e Utrafv MEDFORD 1 MBUNE FORECAST FAIIl TOXKJIIT ,Nl TOMOHIIOW WEATHER Maximum Ycatri-dny 8(1; Minimum Today (, , ortv-sixth Year. MEDFORD OHK(K). FRIDAY. ,'X 11, 10tfi XO. 07 pnllv -Klevrnth Tr. D PHASE OF ALL Q MAIL I WITH VICTORIES HH BR I L A h- ,1 5 U BRITISHTAK SECOND OF DEFENSE Haiy's Army Resumes Offensive antl Captures Four-Mile Front of Ger man Line Important Roads Now In Allies' Hands French Prepare to Resume Attack South of Somme Germans; Hammer at Verdun and Russians at Kovel. LONDON', July 11. At iluylighl llii morning the Uritmh, redlining (lie nlfeiiwivo north of ho Somnii', nt ttifki'il the flcmiiiii noennd lino ! Viicm nnil neenidiug lo tho repot I of their ewnmiindor, (lonoiul Sir J lunula 1 (niff, aitcooi'ded in piuitilrHt ing them on u front of Tour mile. I'M dinpilolio from the fi out mill tlnit tho voltage of Imaontino-lo-(Imude iind Lnngciivnlo, north of Mniitniihiiu, anil tho lemniuing pnr tion of Tionc wood won- taken by tho Itritihli. Whilo it wan expuetod tho Hritih would not allow nny great length of tunc In cln() before continuing J heir oM'linii, it wi lull illy believed tho mhiui I Herman lino would ho allock ed' niW only ono dnv of nrtillory preparation, for it wan only dny be fore etordny that they completed tho capture of the. first lint1 in tho legion bejwoeii Ilardeonuit nud )uillei. Tho dilution of tin at tack, too, wbk oiiiou'liul of it nr-pri-e, for instead of modiing on to ward ComhloN, General lluig cliono to uttiiok the flnuk of tho Oormnm. who In cod Coutnlmniioii nud Oiivil ler, iind thne who htill occupy lloiiller. Quit't on Other I'liwfo. Tho advance to Lnngeiivale mid Ituxentine-le-Ornnde, if ncuomplih-i-d, giu the Hrilbdi iMwseuainn of other impoitant road running in vnrioiiH direction, whioh have hcou a greut help to thtt flonnana in aup plying their urtny diieetly outli of tho Aticro river. Now of tho llritib Mieoeea, wn received in bunion with the tct'ont -oxi onthuMHMii. It ton given added weight to the re,iiol of the govern ment to workmen to forego the An gmt holiday no thul the army may lie kept well Mipplied with munitiona. There wu no news this inoniiiig of miHirtant developments on tho re mainder of the weatern front, hut at lukl roMrt the French were prepnr itiu to K'-uuie their advance Month of the Souuwe, while tho (Icrmaiiu were -lill hammering at the dofene of Verdun. The otinion i held ia rVunee, however, that the continuation of the S online battle will roMel the Oer mun to sleeken their efforts ut Ver dun, whioh now have been iu prog re neurly five month, ONpoeinllv iii. the French estimate the German lost 12,000 nieu in counter-attack on Cnntalmaion. I tat I lo Along Stokliod. The ltuiatia have made no no- (livable advance on any part of the eastern front ince thev gained the Htokhod river, where the straggle eoutwue 4eneratel.v, The light hank atarently ha now lieon clear ed of (iennatix, hut it i not made clear that the ojH'rtttiont. of the ltu Miui have iiu'ii theiu a tmu footing (Continued on Page Four) DOl'OLAS. Artx. Jul It Cien eral Ox lies thin afternoon tele graphed II. P. Temple, general man ager of the Southern PaeUie rail rad of Mexico, that the Senora liue of that road wbjeh Metteana have been operaMns. wa ready ta be turned back to the owner linme-dtatt-b He reqaektej Temie to go lo Nogalri. Mini take thurtie RAPED PROGRESS MADEBYBRITISH Bazentinc-le-Petite, Longucvalc antl Otivillers Taken Entire Second Line of German Defenses Over a Four-Mile Front Counter-Attacks Repulsed and Gains Consolidated. MKITISIt FRONT IN FIIANTK. July M. Tho