Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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e i
Court of Criminal Appeal Dismisses
Plea of Convicted Irish Baronet
Sentenced to Execution for Hlfili
Treason on Account of Activities
In Dublin Revolt and Germany.
T.ONDON, July 18. Tim appeal of
I3ir Uogor ('aaemonl ngninat his aon
tonco of execution Tor high treason
for Ida ncliviliea in tint Dublin re
volt was diamiasud today liy the court
of criminal n mien I.
Without hoiiriiiir tlin nllnrnoya for
thu crown, tho court of (riniiiuil np
iciil todny diamiaaed Kir Kogur Cuao
moiit'a npiHMl from tlio verdict of llui
lower eouit, which found liim guilty
of (ronaon, for which Viacounl Hood
ing, tlio lord ehiuf juatico, sentenced
liim to death.
For it clny mid n Imlf Alcxtwder
Siilllvnii, Sir Hoor' ooiiiihcI, argued
before tlio coin I, tpiotiug innuv nit
thoriticH in fnvor of Iijh contention
t lut f thu offense or trciiMon depended
upon whether the nocimed dwell un
dir the protiM'tion of (ho king, nnd
tlmt tlio tiriino could not ho committed
without the runlm. Ho abandoned
Inn olhor pointH in regard to tlio lord
chief juetice'a definition of lliu of-
A PI Ml I OtCtllllcil
Ah soon im Mr. Sullivan Imd con
cluded Ills nrgumonl the court follred
to consider wliothcr tlio itltornuyH
for (ho crown would ho culled upon
to reply. It nook decided to the con
tmry, which indicated (hat tlio appeal
had goiio against Sir Hogor, who wan
prosunl during tlio argument, and
when Judgment wan givon.
A further appeal to (lie Iioiimo of
lorde ia poMihlc only if (ho atlorno.v
Ktmonil givof a certificate (hat the
dooiafnn of the court of crimiiiul nn
jhjhI .Involvoa a point of luw ho cx
uuplioiiully important tlmt it ia iloair
ahlo in the puhlio internal that a m t ill
liighur court should deal with it. Thia
hat boon done only twice ainco (lie
Court of niiuiiiinl appeal wan eatuh-li-diutl
eight your iiko.
Attorney Is ThunUcil
Juatico DnrlliiK, in dolivoiing lh
judgment, oxproaaud tlio iiiiloblodium
of thu twirl to Air. Sullivan for Ida
well oonaidurod and woll-dolivurod
arumenta, na tlio justice eharactor-
iccii iuwh, mining Hint liicy won
worthy of the heat traditions of the
fcuiK'a courlf, hut lie declared Unit
thev Imd houn nnewered liv (he nt
tomoys nf the crown tit tlio firat
Attorney Jliehnul rVnneie Doyle of
Philadelphia, of ootumol for Kir
Itogur, oxproaaod an opinion today
that it WM4 hnprohnhlo tlmt tlio lit
toiiiey. general would certify tlio
oii-i' for npnml to tlit houio of
linl-, hv the appeal court did not
ei'ii-ider it nuceaenrv Ui hour Htitu
aiini lor tlio government. Powerful
iHdMemHNi gre wmltiiiit tor a re
prieve, hmiiI (In Htlornc, and there
Wine atroug hope of one being
On Saturday. July '-2, tliero i go
ing to ho u fanner' picnic nt thu
Central 1'oiiit echuolhotiae, Central
Point, for the purpoiio of 'orgnnizing
it co-operative soiling agenoy of
grower of Jaekaou county to handlo
livoalouk, grain, fuod, cte., .and (o
affiliate with the soiling agency that
haa heou founded hy the federation
of tlio State Ornngo and tlio Fhiiii
ora' Union.
Thin, ia a mutter of great Jmport
miico to ovory fnrtnor in tlio vnlley.
