PAGE TWO BEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECfOX, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1M0 1 m, r, n. trl H TOCAL AND f-' PERSONAL JUfss IBthol Jennings of IStigeno Is visiting her brother Itnlnh at his home on tho upper Apslexate. Baths 26o. Hotel Holland. J 1). Wench Imi returnod from n several dsjrs visit In tho Anplugftle. Follow the crowd on Saturday night to the danco at the Mooss Hall. Joe Collins who )m btfon receiv ing mmllcfll atisnttoii In M,odford for the rst Qifse day returned to hlc home In Horsnrocrtc this morning. Grays nlneo for oinsit, to uaccpog. IV 1'aUor of Kagle Point la spend- liiK jll tiny In .M ml ford on liuslnvs. Dq Voo rIvos trading stamps with ovaryUflnff ocopt procorliw. U, Crowell of Qrlffln crook Is npondliiK tho day In Medford. A hroafcfast you can afford and ho dollBhtod with. HussoU's Cofo. Mr. and Sirs. 0. Ilooth or Ashland spent yostorday evening In Medford. (lot your mlllc, cream, huttor, egKfl and huttonullk at Do Voo's. J V. Melntyro of Knglo Point was n visitor last night. Tnowrltor paper of all kinds at Medford Printing Co. l'a.ul McDonald roturnod this morn ing from Central Point, whoro for (Jiff last wook ho ,has managsd tho f'ader-JlcDonald store. Sr. 1'rod Kmmerson llrooks and Mrs; Iinflllta McDonald ot this city will glforeadlnitH at Cliautauiiua, Ashland, Monday Afternoon, July 17. Mr. and Vlrs. A. J. Johnson of No hrasko who liavo boon tho gnosis .of Mrs. Until Kslxur laft this morning for Portland, from whoro thoy will rotoyrn to thoir homo. TITn world's jtrohtost companies Ilqlrnos, Tho Innuranco Man, (Jrnco Vinton of Grants Pass IN spimng a fow days with Mm! ford frlji'nils. YVo hnvo 1x2 Ireo props on hand. 111$ 1'luos I.umhor Co. 00 l" Gnrnahnnf auporlntondont of tho Ilhto I.odno mlno, and Mrs. Onr nshiln, hnvo gout) to tho Illuo Lndgo dlstrltU for tho aummnr. Try a King Spitz cigar and on courago homo Industry, tf Mr. nud Mrs. K. II. tainpArl loft today for mi nuln (tip to Portland, Mopping oft o'nroute to visit Sulom frfeiMlsv Dr. idrchgessnor will bo at Hotel Nash every Wodupedfiy Hours for consultation 1Q to 3. ' Clmrpn Alford or Rdeu Precinot is In Hodfurd today an business. Cray's place, cold, drinks, fruits. ". W. Nhuii of itony Anne Is In Medforti n business today. Wo have 1st tree props on hand, lllg Plus Lumbar Co. 09 Mr and Mrs. Mid WhsIoii and V. Mc Coy will lenvo Hits afternoon for ProsiiMl reinnlulrig ornr Sunday. Mr. .MrtJay will tench tho Prospoet school during I lift neat session. Kor rent, 8roorn furnlshnd house, a A. l)sVo.e. 8. A. CarUton Is n Imslnwss visitor from Ashlaml today. Jll leUlkthatKMi at Dp Voo's. INdytl MIUIiKin will lectvo today for a stay of a fow W In Klamatb llills - Sao Dave Wood about that tire In surance polloy. Office Mall Tribune JpflK. ; 0. R. 'Hour n of l'hanlx is spend ing toe day in Medford. If you Ilka good luttslc, and a good Jaor to dance an, coma to the Moose Hall laUrtfay night. UHeiug from (8 ll. ftaburt Palousa. who is tki guest cjf his unci In Chicago, was entered bust wesk In tbo flout barn Wlatieualn Oot( tonraamant, Ha was ruuttar , baiMg rfafMted ouly by Nad OKU, tat ChawpioH of WlsconsU, two up aafi three to play. Bob Is uow m WSNd lH Uia Chicago Juulor tenuis tOriMN.ttt. Wo have 1x1 treo props oh band. Mig Plugs Lswbor Co. J. J. Parker, geueral freight agaut f tha P. 1C. returned last MlgtU Xront s tan days visit to Portland and iealUe. Mrs. IarVar and children newMaed In Portland, Qltes tells Pord ears, 100 down aHJg, $tl a month. . 1. Arnold and J. B. llFII or Mo dsais, Csl., are spandlng the day In Medford. They are en routs from Msdesto to a ranis Pass In their ear. A alee cool plaee to dauca, at the "Moose llajl. Saturday evening. 