Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1916, Image 1

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    UrtvrnUv ol OreBon
Minimum Ycstcrihiy 70;
Minimum Today J.1.
Fortv-nlith Tp.
nnllv Klfvrntli Tmr.
NO. 100
4 Ii
Russians Drive Teutonic Forces
Across Liua in Volhynia British
Carry New Thrust Forward on
Half-Milc Front Germans Re-
cover Ground at Blachcs From the
French and Arc Repulsed at Ver
dunAllies Bombard Saloniki.
' I'KTItQMUI), July 18.-A llu
ninn victory ovor Teutonic forces in
Hoiithorn Volhynia linn reunited in
tluiir being driven across tho river
Lipu unit beyond tlutt stream, ayn
a war office MMteinoiit iwued today.
Indication aio, tho stutoinunt adds,
tlmt tlio retreat wua effected in tlio
groulotit disordor.
Tint official atutoinont say: "In
the Itigu region there wan an artillery
duel. Tlio German at miiiiv (dace
attempted nnwiiceeaafullv to ruoup
ture lost tieneliiw.
"Ah ho result of tint latent skill
ful operations of (lonorul Suknroff'
1 1 oops in Volhynia, we gained a vic
tory on .Inly 1(1 which drought, it
i:i,(IUI) prioncr and tliiity guna, hh
annouueud yesterday, and enabled
us to swoop tlio enemy completely
from the left hank of the lower Lipu,
driving him to Krnssoff and hcyond
the liver. Judging by the ahiiiidauee
of wnr material thu enemy nbnndon
ed, he rot run led in gieut disorder.
Some of tlio seventeen 'heavy gun
enpturod wuro yesterday nlrcudy
homliHrdiiii? enemy position on the
south hank of the Liw."
Ill It itli Toko Tivnchos
LONDON', .Inly 18 Substantial
program Iiy the llritinh on a front of
10(1(1 yard north of Oviller was
announced today liy the war officii.
The statement follows;
"Thick mint and incessant rain still
Hie interfering with our operations in
(he neighborhood of the Somme, hut
to the north of (killer we iiiadu anli
itautial progress taut night on a
front of 1000 yard. The enemy wu
driven out of several strongly de
fended noinU and ho captured some
prisoner and six machine gun.
"Near Wytstchot (llclgiiim) we
made a sueeoful raid into German
tranche. Opposite fuinchy (north
ern Prance a similar attempt liy the
enemy wa frustrated liv our fire."
Viu-iliiu Attack Itcpulscd
PAKIS, July IS. -The Ocrman
made nn attack lat night on tlio
Pronch line south of the Knniine and
gained ground in the vieinitv of Hi
HoliHM, thu war office announces to
day. The Herman attack wa delivered
against tilt French position from
Hiaehe to 1n Maisonette. Several
attempt to take .a Maisonette fail
ed with he v his to the Germans, a
statement nys, but groiis of the at
taekiiur fore spread along the canal
on the cat ido of Ilinehe, where
the fighting eotitinue.
A Gorman raid un Hilt .'10 1, on the
Vol dun front, wet of the Monse, win
broken up by French iiifautrv tire.
Iint of (lie river there was fighting
"with greuadex, in which the advan
tage tested with the French. The ar
tillery w'ua active about Ia Ijtufee
ami Cbeuoi.
Cnuiiyimiliug at Salnuiki
PARIS, July 18.- Official advice
i waived from Hulouiki under date of
Monday say that cunnoundiiiK i in
progre aloug the entire Saloniki
"A Hum.' aeroplane burned part of
the Ibibjariau corp in the region of
Mouatttir," the statement h.
(Continued on page six)
OF 47 AND 48
PAKIS, July IS. The xernmcnt
ha railed to the -olor a part of
toe eta of 18SS that i, wen from
17 to 4S year of age, except thoe
in munition tai-torn, and, fur the
iili cut, 1 .1 niit-l mill I nn, btliolel-
h" .ire ii" bii ine uart-t '
Property Loss Probably Exceeds Fif
teen Million Dollars-Flood Wat
ers Rccctlinn Relief Measures
Under Way 250 Passengers Mar
ooned Removed by Auto.
