PAGE TWO IMEDFOKD MATL TlUBnNR, MEDFOED, ONIWOV, FRIDAY, JFLY 21. 101G ! I I I I TOCAL AND PERSONAL JP . O .iK ....... (AUomoy A. ('. Hough of fl rants Vnm spout Tlitirndny iiftarnoon In Mod ford. MIm AnIUi Dodge of Coronnilo, Col., left Friday morning for Albany. 8ho Iihb lioou llio Kiieit of .Mm. I-ot-tlo Sttfinour fur the lait weak. Bntlis 2Sc Ilotol Holland. J. C. Uobornock Mid fumlly of OroenaburK, I'nnn., Iiavo arrlvml In Mafiford nmt will miiko tliulr liohio on OonoMeo itroot. Oray'B nlnco for Gianni, lo- bnccooa. I.ynn Mnwat of Anhlnml nmkc n flylnK trli to .Mod ford Tluimdny ovon. in p. Do Voo rIvob trading Btnmps with everything oxcopt procorlofl. Jlra. Knto Cox and Mr. .T. II. 011 vor, both of 1'ortlnnd, spoilt Thtiradny , nftornoon In Medford. A broakfiut you can afford and bo dollKhtod with. ltiiBsoll'fl Cafe 0. 18. Griffiths of Victoria, II. t, Is In Mudford for a fow days. (lot your milk, cream, butter, crrb nnd buttermilk nt Do Voo'n. . M. Thomnn upont Tlmradiiy In (! runts 1'naa uttondhiK to lonal Iiiih- InoMf. Tho world's crcatnst rompanlofl. Holmes, Tho Insurnnto Man. .1. C. IllKgor of Portland spent Thursday nlKht In Medford. Typowrltor paper of all klnda at Bedford Printing Co. J. I). MaltUon wiu a .Medford vis itor from Urania I'naa Thursday night. Try a King Spitz cigar and en courage homo Industry. tt uMrs. I. II. McNnbb, of Ashland, spoilt Thursday night In Medford. Dr. KlrchKOHsnor will bo at Ilotol Nash ovory AVodnoBday, Iloura for consultation JO to .1. It. A. Howloy Iiiih licon rnufluod to Ills home a fow dayn but bus now ro covered. dray's place, rold, drinks, fruits. For rent, 2-rooui furnished houeo. C. A. DoVoo. 0. O. Inglo Is a luminous visitor from Kau Francisco, Jlli; Gc Milkshakes at Do Voo's, Arthur llrown and I.ostrir Adams returned Thursday night from a ton days trip to the Klamath country In tho IntoroeU of tho Hearst publica tions. Rco Davn Wood about that flro In ruranco polloy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno llldg. , 1'. IC. NidhoU returned to bis homo In Portland Thursday aftor a husliiotw visit of a fuw day In Madford. Mm. A. Truo Iundy, Nu-Ilono cor sot ropreMiitntlvu. Phono 81$, 17 X. Orange. 103 Arthur Perry and Churloa Carlton left Thnradny for a tun days outing In tho llluo ladga district. Gate soils Ford oars, 200 down nnd $25 n nioiith. 1'. Hubbard left l'rlday iiioiiiIiik for a week's stay with h alitor In llar rlsburK. "Whipping eroam nt DoVoo's. A yomiK woman giving her name n h Mlaa Holmia I.ucIihiihii and claim lux to bo the daughter of a wealthy Florida merchant flawed the Iter. William liiower, maypr of lllllslioio, Cal., J. M. Cliaionmn and Harry Ito gan, Jlurllugaiuu, Cal., merchant xoveral days nao. h obtained small sums from hur vlotlms with a pathat !r twlu of how alio lost liar purse while Kimlua from Ua Angolea and va put off tho train. Two week hko. imoidlim to Chief lllltaon, this t.iine miubi, woniau registers at tbe Hotel Austin uudar tb uaitie of Miss l.urtlu IlMohaitau. She told the (.aim- lule as to tho Culifiiinlu vlettuts ri'dtlhK II with tear In her uyaa to s. KtKMHbauiu. among other UIh-u she bacaiMe aware that sit whs iiider pollvo aurvelllanee ana left for Ashland, wharo she was also Matched, Waving akuitly far the ttnith IlutterwNk IN al. UaViWs, ' Three tf mmuumw