Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1916, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Maximum Yesterday tH;
Minimum Today 32,
Fortynlxth Tfr.
Dully -Klfvcntli Tr.
NO. 103
Vienna Admits Russian Smash Has
Forced Withdrawal Annlo-Frcnch
Offensive Vigorously Pushed,
Gains Dcing Made by Both Forces
Artillery Active at Vcrdun.v
VIKNNA, July 31. Under tho
pleasure of nttneks hy the ltus-dans,
tlju Aimtro-Hunguriun forces in the
legion of tlto Styr mill Linn rivers,
north of the Giilieimi lionlor, have
been forced lo withdraw to new
positions in the region nf Here
Htauhk, hh.vh mi official statement.
The official statement says:
"In the sector nl the mouth of the
I,iin, the iinemy attacked after ar
tillery preparations wliieh lasted
Ktivornl days. His iiilvmiee by way
of Worbuu was nrrested. Neverlhe
lew, we withiliew onr salient posi
tions before a new threatening sur
loiinding movement in the region of
Along Nomine Front
' PA1I1S, .July '21. Portions eup
tuieil yiHterilay by tlie Fronch south
of the Somme were subjected to a
vigorous eouuter-attai'k during the
night. The Hermans chnrgeil the
French linen south of Soyecoiut, lint
the war office iinnonnccd today they
suffered heavy losses and were
iliiveii linck in d'Miidor.
A si mug (Ionium detachment
uhieh advanced to the attack in the
(,'IiuuIiioh region was repulsed with
(he Imyonet,
Between Soi.-sons and Iiheims the
Fionch penetrated a (lorinnn trenoli,
(.louring it of its defenders.
On the Vorduii front the uitillory
was active on both sides in the .vi
cinity of riiattanconrt mid Floury.
Freneh aeroplanes successfully
bombarded stations at CnnfhiiiH,
Miirhi-Tour, I.ongnyoii and llrieul
loa. t
Itl'ltMl HcCOIll (SlllllS
LONDON, July 31. Tin llritish
Hue uorlh of lUixuiititi ami I.onguo
VhI haa been pimhed forward in
Foiironux wood, the war office an
nounced toddy. The ISritWi drove
Hie flonunns from the wood, but lost
part of this imsition subsequently.
The statement says:
"The Itattle continue without in--termission
between the l.oipsio re
doubt on the west and Oelville wood
on the east. North of the Itaentin
I.onguovnl line the Hritish advance
Iiiih lieeu pushed to Fouieiiux wood,
from which we drove the enemy.
"During (he night the eneinv ooun-ter-nttHckcd
after an intense bom
bardment with gn shells, mid uc
cci'ilcd in effecting entry into the
(Continuod on pago five.)
WASHINGTON, July 'JJ.-l'ur.
soual uuMHKe wuiu vent by Prusi
dmit Wilson today to Kuropomi nil
er urfiHft their eu-owrutioji in get
ting food uttUua from the United
State to the larviug people of Pol
and. I', t forts in the smite diioetimi di
ittetad through the state derUeiit
to the foieign oftiee of the eountries
involved uae met with failure. The
preahlent desires that Prance, Great
Britain and Ituasia allow the peerage
of the foodstuff ami that Geio
uiul Austria-Hungary guarantee that
the food will bu given to the eiviliau
MHiitiuN iumI uot mmjhhI by h ratios
of OtHttlllfttMHt.
The message, which ar idaiitiem.
are aiWiel to the king of Kua
IftMU, im presweut of rruitiw, W'0
ttwHrur of ItussiH, the tMttwrur of
liennany and tae ewjwrur of Auatna
It i understood tkat ho dafinUn
plan is ggfrtUNl, thoogii thu tnd
fawt iuiiiutw tht Ui UhiUmJ Statw
wul4 h glad ui foator hmn a rUtf
oHuatio in FoUuhI a kas im
mUiUiad with suca aiuvM in IM-jriaw.
Ministerial Decree Issued Placing
Persons and Property of Allies- of
Austria on Same Footing as Na
tions Who Have Declared War
Rome Seeking Breech With Berlin.