3ir, gad Mrs. K. B. Towpklns and Uss A4lie Tompkins of Kresuv. Cat are slghtsselug In the vallay today. II yon like good music, and a good ftqr to dance on. coiue to the Moose Hall Saturday night. Dancing from U) II. Ml, and Mrs. Wallace A. labia of iterksley are spending a few days In Medfosd. Whipping arfasi at UoVoes. Mrs A. True l,undy has moved ber noia Portland aaA la tthf spraseata-ui- or tho Nu-Boae GhMK eoiapauy Th.' lat.xt sesaiartr dance, the CI1..1U. iiai-itu oae stop. Sea hot Uii, .iih. 11 at tha Mass Hall ituraa) evening Mrs A True I,undy, No-Oono cor sot representative, Phono 7C2-M. 103 H. M. Wilson, genertil representa tive, of tho flonoral Kllm company of California, Is fu town today on bust 11 ess. nuttormllk 10c gal. at DeVoo's. V. O. McCarval of ltoguo ltlvor Is In Medford today. A nice ooul plaoo to danse, at tho Moose Hall. Saturday ovonlng. II. T. Panket fs a Medford visitor from Cold Hill. Smoko a King Spitz cigar, Cc. Thoy aro homo-made. tt J. It. McDonald left this morning for the Itoffue ICIk resort with a loud" of suppllos, among them a dynamo and engine for lighting the resort. , Do Voo lmys beer bottles. Frank Hull of Central Point Is In Mtnlford today on buslnoss. The latest eccentric danco, tho Charllu Chaplin one stop. See how Uioy danco it at the Moose Hall Saturday evening. Alfred U Parkhurst loft this morn. Ing for the Crater Lake hotel. He reports that tho road to tho rim wilt ho opon within two days. Tho hotol Is preparing for n heavy tourist travel, ho says, although many have boon hold ofr hy tho uecosslty or walking from tho onglunnr's camp to tho rim. Wo niako a spcolalty of picnic lunchos. KusBol'n Cufotorla. K. Stenroth and party of San Krnn Cisco spout Inst night In Medford. Thoy are hound to Sonttlo in their car. There Is more roal ploasuro at tho Gold Hill pavilion dance on Snturduv avunlng than at any other plaoo of amusement In tho county. Try It nuoe and seo. Miss Juno lllnmnn and Mr. C. C. MeCurdy will alng n duet at the morning servlco nt the Christian church. Prank Snider Is in Mod ford from Applegate. Tnko thosa loose auto wheels to llllllngs Carrlago nndt Auto Works and hnvo them mndo lllio now, at a small oxpenso. J. II. Crump of ,Incksonvlllu,(ls in Medford thin afternoon on huHlnoHs. Postngo Htainiw nt Do Voo's, J. Crave Is n buRlnoss visitor from ICaglo Point. iVoti can waltz, two-stop, or walk, at tho Monso dnnro'Saturday night. flared HopkliiH of tho Snowy Hut to orchards Is Spending tho dny In .Med ford. urA Kollow tlift oroWd'on Suturday ulght to tho danco at tho Muoso Hall. W. P. Isaacs and family will spend tomorrow at llutto Palls. 'You can wijlt, twostop, or walk, at the Moose dhnee Ststurday night P. A. Wllfert of Applegate Is In town on huslnoM. 'II. .1. Petterly of Holland Is spend ing a few days In Mndford 011 hind liens. 1 liutterwllk le quart nt DeVne's. . A. II. Sargent of Coleman :rek lx moving to n rants Pass today. U your beet girl likes to dance, bring her to the Mooe Hall, Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wasterlund and Carl TriiigWHld left this afternoon rnr Prospect to remain over Sundav They will post Holland hotel slgnx along the road. Tomorrow Carl will drive bis oar through to Crater lkt returning Monday. During Ashland Chautauqua Intor urban cars leave Hotel Medford dallv exeept Saturday and Sunday at 7 p in. Itetuin after program at night Ilsuud trip 15 cents. The Dig lino Oars. Carl IC. Anderson of Hovy Ann lx pending tb day In Medford. If your best girl likes to dance. bring her to tha Moose Hall. Satur day evening. Kmll Itssee of tha Opp mlue U In town on business today. II I,. Ferguson or Applegate In