Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 17, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ""WSt f
"r inf
HurIi C Mitchell, stnto aunorlit
(otTtlciit of Hip United mains Iniroau
of liatalmrltw, arrived Sunday In Med
ford on h trip of Impaction Of the
It Ik Creek Imtahery.
ImtliB 28c Ilotol llollrind.
Toiler J. Xeff has returned from
a wonk's uutlug In Uio Koti UlnnkoU
Follow tha orowd on Saturday
ijIkIU (o tha ilAiiifs til tlio Moose
.lolui A, Waalarluiill mid Mra. Voa
(arluiifl wort Sunday rlaltora at Pros
IllHBo for ntfnr, to
J:. A. Watch hhi family mid A. H
Uotitilmiitii liaw ruturnotl from a trip
to Crater Laka. The road la nunn
n far nfe nngliiBflr'a ennip, learlng n
two utiles lilho nvor tho anow to tlit
Inho. The mail ling lieon cut tlirouRh
Ion foot drlfla.
Do Von filvoi trailing itnmim with
ovorythlnj? oxcont prororlos.
Storlo KoIIokk niul llorborl Konl-
nor Ion. tlila morning for Craaceiit
City. Thoy will ho koiio lliruo niontha
Burvoylng for U16 Owoiib Intorosts.
A hronkfnat joii ran afford nnd lin
ilnllghlml with. Huasoll'a Cnfo.
Ulght touriita from Sonttlo wero
tnlldu to Crntor Lake )ostardity. Tha
roitiU proved vory alliipary from rain
nuit nlthotisli tho stngo loft at ton
llllrty, It vvng four o'clock hoforo tlioy
nrrlvoll nt McCloud.
Hot your milk, cronin, liuttor, pggs
nnd btlllormllk nt Do Voo'n.
Sewell Smith iirrlvinl IIiIm innriiliiK
from Spokane. Jlo la looking for n
purmiiMHiit locntlon, IntonilliiK to sal
tlo In noil thorn OroKon.
Typowrltor minor of nil kinds nt
Medford I'rlntltiK Co.
I'm n It liny roturnoil thla nioruliiK
f i om n two wooka vlalt to Bun Krtin
clsco. Tli0 world's Kronloat compnulnn
Ilnlmos, Tho Itisurnnco Mnn.
Tho A. V. Wnlkor Auto comimny
hits movod to tli ul r now quartern on
.South 1'Ir ulroet, formurly occupied
hy tho. Nnah I.lvory. Tho hlillillng
will kIvo thorn approximately iloulilo
tho floor bikico of tliolr formur
Knrnno, ,
Wo hnvo 12 troo propH on hnnd.
Hlg PIiibs J-unilJor Co., 99
U'ltt WftitliurU uio'lulliiK 'the duy
nt Gold Itny. .
Try n KIiir Spit cigar and on
cournHo homo Industry, tf
.1. Spltrwr or JCiigla Point la In Had
ford on business. I
Dr. ICIraligommer will ho nt Hotel
rviiah ovory Wednesday, lluuro for
couanllutliiu 10 to 3.
Ainu I. Umb of Oakland. Cal., Ib
simndlug law days In Madford.
Urny'a nleo, told, rtrlnka, friilla.
I'. W1 ttrooU, utanuKcr of tha Ox
ford Hotel at Grant Pnaa, In spend
liiK tho day In ilwlfonl on Itualuaaa.
) have lxS trcw proua on liuud.
IIlK l'liiaa Lumbar Co. 99
K. C. DuuiiIiir, of KlHiHHth Kwlla,
apout yaatordny In Medford.
I'or rent, 2-rooiu furulahed houao.
C A. I)Voe.
Mrs. LMtar QrHiit of Itlvoraidtt.
DllHoIa, a aulturb of Chicago, awoitf
iminwl by kar ilKHtbter hhiI Mim
Martilt will ariiw iootorroH morn
iua and h b tba guaat fur u wtwk
of kar bruthar. It. U. U'IIkih.
IIlK to Xllkahakaa at IH Voa'a.
Ituiiort Malowlut or Marrlll la
PUMtUng a fan 4aj In Mmlfnt.