ATLANTA, Ga July 18. l'Our
mole deaths were added to thu flood
toll in Kouthuaaturn status todny,
lirinnin the last to nineteen. Report
from Rrevard, N. C, said John Heath
and hin mothor, and Mrs. Caldwell
Kautelle and child died today from
injurios received wjien lliuir lioinos
were caught iu a landHlidu four miles
from ltrevaid. In addition to the
known dead, thirteen are inisinjc.
Thu propurlv Ioxh will probably ex
ceed jH".Uu6,000.
Hood waters throughout the
atricken iliatrictH of Ninth randina,
South rarolina, Tuiiiiohkuu and Vir
ginia are receding.
MeasunH of Itellef
MenHiirtH for the relief of pawen
gcr on (rniiw maroouud near AmIio
villu wore taken today, aiitomobiluH
being employed to earrv the paasen
gcrt to thu nearcHt citie where they
can be properly fed and housed. Au
tomobiles are being lined to move thu
2.")() pnnMingern from the Florida
wpceial of the Southern railway to
Wide the situation was greatly
improved in the region around Abbe
ville and Miltmore, where h'ix pernona
lo-l their live, roporta from other
dintriets showed dainage far iu o.
coaa of that fiivt reported. Three
juillioi) iJidJiijM' damivgo was done to
property in Tadkiu county, Noun
Caniliiiii, and food hhortage won re
ported. Railwav commuuieatioii waa
iI(Mtroyel, liianv maiiufuetuting
plaiitH Here iIcmnliMicd, cropK wore
ruined and the population waa do-
scribed an being in need of immedi
ate help.
Flooded Hiwer plan In in the imili
daed area have caused much lost, to
textile and other industries. In
Charlotte alone one million cotton
spindles were made idle.
lliiccs ar Falling
The rongureu and Hroad river
began falling rapidly ut Columbia,
S. C shortly aftutr midnight and to
day it was believed all further dan
ger fiom flood iu Columbia had
iwsscd. Damage (o livestock and
eroM in the Conga roe valley is
Hi vera in llat Tennessee today
were al their highest stage iu four
teen year. The bwollun Tuiinotace
river wan over thiity feet high. In
South Knoxville many mills and
plants are partly under water and
streetcars in low-lying section have
been forced to atop.
Iu central South Carolina the flood
water did not reach the ere! pre
dicted and today all foara of further
damage had immmhI. That and thu
PimlitHiut section of thu state buf
fered heavily in damage to mill, rail
roads and crop-.
KL PASO, July is. The VJIIIita
band of 200, believed to have headed
for the American frontier in the Dig
Head roglon, ha turned south, aa
hae all partlee of bandit In Chihua
hua, according to a moaaage from
General Jacinto Trovlno at Chihua
hua City rocolved hero today by An
dreaa Oarela, Mexican consul.
General Norugaray, commanding
the Carranza forces in Stnaloa, pass
ed through Kl Paso today on his was
to Mexico Cljy, where he was mini
moneii by thefirst chief for a ton
WASIUNOTOK. July 18. -A lull
appropriating $P),(MM) to finuiirc
ihe public health service rauiutign
ugainst infantile paralysis a pass
ed todav bv the house. It carric
.'(). 000 inr additional xiirgeont and
th i ooo inr i i.'mi .lien wiili nu
ll. ,ii,i iu inn ipal anllo'iitie;,
Greater Navy Measure Passes Senate
Without Dissenting Vote Pro
vides Four Drcadnaugltts and Four
Battle Cruisers for Next Year
Fifty-eight Submarines for Service
WASHINGTON, July 18. The
senate today adopted the enlaigcd
building program of the uimil bill
by a viva voce vote. It provides for
the construction within three years
Xif 157 war vessel of nil classes and
for four dreadnaiight.H mid four bat
tle cruisers to bu built next enr.
Iiy a vote of I8 to 18, the senate
rejected nn iiiuendniont to nupiitc
three of the new battleships to he
kept on the Pacific coaat. It was
argued tlmt the amendment would he
an infringement on thu constitutional
authority of thu president us eoin-nuuider-in-cliief
of thu navy.
Senators Jones and Phcliin insist
ed tlmt the Pacific const nlwav had
been alighted iu naval ship, and the
latter empbasixed danger of Japan
ese invasion. Opponents of the
amendment declined that it would
prove u great cmlmrniHsmcnt to the
navy mid declared the Pacific coast
always would bu adequately protect
ed in the assignment of wnr craft.
Senator Clapp opposed the build
ing program and scouted the danger
of wnr with a foreign power.
