PAHE STX rEDFOT?D VATT, TlTmrVE, "NrTCDFOftD, OttTC(10T. SATFTmAY. .TTLY 15. 1010 L 10 DEVELOP SUNDAY BUSINESSTOJUSTIFY GAME 10 BE E f COLLIER ECTOR AV SEEK BASEBALL DRIVEN ASHORE STATON OPENED PROMISES CREW SAVED PALM BLOCK BULDNG R AD N A ' WASHINGTON', Julv 13.--A rn diogmm iwd ut tbp tiA vSleprnt went trum the pominiiilntof Hip rimitp-liin iinvy ynrd Mtyaftbnl nt 8 o'llock ttiift mnniitiK nl Iff' inn jini nml rcw who wen 'K.' I'1''' lot w-rr wffc. U it MiilMivflrybody hiiil Ult the Hector by Ipi.-ni. to day nml tltnt purl oT tlitpiion wit nt tin- nnvy ynnl Mini llio riitiHindor aboard the Wilmington in Cbaili'lon hnrbnr. WASHINGTON', .Inlv IS. Pom inniidniit Hrynnt oT llm t'linrlontnn imvy ynrd wont the following wim wijso to llio nnvy di'imrtiiiont : "Hi'c tur unborn Mvtn liillcm nortlienut of Iho Riimain p hnny. Abimiloiu'il by crew nt 112 :lfi n. in. Ship brokon in .two mid (i totnl wrack. All bund wivi'd. Cliicf oiiKini'nr nml ono firo iiiiui tiiTiounlv injured. f'tupoiiliT broken lep. Of fleer nml mvw litiing Itibnii lo Clinrlimluii." ' The chief fitiftliinnr is Kdwtinl A. Mercor of Jloehlfiml, Sin. ('IIAItCEHTON'. S. V., July IB. One hundred nml two witiiifiw mid Miilor Trow llio lleotor wero liunletl here lliirt JiiorniiiK by Hiu tender CyproMH. Cnplnin Newell; nnd ix Jceii iiipii ninniii iibonnl the IJoetor, which i lyimj unround ofjj.ti'iirleM- tni liuliisliin. broken in two.. l'cmr injured milliner wji)efieiit to h ini'iii iiubjiiiui. m 10 Kl, I'ASO, To., July 15. -General J. ills llerrcra, who loft I'nrrul some time ugo for Mexico City linn return ed nml Ih now In command of h!n tiooin, nrcordliiR to n telPKntui from (lenoriil Alvuro OhroKon, received In Juuriw todny by Gunornl TrnnalHco (lonzalofl. ' , , The tulcgrnm wan In reply to n won. lui Ko from Oenurnl (onzn),OMiitiitlnR tlint It had been variously roportail )n tlm I'nltod StntoH tlint llorrorn bad boon killed by VllllHtOH south of t.'blliuiibiia City, and that ho bad boon ordurod nbot by Clonoral Obru-son. L L lieu Sheldon lin roeuived n lelo Kinui from tlio HutiiiuM Men's h oeintii)ii of I'eiiillpton offeiimt him u iMrtilitm oaiiipiiinuiiiK I be Htnto for the projHod iiortiiHl wbool which Unit rity i wekinf to Imvo located thcr. Mr. fittelilnn k rfrnd tbi mut ter to the nonoal tiiool eoioiniltec n t Akhluud mul will ho jruidcd b tlitir judgment mm to wlmt Hill be-t mi vi' tb intorc! of Anbliind'x imi' Ilo toured the Hlale in 11U I lor Ibi' AmmIiiiiiI imIiooI nod i ell J.IMUMI IIIIHMMf I'lllll'HtolM, lt'UHNH'r lneii mid rlltb MnrkiTM. .John KordMtroin, ehief nuiirlef iuiilt'r, l'. S. N., arrived in AleiHWil TburNilay iiikIiI nml i now enumffil m oiitfittbiK offiepM in the 1'iilm block, on Mm'u street, where .Monday be will open n naval reuruitini; Mn tiiin. Mr. KnrdNlrtnn linn .jut lod m iiiiilar offjpp in Abpnlpwi, Wmdi., and wliilo there enrolled twenty-three nppronliee neHinen. A vitv Ntrict cxHininaliiiii mtiMt be piiMHed to gnh eutrmiee to the mivv, iniieh NtriPtcr, in fPt, than the nrniy exHiiiiiintiuii. 