MrevaH'a re i ults. Ut We awed i la tlMMtlay's gani wkh KkMtMMk KaJta, arrtrl 1'rWay imtrrtm- TImt an "CaWIt'' MalHir. Kkiw, Taas Uttfcw, oatfWhUr M4MI M. W. Uh. t ik NM'lNr. Wn , vkm -iU alwt fUjr W MMiftaM. T1e nasaHsiias af ktaa mmm Vti art) all twwr attiaawra will M4rtoU7 b- TonlBht members of the city coun cil will Informally Inspect tho Unlit placed In position yosterday to Ilium Inato tho "Medford, Gateway to Crater Lake" hIrii on the city hnll. Tho light, which la placod on a pole across the street from tho city hall throws a beam of 100,000 cniidlo pow er, which shows plainly on Blsklyoii Heights. Paper plains, mincers, napkins, towols for your nuto lunch. Medford Hook Store. Tho water main on Laurel si rout broke Thursday iiIrIiI and Is doing rt palrod today by inoinbors of the wator department, Wo make a specialty of picnic lunchofl, Hussol's Cafetorln, Acconllni to a statement of Mayor ICmerlek, tho j:i()0,()00 bonds for tho construction of tho railroad to tho Illue Kodgo district will bo Isatied at tho next mrotlng of tho council a wook from TiidBday. Ilrlug your lunch , oamorn and flshliig outfit on tho picnic excur sion to Ilutto Kails' Sunday, .Inly 13. I.oavo P & K depot a. in. Round trip only $1. You will enjoy It. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. II. Gothor and daughter from Provolt are shop ping In Medford today. Mr. and Ml, l-'nul MoPhnrson of Kaglo Point were Medford visitors Thursday night. Hargalus In now and second-hand hlkofl, Kx and H, Shop, Sparta Htilld- lug. KM Mrs. II. I). Heed and Miss Claire Tucker of Gold Hill aro shopping In Medford today. You can dance as oftou as you pleaso at tho Mooso Hall Saturday evening. io:i 'C. 11. Ilyrne, representing Cluett J'onbody and Co., spent Friday In town on busluoBs, When Homeoiin plans In holn tho town, plan to help tho plan, llutter Hold Grocory. Phono 210. 101 Mr. and Mrs. John Hoimem of .lacksoiivllle are shopping lu Medford today. Smoko n King Spitz cigar, flc. They aro liomo-mado, tf 1'rnnk Isaacs brought homo sovou Kteelhead from I.ono Pluc Thursday night. One -was a twelve pounder. All were hooked with a No. 0 Grlzzty Klug. Court Hall, his companion, got ono threo pounder. When Homeoiin plans to help tho town, plan to help tho plan, llutter field Grocery. Phono 210. 101 R. U. Gilo of ItoKoburg Is spending a fow dayti In Medford. If you haven't attended any of our Saturday night dancoa at the Moose Hall, you an missing something. C. II. Hardy of Portland transact ed hiisluoss In Medford Friday. Pear label time Is here. Slock labels or special labels at tho Med ford Printing Co. Frank Hay rotornud to Medford Friday morning aftar attending a few days at Tolo. Gat your labels narly. Don't wait uutll tho last minute. Tho Medford Printing Co, Is tho place to get them A. J. Wilcox Is a husluiias visitor from LosWiigoloa, Poara and apple label printers for tho Itogue rlvor valley, Mod ford Printing Co. W. N. Ostraudor of San Fraiului la spending today In Medford. If you are suffering from Indlgcx Hon, a grouch or the blues, come to the Mimwo damw Saturday evening It will cure you. 10.; C. It. Dowers la a business visitor from Chlco, Cal. Kaa tho stock labels carried by the Med foul Printing Co., If you aro lu a hurry. It. J. Mdtell or Portland Is hI)MiI lug a feu days lu Med font