Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 15, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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OF ill
"Th0 Ilirth or A Nation," the nins
terploce of tlio wizard film director
David Wark Griffith, founded on
Thomas Dixon's story, "The ('Inn
man," opens a three day engagement
ut tho Page Thursday, July 'l,
ThlR spectacle has had phenomenal
miccoflfl all ovor the country. It ran
Tor SOO contocutlvo performances In
Now York, thus oxcoedlng by r" per
formance any other consecutive run
In the hiBtory of tho Now York Htat;c'
Whorover It line boen shown It has)
been with tno snmo remnrKame fuc
cosh. There have been no detail left '
uudono to make tho production of
this ploturo as rotnarkablo as the ph
luro Itiolf.
A 30 pleco orchostrn under the dl
roctlon of GoorRo Koohler, formcrh
conduotor of tho Minneapolis Bwu
phony and for years soloist with
Soumi'k band, Is carried with It, to
render spoolal music. Kvery effect
shown upon tho screen Is reproduced
by tho orchoslru. Tho ennnon's boom,
thu guns' roporls, ocho through tho
thentor till tho spoclators fool they
a r0 actually In the throes of hattlo.
A fow facts about "The lllrth of
n Nation" will disclose tho ningnlfl
rnnBo of tho production. Thoro nro
mora than 6000 distinct scenes In it.
Klglitgdu thousand people and 9000
horsoa wore utilized In making th
unrratlvo. Mr. Griffith worked for
olMht months without u lot-up to oom
pleto tho picture. The approximate
cost of the production was $500,000.
The womon's drosses of tho period
of 1800 used up 12,000 yards of
cloth. Over 25,000 yards of whlto
material was sowod- Into the costumo
of tho Ku-Klux-Klnns. Two hun
dred seamstresses worked for two
mouths to mako theso costumes his
torical' corroct and appropriately
plcturosauo. Five thousand works
and reports on tho history of tho Civil
war and tho porlods Immediately
leadline up to and followlnR thoKreat
conflict woro sonrchod for authentic
data. This rosearrh was conducted
by, four co'llogo profoesors specially
engaged for It. Kvory ploce of ord
nance musketry In tho battle scones
Is nn exact reproduction of the ar
tillery and arms used on both sides
during tho war of tho 'GOs. For the
assassination of President Lincoln,
Kuril's thoater, Washington was ro
prodtlcod to tho smallost deall. The
aceuo Itself was tnkon in the presence
of sevoral oye wltnosses of the aa
SRSliiNtlon by John Wilkes Hooth of
tho Kreat Lincoln. West Point engi
neers laid out the Broat battle scene
of Petersburg from maps and re
iwrts to the war department at Wash
ington. Intimate details of the
action were supplied by veterans who
fought on either side. Night pho
tography was perfected for the first
tlmo to secHre battle scenes In the
Honi-Julv 12, ti Mr. nml !lrn.
Klmer Hull of the Mo doe orcliunl a
fine baity irl. Mother and babe are
netting along nicely.
V. L. Caton is Uiudiug grain fur
0. Penlttiitl at Taleut.
At the laat uieoltug of the Arrow
Heads. Misa Marie Nealoa was
elected presiileBt U was decided to
discontinue meetings duriug'tue sum
uior months.
Verne l'ondleto and Harry Nea
)on went nn to the livans creek
country last Sunday on a fishing
expedition and brought back a string
of fiat troat.
Oliver WnJrwff, wbo waa injured
in a motorcycle collision on the fth
of July, was taken to his home lat
week, being unable to oouliuue with
hia work at the Table Rock orehurd.
airs. J. H. Lydiard and son, Stan
ley, were boxine viitor in Mel
(ord last Weduoiday.
A. I Vim-rut i doinjr some road
work in the MeadowH district.
Careful Datimates give the crop of
wheat for thin district this year at
less than 300 blub"!, probably the
lighten! sinee the distriirt has been
lorn--To Mr. and Mr. C. W.