'i'liroiiKliout the coun try mi nviinine of onlv 20 per cent of the npplicHiitH nre udniitled to the nerviee. JMirinK Tune, in New York, out of Til) npplicuntM, 'J07 were re jected on ttm fii-Ml exmuinution mid only '2U panned into the mrvice. In the wwl, however, about r0 er cent of the npplicmilM arc accepted. Men mum be between 17 ami III) yearn of uku nml in iiMt piiHH an nhnoxt peifect pliynieiil tcHt. .Mod ford recruits will be Mint from here, filter pnawliiK the fir I exain imition, to I'm Hand, where they will be exnniined by the naviil muiiicoii mid Lieutenant .1. II. Itlnekhuru, who Iiiih cluiiKe of nil naviil reciuitiiiK in Oreitou. I'Voni there uppioiitiee nun men will be ent to San I'ihiicIhco, wbnro they will pa mix month in a mIioio tiiiininir Mint inn. Applicant for inecliiiniciil poilioiiM mid eoal pMHuer will he nenl lo the navy yunl nt Uremeiton, Wnxti., for Iraiuluir. I.ioiitennnl lilacMiiiin, who Npcnl it few day in Medfonl Ihrce week npi, in now at Hreinerton, where he i lal.iiiK the cxmniuutinii lor lieu tenant I'oiiiiuamler, WOODMEN IN m OFFICIALS III.HIJV. Jul IV The repiilM' of beuw uttui'ko b ItalimiK Oil the Au-triun front in llie Tienlino be tween the Mrentii ami the Ailiue, i minouncMl in I he Vienna beadiiiwr tern report "f July 11. Tb tule pieiil uyi: "Intense activity continue W wt'cu the Hrentu and the Atlife. The ineiiiv tew time Mtaeked northeut nt Monte ItiiMta, beutir in each eue i'Hiiled bv our troniiH, who wain luini'd all I heir 'po-itioun." The Wooilini'ii of the World, cmnp No. HO, which ha recently elo-ed a great eainpaiKH for iucicaini; it jnniuberhip, ami whnc nieiubeihip now border on the :()() nut: k, lat WeilneHilay eveninir at their remilnr gieetiuir iutHlled new ol'ticer for the enuiuir term. The new ollioer nre: K. ('. Siillivnii, ('. i'. N. W. Hur tlon, A. 1.. ; II. 0. Shenrer, banker; Uobeil X. Hnyl, CKcnrt; ',rne White, Hiitchiiiiui; Cartha Snyder, Hdilry; I. II. Atwell, manager. , The ol'fieeii jiinl irttiiiitK hnve worked mot fait hi fully for the or der iluiinjr their tenu of offiee, mid the newly elected officero will kooii mnke arrnngeiiitnitN for fuither eiini paiiiii. One of Hie firt Uiiajn in the iutorcHt of Wmulcrufl i eH'ct ml lo be a WiMitlmen of the World pouiily picnic, to include nil the pump and member of the order in lack-on coiinh. This will be a ureal dav for WiMiiliTalt in Houue Hixer. valle. Coinnninlratlon of railroad rom tnltteo to cltluim of Medford; Tho people of Med font, after full dinqtiMlon, have voted on the con tract ubmlttod to them by tho city round). i Thl contract bad been endorsed by tho HiiRlnoM Mnn'a uiwoclatlon, tho Creator Mod ford club and the Comworclal club. The peoplo have udoptod thl contract by a vote of 1007 for to flOfi Blnnt, a -majority of 041. Thorn la no inlftiimleitniid liiK an to what the poopln want, nor -of the fact that tboy aro doturinluod to build u railroad to the llluo Lodge ami on to tho cohhI, ' TbU loiumlttiio, In tnrtlnu Itn work, him felt and planned that the llluo LciIko railroad wan but tho flrnt unit of a railroad to Kurokn, plaiiH have all boon purmtod towards that end In the pant, an they will bo In tho future. Tho eonlruct, an prnnented, wn not abovo crltloliuii, but we weio fully MntNflud tlint Mr. MiiIIIh would carry out bin pledge to the nalbifao Hon of the people. Wo rally realize that u railroad muni have traffic and tonuaKo to pay Itn way. TIiIh com mlttue, toKotbor with Mr. IIuIIIm, aro detormlned to