Itrilirth Imvo now tiikon hotli HuzontinP-lo-Potito nnd Hnzon-tine-li'-flrnndo, n well as l.ongui) vnlo. Tho Htrugglo in continuing in the wood beyond Loiiuiiovulc mid on tho high point of the ridge. LONDON, .Jul'- H. Renter' onr roMpoiidont at Uio llritinh flout tel pgrniilii tlmt the Hrilinh foroen Imvo en nl u red Hazenlino-le-Petilu and iiiokI of the village of Ouvilhr. ioiiMiiiuaic liainw A HiiHo(pient dinpiileli from Keil lor' oorrortpnndont on the llritUh front say tlmt later report tend to eoiifiinj the firnt ueeounta of the Itritinli attack tlii morning. Tho Oerninu foomnl lino win onrriod with until lo, the eorrenitniitlont iiv, and the floriiiaii- xurrendorod free ly. He reports that ono regimental poiDiiiHiidor nud lii Muff, three ar tillery officers mid ahoiit l.'U inliin try officer and moil had been brought into ono cnnip by II o'clock thin morning. Sewil German eouuter-nttnckH ngaiiiHl tin positioiiK jmt jvou hac been repuloeil by the llrilili, who are now consolidating their kiiiii-. The British Iroopw nre in high -piiii-over their nuceee. Over a I'our-.MJIo l-'iint LONDON, .lulv 14 The MritUh trow at dawn todav broke into Her man (MiMitionx on a four-mile front iu the region north of the Soiniae nnd captured oevernl xtrongly defended loealitie., iivk the offieiul iiii nouncenient of tin; war office. The l!riti..li at tuck wan delivered on the second ,lem of the Herman defcuc, MiyK the statement, which adiU that heavy fighting contiuucH. The official xtnleiiient reiulx: "Thiri morning at dawn wo uttaek l tho enemy'x ocond ywleni of de fuiiHea. Our troop . have broken into hotilo position on a front of four milea nml have raptured sev eral Ntrougly defended localities. Heavy fightiiif eoutinuen." Seroml Tliiiko of Attack The Mritixh advance reported in tmluy'n ol'licial diatch aioMtrontly coii-litiitcs the aeeond 4mc of the great Anglo-Frenuh offensive iu the iieighhorhnod of the Sojnme river, wliK'h began duly 1 over a front of tfoinething more than twentv mile. The firt phaae of thin offensive carriisl the Itrituh foraard to and gave them poeaioii of Contalmtti .on ami MontauUon, but the French (Continued on Page Four.) N SECOND DRIVE t MERCHANTMAN SUPER-SUBMAR INE DEUTSCHLAND THAT CR0SS1D ATLANTIC i-r . . . . - XSW Aln I . JSpnSw- . - ja4ljM ' ' ' s" - 'I III- i- ..I. I. I, I !.,.,. t I ' 1 . I . Iw . ,1 II ' HI II .1 I 1 . It . . 'll. Ii . . II In III II III. Ili I lull l M.'l. J In '. . " ' W i - hi SMASHING THE q Jfc CLEVELAND FOR PROGRAM ASKED BABY EPIDEMIC FAS! SPREADING TO NISW YOIUC, Juh It - marked Incroaio both In the numlier of now ciuoft and deatliH In tho Infantile pnrulyalB otildomlc during the laet St hours wne hIiowu toilay In tho rotiort of tho lioalth deimrtiiient. Dining the SI houra porloil muling at 10 a. m. today there were K.X new canoe, whllo 31 children illel from tho ilia eate In Ihe five borough or New York. Ilrooklrn had the greateat nunilmr of now oniMw in a single day alnee the oplilomlc began on June 36. There wore alxtoun doatha and 1X2 now caaea In that borough. DKNVKK, Colo., July II. Two caiaa of Infantile paralyiln have been reported to the atate health board It was roportod today. One cane la In Douver and the other In Nlwot, near by. TiUFI'AI.O. N. Y., July U. The drat diwth from iufuntlle tarlyU ooourrod hore today. Tho vletlm waa Violettn Wllnon, of llrooklyn. three years old, who came here a week ago. OTHER IIE5 LINE FOR A ST EEN THOUSAND E MOUNTAIN PEAK ItoMI'. .1 1 1 1 1 1 Tie- -iiiniiiit ni Cii-iclli II", iu tin' Ti'Litiii region, lui been blown ni In