transacting business In Medford to day. KOHI) rar for rtnt hour or iIsn See ICIIIott, City Halt. 10J O E. Pitts Is In for the dny from Qrlffln creek. W. A. Trsham of Sains valley Is Isfiendlng the, day in Medford. Mlsg hUhTO Ulfert returned this morning from a, week's visit with her sister, ir. W. H. Barnum at Jack sonville. Guy Jacobs of Ashlaild Is in Moil ford sholprtTJt todar. Italph Potter of Eagle Point Is In Medford on business today. Jack Neff, who formbrly conducted a garaaje In Medford, drove up from Crescent City Saturday In 0 hours. He will continue his trip to Klamath Palis tonight. Dick Sanders, a local painter, who has been with his brother who has been taking treatment at the Klamath Mot Springs, for the past three weeks, returned to Medford last night. Company 7 entrains at 1:20 this afternoon for Fort Stevens. Samuel Rollins of Griffin crook Is in town today. Frank Hyheo is a business visitor from Jacksonville. Samuel Krofclie, mado a huslnoas trip to the Itanohera district today. iModford merchants are warned against cashing checks for straugurs as a bad check artist Is reported headed this way from Klamath Palis. It. Holsgaug nud family are In town from Itucli. TROOPS REALIGNED GERMAN BANKS 10 RURft CARRIERS EOR PROTECTION 0 F CURB ITALIANS BORDER COUNTRY PLAN 10 GUT-OFF F. WASHINGTON', Jul J.'). A reso lution to prohibit ocean freighter from throwing overheard near the American count enrcHNMim of dead Jivewtoek while en route to the Kiirn iienii war inaikctx, ns one iiiciiiim of jii(tinif the ahnrk problem, wmh in troduced today hy ItepioHuiitulive l'ugue of iMaMMiielimmtta, nml referr ed to the nifif liant mni-inu committee. Soerotnry MeAdoo loday nt ranged a eonforeneo for curly action hy the const Kunrtl, lifYxuvciM nlonK the New .lerney comh( nml officials and eiti seiiN of imihmI resortM, in which aliarkH have rereiitlv pM'Mred. DIED AGNHWAl St. Luke's hospital at San I'ViiiicIhco, MIhs Margaret Agnew HOQl'ILLAR, Tex. a annv field telephone to Sin ra limn, Tex., July If). HenHjrnnivnt of troop for protoe tion of tho bonier nanint, batuUt rniilM in the Hlg Hend country hegnu today with thoflrriva h-to on a mo tor truck train from Mnrnthon of one comiMtiiy of the third hutUilion Penn Hylvania national gmird, apil the dis patch from here of n troofi of the ixtli cavalry to reinforce H troop nt uleuii Spruupi. Tlie rvinauider of the Pennsylvania battalion nt Marnthon will he tnmspoited to bonier points ns repiilly an possible. Troops also ale being mailed from Alpine nud .Marl'n to the border as a result of repented warnings that ban dits nre ndvunoinjr to the Ilio Orsmle to raid tlii esowd part of Texnn. With u strong national guard foive at (hia point, A find li troiiia of the nixth cavalry nl Olenn Sprinrs fonr t)iat liandito will attempt aunriso nttnck on those places has heeii re moved. I 'a trout from fllenn Sprinm have been covering from fifty to eiglity miles daily in attempt lo disoover bandit inovemuiitH. J. W. .Iiulson left hire loday after cloning down the Hotpiillas mine. IVar that the coinmuvV motor IriickH would he In !l up wn gicri nn the reemm. IIOMB, JuJJutt. The Uerlln Wank ers' nTnfaSfetloh, according to thar Steffa'ni Xews agency, has circular ized all banks in Germany instructing thorn that henceforth by raqnest of the Imperial, foreign office, Italians are to bo treated as subjects of a belligerent state, in other wards, pay ments to Italians In Germany are tot b stopped. The German foreign erflce has offi cially Informed the Italian govern ment, through the Swiss government that payment or worklngmen's pen sions du Italians have heen suspend- ml. The attitude or Germany toward Italian subjects in Germany