PAGE TWO MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INOUI'JIKDH.MT MBU'fP, FL rumjameu evwt AUTRdXOON T avKVAj irr the M Wni) I'HINTINQ CO. Office Mult Tribune Biilldlnc, 3S-27-S9 North Fir alreet; leteimana ft. The theocratic Timee, the Medfnrd Mall. The Medford Tribune. The South ern frw9filan, The Aehland Tribune. OSOnOK t'UTNAM. Editor. aunsonrPTiow batesi 8ae year, by tea Is f mi smuth, b mall . . .. ....... .M Per weoQt. svitvered by carrier In leoQt. tVlfvrrea by carrier In Iftird PKnls. Jaeaeotivtll jeeerani iTjonli it ad antral Point 19 Pt tarda r only, by mall, per ymr.. WeaKly, tr rr 1MI J.M (ttktiaX Pipr of lha dly of Madtortl. OnWal Paper or Jachaoaj- County. jBtfarad aa accnnsl-rlaae metier at lHtfaN- Oregee. under lha act of Marsh iftreru Circulation far ll Ml. Full vaad wire Associate I'r 1ls paletots. EM -TEES t'tiele Belli threw anlile the letter li waa rundlua; anil uttered an rxcla ineUuw of luipallence. ''Doggone!" he erlod. 'Why rant jioeple win explicit " "What's the waiter, pa?" Haked AMm Sue. "Tbla Iciler frew bumo,"' Uncle fam answered, "gejra father fell out nf the dirt HJI tree ""d brnhe a limb." 4 Oil! Von Wfitnltu fill Clillil "Doaglae AtcArthur wna (Mini wlillo lil parenta Worn away." Alllwuukeo Journal. A regiment nf solillers wore t ramp anil n youttpr Srottliih recruit wna ftuL mi gentry dNtr ohUIiIo Hid Hoiiontl's Lent. In the morning tlin general aniee, I -had out of hi tent and said to the vummk hmu In n stern and loud veke: "Who nri3'guTH Thu yeung man tamed roiinil smartly and said: "I'liie. Who yone.!'?" A dandy young fellow naMied llld, Jlceame h prettd father, be did. II u etajrs up ell night And thing It all right, llMMMtw it to "til for ih kid." K.VCMSII III. Mdlt. an. Paraa.- Now, young men, why grant yu l tk fruut. irows mm (milking cowl 'foa tkr ftla't nay wllk hi lliyt Hd. M A eartaJu outlaw prttfeaaor, whh writM Uotm UrMley kHMd, tttlla tkla atory at hto own uttaMaa. IU Jm4 wrKUn h marilnal eaminN( oh ohw trf Um tudMl' IhoniM, and ahurlly aftarward lk atadattt eumc to him a4 Mid: 'Ir")f. C . 1 wm unable to r4 wkat you wrote oh my iiaiwr ud any part! tl eHld not de t'lakar U. I tkM nallad ou my uncle, a Uwytr, aud ka ftaally maoagad la raad It lor ma." Tkta la what the profaaaar had wrlUaa: "Vaur paamaaablp la aeairaly laftbla." iiamcKX siu'iijitit cot mil lHddte, diddla dumplUig, ut mom Joha lilt lha ha wlihhla aiocklaca aa; Oaa ahoe off, Oaa ahoa oa, I IhUik aa waa ' Ulldod.-' m aua J aha. SU MIT AITKH THAT. AJI lib foala ara not daad t." aatd tha aaruaatic waa "Wkat'a lha utattar alth ot7" aakid tha alaipta oua, "arau't ou (aaUajt wall?" ltr.COM MEND HENNP.TT AS HUGHES' SUCCESSOR WASHINGTON. JhU lU.-Kemi-torn I'huudM'iluui and Lane of Or you will at the eaHiaal opMrtuml recottinieiid to the nridcat the op JjmittMuuit of A. S. thfiWfU at The jpaliaa, Of.. fr ii. auiiramu Uaueh Iu mmmi lorie. K llugtw. The atwatara baiUu no urn- yet kit been VUk'd maul lor ike vgeuue). ud iky adl urge llrum-tt a a eamldt jria wktwaiitaiialiuful wwuUI eom pliiarnt lla- I'aeifit' eeal a ad its duie. UUQig MOJ1P1CATIQN TO BE MADE JULY 31 NKW VOHK. JuU I" The ..!h- i I l liidlllrutiiili eele.uoilli - "I the ii i.iiialiun ul I' K. Iliilii'x mil U' hi Id hi Nt w ti k Jin v II. .it .1 ji. in ul t .iriM'u hall. i uuo ,iii UOlini I'd