i In- Italian", the entire Ao-lrum I'mcc tbei-e licinir bulled iu the wiickii;e. the war of fice announced today. The announcement any: "Iu the region of the Adige valley our ailillery obtained hits on the en otnv's ImttnrifH on the alonea of BiaNoua and ulao on polnmna of tnioM and a transport on the mnrck. A counter-attack on the eneinv on Monte Jlaio wax beaten off. "On Cntnuie "la ten n heavv fight ing eontiuuee. In the Tofano region the enwnvV ponitliMi on Pnidelhrtto xninmil, ea.t of the Col ei lioiH Hak, coinmandcd the. road of the Dolomite. On the mi'lit of Julv 11 we exploded a powcilul mine which blew them mi enlinU iind gnve iin Hw)ea.iiin of them." R0DGERS TO INVESTIGATE SEIZURE OF HEARST RANCH WASHINGTON, Ji.K 1 L 8M-cial Agent Hodge iv at M weo City win. intrueted bv the -lair department IimIuv to invent igulc ii eomiilaiiit made bv Mrw. I'boiln- lleatvt that her ranch in Mexico l . I been conln euted bv the de tiu-io .'vefninent. N CAPTOR YARD GAIN! DE E I'AHIS, .lul I I. A wirel h-- rmtch Iroui Allien- toda ilecnbcn the deM ruction o the -ummcr nl are of King (onlaatiiie nnd the burning of the forest of Taloi, in which the Hilaee kIoihI. The king, xaya the diiateh, ccaM'd in an au tomobile from a dungeroiiM Hnilioii where he wun directing the foresterx lighting the lire, which had xtnrted in tho wood. The motor iu which the kill" nniiniAelied the biimiu- dixlrici hud been NUiTouiuled by fin men iuid he d urted on foot through the dan gerniu aone and reached an automo bile, getting awuy in safety. Mne pernonH were rnu'ht hy the flame and Mriheil, among them -eerul nnn offii'erw. The fojat, which wa the largest in Oreeee, vfUa entirely burned over, the total Io4m from (lame exceeding 10,000,000 friincM, It in nHKetml that the fire atari- ii lrm ihe carlene. of wander ing ignbomlM in HiMwiug eignrette -ImIih into drv' brn-bwooll. Tim "iiMlion of Queen Mother Oh.. i and Hie palace of the crown pi nice were ii Uo doxtroyetl. rm.j-.ii FIRE ROYS GRECIAN EST ND S linnnrniAninr lunnor rmionrp SUPREME COURT President Appoints Successor to Htiylics Is Federal JtnlQC of Northern Ohio Leader of Pro yrcssivc Element and Reform ' Moves, Associate of Tom Johnson. WASIIIKOTON, JH 1 1. .7. II. Clark. Cnited Stale-, dixlriot judge nt Olevelnud, O., wiia iioiniiinlnd by l'lWiWent Wilaon todnv na nil gaeo-r-ialO .jntiee of the mipreine eonrl to "iteeoed former .luxtice llngliea, tlio ii'piililienn nominee for tho iivi denev. Tho proxidont dioitNHd hin auleo lion nt todny'a cahinot meeliiig and eni the iioiiiiiiiitinu to the nenate im modialoly nftenvnrtN. l.lfeloiig Demotnit Judge Clai-he dm npiminted fed eral dintriet judge abiMtt two yenra ago by I'roHident Vilon. Ho ia a bachelor. In iiolitiea he haa been n lifelong democrat and ran niruinut .Murk lliiunu for the I'nitod Stutee xeiuito in llinil. A akvlch of hi life given out at tho White lloiwe today enys: "lie liMM boon eoiiiicuiiiig iu nro uieHnive inovpineiiU iu Ohio nud In the iiji on ul laige." Since becoming diatriet judge iu Clevgpil "be baa taken eapeeinl in teivati iu the naluraliaation and Amerieniiixatiou of foreign-born eiti xoiim. ImnI I'eognslte I'lgbtn Particular attention i directed in the While HoiiMe nketcli to the fact that despite Ida Kervlce aa general eouiio fur a railrmid hefoiv oing on the bench, Judge Clarke in bin camitoigu for the enate advocateil a -cenl militiad paxenirer rale law. In Cleveland, Judge Clarke for a long time waa aaeorialed in imlitic with the lute Mayor Tom .lohiimtu and Secretary of War Itaker. He haa been cleaned na a