Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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News From
The Greater Oofd f fill club bpaefit
performance, "A Dull Night in 11
Cabaret," givpn Tuoduv evening nt
the Com us theater, certainly una not
(lull, for the audience, nl least, m
the playhouae was cmsded to the
doors and encore utter encore was
given. J, II. Deeniun appeared us
manager of tlin cabaret, which, ow
ing to lack of fund with which to
pay the performers would hare to
plot it doors. Lloyd Bimmons, the
waller, suggested to the buss, "Mon
sieur Jtannatti," (hat he let tlitt
,guusts entertain themselves with
singing anil (inuring. 'Die gueals
then In the order of their entrance
were: It. P. Tucker, an Engtiah dndo,
accompanied liy two ballot girls,
,Missos Dorothy Rmith and Ma John
son; Alms Claire Tucker, a lovelorn
girl; Misses Vera Murray and Vir
ginia Itaemnn, witli William Htueve;
Ir. Lloyd Simmons and John ICel
sey ns rube from Moonvillo; John
Hoed, a Hjrt fntareatad in Miss
Tucker. Various ohonisoa wore
given. Mr. Tnukor and the ballot
girls gavo n dunce nnd song, Mine
Tnrker sang "I Never Know" and
"When J Lonvo tho World IJehind";
"Aloha Oe'' was rendered by Misses
Murray and lluetnnn to llio nenom
pnnimcnl of Miss lloeinnn's ukeloln;
William Nluowti recited "Out Where
the Weal Hegina"; Mrs. Simmons
Hang )'Como Ilnck, Dixie," and )t
rinsed with all Hinging (ho eliornn of
"I Wna Flontlng Down tho Old
Oroeu Hivar," while they throjv oon
fetti nut into the audience. Two
reel of movies were givon besides.
About 20 waa cleared for tho club,
nnd another play ia already under
way to be given jn about two week.
Heiilon flowers of Aahlaud viaited
for a ahort time with his sou, M. 1).
Powers, of tliii pltiiiu, whilo on Ida
way home from Ida initio on Piokotl
creek, near Merlin, on Monday.
Fred Knox of Omuls Pass wih
here Sunday looking nt atoek in this
vicinity premrator,y to shipping.
Mr. .1. If. Iteeinaii nnd dnuglitar,
JfiMM Virginia, viaited at Aahlaud on
Misse Vere Murray nitd Lnnhio
Nnrvey returned to their roepeelivo
hoinca at flrnuU Pass aflnr a viall
of evowl ilnya with Alia Claito
Tucker of this oily.
IWnrshnl J. if. fiutaou ia now dom
iciled in the K. C. Wells proierly on
the eminence in the north pail of
town, ovci looking the .giljaeaiil r
lej h.
Mlha Monde Co left Thursday af
ternoon lor a tiil with her friend.
aiis Mildred McCoy, or Central
Mix (Hmc Turner transacted bus
,iniN iin.i mniIihI with friends in
Med lord Widneadgy.
Mih. jiuiiieMin and daughter ltlla
of Hie On IN creek dialriei was ahop
iiik in (iold 1111 TueadftV.
5liHea Iioloifa and Volanda and
Waller Kds, are Spending the lat
ter piirt il the week at the beautiful
much home of Mr. aud Sire. li. K.
Adiimx, weat of (fold Hill.
Mr. Williiiin Kinnev left Thura
ln iil'temooii for a iit with her
jn. 'Hi. r ai i 'euli u I'oinl.
liy A. C. Howlett
l. Kdmondaon came out from ltd
itKHinlll Tuaaday on tb . A H. and
later took a jltaay for Mad ford. Said
tliat he waa jutt ready to haul a oar
Ioh.1 of lumbar to the Darby depot
hut the rain lunday made the roada
xu muddy that ha had to poatpoae It
to Koine other time.
u c. Bogga aud family raited for
suiiier Tuaaday avaatug on their a ay
ui the country. Mr. B. la at
Hertford' iiruiulaeat lawyara.
J. 1). 1'terca and Lauto Mart la af
TreJl um i Tueaday avanlug from
Madford, where they had be aa
bualueaa. The kave both Imwu work
lug in Ilia Huasard tatae, aid Mr.
