer, lobular Indlsunt....? 10.00 MbkkIo Ilohl, regular In digent 13.00 Augiut Holm, rogulnr in- dlBonl 8.00 Kline Curry, roitulnr ln- dlnont lo.rto Mnry M. Clilldora, roRUlar lu- dlKont 12.00 Anna Coffnuin, niimla for In- dlRenlH l.r.O CranflU & Kobnott, InillRent Biipplloa - 20.00 .1. .1. ISmniens, modlcnl attoit lanro to Indlgenta I'.O.OO Ktiateru Storo, IndlRont nop- olios 10.20 .1.1. Kattin. teg ul ii r Inillnent 10.00 Kiilier & .McDonald, InillRont aupplloa 10.00 .Mrs. H. O. (ird, euro or ln dlKonts 20.00 Mrs. Cliinu, regular luillKOiit.. 12.00 .Mrs. Cnthorlno Olllotto, resju- lar IndlKOitl 10.00 HtitchlKoii & LuiiiHilen, lu- illgent supplies 12.00 Mm. Hudson, regular In digent K.oo Ktla Jewel, regular indicant 0.00 .Martha .lonee, regular lu- dlKont S.OO Mary Jacob regular liidlgant 10.00 J. A. Katie, regular ludlgont in. 00 l.oua Loe, rogular lndlgout 8.00 Umce & Company, iudlgoiit supplies IS. 00 Mra. J. .Myers, regular In digent 18.00 Mm. 1. .Montgotuory, rogular lndlgout S.OO Oliver N'nilenu, rogular Iu dlgoiit 10.00 OIfoii Hon, .Indigent aup 1 illos 18.00 l'9tal Tol. O. Cable Co., telu i;nuim for lndlgout B. 18 Hppuo ltlvor Moitt. Co., In 'illKout supplies 12.10 Itoguo Klver Meret. Co., In digent supplies 10.10 Sacrod Heart Hospital, care of lirdlgouts . 17.15 , W. II. Smith, regular lu- I idlgont 10.00 Sncrod Heart Hospital, care 'tof Indigent 1.18 (N'snco Slaemore, regular lu- i.l, W. Slater, iegulr iudlgeiil 10.00 ;Mrs. Illehard Thomltou, regular Indigent 10. 00 Talent Merct. Co., Indigent I auppllos . , 28.00 Taylor-Williams Co., indigent supplies 18.80 Ulrleh llros., Indigent sup plies XI. OS Weeks & McCowan, lndlgout suppllos 18.00 Warner, Wortman & (Sore, ln dlgout supplies 20.00 Job T. Wilder, house rout for Indigents 12.00 1,1sln Wolgoiuont, euro of In digents 0.00 The Wlmer Storo, Indigent Hiipplies S.OO Total JBSG.BS litwiillo Couit; Iterorm School Com. iiiitnieiit.s, Kit'. Hoys and girls aid society, iHRiilar monthly allowance from .iHukeoii Co $ Okaa. II. Oay, probation of- fUaer's uniniHUiaatloii . J. W. Robinson, oxamlng In sane Total . . 8 71.78 Ailteilisliig and County Piloting, Aahlainl Printing Co.. rourt Vroceeilliigs. 8181.10 Jacksonville Post, printing l.wO Medford Mull-Tribune, print ing eourt proceedings . .. 8(10. la Total $305.85 Indigent Siilillm's Keller. Gee. W. Hall $ 15.00 A. W. Thomas 71.76 .Total Hlei thin l(atiisn. Ashland Printing Co.. print lag Jacksonville Post, supplies .. till. 75 1.66 11.80 Total AahtocMl pita . Mad font Pltao . ..$ 18.78 Ituttlstmttou. Printing Co., sup PrTat'inli Co.. up- ltt.00 21.00 Total H. .$ 18.08 Wilson, records exporting county $880.01 Itoooitloi'M Offlew. Home Tel. Tel. Co., tele pboue bill $ Bedford Hook store, supplies 0. p. Billings, agent premium on recorder's bond Underwood Typewriter Co., typewriter 8.85 3.00 Total ... StWMir orfire. A- T- Brown, surveyor's of- floe expense I IS" A. M. Barhart. road viewer .... f f Frod Honor, road tlewor Medford Printing Co.. aup- pHea ! Medford Book Store, auppllos 8.06 rni C. Neat ham saor, ax m,n 1.15 Jack W Ktde, ax man -'0 o. 8. WtUUer, road vlewtrr . 2.W J II Wlthrow, supplies 15.00 78.75 S 88.70 It. A. Holmes, promliim on surveyor's bond 15.00 Total $ ,78.06 ltcglsteilnK lllrtlit end Deaths Myrtle 11. l)ny S 1.00 Dr. 11. W. Clolilon 2.28 Dr. J. V. Hnrt i 1.2B J. W. Jacobs 2.28 Dr. K. O. SttcdoiiburR 0.2H John C. Wliltlkur 2.JC TolaV $ 80.28 Frod N. Cumtnlngs. wotor- niiiHtorV ofttco oxpeuso ...,$ 0,20 (Nullity Attorney 'n Ofrice. Ashland Record, supplies... ..