and other aoatharn Oragoa polata. lluttarmllk Xo quart at HaVoa's Father Me('urlU) or Yn-Wu and (' V. Holt arrhed Frldai uioniiiu frm Portland, having driven HikhikIi lu Fathar McCarthy's uau I'lialnni. roadster. For Tie cents yoa wa ilaiue noin a to IS at the Mewm Hall ltuid,( vantHg. io.: Jim. C. II. HeHlley aad daughter of Asbtaad aMHit FrMu) moralHg la Madrr4, later prtH'twdiag to Kk Polat, kra tli-. will remain until 8Ma4a. l'alrts tally eartU lu stork at tUa Madtarrf Prlntiag Co 'Mr and Mr W. V Ganoway and ! children and Dr. and Mrs. ('. II. (Ian- oway of Stewart, iS'obraaka, roturned last night lu tho former's car from Crater Lake. Mr. Ganpway lost an oxtni tiro rrom the enrrler on the roar. livery .Saturday night at the Mooso dunce something new. 103 Something now, brick iuo croaiu In sanitary package. Kciuia two hours. Take one with you. Tho SliaJU. Any body going to Crater Lake or the Klamath region with a team and no load, can make expenses at room 350 Fed oral building. 103 InuMlte at the Union Htabte tor In formation and transportation to tho Oregon Caves. Ford cars for hire with or without driver. Payne and Hostwlok. ion Arthur llrown has returned from a fishing trip lu northern California. II. I.. Klly, or Oregon City, for mer master fish warden, arrived Fri day to spond a few days looking after Interests hero and renewing old ac quaintances. 11. ,1, Joy Is prepared to hud fruit trees. Addreaa uuxt three days Nash Ilotol. Good references given. 101 Members of Sigma Nu fraternity Thursday night held a dancing party at the lltiugHlow In Ashland. A number of guests wore Invited. Vocal selections were rendered by William Vawtor aceomiMinled by Miss Florence llazolrlgg.' Tho only plnco In tho city where you can Indulge In dancing -Saturday night at the Moose Hall. loll K. 1). Hill or Nnpa, Cal.. la the guest of bis daughter, Miss Hill, nt Derby. Mr. Hill Is a member of the G. A. It., and while lu Medford met V. 8. Clay, a member or the same regiment during the Civil war. The two had not seen each other for ()3 years. Planlc lunclios at Central (Ma teria. C. T. ICIIory or Vancouver, Waah., la spending a row days lu Medford look ing over hiiHiuoaa conditions. He Is contemplating moving his largo poul try establishment to this locality lu the event that the wave of progroaa that HiioiiiM to bo coming to Alodford uiaterlallr.oB. Tho best always ut Central Cnfu lorln. iMrx. F. W. .Streets and Mlsa Alice h. Streets ot Grauta 1'aaa aro shop ping lu Medford today. Nover mind tho wonlhor -havo good time at the pavilion dance at 7 Gold lllll Saturday evening. Good J1! RiCAN BARK SWEDEN BOUND SEIZEDBYGERMANS K. Ii. Domini of San Francisco Is of the tlmc (ampltig and fishing on Heading a party of three car loads Hogtio river. Ills enthusiastic reports ot Day city sportBiuon who will ar-'ot the sport attracted the party of rlvo In Medford next wcok to spond the season fishing on itoguo rlvor. Mr. Hop(uI spent several months last summer lu .Tackson county, six weeks his friends, MIbb Carpenter of Perrydale shopping In Medford today. Is BRITISH STEAMER SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE ALOIKIiK, AlgT 111)7. Jul v "Jt. The 1tritili slciuiinliii tlrauge Mnor, :llH lolls grosx, and owneil liv tlie Moure line of Newcastle, luix been xunk liv a Miliinariiii'. Her