Bat) Uva Wood nbout that Mr Ih
ntiranati iwllsy. Offica JIhII Trlbuua
a. It. tlruie. or thi I'aclfle I'uaat
Uonu 0 la BiMudtun a f4 4hb In
Mwlfitrit Hd ariua41nc vuwHtry ou
huallUMH. I
Mra. A. Tru Lund). Ko-lloua otr-M-i
rapraMUtha. l'Uouw H'4s. 17 N.
drmtga. ma
U4 UttUoal, rMd auiwrvlawr of tit
Kagl Point diatrtot, ta Ih Mwtiord ou
liualuaa today.
Wa bava HI traa proua on band.
Hll tMMM L.UMbr Co. v
Jack HlaaaoB oi b)gta I'olui ia lit
Medtom today. Ua la baited obawp
lou fjajiarwaa of Kagla Point, baring
taugbt tan U-ellitad. a 35 and a 5
poatal aalmoo terday.
Qliag bhIIb PorU aura, IOO dou
mil $11 a aionth.
Robort Mlutar of Kagle Point la
iu Madfurd on iiunlucu toda.
WhlvaUg craam at U'a'a.
1C4 Coiiley at Kagla Point atwkt
Sunday In Medford.
IUUtdtiftlik le gg. at IVwl.
IU) rob loft thU morning for a
tcUon trtu to at Haul. Ho ck
lecta to return about Auguat t.
Do Voe bnta boor bottlaa.
Carl Von 4r Hollan of Wellen la
tittituflua i h da In Medford
AVo mka a anoetalty of oio!o
In ah ei Kuaael'a CafetorfS,
H''' ul iiuiihaaera of l'eil (ju
am ,l i' CimIkh ( ligrloa Tivipln. I
'. bVIiihii i u wtlllama gaa d w
Ullorot at -iiiuiid
Tuke thoN ioomi auto wkaala to
lllliniga airu.' .md AnU Worka
andmaYo ihfn Ilk HtW, at 8
email exione
r z- -r I. '
SSB!iS!Sjm rwi r
iiHaVKaWQn 1?- tP- r-lfr$5tKWEBaM
M'TI.V, Mrl . Iiilv . ill
mcTlpnn orrirlal of tli Hlcluini on
( 'i l ruction romimny rutiir.tin I'm h
tho conipmiy'rf pioject In the Y.ii I
vallt ' , atatuil todtty that Mixtih
Jiiinr IihiI looted and dr row d
'iiurh valiinblc ftropprty ImlonttiiiK to
the conipnny. lluatlllty whk .nnni
ft'Htul, ho dorlaretl, hy tho Mx.(.i,i.
military authorltltm to whom rum
Plaint wna mails.
It potltloiiR or Him rnlila hy Yun;i '
IndlmiB, to which Amorlcan propiri'
uas recent I) Biibjct4, ,hao ixinj
i r. Vi uti'tl In high water In the V Kj'ii ,
11 ir, v, hlffi kenps tho IiiiIIhiih rrom
croMliiK. ' I
I'mMirr rrporl of looting li ii.iu '
lit k wore brought from Villa Coron i
In Dmango, h u SwchIImIi kuIiIm!
n.uurd WVlli-iidor. who at a tod
, the coin harveat helnnafliiK to m j
I k.uis anil other rorolguora hnd !'( n
comiiiundCNirod by tho rnldora. T u i
UiMr Bilvor mines in the vldniiv
havi- ln'on (lenoited and their op"r
nt'on left to Moxlcan ouiilorH. Loot
InK of tho unprotected eoiiiniii
Btoroa 1b feurod.
Illl'llt V I.IIM nh
,i ,i (iii.. I Itolint I. Lie, Imnnld ( r. n o- (li iiiml U. S. Otnul, ..i Han.iliiir
ifiil Sp f ttiniil V 1 1 ( f I ih I'r. Ciiincriii'
n- r
A A llfrnnid, pn side nt r tin
llcrnard Moior Co. ntniiid thin
mornliiK from a nlioit trip to Cren-
cont Oil) llculdnti pln Iiik (in agency,
ha Bold five cars.
Poitngo atuiiiia nt Do Voo'l.
C. 'X. HuiIioii of Kiwi tin, proalilent
of the lliiilaou DohIiIb Dlpuur Urlga
Co.. Ib BpiMiilliiK it few rtaya In Atetl
ford. .Mr. Iludion, with Captain
Dolililu. of 8Httlp, In liiBtHllIng ono
of tho drudgoa ou Hlvrllug crook.