Itarce aaa that tUy ha. Waa raa
iltug a tunnel luto V hill on Dm -pealta
aide from where they foriuar
j worked, at a depth of about
Hvadrad feet and rind good proapacU
it fiaa gold, but ha taa that It will
ojat a good turn of money to develop
ill niiue aa It Is so far from the rall
rgbl and coats so much to gat uubli
ljjr up to the mine.
,1 havo enough Items to make a
rot a eoluiun of reading matter
I wlfl have to keep over uulll I
write again Saturday.
There will e' a Mlal c0l meet
- lflg oo Vedci'fciia .inuifii)n io vote
01 tiie bmU tad tlt out oirwior
pljiP oi0 eft u ia lfloiwruct Mt
0wq ailC fbVa cite CH8 mrring cm
yofjVlVt .a mAtt ootrri f
Jj?.SSf "tt',n e,'9', ?wr v6 an
e PoiiM1JAf'yi;(ft8'v,wa n4lBa. 0e
Our Neighbors
On Wedneadny thn-e deer were oh
MTwd lciaiireU I'ccdiliK at ll'i al
fnlfn potcli in the renr of Hi Kvana'
place, ll'i Folk street. Hob Drew
turned in nn iilnrtn, with the rcault
that several local photographies
were on the scene in short order, nnd
C'iiff Payne, among the nntnlHii, imio
eeeded in snapping no less tlirrn six
views of tho animals, which wore loft
quietly browsing on the premise.
They were all does, and were shot
with kodaks Instead of repenting
riflea, the shnolees responding to I ho
hnmniiH impulse not to harm tho
keanliful denture. On Thursday tho
duor went still liovoring nrotiud thnt
A. 8. Mnyar, building contractor,
and family Iinvd returned to their
former linino at Klkhnrt, Intl., alter a
residuncH of auvornl years in this vi
cinity. A conditional pnrdnn hns bnoii
jri-Hiitud by the governor (o Moso
Idfor, eommillud In lint pun from
Juuksou ooiinly siuno tiinu ago for
Mrs. Mario lluoralntto died on
Wodnoaday at the homo of lir
daughlor, Mrs. Chnrlotto Iliugol, on
Morion atrool. Sho waa a native of
Germany, 1)7 years of ago, nnd find
been a resident of Ashland thirteen
years. I lor family wore ammo- oitrly
settlors of Wiaeonaiii. Mrs. 11. F.
I'ohlnud ia nnnlhor dnughtor reaidiug
lioro. .Her remaiiia woro taken to
Manitowoc, Wia., for intorment, uc
compnuied by If. F. Pohlnud, leaving
for the eaal Thtirsdny nfternooii.
A benefit for the boys' baud will
oeotir nl the Lyrin on tho evening of
Thursday, .July art. A five-reel ex
hibit will he supplement with moviue
of seenea in I.itliiu pHrk nt the limn
Diiiismuir inusfeiaus visited Ashland.
In addition to selections by tho baud,
Professor Lovelund, ita lender, will
jundor voiml nnd iiiatrumuiital niun
hora, and thoro will he selections by
tho orchoalru of tho Vining. Tho
liunefit ia to ho given for llio mere
nominal admission fee of ID mid Ifi
eonis, rtml oiliKiMis are urged to pat
rnniio the lads nl Ihia hciiorit pur
fonufliine. Among apporlionmuiila in aid of
county fnira for 1 1 1 0, tho .Inckaon
uouuty oxhibil at Medford is entitled
to $l,75:i.((.'l, nceoriling to figures
just made public The tidal allot -meat
throughout the stute is .flfl,-
T8l.7fl. Josephine eouuly will reoeivo
fdlo.oa and Klamath ootinlv mnJUB.
h. T. Ilotlge of the high school
faculty and Miaa Itcitha I'lixnlieth
('ulkiiia were married on Wednesday
ai the reaideuee of A. ('. Jov on the
Ihutletard, (he bride and Mr. Jy b.
log aiHtsix Mr. and Mr. IliHlge left
the day of the weddiug for CrcMccnt
City, t'nl. The eereiuimv waa ar
formed by Profeasor W. f. Van Seoy.
Ijoeal fans are anticiHitiug with
lileaaure the haaeliall game at Med
ford mi Sunday, July 23, bet ween
the teams of (hat eitv and K la am Hi
Falla for the chniupionehip.