Sap, at IXJIy, Or. on July U. a
swven-ponnd girl. Mrs, Sage wu
ftirmeriy Miss Ha Kefllou.
Mesnbers of the i'enland family
h4d a family reunion at the Anhlund
park Ins. Sn4y. where a very en
joyable time waa had.
lloudinot Conner is at Monterey.
Co)., where he i- taking a course m
militury trainiac at the eitiaeu'
training eanp.
FiKhing in the river seems to be
wry Itoor this season. Many be
lieve tbi oondition is caused by the
escexiiive fihinT and the methodJ
uid at the mouth of the mer.
A eitiwii frmn i li- Mi-iinU. w!i
u shwrt lime m;o inquired at iiral
Ulliau f)ih anil DonnM Cri-p in a s
eomiuir to the Pajte,
News From
Misc Mollie ltritt and lHnie Me
C'ullv are Npendiug the week with
AhIiIiukI i'rietuU and tukiug in chuu-
Mrs. Walter Kentner and children
liave returned to their lutino al Iteno,
Nov., after a two months' visit with
relatives living lure.
Mi's. Jos. Morcotu nnd dunghters
have retnrneil from a visit with Ash
land friends.
Uev. Paul 8. I land v drove up from
Central Point Wednesday 'morning.
Mi Marion liowen was A recent
visitor ut Talent, whore she waa the
guest of her cousin, Miss Kttth Wil
son. Mrs. M. R. Abbott and daughter
arc nmong those from here attend
ing efauiitauipiA at Ashland this
Mr, (luy Harjier entertained the
Wednesday Afternoon Huh at her
home this week. A color scheme of
yellow nnd white was nsed on the ta
ble, a basket of nasturtiums being
used for the centerpiece, and salad
cakes and pudding ail conforming in
color. Those present besides the J
eluh members were: Mrs. Dnvid Will
liiiiis and Miss Ulnnche. Williams of
N'eoln. In.
Misses Kmma Wcndt, Lulu Will
iams and F.thel Dick attended ehau
t a u tin Friday.
Aimftig the different parties fish
ing on Applegute last Sunday were:
Mr. mid Mrs. Hurry Luv und fainilv,
Mr. ami Mrs. I'r.,1 Fi.k. Mrs. David
Williams and Mis. Itbimlie Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ivluro, Mr. ami
Mrs. Chuiles N'unnn, Mr. nnd Mrs.
UuiffClrieh and Mrs. R. K. Golden.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Gallup have gone
to Wilbur, Ore., a hero thev exiset
to reside.
Mr. und Mrs. Harry Porter expect
to leave Quid Hill in the near future
tor Iduho Falls. Idaho, where they
will wake their home. Mrs. Porter
was rornieny miss jaura Acnber or
Mrs. Ruby Fox and "Ur. Fri-k ar
rived from Han Franeiseo this week
on a visit to the former-' mother,
Mrs. Irene Katou.
Mr. aud Mrs. Jos. I'ope nod si
ut rowers, Or,, Mnt the Fourth wf
July with relatives liwng here.
Mrs. Arthur Mulholiuud has re
turned to La Grande, Or., after a
visit with her mother.
Mrs. W. H. Coh-mai. or Mwlford
spent Thurwdav iih Jarkonville
NKW YORK, Julv IS.- Paul
Smith, president of the ('banner!
Motor company of Detroit, today
jumped out of a tenth story .window
.of the Hotel Hiltmore and was killed.
Mr. Smith suffered from a nerous
loe in her wrist and hurt her an-
kle uuite seriuusly. The a iris were
oth on the some hor-e. nnd the only
reason t lint tin i ouM luul for tin-
hor- bii lui-' ttu-. tint In- imi-i h
bun Un.' t) .i i'!lurt j i Lit.
