Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 14, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ASHLAND, July M.Clmiilnuqim
attendance i at its runilli. Over 80
touts nro pitched in tlio f?rovo, tho
largest tiutnbor in the history of any
iniliviilnal assembly. Tho V. C. T.
V. has comfy rct headquarters on
tlu grounds, ifeo the Studv club or
ganization. Mw. Maltio Slectli, of
Portland, nt the head of the Multno
mah county W. C. T. U., and a vice
president of tho fltate association,
jirowides at tin daily mectinp which
aro held at 30 a. in. llor presence
horo ia in the place of Mrs. Madge
M'irs, who was unable to attend. She
is not only the wife of a minister, hut
occupies the pulpit herself by virtue
of beiiiR a "ministrcss."
At tho Kansas doings yesterday
musical accompaniments to tho pro
gram weio by George Andrews of
Mcdford and Miss Lillian Ililty and
Kail Kasor of this city. Dr. W. K.
Hiieliunnii Kino a select reading. Wilt
0. Steel dwelt upon the beauties of
Crater Lake, and K. II. Hard of Mcd
ford, formerly fiom Wichitn, in an
address on "Kansns, Ilcr People,
l'rorcss and 1'ronperity," extolled1
the viituos of the Sunflower state.
Interspersed among exercises was
stoiy-tellunj by Fmncis Labadic, a
member of tho ChautaiKpia faculty
this season, iff the evening Dr. W. A.
UunsliurKcr exhibited the wondorful
Anarctic moving picture, given added
interest by descriptive to.t.
On Wednesday evening at tho Ma
rino band's final concert Mcdford
people added to tho local throng
which moio than taxed tho taber
nacle's seating capacity. This cir
cumstance, an ocoiii reneo at every as
sembly gathering, is a lctniuder that
Lou Hcauchamp, who occupied tho
platform on Tuelny evening ex
pressed tho hope that tho present
"Kskimo igloo" would gio place to
a belter and roomier structure in the
near futiiic, an expression which
may afford food for thought at tho
approaching "now building, move
ment" to he, held on the date of final
oxorciKos, duly 18.
Toiuoirovv is Southland day, in
tioducing a "Cosmic Force" lecture
in the morning by C. A. ItoMoad.
Two pieludes will bo given by tho
Sopioi Quaitot, and Wood llriggs of
Kentucky, will tell somo southern
nlorius in the illimitable mountaineer
and negro dialects of which ho is a
niHfttor. The scholarly and eminently
practical address of tho dav is "The
CIihIIciikd of tliu Hour," and will be
jrivmi nt H::il) p. in. by S. Lester A.
Long, of Dayton, Ohio, a platform
favorite who presents themes brimful
of live topics. The homo of his
adoption is known far and wide as
being a model town, and tho spoakor
can gio tho why and whoieforo of
its progroshion instead of retrogress
ion. Hright and practical ideas for
tify his opinions rounding an ideal
social and civic status. The climax
to niuKiciil attiactious will be the
Ktiflir hos choir Saturday owning.
HALTIMOIU5, Md . July H John
J. Kaukner, of East St, Louie, Ills ,
wan oloctoil chsilrninn of tho board of
, triiHteoe of tho grand lodgo of Klki,
at tho organization muotlug last
night. Mr. Paulknar succeeds Col
onel Cary L. Applegate, of Ovvouti
boro, Ivy., who retired from tho
Other officers nanioil by tho board
' for the coining year are:
A'lae cluilrman, George D. Locke,
p of Honors, Ark.
Secretary, Calvin L. Klngsloy, of
"Waterloo, Iowa.
Approving meiubor, J. E. Mastors,
of Charlerol, Pa.