dovclop tho builnew for tlm railroad a the railroad la built. The city' money will not be expended, except to curry out HiIh plan. We expect lo proceed In tho coimtructlou of railroad work a rapidly' an powlble, ami our euer KloM mint be given to the develop ment of cettnln pluiiR, which will fiirnlMh the traffic for the road a It Ih built. Therefore, wo auk tho peoplo to bn patient nml to work with tin, so that wbou our pinna ahnll have nintuted and become a fact, we ran nay that thla matter baa been handled in a bmdnowt-liko way. TIiIh coinniltteo hna only com menced ItH work. To carry our plana to a HiiccoHHful coiicliiiluu, wo need the full co-operation oR all loyal I'lllzenn; we weleomo ami oxpeet tho Niipport of all In the devolopmont and roalUatlon of thin plan. The Mejford bull team will cms bat with the fluid Hill team on the Medford yround tomorrow. Hold Hill Iiiih a yood leam um should Imjt'iv won from Medfonl the lnt tune thpy played here. It wim through a piece of hard luek Hint they finally lost through an error. At that, tho bad the Medfonl team gmliR mo-l of the Kme. Next Siiudav' triune Hill he the firt iimler Hobby llreviud's iimii(ie- incnt. Hobby will mnke nn iikkic" ive mamiKcr and no doubt will pare no effort to iiialie the team nn ood a posible. Hx-MunnKcr Kwinj; hn done p.xccclin(l,v well with hi team, but could not pnro the time from hi hitMincH intcio!w to attend to nil the detnil. The Kliunolli FnlU nml Weed tenia will dritw a big jtatc when they play here. Klamath Fulls Iiiih not been bcaleu thin ea"on, mid i hclieilulcd lo play on the Medfonl ground July '2D. My the way, the Inst same played lit Ahland between the Medford nml Weed team .Inlv (I wa the faslet ami bet-lieldiiiK pime ever played in MHithern Oregon. It wa IiuikIi luck for either team to Iomc iteh a con tent. Melulyre nml Keholtz were the lur for the Medford team. It uu very unfortunate that both of ('en ter Fielder I'ernoll'a error came at critical Htnye of the game, u I'er noll i eoiiHidered uu alum-t perfect fielder ami oelilom mukei( an error. The Medford fan wi-li the ball team ueceH iimler it new luamigc lucnt. flU ii ft r 1 rt . i lie miiieiie lortue .Meiiioni leam next Suiulav will Im Siebeils nml Force; for (lobl llilf, I'ruill mid F.ihl-i"K. KITTY GORDON WITH More magnificent robes and gowna characterize MIhh Conlon'H bablll- meiit tbroiiKboiit "Her Maternal llvaililimrlora will be maintained . mm T,lB n,,!,,,,,, tfl0 del illn. a BAND ONCER I ENJOYED B MANY TOF W ASlllN'OTUN. Jul 1'. Weather condition for the Hek bentnulug 8uuUa- announced by the weather bureau teibty Include: HoiKy JtRaMi V4 eiKaia -glon. Local ttMEGe aavv Oto Iiajf and probably fia Mf htCt. temperature near or below uormal -1'aotflc Stale: Jcal boer ut bWlnuillK Of week, followod by fair over nefuiW PorotiDO; ceao5iUcrfi below eeaBonal normal. Hi 1'Uxlnit to prolmlih Hie lamcHt eroHd of the hcumoii, the Medford band, dlleitml liy KtRlnulil li Koh lami, gae a deliahtful eoiueit at Hie oil) park on Friday evening. ' The He led lone li the band Here well re ceived, (lie Urge audience entbuKU tlcall) deiuaiidlng encore to aliuokt eery unniber. The overture "Chor al'' and the mdeitlon from the ' Ho beiulau dirt" were the beat effuru of the