BBPUra mBS IliSllilJ
He SeW" JSrW'' '
cone I'mm "Tho Ilirth of N'alion,"
Our Neighbors
Alniiixt every one from around
here went In the celebration nt AhIi
laad. Some went over anil stayed
the three diiyx, while othcra motored
f'' ",mI w,m'" 'rk C .wu,,,l""-
Mr. K. It. Italia i-d Iiiih guuo to
Weed, t'al., where hlte will join lier
Kvn flruhb left Weilnomlu.v for
California, where she is going to
spend tlie summer with her aunt. Her
mother, "Mrs. Grubb, is to leave soon
to join her daughter, Mr. IftI (lutes.
The Wiilliiln Cnnipfire (lirl from
Urtintx I'liMn are efintrHMl where
ThompMun creek rnn into Applegnte.
The girN are having a fine time.
They go on ten-mile hikes every day
and together with the Applegnte
Middy Oirls they go for a daily swim.
Wednesday night the lwn ululw had
ii picnic spread at the camp and af
terward entertained each other nt the
Rose hall.
Mr. Venerable 1ms iHirenased a
new Ford our.
There is 14 be a little ueigbbor.
hood party nt the soeialiaU' Imll
Saturday night, given by Mr. Hon
chert und Qeorge HerriolL
Mauy from around heiv.are mo
toring over to Ashland of evenings to
Uoorge Hoffman's .daughter,
l'lmma. is staying with hiiw for a
shrt time.
The mining prospects are looking
very good in this vicinity. 1W Row
den and I'ittoek have made a iptarts
strike which is paying very good.
Word has been received that the
drqdfef eotupnny of Califoiuia will
be here the l.'th to prospect the laud
which tliev htnu iMtnded. The com-
fpariy has several hundred acres mi
ller bund irum the I'eruoll . estate,
A. I). Knight, Hubert Jloyd and oth
ers, ran luger has returned from
Ke,tU to pruitpeet in Steamboat aud
jaMr gaytun w working ma mine
wiQt n Call crew. Mr. Luytan is
ImviBti n ditch surveyed to cover the
new iiropcrty that he just bought
from Mrs. K. J. Kubli.
Uev. flluAokner from Clrauis l'aww
hold services here Sunday night, and
Mr, (Jluerkner und several of the la
diva ure going to try and sturt Siim
iiuy sdiiM.I in Hepteniber.
The children ate boginning to think
about sehooi, and lioin all appear-
aaevs H rnssms that we will have very
large st-hol this year, a there are
to be -many new primary popils and
as many new high kcIihoI students.
Those ri)iita who finished , sehooi
hftn aM.&land going uwuy are lie-
atriee ami John O'Hrieii, Oilbert l'et-
tilsen mni Jome Wright.
1Wsie Wpobje anil Doris MeKw
were thrown from their horse Thurs
day. Mia MiKee was not liurt, but
liiMK Venubb hud the ligiioenta torn
ftm Mwlford for farsners' ba
oUf wNb told in each iiwtaaee that
they did not handle it. llow about
patromimi home industry f
Colonial Washburn wus u business
iim&P tt Itedfurd one day lastt.week.
In afthe of early predicfions to
UHrWry, there wijl baa
rnfw up'idiw .md pear- in tuit
is dis-
Irk I.
lit ri C! .U h.n u ei fiue lookiiiy
ASHLANn, July ir. First com
pany. Coast Artillery Itosorves, left
today for Kort Stevens, under com
mand of Captain C. A. Malone, who
arrived from San Francisco yesterday
Otiier officers are, First lieutenant,
Hon M. Spencer; First sergeant, Mll
bird W. Orubb, also Sergeants II. A.
SiOle, h. A. Porter, Jas. Q. Adams,
Ora K. Dolbert; Quartermalter Ser-
it-nnt II, O. llutternein: corporals
Uert Freoman, Jas, A. Graham. H. G.