and Bel gium is conning much resentment here. L GET BACK PAY BRITISH AT THIRD LINE (Continued from pago oni E IlAIriMOUK, Md., July 15. Mrs. Thomas It. Marshall, wife of the vice prosldont, vlsltod tho German subma rine Doutschlnud yostorday ovenlng and was shown through tho vessel by Captain Illusch of the Interned Gor man steuuiHhlp Neckar, ulilch Is lying nlongsldo tho aubmerslblo. Captain lllusch said Mrs, Marshall was the first woman to go below deck since the Doutschlnud arrived In merlcuu waters. Captain HIiimcIi said the tem- or Dublin, eldest daughter or tho lateipernturo of tlp Interior of the stih Wllllani and niic Agneu, or county marine wni jiboiit no deurres, while iVrtnagle, Ireland Mrs. M.irshnll wns explorlnr If the Ilnaaians, initiating a eountcr nttnek, made further progreHM. Piendi Itopoit ,' 1AKIR, Julv 13. A violent artil lery duel continue in the Floury wee tor, the war office announced toduy. A (leruinn attnck on n trench north east of the Avocourt redaubl waa ro pulwtHl, the oll'ifinl statement nsHerta, und German attempts to undertake attacks in the Aproruont forest were "becked bv n curtain firo. lk'illn Iteisirt, HHUMN, June lb. -Pnrts of jwti lions in the Skrowbowu region, north of the Volliyniiia avctor, which were taken from tm Oennaim bv the Un KioiiH on July 3, hnvo bei ivenpturcd hy Ouiinun troop under Prince l.m jhjUI, (he wnr offioo uunouncid to dav. .Mo ik than l.")0l) prison, i- vm tukon., AiiNlilnn ltcpoit VIKXN'A, July in.-There jiu been IncrenHwl battle activity ncer Delatyn in Oulicia, say, the Ah--triitu official stutomeut umic1 to day. IfiiMHiiui vangunrdx which en tered ihe town were repuNcd. An attempted Ifii inn iill.ii-k -"iitl-Wi-t nt i)c!aiu, the stall nicnt ,.iM il, lulled. With Medford trndo Is Medford ninda .WASHINOTON, July Ifl. Detnili pf Ihe agreement on the disputed oints iK'tween houe and senate in the postal hill which become avail uhle today hov piai the pSenmatic tube pontraeta in largo cities, which the postofficc depurtmont wisjieil to ilJKcontinuq, are to, jie .extended on March 4, 1017, pending negotiationa. The long-Htnniling controvoiay over payments to railroads fur carrying tuaila.atid die manner of, payment will bo referred to tlw interftato com merce commission t'o determine whether tbo roods will l paid on n ppuce or weight hiisis and nt what rate. ..... Publishers will have tho right of appeal to federnl courts from order. tending- publication by freight, hut the utoVrs will' remain in effect in the meantime. More thnn a million, dollars' dis puted back pay will go to rural carriers. PEN WEEK-END T TODAY ONLY ! ' i'M. C. Hltft)' Preeonts-- ', Kitty Gordon The HrltlBh favorite and reigning queen of stage and screen In tbe most fascinating and aMonnd- lngly .original pbotoolay Her Maternaillight ' Plve intense Acts. Also A NRSTOK COMRTlV HER RUSTIC HERO iSlar Theatre l'l (o il Slandaiil, Not Douu to n Price. AMUSEMENTS Page OLD POINT COMKOItT, Va., July 16. Th nnvftl yacht Mayflower, with the president Mrs. Wilson and a imrty of relatives on a week end trip from Washington was cruising today outside the Virginia capes. The Mayflower anchored late last night In Tnsgter Sound, half way up the Ches apeake Hay, leaving earl this morning. MEDFORD'S Lending Motion Piclurc Tlienler Last Time Sold for Marriage A .story of burning hives mid llnlll- Ing rescue Lillian Gish Plays Lead And the Keystone Thriller GYPSY JOE with Joe Jackson i lo.Moititnw MAltY MILKS MANN'Hm III' "LOVKLY MAltY." AMirri'.O WKDMCNIMY sTOll IcinM . , ft 0 A TWO-SIDED AFFAIR Th" fnlr-mlndcd bank alwnjs mnnireRts In Iti deillngs recognition ot tho princlplo that n banking relation Is n two slilod affair Ono In