Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 20, 1916, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Maximum Yesterday !HI;
Minimum Today r.'J.
Forty-sixth Tsr.
pnllv Eleventh Tr.
I ",
NO. 102
French Take Five Miles of Trenches
South of River anil Stretch to the
North British Regain Delvillc
Wood and Longucvnl and Push
Forward Line to North,
PAULS, July 20. Kronen ntlackR
in tho Sommo region wore delivered
Inst night on liolh nltloH or the river.
On the north bank trenches In the
llnrdccourt Rector wore tnUen, while
feouth ot Ihc river, nil tho German
front line tronchen between Ilarleaiix
nnd Soyccourt fell Into French hands.
Announcement of the Krcnch stis
reBRes Is mnilo In this afternoon's war
offlco bulletin. The trenches cap
tured on the north hank run from
lliirlccourt-Mninelou to tho onRt of
llardecourt, along tho rnllrond from
Combes to Cleary. Koiir hundred
prisoners wore captured there.
In VcmIiiii Region.
In tho Verdun region there wnB n
eontlnuoiiH bombardment of the Avo
court nnd Chattonrourt Hectors on
tho lort bnnl; of the MetiHo, with a
giomido engagemout to the northeiiMt
of 1 1 111 301.
On tho caBt hank of tho Mouso the
French progressed west of tho Thlnii
niont east works, while to the Aiutli
or Klqury they took n strongly forti
fied Gorman post, together with 10
' A Oerman aoroplano waR brought
down In tho Sontine region east of
Ili'ltMi (alii tSiomid.
London, July 20. Heavy fight
ing continues on the Sommo front.
The war office announced today that
tho Ilrltlsh. bad gnlnod ground In
Delvlllo Wood and Longuevnl.
North of the Longuovnl-llnzontln
liosltlon the Hrltlsh imshed forward
their lino. Hast of the Lolpsle re
doubt bombing parties made n sub
stantial advnneo during the night.
Tho statement' follew:
"At 2:110 o'clock lu the afternoon
In Dolvlllo wood nnd Longueval we
rogalnod u little more ground. The
struggle lu those nroas continues.
"North of our Longuovnl-lHunntln
. position we, this morning, pushed
forward our lino and rnpturod some
prisoners and n gun."
(,'ciinans Claim Repulse.
RICRL1N, July 20. Repented
French attacks south of the Sommo
vto ropulsod by the Germans, tho
war offlco announced todny. Tho
Kronch and Hrltlsh artillery flr0 de
veloped to a pitch of greutest Inten
sity on both sides of the Somme.
The announcement also says thai a
strong llrltlnli attack north and west
of KroniolloH was dofoatod, the Brit
ish being ojocted by counter assaults
wherever they succeodod lu entering
the German tronohes.
Practically ull of the merchants here
ooed their doors today, assorting
that they could no longor oontlnuo to
do liuslnose at a profit at tho stiver
exchange rate fixed by tho authorities
of the de facto government for tho
now Issue of Carranxa curronoy.
Franolsco Trovlno, civil governor
of Chihuahua Immediately called a
mass meeting at which tho merchants
detailed their grievances and a com
mittee was appolntod to place tho(r
complaints bofore tho national mone
tary commission In Mexico City
Peniitug a decUlon from tho com
mission, howevor, tho shops must re
main open, the governor ordered
WASHINGTON, Julv 2". An in
formal inquiry h" liven inud- by the
.lute deuirtmut to the Itntuh en
bay fur uifunuatio" conferuuiir the
KjinlU'atioQ of Great Hritam' trad
itijt with the enemy ui tu A met us n
buiiit-. Uruw und furM,rutiu,
- -
SAXTA Clfl'Z, Cnl., July 20.
"" Iouii Miller, n shoemaker, ""
fired two bullet into Robert
Robertson, n policeman, set fire
to two cabins fired five shots
at n firenmn who responded to
the iilntin, and then killed him-
olf willi .ii bullet todny. Roll-
oilson in rxpectcd In die. ""
nALTIMOHK, Julv 20.--Prepared
to leave port at nii,v moment, Captain
Paul Koenig;, eomnmnder of the flor
man mercliant submarine Ileutsch
land, put on bin uuifonu today for
the first time since he landed here,
eleven days no, nnd for several
hour this iiKiniiiif? studied the chart
of the Pntnpseo rlwr and Chosn
peahe bay with Cuptain Frederick
Hanseli, eoinnmnder of the North
(lerman Lloyd liner Nckknr. When
Captain rCneing Went baek on board
the undersea liner he look with him
it duplicate manifest of the ship's
curg". Another copy was ready lo
be taken to the customs house.
