PAOE FTVW Scjuirrel Food By Ahem utJHi.NKHN iiinncroitr Auto HuppHr MEDFORD arATL TRIKUNF, MKHFORD, OWKfiOX, TIT.STUY, JULY 1K, 101G se ivs S' wefc O swj i- h nS. W W6LL.6leSS ILL UP Tr 0US AN -fAKe SPIN OU-fTO S0UPB0N6 N. . - I JT .S" ". jEAIP . .j-wfV- "On" Lr-i . rfS-r -T 7SJb EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Howlott Miss Frances Ilenlh, dnughter of one ol out louding inoicliunls, who liiw been visiting in Chicago mid (hu state of Michigan for several inonllis, relumed to her 11111110 in Unglo I'djnt lH-t Monday, (ho 11th niht. W. ('. Daley f Ike creek spent Wcdiicmlny night with n. lie wu out looking after the interest of the heirs of Ida brother, tho Inte A. J. Dnley, trying to settle tip tlio estate, oi which he is administrator. ('. A. Xewslrom, llif road atipcr visor of the ,ako t'rcek district, called fur iliniu'r Inst Wednesday, mid while lion renewed hi subserip lion to tho Weekly Mail Tribune. Mi Thursday while I woa looking aroiitiil the I & K. depot for item of intoioat fo write I learned (lint the new sawmill at the cedar apring near Deihy stntitui was mi fur eoni pleted that thoy went sawing the lumber for itM completion. It will prove to hu h very great convenience Tor Unit eotumiiijity an thtre are a iiiuiilier of weltler who hare limber on their claim to use up in that way that without a suwmill would h praetieally useless, for it in loo fa from the railroad to justify cutting it into Wood, hut with a mill the most of it can he utiliied. Among other thing that I aow at the depot wan thai there were on the ear sixteen iwssongerw, all hoitid for Deihfitifil ItiiCIti' Fall. Thorn Wo one. a traveling salesman, K. A. Tuft, who ir. woikiug in the interest of the Fisher Flouring Mill Co. of Seattle, Wash., stopped here. loiter- in the day Mr. Tall joined Miss Muriel Burns, Mrs. II. L. Young and her won, WTiiUag Young at the Siiiinvi-ide. Miss Uurris n on her war up to the home of her inoihei, Mr, fining, to make a visit. They all met at the Simnyside mid Mi. Tatt and Miss Itiuris had a pice -ant visit together. 1 also notieel that Mi. YcHing had brought down a ci ate of (lice fut heiu for shipment. MiH Mira Mw of luike Creek hbh at the KuiinyHide for dinner the ame day, and o wa Joe Itruwu and 31. K. Ko4it of .Modfonl. Tliey weie n round among the nrcltnnlUU ti.Mtig to work up huHUtettx in that line. Ul WVhInnh1hv J. h. IUAm Una t I'jtgle Point, Mr. Iltgham ami lux -i-ter, Mm, Henrv Kleppil. formerly ot Medfonl, took the HagJe l'oiut I'erut auto wtagc for Ihoir home on Trml creek. MrN. Teirill of Talent uUo tMk the Kagle Point -like Creek tuge tr the home of her hoii, Cjiarlex, lii-t above MrowitolMiio. Mr. Argelee (licen aUo urrixetl at Iter home here, tho old J. J. 1'Vxer place, Thurxday. Mm. Ureen bus been xHudin(; ouie time m the Mine i MMiiingtotr ami ner win. Au-tiii. iMU been liing on her place. II. V. HotlienuH and J a me- It. e ol Med ton! were uUo at the Kunn- -nil tor dinair TbuMav. They ncrc n'titherhig material for u Jaok--ii county lire-tor.. And Mr. J. A. Malorr, representing a, Mwp maim facturing conipom