which tho bank concedes, ns does the. Jackson County, that tho depopltor may TU'htfully expect, n return for Ills btisim-sj an J confi dence, a friendly intercut, lo)nlty and support. OVCR 22 ViiARS UNDER ONE MANAGCMCHT X-S&MC3aHBflQI-BB-'CaHKr51l TMISJ i wxlJfcriiWin.'gyrtahaacaEti3CBt n 1 1 1 u aaseassexKnamMcseaaamiBmucraESfi trvzixtsmiazeaaaasrazmi JiniMmrnmii Tii-ir-T---iTriifiYfirrTii itrnrriraf wstrrrnrriTr;mTiTririwsjmTrT n is I HsffmTmnri irrrTT nrrrrrTrinririswiTinsiariiirri'iii 1 1 3 DAYS 5 PERFORMANCES PAG E THEATRE Commencing THURSDAY NIGHT JULY 27---Twi.ce Daily Thereafter EVENINGS 8:15 I.owit Moor -First in rows, 1.00; lust six raws, fit), UuIcqii) -First four rows 1 0i. next four ros, 7fc; bulanee, Sue; lio seats, fiMU, i Seat Sale Opens Tuesday, July 25, at 10 a. m. Mail and telegraph lequests accompanied by check lll be rilled' in or der of the receipt Patrons will aid u in accommodating them by naming two dates if possible MATINEES 2:)5 Klrat 10 rovs. 75c; last six, 1. cony Klrst rour rows 7."c; next rour toah 50o; balance 25c; box seats, $1.50. ELLIOTT (El SHERMAN PRESENT TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR Til A UK For small automo bile 5 a In ell limits of Axhlaml Address .17 1 Mountain Aw ot Phone 8 OH-J Ashland, Ore i In milt KXCHA.MJU. t5. FUu-room bungalow good town, Willamette Valle 1 100. Wheat aereage, Fraukttu Co.. Wash. 15000. 30 acres near ComiiiK, Cal. lia.DOO. SHO-srr wgast ranch near Ooideudale. 125.000. Willamette Yaile fat m. 35u acres. ttK.uoo Ipiportsl Valley krriK.iud ranch. 810 acres. 10 acres of tlmixr Clark Uoalty Co.. Medford. Die The Most Tremendous Dramatic Soectacle That the Brain of Man Has Yet Produced o Bumpers . for all makes of car C E. SATES GRI EI FFITH'S GHIB WONDER OF THE WORLD M 4 9 m m m wk aBBaaaaV V BBBaaaaaBBBBBaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaSxgSEi J KJiJvn gSSS.11,1 K IBSSSS7 SSK Hj SV i9BB ! twi SBv'V Kl & Br A wSt Bh I sfli 1 lk HKF 5000 Scenes 3000 Horses 18,000 Characters Cost $500,000 CITIICS liril.T Vl AMI T1IKN VK STItOYKI) 1JY Flltlw tiik nmoi:sT uvm.i: of tuk viviu roitirs Tin:.Ti:it, wasmixcjtov, .ivpuxliicetl to tho stnulleM ivtull for tho l.luroln Imgotly. A SKItlliS OF WILD ItlUKS tluil oiinnminlefitol h hhiii'Ij fur a itaj mid oot to.OCHl. A JiytJIt'Ah JifOltK OK Tilling I'iKClCK N; iH'ImuilmsI to tlu wt ml HiimikhihI tlUtlui'l and indi vidual StCOIHftl. XIOIIT 1'IIOTOnitAIMIY OF AT Tl,l b(?ICM, luolf4l aud lr retHl at h vmt of yi'AOOO, WO.N'llltltl'll, AUTII.LKItY IHKI-S, in which resil sIm-IU, cMiog $mo aplwy, went ttMI. Mil- of trouclH, UtoHMyoU or fijjlil-f!. "Wnr h it Aiitudlj u." H ciH m.iIu jou lave, It will make you hate; It will cWni snri thrill ywi beyand ywr WM Is bt gititar cHaraml w tarllletl. It will stir your Are. patriotism am blood, a--d uaks yoo yell and cry and gronn. It will fore you to pasti tin back of the seat in front of you until your flnars ache and then relax them as some touckirm toiricf JfKto appears. You will to taken out of yourself and become frantic and hoarse from your shouts of enthusiasm and dismay but no one will notice your actions, for they are all doing the same, as eyes and ears and foeling are beine. borne aloig by the sight and sound before you. There are a few of the never-to-he-foc gotten sensations you will receive for your money when the "Blrt'i of a Nation." with its accompanying symphony orchestra of turty settings, plays at the Pane Theater taatr swMMniBMys3 KXHSi J irra rmcrjr mn irovnanrtp wirMnnii 1 iiiiii 111 w yMisiUK3cmBaauBT0osagaawr sxiemzi3iztamasxumi lll Tl" ariril II II T S ! 1 I I SSI I ! iilia ! 1 1 11 1 1 iniiB W M V ; 7K " --- -- , QMITiWisiTffTlliTrssfrirtrgaTTM-wTft1