Captain ICoenig said lie would not
leave !ii whip again nnd indicated an
early departure, but said nothing
that would give an idea just when
thoMibmeiviblo would leave.
It wiix indicated the nentsehlniid's
engines uml submerging machinery
had been jrivMi-IT final lest mid hnd
been found In he in perfect endi
Hon." T
WASHINGTON, ,Iiil 20. -An-noiiueenient
tluit the settlement of
the difference between the I'm ted
State and Mexico will be made
through a joint eoiuinusinu is looked
for within the next few day. Only
the finul approval by President Wil
son mid Oeneral Cnrrunxa is needed,
it it. said todny.
Powers to he conferred on n com
mission, if one is agreed upon, have
formed one of the chief imiut of
discussion in preliminary negotia
tions hotweeu Acting Secretary of
State Polk and ?lien Arredondo,
Mexican iimhiissadnr-designatc.
Henry I. Fletcher, American nnt-lmsndor-desi(fiiHtc
to Mexico, will
kii to Iin post in Mexico Citv soon
alter August 1, if the situation con
tinues to i-lcni, it wa- understood to-
LONDON. Ju 20 The first of
ficial announcement that Great Itrlt
taln had captured a German subma
rine ot the r-3.' class was made lu
the bouse of commons toda by
Thomas McNamara, financial secre
tary of the admiralty, who said that
ono of these vessels would he brought
to London to be viewed b the pub
lic. CUICAQO. Jul) 20. TrauteoBti
nental lines are willing to let rate
classifications on lumber stand as
they ar, Henry Ulakely of St. Paul,
first goHw&l freight agent ot the
Northern Iaelfte railroad told the in
tersiat eouwerce commission hold'
lag hoarlHg oh lumber rata t4ar
Wtilter ilunike, of Utu Moines, tes
Austrians Resistinn Russian Advance
at Jahlonltza Russians Renew Of
fensive Before Kovel and on the
Rlrja Sector Teutons Repulsed on
River Stokhod.
LONDON, July 20. A wireless
dispatch from Home says it is re
ported from Petroj:rad that n sreat
battle in developing at .lablimitza,
the results of which thus far hiue
been favorable to the Russians. In
addition to the heavy fighting in the
Carpathians, the dispatch adds, the
Russian offensive ban boon resinned
before Kovel, and Vladimir-Volyn-ski,
and in the II if. a area.
Tiililnnilrn is in the Carpathians,
south of Kolomea, near the northern
end of one of the mountain passe
leading to Hungary.
Get mails KepiiKcd
PF.TROCIRAD, .Inly 20. Attempts
by Teutonic forces to advance
against the Russians in the region
ot the River StakhoiL in Volliynin,
have boon repulsed,' the wnr office
anuoiiuecd today, '
Operations in Galieia tire being
notably affected by thcnvorflow of
the iior Dneister.
Kugl Occupied by Slavs
PKTROfJRAI), .Julv 20. The wnr
ofrice announced today that Kugi, nu
yuportiiut point in the Caucasus, was
occupied by the Russians on Tues
day. Kugi is a junction of hie.h roads
in the Krzcrum district.
I'lghtliiK In Volliynin
DHRLIN, July 'JO. Hani fijthtiug
lias been resumed in Yolliynin, smith
west of Lutsk, flermau troops under
(leaeial you Linsiugeii are on the
aggressive heie at some points and
hac succeeded in coriii)t advance.
The Russians ntc bombarding the
Teutonic lines nlong the lower Lipa,
with inercaseil intcnitv.
WASHINGTON, Julv 20. A gen
ornl Ktirnpeiiu i;ttaek upon Aineriea's
iinproeedented gold reserve and for
eign t rude nt the close of the wnr is
predicted in a statement submitted to
the houu, judiciary committee today
by the national' fnreiirn tmde eotiu
eil, urging passage of the Webb bill
to permit American commissions in
the oxiMiit trnde.