Home moniber, Sainuol V. Perrott,
of Indianapolis, I ml.
bodies of six negro troopers klllod at
Carrlzal wero burlod In Arlington
cemetery today with full military
hSRors- None had been Identified
Secretary linker and Major General
Seett, chief or staff of the army, at
tMMted the sorvlee, which wag con
ducted by Chaplain George L. Ha
ard of the nevy. When a bugler
had souHiUd tap, raembora of the
KntlOital Manorial ajMoeUUan. gov.
ored the newly made grave with
Why Smoke Hit Cigars
When La Gonda are only lOo
IULTIM01U3, Mil., July 1 1. Sil
ence contlntioe as to tho date of do
parturo of tho super-aubmartno
Doutsohlntul. Tho tug Tlnimens,
which mot her at tho capes and con
voyed hor to Daltlinoro remains fast
to tho plor day and night. She is
In such close proximity to tho sub
marlno that It probably would tuko
only ton minutes to get tho latter
from tho mooring Into open water,
It was learned that a big hydroaero
plane, practically completed, Is stor
ed on tho pier of tho Kaatcrn For
warding company, whero tho Doutsch-
land Is dockod. Persons In closo
touch with tho operations of tho for
warding company Intimated that tho
flying boat would bo sent to tho capes
for scouting purposes boforo tho sub
marine makes hor dask for tho At
lantic. Tho manner In which tho Doutsch
land has been cleared of everything
sho brought ovor, ovon tho pieces of
pig Iron ballast, led to tho Idea that
Bho would return to Germany heavily
laden. Until tho ov tiers of tho cargo
that has been taken from hor fllo
their papers with tho custom house
no authoritative detailed statoment
as to Its composition can bo obtained.
It was said that It was unlikely that
entry would bo made this wook Cap
tain Kooulg, tho submarlno'fl com
mander, ridiculed tho report from
Amntcrdam that tho principal object
of tho Doutschland's voyage wbb to
convoy n consignment of diamonds.
PARIS, July 1 1. -The (Icrmnns
made two attempts last night to
stoim French positions north of tho
AImio at a point south of Villo mi
Hois, but were checked by the French
machine gun fire, the war office an
nounced today.
On the Verdun front artillery fight
ing continues in the Soiiville sector.
There wero patrol engagements in
Cheuois wood. Thoro were no im
portant development on the remain
der of the ft out. Tho annouucemetil
"North of the Aimie, in tho logiuu
south of Ville-uii-Hois, and on the
Vauelere plateau, two attempts by
the Germans to make attack weie ar
rested promptly by tho fire of our
machine guns.
"On the right bank of the Mouse
the artillery fighting was very ac
tive in the Soiiville sector. Patrol
engagements occurred in the Cheuois
"On the remainder of the fiont
tlteic were no important events."
WAl'KKGAN, Ills, Jul II Tho
final pi oa for tho acquittal of Will
II. Orpot on tho charge of murdor
Inj? Marlon Lambort was romiineil by
Jamo II. Wllkerson, his senior coun
sel, at tho opanlng of court today
Mr. Wilkonion Is oxpoctod to finish
boforo tho day ondg and will ho fol
lowed by David It. Joslyn, Bieclal
prosocutor aiding State's Attornoy
Usdy, who will make the state's final
plea. Following Mr. Joslyu's ploa the
court will glvo Its Instructions to the
Jury. It Is oxpoctod the cuso will be
In tho Jury's hands by tomorrow
Mr. Wllkorson also attacked tho
mothodu omployod by the state, stat
Ing that tho cross-examination was
brutal, and that if the state had plac
ed any crcdonco In the spots found
on tho girl's coat that It would not
have waltod three months to give
them significance.
LA SALLK. Ill, JuK 14. Five
couiMnie t the hutb Illinois in
fantry are in amp at cement plant
here and Oglbv today, prepared to
SMpprtM any noting" that mav result
fnu tbe resumption of oprtion at
thtt plant, 1200 emplove of wliuh
are on strike It u exoected that
the opfratiull "i the cement plant
will be rc-unjed tomorrow.
Tho hurrlcono which struck Charles
ton last night, abated today. One
life was lost horo. Damago to ship
ping and tho wator front was not
groat, and the balance of tho city
did not suffer sovoroly.