The snip to be constructed July
1, HMO, under the senate program
Mattleships, ten; four tliia year.
llattlu citiUcre, six; four iu 1017.
Scout cruisers ten; four in 1017.
Torpedo boat deeiroyure, fitty;
twenty iu 11)17.
Fleet Hiibniiirinea, nine; two now
biiihliinr to he completed iu 1017.
Coast submarines, fifty-eight;
thirty in 1017.
Other liis include: One submar
ine, with Noff system of propulsion;
tliice fuel ships, two ammunition
shiw, one hospital ship, one remir
ship, one traiiMirt, two destroyer
tenders, one licet siibinariuu and two
The bill as it pa-cd the house pro
vided for a total of seventy-two
ships, with only five capital ship, all
battle cruisers.
nAl.TIMOHi:, Jul Ih.-Thut the
-dermaii iiierebant submarine
DeiitKchlaud would lnii-h loading her
cargo bv tonight and he ready to
leave within a few hour wa the
belief today of observers who have
been closely watching the boat and
activities aboard her since she was
docked heie on Monday morning of
hut week.
It was iccallcd that Captain Paul
Koenig had stated when he entered
hi arrival at the custom house
that lie thought he would sail on hi
return voyage within ten tlava. That
ariod is up tomorrow.
An attache of the German em
basy npcartHl at the wharf this
afternoon and delivered a large
package to Captain ICoenig. It waa
presumed to he from Ambassador von
Tlio lHMttlest aillllcrj fli I
Ypres mal the Sa rlr. Tlie
gnu to hM-p It lilddcii. Often guns
the UuhgK'iiiKl. (lisguloliig it K-rfc
Kx.O'oveinor Win. Suler or New York, Kx-O'owriior Kugeno X.
Pons of MasMHliiisetls, i:.(iocinor lladley of Missouri, anil K-(iicr-nor
!. Kiiink. Ilanley of Indiana niv aiuoiig tlioso who will probahly iv
eelo the iioiiilnnlhii of tin National Piiiblbltlou party for president.
MF.XICO ( ITV, JuU IH. Jaine
I. inn Itodgers. 'epreseulaliM of the
American government, informed the
.Mexican secretary of wnr today thrtt
the American cxHxlitioiiary forces iu
.Mexico would be gradually with
drawn from Mexican territory. Mex
ican commissioner have been des
ignated to icacli a sat Hemes t of thu
outstanding questioiia in the Uaittal
rcdoudo said the negotiations with
Mr. Polk were proceeding favornldy
and that tortnal announcemeiit of the
plan to be followed might be expect
ed bcl'orc Ihe end of the week.
There arc indications that Ileury
P. Fletcher, ambassador-designate to
Mexico, will bead Ihe three American
commissioners it the dan was adopt-
isl. Mr. Fletcher waa present at to
day's conference.
At the close of the conference Mr.
Polk said there was nothing to be
announced further tfuui that the
confidences were "progressing fa
vorably' and he intimated no an
nouncement might be. expected for
several days. Mr. lletehcr and Mr.
Arredondo continued in conference
after Mr. Polk bad gone to the cab
WAHI1JNUTON. Jnly 18. Heerc
tary McAdoo announaiMl today (hat
Robert W. Wool lev luajl resigned us
director of the mini, to become di
rector of publicity fur the democrat ie
national eomnuttce.
Iteing dlrecUl agale (lie nriiaeO"
pi(nu slows the lovlHti ks I H
Mic ivv.i. vntli (he in ii.iiuliiii;
CIIIIICAIil'A, Mcxbo, Jul) IS.
nispatchua to (ieueral Trevluo, fiom
General I.uls llerrera, at I'arrar, re
ceived today said that tho main Villa
band hud crossed tha Durango lino
and Is ri)lu rpaidly before the
sweeping advance of Carmnxtstn
forces. The Villtstas are apiwrently
making fur Tepehuanes, I) lira ago
state, about 110 miles south of Par
ral. where It Is exiiecteil they may
make a stand.
General ISIIsendn reoertwl from
8au Francisco do Ilorja that the only
bandits In the lienilo Juares section
or Chihuahua slate hare been wlpml
out by troop at Hlerra Uauipilshlu.
Seven Vlliistas were eaptured and ex
ecuted. Itenorls from other section of
northern Mexico indicate tranquility.
