MRDFOR.D ISrATT, TIMTHTNIO, MlflDttORD, ORKOOX, SATIUHUY, .TTJLY 15, 1910 SACRIFICING- MONKEYS FOR BABES HOD ER CROP ! i I. V- m '-iT r PA'GK FOUR MEDFOKD JV1A1L TRIBUNE AN INDTCrBNUKNT NI5W8PA I'RH. t'um.tHiiKi) Bvnttr aituiiwoon kxOijit 8uniav iy tum MniftroHD i'hintinq co. Offloq Mnil Trlmn Iluildlnr?, 2G-27-29 North I'lr rilreft: telephone, 7. The Oemocmtlo Tlmra, tha MatUonl Mull, The Msdfonl Tribune, The. South cm Orafconlan, The Ashland Tribune. OBOItOK PUTNAM. Kdltor. Bnnscnirrion nATcm 8 no ycr, by malt . .. 18.00 in! iiiiiiitli, by mull SO Per month, delivered by carrier In M ml font, rhwnix, Jnrkaonvllle nml Central Point .W Hntiin1ny only, by mall, per year 2.9 Weekly, pr yyr -. l.M OfflntnlPnrtir of tho City of Mafnril. Qfriolsl I'Ulxr of Jurkoon CVmnty. Hnteteil second-cUe nuttv Ht MadforB, OrrHoti. under the act of Juarah t. JIT9. i . i id rf 1 1 Sworn CtrmlMUMi for ll( 2410. I IM t i. . Wa Pull lenffed wlru AaaooJAted Press tils-patelios. to- Mi jggalP0 EM-TEES No Ht'iicn t All It rotn ,t conti to rhlo min Pltta- InirK mtr and I oonta whon you lutvo u liumlle. How much would they chnrgo u Tullow If hu Hot on with it A .Minor Dilnll Lnwyur'a Wlfo 80 your cllunt w noiulll(!d of inurdor. On whnl Kroiind? I (Lawyer Iimttnlly. Wo proved tlmt liln fatlior onco Bpunt two yonra In tin nnyluin. I.awytir'n Wife Hut ho didn't, did ho? Il.nwyor Yo. Ilo wiih doctor thorn, hut lind not tlmu to hrliiK that fact out, Sow mill Vo Hlutll WVop In May workud without it atop; I planted many hooiIii. And now I hvu a goodly oroji Of WuoiIh. Tho Aim (oiuniiy; 'Hiiro n IIoiimi Pni I y U ilorr In told of an Amur Mm traveling In Ititrorto. Whllo In Purl lit wont Inlo n Jew olor'a Hlitii ititil aakl the urlcn of u lilu on (Jio eoiiutvr. Ha wna (old It wrm :n franoa. That'a too much," audi tho tour lat. ' it' u prewHt tar ray alitor. I'll fclvu jmh rtva franea for It." n It would n I tat ijava i preatwt to our alatvr," aaiil the I'ronrhnian, wlih a ilt'prwatnry nhruic winl I know not e inudaunolaaullo." Tli 10 imnouueeuieiil that the importation of monkeys is (o be permitted for scientific purposes to be used in experiments by bacteriologists in the effort to find a cure for iiifanlile paralysis, will of course evoke loud protests from maudlin sentimentalists who lose sight of the bene fits sought for humanity in their hontn of cruelty to ani mals, lint far better that a few score or hundreds of monkeys be sacrificed than that thousands of babes be slaughtered or forced to go through life maimed and help less. The bacteriologist must first find the gern'i, which is reported to have been accomplished. The germ is then cultivated in artificial media, like gelatine, and injected inlo a living animal subject to the disease, thus producing the disease from the germ under observation. Tlie carriers of the disease animal, insect, dust or other means by which it is spread are then ascertained by experiments. Then comes the principal work of the bacteriologist the production of an anti-toxin which will render the human subject immune to the disease. This effectiveness is demonstrated on animals affected by the disease before it is tried upon humans which is where the monkeys