ATLANTA, July 1L Charleston,
S. C, was cut off from contlnuoiiB
wlro communication today asa ro
sult ot tho hurricane that struck tho
Georgia and South Carolina coastH
lato last night, sending tho wind ve
locity to a maximum of G I miles an
hour, claiming thrco ltvos and doing
damago to coast resorts and cltlos.
Fragmentary reports from Charles
ton Indlcato two IIvob lost thoro, tho
waterfront Inundated by high tides
and much proporty damngod.
ATLANTA, July 11. Tho burrl
cano, which, last night, swept tho
coasts of South Carolina and Georgia
had passed cnrly today to the north
of Charleston, according to reports
horo, wrecking tho tolophnno and
telegraph lines and doing consider
able othor proporty damago.
Charleston was cut off from wlro
communication and no reports as to
conditions thoro wero available. Sa
vannah sufforcd little, according to
A llnomnn, reporting to tho local
tolepbono office, Bald tho wind still
was high In Charleston this morning,
but Its velocity was decreasing. Ho
said no street cars wore running,
that thoro wero no lights and that
tolepbono sorvlco was disabled. He
foro ho could bo questioned as to
casualties or Ithor loss, tho wlro was
Tho hurricane blow down hun
dreds of trees nnd crippled trolley
and wro service. Hundreds of
Island dwellers could not bo roachod
today by boat or wlro, but It Is be
lieved thoy aro safe, as thoy had
ample warning of tho approach of
tho storm. Ono negro was killed by
a Iho wlro.
oral dam bill amended from the form
In which it passod the senate, tog
ulatliiK water power development In
navigable streams was passed by tho
hoiiho today,
Tho bill, which provldos for a bjh
torn of loaned, under government reg
ulation of ratos and practices, Is do
slguod to Induco luvoatmcnt of prl
vato capital In tho development of
wator power. The principal Issue has
boon ovor tho rental Imposed on
power projocts under an amendment
by Hepreseutatlvo Slilroly of Ken
tucky, which provide that tho socro
tary shall fix such rental ratos as
ho dooms advisable to apply for a
period of vonrs, with the right to re
vise every ton onn thereafter This
was opposed hy Chairman Adamson,
of the interstate commerce commis
WORTH $5.00?
Woman Tells How Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound Restored Her
Lima. Ohio.- " I was nil broken down
In health from a dlsplacemenUOne of my
luuy inunus tninu iu
8co mo and sho ad
vised mo to com
mence taking Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Veg
e table Compound
and to uso Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Sanative
Wash. 1 bofjari tak
ing your remoJioa
and took $5. 00 worth
nnd in two months
was a well woman
nf tor throe doctors sai J I nevi r would
stand up straight a Tan I was a mid
wife for seven yean nn 1 1 recommended
the Vegetable Compound to every wo
man to take before birth and after
wards, and they all got along so nlecly
that it surely is a godsond to suffering
women. If women wish to writo to
mo I will be deligsteJ V answer tk9w."
Mrs.JBNNIB M0YW, JK2 E.Nrtl St.,
Lima, Ohio.
Women who suffer from dlspfc
menonta, weakness, irregularities, ner
vousness, backache or bearing-down
pains, need the tonie-strengthenlng
properties of the roots and herbs con
tained In Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable
tho Lydia K. IMiiklmiii ZUcdlclifo
to, icounuvmuuij imwt "
WASHINGTON, July tl An ad
vi v ronort on tho Ht.uun of tho
fcrrman merchant nutuimni.i Dcni
M'lnn d submitted to noting Sccn
tniy Polk today, by the govonimout
neutrally board, Is oxpe-fd to hold
that tho vessel Is a poacotul mer
chant craft, and entitled to ull privi
leges as such.
Indications now nro that tho stale
department will mnko no formal un
nouncomont concerning tho subma
rine, but that tho treasury depart
ment will bo advised to permit hot
to cloar and nail from Ilnltlmoro,
whoucver her captain desires to start
on his return voyage
Mr. Polk received tho neutrality
board's report Just boforo bo wont
to tho whlto house to attend tho
cabinet meeting. Ho Intimated that
a formal ruling by tho department
would bo necessary only In case tho
submarine had been found to1 be a
warship, liablo to bo ordered from
American waters.
