MTCDFOTIT) MATTi TRTBTTNE, W,T)FOT?r, ORFJOM. TUESDAY. ."fiTLY 18. 'lOtrt lw FmW 171111513 VffiU v 'j f v V HINT AI CHANGE IN NAME OF DRY PARTY IN CAMPAIGN l)islio) of Hlchinonil, Vn., nml n:i tlonal chaplain, as celeurnnt. Tho mass was followed Ity n Joint session of the two bodies, at which a number of addresses wcro miulo. The speakers Inoludcd Joseph Mo LauRhllu of Philadelphia, national president, and Mrs. Melon Kyon Jolly, nntlonal president of the ladles nux lllary. ST. PAUL, limn., July IS. IliiitM tif n ohnnfto ih the nnnio of the Iirnbftition purty, whifh open its na tional convention hero tomorrow, were onntninml in the ncltlrcus by whii'h AHruH 0. lliiihnw, clmirmiin of Hie prohibition nnf innul eoinniit-1 lee, todny culled to order a "cl tnuetlmr" mectinjr. lie wiiil in part: "All throe -f the othexv political pnitieM in iwittoiinl convention ns cunibletl, lunicd ilown tbn. committee of sixty, tinned down the world' jrenoml confercnoo of tho great AtiUiinilixt church, turned down the infillon of voturs who sought either in peron or by ieprenentnlion the adoption of it prohibition plank. "There if but one parly loduv that stand committed by both ntato mid iintiounl phitfotui declaration to the prohibition of the liquor traffic. That putty h the piohibititin pally. Hence there srcjiw but two nlleriiates for the liundiedK of tlinumuuU who have come to lis, cither to Mipport the prohibition pmly or tnj:ni(c in the formation of u new pni ty. "And it it for tins eoufeiciicc lo decide whiil it will do. There arc thouHiiiidrt who beJicvc that the uiimc prohibition lias become o popular in sound that any other unmc would not be so ood. Theic nic still others who believe that some other name could be chosen that might more nearly iepreenl the multitudes who thin year will join hands with us. "The matter of u mere name, how ever, in hmijininViuit. It is impor tant, thoinjh, that we extend the hand of invitation to the millions of American voters who this year re fuse to bow (he luiee to the Haul of political unriKhlcon-nicis, that we shape a definite policy and a defin ite prostata.'' THE MEADOWS 0111 AI MAZA1LAN BAD MAiiATjJ.AN Mex., July 18 -Food, conditions hero aro rapidly becoming morn sorlous and tho condition of tho poor Ib doplorablo. A large group of rofiiKoos, so mo In pltlnblo condi tion, wore sent aboard tho flagship San DIoko yotoraay. They told of tho tralli from the Interior liolng Htrown with tho Braves of refugee and others, who hud been murdoiod by rovliiK bandits. It It reported here that there Ik a movement on foot miiioiik the peons to uiiiOHt Ooornor Angol Kloron, of Slnnlon, whom they lilniuo for their HturvliiK condition and replace him with (lonoral Juan Carraio, governor of tho stnto of Topic. E 10 END RAIL STRIKE MADltm, Julv 18. -The Northern llailiosd cuuiHiu.v huviiit; failed' to reply to tho government' prtHtul (list the roNil's differences with it striking cHiitlnycK be milmiitted to ar bll ration, the cnbinet todH.v io-.olved 10 sidunit Uie whole MilijiM't of the ti'ikc to the iutitiito of sticinl re form, whoso deciKion, it is aiiiioum ml, will imuusliat dy be applied by the government. I LONDON', Julv 18.