are utilized. After the cure is proven on animals, the anti toxin is used on human beings. Measures are then taken to protect humanity against infection. The procedure followed is identical with that in all bac terial diseases, including blight on fruit trees though no anti-toxin has yet been discovered for blight a disease that basso Jur successfully ballled science. .Monkeys are used instead of guinea pigs and dogs in the infantile paralysis experiments because the nionkey is so far as known the only animal which will take the dis easemonkeys being closer to humanity in structure than any other animals. OF APPLES GOOD, BARMS AT $3. Weekly News Letter of Rogue River Fruit & Produce Association States Hood River Prospects Ex cellentCalifornia Pears Selling in New York at Good Prices. PLUTOCRACY FOR HUGHES L UNDER DBA IN SENATE WAKHINtlToN. July l.'i. I'n.Ms nn iu (be imttil MWiruriMliti lull luiUtorulnu lh' pniii'iit to take iivwr privNlt) liip lioildiiiu, wiKiuwr Jif Mid onliMiw rfnut in tiiiiK or war or wbuu wur i iuitnoiriit, t'liiaiBiiU'4 in tlw kvniilt' IimIuv on u )Htiul of Mitkr ly KttNir Itoinli. The irutuMMl wan told by I hi' ui pu-i IfiH Ui be wittier of H-ial l i lit! MM. TV HmmlfV iri Hi-lion toduy on IiiUmit up lb buikiiiur iruniiii ol tl iwvt bill w to auifiul I In- lull tw ia Muthoristt ton u tin I ion wtu tiuMM h( At Unit ir mid Pui-ifii- foMI tuid uuir MiinU iu mrt of the lift--HvinK wjuimtit uf Hit) fiuiHl Kunrd Krviif. ()H'irrK und rtilixlr.l min of lb riMtat guard mmld Im dlnilicl lo avuttion duly at thixr littiitt. Tb Miuindnuni midf fur itHtub lisbuii'tit of ii m-IiooI lor iutiiii'tioii iu erutiniiiM'k. COMMUNICATION. - To Um Kdlter: I Nutlcti iu your auuuiiHcowaNt of th avttrdtHg of tli SIklou ruck contract to m HiMaburi coutraclor, sUUhc la ceniluakm: "It l ut to Conlraitor 8mou la ntaWUI th governor und the uiKiubor of tb alMte highway cohhuImIoh." J Manrao that ucb actlou would lutafl ltb tha approval or tha dta tlHSulaliad ad I tor of tht- Mall Trlbua. UottfVfr. j Wl aay that 1 hate no iHtwtittou, Mt this time, to aUrt rcall jrpcnii;ogi agaluat tho governor or tbtt niPiiibt'i of (ho at a if blKhMit riomlon, a J favor recalling only audi l'ufilto oXflcjabj M Hg iroi-d them 've to bo eitraragaitt. Infq fli'tnii und no ttW winded aa to Hllo ' i " to bi rttrtatfd to by the I'U,'.), ,.i ih Mnpurd aljll Trl bunt' O. i. SEMUN. Mini I or . InI- ' I A Hni r Mn. Ii j. i ju.Uv lo on mtfiM'"! ! uM-(t ill the M.idoi, " " ' a P",'t,s organize for Hughes" is the V cheering announceiuent coming from the "wom en's national committee of the Hughes alliance," which perfected organization at a pink tea given by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney at her K'oslvn mansion on Long Island. Who are these "women of all parties" who raised $25,000 at ii single meeting toward a $100,000 fund.the donations ranging from $5 lo $j31XK) each? The committee has very kindly supplied newspapers with tlie list. Here they are: Mm. Philip Clnrk, Mr. OoorKU T, Vlckom, Aire. A. h. (Snr ford, Mr. CoIkhIo Iloyt, Mrs. Thomtta, Mrn. Wm. I. l)niMir, MrH. IMward .1. navonan, Mr a. I.oIkIi Hunt, Dr. Cntliurouo Iluuiunt Dnvla, Mian Ollva CuttliiK, Mm. KranolH