of Kan l'raneiico, ulo k here the natue da). J. (J. Johnwih and wife, 'formerly f thin place, calleil on tin a few min ute Thurwdny, took dinner, but p4nt the uto( ot the time they were here calling on the h"t of old-time friend. Thev kU here Iweuty-tbree jeaiw atfo. Hr JuIwmw wa the ongiual eompox4r of the- F.aglet. u be wrote the Kagleto for the Med ford Mail while I wrote the Katte Creek Item tor the Valley Keeord, nott.tbe Atbbiiid Keeord, and when Mr. J. noted to Nevada Mr. HIUoo engaged to take up the lUglet and I have kept then up autre. Mr. J- now ptd m the bucineM of building and operating gram eletat or and now u on him wu to the Ktate ot Waxkigton to engnH in that buine. W. It. )JI,fod. who hax a atore near the tipper tteel bridge, wax do in w buiuea in our town fruiay af teiiioon, and mi uus Mr. and lire. Tbou i. K.n'nw hi I ,ki rul 'I In ll III li ' ! t V li ll I I vlll ! Ill III Mi - I- I i Id Mli 'I ii ii I 1 1 ii r, t I u i i I' DOLL fAV nni mv. ilnuit vvji in-T A LIL -sa- -s on the north folk or I.iltlc Hutte i reek, and that they were coining thin )i but where Ihey enmo from or where the were gidiift in a inyntery in lliin section of good loada nnd im tomobilei. Oin toun nmyor, Jolnr-M. Nieliola, Iiiib Hold bin heiiH to Mr. NcwMirt, our mill olid agent, nnd atnited thin Sat ui day inoniiiig for Koit Kluiiinth with liiw wife to vlait their eon, Ar tie, who in on! there in the tdiuop IniNiucH. ,Mra. II. L Young of llrnwnxhnro ulao brought in a lot of beiiK fot Mr. Newport. John Oieb wim in town for another load of luiiilier Fridny. J. A. Howard walked in Ibm (Sat urday) morning from bin farm nuar the free furry, and took the P. & li for S porno. School limine (lap on hi way lie eets to start the firat pf net week for Kaninx Cit. whei-e he oxiH'ftrt to Hpend a while 'iHJting, and then go to hie old home In Town. MiH I, ilia Iludwiu eame out Siittir' day moiuiug, took dinner nt tbu Siinnyaide, procured a Middle hoiiH) at the Haruixli liven atnble ami Hlaitod for lkuby to eeo uboiil a Heboid to feaeli. II. K. Kiuabuuger aUo came iu for dinner Saturday. Ha bud juat eaiuu in from the Huixard mine, where he haw been eiiiiloyil to ruii a pump in the mine. The lirntidou brothura nra work ing nwny at the liaglc Point grist pull. They have u new IgrliiiKu wheel in and are gutting everything in rendiueH to start making flour IIum "MtNOII. Since my laxt nnut, C. A. New "tiom of Uike Creek, C. S. IVcher ol Central Point huc renewed their aiiliHeriptioii to the W. M. T. and C .1. angbiiii liu- paid n i uioiitliN' ubKi-iiptioii to tin 1) M. T. Mrn. Preelund of Oregon Cit wa working at Phoeuix in .the interewt of the Incut lodge, Women of Wood craft, hint week. Mix. Freelaud was iu lovo with our valley. Many from Uden Precinct who were camped at Aalilaud for Chuu taiuiua, weie nearly drowned out by the beuvy rain of Satunlav night, und oti Sundav moruing made hute to catch the emly iutei iirbuu cur ioi their honiea. Mi- hctiu SIcphenH and her con ill, Mim Oipbia Stephens, took wea pon tieketa and ulteuded ehautuiniua. Mrx. William l'Vrn aud het