Wolcott, Arthur 1C. ICrlckson, John
L. Grubb; Mochantciau Krn Iong;
Musicians Aldan P. Powoll and Ken
neth McWIIllnms. Tbo two camp
rooU nro Loslie Phllllw and Karl
Forty flvo enlisted men went along
In addltfon to tho officers. Tho com
pany entrained on No. 1C and woro
Joined by Sovonth company nt Mod
ford. Thoy will rotum July 30. All
members of the local organisation
havo takon tho fodoral oath. Thoy
aro after morlt records at this en
campment. LaBt yoar thoy stood nt
tho bond with tho oxcoptlou of actual
'firing' 'sooros.
Tho station prosonted n lively mar
tial apponranco nt tho tlmo of their
departuro, n big throng being present
to cheer tho boys on their way
cam p.
ltlCIlLIV, July in. Tho ndmlrnllty
announced today that on July 11,
German sulminrlnos sank n British
auxiliary cruller and throo pntrol
Tho Riinounebinont follews:
"On July li, n Gorman submarine
destroyod In tbo North Sen a Itrltlsh
auxiliary cruiser of aliout TiOOO tons.
On tho smito day German submarines
off tho Itrltlsh coast sank threo Ilrlt-
Ish patrol boats. Tho crew a woro
captured and oiio cannon was taken."
rtoported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts.
First National Hank vs 1). M. Palm
er t al, order confirming sale.
State of Oregon vs F. A. Hyde ot
al, motion anil order.
testate of John rtuutlay, dmirao of
final distribution.
ltatate of Sarah Carlisle, ordur ap
pointing administrator.
.MeiThigo I.Iuuims
Iwls D. Pruloe and Mario Lam
bert. L. T. I lodge and Dortha ltlliaueth
Itisil Itstuto Trausfei'S
Margaret W. George ot vlr to
Cwfl W. Urowne, lot II Per- '
ry's sub dlv J10.00
Lillian Tbordaraon to Robert
Sehults, pt 26-34-1 W 10.00
J. F. Mundy et ux to Ilert An
derson, pt 32-37-110 QCD.... 1.00
W, It. Johnson to F. L. John-
on, Power or Ally
Why SmoLo Hit Ciu'irn
When La Good as are only 10a
crop of hops this yea. Mr. ('lute has
a good many acres of hops iu on the
I'emoll ranch. Mr. ('lute also left
a fine sample of sugar beets at the
(Witofflce that he grew on the Mime
ranch. In lint, all of the crops are
looking good. Some of the older
fanner av that the coiuiiiir alfalfa
is the best llif, have ucu !u ars.
Ai.ijinont Notice,
California-Oregon Power Company,
location of principal place ot busi
ness, San Francisco,, Qaitforitla,
Xotlea Is hereby given, that at a
meeting of the directors, held on
Tuesday. June 20, 1116, an assess
ment (No. 5) of ono dollar ($1) per
share was levied upon the capital
stoek of the corporate, payable im
meslately to the ereUry at the of
flc at the corporation. No. Ill
Leiaadorff street, Ian Franeiseo,
California. Any stoek upon which
this assessment shall remain unpaid
oa Tuesday, July 45, 1916 will be de
linquent and advurtfrfvi fc ult at
public auction, aud, unUss c?yMel
la made before, will ba sold oa .TsA
day, August 15, 11 lb, at the hour of
12 m , to pay the delinquent smhchh
lueut, toKtltit r Mlth the costs ot ud-
rertlslng and expenses of sale. Dated
June 20, 1910.
Socrotnry of Callfornla-Orogo'n
Powor Compnny.
Office No. 131 Loklsdorff stroot,
San Francisco, California.
XoHtco or Sheriff's Snfo Uhtlor l?e
ciitlott. Allda It. Minor, aB ltxecutrlx ot tho
ostato of Kdgar K. Minor, Deceased,
Plaintiff. vs.