II la His Intention of Hip com puny in
rniiBtrurt a amall proapoctliig drudge
with which lo try out plncor luuil
In IIiIk vicinity and In the avout that
It Ih rich aitough to wnrrnnt work
In k, they will place ilrndgOtf upon Hut
land. Ci'on Inlklug with local nia-
alilulaU, Mr. Iludaou hna roucftidod
that ho will couatruol the innrliluery
hore, rather than ahlp It from Sdttl,VJ
and In (he e veil I that mining npora
IIoiib arc alnrtod upon it, large wnlu,
will coiiBlruct a mining miichluory
phuil In Medford.
dliirgnlua In now mid ocniid-htiiid
hlkoa, Itx nnd II. 8hn)i, Rpartn IttilliN
lux. lui
Tint fire 'depnrtniont Wua called
out (hla mornliiic to extinguish a
amall grata flioou Kuat Main atreet.
V. IC. Shank of Port laud la In (own
ou bualuoaa today.
from a trip to the oouNr couiilrjf.
lying Hcroaa (he Klamath river and
ta mllea aouth of the illue ldge
dlalrlct He brought bark a number
of promlalng aamploa of copper ore
from the dletrlot.
Pear label time la here. SJork
lubela or apaclal labcla at the Med
ford PrlullHi Co.
Mr. aad Mra. Paul II. Jannoy re
turned thla morning from Proaitect,
where they have camped for th past
During Aahland Chautauqua Inter,
urban care teare Hotel Medford dally
nxoent Saturday and 8unday at T n.
hi. Iteturn after program at night.
Itoand trld 36 eouta. Tho Mg dray
Tho hotel at Proaiwt waa full
uver tho week end, about 35 Mod
rord iirople romlng In laturday
The ladlea of the loyally Circle
will give a Intra aoelal at II. T. l.aro
ton'a Wedneaday eveulna. Oamea,
niuati' and a royal good time for all.
Ice cream and cake 10 centa. Kvcr.v
bod Invited.
J li Coehran irk a wheal off
hla car on the doaeH while return
ing from ProMuert laai night.
(let your labela aarly. Don't wait
until the laat minute. The Medford
Printing Co. la the place to got
frank MeKee and hla mother.
Mm. Minnie McKee left thla morning
for Ne Mexico In their car.
KOttl) car for rant hour or day.
Be Blllolt, City Halt. ioj-
CuHta Hiirh) left thla morning
for Hale in. there he l attend the
KpwoHh IMHi luIHulv. Khlcli
meet ihere thU week
Hmoke a King Buiu cigar. Be.
1'hey are homo-made. tf
0. A. Chlaholm, former praprletir
of the Auatlu Motel, Med lord, kaa
leaaed the Hotel Oregon at Aahland.
Tho hoatelry a ill no be known aa
tho Auatln.
Ikan'l fall to attend the graateat
near blight demonstration ever held,
at the experiment atation. Talent.
Oreguu, July , at 3 o'clock
i i i ...... ....... . .. .
ll'l! HUM I. Mil II)lli;ill llllll rC
Stirrnn, who hi,. . mplowd on the
Mlka llauley ran h at Unite 1'nlln,
aro In limn today. The rain, thc io
port. haa atopped haying operation
mid mon, who havo Imun cmplowd
In Uw fletda are tomporurlly laid
C. Kellehor of 8hrman, Tex., mid
Dr. C. C. Oldney of Plalnvlew, Tox ,
aro tho riicbIb of tholr alalor Mra.
A. Kellehor.
Mia. A. It. Blowart and Mraa VIc
Loiln Stewart of Portland are the
guttata of Mra. 18. C. (laddie. Tho lat
ter nrt of the week Mra. JJlpwart.
Mlaa SlowHrt, '.Mr. and Mrt. Caddie
and Mr. and -Mm. II. I'. Plntl will gn
to .Vowort lo apoud a month. Mr.
and Mra. Caddla hIII drivo through
In their car.
A. C. Cloniona of Kagla Point la In
Medrord today. Mr. Cloniona will
loavo tomorrow for Cnitur lke to
spend the summer.
A. Walla of drains Pnaa Is attend
ing a fow daya In .Medford.