IimIiu Vb tJi Ate Cyivrai Ifa'W l (i&ailb wtj taiv lPft VSjjijI NO CAUSE EVinKNOK thus I'm- published indiwtcs tlinl tin- Imt lle uf CnrrlKfll was largely the fault of the (lend Aiiiei ir'aii leader, Captain ljoyd. rJ'he statements tf Jeon Spillwhury, the .Mormon guide, Captain Mo rev indicate that the conflict wn deliberately nought by the American commander, and due to his lack of tact and arrogance and desire to provoke a war. The official Mexican vcmon state that Captain Hovd was warned by General Gomez not to advance through the city of Carrizal, and urged quest sent by (Joiuez to his superiors, to permit the ad vance requested, but that Capt.'ihi Moyd declared he would advance anyway, farmed his troops and began the attack. Captain Morey, in his official report, states that Cap tain lioyd was "under the imprusaion that the Mexicans would nm as soon as we fired," and that the Americans "formed for attack" and advanced ujm)H the '.Mexicans, and that thereupon the Mexican troops opened fire. ruder these circumstances, the ('arrival episode does not constitute a just cause of war. With the co-operation of the CujTmizu troojie, there is no reason why the Ameri can troops should remain in Mexico. Their mission is ended and they are only a source of friction with a neigh bor nation. Many officers of the regular army are keen far war, and opjfbrtunity should be denied them of plunging by hash and ill-considered action the two nations into a ost I v .struggle. KENT 10 SUPPORT WAHIIINUTON. July 13. -Thera la una mombor of eongraaa who kaa fnlrly OHi-Hod tlio title of an Imlo pnndoHt. William Konl of tha flrat CHllfornU illatrlct liaa Itaan tluo tdftt'twl without iwrty IIkuhIIou. Ilnek of llml, In lila flrat term, lis wna nn InaurMont Itopulilli'nn. Thin yonr, William Kent, tlio only linluimmlont mnmlior of voucroaa, la for Woodrow Wllaou for proaldnnt. IU Iiiih Iiodii eloao to tlio iulio of iiHllounl nf fairs for flvu yoorM In WnahluKtoii, mill lio lian lnhnn nolo of whnt tlio Wlliou ailmlnlHtrNtlon Ima iKteonipllnlitHl In three yenra of (IihX tlmo. "Tlio iirnaout ntliiilnlntratloii Ima HoeomHlIftlieri h Krnut doul for bettor flveriimmit anil trottroaalvo govern ment," aaya Mr. Kent. "Tlie iieopla MHMorally aro not oiilnloil with much of tha awnl lealalatlou that liua bnuti iHtMHHl and 1 flad thw utlmlii latratlnn Itaalf la rather backward In letting thaalery. It la aot well adver IhHul. "I leak for still Rreater proaraaa In tha aaat fear yeara, If thla admlnla-1 IratWH ja returned to iMtwer. I have ' taaay raaaaaa far aupportlHg It, and thaae reaaoua are found la Ita reaord. I would Hot aupport It, uuleea It were ! pragraaalva, but mind you, I hnve uavar Imnni a member of tba I'ro iraaalva party. "Far Mr. llughea ieroMally I nav,( the hiahaat reaard. but I believe the buurli of men around him will ataad ftittililnK evir minute" AI PAGE THEATRE I'retlt la the wind ue will l apt to aa Orel In bpeaklttK of ihU ttffartug. a five-reel Kev iiMin Itn flrat preaentallon at the I'age yesterday. Many uf lla backgrounds and et acene. and aaperlall) the change that ouo will aallre la II from mldau miner to saewy w later over the same hill sides aad foreat trees, are moat at tractive. There era maay lla things la tha way of well-acted moments iu It the beet 9t them being tba plead ing