$ 1.00 Home Tol. & Tol. Co., lolo- phono bill . 10 Medford Printing Co., sup- pllos '... 13.80 Medford llook Storo, suppllos 1.50 Total 22.10 Tho following hills woro disal lowed relative to. tho current o. iioiiho fund, lo-wlt: Cnl.-Oro. Power Co., lights for court house .S Cal.-Ore. Powor Co., lights for Jail Postal ;iVI. - k Cable Co., rounty telognhna Tnylor-Wllllnius Co., siippllos for IndlgontH .... U. S. Pldellty nntl lluarrnnty Co., premium on tax col lector's bond U. S. Fidelity & Ouarranty Co., premium on treas urer's bond ll.CS 7.30 1.11 l.tiO 11.28 20.00 Tho National Cash Register Co., cnHh roglstor for tax dopititmont ot sheriff's office- y S9-2& Total - f 118.31 Tho following hill was continued relative lo tho uurrunt oxpuimo fund, to-wlt: F. K. Whtsnn, tax robato $ 88.20 Scalp Motility. Dan M Pearca $ Dan M. Pearco S. K. MoDonnld ...... it....... ... Ait Wiuiiliighani ............ J. A. Ilartman 0.00 2.00 12.00 l.0 1.50 10.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 S.OO 8.00 8.00 8.00 S.OO S.OO 4.00 Chiis. (lay lliimphiey Robert Coffman l.oetor Abbott Delbort Stoddard . Harold Kubll . Harold Kubll ... . I.. IC. Sunderland John Hrownsworth J. M. Horry II. Hays Joe Haskln William Head. Jr., Ii. Rowers, Jr W. M. Zook 8.50 .00 W. A. Iloale Frank Ortman tM W. P. Morgan Frauds Wind Unhurt Coffman 18. C. Ilartlett It. C. Harllolt . .1. II. Ring T. M. Malooii W. S. Chapman Frank X.uceala Oao. W. Harriett Uart Ulrleh Sam Rose Win. Hughes John Pioll l.oe Wadoll Tollo Kerby Lola Huyiler M. It. KuuU . I'll tic Ituch p. .1. Behaumburg K. It. .Inimormaa W II. Vant Walter SMdlar . W. U. Jonua 3.00 S.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.60 S.OO S.60 0.00 S.00 10.00 2.00 ( S.60' 8.00 It). 00 8.00, 1.50 8.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 I. no 1.50 10. oo (i Total ... fill-" The following bills wara alleged rolatlve to the Paajfla highway fund, to- It: W. C. I.eever, expenneo in Sweeney ease I A. T. lirown. work on siweeney case 41.50 10.25 S58.5U M. O. Uennoit. labor sail ex pause, awtweey tsw , M. O. ilenuett, work on Sweeney case W. I). Carlk, engineer's o. penios . 50.00 58.51 178.75 '80.00 184.00 68.80 J75.00 8.10 80.86 108.00 800.00 60.00 83.00 4.48 7.08 68.50 W. 0. Clarke, engineers w roll ao, A. Codding, work en Sweeney case Oeo. A. Codding, wurk on Sweeney ease ...... M. T. iSdards, stenoirapknr work ou Sweenev eaoo . V. A. Ktttredge, work 0 Sweeney eaae ............. Medferd National Bank, In terest on cash advanced In 4weone) case . .............. A. C. fteamos, attorney'! fee Sweeney easo . A. B. Koamea, attorney's loos Sweeney cat' A. 18. Keamoa. attornay fas. Aweeuey case . A. B. Reames, attornoy foaa, Sweeney case A. J. Rose, work on Sweoaoy W. A, Sunderland, telogiem, Sweeney oaae W, U. Tol. Co.. telegranjf. ftwoeney easo W. 0. Uovor. on Swosnor Totsl $1634. :i The followlns bill was disallowed, - . GUY VTIS, rolatlve to the Pacific Highway Fund, to-wlt: D. Clark, onglnoor'e ex penses $ 1.25 Tho following bills were allowed rolntivo to tho County Hond Fund, to-wlt: KimiiI DNlilct So. I. Jack True, labor $ 11.00 Jack True, labor 230.00 Mntorlal X 0.2 I Itoail Distill t Xo. 'J. W. K. Nyswamor, labor ... 