hister, Mr. Jacob, have been in attendance at chautaiuiUH at Ahlniid. The new firm of Clnt A. Co. at Phoenix are highly pleased with the stead) gain in the fanners' trade. A. II. Ueani of Phoenix has pur chased a new Maxwell ear. Mr. II. X. Kreneb of North Tal - cut took a season tieket lo ehaii laiiipia and has betn attending, going on the ear eaeh da v. Mm. C. Carey bun a fine lot of choice dahliu in bloom, some of which hr purebaed of N. S. Iteu- nett or Medford. Others- from the dahlia farm near Halem. Ore. K. HrameH and K. (i. Coleuiun drove their band of cattle out to their range uear Luke of the Woods (ant week. Mrs. j. i(. Uuder ami Mi" A. K. Furry attended the sen son of ehau tuuiiuu ut Ablaiid from Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. John Gratfe or Kut wre Jti AaUawid Hnturday. -. (''. li Phttt of Phoenix baa been ut Aklaud attending dwuitau qua. Mix. bavin and Mm. Lynch of Wugner creek were at Ahland Sun day. Janiea Allen ha jat cut one of the heaviest t-roua t oat huv ever raised in the valley. The bar was raised on Jr. Allen' place in Nurth Talent. Yoar correspondent took a trip over in Ken valley bl Thursday ad ut lire, livell Kern's maw a lor- otbv Perkins rose which bore ninety three pi' r feet ric iu one cluster. The bloom rival catautiouh in bee ut v Jiu-! al tin iIi.i-iiiI bniiic of Mi i i l in i l wi . I m i M v iii .i i .i ,ii .i 1 II ... IT ll! I I I I I 1 ll-.W i SPARC TIRE. ALL Trl REPAIR J V. -TOOLS IN TH POX ANP X 'HjP j -j&. "7 c.TtAp Voiy I EDEN PRECINCT LeAJgo'ALLTii'srARK auv AND OILED if ALL OVtSR J -riincvul'.ill V ." -TllOROUfeHLY" Doiotbv l'iui'l Ciisc bus bougbl a Ford unto and was tr,vinr it out tins week. .Mrs. Morns Case und Mis. Then. Glass and Walter Frank were culleis ill tho ClmpiiNiii ranch ThurtlH. Mr.'nnd Mix. Did Morrimon were Irnittug in Medfonl Friduy. Mi. Mimic and son, Kulie, drove their cattle to the huiiiuiui rnuu thin wpek and lcporl the en (tie me doing fine on the reecrvo range. The rain Saltiidny night and Sun iIhv was good on tlio fanners' coin eoi id thia aeetion. " Moat of the hay b in the bnina and they are buay gutting Hie hourior ready lo cut their grain. Itoe Gorden nnd family of Hengle nioloa-d to Medford Saturday. Clarence Cane had a breakdown with bis new Overland ear Tliura day and bad to haul it bauk homo for repair. Tho road crew baa quit wnik on the Antiiwli-lteagle load, and the road ia open to the publie for auai mer truvel. Min. Henry Morgan of Foil IJIam ath, who lias Ikhmi vbdting tlio home folks al Itengle, returned to her home nt the Fort this week. Bert Chapman aud Ilia sister, Viola, and John Cnrum wore trading lu Medfonl Monday. Quite n number of Uift rnnebera are uolug east of the mountains to work iu the buy fields. Mr. nod Mix. John High in ami family, Mr. and Mix. William I he lm in iuiiI .Mrs. n. ii. mass wore vis itors at the home of W. C. Chatmian Sumhiy. Mr. Minoi und Shorty Knighton are working for Frank De Ford iu the buy field. Chailev Mradlev haa been helping Theo (lluss haul buy thin week. Mrs. I lav in visiting the homo folka iu Medfonl for a few