af a mother for the lava of a son. whom she thought had drowned Iu babyhood. Tha work of Vlvlaa Martin as Tbelma. adds much to the enjoy manl tha picture gives. Miss Martin haa pleuty of chances aud has taken advaulage of lhani all. In appear ance, she la attractive aud sh plays spontaneously aud with color In har acting Mr. Milliard, who appears op poalte her, Is eatelleat. The pboiopno s wonderful aud tha backgrounds are worthy of II. An Kaglish arUtuarat. vlatting Norway, falls Iu lova with Thaliua. tha daughter of a vikiag-Uka Norse landowner, and this first part la an id) lite ior . He marries her and takes bar to liiigland. Sodaty a amen. k-. ..- i.- -. - .il vw- " " wwn iiiiiiwini , with the young man. are disappointed because Tbelma Is uot only beeutl- 0..I l.l.i kl. ..Mti.. .S.K.B.BAMM ua... Im m9' " WW ywj MWIIIfll BHU l popular. There is a very meloaramlo oeasplrary to break her heart b making her auaiant her nushaud It works and she ruus aaa, bark to her Nrfrway home. Iter husband fol lows aad the happy ending unlie Hie two In the old Norm homeniead It la a big, expeeslke pli-tare In which there are mau aood iualliie It Is aa pretty tad full oi si-c that ' paeale who see It HI surei like ii, and me sior i loicieoiiuoiiiiu'ii tu Iiol'l W LSON N ELECTION MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, FOR WAR nf the captured troopers, of to await reply to a special re ' 'FINAL ARGUMENTS IN ORPET TRIAL WACKIiUAX, HI., JmK 13.- The final in Ike long-drawn-out 'trial of Will II. Urjn't. forwvr uni vorKity Mtuiliiil, cUariteil with Die murder uf Marion I.mhiIh'11 iu llulm' wihhU Ih1 Keltrwary, begaH to ma terialise toila.v willi Hut aftMurance 'that in H rtroJmuilil.v I lie oiul of the cay would lie renclit'd jy SatHidii.v nigut. Al leant it wa Indieved that the jury wotiM Ijitiih iU ileHln'ratioim hy thiil time. Haliih I''. Poller of eotiiieel for Orpet, wa to r include lii addreee to the jury Mime time iluiiiut the foie tDNin. That would leave I wo more iieaker only to he heard from InnieN II. Wilki'mnn, rliioF rouii'l f"r the det'eiiMe. and David It. .I'!n, iHH'ial iroeeulftr Meietina the Mute It wa e.xKeled that Mr. Wilkei-on would begin oiteakitia mie time tin-. nlteiiHion and that he ohM IiiiiIi liv immoi tiinmirtiw. Mr. .IimI.mi m then i toke In olii'id in rrunt of the jur Imi, )im.iiiitt Ntiiue time Sat urdux. Y AI SEAR THEATRE In lli mime rule ! "I'ir l.llUe l'eiiinu," .M m i I'li'kliHil i- Meii to nihtuituge. I'or Hie picture coittuiiix xtroug iuteie-.t all the way, with au ahundunie uf iielion uiul relevant in cident. The lorj-. whiefc wa written by Kale Jnrilun, give lo Mi. I'l.kl'ord the kind uf rule in which he ui'! I omul her greatest huiivw -that uf a wail'. A I lie girl reared bv Hal i.ui MuHnM fidluwing her abiluetioii Hum her American innnt: on hit lumid el tired in her fo-ter-lindheTV ilulhc-.; m America Ituft'elcd b fate m the luiK- of counterfeiter, aud in Ih iiiliiin. when reclined to her iarvnl . .lie i m-co 'tartwd n a vmiiig w i.inan of wealth, ili 1'ickford i Hi her beat. It i mi ell-uri.uud char ai'lcruation, uim that will be enjoyed U the idayrr admirer. Sidnex (Mcott, the producer, (no, k it lu liel-in hi xtagini; and gen eral ilircetiua, but notably in hi ft leelnui of lie-. The ial remark iillie- whether we are wfieakiug