Wo atrive lv all ini'nna to pmduco
larger nud hnttar cropa nnd i'linn
producta without any reference aa
to how and whore wc are going to
mui'Mct them and whether or not wo
are going to obtain n lotiMgunhlo prico
for the aaiiio. Tlio matter of mar
keting logically aliould come Pirat in
the production of farm producta.
l'rofeamir Mcl'lieraon of (ho O. A.
C. will ropumuiil tlio fmlural bu
reau of mai beta and in all probabil
ity will apouk tin rurnl creililK. Pro
foaaor Mcl'lieraon ia cuiiHidcrcd tin
uuthorit.v on ninil crcdita and co
operntioii and WHa one of the rcpro
aenlativc aent to Kurope two yoara
ago by tlio federal goveruineul to
atiidy the rural crtalila in Oorinnny,
llolhiud, Denmark and Ihigbiud.
Other apeakora arc I'rofeaaor Ifoi
mer of Hie oxporimenl atatiou; C. I.
Spance, maator of the Stale OiHiigo;
V. C. ('ate, iMithohujiMt, and othora
to he announced later.
The meeting ia called for 10
o'clock ahaip and nil who powaibly
can mIioiiIiI bo prtmuut. It ia naatircd
that the talka will ho iiialructivo, mid
if aoino actiiui can ho taken it will
mean a gloat deal to (ho vallev.
Aaide from tliin, a general good time
ia in atore. Ilring plenty to eat.
.xff j .
r v. ' urn Wb
lw'-- A a sTZmL,' .
j ' t , xk". W ' y "Mai
laly ami iou'l
NICW YORK. July IH. Dr. Akwl,
tlw niluiiital J'ortl ihucd dalogato,
aftkl teday: "ICuroaaa Ma ia not
IMMMtiblv btfure aprmg. The war tuunt
aitaldy bum itlf out. Franco catt
at aaUw aaco; Knglaiid ia loo
mnul to; (Ivriwany oftVi-. nl iin
aarapUula tanna. Tito recent nil id
hUtMHta ia gagtigibli, utttl the cttiiucc
f a Military doriauxt very ranmU.
Talk of Qarnittit oshuiniiiii ia ah
tnL fr thou"t lbn u ecuamiiy of
UraaJ, batlvr and tnal, thtro ia no
tarvatiuo, uiaivly iafottt auiuo. Th
Qaruuia -piiit ia wonUarfully calm,
l'UH(tlgHJII unit toufiltMtt.
, "An Aiivlo-Utnuau-Auu'ru-au alii
aai it. noH iwing hd fur by thf
lutcllixiuaU in Uattuauy, weu aucb aa
on llMiiiiick aud Del truck. Fur
daya lat wiutrr wa tea red a ia
rate pace with ltiuia on (ha bau
ut u Ituaau-dartnan attack on Kng
Uutd through Afghanitaa.
In aplto of tlio worlil'a Kionttmt nnd
mom fnr-roaclilug war, a groat Amer
ican apuotaolo anil Inoliloutally an
arKUiuoiit for poace has Invailud ICu-
rono mid promlioa to atny.
"Tlio Illrtli of a Nation" opeuiHl a
two yoara' run at (lie famona Covent
Onnloii In London on July 6, aujl
ooHimeiicetl at tlio (Irauil Onra hotiao
In Pari, tlio worlil'a moat iiiaanlfl-
cant HiuiiMMtiont (dare, alati at the
U Koala In Milan, Italy, hlatorlr
among tlio noted opera houaoi of the
It la alto anuouncatl that otlior ral
obntttHl i:iiroiwu ettpltala ar aoou
to be Invaded lir tba big nroiluotlou
Vienna ami llorlln among tliam.
Jut what loutlmout thaao tMiun
trloa will ahow our loeouatrurtlou pe
riod ami Ita torrora wlilrh may b
vary Ilk thalr own aoou -lh wtirh
lugi of the Ku-IClux Klnu, etc., will
ho Intoraallng to nolo. Tboy are
prHty Mll read mihih Die elvll nar
over thara, and tin Lincoln. Oraut
ami l.uo almoal aa well aa wH art,
but whether the antlmNta of thu
liomeiiie atory will fbtil the same re
Hion thara la another queatlon.