Tho neutrality board gavo Its nd
vlco after considering tho roportB of
navy and customs officers, who made
a complete examination -of tho
Dcutschland nnd concluded that sho
not only was unarmed, but could
not b0 converted for war purposes,
without structural changes.
NI3W YOltIC, July 1 L Tho Amor
Icnn steamer Korea, arrived today
from London on her last trip for tho
Atlantic Transport company lino, hav
ing been sold under the Jnpaucso
flag, and sho will go to San Fran
cisco whero sho will bo tnkon ovor
nnd put In command of Captain Togo,
a uophow ot tho famotiB admiral.
Tho Koroa brought soventoon men
of tho croy of tho American stonmor
Soaconnot, which struck a mine on
Juno IS, ten miles from Yarmouth
and wont ashore. Tho vessol was n
total loss, but all hands wore landed
Don't Pay the Other Fellow's Bill
Cream Rolled Oats, 9 Hi. sack 40c
Valley Rolled Oats, 9 lb. sack 35c
Bulk Rolled Oats, lb, Ac
60-oz. pktj. Premium Oat Flakes 28c
60-oz. ok. Premium Wheat Flakes 28c
H. 0. Oats, ikrj. . . 15c
Ger-Mcal, nkfj. 15c
Cream of Wheat . 17c
4-11). pkfj. Olympic Pancake Flour 21c
Flap-Jack, pkfl. 21c
Rolston Bran, pktj. 15c
Peacock Buckwheat Flour, pktj. 21c
9-11). sack Cornmcal . 30c
10-lb. sack Graham . 35c
10-lb. sack Wheat Hearts 45c
10-lb. sack Pancake Flour 45c
10-lb. sack Rye Flour 40c
9-lb. sack Hominy 35c
Puffed Wheat . . 13c
Puffed Rice - . 14c
Puffed Cora 11c
Grape Nuts, pkg. . I2c
Trlscult - . 1 2c
Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for . . 25c
Post Toastlcs, 3 for 25n
Krlnkle Corn Flakes, pkg 7c
Postum Cereal 22c
Instant Postum, small 25c
Instant Postum, large . 45c
Fig Prune, pkg. ... 22p.
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, pkg. I2c
Malto-Mcal, pkg.
1 7c
.. 8c
.... 8c
Pure While Flour, sack . .
Red Cross Flour, sack
Crystal White Soap, doz.
Swift's White Laundry, doz
White Borax Naptha, G for
A B Naptha Soap, doz.
Fels Naptha Soap, carton
Ark Soap, 8 bars
Ivory Soap, large, doz. .
Fairy Soap, small, doz.
Peroxide Bath Soap, bar
Creame Oil Toilet Soap, 3
Grandpa's Tar Soap, doz. .
Peel's Mechanic, large . ..
Skat, per can .. .
Palm Olive Soap, bar . .
Bon Ami, 2 for
Sapollo, 2 for
Rex Lvc, can
CNcrido of Lime, can
Old Dutch Cleanser, can
Gold Dust, pkg.
Citrus Washing Powder . .
20-Mule Team Soap Chips, pkg
Wool Soap Chips, pkg.
20-Mule Team Borax, 12 ni
Ball Blus, box
.. 8c
This is only , part of the items wo carry, just to give you an idea of what you should pay for the best goods on the
market. If you are paying more you are helping pay your neighbor's bill who does not pay his. Above prices
subject to market changes. Mail orders promptly and accurately filled.
Medfoid in M-hodulod to piny Hold
Hill Sunday on tho local grounds,
and this gutuo should bring out u good
attendance, iih tho Gold llllliuus en
tho ocditMiou of their lnxt viit put up
the best brand of basoball scon on the
local giouudrt in two houmous.