Pointing out that the present
euorioous exiwit lnisines is due
Isrgely to nn abiiominl war demand,
the eoiinoil suys the liberty to eo
opornte, which rivals und customers
of American firm have enjoyed, bus
produced liigldv nigHiiizcd selling
Hgeneies, and that the I'nited .States
cauiiHt hold its imnitiou in the world
of business jf ICiiitiHiiii industrial
ami commercial co-operation versus
American compelled competition is to
i ontiniie.
bor troubles which for titty days
hud affected the off shoie, coast -
wis and bay and rier shipjtuig of
San Fruiicuco, ended today with the
return to work of striking union
longshoieinen and union bay and
river lioatweu, who culled sMimte
strikes June 1. The longshoreman,
who struck for higher wages, a clos
ed shop uud changed working condi
tions, shout -I0OU of them here, an
iioiiuetNl lust night they would rlturn
to work under the old M-ale and no
dotted attop agiecnit-nt pending fur
ther Hotiatioii willi the IJlloy
r ntimn Tin- .i- -lone in the
face of a negative vote bv most other
lonf.horciiiu's iiiiioii- on tin coust
w)o. struck si the -Mine Iliac.
ME '
giant Submarine
NKLW YOillC, July 'JO. The
financial eoiipuuity henrd a re
poit today lliHt $4,000,000 in
gold was in the cargo of the
Oerman submnriiie Deutcli
laud. ruritiu liistirnnoe on it
wits said to have boon under
written by it Now Yoik broker
at .') per cent.
ST. PAUL, Jul 20 -Chairman
Pntton's Introduction of William Sul
zer nt the opening of the prohibition
convention's afternoon session start
ed u mild demonstration that lasted
less than a mlntilc. Hnnley men re
mained silent. '
"No matter vhut this convention
does It will lies atlsfnctory to me ns
n prohibitionist," Sulxer mid. Ho
pledged blmsolf unreservedly to the
pnrty platform and nominee.
Sulzer's empliatlo declaration for
ho rellKlous andlclvll liberty plank
In the proposed platform was greeted
with applatiso which Increased In vol
ume when he Kali! ho was ardently
In favor of religions liberty until the
church tried to iiiterfore In affairs
of state, when ho became ns ardently
opposed to the church so Interfering.
Sulzor finished his speech to the
convention nt 3:05 p. in. A portion
of the delogatos nroso nnd cheered
heartily. Tho demonstration was
ovor In half n minute.
Tho proposed platform led off with
strong declarations for natlon-wldo
prohibition and woman suffnige.
Those woro followed by nntl-propar-eduess
and peace plunks. Reciprocal
trndo treaties with foreign natllons
and n federal trado commission of
specialists were recommended.
Taking up the Mexican situation,
the platform declared the democratic
party has blundered, and the repub
lican party evaded responsibility.
Mexico needs not a conqiioror, but n
good Hntnarltan. the platform declar
ed. LONDON, Juh 20. Lord Robert
Cecil, minister of war trade, declared
In tho house or commons todny thut
bo did not think there was any reason
to suppose the censorship now oxer
clsod regarding proas dlspatchos to
tho United Slates was nt all Ilkoiy to
Intorfere with the continuation of
friendly relations of the two conn
trios, Tho censorship, added Lord
Robert, was established for military
reasons und Its abolition or modifi
cation could not be evoked upon nou
military grounds
A member bad advocated abolition
of the ronsorshlp to show Knalsnd's
confidence in th' ('nlted States. '
public health sen ice regard- duugci
of a national epidemic of intantilc
paralysis a mw, Stale hotiids !
health throughout the eouHlry """'
rHirted themselves abb? to combat
any apparauce of the disease.
LONDON. Jul :'o The following
offlelal report from tho -Ilritteh ex
peditionary forces in Mesopotamia
was given out teday:
"Stnoo the last eonjinunleatlou of
the ITth nothing important has been
reported. The heat haa beet) exeea-
lve. 1'er same days the temperature
in the shade has been over lilO de
Bandit nnd His Main Band of 800
Reported Surrounded Thirty Miles
South of Durnnrjo Line by Rnmo's
Cavalry Escape Declared Impos
sible Villa Reported III.
Villa nnd his main hand were lu the
vicinity of Amndorn, about no miles
south of the Durnngo line, according
to reports received from Oeneral
Matlas Ramos nt Oeneral Jacinto
Ttevliio's headquarters hero today.
The message, which was relnycd
from Rosarln, Oeneral Ramos' base,
nt Tepehuanes by Oonornl Laveaua,
was meauro becauso of the difficulty
of telegraph communication.
Ilaiid is Sim-outiitcd.
Oeneral Trovlno announced how
evor, that tho government troops
still have the baud, which consists
of about fiOO men, surrounded' and
that Villa's early capture socius
probable. Reports from the garrison
nt Ouaniicevl Indicated that should
tho bandits attempt to push on south
wnrd, tho garrison nt that point Is
propnred to reinforce Oeneral Ramos,
who commaiiils n force of about 1000
men, largely cavalry.