uf the llaliaiiK ir the Xew Yorker -and rNMialh of hi delectie, ledh -Im'ikii. ami ftiilMirdinute. The cen ot the Ht.rkmu if the thud ilegrre, when the arretted -4UUitei feler cull- le In thetr ubduetiou id' tbe child rifleii eur. Wroi. their cimfruntu tmii li the father mid mtdher uf IVii ping it ml tin- n-uuiuu uf the fnuiiU. all hee int'klrnU pmvide a mim- of ituatiun of nal drama ti (Miwer. Jm-k I'lckford a- lleM, the Mtn of the lotci.Hirci)U uf iVmiui.i. i a faclui iu the iiiMii1 of bi iler. Kugeue H'llrieu im the allHiu di- llrt..ft iill..iw... u I... I.tfw I Ik ." ', , V '" "T ""'""."" ..i-hm.... - J- (rlrtou i. a ounvuieiuit duet ul ullee. (hi the llaiiau -ulc nl the lr uiuikcd olmuiherc i- hmhiiIi uled by Auloiim Maiun. (ac-uri ,. , .. . , , . - J.,.,J V" I II i !.. , ,. i mi, mi-. Jiairu ami Kiiiin ci a (iiierrn I "I'lMM l.iltl. I'l lHll.l" U ll, il lni'iili I hn. ,,i . llllWtl lit ill heginann. ' ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes indOeitioil. OnepaeUitBO bhjvaU, aK-i'tit ill druists. MKDFORD, OKKCIOX, CHORAL SOCIETY E A t'nder pratonoe of rahoarsal the Medford Choral Society Inveigled Oaarga Aadrawa, Musical Dlracler of the noolutr Inte attending a aoolal evening at the I'renbytorlan church Tueatlny ovonlug, and presented lilm with a beautiful ebony baton mount ed In gold and Inscribed. The pre sentation waa made in a few fitting and facetious romarka, by tho I'real- dent of the aoeloty. S. V. lleekwlth. it la recogniiiod with imtlefactlou by all metiHiera of the chortle that tha work of the iniuleal director la one of pure "fovo and pleaaitre, ar doua aa much of it may be, and tha words spoken by the president and the preaentatlou Itaelf werr a apon taiieoua exproaalon of esteem and ro gard In which the ill roe tor and hi work are alike held. Some new miialc from Wagner' Uihengrlu wiik given a flrat ranilliig and aeveral othor new chorines wero alao aung. II wue aicrcml on motion that tho choriia ahoiild adjourn until the flrat Tuesday In September. It Is proposed to give not lean than two concerts during the winter montha. The progreae made by tho mout hers Individually and by the chorus an a whole, la vary marked. ChorHeea which at flrat would have uectipled a whole ovanlnK, are now raad after nun or two attempts, with a fair degree of easo and accuracy, so that the society hi now In a position to do better work than ever, and to give artistic rendering in the moat diffi cult aud exacting music. rrkere la llkoly to bo a largo In crease In niemhorshlp before tho opening of the winter season, and all who wlah to Join tha chorun should mako written application to the ecretary, aueh applications to bo paused upon hy the musical director and a committee. Following the re hearsal, tho chorus adjourned to the hcIiooI room of the church for ro freidimentH and eut a pleasant evening ORDlNAWrTOF ELDERS At the morning ciht next Sun day, II. ('. Ilubhurd will be ordained and installed a elder. ('. . Mc- Dunald will be installed a trustee. The elder. f (he church torui the rcprcMmlHtiy -pritUul eoiirt of the local church. The next court in or der are the I'ibyiery. which in cludee weverul coUHtie. the ynod, the ntnte and gWH'ral umhly, which embrace the I'niled State. In lt I'etcr, ,"dh eJwpler, mi-c 1, I'eter writing lo the earlv church ax: "The cldeTa. which arc iiiiiiiui! you I ehrt. who am u)o nn elder." I'aul ordnined elwer in ecrv city when he organisad a church. The coiiKtitulion uf tbe I'nited Stale- ik frumed after I he iiiotb'l of the l'rcbMeriau church of ii.