0. T. I'on In who has hucn work
lug mi a ranch In tho Hrlfflu cieok
district will lwa tomorrow for his
homo In Ituachurg. ',',
C. MeDonalil of Itiich la In Med
ford on business.
W. M. Howard la In for the dsi
(Continued from pnge one)
(he iNickel
eiinipiiiifncil Int
lional iiHtlointl Kuurd oimuilxntloiiH
will be itlspnlchod to the Mexican
border only after the have been or
ganised and (hihIpimmI thoroughly.
Department comiiiandcrK wero delay
ing trmiaportatlon or liioiiiiuileto
unite today on Instructions Horn the
war dopaitmeull
About sri.OOQ iiIpii now In mobil
isation en m pa at afficled hy the
new on I era, which revoke a ruling
(hat waived curtain replremnu
made whon the Mexican altuatlon
seomod acuto.
Some 100.000 guardsmon aro ou
tho border nlw. These with SO.Ofiu
regulars mid B.tlOO resolves, com
prise a rorco siiffldcnt, ofricluls bo
llove to make uuiHfcenswry thy send
ing of moro luudejtuatety ciilpHd
atnto troo.
Vliile iitloiiiiv
I'hile iiiilnmd lie
I'mlcil Stolen Heiiidor on n two-cent
fare plot form. "I'm u luMyer hu
ll corporHtion, hut not n conMiriiliini
luwci-," lie Hid. lint Uu wux liwiti-n.
In 1011 I'reMitlenl Wil-on inaik- him
feilernl JNilge to Mticcved William S.
(')nrke In loll ami htruilit, wiih
wliiltt hail' and pink cheeki.
Kor Ihirly-one ,enr- he ha- In-eu
pnit owner ul" fit Yi)iim-tnHii (() )
Viniln-iilor, in vlucli lie write- cililor
inJn for mniiMeimtit. '
T. Sulllrau relurned laat itlglitfrom iMtn crMk-
K. Uoblnaoii who liaa been In Med.
ford for the puat waek h IhisIiichs,
will leave tomorrow for his home In
(treat Kails. Montana.
Mlaa Pearl Hoaa of Central Point
la anointing Iu Medford today.
II. C. Chapman of upper Same val
ley la in Medford today. Mr. Chni
mau loaves the first of the mouth
for Artsona.
Ilutternillk So. quart at DeViio'a.
Articles of lacornoratioH of the
Ctah Quicksilver roHnnaiiy, with Its
main place of business at (irants
Poae, have been ih1 at Salem
I IRUCt 10
Mrs.Sheldon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene
fit. Finally Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
HnKlewood. III.
throuch the t'hanrre of Life I niilfcn
witn iiciuiiiches.ner-
" While jcolnc
AMHIKItDA.M via l.on.loii, .!ah
17. In roiiilndiiiK the t;.-i nuiti koi
ornnient that oMlng to the eli.itlnu
of the present tt-im of the reklmnm
in Janualy, elections muxt take .luce
beforo the final conclusion of peace,
the Frankfurter Settling hukhcsIs.
with a view to ascertaining the real
feeling of the nation under the
chaiiKid condliloiia, that a. truce
The "l," Id be uirau -ed to pi unit half or
ineorimratora aro Ale Mblo and II.
a Norton, of (iranU Paaa. and Ham
uel Hortelaon. of (told Hill.
(Mra. T J. Kuaon. MIsh IH.rrl
Bniock. Miss Prrel Stownrt and Miss
Doiothy Stewart left thla mornliiK
for a month'a vacation aluy at Ne-
Wtlbur Cameron of Applegate M
spending the da) in Medford.
Ilarrv Itcth of Seattle repreaenl
Ing It. .. Polk ft Co . Is spending a
week In Medford In ih(. ImcrcHtb of
bis co in p a
I In- i'i i man .irmy
(tir I'u rlicilonx
to nl urn home
dTTF in I id iiTTTmT
1 1 L A ? x?J 1 1 1
w f9
III If fr JgFTlllIII
WAS(i't. Jul 7 Woik
beiliK done li ilie .il-m iiinili nil. t--ler
eniiH in -'i.ilmj- tittiiiHinni mid
-upitle- o n.iiiitiuil xmiiil nru.iiiiT.i
(Kill- -latlioied ilnng the Mexuilli
Imnler in iIm nlied hm excellent m a
teller Ironi lln.-.idior I'uikcr.
c'liiiiiuiiinVr ol lite Ilniwii-illi di
liiil. maile,. loilav l the mm
UAMIIMIIOS, .U 17. s,a
" MolllUe lli.ide n vain ellnrl . t-.'l
iteliiiu in the M-iutlt- tt.dav ou In- K -ttlulion
mIiii-Ii would nk the pie-i-dent
in MHti a ti, of execution ..i
Kir Hi.Ker ( ii-euionl'- dcntli
h-iicv. Oltjevitiiti in fcktintr M.ui.