211.00 Materlnl 3 1.86 Itoatl DlNttlct .Vo. n. Kd Dutton, labor 108.00 .Matorlal ' 2,50 Itoatl District So. I. O. S. WtolHher, labor 215.00 Matorlal 2.80 Itim.l Dlotiltt So. n. Nlrk Kliuo. labor 1S5.7B Matorlal il.Sli Itoatl District So. II. 0. A. Newstroin, labor . SM.50 C. A. N'ewatrom, labor .. . U..i() Itoail Dlstiict So. 7. Frank It. Noll, labor 18.00 lloail District N. . J. K. Davidson, labor 221.00 Material v 0.80 Itotil Dl.stili-t n. I). John (Jrlove. labor 80.80 Material .88 Itoail DlMt-lct No. III. r. It C-arrott, lnbor 212.00 Matorlal 2.88 Itomt DNlilct So. I I. A. IC. Ifiarhart, labor 181.00 Material .' . . 0.00 Itoatl DMrlct .No. 12. A. h, Vincent, lnbor 211.00 lloail DUtilct So. lit. Carl Ileebo, labor 288. CO Matorlal 8.35 Itoml Dlsliiet No. II. C. C. Plerco, material (iciieral Itiiatl. 10.00 HI. I'. Hurdle, Ashland ro tund 1012 road tax $ Mrs. A. J. Hlogol, Ashland re fund. 101$ road tax ISmlly M. Illggins Ashland re fund 1012 road tax Mra. M. 8. llughua, Ashljind refund 1012 road tax (3. C. McAllister, Ashland io- 8.62 8.17 8.28 3.31 2.01 .58 2.70 30.00 7.82 3.18 70.00 1.01 fund, 1012 road lax ... McMlniivllle College, Ashland refund, 1812 road tax . ..,. IS. A. Nlabel, Ashland re fund. 1012 road tax O. J. Pattou, labor T. F. Smith, Ashland refund, 1818 road tax tturrel C. Smith, Ashland re fund, 1818 road tax . . W. O. Steel. Crater Uke road surrey Cal.-Oro. Power Co., light for IMK crossing Total labor, etc.. . .$180.11 The following bills were disallowed relative to the road -fund, to-wlt: J. I.. Hurdle, Ashland re fund 1812 road tax . .$ 33.57 (5. A. CIARDNISR, County Clerk. .Vol lice of SheilffV Sato Cutler Kxo- eiitloit, Allda It. Miner, aa lCxemlrlx of the estate of lfiilgar IS. Miner, Deceased, Plaint If L vs. Victor Beiio, Delia Heno, liHabanil and wife, ot al. defendants. diy virtue of an execution and order of sale duly laatied out ot and miller the seal or the CI run It Court or the Stale of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson, dated the 26th day of June. 1816, In a certain suit therein, wherein the plaintiff above naaiod lecorded a Judgment against the defendant Vlvtor lletio, ou the 21th day of June, line, for the sum of three thousand sixty-five ($8,005) dollars with Interest thora hu from the 20th day or February, 1810, at the rate or 0 per cent per annum ami three hundred ($300) attorney's tee and the further sum of 132.50 coats, wuteh jiiiiguieut was enrolled and docketed In the elerk's office of said eourt In said county mi the 21th day or Juae, 1I1H, and is of record lu volume 21 of the Circuit Court Journal at pages 113-1-5 there of. Public notice Is hereby given, that lu pursuance to the commands of said nxecutlou and order of sale, I a III on Saturday, the SStb day of July, 1816, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of tho oourt house lu Jacksonville, Jackson coun ty Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction, subject to re demption as la by law provided, all of tho right, title and Intel eat ot tho de feud an ta had on the date or the mortgage, herein foreclosed or have since acquired or now have lu and to the following desciibed real prop erty, to-wlt: Tho tractional southeast quarter of Section 27, and tbe fractional south west quarter of Section 88. and the west halt of the northwest quarter ot Section 35; also an undivided one half Interest in and to the ect half ot tho northeast quarter of !filoii 34 and lot 7 In Section 2i, all. or said described land being in Town ship 86 South of Range a, West ot the Willamette Medldlan. asfl con taining In all 208 acres more or loss, located in Jaikson County, State of Oregon. Said above described lands wttl ho sold a per the protlalona of tbe de cree rendered lu the aijove-entltled CRBSTHONUV PLACE A' 1 . WON - V PC- TfiuP tlow Hor -fit' FISH ARC AUU couo-Buoopao fcS3 raPi" S& enso to euliHty mo jmigmoiu, ni toruoy'a fooa, costs and ncontlng coats of enlo. Dfttod tills 27tli dny of Juno, 1910. W. II. SINOI.lfill. Sheriff. Hy K. W. Wilson Doptiti'. oagqr'.aafl stTlfl ItgrX'lJ'. ipi'III ron itKJn norjBKH FOR ItHNT llonso $10 mo., oloc trlolt.v, gnu, bath, llox CC, Mall Trlbuno. 