-ot-land. Tbe oult guvialer who igncd the decleiution uf iiidrH!lidciicc w a I'n'Hbytcrmii ininialer, the Ur. John 1thei-HMin, I). I.. o Prince ton, N. J. In lndecndcinc bull lie xwepl the Hawriim column- mio line in Ihe-e wortl-: "Clenlleiucn, to hii- latc al lhi motueat ie lo consent t -lax cry. Thai noble iiiMruiueut uihui the table hIiouM be ubirild to tin very moment by wy Hu in tin ruum. lie who will nut reMuid ! it xelltimenl- him! atrain eer nene to curry into etfet it ri-ioii- i- uot worthv ol the nniue of a tree man. and nliliousih Iheee um ban mivt MHn de-cend into the -epul-eher I would iafinitelv rather lla' dcx'cml there bv the bund "I the executioner than dcerl at tin crii the mii r-U ppUc of m coiiii U." The other tddrr- rc Mc i (lorc, Wunicr, Wortuian. CiHiley .iml Jnia. Tbe imblie i lordmlU ui Mlcd. A. A. J. IKMKI. Mini-tii. TOWNE'S MESSAGE ASKS FOR DETAILS Nw York, .luly U. Med ford Coiumerelal Club. Medford, Ore. Please accept my thanks for cour tesy of your lelefraiu of eleventh Congratulations upea results of elec tlou Will appreciate your advtalag when loud sale completed, and time for starting construction determined HOBT H TOW.NK Why Smoke lilt t igM When La Hondas are only 10c JOgLN A. PERI, ITNDERTAKJ Uidy .W-Utant a s. itAitTi.irrr I'luuie M. I7si lid I7-I-& Autoitioi ile ll-iii.-e SfMiif E NTS DIRECTOR ANDREWS AN TlirilSIUY, JULY 13, I01fi L T DANGER OF BABY EPIDEMIC IN ROGUE VALLEY Thoro Is but very alight danger of an epidemic of infantlla paralysis, such as Is sweeping the Bast ever gaining a foothold here in the weal. according to Dr. V. Q. Thayer, ally htmlth officer. The disease ta trans mitted by contagion and Ilka all maladies of that character seams to reach lla most virulent form in the crowded living conditions and ex treme climatic conditions which praJl vail In the Kant. Milder climate, bet ter air and less crowding of people together, render even coHtagtoua dis uses like smallpox much milder hare. Jlut few cases of tho disease have over been reported In the northwest. About five years ago there waa a mild epidemic In Portland and at tha same time, a rnae was reported to Dr. Thayer near I'hoonlx. In tho event of any such contagion, anld Dr. Thayer, his flrat step would be a strict quarantine of all cases, thorough sanitary Inspection, and In general, a following- of tbe same measures that are being taken in the cast. i "Whllo I do not think there hi (he slightest danger of any epidemic of Infantile paralvsis breaking nut here, and while our living conditions would render the disease leas virulent, still I would consider even a single case vory serious and would lake all measures to prevent any spread." said Dr. Thayer this morning. Infantile paralysis finds Ita great- eat hold among children tinder five years of age, as the follow Ins record of 5flf! cases will shew: First year, 20 per rent: Second year, 3S por cent; Third year, 22 per cent; fourth ami fifth years, 15 per cent; after fifth year, K per cent. Speaking of symptoms, effects and characteristics of tho disease, Dr Thayor said: "Hoy are more