b 4 MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORIWON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1916 FAGE TOREE t ",'".-T-"rri HOLD CURTAIN RODS NOT ADAPTED FOR CHINNING SEATTLE, July Hi. That tho cun tnlu rods la Htate room berths arc not Intended for raising and lowering tho occupant, or, In other words, for chin ning purposos, Is tho substanca ot the Ship company In tho suit for dnmdges brought against It recently In tho local federal court by United States Senator reply filed today by tho Pacific Steam- j Carroll 8. Page, ot Vermont Senator Page was a passenger last himself out of his borth, tho rod hold summer on tho Pacific Steamship lng tho curtain wns so Insecurely fas compnny'B steamer Spokane. In his ! tened that It gavo way, lotting tho boii complnlnt he alleges that lu lotting ' ator fall to tho floor, breaking bones In both feet, and straining ligaments so soveroly that ho wns compelled to iiho crutches for four months. Tho company contonds Hint tho curtain rod was supported Btrongly ertaugh for tho purpose for which It was Intended. With Jlodford trado'lsModfqjct made, a w :. . ii --.. . . . i, i i ii - v i i i ! .i i i 1 i n i I actual burnih& tests fey wb'd&JL.' ' '. . wBL '0 4"- r ' I yr demonstrators ar proving iKfefcfe,,,. . WjW & 4 F'; . ' gfi -??smsattoSi. Vytf tMA rci :