Announcement also was made at
the Comandnncln today that Oeneral
Luis Cnlmllero, once governor of tho
state of Tnmnullpiis and more re
cently stntloned at Mexico City, haH
arrived In Tainplco to assume com
mand of the fifth division of the
army of the northeastern, relieving
Oeneral Nrtfnrrate, ordered to the
capital. i n T.l
Cnpliiiv lvpc(icil,
GALVI5STON, Tex., July 20.
Tho capture of Francisco Vllln by
cavalry or the do facto government
Is momentarily expected according
to a cablegram recoived today by
Juan A. Matoos, Mexican consul hero.
This mosange aays that yesterday a
Vllln messenger wns captured by
Carrausn troops. This messenger is
said to have told where Vllln was
located and a force has beon sent to
capture him. The moasouger report
ed thut Vllln wns 111, nnd sooklng
medical aid.
The name or the small town where
Vllln Is snld to be located Is not
given lu the dispatch to Consul
M altos
LONDON, Julv JO. -4'Apliiiiiiiijr
the mi rca-c hi the government rate
of expenditure ( 11,000,1100 pounds
daily, Reginald McKenna, chancellor
of the exchequer, said in the house
of commons today that the figures
related not only to wnr expenses, but
also to total outgoings.
The unforeseen and iinforoahle
causes which hud raised the rale of
cxtieiiditurt, added the chancellor,
were mainly the rale at which Atneri
can securities had been sold to the
goveruinciit for the purp"" of regu
lating American exchange and the
rate at which advances wade to al
lies and dominions in (heat Britain
were drawn uhiii. The concurrence
of the two causes Imd led lo the
exhaustion ,( his borrowinu powers
earlier than uh. anticipated.
Turkish victories lu Persia and the
Caucasus wara announced Unlay by
the war orrlee. Tge iUCttU fol fel fol
eows: ,
"Kast of. Slneh, 'PortltA IttiMian
foreea which attacked our detnn
meuts wore driven off. 'fliey left lie
Hind great nuiuVr of ittd.
"in tht (aucaaus, tn our rliiltt
wlug. our advanceil ihjJm msde suc
cessful surprise attacks
NKW YORK, Julv ao. A
basis for an ajcioemeiit between
the gnrmenl workers and their
" employers wns reported to have
been reported this nfternoon,
which ropresentnlivu of licit It
sides predicted would hrinje lo
nn end the strike nnd lookout of
00,001) woikeiv that hhstied up
the industry for several months
with national effect.
M H4 M
G. 0. P.
NH.W YORK, July 20. William
R. Wilcox, chairman of tho Republi
can natlonnl committee called the
onnipnlgn committee together hare
today for the flrpt tlmo for tho pur
pose of discussing tho geuornl fea
tures of the Republican campaign,
which opens uctlvoly early noxt
month with ' a mouth's tour by
Charles K. Hughes, through tho west.
Mr. Hughes conferred Individually
with unch member or tho committee,
present, telling him Just what bis
Idens woro In regard to tho Itlncnnry.
Or tho 17 members or the campaign
committee, 12 were present, the ab
sentees with one exception, being
from points on tho Pacific const.
"Speclnl consideration will bo
given to the campaign In Maine,"
read a statement by Chairman Wll-
"cox. "Tho coiuniltteo-is thoroughly
imprnsHcd with the desirability of
currying Maine lu the Septombor
elections and will exert every efrort
In conjunction with tho national
committee to that end."
To this, Senator Weeks or Massa
chusetts, chairman of the senatorial
committee, added that between Au
gust 1, and Septombor 1. ten republi
can senntors and 25 representnllvea
would be sout Into the Maine cam
paign "
WASHINGTON, Jul 20 - The sec
retarv of agriculture has announced
nu extension or tho quarantine against
corn from the Orient to cover all of
"southeastern Asia (Including India,
Hlnm, Iudo-Chliiu, nnd China) Malay
an Archipelago, Australia, Now ,ea
Innd. Oceania, Philippine Islands,
Formosa, Japan, and adjacent Islands.
The Importation is prohibited of'snod
and all other portion of mulse and
closely related plants including all
Hpeclea of Teoelnto (ICuchlauiiu),
Job'a team (Colx), I'olytoou, Cblon
ncluie, and tklerackne.
This quarantine Is made neeoaaary
by tho presence lu theae regions of
several highly destructive, dlsoasos.
caused by fungi of the downy, mil
dew group, related to our grape mil
dew and to potato late blight.