ItOMK, July 21. A mlnlfttorlal de
cree was Ifisucd todny, plnclng tho
persons and property of Gormnns on
the Bamo footliiR as thoso of Auu
trlnns and Hungarians. Tho decree
does not directly mention Germans,
but states thnt allies of Austria nro
to bo trcnted an enemies nnd their
subjects nnd goods nro llnbto to so
iiucsthntlon. I'Vvt' CSenimiiH I'ft.
Prior to tho war Gormnn property
nnd Interest) In Italy woro otttlnmtod
to bo wortb $2r.0,000, 000. Tholr
value now Is placed at about $150,-
000,000. Thoro nro only a fow Gor
mnn subjects In Italy now nnd thoso
will bo either placed In concentration
enmps, or sent ncrosa tho Swiss bor
der. Thoro lins boon n strong; agitation
In Italy for some tlmo for tho bronk
Iiib off of nil rolntlotiB with Gof
mnuy. Tho curious situation cnusod
by Italy boliiK at wnr with AuHtrln,
while nominally nt poneo with Ger
mnny wns omphnslr.od by nu agree
ment botweou Home and Ilorlln,
wherein nil rights of tho cltlzons of
ono country domiciled In tho othor
woro to bo roHportod. On July 10
this agreement was denounced by
Italy on tho "ground thnt It was uot
bolug ftbscrved by Germany.
1'ixv.miio of Alllfts.
At tho great council of tho ontento
allies hold In Pnrls last Fobrunry the
Itnllan roprosentntlvos woro prossod
for nu- explanation as to why Italy
hnd not iloclnroil wnr on Gormuny.
On February 20, ltnly requisitioned
.1 1 Gormnn ships, which woro In
tornod In Itnllan ports. Am n similar
action by Portugal had promptly)
called forth nn ultimatum from Ilor
lln, which wns followed by n doolnrn
tlou of wnr, It wns confidently ox
pected thnt tho khiiio soquol would
follow In rogaril to Italy. As fur' as
Is known, howovor, Wllholmatrawo
did not oven niako n protost. If wnr
Is now declared, Italian troops may
bo sent to tho wostom front, nccord
Ing to tho oxpoctntlons oxprotwod In
London nnd Paris. '
WASHINGTON, July 21. Inquiry
as to why certain buslnoaa conoorna In
tho United Statos huvn bean placed
on a blacklist undor Groat Ilrltaln's
trailing with Hio onomy net, wero di
rected to tho llrlttah govornment b'
the state department today through
both the ilritlsh Mntaaay hare and
Ambassador Page at Iondon.
Information Is sought specifically
roKnrdlnK n number of flrma the
namoji of which have not been mailo
public by tho department. Thoro Is
no discussion of the principle In the
Inquiry, that matter being left for
attention after the Amerloan govern
ment is fully Informed aa to the facts.
're-id. nt ii-. . n,T. t
ter Ueueral HurU-ii, snrlurv
Soeratarw of a.. l! .. . s
TWi. is the first nhotoaraDh
supreme court; Unung, who auoceeded WiUiau J- Ifryau, ana uaaer,
- -----
Note Received From do Facto Gov
ernment Approving Appointment of
Joint Commission to Settle Border
Difficulties Cabinet Considers
WASHINGTON, July '21. All re
strictions upon the movement of ex
ports into Mexico, except munitions
of war and machinery for their man
ufaeture, wore removed today by or
der of the treasury department.
WASHINGTON, July .'Jl. While it
was admitted at the state ilcpuitmeut
today that u note had been lcccixcd
from the tie faeto government of
Mexico, under tlute of July 11, ap ap
peoving: the appointment of a joint
commission to settle burder difficul
ties, officials refunetl to comment
upon tho atutemont given out at
Mexico City last night, purporting to
fuinish the text of the communica
tion. ft was learned from nu authori
tative source, however, Unit (he Mex
ico City text, though Nubstmitiallx
similar, is not identical with that
presented by liliseo Arrcdoutlo,
Mexican ambussndoi' designate, on
July 12.
