PAHE SIX lUEDKORI) MAIL TRriHTTL MICDFORD, ORIIOX, MOVPAY, JtTLY J7, 1010 WHEREABOUTS OF MISSING MOTHER STILL A MYSTERY After three da and niht of un remitting, uiiHiH'fonHrul search, Sher Iff Howard of Siskiyou county Ilia poaae of thirty men who Iihvh boon scouriiiic lliu hilla nonr the Or- jjgon-Cnlifuniiu lino since Thiiratlay night for Uio young woman who inyntPrioimlv diaappeureil in the hill two houm lifter tho hirth of her oblld in n lonely mountain cabin, re turned lo Yrekn Sunday night. A Jinlf iloron of tlic party who "till Iihvo hoiM' of finiliiiK hor with tho babe, nra Htill senrehiiiK. No (mo) whatever wna found .of tho fugitive, 'fhn fulfill in which tln ohlhl wa horn is Ml Hip head of Dutch orci'k, uiuhl miles from Citiiia lmr Spring, or nonr tlio atiile line. A t mil Iciwli lo tho onbin fiinn tin I'Oflll, II (llNtlUH'O of nix iiiiIuh. It would not linvo been posHiblo to drive ii or or miy heavy oonvevnnce to tho 1'iiliin. Sheriff, liowurd Ik completely at it Joss to it.xpliiin nithor tho pri-neiiee or liHiippimrnnt'o of tho woman, id' OOUBidors it (iiiflity possible Hint she lnlght hnvo wnniliiroil off into the brush itml died, porluiim witli one of tho posau ptimiiiK within tun feet of bur. KfforLH to naceilain her identity Juivo 10 far nilogethor failed. Care ful inquiry in tho vicinity Iiiih failed (o rovonl nityonc of hcrdeacriplion inlnMing either in tho vicinih of Ymkn, Stcilford or miy other wiulli orn Oregon point, tho tmlieo of winch iHsti-iota were notiiicil and arc now itt tomptinrr to clear up the invtcry. Tlio woninn, ns ilcHcrihcd hv the Vronnootor who fonml her in the lonely Quiple.v hoinilend cnhin, in nhoiit lit your of iikc, in well dress ed, in dark-complexioned and weight iihoul 110 ponndH. ARTILLERY E ES H N T Hi:LIN, July 1".- The statement on oH-raliiiiis along the western front nays: "Holween the ma and tlio Ancrc tho llrUiali si iminy puinln increased their fire to great violence. ' "In tlio Somine- dintriel artillery activity hue heen very considerable on hnth sides. 1-ocnl enemy attacks followed, during which the Kritiwh penetrnted into Oitvillura wood nnd which luivc led lo lively fighting soulh of Miaclies, lint which other ie failed hcciitixc of our citrtinii nl fire. otfifcrs lliaih's ineren-eil lo four and .'Idli men. "The more cxtentie ntlneks lv (lie French begun on .Inly 15 to the east of the Mciihp (Vcrdiin front) were continued up to thin morning. The enemy did not achieve nnv suc cess In thin sanguinary struggle, hut lost ground rI h few point. "On the remainder of the front there Iihvh been no incident of ospo eial importance. A French advance following upon nn explosion north of Ouiche wan repulsed. We earned out Home explosions with good re sults on ('ombre 1 1 ill. A flertwin pa trol I) rollout Imek n lew pnon urn nenr Liinfroieouit, Lorraine. "On July 15 two enemy aeroplane, in ndilition to those reported yealer rfay, were put out of action, one in nn aerial hntllp hchiml the enemy Ilium Month of the Somme, white the other wh eliot down from enrth near Dreslineoiirt-Oise, within our lillCK." MEN MEX CAN PROBLEMS YET AGREED UPON do facto government nn extension un til September 1 of tho time in which mining taxos for tho present period of thrpc months might bo paid. Ho Bald that there lind boon no confis cations for failure to iny tnxos for tho Inst period of three, months, tho do facto Koverninont having post lionod action ponding Investigations. Miss' Pearl Holvlu of Klamath WASHINGTON, Jul 17. No agreement has been readied aa yet in the preliminary conference be tween Acting Secretary I'olk of tho J state depurtmont nnd Kllseo Arro- doiidon, Mexican nmbaMiidor (IosIb nato, for scttloment of border dlffl cultloe. Mr. folk authorizod this Mtatemont today when his nttontion was called to the announcement Is sued In Mexico City Hint nn under standing had boeu arrlvod at by wide! governments would be adjusted. NO PATROL TO GUARD I ACQUIT YOUNG ORPET ON SECOND BALLOT OF CHIME