progreaelve demiH-rat and lui taken - 'ill iu ev eral reform movcim-nl-, IN SOUTH AMFHCn LIMA, Tent, .lulv 1 1. It wn fttnted here officiullv today that there wa no truth in the rMrt that rem awl Veueauela have eoneludtHl a secret ugreement witli the objeM of tnkiH" viihI tiactx of land, Ihe pim agHHian of which thev dUpute with (Vdombia and l''cuador. IteportM of aueb an agreement were received in Latin-AmericHn dii- lomulie nuartera iu Wahiuou early thiM week, giving riae to fear for the paee of the four ualiima. BY PRESIDENT Lower Crar.ch of Congress to Mark Time Until Senate Catches Up Adjournment by Atiflttst 10 Prob able Wilson Pleads for Child La lior Bill ami Compensation Act. WASHINGTON, July H. Doino erntlc Loader Kltchon ropoitod to I'roHliIont WIIpoii today that with tho fmuiiKO of tho corrupt practiced bill, tho hoiiRo will hnvn complotcd tho entire loglslntlve progmat supRcstcd to congrofw by the proBldout. Ho nRkod If any nddltlonnl legislation waa dohlrcd and Mr. Wllnon .replied Hint ho waa witlnflod with the work ilono by the Iioiiho and had uo further recoiiiuioiulntloiiH. Mr. Kltchnn wild tho house would mark tlmo by adjourning from dny to day until tho numitu cntolio up with Its work.. Ho oMImated that rongroeti would bo ublo to udjouru by AitgUBt 10. Program Complctiil Tho logbilatlve program aiiRKestod to congroM whioh him boon complet ed by tho Iioiiho Included tho rhlllp Iilun nnd l'orto ltluun IiIIIh, preparc.d uoee luglilatlou, tho revenue, MIhsIhr Ippl flood control, nlilppliiR, rural cretllta, nud coimorvatlon blllH. IWhllo Itoproentatlv Kltchon wad at tho White, Hoiiho Senator Gallln gor, the mlutorliy leader," wna nn noiiuelug on tho floor that republi cans of that body novor contemplat ed i flllbiiiler agnluftt govornment hipping, roveuuo, or any other lobu lation pending, nnd that thoy would ei)'0ierute with tho ilomocnUx to com pletu the program and iiiljourn. "The legislative program In not In our lunula," aald Senator anlltngor, "but whatever the majority conclude to lay before us they will find tho minority randy with good nftturod eo-oneratlon. Tho minority Is In favor of the eblld labor, workmen's oni peusNtlon and Imuilgrutloit bille, nnd hope thoy may bo passed." I'lcslilont I'IcjmN "Willi you support the coimtltu tloiial HinuuduielU for woman suf frage," naked Senator Thoinna. "The senator from Now Hamp shire will," replied Srihotor Qitlllu ger, "but I cannot apeak with nii tborlty for my nssoolatos rugardlng that measure." President Wilson decided today lo write a letter to Majority l.onilur Kern of the senate, urging that special efforts be made to soeiiro the passage of the MeQIIIeiuldy com penaatlou bill for govornmunt urn ploes Injured tn the federal service and the iiendlna child labor bill. Itolh uieasuren already have passed the houee. HUGE METEOR FALLS lit IT SI'RINOS. Aik.. Julv M. A meteor, the uubuned tutrt of which n large mh h five-mniu house, fell let night on the farm of J, W. tikipee, twentv uolc west of Hut Hpringo. Fanuem or tlie vicinity to dgy were a! raid to upproaeh tho uiu teor been ii e ul km and ainuko utill urioinu from it. A party of lo cal ciciitiN mid newspaper uinii left llol Spruu;- to view tho meteor. SINN FEINERS WRECK CORK, Inland, Julv II. Chag rined by the ouii-nrmul of priotierii who teeeutlv were released, lifter un r nriif inipritiiMimelit aiuee lfH Diiliiin i, 'i. Hinii, arid; "m v' S r i. a In ie ii.il i . i i ii,.ii I,, i sinjj Feiin-r-. wrecked. Ihe recmituiu' orrtee, lu-.-.ed ihe mil it a n pukit-. aud ali repiibln .in -niig--. 0 r&