Of poura "Tha lltrlh of a Xa
ttou" la purely American, but the
tt-MNona ara aa broad aa huiuault) It-
aelf Tlio wonderful reallaiu or war,
however, and the niuaientaiit or It alt
Hill take taa place or local color with
them and vary likely It will create ax
much uawapauar talk la Kuroiie an
It haa on thia altle of the water.
Thlx big attraction occuntc the
lioartla at the p.ige theater lelnnliii;
Thuratla niKht. luh 27. with two
ierforiiiHiie itiuh tlienuitci, :' I.
ami N: K. i m
lcfl to rlglil:
llrlgliton, KiikIiiiiiI.
KAN FHANCI8CO, .July 18. Dalay
ami Vlolut Hilton, little lfiiiKllah glrla
known aa tlio moilorn Slameae twlna
Ijocnitio thoy aro llnkml togotliur by
n cartimgluoiia connecuoii, aro (injur
ing tlio ploaaure of woatern Amorlcau
The glrla arrived hero tlio otlior
tiny from Australln ami aro on n
Hilton, motk'tii HbtiuoM mint from
tour of tlio world. Thoy loft their
homo In Hrlghtou, Kngbtntl four yoara
ago. Tlio youngatora aro eight yoara
old nnd poaaosa aurprlnlng ability,
boltiK thoro muslclaiiR In addition to
otlior lutolloctunl nttalnmonts.
Durliig their trnvolH thoy linvo
boon rocelvod by tlio ruleru of ovory
country thoy visited.
For the convenience of tlio iiiom
bera tho regular weekl baud concert
at tlio city park will hereafter ho
bold on Tuoatluy evening. 1'IiU
wuok'a outertaluineiit will he given
na iiaiuil on Friday at the cuatomary
hour. Ilunilmnater Itowlnml tttatoa
Hint from tlmu to time memhora of
tho baud aro out of employment, oe
oaalonally It la oven neceaaary for a
memlier to migrate to another city In
order that a poalttou he aeritretl.
merely leaving an empty berth In the
mimical organisation. The hand maa
tor atatea that omethlitg muat be
done to overcome thia. lu moat of
the good hand tnwna, when there la
a vacant position, the biialueaammi
glvn the Imudamau the preference.
Thia la a problem that tho majority
of cltloa ami liauda have to content!
with, tho aolvlng of which only la
the valued co-operation of the bita
luoaameu lu engaging bandamen
flrat. Dally iu Med ford vacant hniI
tloua are being filled, proviillng al
ways he la caiwble, there ahouht he
no reaaou why our baud membera are
not given the flrat opoortuult) to fill
theae altuatlona. At preaeut among
the hand membera there la a una lifted
stenographer who would like work
and two other that would be aatla
fled with any reasonable atoady em
liltmnciit Mr Holland t Phone 17V)
Houltl he graterul to uin one that can
offer sin li cniplo.wiifnt
MITCIIKI.I.. S. I), July 18. A
cordon of police with drawn revol
vers provontod an "Invasion" by nl
leged I. ". W.'a numbering aovoral
liumlrotl hero this; morning. Tho
men enmo to town, from Sioux City,
Iowa, lu responio, tholr lontlor aald,
to an appetil sent out hy five mom
Imrg of tho organization who woro
thrown Into Jail hero yuatorday on
charge of vagrancy.
A parley was arraniod with the
men after the eltotf of weapons had
checked their men. Thoy woro al
lowed to get breakfast hero, but were
to continue on northward, whore the)
promised to ,go to work in tho liar
vost fields.
(Continued from pngo one)
lOontlaaeti trsaa'anwi auei
"There u canuoaadiog aloug the
whole frout."