-()rnnijwd In bor of Hngluiid reMiuded today to the gventuient'4 uiM'l to MtHine the August holiday o Hint the Ilrit Ish ol l'nive muv be curried on with no MMortugc ot ammunition. At n eodfereirt'e ol rvpie-entatives of tradrs uuioiis it wa deeided uunnU Twmi-l In reeoinniend thut the gov-ernaient'- -im-re-tinn be adopts). I L llOiTON, July is Fifteen nun drd delegatus from ul parti of tlie Vailed Statu and Canada attended Mtl emu hlgli mass In the Cathedral of the Hoi) Crow today, marking the formal opening of the fiftieth bien nial conve.utow of tke Ancient Order of Hlbem jus and the ladles' aux lltar C rdlnal William 11 O'Cou nell, of t. It, jifsiiled. Willi the ItisM i.t Jfum- J cnunnell, Fred Moore visited Medford, .sh lnnd nnd .lacksonvlllo Thursday, The title question on the old ro tort claim as belwoon Frank W. Carnahan and associates, Dr. Km niona and Mr. Collins, on tho ono hand and Messrs. D. F. Poart and I). V. Forco on the other came to trial at Jacksonville before tho cir cuit court on Thursday and n de cision Is expected this week. Doc Hutson, I.ornn Ice, James Anderson and It. J. Howen wer all In attend ance at the trial oh witnesses, roIiib In Wednesday and roturnliiK Friday morning. Tho claim In question has a sood showing of clnabar ore of a Krado that assays about GO per cent quicksilver and was originally dis covered by William llayflold sever al years ago and sold by him to oth er partleH, title finally passing to Mr. Peart. Thero Is a quantity of high grade oro sacked on the prop erty ready for treatment nnd which over Hldo wins It la expected opera tions will be Immediately started to extract oro and further devolop tho mine. William Cottrell retnrned from his trip Into the Klamath Falls country on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Doc Hutson and children left tho Meadows tho first of the week unil after a ten days' visit In Hold Hill expect to bo Joined by Doc and start for Malta, Montana, where they aro to mako their futuro home. Mr. and Mrs. Pickett, tho now owners of the old Cottrell place, were passengers on Thursday In Fred Moore's auto. They visited Medford and Jacksonville, returning tho samo evening to the Meadows. Tho new grado on tho lower end of the hill Into the Meadows Is Hour ly completed and makes a great Im provement not only In the steepness of ascent but surface ns well and In much welcomed by the traveling pub lic. Jerry Olbson Is a new minor work ing on the Dr. Chlsholm group of mines nnd Is living In the cabin in Rvnns creok canyon nonr the mouth of Lucky Hollow, i Samuel llertclson and son Klmcr returned from a few days In Grants Pass on Saturday morning. Development work Is still show ing Improvement on the Llttlo Jean Mluo whero the 20 por cent clnnbar oro was opened up :i couple months ano. Tho vein Is much wider in the now tunnel nt a depth of but twenty five feet and Is showing In the faco a vivid rod streak that assays be tween 50 and (!0 por cent In qulck ttllvor. Anywhoro elso than horo In tho Moadow8 this would occasion much excltoment hut tho cinnabar veins ore so enormous and porslstent that Improvement Is expected with depth for In every instance whore tin attempt has been made to oxplore tho veins tho oro has wldonod and Improved In grade with tho gaining of depth. The bright red streak In the l.lttlo Jean Is about a foot In width whlln the vein shows heavy pauulngs all tho way across. Carroll Ilortcdson has found fur ther oxtonslon of tho vein on the Mill creek mines of the eompunx some of the samples being oven bet ter than 73 per cent me opened last mouth. II. P. Poart and sou, .1 Inutile, from Contral Point, wore Momlows visitors Friday morning when they visited the claims thoy are lutertwtml In at the old retort. Fred Moore Is building an addi tion to his barn to earo for his In creasing herds. Tho rain, although much needed for some of the lato seeded grain, damaged some hay seriously. J.oe Mitchell spent three or four das with the old folks last week, taking his race horso with him on his return to Myrtlo Point. Lane Wyland and family drove to tho valley shopping Monday morn lug. Wator Is getting low in upper Kv ans creok making fishing rather l)or but tho promise for good pheas ant and grouso shooting Is fine and