Viator liono, Pulla lleno, husband
and wife, ot al. defendants.
ilty virtuo of an execution and
order of aalo duly Issued out of and
under tho seal of the Circuit Court
of tti State ot Oregon In and for
the County of Jackson, dated tho
tOth day of Juno, 1010, In a certain
suit therein, wherein the plaintiff
above named recorded n Judgment
against tho defendant Vlvtor Ueno,
on the Mth day of Juno, 11)16, for
the sum of throe thousand sixty-five
(I3.06R) dollars with interest there
on from tho 20th day ot February,
1916, at the rate of C per cent per
annum and threo hundred ($800)
attorney's feo and the further sum of
$.12.50 costs, which judgment was
unrolled and docketed In tho clerk's
office of said court In said county on
tho S -t tli day of Jnne, 1916, aud Is
of record In volume 24 of tho Circuit
Court Journal nt pages 443-4-5 there
of. Public notlco Is hereby glvon, thnt
In pursunuco to tho commands of
said o.xoautlon and order of aalo, I
will on Saturday, tho 20th day of
July, 1910, at tho hour of 10 o'clock
a. in. at the front door ot tho court
house In Jacksonville, Jackson coun
ty Oregon, offer for sale nnd will
sell nt public auction, subject to re
demption us Is by law provided, all of
tho right, tltlo and lntarost ot tho de.
fondants hud on tho dnto ot tho
mortgago, boreln foreclosed or hnvo
since acquired or now havo In nnd to
tho followlnR described real prop
erty, to-wlt:
Tho fractional southoast nuartor of
Section 27, and tho fractional south
west quarter ot Soctlnn 2G, nnd tho
west halt ot tho northwest quarter
ot Section 85; nlso an undivided one
half Interest In and to tho oast half
of tho northeast quarter ot Section
31 and lot 7 In Section 27, nil nt
said described land lining In Town
ship SO South of HniiBo It, West ot
the YYUlumaito Mcdldlnn, ami con
taining In all 20C arrow mnro or lens,
located In Jackson County, Statu of
Said abovn described lauds will bo
sold as pur tho provisions ot tho do
creo rondored In thu abovo-outttlod
enso to satisfy tho Jttdgmont, nt
tomoy's foes, costs nnd ncarulng
costs ot sale.
Dated this 27th day of Juno, 1010.
lly K. W. Wilson Doputy.
Xolliv of Apimliitiuout of Kycutor.
In (ho County Court of tho Htatn ot
Oregon, In and for tbo County of
In the mutter of tho ostuto of W.
W. McDonald, deceased.
Notlco Is horoby given thnt tho
undersigned bus been appointed by
tho Hon. F. L. TouVollo, County
Judge, as executor of tho estate of
W. W McDonald, deceased, and has
duly quiillflod as such executor, ac
cording to law.
All persons having clnlms against
said estate are hereby notified nnd
required to present them, with proper
vouchers and duly verified according
to law, to the undersigned nt the of
fice of the Jackson County Dunk In
the rtty or Medrord, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof,
which said office the undBrslgusd se
lects as his plsce of business In ull
matters pertaining to said estate of
W. W. McDonald, decoaaed.
Dated at Medrord, Oregon this 8th
day or July, A. I), 1916.
Data of first publication July S,
ICxscutor of the estate of W. W.
McDonald, deceased.
Xollii) of HherlirV Kale or Ileal
Projs'ily t'uilei' ICmh'mIIoii,
S. J. Myers, pUlutlff,
vJohn Whlto and Julia F. Whlto,
lly virtue or an axeeutlon and
order of sale duly Issued out of aud
under the seat or the Circuit Court
or the State or Oregon, In und for
the County or Jsekson, to me di
rected, dated the Sri! day ot July
In a eertalu suit therein, wherein
the plalutlff. 8. J. Myers, on the 7tk
day of June 116, recovered a Judg
ment against the defendants, John
Whlto ml Julia 1' Willis and nueli
of them for the sum of three hundred
twenty-five ($325) dollars with In
terest thereon from the 16th day of
Februar, tS15, at tbe rate of 10
per cent per annum aud fifty ($50)
dollars attorney's fee.