crew wiin landed. LONDON. July 21 The Amrr lean baik Prince Valdeuiiir hiu been captured by a German warship while on Its way to Swollen with ti cargo of wheat and groceries, according to a dispatch to tin Ifixchange Telegraph company quoting the Copenhagen Polltlkeu. The schooner was tak en Into Swlnniuiide. The voaaol be longs to George V. MrNear, of San Francisco. Tho MeNoar firm is one o fthose Included In the rec,cnt Ilrlt- lah blockado. The bark left Sa-i Frnncolaro on Fobruary 2 I for Tollo borg, Swwlen, and carried a cargo of wheat, harlay' and groceries. -MJaJaXaoJa All Summer Apparel Must Go Regardless of Former Value or Cost Jack Tar Middies HAN FRANCISCO, July 21. The selsure of the sehooner Prlnz Vnl demar by a Germnn warship, reported In Loudon dlspatahoa today, hroiight the following statement from George V. AleNear, of San Francisco, head of tho company whloi owns tho voh boI "I don't understand why the Ger mans should Iiavo selxod tlio vossel. Tbev corlalnly had no right to take It Into a German (tort, as it was con signed to a Swedish destination. Wo shall proloat to tho state department and demand Its release." The Prlnz Valdonmr Is tho third vessel owned or chartered by the Me Noar firm and capluiod by the bellig erents, it was nald. SUGAR BEET PLANT AT CORCORAN SOLD HAN FRANCISCO, Cal., .lulv 1. i'hc I'ingicc Sugnr company, rupi- talked at $1,0110.11(11), tiled articles of incorporation here loduv to take over Hie Corpomn boot sugar plant ut Corcoran, Kings ooitnH. It. It. Niek crwou, president of the San lomiiiiii Valley Sugar companx. who h mim ed as one of the iucoi-porat'ors, said ii and lames I'ingicc of Ogilen. music, flue roads, nice and cool. I'leli, had pureliucd the Cnrcornu Misses Anna Hansen ami l.uillo ' planl, ubicli wn- Inpli ut u eo-( of Itader left Frldav afternoon for Ash-' l.oilO.iiiui, but wtiu-li b.i - been -hut laud. I down l'"i' -mnc time ? ? r r r T ? ? ? ? T T V ? ? ? ? ? T f ? f a: Y t f v t ? t All al special prices. And middies are as sta ph as sugar a year round garment, and Jack Tar iMiddies tire the best that can be had. 1 or, AlLLILw. OQ SSl fifl MuLlinu S1 IftL?? $1.75 and $2 Middies at $1.40 $2.25 iMiddies ....$1.79 One lot of .Middies, sev eral hI vies, very spe cial ..... .'...59 Ira. cJfes1i I" VO-A rj jwy MM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? & Trimmed Hats Two full tables oi Trimmed V Hats, Uiitriinined Sha)es and Children's Hats, including' Panamas, hemps, .Milan Hemps and Hand-Made Hats 180 Hats to choose Jrom, values to $7.50, now 98 One lot of ITntriniiiied Shapes and Sport Hats now $1.98 Xew Cretonne Sport Hats 9S All Summer Millinery regard less of cost. Flowers to freshen up thai old hat at tre mendous reductions. AH Summer Wash Dresses Regardless of Cost One full (able of handsome Wash Dresses, in white voile, all-over 10m broidered Mull Dresses, Colored Voile, cic, actual values in this lot up to $18.50, now $2.98 $15 Sport Dresses $4.98 f Your choice of a big line of Spori Dresses in crepe and Krench linen, val- ues t( $15.00, now $1.98 Maw gm I HUJU -3 DAYS Beginning Thur., July 27 Mat. 2:1 5-Doors 1:15 Evc.8:15-Doors7:15 750 CONSECUTIVE TIMES IN NEW YORK Direction Elliott and Sherman-- D.W.Grif fith's Masterpiece 400 TIMES IN CHICAGO TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tiaawtar MaaUa4 rkaasaa. 