day. Mr. Ingrain, the insuiance man, wan doing business iu Autiocli on Thursday. Mr. )i ot Sinn'- Yallcv was a visitor nt the licit ( biipiiiuii home Wediic-iln. Koportnd by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta. t'hciilt Thomas Kuudles v. ct al, wrdei. Clara Stewart vs. V, II. O. Mcdee A. Stewart, ilef a ult. Lucindu'HUiver vs. AIohhu Hkivor, default. Kamael Cosmuh vs. T. Y. Osgood et aL, older euufirwtng sule of real property. Kteriing Mining Co. vs. Hawer S. Itullia et al., HtiMilalipn. It. II. wicker vs. Dorothy li. Zwa-ker, divorce. II. II. Markbum vs. K. bj. O-ter ut ub, suit to foreclose. Uktule of John T. Iiyton, retatrt of Hale. itaie, of jonUu Puwell, ohler fix ioir time'of final aeeount. fuial uc. fconnt. Estate of Augusta S. Neil, order for bearing, final aeeoiint. (Jaunty Coiut I'nu-oilln. .HkM TV following lc a schedule of psnaMUtra of Jackson County, Ore gon, together with a lint of claim ants and articles or services for wblab Lbe elaim is made, and which ware passed upon by the County Court for Jaikson Oeonty, during toe month of March, 1B1I. Tho following blllri were alios ed relative to the County Salary Fund, tefwtt: (feuuty Ooiii I and CohhiVsIomSi. K. L. Tou Yelle, County Judge's salary $150.00 H. B. Taylor, stenographer hlro . . 1.50 Win. C. Leaver. Commit- sloner's oewtieasatlon 10.00 Wm. C Laever, Commls- otosMT'i oowpensatlon .... . wu the gtict ot Miss Col le. ANTIOGH ITEMS COURTHOUSENEWS Total lsO:. t i.uin KswIirfTer. elr nit onrt i li r $ n ad le-llff Wl" W II Jlll-J' i, -Ueutl tal- . L- ' . vJrjV VGU QOOQ, VGlT "v vlHV. VOX) 5ILLV i7rTcT iWW (hfi CjCPCCf "ft' P0SA fORtJOT Ttl' MOST IWORTM ( i0W fOOLtStl, Tt OIL J 10 COVASR. UP 1ft NUM86RS 1 V ANY fWo OF ALL- T -nr ucaNSiL VmV ? Ls Ypu roB6ot-rooiLTiiy --.I" xwny oil jTjl Hi i i i ' "' ' ' ' . . ' . v . ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' L If? K. W. Wilcon, datiuty hltje 12S.00 Cleik'a twice. F. L. Colomnn, douit hira....$ 80.00 rj 10C.CG Flora Thompson, deputy biro sn.nn 27.00 II. II. Taylor, olork biro Total M Tivasiuvr'a orfl(i Myrllo lllnKoly, doputy hlro . Frod L. Colvlg, troimuror'a salary I3A7.C6 ? t7.00 100.00 Total $1 17.00 Sdiool Kiici IoIcimIchI'm (Wlte. K. It. I'atterHon, Biiiiorvfiior'H Hilary $120.00 .1. Percy WoIIb, Supl's. unl- ary May II. Wulli, dupilty hlro. . MS. 00 Total $316.00 Krult liisjK'elors Office. .1. C. Alkon. duputy Iniiioe- tor'M rninpiinRntlou GO. 00 .1. F. Uopklui, duputy limpee- tur'a compunHntloii . ... 46.00 1. It. Kllno, d0iuty Innpuo- tm'a eoniionnt(oii 11,711 IS. II. Oatmnii, doputy Inepoo- tor'a oninpuuwitluii Total JilUi.JS Asscsmii'm Off lie. .1. II. IfJhorly, datiuty lilio . ftti.OO W T. Urlovu, uwoaiHir'e al ary 121.00 Kattto M. Urlovo, doputy hlru OR. 00 Ifitta Purkeyiillo, doputy hlro 0.00 l.oxllo Stauxall, doputy hlru.. 7B.00 Total t'olleutlon of 'fa its. I). II. Allavvay, labor J 1 11.00 $ 7U.00 88.00 IS.ftO 7t.90 .Myitlo iiiHkoir, laiiur Alien Hrxcktiiroilln1ior . . . ". II. llawoii, Inljor 0. It. llarpor, olilef tax tloputy'i aaljiryt,,.....-. J. W "aiilrloiV IRnof '. ii. II. II. Taylor, lif.r 100.00 (50.00 35. 