band, although aouie of the lighter selection eeuied very popu lar. The hundred of ueonle thut congregate at the nark before the hp pointed coiuuieuclug hour of the iou- ceria, Ma been very noticeable of late, on laat Krlua eveulug at 7. i:. awy aeat In Ih park wa taken. .New that the iiei'utaueury of our good band and popular purk eonreitx 1 aaaured, more adequate aeatlua ac comodation would bo welcomed bv the patron of the enlertaluiueuu. at tho Commercial club roonm, where all liiformatlon can be had. ICvory one Ik welcome. Secretary Latin I paid by the cltlian of Medford. You aro ontltled lo hi attention a woll aa the attention of the committee. You will be treated courteously and your prejouo will ba appreciated. Let ii all work together for a Creator Medford. Dated at Medford, Orogou July IS, 1910. HiiilnoM Men's Association by W. K. Isaac, C. M. Kldd. C. S. Mutter, field, Committee. Grantor Medford Club by Hone K. Krhloffollu, Mr. Jap Andrew, Mr. F. K. Merrick, Committee. Medford Commercial Club, by J. A lerr. C K Hates, A. L. Hill, C. M. TIioiiihh, Cominlttee. DAY IN CONGRESS WASHINGTON. July 15. -Senate; Continued dleciiMtoii or naval ap propriation bill. l'oetofflce appropriation conferee meet to complete agreement on dis puted set Hon of measure. I'reiiiileul xciit nomination of A en rexcnt'iiiM' lamiK Ha of Ylralnla to lie JiiiIki of tin lourt of claliiw Hoiikc iit'i'.itt-d ltuKer corrupt pruitlci i I'tn distinctive creation, bAtlt from her own design and oiitHhlnliiK any of her former gowns, tho rostunio et orchid, and shear del noebe aro three su preme and extreme novelties, ami anyone who knows the ninjoetlr Kitty, must realise that uhoiHhe niinouncuH three new creations, three. Jooiu oc easlous are In store for the feminine pat ron. Mlsa Gordon Is an aotros of the younger school. Her romnrkablo work In "Alma, Wboro Do You Live?" and later as star in "La llelle Paris, " tho Winter Garden's first show, stamped her as nn asset In musical and operatic olrcloe. "Her Maternal Itlght," In which she appears at the Star today, was written especially for hor by Wlllard Mack, author of "Kick In" and other legitimate uecoases, and the role given her fits her even to a better advantage than was at fleet anticipat ed. Descries Film Censor nill'AOO. .Inlv l-V In nn ad- ilrern before the convention of Ihe Motion I'nlnie F)nhitor.' Lcngiie of America here tml.iv, William A. Hrady, pre-uleut .. the Vriil Film i(iiiipan. dcuoiiiii i .I i en-or-hii. ni' I'd imi o'l.iliiin 'i iii.inayel ,iud c IiiIhI nr I Ml'lln I Hi. iln' iiiulioll pit title in il ii -t i nnd pri-ti -tcil iiyniii-t ,i w.i r t.ix on nii'tiini pii'turc thc'ili'i". Famous Bnoteriologlst Demi I'AltIS, Julv l.'i. I'roir.Mir Fli. Mi'lilnnoff, the liiniioio lut'tei inln git. k ib'iid TELL US YOUR FOOT TROUBLES MARINELLO CVHKS THEM It&TiltoJkiic Shop' A8f aABM&rg OVgt Q BASEBALL """ SLXj mm MEDFORD SUNDAY Gold Hill vs. Medford Seiberts and Pruitt will be in the box for the two teams. Both teams are in first class shape and the game will be a warm one. Game called at 2:30 Admission 25c Grand Stand 35c i Help us to HOLD DOWN Tire Prices XT. T A i IRES, and GASOLENE, "make tho Wheels fforotind!" A Cap in the (Jarairo COSTS as much as a Car-o)i-r-7?oa(f, but