The iul'onniitiou given out iu re
gard to ihc -iiimtioo at Halomki ia
tnt -utt Kn-nt l explicit to indicate
whetber tlii- i nl, nir ullic- are prepar
liiU all ottfUMVf iiiiivemeut A drive
tiimi the Siiliuiiki iiiint 1 1 1 - beeu nre
dntiil 'or .mill in, i li i gener
al UMtelWMMi tile ullie hntr tiftO,
4X1II OS OUM ecu ewilhilde on lu-
Jiool fee a egoipn'su.
In thia, IiIh firt appearance In mo
tion pit tuii", I be ooimlar llioadwa
atar, more than Uvea up to the repu
tation he gained lu "Alias Jlauuy
Valentine" and many other aue-
If you really want to m a aiatloa
picture ot? the "beat yet" variety, a
picture that haa all the necessary
qoslitles of thrills, advanture and
romance, you will be delighted with
this lateat Triangle play. The Raid
are." which Is repeated tonight at the
Fred fiace, Key atone atar, l seen
In comedy that dramatises in a uovel
way the great oil Industry ot Califor
nia. Of course the subject Is treat
ed iu a farcical vein, dealing with th
slippery t3e of the business. f ft, t
tit emiiiiMhitig tiig St'tiiieit el d
tii.AhiniyBfovioMftii' j
iiorilliiK to u tipoit nientl
ioiiiilleil liv theilt ili'ilrli lull, MimI-
loril l KtlMllK iliilMXillialel i,'i ier
month under the clause lu the rou-
trait with the California-Oregon
Tower Co.. which provide that the
cli shall have a rebate of 15 iter
i tnt on the monthly street lighting
electric bill, maintenance of the
street lights tp be taken rare of by
the city.
Klf teen iierrent of the monthly
bill amounts to an average or f&.
aiouea, costs or gasolin and tires on
the city electrician' car when used
In Inspecting the lights amounia to
1S tier month or a saving or $73
Iter month. No additional pay
is given the vlty electrician who does
the worl. of replacing and lUkpectlitg
Hie tragedy ended with Jhu death of
?U itiMigiitot'rt. aj
The firat detail of twelve imlice-
men iimler Lieutenant Wealoy Weet
briMik, nlleuipletl to atorw the houe
with oliiba atul piatida, but were
dneu buck. Itiflos wore biouglit
Up. The bluecoata ponied a fuitlade
into eery windoH. For h time the
"negro eeaaed to fire and it ni
thought he wii dead, hut when a m
lieenian tried the door he reopened
fire, going fn.iii window to window
uuil firing with calm preeUioH.
HoildlliK li I'IiviI
The bltieaoat-. were ebarv of ,Mc
Int.xreV iuHrkuiniiaIiip by thia time
ami nuthorilv waa obtained to tire
Hie building. H waa ao liaaauloiw
'nn iiiidertakiiiy, however, thut oul a
anialt hlaxe n, atarted autimir the, anil iIiim tiM out of itself
l'olieemau Dean waa killed aa he
Mil tike don the rear door of the Alc-
Int.Me hoiiM- Clement and Crab tree
weie hot alien they entered to iv
oover Ikan' Inaly. ilra. Ovenueyci
won laiu when ah went tn search
of her htiHbniid, who bad g to in
vetigtile the hhouiiga.
Dynamite tiually waa brought and
exploded, wrecking the houe. .Mr.
Alelnlvre head waa Idowu off ami
her ImmIv riddled with bullet. KlieV
waa found thu-. but .Melutyrv, al
though wounded, waa leaning agaiit
a bedroom door leadina from the
kitihen. He fore he oould fire a bul
let from one of the officer., found
its murk in In. head. He wuK taken
to a ho-pital, uheir he dud.
FAHIS. Julv g. :;ui ,,. mi- lre
ident Doiiiiare, at muiutiuctl b (len-
erul Pieire IRimics. mtuiHter of war.
ha- -peut the lat (mi da in vi
ll to the Mcii-i- iOd iuimit tmniv
ttrl4(tiv1ini(Sls I , I,, h ,,,!