Sunday's game will bo the first
nppenruuee under the nimiagoincnt of
Hob Urovurd. The team has been
notably atrcntghcticd aipec it lut ap
peared on tho homo 'ground and in
ceitainly plnying biiSohult that ought
to bring tho crouds. The lust game
plajed Willi Weed was n prettier
contest to watoli than nine out of
ten oC tho Coast league games and
wiih chock full of brilliant and mcii
mitioiml plays.
Pruitt will pitch for Gold Hill and
Sicbert for Mcdford.
A week from Sunday Iho crack
Klamath FiiIIh nll-Htnr professionals
will bo here and tho local team in be
ing groomed for the occasion. Come
out and be joyously surprised nt tho
baseball team your homo town bus
rounded up,
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, July 1 1
To C company, Second Infantry, com
manded by Captain C. S. Horton,
enmo today tho distinction of boing
tho first national guardsmen to ox
chango shots with Mexicans. They
prevented n -raiding party from
crossing tho Itlo Grande near Don
na, Texas.
Six armed Mexicans attempting to
enter American torrltory nt 3 o'clock
this morning wero detected by tho
outpost. Thoy woro ordored to halt,
but continued advancing. Tho'Tcx
niiB oponod Ire. Tho flro wiib ro
turnod, but discontinued after a
minute, tho Mexicans hurrying back
to tholr own country. Nono of tho
Americans was Injured, and it Is un
derstood noVo of tho Mexicans was
Bottle Blueing 8c
Ammonia, bottle 10c
Best Gloss Starch, 2 pkgs. 15c
Klngsford's Gloss Starch ICc
Ivory Starch -- .. 5c
Celluloid Starch , . 10c
Elastic Starch ... 10c
Talcum Powder, can 5c
Best Corn Starch, 2 pkgs 15c
Shlnola - 8c
Shlnola Brush Sets 15c
Two-In-One Shoe Polish 8c
Jet Oil Shoo Polish ... 8c
Rising Sun Stove Polish .... 8c
Black Jack Stove Polish 1 0c
Wash Board - .. 25c
Wash Board, two sides 35c
Mop Sticks, each 12c
Lamp Chimneys, 2 for 15c
Largo roll Toilet Paper 5c
Brooms, each 35c, 45c, 65c
Spring Clothes Pins, doz. 5c
No. I Lanterns, each 65c
No. 2 Cold Blast Lanterns 75c
Large Chip Baskets, each 12c
Toothpicks, pkg. 4c
Matches, I doz. 38c
Candles, doz. 25c
Booth's Sardines, 2 for 35c
V. B. Sardines, 3 cans for.. . . 25c
Norwegian Sardines 12c
American Sardines, 6 for . . 25c
4 oz. Oysters - 9c
8 oz. Oysters 17c
6 oz. Fancy Oysters .... 20c
12 oz, Fancy Oysters . . 35c
Smile Brand Minced Clams 10c
Monopole Minced Clams . .. 12c
Pink Salmon, tall can 9c
Red Sockeye Salmon, small 13c
Red Sockeye Salmon, large 22c
Lobster, can - . 23c
Crab Meat, can - 23c
Shrimp, can . 12c
Tuna Fish, small 15c
Van Camp's Pork and Beans, small,
3 for . - 25c
Van Camp's Pork and Beans, med
ium, each 14c
Van Camp's Pork and Beans, large,
each .. 20c
Campbell's Soups, 3 cans 25c
I X L Liver Paste, can . . ..9c
I X L Deviled Chill Meat, can 9c
Chill Con Carnl (Eagle) 2 for 25c
Deviled Mtat, KsS, doz. 55c
Veal Loaf, each 15c
Cklppsii B8f, in fllass 15c
Chippy Ksftf, In ta 15c
JJ4, .., jjjfc.
0 OM
NF.W YORK. July 11- At almost
low tide today the body of Letter
Stillwoll wan found in Jlntnwan
crook, about 'J00 feel from the spot
whom he dlwiimonrod after being nt
tucked by a shark. The bodv lirt!
been bitten nearly in two above the
vvnint lino.