General Trevluo announced today
that he has a strong garrison at Ma
html, Mermejtllo, and other renters iu
Onrango state and denied that ban
dits had appeared near these towns
as reported, lie added that reports
in the United States or detection to
Villa of several amnestied leaders
were without foundation. He Indi
cated that such commanders bad beH
separated widely and were under
leaders of unquestioned loyalty, and
would be uuable to cause trouble
should they so desire.
Iowa Militia Entrains
DICK MOINKH, In., July 18. The
Iowa nutional guard wa ordered to
da to entrain for the bonier.
la I bo llg pusli" In r ranee Uteeii
og tbioun up In front of a HHtWi
v.i.lm, . nial.i It luiiiiu.iilc uilb
Insane From Rcllnlon, Chlcarjo Nc
tjro, Armed With Ritlc, Barricades
Himself in House, Shoots Four,
Wounds Three and Is Dynamited,
With His Wife, by Police.
CHICAGO, July 18. A nugio ru
hgioug fanatio, hueomiug violently
iiisauu today, barricaded himself in
a Iioiihu mid, aided by his wife, aliot
four persons- to death and wounded
tlneu before thu police, having dyna
mited the stronghold, finally shot
both occupants to death. Hundreds
of sliota wuru filed and the polieu
were hold at bay more than mi hour.
In nil, thu hailiiciiiutiou of the ne
urit Unit ho must "carry a report to
Almighty God" cost six lives.
The negro, II. J. Molutyru, nnuud
with a rifle, barrieadud himself in
his flat iu u two-story brink struc
ture on the west sidu. Thu polieu,
unable to make headway against the
rapid mid accurate fire of thu de
mented man, made tin ineffectual at
tempt to burn thu place, then ox pi oil
ed llueu charge of dynamite un
der it.
A ltcllglous Fanatic
Tlio oxplnifioiiK blew the roar porolt
mid part of thu kitchen into thu al
ley mid uhen thu police were uhlc
to enter thu building it was a wreck.
They found nn explanation of Mo
Intyre's deed iu a note which ho loft
scrawled iu lead pencil on n soiled
piece of brown wruppimr papur.
Mclntyre apparently win u relig
ious fanatic. He left a scrawl in
which he aid thai hu waa tho
spirit of the A1IuTgii!yt?od," afTd that
he must die to carry his "report to
the Almighty."
"The Almighty Oml bus made me
a prophet unto all nation, uud nlso
iny wife, Untile Mclntyre," run tho
"Von shall know (hat Ihe Lord ha
sent me to gather unto the lird the
remnant of the adonie seed." (At
this place iu Hie scrawl, the negro
wiole throo capital "CV and tho in-
itiuls "P. II.")
' "The Lord has made me tho aav-
iour of all Africans of America, and
liow I ahull recommend a)l that are
worthy unto my heavenly Father, tho
great (lod of all creation. Thu Lord
ha given me a spirit to judge thu
ipiick am the dead.
' "I must die in this laud that I
luay carry my rupoit unto Almighty
Ood concerning tho laud of the Unit
oil Stale."
I Mul ami Wounded
Dead - Stuarl Dean, policeman;
Mrs. Josephine Oveimeycr; I'M ward
Knox, eoloied; Alfied Matthews, .'1(1
years old, negro; II. J. Mclntyre,
eoloied, the insane man, M0 years
idd, shot by the police, died iu hos
pital; Mrs. Unttie Mclntyre, colored,
wife of above, II U year old, head
blown off.
' The injnicd I'M ward Clement, de
tective sergeant, three bullet wound,
seriously; (Inner Crab tree, Mdice
man, not Herioualy; Mrs. Sadie
Knox, 1(1 veal old, wife of I'M waul
Knox, seriously.
Wlfo Assisted .Veglo
Mcllltic' wife is siiiMised to
have assisted him bv reloading his
weapons. A cartridge belt was found
around 'her waist, similar to one
une worn bv her husband. The ne
gro fired with deliberation, altuot
a though at target practice.
After the neighbors became arous-
Nxl it was not lung until sounds of
'Hbce flocked to the scene, headed
b Chief llculy himself, h Wa 8
o'clock, houcter, tbiee bonis ufter
the tiling of the tiit .hut, before
(Continued on pngo six)
r t - .7. 11 -
WAKIIINIJ'foN. JoK IH. Without
a dissenting democratic ote, the
senate commerce itinmiion today
ordered a fnvoinss icvit on the
shippiug bill as ievis be direction
ub the partv caucus. Hepubbean
einilors oled again! it Democrats
in. r. Millet ,111111-1 the bill bint
' .il -npjiorted it tudiiN.