105 FOlt ItKNT limtwnKKKIMNa ItOO.MB FOR It I'J N T Modoni furnished rooms. 315 N, llnrtlott. Phono 0KS-1U --. rffri.1 ,MT" ron BAiiB aiistnvtjfiinKUOi) FOR SAI.Ifi- Hudson flvo passenger auto In' good condition, new tires, electric lights, cheap. Apply 120T W. Main street. 108 FOR 8AU8 Wheel barrow, gnrdon Hoodor mid Ovorhmd oxpioss wagon. Address Mit. A. llnkor, Colonial Flats. 105 FOR SAI.Ifi Hlnglo cylinder Indlnn, chain drive, chimp. Itiuulio hax W. SecomU 101 FOlt SAMS -1011 twin cylinder, two tipoed llarloy Davidson motoroote In good condition; eiiulpped with Htownrt apneilometor, Prostollto tank mid light. Cttsh iirlce $125. U II. Plerco, Pnul'B ISloetrlc Storo. I 101 FOR SAMS-rCronm separator De I.avel No. 18, used only short llmo good as now. Fi W. Monro, Ash land, Oio, 107 FOR SAMS Home furniture Phono 870-.I. 11 FOR BAKU 8v and Moeond-hand 'bicycle, nt 16. & II. Shop, Sparta Hldg. I" FOR 8AI.I8 Meyer inoilob flulo with case, etc., ban 13 koysgood as now. $15. Telephone 158-X after 6 M. in. 103 FOR SA LIS Alfalfa hay chonp. Phone 310. . FoitSALlS Second orop alfalfa and grain hay. Snlder's Dairy. rott halm MvrnvntCK FOR SAMS Gentle, true work mare, drive elugle or double; 8 vears old weight about 12 oil, for $s5. Phone ffl'JB-ll. I"3- FOR SAMS One good horse with now harness and new surroy at very low price. Overland Auto Agency, Phono 01, cor. Ilartlett and Main. 101 FOlt SAMS Horses, and grain hay lu the field, one mile northeast of Phoenix. IB. IS. Heamee. 100 HUHINICKH OI'I'Olt'l'llNITIIta FOR SALIC A first class blacksmith shop lu a live town at a bargain: no competition. For particulars write or call on Mark Johnson, Illy. Oregon. lnI IIICLP VAXTimMAIiK WANTUD Oh edgerrTian, two tim ber falters. Ashland Manufactur ing Co , Ashluud. 103 WANTHn wrrei.vriONH WANTKD- lady wishes hour or day work. Phone 311-Y. 103 WA.VriCD .MISCHLIwWKOtlS WANTI5D " 1000 lbs. of iioultry aeekly; top prices. Warner, Wort mau U Gore 105 WANTKD Feuthers to renovate, old mattresses aud leather beds made Into sanitary folding forms. For samples. Phone 180-J, 323 Kaat 12th st. 124 WANTBD -Fixtures for store. What have you? C. A. DaVoe. " MOMCY "TO I-OAN MONKY TO LOAN Ham money to loan upon city and oouutry prop erty. Quick service. Money on hand. ISarl S. Tumy, 810 Qarnott Corey 1llil. H INTRRtmiJAN AtnoOAIt CO. TLMIS CARD. Leave Meiltord tor Ashland, Tilent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4.00 and 5:16 i p. m. Also oa Saturday at n:i p. i m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a. w. and 1:00. 2:00. 5:30 and 9:38 p. in. Leave Ashland for Medtord dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. hi., 1:00, 8:00, 4:'00 and 5:16 p. m, Also on Saturday nights at C:30 and 2:80. Sundays leave Aahland at 9 1 00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:89, 6:30 and 10:30 m:? ty" T . . A3 YD ss-. te UAIJBR AUTO HPRINO 00.-W nVfl eperntlnj: tho largest, oldest rpt! bMt equipped ilant In tho Piv cltre northwest. tTso our aprlngt whon othora fall. Sold under gtiar anleo. 