78 Total fc $l07.ast A. Norilw, Jaultor's aalnryt 00.00 Jail. Mra. J. W. Wllnon, inwtroii'x alKry, I 0.00 Jaaitor'a aalary B0. 00 J. P. I tart, nalary of poor farm auuerlntendant and heaHh officer i0.33 John Bhwn, ferrman'a aat- ury IS. eo County Itorordtn'' Offlio. Clmuneey Hore, reeordar'a nalary Mildred Neil, deputr hire A. T, llrown, eurveyor'a eow peneatlon, Cliai. L. Manaen, computiM tlon or Maler ami welghla and measure Conipv Water Masicc. Frod X. Qummlngx, water maater'a iuIuo Fred N Ciimmliiga, water- 106.60 75.00 13.05 30.00 S3.33 master'! aalarv S3. S3 The following lillle wore allowed relative to the Currant Ifixpeuew Fund, to wit: County Coin I and Clnimlflniioi. Home Tel & Tel Co., tale- phono hill . Mod ford Printing Co., mip- ttdles ... . .. PoeUI Tel. A C'ul.lo Co., tele- gruuia, 2.70 10.50 3. OK sins Total Cimill Coiut. A. K. Abbott, grand Jury wit iieas $ ft. Ill 10.00 Frank Amy, petit Juror. . .. Itoy Asbpole, petit Jury Itow W. Ager, petit Juror. . II. U. Cady, grand jury wit neas .... II. II. Cady, petit Juror X. J. ISvuus, petll Juror. . Henry C, (llu-oek, potlt Juror U. C. Oraham, petit Juror J. F. Hlttaoii, grand Jury Wil li see .. 4 . J. F. Hart grand Jury witness I. 0 7.00 2.00 LOO 10.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 X.KO t.AO 7.0M .20 7.10 T.I0 8.00 15.10 0.60 1.30 t.M 9.00 3.00 5.00 2 SO 10.00 7.20 l.0 It 00 .40 7.40 2 00 on 1 i t li I J. P. ItltUou, grand Jury wit- nans .... U llatlleld. instil Juror U. 0. Hartley, petit Juror Joseph C. HoaglsHd, potlt Juror rJ.TO. liasselgrgve. tioUt IVJuror flome Tel. & Tel. Co, tils uhowe bill Wgudi Jeter, petit Juror P. M. Jauuey, petit Juror, ...... W H. Jordan, grand Jafor . Viola Jenes, ursud Jury wlt uoaa ... Will Loornan, grund Jury wit ness . . W. It. Lydiard. grand jury witness . . W. Matney. grand Juror J. Victor Mason, grand Jnry .witness W. L. Moore, petit Juror . . . William Mansfloid, i.slit Juror D. L. IfcKar). ix'tlt Juror .. W. A. Nlekel netlt Juror . . C. C. Pursel, petit Juror, Stamen X. Palmer, potlt Juror . II. A Porter, grsnd Jury wit ness L Si Ii, rin ii i urn Rr.iuil J " i 1 1 n i - . s -i h t i i i 1 1 i or It. i Uii -r i.'t juiyr .1. D. Skinner, petit Juror.... LOO II. S. Stlno. poilt Juror 7 20 Otis A. Hubbard, potlt Juror 13.10 Lectio Throckmorton, potlt Juror S.N0 Mm. A. It, Tlioinpcoii, board of Jury ...(. I ii, II. L. Vrndonburgli, grand Jury vvltnons fi.20 A. J. WcokK, potlt Jltror 7.00 John Waltorc, potlt Juror.. . 7.00 John L. Wlndora, potlt Juror 1 10 A. C. Wulkor, petll Juror . .. 7.10 Lnno Wylaiul, petit Juror . 7.20 Kd. M. Wblto Kriind Juror 8.00 Will II. WllKon, grand Jury wltnoaa . 