Parker's Rallying Cry to Survlvlnrj
Bull Mooscrs Blamed for Collapse
of Plans for New PartyConven
tion Becomes a Prohibition Lovc
fcast and Revival Service.
ST PAUL, Minn., July 18. John
M. Parkor'a rallying cry to surviv
ing progressives and his call Ixsiiud
last Saturday for it now nntlonnt
convention of tho party in Chicago,
AugiiBt C, was blamed by prohibi
tion lcndora lioro todny for tho col
lupso of tliolr plans for a "get to
gotbor" conforonco nt which thoy
hnd hoped to enroll scores of promi
nent Progrossivofl, llopubllcnnB and
IiiRtond of a "got togotber" event,
tho mooting bocamo a prohibition
lovo fous t nnd revival aervlco. Tho
loadora bad oxpectod such men nn
William Allon Whlto nnd Victor Mur-
dock of Kansas, Judgo Albort O.
Norton!, of St. Louis nnd pcrhnpa
Colonel l'arkor, hlmsolf, to moot
with thorn and plodgo tnolr affllla
Hon with tho Prohibition party.
N'ono of tboeo appeared todny.
Want Progressives.
"Thoy aro afraid to Join with tin
until thoy know wo Intend to go
nftor tho votes wjtb n ticket avory
I'rogrotudvo can support consclon
tlounly," said Chairman Hlnslmw.
Mr. Hlnslinw Indicated an Intontlou
to rcdoublo bis efforts to Induco tho
Parker convention to endorso tho
tlokot, which tho Prohlbltlontsts will
nnmo lioro this wook.
.liugouo Posh, returned to tho lint
of nomination possibilities today
with a tolcgram to Mr. liliuhaw In
which ho said ho would "glvo tho
nomination ovary consideration."
Having rocolvod no reply to tho
tolegrnm he and National Com
mottooman ration HOnt last night to
John M. Pnrkor, asking whether hn
would accept tho vlco-prosldontlal
nomination. II. II. Parria of Clin
ton, Mo., troasuror of tho Prohibi
tion National convention, luauguar
ated a boom today for frr. Ira I).
I.audrith, of Nashville, Tonn., for
president and Mies Ada Droliiu of
Chicago for vlco-prosldont.
Pix'.sblcnllat Ciwidldatcs.
Dr. I.andrltli Is tho first cbolco
of many dologatoa for vlco-prosldon-tlal
honors, with William HuUur, J.
Prank Hanloy or Mr. Poas or tho
presidential candidate.
The "got togothor" mooting waa
glvou up principally to spoochoa,
proidiosylug vlotory for the Prohi
bition tieket III 1930, lr not thin
ICugeue 18. Chafln of Tucson, Ariz .
aotod as temporary chnlrmnn nnd
Jamos M. Ingersoll, of Pocatollo,
Idaho, the onty representative ot
another party, who answered tho
call of the "dry" for the get to
gether meetliiK, u pormanent
chairman He Is Idaho's member ot
the ProfgrcKxIve national committee
CHICAiH). July 18. Juntos Ho
bart Moore, or Santa Uurbnra, Cal.,
brother ot Judge W. II. Moore, with
whom he formed the great stool cor
porations known as the Mooro group,
died at Lake Ueneva, Wis., today.
Tha "group'' was capitalized at ?tS7,- ,
000,000, and wus later absorbed by
the United State Steel company.
The Moore were Chicago luwyera
who early In the development of groat
ooruoratlews get oantrel of the Dia?
maud Xa4h oemaany, and sftWt'
to cotre4 the &Mi iRdiartry ef uu
world. rfhe Dlamoixi MHti rt)nir,
which foit!ei. in U4ib U CtibiiiV
ttnascial hIKory. It M U 7 htflli
paulc and the Vsciuj Uu. ktKvft;
exchange. ,
. The Jloores nu iaav JUtfeiftt:
shortly aUerwarA si :ayai Bg?$
cult. They until otf debts of SrMtVk
000, and gained control of the Chi
cago. Hock Island and Pacific, now
Iu the hands ot a receiver. Their
combined wealth ha been estimated
at J