McN'tdl Ilacou, Jr., Mra. Theodoro C. Shoitli, Mlia Ooruolln AldlH, Mra. duo. P. Mol.imu, Mra. Myron T. lior rlok. Mra. Ilonry GIowm, Mr. (loorgoC. K. Wllllanm, Mnlalo S. Druloor, Mra. Crunk S. Wlthorlmo, Mra. Oatiir StruuM, Mra. Joioph S. Stonrim, Mra. DoiiglHA Itoltlnaoii, Mrn. Mnradvn .1. Perry, Mra. John lltiya Hammond, Mra. 1C. A. II. nnmiuoll, Mrn John V. lllodgHtl, Mra. John Ilonry Ham mond, Mra. I. Lorlllard 8ionrr, Mra. Cabot Ward. Mra. Chaa. II. War ren, Mra. Utrx Anderafln, Mra. John Pratt, Mra. Philip W. I.lvuriuoro, Mra. Kollx W. Warburg, Mr. Kollx M. Wnrhurg, Mra. Colenuin dti Pout. Jlra. Jobu I). Arcbhold, Mra. ANlluiietto Ii. Wood, Mra. Edward T. Stotoaliurs, .Mra. Coruellua Vanderbllt. Mra. W. II. CriH-kor. Mra. Wlllard Straight. Mra. Clifford Plnchot, Mlaa Harriet Vltliim. The list ol' these "women of all parlies" sounds like a roster of New York's smart et is, in fact. Why arc the women of the "100" so much interested in iMr.' Hughes' candidacy? Why are the idle rich giving monkey dinners and poodle-dog soirees and pink teas to aid his cause? Why is plutocracy, men and women, spending cash to clcel Mr. Hughes Hccause Mr. Hughes believes in things as they are only more so. Mecause Mr. Hughes believes iu the protection or privilege. Ueeause Mr. Hughes be lieves in the divine right of those who have io exploit those who have not. All parties in plutocracy are Tor Hughes just as they were for McKiuley, for lioosevelt and for Taft. Pluto cracy is bi-partisan and always for plutocracy and for the candidate that pulls its chestnuts out of thefire. With react iouarv plutocracv interested iu Hughes, it is up to thfcomiiion neople tu become interested in Wilson. A prominent Hood Itivor ninn writ? us a follow, under ilalu of July 1(1 ('oiietmiliiK thu Hood Hivor apple riep: " will Imvo nolliiinc 111"! n.hiim- pir crow Iiuro ul Hood Hiver, but wo will lutvo it kooiI crop und while wu vuro u fin id tlto recent ruins would xprcud tliti fuintiiH, it nppnroilllv Ima nut (lone no and the fruit m of fine i.e and good iiinlilv nnd niont of tho orelinnU Imvo onotigli on' the treeM to mnko it fair crop. In fact, T lliiuk wo will lutvo iiiori! tipples tliuii we lutve ovor aliippud from this vnllev bnforo." N Our Inlitil udvitic froin Iho onat ii tlmt the fii'H mi' of Kuixuu llaitlettn Hold in Kow York on tin lOlli of July nt mi uvoiiigo of f''l per box, ilotivoi't'd. Tli is aliould menu Unit pmi'tu'iilly (lio wliole Culifoniiu Hit tint I crop will lie iKpo.ed of bo fort! our own Mnrlli'lU arrive, which wilt In n fnulor of oYciilod advanlnyi) to iim iu the iimikolinit of our crop. V arc nmcivinp ilnilv reports of the Hurlltdt uuelion mailelH in (ho viiHoiik la rue uuidioii center of (ho ciikI, whidi ninny nn inereninif und ipiitc uliMtiitiliii aupplv of Cnlifor uin lluillctlH, nil oT which up lo ilnlo have been dinpouud of nl yooil pricoa. The New York rocoiplH Imvo run na high iih fifteen oiira K'ia day, Morton mid I'liilailelpliiu nroiuid live (o ten car per day. Tho car lot average run iinywlicie from $2.'J5 (o Nligblly over $:i, with tho high piices iu each ear running around .V) reiitn nlioVe (he vertigo. F. o li. impiirioM are coining iu