Public notlco Is hereby given that
In compliance with the commands of
said execution and order of sale, I
will on Monday, the 7th day of Au
gust, IS 1 6, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. in., at the front door of the court
house In Jacksonville. Jackson Coun
ty, Oregon, offer for salH and will
sell, Hubjcit to redemption as by Isw
provided, ull of the right, title and
Interest thst the defendants sbove
named had on the date of the mort
gage herein foreclosed, or have ac
quired or now have In aud to th
following described real property, to
wlt: Lots four (I) ami five (5) In
block four it) of Oeorge Rails Ad
dttlou to Woodvllle, (now Hogue
River) Iu Jackson County. Oregon.
The above lots wtll be sold at said
time and plitee In the manner pro
vided b la vi for the sale of real
11 -. IIL. ' --
Havo )iii'ty with well iiiinroved 25-nevQ tract, locntod
J niilos from Snntn Onus, Calif, that wants to trwlo
for good business here. His property is clear.
rVia Iiini X isbi, Hentabi, Iniiiraneej '
10S West Mtsai. Phono 700
property under execution to siUsy
tho Judgment, edsta, atlorney'H fee
and aecrulrtg costs df this sale.
DateA this 7th, day of July, 1916.
W. II. SINOLKIt. Shorltf.
lly 18. W. Wilson, Deputy
FOR 11 K XT Modern furnished
rooms. 315 N. Dartlott. Phono
FOR UHN.T Modern house, 10th st.
InQUlre Fred Monra, Ganiett-Coro.v
ltldg. 100
FOUillSNT My home, corner 11th
nnd King, completely furnished ;
also 0-room furnished cottage, 007
W. 11th st. F. W. Streets, Grants
Pass, Ore. 101
FOR ItBNT Flvo room houao, hard
wood floors, full comont basomont
and gnraio. Phono 370-W.
for BALK siisinviiiiAJJKouB
FORSALIiSPlyinouth barrod rock
nnd Ithodo Island Rmt pullets at
Medford Poultry nnd Wgg Co. 98
FOR SALK Clonn alfalfa hay, 10
1n flold, A. Conistln, uontrai
Point. 98
FOR SAL13 Meyer model fluto with
caso, etc., has 1 keys good as
now. $16. Tolophono 458-X nftor
R II. 111. 3
TOR SALK 800 ft. G-In.
plpo with flnngod endB. I
flold, Gold Hill, Oro.
. Mnns-
Phono 310.
FOR SALE Second crop nlfalfn nnd
i;rnln hay. Snldor'n Dnlry.
FOlt BATiiv iivrcnwcx
TOR "HALE Stock, hoKS, 40 to 100
pounds. Urood sows, Reed Btock.
Phono R-13-W. 98
l"OR SALE Ono horso, buggy and
hnrnoss; 74 leghorn hens; 2 flrat-
clasa Jorsoy cows, honvy milkers
Also crop for sale and plnco for
rent. Addross Routo 1, llox 3 or
phono 000-11. 97
FOR SALE llorsoa, and grain hay
In thn flold, ono mllo northonst of
Phoenix. E. E. ReaniCB. 100
FOR SALE Party loft town, must
sell house and lot nt onco; one
niluuto walk from eur lino. For
further Information Phono r17-R.
FOR SALE A first clmw hlacksnilth
shop In n live town nt u barunln:
no competition. For particulars
write or call on Mark Johnson, Uly,
Orognn. 101
.SALESMEN' Capable specially man
for Oregon; stnple lino on now nnd
exceptional terms. Vncancy now.
Attractive commission contract.
$35 weekly for expenses. Miles F.
lllxler Co.. 229-29 Carllu llldg.
Cleveland, O.
WANTlTl)SmarChiodrn, furnish
ed house, close In. Mrs. A. True
Lundy, Phone 762-M. 98
WANTED From gepteinber, for a
few mouths, u furnished house In
central jiart of Medford. Furnace
aud four bedrooms required. Please
address Look llox 9X7.