dandy for tho joung oovlea aro large and numerous. Dae f'ottrell, wife and brother MARRIAGE BY MAIL! .4-5 Lf Ui (1 H I fnf " " HIWJPI 1 1 Aw- S nr public, two VtsS?" J I W V32a t VS. X&: 'r.'lHFL. M. aL'ktfENT. One lnwver, one not witncHM'N and -cvcrul mail clerks and Mirricrs nic hciui; m lying n knot to niuke Mi-H Scrgcnl of N'ew- nrk, X. J., and Louis Hunsemer, a Soldier, mini and wife. Miss Serpent nnd l!nii(iiiicr sic being murricd by mail. The bride- elect signed u mnrrinjie conlraet nl Xcwuik nnd scut it on to Hunsemer at Douglas, Aii.., where he 1 doing border duly. . - L K-f? nU;- PRIVATE LOUIS DANSCtirR A lawyer drew up the contract which Mihs Smveiit digued before witnesses nnd u uotnr pablic. ItHiisemei' lias signed the document Hint it will be rclunmd nml placed on i cooi d us n common law muiringe. nesiSwaisBr T:J :K T j -saMiijMPWr! X?A I rw Cull stonf-, t an rr uijj I Itrs of the Stumafli aud Intrstlnes, Auto Intoxl tation, Veilow laundlie Appendiritts and other fatal aliments result from stomach trouble. Thousands of stomach sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful reme dy. I'nlike any other for stomach cilments For sale b UrtmKMs ev en where. drove the new Overlnnd to Medford on Saturday, coming In .Saturday evening Chnrles Prim, num Xuber. Uric Anderson nnd party were up near the Hanna place about n mile nnd half above the Mill Hollow claims of the IlortelHon group on the main cinna bar ledgu mnklng somo new loca tions on Thursday and Friday of this week. Tho drove oer from Med ford nnd Jacksonville Frank Carnahan, Dr. Kmmous, their wives and Mr- ( ollliis of Med- safcssassc'ggasjSaSicsMaa Once thcro w,erc gianta in tho lnnd, men who could scrap to bent the band. In modern times the cheapest skates are known as champcen heavyweights, but long ago, when Jim was young, men didn't fight with jaw or lung, but used their fists, and used them well brave days of Jackson and John L.l They slugged away, while the-r could stand, when there ve.o g'ants in the land. And Corbetl won his laurels then, among those mighty fighting men. He was the champion when that meant something more than getting fat, and standing, in a graceful pose, to figure in the movie shows. He's an authority on sport, and his decrees the wise ones court. He's an authority on smokes, and as his trusty pipe he stokes, he often says, "Tuxedo's best; it has the edge on all the rest." ja$. J. connnTT Fameut Pilfflthltr an J Actor, "Ml tnlhutlatm fqr lha fra grant 0"J mildntu of Tuxtilo tun iio ''" TuttJo It uilhout d U llit motl luthfactotjt pipe loiac.o afgjz6&t ford drovo to tho Meadows Fildnj evening bringing their lunch. They Waited the mines In which these gen tlonieu aro Interested and returnod homo shortly after dark, i Dr. Chlsholm aud son-visited tho Chlsholm initios Saturday coming out with Cnl nusoifberry In his now Ford which Is n sw&l oxnmple of tho lm piovemont thnf Is being umde in tho npponranco of these cfftalcnt little cars. Thoy took Doc Hutson back with thorn but le oxpects to return onrly Monday morning. Friday afternoon the Indies ind a sewing beo At Mrs. Hues oil's house and had n most enjoyable tlmo. lto freshment8 wore served and a general talk test inaulod In. dtnln Saljirday and Sunday pre vented tho .ball gnmo nt NViinor ho tween Menflows and Hoguo llivor us scheduled. The gnme will probnbly he daed.a week later. I). S. Force, It. F. Peart, Jlnimle Peart and Hruce l'orco wero visitors to tho Meadows Saturday morning, spending half a day looking over thotr claims on tho hill wost of tho .Meadows. Fred Moore Is hauling oro from tho Llttlo Joinn mine to tho rotortc down on Kviiiib crook. lllll Pomoroy Is mourning tho loss of five from IiIb fnmily of goats, thoy