nl iiiohI dully mid we hope within thu next week to be iihle to cloe con (met for the mhIc of ten or a doen car on nu f. o. h. ledl'oiil tin -in. S. V. Ur.cKWITII. Maiiar. JIADUID. Jul 15. Tlir gou-rn-meiit Iiiih Maldi-liud a military cen-M)i-ahifi of all (ireas tlkt)NitobeM. Miirlinl law wax deolared through out Spttlu on TbutiMlMy m m ivhiiIi of the railroad mlriku which enouly affected oM'intiou of the line of the ntrtb H.VMlcm. A Madrid dittch on the iiiyht of Jnl 1 auid that a gen eral Mrikc bail lieeu auuouiM'cil lor JuU i.. CHICHESTER S PILLS Vv . IIIK iriAUOO IIIIAND. X NOMINATED FEDERAL JUDGE WAKIIINUTON, July l.V- I'rei- cirnt WiIhoii Iwluy HOMtittftfetl Uefiiv- tentative JunicH llav of Mliuii, Vu ebiiinniui of the hout' military affairs I'laninitUe. for iuiluc of llm Vnjdil KlulcH court of claiuw, U Mictced Judge (leorge 'ilkinon, who Mired for nice. Mr. llav huH t'eiireeiiUil I be hv- Vutl irginia 'itiii iu eoitgrii for twi'Uly yearn, ami inee bi. youth biu been a imwei in the Virginia democratic poli(Ual organisation. Since the iremredneaa ciimpaigu begun two yi ago. be ha beeu the forrinoxt chiiuipion ol the national giiurd en I he ualiouV nintu reluiuce tor di'teiiM- aiitl lo linn tuoie (ban nn other one man iu rouuit h doe the dtl'eal of fortuer SHrttarv Uiir riMin'o iilnn for omaniiinu a titlem! l'onlintntal volunteer a nay aa re 'i'rt behind the regular. Tile eniiil tf eliilui. jtil(Chli i a lite otlue with a ului nf I.IMMI a inr. ami alter ten eai-' cim. f the hiilder laity rclnv a lull ia Mi lla i- now .licit l.'i i.u .. '- a i. n mmmm w . n i Smt lati Jp Cutely Removes lndiffisMon. Onopackavic ,.i.-.i il l.'.i ..t ;illdriiR;l.t--t.-t. SERE T VOTE UPON STRIKE SETTLEMENT Farm Loans SAX KKANCIKCO, Jul l.V A coaupnunixe agriuieut i cached )! lenlay ut a mediation etMifereuce in the longnhotvnieu'M trike mii- to be Mibniillett loduv to the raemheibip of tbe Kiggeib' ami Steudoreh' tittiiHi for rtvvri't vote. If a teitle Miiut it reui'beit oh the Ihini- of thi ug i cement it Mill only affect San KrancUeo, the uegiltintHNia belMeeu euiioerM aad otrikerh having been viuidui'tetl iuleHnileutly ( Ibe l'u cilie dictnct bitaixt of tbe luteriia lioual Uonghborenieu'a HMiocialon, which ha been directing Ibe i.uist Mide Kinke Ihrough ita offni-t tu San KruueiMco. Henry M. White, inioiigrntimi im-aii-ionn of Seaille, wbo hn been aiHiug a mediator here for the tk parUnent of labor, utou rattfieutlou of Ibe eomnromie, Mill leave San PraneUco aud endeavor to urrauge lr nnilur xclllemenls ui Ibe other I'ueihc imits, uli,-i, tli,. i,,-,,)iy h.ny Ihui n trii.. ni i Jnue 1. Uliy SnioRe nit Claara Wlinn ha Ooniln arn auly t(a JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER lwob UtMut W S. HAIt'l I.KVIT I'linue M. ITh ml IT-l-tt 4lllohHihile . Sir lire. liiiuiMiUutv sniim i i orner. r"&r in. julMk J M ? VvJ VO W jk fr I .llri Atl. yur , t kl tkM.lrrIIUnn4llra4AN 'in is ii. a i oi4 i-.