WANTED To buy hay bailor. GIvo
full particulars and best cash
prjoti, also six or seven-set bludor;
full particulars, llox 971, Med
ford. i 08
WANTED Socond hand family ro-
frlgerator. Address llox A, Mall
Tribune. 98
WANTED Fixtures for store. What
linva vni? n A MfiVnn
for moiiAwnre
TO TRADE Medford properly for
Klamath county property. Ad
dress Hex 3V, Klamath Falls, Ore.
horse. R-1S-W.
or cow
TO LOAN $8000 on Improved ranoh
or Income property. J. V. Wake
field. 8
MONEY TO LOAN Havo money to
loan upon city and country prop
erty. Quick service. Money on
hand. Earl S. 'fumy, 210 Garnett
Cerey llldg. tt
Loavo Medford tor Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. ni 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:16
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30
a. in. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. in, Laavo Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and S:15 p. ra. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:20. Sundays loavo Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
o. m.
Auto Supplies
are operating tho larsoat, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank DutldlnR, ontranco N.
Central, Mcdford, Ore.
PORTER J. NBFF Attornoy at lawT
rooms S nnd D, Medford National
rtank Building,
Coroy bldg.
G. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Mcdford National Dank BultdtniL
colloctcd somo accounts 14. years
old. Wo know how to get the
money. Tho Uiniook Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, 1I-
Ulna' mag., 216 B. Main st
Gnrnott-Coroy Dldg., ulto 119
Mcdforu, Oro. Phono 856.
Collections unit Report
M. F. & It. Rldg. Offlco Hottrc
8:30 to 12; 1 to R. Phono G07-R.
Engineer nml Contractor
FRED N. CUMMING8 Snglneor ana
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Dldg,
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dralnago, orchard anil land Im
provement. House Movers
Movo Housos, Darns, Gnrngos, Ma
chinery, Etc. Phono 488-M, or
488-X. 013 S. Newtown, 811 Da
kota. Insurance.
EARL 8. TUMY General Insurance
office, Flro, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract,
and Surety Donds. Excollont com.
panton, good local service. No.
210 Garnott-Coroy Dldg.
piano and harmony. Hajght Muslo
Studio, 401 Carnott-Corey Dldg,
Phono 73.
Car base
GARftAGE Get your pramlses
olonncd up tor tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good eorvlco. Phone 274-L. J.
Y. Allen.
I'liyslclnns nml Snrjrconi
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 aarnott-Corey
bldg., phono 103 C-L. Residence
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopsthU
physician, 303 Garnntt-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. I8MMENS Physlclaa and
surgeon. Practice limited to eyo,
oar. nose and throat. Eyes nclon
tlflcally tosted and glassos oup
pllcd. Oculist and AurUt for S. V
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone G67.
DR. R. W. OLANOY Physician an
aurgeon Phonos, office 36, rest
douae 780. Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6,
DR. MARTIN 0. nARIRilR Physi
cian and surgeon. Office Palm
blook, opposlto Nash hotol. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phouo 110-J.
Printers and Publishers
MISDFO R 1) PRINTING" CO.? n as"th
host oqulppod printing offlco In
southern Oregon; book binding
loose leaf ledgors, billing oystems.
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
Trans rora
Ofttce 42 North Front at. Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar
li I a Ail
I have a 160-aoro stock ranch;
good location; 100 acres iu grain,
soma alfalfa. This place recently
sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance.
Will trade for Reed orchard, prefer
pears, or would take city property.
Would trade even or assume some In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
102 West Main Street. 'j
1 13 seres, half of It In wheat, oats,
barle, alfalfa, and corn; all WwM
go with the place tt taken this mpHUy
buildings. 10 eattle, a band ot sliail),
team and all tools. This plan lays
near school, country store, and larW
road to Medford, and other vaiter
towns- Lays well out toward the out
range, aud Is a good place tor stock
raising. $80 on acre. Including all
things mentioned above.
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
PUouo Itl7