waudored Into tho Little Jenn tiln nel the other night a nip found 20 or 25 pounds of powder without tho cover tightly fusteuod and proceeded to oat It with apparent rollsli. It didn't blow up. they Just died but wore accommodating, onough to get out of tho tunnol first, so work is going ahead ns usual. Kllsworth Drako Is down In tho vnlloy with tils binder helping gathor the grain ciop. The culvert near tho old Wylnnd ranch Is getting to bo n menace to auto travel mitt should ho repaired soon. Tho Utah Quicksilver company has beon Incorporated under the Oregon laws, papers being filed at Salem to take over the ilartelson mines in tho MondowB district nnd until tho or ganization is completed nnd officers aro elected tho initios nro being ex amined with n view of deciding on a sultablo location for n reduction plant. Tho Intention seems to bo to so locnto tbe now workings for oro oxlrnctlon that tho oro can bo most economically handled to tho reduction plant nml n mining engineer in ex pound to bo put In charge of tho work In a short tlmo. J. W. Clarke and Tony Itoss of Gold Hill drovo out to tho mines Sat urday. tN'ows has beoii received of tho safo arrival of Miss ISinma loo In Los An gel os. Ira Cnsebolt Is ramped up on Mor rison crook and Is suppoiod to bo looking for an extension of tho cin nabar vein to tho northward. A couple new clulms, tho Tehllu qua Xn. I nnd 2 have been staked recentl) in the MendowB mining district. fr lcO I I'll taasj' " N - ' ' jiS'l- . 1 ftSK iTLETS ALL PULL TOGETHER tg W I ,N BOOSTING OUR rJ nmn3iJ CTTY AS.ATRADE km , THE COMMERCIAL CLUB Has our coiniuunity a OonuiU'reiiil club How titcn docs it meet 1 Onoo a yoni' or every day? What is our club tiding to increase its membership? Has it buried the Inst (if the knockers? How inniiv I'aetoricK lias it secured in the Inst leu yours? The most progrossivo towns have a commercial club meeting every day in the yenr. New members aro added every day. The membership takes in 'farmers,' as well ns business men. Thero is something doing nil the time. The greatest energy is expended n boosting tho home market. Every body works nt this, nnd the result is the Commercial club puts the town on the mnp ns a live community. This is all true .of the best towns. Is our town in this class? Are we content to be anything less than the best? Let's get into that class and work ench dtw to stnv there. INSIST ON HOME PRODUCTS THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME 'depend upon it! . a i. 5"aw Drive uncertainty from your kitchen and your dining room. Hotter flour makes better bread vow can depend upon it Rogue Spray Flour MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS H. O. Nordwick, Prop. Phono 50T 'AlUfcWifMm't M' wtiuiwiwuntiiitj Patronize the institution that maintains the Largest - ;jr- Payroll in Medford. The Medford Prmtmg Co. The Best Equipped Job Plant in Oregon outside of JL'ortlnnd. Two Recipes for Hot Weather: PEP At the Soda Fountains and Yellow Label Tomatoes At the Grocer's Try them today and cool off. ROGUE RIVER VALLE5T CANNING CO. Por GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRIGATING PIPE .Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. , Telephone 89Q Tell Us the Size ot your windows anil (loom and wo'll supply wccuistsly mnda (ramus (or tliwni. Wti'll supply tlia windows and doors too If )on riMlro. Giro you ustter results than any handwork. Ulvo you a oholco of deaiun and (! Isli. And you'll Iio surprised at lw Utile our mill work oosts, CVaw aud Investlxato. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. yr wv Ask Your Grocer and Butcher ron RODUC RIVCRj) They Are jCq, They're Home 7&l)t the Best Grown ACORr. BRANC v. NlO L point v& Ever ! !