2.110 Uurim It. WIIIIiiiiih, grand Jury vvltnoaa .ran John II. Wlmor, grand jury wttnoBC a. 20 Walter F. Yocuiu, grand Juror 5.10 Total $32i lustko Com I. .05 (loo. A. Iloiiruo, wltuoaa... ? lOlinor Cotomtiii, wltuoaa..... CblQf of Pollco. AchlHiid, Oio., ronntnblo foua U. v Coopor, drawing Jury llt P. W. (looilvvln, oar hlro, .... Poioy Pute (Irlioz, tratiHpor- tatlou or prlcouura C. II. Olllutt, Juittco rooa ... A. II. Iluininoiid, oouctablo foaa A. II. Iliunnioud, eouHtablu ryo M , Cluii. II. Howard, ear hlro ... W, II. Hopbine, oar biro, O. W. Murphy car hlro Clou. MeDnnnugli, iieslRtlng In drawing Jury Hit 0, O. Taylor, Juitlso toon .50 .50 .00 UO .00 .00 .25 1.05 .25 .00 .50 .75 .00 .05 Total shoiirrv turtle. Achland Itecord. Supplloa, .: Home Tel. & Tol. Co., tula- phone bill Jaokcnuvllle Poet, aupplloa. . Medford Hook Store mipplloa Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tulo- grama W. II. aiugler, chorir;' travollng exitenaea (loo. W. Uarker, premium on cherUfc bond Nuthtnal Surety Co. premium on sbeiiff'c bond 80 .55 10 00 00 00 I 10 .50 1 ni .11 .00 so 75 00 00 ToUl . $133.01 Cleik's Office. iNablund Itecord, suhrIIm.... $ 6.50 Ashland lleeord, supplfes 0.75 Ashland Printing Co., suj- Ullos 37.75 Glass Prudhomtns Co., sup plies 3.81 Home Tel A Tel Cold tele phone bills S.70 Jacksonville Post, supplies 10.50 .Moil font Printing Co., sup plies 10.71 Medford Hook Store, supplies 11.30 I'He t'rlntry, supplies 7.50 Ulrleh Hi others, transporta tion of supplies .IB Total $128.1 Trvnsiiicr'H Offlm. Home Tel A Tel. Co., (olo- phnue bill ... $ 2.50 Medford Hook Store, supplies SIMS U 8. Pldellty aud Ouarranty Co., iiremlum on Treas urer's boud 80.00 Underwood Tyimwrlter Co., typewriter 11.25 Total .$131.00 SlOl'k lllMHIllOC's tlffll IV. J. II. Maxwell, burying dead horse $ 5.00 School HlipolliitouilonlV Clfflie Ashland Itecord, supplies $ 1 7. 76 Ashland Prlttag Co., supplies LOO Hume Tel. A Tel. Co., tele grams I. to Medford Printing Co., suit piles . .,. . 1.80 Medford liook Store, supplies it. 20 Total $ 18.86 Jackson County's share, for estry department expense, 1016 $173 03 Aooi'' off leu. Ashland Printing Co. supplies 13.50 W. T. Grieve, assessor's travellug expenses - 37.90 Home Tel. Tel. Co., tele phone bill .5 Medford Printing Co., sup plies 87 Lt6 Medford Uook Store supplies 1.76 Ulrich Brothers, drayaaa on snpidles IS Uoo. W. Barker, premium on bond 15.00 Total 810 70 Collection of iVivus. Asklaiul Itecord. supplies . 32.50 Ashland Printing Co., sup plies It 50 Herald Puldl.ako Co , rap- plies H 00 JmUai, Ciuaty f.UwttD Ux roll ... 385 00 dfii'ord I'rlotlo Co.. tkv plW t.0 V. . Fidelity Uvntnir Co , premium on Ux col lection pond ., . Wo.oo National Caab Register Oo., cash register .for tax de partment r"5 75 Tlol il lllV ItlllUli' i. 'ii' 1 u y M Jiihglris ' John Itoolio 80.60 2 hid a ,-si.. . r on 1 WoiIovv'n Peniloiin, ICrnlnthio Austin 17.50 Nolllo U. IHiBlt 10.00 Mlnulo llonrdmun 25.00 Mrs. J. II. Ilyrloy 16.00 Orplm llotz 10.00 Itoiui W. llnrr ' 10.00 Prlnthiv A. Illnckhurii .12.60 Doru Poll Crmw 10.00 Kiln May King 17.6o Mrs. II. A. CralRhton '17.50 Annn L. Coruni .... 10.00 Lucy Mny Davis 26.00 May J. Dow to. 00 Olive ICIIIh 17.50 Xotllo (Iroon 26.00 Lollla Frnncoa lllldobnind 17.50 Llrzlo llenth 25.00 Jennlo Jonoa 10.00 Ida Hullo Kltilii 26.00 Dolilb Lovo 12.50 Amntidn Mnrgnrat MoNull 10.00 lint ol In N'nlmm 40.00 Mnry 10. Payno 17.60 Kiuiun Paiilion U6.00 Itowi Ann Mobbing 17.50 Cntliorlno 18. Silver 17:60 Lnurn IC. Stowart 26.00 Mary J. Toroy 25.00 Total $000.00 (To bo contlnuud.) uOr nrmi i -i FOIl itKNa nochKH 1'oit ltiNr .jodoi n "ftroom Iiouho! Impilui of or phono H. L. Ilonuutt, 631 South Itlvorslilo. 