George Krauier, H. P. agent, left
early ia the weak for Porlland, Keul
tie and British Columbia points, on
bia summer vacation, aocoiuimnied by
Iiim family.
I. II. tlruves wns reinlaUHl as an
crinlctideut of mrks on Thuraduv.
Ilia ultimatum to the iMirk huurd was
that he should have (he privilege of
either hiring or discharging employes
under him at pleasure without inter
ference from individual members of
Unit body. lu other worda, (he board
iiiual act as a suit in dealiue with
the siiieriuteiideat. The park bourd
includes George Vavarnar, P. E. Wat
son, 8. Penniaton, Mrs. Marie Vau-
)a. ami Mi, lassie Van Kant Tav-
enter is cnairtuan.
Friday moming 100 were Ibrowa
from the roof of lleebe & Kinnev'
atore. This refers tu packages of
merchandise caxt adrirt to be scram
bled for on the Plum.
Local chicken fanciers are lookiug
fuiward to a big gathering at the
aexl ataetiag of (he Oreguu Slate
Poultry assoeiatuMi ia IWember, as.
aurancett haviug been given bv Presi
dent MH'laaahaa that the state meet
wouU he held ia Medford this year.
A erty f thiriy frM-odn of Mrs.
Fred Kaotl as4 ds,isblr jotaeU in a
irl pM-aie va Wednetay. rmnJi
inenlar,. to (live Mauij eueat whu
are uhuiit to return to iir houie nl
A "future eriehrAtii'i." (hauouet
ill l' lirld .it I) Huti'l Auxtin un
der oio-piii of cidtent in ut-ncml.
licet Tucxdov 0"ia. Jalv 'JV This
oill he a pi if oiler avt-'iiYiher iMit,
t ulticlt o iMSrfaia mii tvili W
a uiipftv iiliriMar t the ihauvsi'o
"I' !.! tnw4 Tianiig (he vU.-jmv
"t inlaid is xU raok of ti.wrm o
U (MfACuVOfi (AT(i. Tke uaotiiiwt
b'l In 4bt) ii4 .al jnitdiP icbh ei'FA
H lie ('In Ih.lin (gs Oiiiimver ot the
low ll.Gi u-lin. l lu. limit mil Im'
f O'lfe-i 1; -limp, uud no lukiU 41
l) mi -.lie iilitloi(lii. Ints '.M.
?ie foiMiufBiul iQb or Kluiunlh
Oalls liu 8i(i'iaxh(it) (0 having incur
pointed is lio tDiarf) tt ciaenD i
ipinrter-indl levy in behalf of the or
ganization's publicity work, the prop
osition having been pawned upon fa
orably bv state authorities. The
matter now goos before tho voters on
itt merits. Tho snmu question hui
been ngitated here, with the differ
ence that I ho levy was sought on it
munieipnl instead of county busis.
Klnmnth county will share with
Klamath Falls in the expenditure of
the monoy if the measure passes.
The Casey house, near the corner
of Pioneer avonuo uud 1) street, is
now onoupied by Mrs. T. II. Kins
man, who has recently moved here
from Medford.
H. T. Collins of Medford has been
added to tho clerical force of Hotel
Hoy f. Mnrray, who deserted from
the regular nrmv nnd was appre
hended bore, was on Tuesday taken
Ui Medford liy Dopulv United Slate-,
Marshal Jackson of l'oitlwnd, where
he waived examination and wn
bound over to appear before the fed
oral grand jury. Ho wbb a recruit
on (ho way aoiilb.
F. J. Shinn, secretary of the Com
meroial club, inude a biisiuoas trip to
Medford on Wednesday.
The Ituokeyo restaurant lids been
renamed the Lilian bnkerv by it new
proprietors, Holnlmrt Si Taylor, who
Iiiivo also iustulli'd niiiiiuroiiH iin
provemunts. Hoy (lowdy nnd family, who Jinvo
boon visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. If.
tlowdy for (ho past fow weeks, loavo
for thoir homo lit Ilolmond, la., early
next week,
Kdwin F. Iiiglis, a former Irnvplinff
eugiiKior of (he Southern Pncific,
now rosidiiig in San Prauciseo, bus
biieu here this week, renewing thu uc
(piiiiulauue of ninny old friends.