Itli'Vi-nteil eoiiMilerulKm ot a m..ii.i
to lako the mm iuii nt o,f tin li ml
of Hie foreiKii relntunia conn, i,,,
which ha- ietu-e lo refill n. ml
of u Hiib-rcMiliitiuii yetui-tnij il,.
uri-nU-ul to Imw the Anterumi mi
bax-udor ui unoffii-mlU i,u
ao of the I'li-emenl aeniciiM
di ll.ll Ijl.l Ml
' . I .1. I
IK I 1 1
vousnesa, llnsln of
hent, ami 1 Hulfcred
so much 1 did not
know wliBt I waa
(loin? nt times. I
spent HOOD on doc-
tors ami not one did
nu any good. One
day n lady called at I
my house nnd said
'lie had been a sick
as I wns atone time,
and Lydin E. Pink-
lintn'a V, trt ( nl. I n
Compound rnnde her I took It ami
now I am just as well na I over wns. I
cannot understand why women don't
mo how much ptdn nnd aufTerinp: they
would escape by tnkinpryour in.'diclmj.
1 cannot praise It enoitRli for it saved
my life ar.l kept me from the Insano
Hospital."- Mrs. B. Siiki.don, tt7 S.
Ilalated St., Ifcielewood, 111.
Physicians tindouhtedly did thelrli -,
Ital tied w ith this case steadily um eoulil
do no more. hut often tlnniost aeientiiie
treatment isaurimseed by tlie medicinal
properties of the Reed okl fashioned
roots and Jierlw ronUin.-d in J.ydia K
nnkham's Vegetnlilc ComjiouiMl.
If any oitinpllcatlnii I-(n it
iMivs td rito tho Lvdln IC. lMnk-
lintii llcillcliio (!(., Lynn. Mils.. I
r(r t..oIul fnio udvioo.
l kv" naf'f- -tin" Y n'rtli
Joe NMIHaius si Jacksonville
itli the ,
M till
up it
spending the da In Medford.'
Pars and apple label printers for ork. when Mi.
is uogue river valley. Medford
Piintlug Co. .
See (he stock labels carried bv the
Medford Printing Co. If jou'are la
Oris Crawford and fa mil) are
borne from a delight l ien-davs
auta trip thraufh ntlatx(t f ucrjn
17. ArruiiKemenl- for the liuiiMuii t
luientiil Irio wliioh t'hnrli-. K I
HhkIu-- cxh. i, i,. itlu.' earlv in An-1
gu-t iiMbnblv uill he e.iiniil..l..l .it
IsJIeit-t mi lr n- the -iH-akinu iii.i.ui
i- coin enuil, uexl Tliur-iluv in Ni '
it. ...i ii . ... . i
IIL-Ill Mill
ii t mi ii tlee
I 1 1 K .I.IIUk
Tho Food-DrlnK for all Agos
Rich milk, mailed grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalid) (nJ growing c'uldren.
Puienutrition. upbuilding tlv hole body.
Invif oratM nursing mothers J the gd.
Mere nourithing than tea, coffee, etc
Substitute's Cost YOU Same Price
pi. 1
bee i , M i
inc his in.-rnm.
ci nti i
it Minou
i lrit have
IMtigll CiUII-
i the uoni
Hot urrauy
Overland, Maxwell,
Dodg and Ford oai
S il Hamuli's auto will leave
:.u;l Point at v M and 1 P M
dailv, ( m . pt Sundiiv , leave Medford
!' M and ', l M Will eill for
iiumui'u at hotels la Mulford ami
I "di, .ti,,! biihiuesa houics In Kale
I'llONK ..t! on ti..a.
amera SJwp
20B East Main Street,
Tho Only Exclusive
Oominoreinl Photuymphoi's
in Southern Oregon
Negntives Mnd any time oi
plnoo by appointuiiint
Wa'U do ttie rest
13. Q. WEST0M, Fro
1 FvrtrvTnrttvrltoriT Piirplvrirn1i1r &9,
JjCT" ir -riji? tumfr W -.. Ftla4MMBia uJKivaiti It
- ia inr. .vt-rwnx. t win s-: n m m a m r ivif.ii m si ia isab v b a u il.