it imm no dividend, on the Investment, so long as it STAYS in the Garaic. The VALUE of tho Car,-to its Owner, narrows down, in tho ultimate, to tho prccixc number of Hours ho USES that Car, yearly. If a $2,000 Car bo owned for, say, 4 years (then sold for $600.) there lias been $1,-100 of Car-Value absorbed by the Owner, equal to, say, $350. per year. If then, that Car bo USED 913 Hours in the year, it would cost him but 38 CENTS per Hour, for Car-Use. But, if he U3ed it only HALF that number of Hours, yearly, tho Car would cost him 100 MORE for every Hour ho used it How MUCH hi uhph it will depend, to a considerable extent, upon thot PRICE oTIRES and GASOLENE. This was one of tho reasons why wo (Jan. 31st, 191fi)inaurnirated tho Goodrich; "FAIR-LIST" Propaganda against Hisrh-prices, and Paddcd-Price-Lista, on Tires. ( to tho ver LIST" Propaganda against High-prices, and Paddcd-Price-Lista, on Tires. ( It is a further reason why we NOW keep our own Goodrich Prices DOWN) cry moderate "Fair-List" figures hero quoted. U8f i ETTER Fabric Tires aro NOT made, and cannot bo made, at ANY , price, than are produced by The I J. b Goodrich Co. ) A 15. to 60. hifjhcr price could well be justified for thoso same Tires, by fair comparison with ot her L ires sold at 157o to&Oyb higher prices. Will you help your own interests (present nnd future), by further expanding the Sale of that Tire which demmuitrates its Intention, through LOWERING the Co3t of its Tires to you, with every INCREASE in its Volume? Will you thus endorse, and support, the Goodrich Policy which automatic ally PREVENTS OTHER Makers from forcing UP tho Market on Tires? Compare Goodrich Fair-List prices, here quoted. Bear in mind that NO Fabric Tires, at ANY price, are "better," no House moro Fair, and LIBERAL, on proper Adjustments. v.. r THE B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, O. ' Goodrich "Fair-List" Prices 30x3 30x3'5: 32x3 33x4 Ford Sizes (Snfcty-Trcnda) f I $10 40 $13.40 $15.45 $22.00 34x4 35x4 36x4 37x5 (Snfoly-Treads) $22.40 $31.20 $31.60 $37.35 NOTICE, Tbie Tires arc a perfect as Fabric Tir can be made. Iiut, Khould uny dissatisfaction whatever arise, with any Goodrich Tire, Its Owner is Invited, and REQUESTED, to Uke the matter up promptly with us, the Maters. He will find thut Pair, Square, and LIBERAL, treatmtnt will always be extended, on all proper adjustments. THE U. V. GOODRICH CO., Akron, O. GOODRICH -A Black "Barefoot" 1 IRES mSOm i cnnT?'rjr A A TJJDoes-foryour SHOE Safes what black "Bare-1 1 JUjAl 1 jrXi Y foot-Rubber" does for Goodrich Tire Soles. Wears longer than leather! Ii Wutcrproofl Ii Non-illpperyl" - I more Flexible than l.ntherl It Lighter than Leather! It HASIRIt on your Feet! Ask your Shoe Dealer, or Shoe Repairer, for Tcxlan Soles on your next pair of Shoes. Goodrich Tires Sold Exclusively by C. E. GATES BEST IN THE LONG RUN "MHIl I rREUABLE' I 1 jl iiWEwnasii I I RELIABLE' PfmiffiB GAS RANGES This Stove Burns Gas The quickest, coolest, cleanest fuel in the world. Tlu juii-i' is forty-five dollars with all connections j free. Terms if desired. '! Xow is the time to install. The hot wpnther and preserving season nm'ke gns doubly appreciated at this season. 1'lMM SIC Oregon Gas & Electric Co. JG7ra 4 ti V i