'rtia wr Ot wtlWMiiav m xhUmv vmk. on XVt Vou tfopi ttaar heUWv, ?Jp,. V. U Souls Wt l'huri18) lor Via- boas to VVhJtu V'Ua aiur kfteod- Ual i .& a lib h nrcal, Mr. out) Jira. vy. X JXntn. 8l?M tfMvV-ttv! aa oUIoq tt (jllaia ,cro ' '" (bo lar0 iff las. Tac rj tlmO miS U fgni toouV Hioie. Miaa Maraari'l Mausflidd 'of lro lB0t la the KutM.1 of Mlsa Utadya Wll Hyi-for a few days. '$& tltos luitaa auto whaala to iUUlUgi CrrUga and Aula Work nil liuyfl tbam au4t HXe nw, at a ai. U U$tl. ( I'ortlaad. at Ui I10M Vllllar l M-dfoi. LOsrr Mvi 'uuvTnla tire on rim ftwl niror. t'rater laao road Wow Vnlan Creoli W l' C.ouo iwar. nowiird. UnII;ci'o t;n i sac. in,! WANTKD--I or .". i.awcnjcra to Itosno IC1I; !)rert oi'colog. tmnoi row (.MrdAi incolns Alilie n t: i) . cjrc Mail Trlbnoo ICo'o nur iiiiiniior o 1 . an c oil v on . i We have Spring Qips m fit any ,cur C ma E3 ffl BfflSia. f I Closing Out All Gloves kTa. Silk Suits now $14.98 Only Suiis t T f r ? ? ? y y y y . 1(5 Silk and Silk Combination left, in navy blue, green, black, real values to $"10.00, sizes Hi to -10 ? your choice $1I.!)S With the unsettled condition of the suit market, you could not do belter than anticipate your wanis and lake advan tage 01 me nig nargains we are oiienng in this line $9.9S, $1J.9S, $19.98 ! t y y y y t X I Two-Hut ton Kavser (J loves, all colors, pair.. X y y y t T ? y y A Chanioisette 9 Long Chanioisetie fllovs, whai there is left, values 75c, now J9 1(1 -Mul ton Niagara Maid Silk (Moves, black, -white and all colors, $1.25 value, at S9 $1.75 Niagara .Maid Silk O loves SI. $1.75 Niagara .Maid Silk Gloves $1.39 Long While Kid Cloves, regular $!).75, closing out S2.1S y y y y y v y Closing Out Neckwear Closing Out Handbags Closing Out Parasols Closing Out Shell Goods Closing Out All Summer Goods ! f y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y Ja- -"5- 5 J J Ja aj X'"i Romembor Mao Marsh Is Ono of tho Big Porsonaliiios of tho Motion Picture World "Hoodoo Ann," a Picture That's Different Tlio IvryMont' - Mum TuiiiKlit Is Pt'cliltslly '.'V ill Plot ShlcSililillK I'lllif. 300 TIMES IN BOSTON 300 TIMES IN LOS ANGELES r tan ja j 200 cmiscciituu porfortttaitcr'S In Pluhilclv)il.i. St Louis, Pitts btHt) nHil San Franciseo These records stand unprcceJrnted In tlie htttery at tho Ameri can staqe. 2 Exceptionally Fine Films ae Mars TODAY AND TOMORROW 'V M NOTE "THE MRTII OF " A NATION" Will Im ii'M-nUtl In Mislfonl tho niiii Hh X oik, I'lilliulol. Iitila, Ibiniiauil t hlriiHO, (iiri)lo; ti)'lliiiiK to (hxhIiuo the W'lidi-ifol elliHts noil a Symphony Orchestra of Thirty Pieces i iw waj .awn . ii , nan i a 11 n .i i.,.,-, .. . 30i-SYHniONY ORCIIESTRA--30 PLACES Hot t: no latinoo iji-, ;.ic, ;i-. and Ji 'i SEATS RGADVf MA1L0RDERSNOW llKSDAY, JliA 25 ACC0MPAN1KD BY CHUCK Supported by ROBERT HARON, the Younger Son of tho "Birth of a Nation" the beloved little sister of the "Birth of a Nation" in her greatest characterization Hoodoo Ann ?- M: a child of misfortune whoso "glad" spirit finally brings its regard in ton dor romance. It's a mystery play of unusual charm. Page MKiu-omrs UvulliiK Mothm IMctiitv TlieHtrn AND Mack Swain in that Keystone Frolic aBy Stork Delivery" ' a u J, roUtB etflMU' t o vt' (J) ' BiiaTBaaaalalTMiWamW OOOXi-COMFORTABLE WELL VENTILATED.