First ('ompay, C. A. C, now ou
onmped nt Fort Stevens, ranks (bird
in numerienl strength, Fifth company
of Albany being first and Seventh
company of Mcdfitrd second. A to
tal of thirty-thrco commissioned of
ficers uud 1(10 unlisted mon tiro in
ciiinp. Thu annual experience is no
picnic affair, tho comumtids being
engaged in artillery uud infantry
drills, guard duty, powder blending,
siib-eiillber practice, together with
regimental and battalion parados.
Artillery practice occupies six hours
Commodore Perry Hlmoro, well
known mining man of uorllieni Culi
fornia, died al Klaiiialhon, July 18.
Ifo hud resided in SUklyou county
for over sixty years. Interment yna
hi llornbrook. Ho una a native of
Orville Gliok, son-in-lnw of J. M.
Denver, slartud Wednesday morning
for Fort Klamath over the Dead In
dian road, an objective point being
( rater Lake. His only companion
was "Prince," a prixo Shetland,
weighted down to capacity with grub
and enmp equipment. Aa the Irish
man hii id, ''Itotli horse and rider will
make I he journey on fool."
Prank Itetseher, a regular in the
K. army, who has been here for
Mime lime ws( on reserve furloiurli,
lefl for San Francisco on Thursday
to rejoin the colors.
Miss Laura Prink of Gold Hill li
the guest of Mrs. Irsel Lewis this
Miss Alice lllaeVford -of KlwnwUh
falls, formerly one of the efficient
seheol teachers of tho Central Point
corps of (anchors, la a wolooiua bouse
guast of Central Point frleuda this
Mrs. Oggleuuy ot Talent, wna a re
cent visitor at the home of Mrs.
Maria Purkoyplle.
iMr. and Mrs. Charles Sanderaon
and children of Ileagle were trana
acting business here thu first of the
weak. Mrs. Sanderson was accom
panied home by her cousin. Miss Mil
ursd Hank, who will enjoy a few
days rest there.
A. Conru Plero, business manager
of tlit Central Point Packing com
pany, left the middle of the week for
Chicago, where he will spend some
days attending to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Oaka Ames and In
fant daughter, Arleae Katharine, of
Oakland, California, arrived here tho
last of the week and aro now the
guaata of Mrs. Allies' parents, Mr.
aud Mrs. Kichard Hay. It will he
remeMbsred that Mrs, Ames was far
marly Miss Uleanor Hay, one of the
moat popular members of Central
Petal's younger social set. Mr. and
Mrs. Asms ksreafter will, make their
home In .Medford.
Mr. To si K s i in r y ef Dabeager (lap
wm so ost-of-town visiter Were the
first of the vMk.
Tho MUslonar; i.'lrt; of the Ktrst
Mt-tnodiii churrh nut lu pltaaaut af
troin wsiloa t the home ot Mrs.
M. O. Uraj-JInt Tuaaday.
AWm (ers ot Central Point
fa mill t vhuere encamped at Aah
Itod dutin (Via year's celleut saa-
9loo of tfte ctKistsuqus have returned
home sell ilifjaed Uh the twelve
rtsi. full of iu(J) thluga that they en
J i) oil there V
Miss Muni harow aujoyed e
pleasaut vutt whh Phols rulaUvaa
laat week. I
, Coaper lkg(hia Saltraad Ihawg
tmm-. 1
i I
New gornvnor general of Cannibi
and Ida wife.
Cavendish, tho ninth duke of Dev
onshire, ia to succeed the Duko of
Connnught aa govornor-gencral of
Canada. He is one of (he most in
fluential nobles and one of thu rich
est men in England.
arrived In town Thursday, It wnB a
delight to tho youngstors ns well ns
tho grown folks, as It was tho near
ost thing to n circus that bus over
been lu Central Point.
A uumbor of young pcnplo mot at
tho homo of It. II. Arnold Woilnosdny
ovonlug to Itolp make merry tho
birthday ot his youngest dnughtor,
Miss Hova Arnold. A very picnsnnt
tlmo was ruporlod by nil present and
It Ik tho wish of all Hint Miss Ilovn
will over enjoy nnd celebrato that
day of days as sho did this ouo.
.Cnrl Henderson, who has been em
ployed at Hilt for tho past fow months
arrived In town on train Blxtcon Wod-
nosdny evening to spend a few days
with his mother and sister horo.
Mr. Croft waa trading In Central
Point the middle of the weok,
uMr. and Mrs. Prink of lllg Unite
were recent business visitors lu Cen
tral Point.