. orS.S.S. VCUCsiH.C"l'HPu:iiMiLi'iMiwr.j
Jf you were an rarrf il of ilia medicines ymr take
ou arc anxioiu alwut Ike illaeste it Is Mien fur
Ira p
a. wncn mi s as y
' a wonderful difference in ymir (utiire fiejlth would rtiult
iJv In a vcKCtsblc priMluct like S S.S. thcrtflsno violent aft-r cf
feet an il fcaind in mineral medicine but a natural a i ef-
firipnt mmm nf rrarliillff the blood at)d PWlfvinir it. -
tint it may perform its funrtions re ulily.
RMMAr -Mf ttiawal Is i ttsnsl nwderrtl to Mil IsU yar
DIUCIH Istirwr. Demand genuine
S. S S. at your dnittgirt, it it pii'e- THE MIMK J5 TUB
ly vcgeublc and the Standard sdurtCB OUVJOUJIT
i i.... il i.. UIUEDA1. nOUG
luuu jcuicuy. ""' , , F
L suit l'
aft-r cf- I
W Jst I'tfjjpy iw
SwITt Spccifio Go. Atlanta, Ga. f&fgmifflmimi
. rirTi?s
Z'?y?.;7 -sz-jl mver wm & w
le Im ta4n ju&s V v tjr hBi
lv OSkfl "U "S- T3
Hi & iffiSF mi JW VZsA U.1JA B.'WJ.
PiJRSa'the dough
You may use nn old favorite tccipc and (lie lirst of malcfialc and make it
carefully, tlio oven may be just rialit, et jou will Iiavc a failure if
"Hie Power bslimd the Dough" is not the right one to leaven it properly
anu mdKc u ugm, uigesuoic, U-nolesomc.
-.! I.J M '. III. .
vjoou iMKing wiinoui gooa oaKingpovvtlar h out ot II question.
iv t iMvnci owdtnm wondeilul leavening jxiwer, and the double netkm
iu inc i ami in ine ovea maku gouil inuHt dWy
7oic no chances of failure use K C
ana itava "goo J luck" every time.
if an (jroccr.
A Finished Program
Strong, Diversified 2 o
Exceptional Films
of Alias
Valentino a Breath-Takiiief Tale
of Finance and j Roma nee
Of Daring Deeds and Dimpled Domllu D.illnii.
A Super Story.
K. B, Warner.'and Dorothy Dalton are Stars
Mot'on Picture Theater
The Keystone (lusher
An Oily Scoundrel
A Full Flow of Fun nnd
m A 1 a w H m,
r&ul M nfftBFisffl ilnlw7ii TrvilffaavBi w SMFf
I wA mmf 1 k it
Ncir he fore has llliscilv Im-cii privileged In w 1 1 1 m --.
n production iil'siicli uiauiiiliuli .
WlMlii pll-Miti (1 III ( lllitld l1lk s.Hlll' .is ( N'li'Iv.
(Iii iit, .nn! I ''hI.mIi Ijilin. i-;iiiiii iiiv
I lii, il ( old !( te to pi iiilli t lil( t i (J. I I nl . Ih . 1-,.
.Ill I a s ;. j
Full Symphony Orciiesfr a of 30 Pieces
in SouthernOregon Medford
JULY 27 "JULY 28 ""JULY 29
M.ul oidt rh acfimijiojiUHl hy check now secure
N" don't wait and be dimppintel. PrU'eai: Et u
ii. i. 0. . 7V, 1, M..V. Mat., 2V. ."M)c, 7.V, 1.. ?
Southern Oregon's Greatest
Place of Amusement
a ' .ii- -jak.
LI ,Sii stm m .n.w. i. i
TjtiJW.Jljlliljljin' W'i iBWiiiiaiiiiuM
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