Mr. Arrcdondo saw Acting Secre
tary Polk before the latter went to
today's cabinet meeting.
CongivsMoiiu! Itesoliilloo
, Secretary Polk took with him to
the cabinet meeting a memorandum
of his eonfeiencim with Mr. Arre
dondo, which he supplemented with n
veibal leport of his latest meeting
with the ambassador.
Uepresentiitivc Madden, lepubli
euji, introduced u resolution today
calling upon Piesidcnt Wilson to in
form the house why Hie national
guard is being kept on the border,
'nnd if there still is an emergency sit
uation in Mexico. It asks specific
ally whether the guardsmen undei
orders issued so fur mi he ttent into
Mexico for full infoimalion of thei:
distribution and situation.
It was indicated Hfler tho cabinet
meeting tlmt no statement could bo
oxpeclcil today. Mr. Polk's onl.
comment whs to reiterate thai (he
negotiations were progressing favor
ably. He is understood to have told
Mr. Arrcdondo that he was not pie
pared to give a reply to tho Mexican
I'litomhlo Cliango
War dcpaitment offioiuls today in
terpreted the action of General
('alien, tliti Cm mm m commander in
Sinning i" returning the Nacoruri
railroad to American management at
indicating a favorable change of sen
timent on the pail of the Mexionn
military officials on the weatern part
of the border,
General Davis, commanding at
Douglas, Ariz., telegraphed the ile
imrtiaent nf the transfer. Authorilv
has been grauttHl, he aaid, to liring
daily Minger trains aemss the
border for renovation and return in
accordance with the custom pursued
prior to the suspension of traffic
by Mexiean authorities.
Permission has been given fof
sliipiMHiit of eon I from Hie 1'nited
States for opcriiliuli of tin- lend.
dtmm . whm.. ! - r .p , v . ii.iimi Tr I " m Ti ii-t - irriiiirtirmii ii umii i w-mgiiwnriljwjj ml
I'n u
i lnt n..r I..n
I it Mif hi
i n I tliiriifl
' V
I th eaJjinet taken since new apuoinUnottU war load. Tha Hf atambera are: Grafory, wb Ml aaB.ed aftar yeBajrioldii wa aptwiaud to tho
... ...... . r.ji. r rt
A( (tip, rivnilnwunan posting up
bllllNMttil iststors, n Job held by men
iN'ftiitt llio var. Ilclow, a IVcncli
woman filling the place of conductor
on a stivet rnr.
rlotH. which broke out
nnd northern Prnuco, Imve lieon aup
praweil hy- tho (lurtnan military au
thorities, according to riiporta re
ceived hero fiom reliable aoureea.
Tho rioting whb oHpocInlly aevoro at
Moge, Verxlera, Itoiihalx, Iteiilx', St.
Cs'lcholti, I.okeru and Tormondo.
The shortuge n( food which ie
snlW'd in the riots, aeoortliug to the
relief agencies, huh due lo the ahort
agc of tonnage, which is not likely
to be oorrected, aa the (lemma gov
ernment definitely baa infused to
consent to Hie plan to use interned
(lerniau ships to bring relief food
ad Iiik'UUko of the embargo wliieh the
OerniHii Hiithontitw have placed on
tho-import into Belgium and northern
Prance of native Dutch food sup
plies, which especially fats and meals
Imro dono much to Hiipdcmeiit the
supplies sent into the occupied reg
ions hy the eoiiiiiiiaaiou fur relief in
TIiu tpielliug of (ho riot a in IIm
populous eeiilei" hna lawn followetl
by the compnUory ovanuntiou from
the cities by the Oeiinau authoritUM
of lame sections of the industrial
Thes have bean seat-
iterwl throughout the agrieultural
regions, the reports ny, as punish
ment ami to iniuiiniM the risk of a
recurrence of the trouble.
The greate-t fortisl migration
look place front tho oitv of UIU,
from which 'J.'i.iWII hmii4, iucludiiig
women ami chddrwi, wttre exMlletl.