2C North Fifteenth St.. " Portlnnd, Oie. Attornrja OEO. W. CIIRItnY Attorney and Notary, Roonm 0-10, Jnckuon Coun ty Ilnuk nulldlng, entrance N Central, Medford, Ore. FOrtTRR J. NBFF Attorney nt law, rooms 8 and 0, Medford Nntlonil Dank Oulldlng, A. K. 1U3AMK8. LAWTBRaariiett Ooroy bids. O. M. ROHRRTB Lawyer. Medford National Rank Building. Ill 'II la: -TS-i-ra.. Collections. COMiKCTlONS AND REPORTS We collected Komo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. The Huilock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Use kino Bldg.lC B. Main st Dentlsis Dr. W. M. VAN BCOTOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOTOO Dentists narnott-Cory RldR., ulte 81t Medforo, On. Phono 856. Collections and RcporU DR. FRANIC ROHRRT8 -llontlst M. F. k H. Hldg. Ofllos llourr 8:30 to 12S 1 toGL Phona607-R. Knulneer nmt Contractor FRKD N. CUMMINOS SnRlncor and contractor, 401 M. F. A II. Dldr. Survey!!,, rsllmatoa, irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and land Ira. provoment. House Movers MKDFORD IIOU8H MOVKIIS Wo Movo Dolmen, Hnms, Cnragos, Mn chlnery, IStc Phono 488-M, or 488-X. C12 a. Nowtown, 811 Da kota. r -.a. a ir n 1 1 . -.-3 Insurance. KARL S. TUMY General Inauranre officii. Flro. Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Plato Glnsa, Contract, nntl Surety Uonds. lSxroHont com. pnnloa, good local sorvlce. No. 210 Oarnctt-Coroy Hldg. Instruction In Music FRRD ALTON HAiailT Toachrr of plnuo and harmony. Ilnlght Music Studio, 101 (Inmett-Corey Hldg-, Phono 72. Garbage GAKflAGR Get your premise denned tip for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagona for good norvlce. Phone 274-L. V. Y. Allon. I'hyNlclnns ami Burgeons DR." V. CI.' CARLO W, DR. fiVA MAINS CARLOW Ootoopathli pbyfllclans, 41C-417 aarnott-Corey bldB.. phono 103C-L. Jlealdence 26 South Laurel nt. DR. W. W. HOWARD OfltoopathU physician, 303 Garnett-Coraj building. Phono ISO. DR. J. J; KMM1SN8 Phyalolan and surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, car, nose nnd throat ISycs uclon tlfleally teated and kimo sup plied. Oculist and Aurlat for H. P. It. 11. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. bldtj., opposite P. O. Phone 567. DrTr. W. CLANCY Physician and snrncon Phones, otflco 36. resi dence 780. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6. t DR. MARTIN C. HARHISR Physt clan and Burgeon. Office Palm block, oppoHtto Nush hotel. Hours 10 to 12, lto 4. Phono 110-J. Printer and I'ubllHliers M1SDFORD PRINTING CO., has tht best equlppod printing office In sonjliorii Oregon; book binding, leoao leaf ledgers, blllln? eystems, cto. Portland prices. 27 Norm Fir st. Trnnrera - WADS TRAN8FKR & STORAOIS CO. Office 42 North Front at. Phon 316. Prices right. Sorvlce guar ntaed WHY? ' NOWTI.MlSTOTRADH. I have a 160 acre stork ranch; good locattou; 100 aorea In grain, some airaUa. This place recently sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance, Will trade for good orchard, prefer pear, or would Uke city property. Would trade even or aaeuine tome In. oumbrance on orchard proposition. J. C. BARNES lot! Woht Main Stteot. NEW TODAY 113 arrs. halt or It In wheat, oat, bsrlev, ulfalfa, aud corn; all oronf go with the place If taken this montlii buildings, 30 cattle, a baud of sheep, team and all tools. This place lays near school, couutry store, and level road to Uedford, and other valla? towns. Lays well out toward tho out. rauge, and I SOd place tor atock raising. $60 an acra. Including all thing mentioned above. Hoon-Cathcart Co, Ptwmo 1U7 . vi I '2m s ill)