How Matlock will fill (he pulpit
at the Christian church horu both
morning aud evening Sunday. Mr.
Matlook preaehod hero n few Sun
days ago ami those who missed hoar
Iiik him missed something more than
Just a more sermon. Come and en
joy a rare treat itauday,
Itev. SUM or the Methodist church
enjoyed a vacation ot one week at
tho home of his brothers in thu Der
by district last week.
The rain H'hlch continued tram
Bsturdsy night until Sunday evening,
although welcomed by nil, did quite
a bit of damage, knocking down sev
eral seres of wheat for J. A. O'llrleu
and Fred and Johu Offenbaeher.
11. IS. Itoea has returned to Apple
gate. Mr. Koas hss been la Cali
fornia since earl) last spring.
iMr. aud Mrs. llrubh and daughter,
Ilernlee, are to leave Saturday for
Klktou, Oregon, where thoy are going
to visit their daughter, Mrs. K.
The camp fire girls left last Sat
urday night. The girls regretted
leaving as they were having a very
jolly time, hut It seems that they
could uot stay as loug as they con
Miss Violet Thurston oame home
from Medford this week whers he
has been visiting with her twa Bla
sters for the last two weeks.
Kred ltauedlct. Jehu loroll and
James flrubb went o a Hsln; trip
up to Steamboat and had vory good
luck catching a hundred and seveuty
fish ia a day or so. J. H. llarkdull.
ad O'Urieu aud Lane n-nl Los Of
(aahacher also motor? t ay ther on
a ftshluc trip Wtdattihiy "J. Wan
day. The llttls isMl.l affair t tls Mil
Saturday uight -JyM b both
young aad old. Mr. a an tfra. Worth
and Charks Mea plsyed ma ay delight
ful pieeea for dam lug sad everyone
prououaeed the party a Jolly good
Mr), and Mrs Preji Bauadfat aad
T. W. Harriott motored U UraaW
Paas to huaiaaaa WWtaeaetoy.
Bualnani motors to '4rod th
week wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Mansfield,
John Pernoll, Mrs. Maud Kubll, Harry
Urown and Marsh Ualdwln.
Lester Layton linn sold wliat was
tho old Layton placer mine to a Bos
ton party. i
Chester Kubll is riding on the
Squaw Lake rnngo with tho tipper
Applegate cattlemen, who have all
co-operated and aro all together hav
ing a mid-summer roundup, moving
all of tho beef cattle on a different
rnnRo. Mr. Kubll sold eleven head of
beef cattle to Nichols nnd Ashpole.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Peel and
Harvo and Win, Cnmoron motored
through here Wednesday on a picnic
trip by the way of Grants Pass and
Medford and bnck home.
O'Hrlcns nnd Offonbachera have
been gathering cattle nnd moving
them to the Chapman Creek range.
Clyde McMurtry Is out from Med
ford working his mlno.
Mr. Fryer and soiib havo a quartz
mill at thoir mlno nnd are' working
on tho quartz strike.
Mrs. John Offonbacher Is tho own
er of a now piano.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kubll nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Miller wont to
Grants Pass one day this weok.
Harry Wilcox returned lout week
from Connecticut, where he wiir
r , ......
called some weeks ago to attend tho
funornl of his undo, tho Into Hobcrt
.Jll. Wilcox, husband of Ella Whcolcr
Wilcox. Mr. Wilcox wna plenaud to
find on hia return (hat Ilia orchard.
whioU ia one or tho best in thu val
ley, had been well cared for during
1iis ubsonco by Chnrles Forbes of
Wo understand that tho Japs who
took tho contract to care for (he
sugnr beets in this distriot have
"jumped the job" and loft last week
for other parls, where (lie sun does
not aliine so hot and weeda do not
grow no fast.
A meeting of llio Tnblo Hock Im
provement council will be held on
Thursday evening to not on several
matters of importance to the dis
trict. It. C. WiiHhhiirn delivered a load
of slock hogs to Conro Fiero last
Lawrence Fitzpntriek haa caught
several fine stcclhcud during the last
fow dnys.
County Pathologist Cato uud In
apector Kline were doing business in
this vicinity lust Tuesday.
Joseph Lester of Aguto in em
ployed ut tho Wilcox-orchard.