WAUKKOAN, Ills.. July 17. Wll- Ulnm Orpot, tjio university studont chnrged with murdering Marlon Lntn bett, a high school girl and his for mor sweothonrt, was found not guilty Saturday night by a jury In .ludgo Donnelly's court nftor flvo hours de liberation. Tho jury bad recolvod Instructions from Jtttlgo Donnelly which .Tamos II. Wllkorson nnd ltnlpb K. I'ottor, Or- The iiumher or prisoner- lal.ui dur- Falls Is the gnost of hucllte nnd IMI- .1... .. -I. . .. .1.. I ...... .... n ii... II. ft..!. .t..f.. I Ink Uli iikoiim mr mm1 ifi sc-.iimi m ( h.jii .tiHinnnii ui duiilii iitiiiti,t- pot's counsel cousldorod highly favor. tho Issues between tho two.nble. to tho defendant In their Inter pretation of reasonable doubt ns ap- Speclal Agent Kodgers nt Mexico plied to tho senrch of bnffllug clrcuiu ritv todny ndvlsed the stnte depart- Htanros which constituted the prlncl- I incut that he had obtained fmm the pnl part of the evidence. WASHINGTON. July 17 There wljl bo no pntrol of American war ships off tho Virginia coast to see that tho nlltod cruisers, awnltlng tho renpponrnnco of the Clormnn mer chant submarine Doutschland, stay outsldo the three mile limit. Socro tnry Dnnlols said todny that tho Unltod States nssumos that its ter ritorial waters would not be vio lated by the allied men ot war. So fnr ns can bo learned, tho Washington govornmont hns not boon notified of the Dciitschlnud's probable, milling, but it Is bolloved sho will slip to sea on f tho first favorable dnrk night. DRYS HOPE TO DEFEAT GREAT SOCIALIST LEADER soclnllsts nnd swing Into lino In No vember ns the third political party of tho country, representatives of tho progrosslvo olomont In tho prohibi tion orgnnlzntlon who nrrlvod In St. Paul todny for-next week's nntlonnl convention nnnouncod their plnns for a $1,000,000 cnmpnlgn which thoy expect to not their tlckot no loss than ono million votofl. Dr. It. L. Colvln of Now lork, pres ident of tho Intorcolloglnto prohibi tion association and ono of tho load ors In tho progressive olomont of tho pnrty, doclnreil the coming cnmpnlgn would mark an opoch In tho history of tho prohibition movomont In America, establishing tho party ns a monnco to the pormnnoncy to both tho republican and democratic orgnu-lzntions. CHICHESTER S PILLS J. TUB iTlAMONU IIIIASU. X ST PAl'L, Minn, July 17 With con fide nio Hint they will outrank tho x X "0"X "X 'X C mJ REORGANIZATION FR RELAND LONDON', July 17 Premier As ipilth said lu tho house of commons today that It was the Intention of the government to Introduce the hill for tho eroetlou of the now government of Ireland boforo the adjournment of parliament for the autumn recess He oxproMod the hope that the bill would ho Introduced very soon. Tho promlor said permammit sct tloment of tho Irish question would ho considered nt an Imperial roufer enco after the war. Sulmilmtlon of this matter to mirh a conference, he continued, was a subject in regard to 'which both parties to the agreement lu Ireland wore In agreement. ? T t ? ? ? ? r ev m I.Hdl-al AkTxr i'mriif"fi 4 llrani) I'llUI-l llnl i'l llnU nrulllcW I !'. teilfl ih Tllud Killion. S TdLa nn fillir. Ilnr nf imp V ir a llroriLt. A kfofCIU.ciriK.TrnS lllAMllMI llllM, 111 vftllknonllllnt,Sfit.AIl)RtMlM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE A.A.,V.t.4V.A..V...Y A. A. A .I'MI'0I'M0T : 1; is 111 111 Pi (Mi ( li fflia- m fli w ill 11 IllW is '"--' --'utiitc-wr. -- ..aiL J i ' jac-nr-'-vm wt.;vx-jr- - &tia!tolt. ! x V Y ? ? ? V T Our July Clearance Sale Offers Unusual Economies on Desirable, Seasonable Goods i a tl:- .... i. ,i..: i. :-lK..: u,.u f .u cl ..