Mariadio Um Shop
Tho manager of tho Klamath
Kails bnsoball tonm 1ms finally
quieted the newsjatpor clamor re
garding the recent gamo botwoen
Medford nnd Klamath Kails and
arrangements havo boon closod with
Manager Urovartl of tho Medford
toam, wboroby tho Klamath Knlls
toam 'will come to Medford for a ro
turn gnmo next Sunday, July S8,
nccompanlod hy about S00 Klamath
Knlln fana, and aa many more lu cars.
Tboy aro propnrad to play
n good, clean fast game of ball, win
or loso. ltlgboo, tho U. of O. star
pitcher will ho on tho bump for tho
Knlla, and Slohorta, who hint already
mndo bluiitolf It now a to tho Moil
ford fans, will twirl for tho homo
Thin game should tnx tho cnnnclty
forod Blnco Manager Ilrcvnrd took
chargo of tho club, and will bo his
first opportunity to "dollvcr tho
"goods." Tho tennis aro evenly
mntchod and should offor somothtng
much bottor than "bush league
Dob should bo encouraged In bis
offorts to nialto a ball toam horo,
and to glvo tho public good oxhlbl
Hons. Try It once anyway.
Union hay nnd river atunmhoul men
who atnti'k for higlior wagoa Juno 1,
returned to work todny undor thoir
'old wage aoalo nnd working condi
tions on the promise of tho Hay nnd
River Stoumhoat Owncra nssocin
tiou to negotiate it now wnge sonic
with the men Inter.
So for (in could he learned todny,
thoro ia no mention of open or eloi
ed shop in tho ugroumeut undor
which the inun leturued to work to
day. About (1(10 men wore on atrike.
WASHINGTON', July 18. Tlio nl-
lied iMiibnam's hero expect tho Her
man underwater liner Deutschland to
atatt her return voyngo nt nny hour,
probably within it tiny or two. It
was clear today that tho (.iiibntmiuu
linvo niittle no protest and probably
will make no further movo until" af
ter alio bus Miiled.
Agents of the allies have pointed
out to tho embiiHMOH that tho corro
spondenco of Captain Franz von Pa
pen, the withdrawn military attncho
of tho Oernmn embaasy, mentionedu
Haul Koenig in connection with tho
plot to destroy tho Wolliind canal.
No nt tempt has been made, however,
to identify Captain Kocnig of tho
DeutHchhiiid us the anmo man.
Kight membera of the crow of tho
Doiituchlnnd were xhown through tho
Whilo Iloimo nnd Fccaident Wilson's
today. Tile anilors took turns Mttinc
in the prohiilent'ft chnir. Thoy were
under orders to return to Haltiinoru
nt (1 p. tn.
The hojc, the package
or the cmareite . ;
A Box does not make a ciga
rette and besides Boxes are
The Fatima Package is original
with Fatima
It will appeal to you as being
inexpensive neat and in good
Fatima is made jFor men Zvho
Value a cigarette for the
tobacco it contains
If packed in an expensive
Box or fancy package, Fatima
positively could not be sold at
the price
In Fatima the value is where it
belongs in the cigarette
illN PTm.m.Tu!is L!JP
a sensible cigarette
-"".'?""-Ll fi "f IX"
. v
tn s El min sti.i i r
Wearing diamond gh,. air of iro.erlt that brings greater suc
cess K very one knoas that diamonds are high, and thnt no ono can
wear them, who has not consiil, ralile meaus or flrst-claaa cretllt. If
then. ou wear them ou are showing positively that you aro at least
on the road to prosperity and it is human nature to pay tribute to suc
cess u helping It to further success. It is bustueaa for a business man
to show that he is successful, for It will bring him wore and inOier cus
tomers, and there is no better way to ahow that you are successful
than b wearini; ell chosen diamonds. All our diamonds are correctly
graded h expert., with eJM,ct weights, qualities and lowest prices
maikfd in ..rii figures
MARTXM 2. mmT, The Jeweler
HiHdfc i V VI IT
I, 1 1 II
! 'ore pidg,
-fa'ayaiauyi Wanriismn sjglM Ssi