These poplc are not welcome in the
runt I areas, when the proldctu of
relief, while not as aoute as in the in
dustrial center.-, does not make the
KMiole dusiic any furthtfr iliaiu on
their limited n -niirei'o.
.lil nl tin I ill' "ll f til II. hi
Kidlit'lil IMi I lie It'll -ide '
' Meurelari ' I
V " -u.
who succeeaea i.tooiey m. uuww.
21 Pood i!r' --
In llelKlum ,3
SAN 11 l-.N'I IN. (..I., ,lul ai. -lAui"
A. Fort i ne un hanged hero
(o(1h for Hie uiiirtler of Peter Ker
rera and Kenvra's wife nnd ten
mouths old daughter in the Pen era
ranch hoime near Oxnard, Cal.
Pot line was Iriwl and speedily
eiiuvieted of the crime of mill tiering
Permit and his family, mid then
burning Hie laslies of his victims by
setting the ranch house afire, after
li had eontcMsed to the sheriff.
lie never exercised his 'rivilegc of
appeal to the stair stipretue eoutt
mid rvsigtied himself to (loath with
apMrent ease.
In his confession Portiito miM he
j killed I'Vrrera, a ranchaf fur whom
he workeu, lit the burn with a flub,
ami that be then killed Mm. Perrera,
and her baby in the hme bwaits
he did not know what else to do with
lie cumiuittiNi the triple Mnlr, hit
euufvssad, to eovr up hla forgery
of Perm-a's name to dok for
$J00. He went to town MAd eashed
the elMH'k after the ioufdr, then re
turned and, utter dragging Perrora's
ImmIv into the housa beside tha other
lodic, be fired the house With gaso
line , ,.i 4.ri If ut.
i lbJz&4iai ik
Former Governor of Indiana Heads
Ticket, Dcfeatlnii Sulzcr hy Voto o(
440 to 181 Dr. Ira D. Landrith
of Nashville, Tcnn., Nominated for
ST. PAUD, Mlpn., July 'Jl. The
prohibition nutionnl eonsention which
has been in session here since Wed
nesday morning, adjourned Hiuo tlio
at )'M today, after nominating J.
Prank llanley, former governor of
Indiana, for president of the United
Slates and Dr. Ini I). Landrith of
Nashville, Tumi., for vltic-prosidcnt.
Ilunloy rueoived 410 votes against
181 for William, fonner gov
ernor of Now York, his noareat, con
tender. Pinley C. Ilendriekaon of Cunibcr
Imul, Dd., received fil vottw; .Tamos
Gilbert Mason, New .lomey, 10; W.
P. P. PergiiBon, 4; Sumner W.
Ilayuos, Indiana, 2; Henry Pord, 1.
Sevorul atnlo changed their voles
after completion of the roll call, moil
of the change being in HanleyV fa
vor. A number tif tlelogntos wore
absent, but about II 40 volos were suf
ficient lo elect.
The platform udopled iIoiiouupoh
the Honor traffic its a crime, ileelnres
for nnlion-wide prohibition and eipml
suffrage nnd opposes the military
mid naval programs of the repub
lican and democratic parties, but
favors a "cniwtruetixo" plutronn.
Pood Hhortage In many of (ho more
remote aectlona of western North Car
olIiiH, which woro awept by liiHt Hint'
ila' flootlH, wiim reported loduy and
Information hero wna thnt nt aomo
polnti, notably Mortimer and Col
letavlllo, noBr Hickory, the population
actually faced atarvatlon unlots
snoedy relief U nont. In many place
tho pooplo woro aald to bo living on
potatoes alone, all other foodstuffs
buvlng boon eitrrlotl away by tho
Hovnn additional fatalltlos were ro
portod nvornlKht, and tho death toll
from tho flooda now stands between
X0 mid 00.
IllfiltMN. July 21. --Tho tleatriir
tlnu In tlie northern Adiintlo on
July 16 of two aubmurlnea, ono of
them Italian, by Austrian torpedo
boitta, la announced In an official eom-
munloHtlon rolvil hare today from
I.ONlOK, July SI.- Th I.loyda
aHHoanca that tba Ilrltlaii atemnHlilp
Yiur haa bean aunk. Tho Ysor aall-
ad June IB from Portland, Mo., for
delta, Prauee. Her groaa tonnage
waa about 3300.