WASHINGTON, .Inly II. -Tragic
storioM of attacks by sharks upon
hut him along the New Jersey coast
were dincunsed at today's meeting of
Hie cabinet. Lntor Sccrelary Mc-
Adoo announced that the coast gtuud
would be oidered I" do what it
could towmd eleiiiing the const of
the dangerous fish and ptcvcnting
further loss of life.
Htm and Wind Hi lug Out Cgly Spot
How to Itcmovo I'jvdly
IHoro'a a chance, Miss Frocklo-fnco,
to .try a remedy for freckles with tho
guarauteo of a rollablo dealer that
It will not cost you a penny unless it
removes tho freckles; whilo If It
does glvo you n clear complexion tho
expense Is trifling.
Simply got nn ounco of othlno
doublo strongth from any druggist
and a fow applications should show
you how onsy nppllcatlonn should
show you how easy It Is to rid your
self of tho homely freckles nnd got
n beautiful complexion. Ilnroly Is
more thnu ono ounco needed for tho
worst caso.
Ho Biiro to ask tho druggist for
tho doublo strongth othlno ns this la
tho proscription sold under guarau
teo of money back it It falls to ro
movo freckles.
S. II Ilarnlsh's auto will Icnvo
Eaglo Point nt S A M. and 1 P. M.
dally, oxcopt Sunday; leave Mcdford
0 A. M. and G P. M. Will call for
passengers nt botola In Mcdford and
hotolB and business housou In Eaglo
phonu ;-xa on n-xa.
I Corn Beef, Is
Mincemeat, 3 pkgs.
Llbby Genuine Deviled Ham
Armour's Lard, medium
Armour's Lard, large
Cottolcnc, medium
'Cottolene, large
iCrisco, small
'Crlsco, medium
jCrlsco, large
Pearl Shortening, medium
! Pearl Shortening, large
I Wesson Salad Oil, small
! Wesson Salad Oil, large
23c I
80.'. i
uacon ic, zuc nn;i zoc
Shoulders 15c
Standard Corn, doz. $1.05
Standard Peas. doz. SI.O1
r. lw nn- , nr-
Select Slock Tomatoes, doz. $1.13
Standard String Beans, doz.
Fancy Corn (Maine), doz.
Fancy Cut String Beans, doz. 01.60
Fancy Dimple Peas, doz. $1.75
Saucr Kraut, can 10c
Beets, can 15c
Hominy, can 12c
Pumpkin, can 10c
(Small can Asparagus 12c
bmaii can Asparagus Tips Z3c
Large can White Asparagus 25c
Assorted Canned Fruits, best, can 20c
; Hawaiian Pineapple, sliced, can 15"
, Hawaiian Pineapple, grated, can 15c
i Plmentoes, can . lie
Astor Milk, dozen 87c
Carnation Milk, large, dozen . 95c
i Carnation Milk, small, dozen 50c
i Holly Milk, large, dozen . ... 90c
Holly Milk, small, dozen ... . 45c
Buo Hill Cheese, two for 25c
Codfish, 2 lbs. 25c
Karo Syrup, 5 lbs. . - 33c
Karo Syrup, 10 lbs. 63c
Teagardcn Syrup, half gallon 50c
, Log Cabin Syrup, quart .. 35c
Log Cabin Syrup, half gallon 65c
Tcagarden Syrup, one gallon 85c
, Log Cabin Syrup, gallon $1.25
,2 lbs. Molasses 10c
1 5-lb. pall Honey 60c
! 10-lb. pall Honey $1.00
Large Bottle Salad Dressing 15c
Lima Beans, pound 8c
Bulk Cocoanut, pound 25c
Shepps' Cocoanut, half pound 16c
Shepps' Cocoanut, one pound 30c
California Olive Oil, quart 85c
California Olive Oil. half nallon $1.46
I California Olive Oil, gallon $2.75
The Boy is Father 4
to ths Man
Old Ravings Ilko this nro fmusht wit It
S most important meaning. And what
will nlu tho expectant
mother In conscnlnic
her lioatth, hec
strength, her mental
rcposo And the ab
sence of vcxhtloiifl
pains ti n subject of
trmt moment. Among
tlio rrngnltcd helps It
a splendid rem a d y
known as "Motticr'r
Friend." Applied to
tho muRctes It IdU In
deeply to mnko them
firm nnd nllant. It thin
fchk' lift tho ttraln on
Ilinments produce pain. 11 lightens tho
liunlcn on tlio ncrroui sjitcm, induces calm,
restful nights nf licnU!i-(rtln(t sleep ami
mnkci tho dnn sunny nnd lutppr. Get a
lottlo of "Mother Friend" of nnr drult
nnd vou wilt then rcnllto why it lias been
ronvlile ml tnio In Its nnmo In our best homei
thniiish thrco generation. It Is perfect!