102 FOIt HIsNT llatino $10 mo., oloc trlolty, gnu, lmli. Ihn CO, Malt Trlliituo. 105 FOIt HUNT Modern Iioiiho, 10th M. Iiuiulro Frod Moiirs, (inriiett-Curey Hldg. 100 FOIt UI8NT My homo, onruor llth and King, eomplotoly fiirnltduid; also 0-rooni fitrntslied cottage, 007 W. llth t. F. W. Slroots, UriinU Pass, Oro. 101 FOIt ItWNT FIvo room linuso, linnl wooil floors, full comont basamout nud garngo. Phono 370-W. fok Hicnw-iitirMticinci'iNa ItOOMS FOK It K T Modern furnished rooms. 315 N. Ilartlett. Phone 058-lt. FOIt ACIIKAdlC FOIt ALU Three acre traet with 8 room bungalow, tour miles south of Medford. lion 22, Phoenix, too FOIt BAI'It MIHUnijfiAJVEOOS FOIl SALU Some furultiiru. Phone 871-J. 12 1 FOIt SALtS Clean alfalfa bay. $10 lu field. A. Couro Flero, Central Point. lot FOIt SALIC--'Now and soconil-lmiid blayelea at R. & II. Shop, Sparta Hldg. 104 FOIt SALIC Meyer model flul with ease, etc, has 12 koys good as new. $15. Telephone I5M-X urtor 5 p. m. 103 FOIt 8ALI9 Alfalfa Phoua 310. hay choup. FOIt SALIS gflcflud ornp aUalfn and grain bay. Hnldor's Dairy. FOIt MALIV IIVKH'IXICK ieh i w eVesi , .s.wi I'Olt SALK One good horse with aew harness and new aurroy al very low price Overland Auto Agency, Phone 01, cor. ilartlett and Main 101 FOIt BALlil -Horses, and grain lioy In the field, one mile northeast of Phoenix. 18. li, Iloamos. 10G FOIt H.M,!tHnU.SKH FoTtSALK Party le't town, must sell house and lot at onto; one minute walk front oar Hue. For further Information Phone 517-lt 90 J" Jl U iw,T " " UPSLVItSS OPPORTU.VITIHS FOIt SALK- A first elass blacksmith shop lu a live town at a bargain; no competition. For particulars write or call on Mark Johnson, Illy, Oregon. lot VAXTIIi)-MISCII.M.lOU8 WANTICD- 1000 lbs of poultrv weekly, top prices. Warner, Wort nan A (lore. 1U5 WANTED Feathers to renovate, old tnattreaoas aud feather beds made Into sanitary folding Ioiiun For samples, Phone in t, at Bast 18th st.t WI WANT1D--Fixtures for store. Wtgt have yon" C. A. DeVoe. MOXHV TO IXM.W MONHY TO LOAN Have money to loan upon city and muutrv prop eit ijulik scrviic Mniiey on li nut r ni h in. v .ii i.urneti (.ouyUliiifc J LAHRR AUTO SPRING CO. -W are opera tin r tlio tnrKost. oldent and best equipped plant In the Pn Sirtc north went. Ua our sprlngi wseft nera fall. Sold under guar ivnioo. 20 North Flttbofltb HL Portlnnrt. Oie. Afforneji OKO. W. CIIRURT Attornoy and Notary, nooms 0-10, Jackson Coun ty Hnnk Htilldlng, ontrnnao N. Contral. Medford. Ore. PORTrCK J NrFF -Attorney at !a. Tooins S nnd 0. Medford National Hnnk Building. A. B. H13AMK8. LAWTRR OnrnetU Corey bids. O M. ROriRRTS Lawyor. Medford National Dank Building. Collections. COLLKCTIONS AND IH3PORT8 We collected BOino accounts 14 yenrt old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho niniock Mercantlts ARoncy, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hss klna' Hldg., 21C E, Main st Dcntlsw Sess "wiSeo Dr. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. 0. O. VAN BCOTOO Dentists Onrnctt-Coroy Hldg., nlte 319 Mcdforn, Oro. Phono 351. . Collections nnd Iteports DR. FRANK ItOHKItTS DentlsL M. F. ft II. Illilg. Offlcs llniirt 8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono 607-R. Knglnecr nnd Contractor FRISD N. CUMMINQS Snglncer sn contractor, 404 M. F. & II. nidg. Surveys,, rstlmntos, IrrlKutlna drnlnago, orchard snd land Im provement. House Movers MHDFORD IIOU8IJ MOVBRS -Wo Movo Hoiisoe, Ilurns, OnrnRos. Ma chinery, Htn. Phono 1S8-M, or 48S-X. C12 8. Now town, 811 Da kotn. Insnranre. ""I KARL S. TUMY floncrnl Insurance office, Flro, Aiitoinobilo, Accident, Liability, Pinto Olnni, Contract, and Surety Hondo. Fxcollont com. pnnles, good locnl service. No. 210 Garnott-Coroy Hldg. Instruction In MuMc FRFD ALTON IIAIQIIT Tonclirr of plniin and hnrtnony Ilnlght Mii'Iq Studio, 401 Uarnott-Coroy llldB, Phono 72. Garbage OARHAGI3 Get your promlaes cleaned up (or tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagona for good norvlco. Phone 274-L r, Y. Allen. I'liyslclans nml Rnrgeons e"WeOie" ." w.W s9 DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. KVX MAI CARLOW ODteopnthU physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Corey tide, phoue 1036-L. Rcildenra 26 South Laurel st DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 803 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 130. DR. J. J. EMM1CN8 Physician nnd surgoon. Practice limited to rye, oar, no so and throivt. Kyos srlen tltloally tested nnd Rlafwoa aup piled. Ocullat and Aurlnt for 8. P. ft. R. Co. Otfleos M. F. ft H. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone C67. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician snd surgeon Plinnew, office 30. resi dence 780, Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6, DR. MARTIN O. I1AKIIKR Physi cian and surgeon. Offleo Palm block, opposito Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. Printers and Publlsticrs MKDFORD PRINTING CO., has tin best equipped printing offleo In southern Oregon; book binding, looto lent ledgors, billing systems, etc Portland prleos, 27 Nena Fir st. Transfers HADH TRAN8FHR & HTOKAOK CO, Offleo 42 North Front st. Phone 816. Prices right Service guar ma land KJXT" WHY? NOW TI.MK TO TRADli. I have a ICO-aoro stock ranch; good location; 100 acres In grain, some alfalfa. This place recently sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance. Will trade for geed orchard, prefer pears, or would take city property. Would trade even or assume some In cumbrance on orchard proposition. J. G. BARNES 102 West Main Street NEW TODAY 113 seres, halt or It lu whtat, oats, barley, alfalfa, and corn; all crops go with the place if takeii this iiienthj buildings, 20 cattle, s band of sheep. tOKiu and all tools. This plaao lays nanr school, country at oro, and lsrel rood to Medford, and oth-r valley towns. Lays wall out toward the out rauge, and is a good plaee for stoi k. raising. $50 an aire, Including all things mentioned above Hoon-Cathcart Co. Pliouo i07 ,r "fii t i, i -l" ." &