freo,upntl affected than girls. Ilorldttary lnflucncr noHiit to have no effect. Mont of the eases occur in the summer, Slnkh i ono authority, eaylug that o per cent of tho cases come In the f i warm mouths. "The symptoms sometime at.uc r with the patient railing -niiHrnl with vomiting and puIiih In tin- Uk and a temperature of tol to 1" i'i greea. Or commonly the patient f -slightly Indisposed In the cnin, goee to bed and In the MO'nlTiH awakens with a slight par.v i- o t t affected parte." "The disease." coin ludi d I'r Thayer, "la dreaded, not on' fi.r Hit death that it causes, Imt u.r M ! form I ties that follow in it- v,n for the story appearing in thr , t i concerning the dlsocr of a c ' ture for Its cure. i i - I credit It when it ai'i' , i ed In the mdhul Joum l ' L BILLfBEFORE IE WASHINUTON. .mix I . I ul ui)roirialioii lull u.i- t.ik.i hx I he -cnatc IimIiu In In 1m .r I,. ' it until a linitl i i i l.i ii 1 . me.i-iire u reairtid li lli . i cuuiiiutlee fciihi-litulc- tulit i.iuLi' -liit- the cuniiug c.ii lor the limi-i-'-fixc and xpeciliei" i'oiiilcliou "I thci uax general hoard'- tix.-eur huihl uut i nog ruin within three veur. 7V k asaw Cstarrli la thl slaa af the lasjalry taa til aUaw iw pa lMUvr. aaS til It awl lest Iff Mimr4 I" b lMartji. far a ftfal awas tn ft-mtturrd It SH-sl Jl aurf r. airllxd kl ai Inn, aad ay nMailj uilimc i iwv alih kal uuaral. iitjo-iuw .J It iLcvratik Nlrtv ha ! OMarre Iu h rm-tliil mr. sua thtWor noalrn ruMtliuiluual ir.-nioMoi. Halltt I'llarrh Carr aiNMiunl hi r J. l'hnv-7 tSfm, Tl4i Ohl" I tk aulr -n.llra tlnal raja a thr BMrtrt It hi U-u liii.rnilly la Vni treat IS Srupa I" aia,Ml ll fi airartlr na la kfc-wt n,l aiaraiw uif.' ! lha aastaat ey 0r tw wtrv.t t..Mr, f r ay rMa II tau l rut ai4 f"t lr-Ui. j4 itlOMiaUU AdrM ' J. fllKVrv 1 id. Tl-l. ubl. aM ks Itracaai r- Tk UU' IsssiUr I'i Ii fur rBtlliua. lNTKItUIUIAN AtnoaMt CO. TI.MK OAUI). Leave Medford tar Aabland, TMent snd 1'hoenlx dally, except Sunday, at i 8:00 a. iu., 1:00,2:00, 4:00 and k:is! p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:1k p. J oi, Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:10 a. di. and 1:00. 2:00. S:30 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford ' dally, cxBOpt Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and a:la p. m. Also on Saturday nights at " SO and 2:20. Sundays leave Aahland at 9:00 a, m. and 1:00, 4:30. 0:30 and 10.30 ' p. m. T-A-X-I PHONE 300 First halt mile from stand. I pas- aengar lie, two passengers Sic Wllhtu city limits, outside hair mile toe. 1 or 2 passengers, .$ i paaaengere, 40c. 4 passengers. 50r Caunlry rates. 15c mile. Special rates atone paved highway. VAN It. I'lltltSOV, IMIOI'. Stand at llroun's. E LENTH OF GRADE II. J. Hildcbiim of Koeeburu 1 - beau awarded Ihf contract r envbing WHK) yareV uf atone i the xtate lo be need In macadmi -icinp: an eight -foot atrip of rood .ul jdiuo ' avemt, orw the Si- ktyoii mount n in aeetioa af the i'a- cifie highway Tl,- -- l.:k.v ...mmUidmi linn , ,.r -....: .....".... -.