Imrmlcu lmt m cffectlro llmt once tucd It
In rccommcndeil to nil expectant mothcra Inr
Utono wlo went tliroujh tlto oldest wltli
nurprlnlnff rate. Vy writing to DrndflcM
Hcxulntor Co., 413 Lamnr llliifT-. Atlnntiu Oa..
you enn Imvo ft freo copr of n wonderfut
rtntk liook Hint unfold thone thlnss which
nil expectant mothers delight to read. Wrlto
Poultry Wanted
Highest market price
paid for chickens of
all kinds
Warner, Wortman & Gore
It Has Pleased Those
Who Have Tried It
It Will Please You
it's popularity Is attributed to Its
superior purity nnd flavor, tho ro
Btilt ot being pnstourlzod, Thcro Is
no higher quality ot butter on Iho
market today.
'Medford Creamery'
Chick Food, 100 lbs. .. $2.80
Scratch Food, 100 lbs. $2.25
Oyster Shell, 100 lbs. ... $1.45
10c sack Table Salt, 2 for 15c
25c sack Table Salt, 2 for 35c
50 lbs. Los Angeles Dairy Salt 55c
50 lbs. Bear Dairy Salt COc
50 lbs. Half Ground Salt 43c
100 lbs. Half Ground Salt 80c
Sugar, 1 1 pounds $1.00
Skinners' Macaroni, Spaghetti, Ver
micelli and Needles, pkg, 10c
Bulk Macaroni, lb. 6VjC
Bulk Spaghetti, lb. 7c
Soda, package - 6c
Royal Baking Powder, yt lb. 23c
Royal Baking Powder, I lb. 43c
Royal Baking Powder, 2 lbs. $1.00
Royal Baking Powder, 5 lbs.. $1.95
K. C. Bakino Powder. 25 ozs. .. 20c
10c can Spices
15c can Spices .. .
. 7c
25c can Spices
50c can Spices
. 13c
25c bottle Extracts ..
Diamond W Jelly Powder
Gelatlno Yeast Foam, pkg
Seeded Raisins, pkg.
Currants, pkg.
Marshmallows, can
Walnuts, 3 lbs. -
Bird Seed, pkg.
Dromedary Dates, pkg.
Japan Rice, lb.
Head Rice, lb. ..
Crackers, bulk, lb, -
Crackers, 25c pkgs.
Crackers, 10c pkgs. 3 for
Vinegar, elder, gallon
Bulk Coffee, 2 lbs.
Bulk Peaberry Coffee, lb.
. .25c
Our Special, I lb. pkg.
Our Fancy, I lb. pkg., 3 for.
Plantation, I lb. can
Plantation, 3 lb. can
Alladln, I lb. can
Alladln, 3 lb. can
Alladln, 5 lb. can $123
Guttard's Pure, 45c value 37c
Bulk Japan, English Breakfast or
Gunpowder Tea, 50c val., Ib.'.37c
Upton's Tea, y3 lb. can 33c
Upton's Tea, I lb. can . 63c
Rldgeway's Tea, Vi lu. can 33c
Ground Chocolate, I lb. can 30c
GroMnd Chocolate, 3 lb. can 85c
Cooa, Hcrsbey's, Vi lb. can 17c