--r. P -..: ol,., rr:.7., ir.. ..: c a . cr l ilia HLUi;iv-n:uuv:iiJii cvtiit la-uciut: utiu iui uiv, oun- uui uuov, ui.iv.uuv.hik aiutna ciituuvtiv, juvtiv atuuun ui uit atuic uiicis : values that demand the immediate attention or every person anxious to secure the utmost value for money expended- A ! visit to the store will convince you of this at once. Given Any Thought to the New House Dress? L BILL IN IHE SENATE YUSIIIN0TON, ,lul 17. Om-id oration of (ho naal iippioii,itun bill was Hummed in the hciiuIc todax, witb dennMrlie leadfiH bent mi u diajuMMl in Hue to take up nU tin wtsk the anny bill. DemucnitM are deteiwihed to wh the more imM.r trnil legislation and adjouni hv Auu uat 30. Twlay they aouglit to hold rejittbliraoa to (heir prvmiNe of 10 ojwmUoti. '110 havhI bill' buildiiiir prouraiu whi iMwitMl today. Thin fen tine nl the HHMUiuro is radically dilterent fruw Lite hoiiM kill. It proM.len f..r eowpUtioM of Uio na general IhiTm five-year buildm plnn with in three yearn aud puU the muiuImi of rMtal Hftip U be built next cai at eiifht. ' BRITISH TAKE SECOND LINE (OnHtlHUMl from pago one ral hMudrcHt wounded Germans, who bHd taken refuge there. H was Iragle biirlneaa for the British Ml tr boarera, brtagiu taem back (Areugii the QtriiMi atMil fir w hl.h wu meant tt tk Vwltfeb rMteros and KUH losltloH. Tai r cane wr a HUarbearer nut trpande.i Kid put OH a atretrh-r -idlted. When u wounded aermaa na It had bitou killed by tke same hell The Urtllb persisted until all who sad Mot received a fatal touud ! trausll v," safe In the rear. ' A captured record of a German battalion shows th.t 00 ( tu mem beis wt-ie klllta or wauaded lv the IlrtlUH shell tiro tu the.uoiniiHrd mcni, bfforr i lie atlacji uVgan f ? ? V ? ? ? T t ? ? T f ? T T t ? V ? ? ? V t r y ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A Cool Summery Waist Is Indispensable These Hot Days The (U'limiul for prclly waists jjoes nit'iTily on, ivtirdhjss ol how hih I he loinpcratmv rises. And women who know values and eorreel I'aKhioiis are buying all I heir waists at this store. A visit to the waist section will supply to you all the needed reasons. Lawn Waists $1.25 " We've heard women remark time and aain they didn't, see how it was possible to make waists such as these at this low cost. Not alone are the waists well made, but the stales are especially attractive, and they are trimmed with Vbry dainty and effective designs in lace'and embroidery as well as other triimniiiK ideas. It has been nothing unusual to have women buv from three to half a dozen of these waists at a Vime. Voilo and Silk Waists $1.98 Though. the price m one that von expect to pnv for iirdmary summer blouses, these are waists flint gin you the impression of being of a quality to be priced much higher. The voile is very sheer; styles are very effective. The silks are in .lap Bilk quality and also of sport stripe wash silks, the silk waists are made more after the tailored idea, and particularly to meet the prevailing sport fashions. A Summer Necessity-PARASOLS Mailers not if we do have cool weather now and then or if it does rain in torrents--a parasol is a summer neces sity to protect you from the intense rays of the sun and to add the finishing touch to your summer costume. What is more, the cost can be as little as you like. The most important lliing is to sel'tle now just which style you most prefer -and buy it. Tho newest ideas are here There will be none newer later on. Pm-moIs, rogulnr $1.95, now ijH.ftO Quite a number of designs, but for the most part plain coaching stvle, newest handles, spl.70 to &).v,) -"-M'-JnDA I Plenty of them here to select from and every one de lightfully fresh aud crisp. For the woman who wants to be neatly dressed around her home the house dresses on display at this store will surely interest her. And then again prices are so especially interesting that (1r wonian who is quick to see an unusual value will lm at least three or four to last her well up into the fall. CORSET COVERS G9c 16-BUTTON SILK This is a value big enough to GLOVES 79c have a headline clean across silk with the page. We're determined double finger tips, to offer such splendid values in This might ordinarily muslin wear that every woman be considered a dollar in town will be talking about glove, but we were them. These corset coveis at able to make a special (if)c will do it. .Made of soft purchase and pass our V lingerie, trimmed in embroid- good fortune on to cry or lace. f '? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y JL you. Y X 3kMXXT- CRISP, PRETTY UNDERMUSLINS ATTRAC TIVELY PRICED There's a summery crispness in every garment displayed. I'.ach and nvcvy garment is well made in every particular. The sizes have been cut on correct patterns the gar ments fit well and comfortably. You could not make them yourself and be better satisfied with them, lu ad dition to all these features, prices warrant us in making the statement that the values are certainly unusual un usual enough to warrant you in making purchases of an ample supply. Jfe LACES AND EMBROIDERIES You would hardlv think of making vour summer dress t y y y y y y y y y y y y y. y y i . l. -M s.v..t of in Meadows is J transiuiliiK i n dneac In Medfard to 1 Uv colors now . CORSETS: THE SAME GOOD MODELS, SAME PRICES AS HERETOFORE There is al present agitation to advance prices of corsets. This store is selling the same brands as heretofore at the same prices. It is quite true that the raw materials en tering into the making oT corsets have advanced. And in many cases corsets are costing us more than heretofore. However, we will maintain the same prices. This state ment emphasises in unmistakable language the business jiolicy of this store. We do not make sensational state ments regarding values; but women who have investi gated our prices and our merchandise know full well that the values offered at this store niv such as to assure them that they are the best obtainable at all times. BATHING SUITS IN THE SEASON'S BEST STYLES In past seasons a bathing suit was a ver simple matter to select. They were all made in the wuue style. Quite naturally, not all Miits were alike not made of the same material. This season, however, there is a most ivnairk uble range of fashions in bathing suits from the simple suit of mohair or brilliantiue, there are elalxrate models of silk, in embroidered designs and unusual and almost daring ideas. A number are of the one-piece models; others are in combinations of various fabrics: ami also in combination of eolnrs. Prices are as follews: o Mohair and Hrilliautiue Suits $1.05 to $1.05 iniiiwuii ri..i ..,.!.... ;.... 4, .:,.... .;.,,, ... u.. ...i..... ..,...' J nullum i n .-l ni ui i hi ti 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiu., nn, iii-ii uii iiiir- -,- fT 1 ) chased your white fabrics, step over to the lace and em- I OATVViVtP4C broidery section and allow us to assist you in selecting V UCCAltOAjLC th(. pattern and width that will be in harmony with the t I'll jLj i'ITIw i Might as Well Try and Stop Niagara as to Stem tho Popularity of SEPARATE SKIRTS Jt isn't a question of whether you are to have a separate skirt this sum mer, but rather "how many." The models most in demand are heiv for you to choose Troiii. There are skirts of light weight wool materials ami plenty of. the wanted corduroys, linens and sp.u-t suiting. Mare models predominate most even one with lockets of some dvsign or another. material. FANCY SILK HOSIERY $1 A PAIR The craze for sport stripes' and sport designs has brought a cor responding demand for fancy hosiery in horizontal stripes, cnecKs and enihroniereu ertects. ssr Qualities same as in plain silk yWJL hosierv selling at a dollar. If vou 'mt& prefer some particular design, it is advisable to make immediate purchase. CAN YOU POSSIBLY HAVE TOO MANY PAIRS OF HOSIERY? . ".)llr4f This question would be in order most any time. "Right at this moment it is particularly in order. Low shoes in varied colors make it necessary that you be supplied in hosiery to match garments or shoes. Then again, fancv effects are much in vogue, .lust bit of advice: Don't go away on a trip unless your trunk contain an ample sup pi v of hosierv. m ' m mm? - p The May v r y y i Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y . 7Ai Oeaxarlce I -,s :i9.''?':?H-''ie'ifroi