SAI.ONIKI. Jid JO. A rovnl de-i-tcc
n published here todav rotir
iny the (Ircck unuv officvis who
were implicated in the wrecking of
the offices of the ncnicr Itiso
ustis aud Hit mortal wounding ot ilk
editor. The piivutc soldiers involv
ed will be couil lunrtialed.
A Palis disputed dated July :i
stated that eleven (I reek army offi
eeis had been ane-tcd bv the Preheh v iiiitborities at SabmiUi fol
lnWlli' all altaek iiimiii the offieea
nt the Ri.on-li- ami the uuudiuit of
the i-diloi. The iiet-niN-r w.i- snld
to h.iM- limited .hikIc- rcllcctiinj
upun lilt- (iritk llltM Hi iuliU4-UuM
with the surrender ot 11 reek
to the HiilguriMiis.
Wiscoiuonitc Speaks All Day
Ayainst Douhlinrt Expenditures
for Military Purposes Actuated
by Selfish Interests instead of
Patriotism Sustains President.
WAKHIN-nTON. July 20. The na
vol hill still was before the scnntn
today, nn attack bv Senntor.Lu Fol
lctte on the measure hfivincr delayed
a vote yesterday. Tho Wisconsin
sciuitoi had the floor today to con
tinue criticism of the Kcnernl preptir
edness ironuu.
Hesiiminj; the nttnek today, Sena
tor La r'ollelte reiterated his declur
atiou that the proposed doublinir of.
expendituriw for militnrv puniose
had been actuated by selfith inter
ests, instead of patriotism, nnd snid
there was not u military, ecouoinie
or political reason to warrant tho
(imposed approuriatloiiR.
"The lotjie of the whole world sil
iialion is ngilinst tiecessity for theso
proposed inerensiw," he anid.
On .Mexican Situation
Duiiiif- his speech Senator Ln Fol
lette turned to the Mexican situation
and Senator Lewis, democrat, asked
if he stood with President Wilson
ugniiist intervention in Mexico.
"1 sincerely hope," replied Senator
Ln Kollettc," tlnt the Mnndnrd
hearer of the republican party in tho
cnmiiu; ouinpuijin will not feel him
self constrained to take the ivosilion
that it is the duty of the government
to put the fine; of the United States
behind investors in Mexico. Presi
dent Wilson declared in his Detroit
fiimsie-lUhot. htuivjsmitWysk''0" r
that iiriiieiple nnd tlint he would not
become the collecting ngcut. of in
vestors in Mexico. The Amerienn
people, if that issue i. made between
the republican candidate and Mr.
Wijsou on thut jiroposilion, will
stand oVerwhelmiiiKly by the presi
denL" Seunlor lt I'ollotlo spoke for
hours and late in the day guvc un
sign of yielding the floor. Senator
(Inllinger became amused whuu Sen
ator 1 41 Fnllotle referred to tiioin
Jiers of eniigitwa as represenlnlives
of the interests'.
Accuses Munition Makers
"A hundred million people have
nobody to look out for thoir interests
hut their senators mid rtipresentu
Jitc in congress," said La Pollelte.
"The munition makers, tho groat in
Jcicsts nnd the world-wide aiwer
which I shall portray before I con
clude are here and in every eapital
of the world appealing to the patri
otic sentiment of the representatives
of the people to increase the expen
diture. I have eomntimea been con
st ruined to think that they worn mi
the floor of Ihc senate and house
drawing salaries as members of the
two branches of congress."
"If I understand the senator from
Wisconsin correctly, I think he miijlit
,aih to change some of the uordx
he uttered.," interrupted Senator
(lallinger. "If I underatand him cor
rectly he went to the point of snyinp;
that he sound hues suspected thut not
paly did members of litis body repre
sent the great business interests of
their states, but that he sometimes
thought that they received compen
sation," "Oh, no," relumed Senator Lft
r'ollelte, "I would not make a break
ot that kind." He added that he hail
lint intended to cnllVCV Wiy fcliolt
CHICAOO, July 20. Chief Justlca
Hnri) Olson of the municipal court
today announced that the Chicago
crime commission was working on a
plan to reorganize tho entire pollco
department, "to change the funda
mental IiIoh of the service." The plan,
whleh Is to ho prosentod to the city
oouuoll. will rourejiQut tho Ideas of
the beet criminal, social aud uconomlo
o-vperts of tbo country, it was stated,
and will contain measures for deals
lug with dangerous "half wlta" llko
Henry Mclnoro, tho negro who killed
four persons lust Tuesday, j