Tho rain of 'Jlnst tfuttirduy and
Sunday waa of groat benefit to or
chard, gardens and late-sown grain
and in some placet, wet the ground
deep enough to plow.
I'd Vincent took his gas tractor
over o Central Point last week to
have some rwir work done on it.
Dr. Woodle, who him been pros
ecling in the vicinity of Iowor Ta
ble Kock, has purchased u machine
which he claims will locate gold, sil
ver or any of (ho precious inelulx.
He has now taken up (lie search of
treasures eiiMsod to bo hidden m
tins vicinity by tjio early settlers
and Indians and whs in the act of
digging out n pot of gold under a
large tree on the Connor ranch when
he was slopped by tho owner.
Archie Parked of Central Point
was through hero Wednesday with his
meat wagon. Itogtnuiiig Monday,
Mr. Parker will mib through here
twice a week, on Mondav nnd Thurs
day, and besides nil kind of meats,
he carries n side line of groceries,
stationery, etc.
Harry Xealon ami 0. P. Hall were
business visitor in Central Point
Tuesday evening.
S. C. Collins is setting out 8000
cabbage plauts of u winter variety.
Thik cabbage will mature during the
winter months when such things art
scarce, and Mr. Collins expects to
receive a good price for them. The
Collius ranch shows the fruits of
lierseveruuee and work. Hosides a
ruuk growth of gurdon truck and po
tatoes on several acres, (hero is a
large berry wtch where the vines at
tbe present time are litorallv loaded
down with delicious herrio. Then
there are some twentv acres devoted
to sugar beets, where we saw some
of the best beets we have seen in
the valley. Also there i a twenty
ucre jMar orchard wliick i jut be
ginning to bur uud dl produce
several hundred boxrs of )mh this
yeur. Pet ween (he row of trrs (he
buy aud grain for the form ttt-k u
groMi and many thisi that tbi- ham
it tendency to reduce tie abaormal
gmstu of the trees, thiu ir anting
the rapid spread of blight.
To run a ranch of (Us ii&i re
quire a lot of work, vet M. k'ollia.
aud his boys do praeticnllv ell o it.
The farmers' iieuie ot (cut is I
lSdnt Saturday should M gll at
tended by our farssars Sod orchard
ists, as the boainass to be under
taken is of the greatest imtortaac
to them.
A serious error occurred in our
iteum of last week, wltau we stated
that a baby girl waa born to Mr. and
Mrs. Khuer Uull. We should have
stated Lhafelhay war the proud imr-
euts of a bouuoiMff Iyy.
aaaatL. bbbbW Jr ft M 1 m IM
"lP JaaBSBBBBaVsl I l J ft gaaaaaaafHgaaaaaaaga T saV
in thirsty weather
Tou will iv ant plenty of ice arid a little good
tea. Be sure of the tea I Schilling's Tea,
iced, has all the refreshing charm of
Schilling's Tea, hot only difference is
temperature. But there are four distinct
taste-types of our tea, and you won't be tea
happy 'til you get the hind that just exactly
suits you. So let us send you the Taste
packet, which contains four parchmyn en
velopes of Schilling's TeaJapan, English
Breakfast, Ceylon, Oolong. Then you can
make your own tests.
MaittJ frtnjity n rtctipt cfto (tnti (itanpt tr tiiit).
tSfJJrtJt: Kl Schilling & Qtmfany
333 StctnJ Strut, San Franchtt
Schilling's Best
Sold 1&&
through grocers
only i.. ,.
w I i ft
The Sure Vtrc.y to Prosper
Tr to savp .some monoy nil the tinio.
Tlie safe way lo save is to put tho monoy in
a bank like 'this.
Ashland, "Oregon's Vnmotn Siva,"
invito. It's cool in Ashland's Chau
tauqua 1'aTk.
on sale every Sunday in July be
tween all stations, Ashlaud to Ohm
dale, inclusive, at oue fare for the
round trip.
are on sale every Saturday ami Sun
day with return limit of Monday to
from all stations Hoaeburf aad
Aak the local agent or write
Johu M. Scott, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Coos Bay Railroad Celebra
tion, Marshfield and North
lteud. AiiKut '--I. '2" and -0.
low Hound Trip Kate-..
In standard
fadagn, S-ez. an J
' t ;irn
Save money by usinu
Week - End Hound - Trip
as a a
Pacific Lines