Vi'"'v "' V .. i It.ik.r, PosiuUMI
iai.i, Atioiut (ttiieijil Gregory,
- . . i -
Efforts to Cut Down Number of
Battleships Falls Lane Votes In
Favor of Reduction Oliver Ac
cused by Reed of Using Office to
Advocate Private Interests.
WASIIINQTON, July 21. Tho na
val bill reached Its last stage towards
passago In the sonato today with op
ponontn of tho largo building pro
Brain ready with a flro of amend
ments for roductlon. Democratic aon
ntora however, were confident tho ad
ministration program would provnll.
Tho voto wns dclnycd by a ronowal
of tho controversy between Sonator
Hood or Missouri and Sonator Oliver
or Pennsylvania. Sonator Penroso,
during Mr. Ilced'a nbsonco from tho
chambor got tho unanimous consent
of tho sonato to print as n public doc
ument tho Dethlohom Stool company'd
published arguments ugnlnst a gov
ornment armor plato plant.
Por Prlvnto InterwttM
When Sonator Hood returned and
lonrnod of It, ho denounced tho
notion nB a 'shameless proposition"
nnd "nn outrngo," nnd declared tho
company's atatements woro false and
misleading Senator Oliver challeng
ed Mr. Hoed to show tho statomonts
ho referred to.
"Tho sonator frm ronnsylvanla,"
Sonator Hoed roplled, "had tho cool
ussauranco, nttor admitting that ho
owned stool stock, to stand up horo
nnd nttompt to voto money Into his
own pockot by supporting a hill which
would help tho Ilothlohom Stool com
pany, ir tho sonator woro a Judgo
ho would not bo permitted to voto 6h
this Isuuc." t
Senator Olfvor tlonounced thp stftto
mont nsKcrtlng thai Senator Heed
whb attompllnis to nvold his dial
longo. i
Sonator GulltitRor HUBgosted that
Sonntor Heed hud ovcrstoppod a son
ate rulo nnd Vlco President Mar
shall also Intorvonod.
Senator Cummliia amcntlinont to
roduco tho number or ilroadnaughta
to bo constrctcd In thrco years from
ten to four, wns rojoclod by 60
ton to four four, was rojocted by CO
to 14. Throo democrats, Senators
I.nne, Thomas and Vardaman, votod
for It.
Cummins Amendment
.Another nmondment by Senator
Cummins to provldo for two dread
naughts nnd four battle crulsora nil
to be begun ut onco was beaten 61
to It). Seven domocratH, Ilnnkhcad,
Jlnrdwlok, I.ano. Newlands, Overman,
Thomns and Undorwood, voted for It,
An niuendmont hy Sonator Town
send of Mlohlgan, to reduce tho num
ber of ilroadnaughta from ten to four
also wns rejected. Tho voto was G8
to 15.
Senator Konyon's amonilniont to
mnko tho number or battleships six,
four to be built at onco, was do
fontod 58 to 17. Senators I.ano,
Thomas, Sharroth, Overman, Undor
wood and Vardaman, voting ror It.
Without debute tho sonato next ro
Jectod an amendment by Senator
ThomuB. democrat, to BUbstltuto tho
house provision ror Hvo battle erulo-
era ror tho sonato capital ship pro
gram. The voto was CS to 12,
val appropriation hill, with u three
year building program iueluding tho
'immediate coiwtnii'tion of four
flriwdnaughts, four groat battlo
cruisers anil fifty-eight other oraft,
iwssatl the senate late today by a
Vote of (II) to 8. It carries .:ilf,
8U(i,Si:, or 13,837,588 more than
the total n the measure passed the
Soarstary Polk announcod toduy that
he hnd made formal inquiry of Prance
und dreat Urltaln ub to wby no ro
ply haa boon rcoolved as to tho last
American noto rqgardlng Interferencej
with neutral malls and hud asked for;
a Tosnonso at the earliest posslbty
minute. . ..J j.. M