-i.ilAV i .. . m , h ni. ki'i. lr..l.t. Akrf'll.'lt'H.TrRM lllVMllMI IIHNI I'll.ll. & xili ! SOIDBV DRUGGISTS VERWHERE Low Interest Rates Money ready upon approval of security and title. O. C. BOGGS WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Mnii! Street, Medford Tho Only Exclusive. Connnoreinl Photographers in Southoru Oregon rSTegaUvofi rado any time 01 placu by nppointmont. Phono 147-J Wo'Udothorost E. D. WESTON, Prop. V:::::::::r Zfe VJf Solid merit places Savage Tires and Grafinitc Tuthsa far above nil others in the estimation of hundreds of thou sands of car owners. SavitRo Tltes full aliea, extra piles of fabrlr, Kfeat renilloncynndalough road-gtiiipinBlfaiid combined, mmn low first cost nml bt tnllfflc. Grnfinlte Tubes pure Para rubber built up layer by layer. The only lubes that have rraph lie vuleanltcil Inlo tho surface. Friction, heat ing and sticking eliminated - longer life. Abdve oil, for tho pake of your comfort and pocket-book, say "Savage" when you next buy tires or tubes. amtff TIRES FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR C. E. GATES Mcdford "Out of Work, Old Man?" "But the Money Comes In JUST THR SAMKI" Takes morn than a compound fracture to ' put you out of the running. whn you're an .AtTNA ACCIURNT I'OI.ICY. Any time any accidrnt romn ilnne, your JTCTNA tlT rixht In and Ucomtt tha wac. arnar for your family With taS or IM a itk for total dlMhlllty. arronllna to the nattlra ot the acciiirnt; and UtM or 116 for partial dltabllity. i'ayablt ry four wecki. If you don't think It eomei In fine, Jutt aik rnr wlf. Who almoit went to placta until I told ber I'd bad tha irood tiaia lo yCTNA-IZE We'd ha? ln op acalnat It for fair. You ran'l hold in tha landlord and th srocrr and UiUhur fotrrr r. you know. And I'd hat tika In to have the wife try to aarn our Uln. Aa It It, 'm wanted for nothing, and tha XTtllK raid my niriron'a bill In tha bargain. If I'd hh to tb heapltal. It would bava paid tha chargca for rna thara. In fart, I've gottan aueh big returns that It'a alineit a thama to tall bow Illtla I pay for tha uly. Take my tip, and gat all the facta today from McCURDY INSURANCE AGENCY T1CI.ICP1 10X15 1-3-3 ilaHlfortl .National ltttuk lililg. time are assured hy the masaae lTiiPa tWaaaaaaaajaajaaia atWMiiajaaavatatlarfaaalMaVWaay H THE UNIVERSAL CAR When iiver hall' the niutor ctu in Aiuei'ii'it today about a millipn and a quarter art of one make, there must be a mighty good reason, hi every kind of service, under all eon tions of road and weather, Ford ears have proved to be the most de pendable, economipal and pffuient servants of men. Touring Car $-M0; liuiiabout $W; t'ouju'let $590; Town Car (M0. Setlan $741). All prieeg f. u. b. Detroit. On display ami sale at C. E. GATES TT. - jfsk your tKeatie -for ". " - - 'J PTT "w'aw wc. b fr X mo T.-A-X-I PHONE DOO Klnt half mile from aland, I wa n'tipor lf.f, two imaaensora SS. Wlihln city llmlta, outaMa half mill- toiip, 1 or 2 paasougara, S8e, 3 i;m.spiiKirs. 40c. I imnaengora, Bl. Country rutea, lBc mile. 8pclal ratcb uloug pared highway. VAN It, PIIMWON, PltOP. Slaiiil at llniH'ii's. Poultry Wanted travanaiWfcoaaianim Highest market price paid for chickens of all kinds Warner, Wortman S Gore RandMcNally&Co. CHICAGO PRINTERS OF BOOKLETS CATALOG HOLSEMCAZlNti. COMMERCIAL ART WORK COLOR DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING FIXED FINANCIALLY AND MECHANICALLY FOR PROMPT 1 IAND1.1NG of LARGE EDITIONS i a a i A