-. i decided to xnend tlitu yenra appro- prmtiou in mncndamizing thn eight-, tout -trip the entire length of the mud. leading the extension of the paved .iriu fur another year. This wdl enable continuous use of the hiidiwnv during the winter weapon hc idci H'rmitting the grade to ecttle more before mcmctit in laid. It i- now up to Contrnctor Seman to tnrt rrcnll proceeding ntniii-t the governor nnd hlghwnv rtunmi---ion for not u warding biin the eon Iruet. LL EOE PARIS. .Inly 1.1. -The city and the province of Madrid were today de clared by the government in a state of alege on account of the strike of railroad employes, according to a llavas dispaleti frum the Spanish capital. ar MACADAMIZE ENTIR OVER SISKIYOUS Vi I H vj?sv 4y TfaSaT: I py Gas-not I k a mixture m KSSjifl J)ei!ers e-sry. g BsiKJWJ Seivice'atiom Ifi) ' WKffifi&a Standard Oil lT; ' lf!SS Company mjvZ$Gv 2.- 'iff ' MhjK.4j wr V A Little Car for Sale One-Cylinder Reo, in A-l condition. Just overhauled; worn parts renewed. A snap il taken this week. See A. E. POWELL Pressman Mail Tribune m MasowaaigHg-r: ggggsftg ag'5rTnTrTa M A TWO-SIDED AJTAIR The (dtr-iuiniltJ b.iiik am. s nuiiuu-t- in it, Jidhusa rt-ioniiliiou of tin' puiui ! tuit a ' i i, ii , nut nn a a two sulij d'fur imt- m .v. h t . min lis, ,ti ilut - t . .I.i tun i 'i , i iat i i ill i o .or ii i r.- ' I .. , , . t fi Ii '.11 - .1 -- 1 1 dcin a !rieuill. inttit-t luall an.l u, jrt OVER ?Z Vt-ARS UNDER ONf MANAGEMENf What is Home Without an Heir! This Is a subject that ha a place In nil minds In nil times. And it naturally di rects tuougbt as to lira comfort of the mother duHng that wonderful period of expectancy. Mothers who know rec ommend "Moth e r ' a Fricml." It Is an ex ternal remedy for thn trctchinc muscles, en oI.Um tliem to exp.intt rtii'out undue strain, asMs the orgnai to cr 1 ntaliwt nerve, to tmll at HcnmcDts to thus nvtxu pain. llius K4ful dis arc assured, peaceful nllU arc t'.xn -i 1. morning Ickni-w, lifd.iclic, ..pnlnri'lon ami oilier dl trrwes art . 1 1" R tlie Trlous tiling which i worocv cTcnhcro relate Hey entirely c i osped by using "Mother's Friend. And by upon the miweies ll lorm is re- talaert and they return to uicir namrai. eavoeth contour after unov is mrn. rtrt n ll nf this InvalusMe aid to cxnrc Jsnt iwithrM. Any drtundst xrlll siiptdy you. It b iMrmleix Imt womlerfiill) effective. W Write to llnidneld Iteeiilstor Co.. 413 Ijt isat DWa., Atlanta, Oa., for n speiHnlly writ ten pittite lxik fnr women Interetled In tin rabtret of maternity. It mIII nrtixe nn fiupl. I raiuie. u remains lmormawon inat crcry nvnin vwuiu aiivvt uu iiau, ih wuf. l tiH Alnr ikrl Lt,LrXACi, fw ' Children LiRe Ice Cream Win not give It to them? It huH been proxen t.v experts that Valval Ice Cream gives the greatest energy; and build the finest tissues with tho least waste. It It has mure food vatuu and will build more strength than most of the food we are now outing. Could you glvo the chlldron any thing better? It'x a pure, wholesome, Itaaiio build. ! In,.' food. the Kiddles have plenty of it. I i't It net as their desert during tin hot summer mouths. THE DAIRY J'Iioiio IHI ; WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Hertford " Tlio Only flxdusivo Commercial Photojrnphora iu Southern Oregon Negatives Made any limo or place by appointment. riionc 147-.T We'll do the rost T.. D. WESTON. Prop. TtyiTiTOTiTrTTnnrrriiiaaT $50 casi M M-sCaBfigsawHatt l -- j gy- ----- TSjSj Vtst2i!'- 5M. ESg&'"a3l' tMW&f- vvri'-"1 'LbbbbbIsbbbbI 'Mb&JsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI aHT --jHbbbbbbbHssbbsbbV ml M