Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ivromroiro matt. rrnir,rE, w,dfotxD, oru:nox, Tuesday, -tuly h, mm
WASHINGTON, I). C, July 11.-A
now motlioil of preparing nnli-husr
cholera aormii, wliieh porinits (lio
economical production of u olonr
dcrilrzod prodrtot, linn .pint boon de
scribed !n the Journal of-Agrleulturnl
Iteaunruli of tlio United States de
partment of agriculture. The tidvun
tngo claimed for the new method is
that it mnko po-iblo the production
of an nnli-llog eholuru oruin wliieh
ean be quickly sterilized by boat to
a point that w ill absolutely kill any
germs of foot-nnd-moutli diMoilwe
and fo yiuld a serum that i absolute
ly mife, ovuu if taken from u box
which might harbor foot-iind-mnulh
di-cnuo and yet give no indication of
being infected.
Extract or Deans IV'd.
Tbt) method, ns described by ita
dineovoiers, Dr. Minion l)orot and
It. K. Henley of the biochemic divix
ion, bureau of animal industry, eon
nipts in adding a alight niiiotint of an
Vlrnel from ordinary while navy
hcung to the ibifjbriualcd hog chol
era immune blood which ha been the
form of (lit1 xomm lined iu the pul.
The addition of Hum hcitn extract
cuuon the red cell- of the blood to
iiggltitiiiuto and when the mixture i
whirled on a centrifuge tbt icd cell
pack together mid fonn n rather ntiff
jelly-like nut mm. It in then pniblo
to pour off h iilcnr aerum, leaving
behind I lie red coll which day 'no
patt in preventing hoy cholera and
which in fitct aimply tend to dilute
the -eiuin.mid render it alerilisntion
by heat improctitiMhlo'.
To increase llio yield of elepr nor
iim the discoverer added a Huiill
iimouul of ordinary milt and found
that they obtained from 70 to 71 per
.cent of oluar nritni. The clear mmiiiu
lliiis olittiincd, it wan found, could be
healed for thirty iiiiniilcM at a tcm
jienituro of 00 decree centigrade
wijltont chaugiii;- its contfiHtcucv or
leacciiiiig til ilny way it elTectivo
ucmh iu preventing hg choleru. The
lioiiting to thin point for lift- lime i
more than Sufficient to kill any
gornw of foot-ilud-moutb di-eno
which might accidentally bo pie-cut.
J'rnoticnl leit.-'wtili ihW lmw that
probably all'oTTlic numindie ueful
iu (!ombatiiir hog cholera were re
tained in the serum and the ted cells
extracted contained o few, if any,
of those valuable bodies n to make
the, residue of red coll Uaclc iu
preventing the di-cnuo.
Clear Scrum LVcd.
I'uder the new method it is vo
eihlu to -cento its hiyh hi 71 per cent
of clear oruin, which im actual text
has proved to ! fully potent. Thia
clear serum, moreover, can be com
pletely Morilisod in thirty minute,
wliuroHt. the old -ormii had to be
heated steadily for twelve hour..
Tlio new form of nenim, a far a
the department knows, U not yut be
ing niiul or put on hhIo by the com
iNorclHl soiHiu laboratorie. A I hi
procutjM wn discovered by the fed
cm! gowrnmciit, anv one in the
I'nitcd .States i tree to u-o it.
NFAV YORK, Julv U. -('
IttHtt'lt'H plans tor hi-- proposed
ujivmUhi lwe been pvrti-eted to the
extent' that oftM-ei-. have been ac
cepted tuni the localities from which
Ikcir whuuiuhU ai to be recruited
1'ftjsaV wteUr Colorado, Wyoming.
Flak utd Xevatia at least imp cavalry
regiriMib ! hv awootoil. It would
-eceite H tHvlitMinuiv tiuiniiiii
citbr at Purl IJungi, I'lab, or Fort
1). A. "It. RMHtU, Wyowiuu, Uctoiv
joiuiuf Uh nmi tf tli rfivimoii at
FoH Kilt, Oklahoma.
Ilovk ( haatibu, foruter lricctoii
and ult-Anitriciiij footbaH player,
wbu nerved villi HM-velt' Kouub
Itidtv ttr Utc t'ltbaii i-ainHiim and is
miw atnerl BiAuaucr of the I'tah
t'tHiMilirfated MiiniiK couiuinv at
SH lake I'Uy. ha tawn -elwted hy
. CwitftKH fcaoMMwH to raise tht rsji
iMWl wud an officer dctuilcd from
te regular amy lor K-rvu-e with it
TrovM Uave hen provisiouullv ue
e)tet fMm ail the state naaicd ami
plans preptned tor their mpid cou
eentratioti and tnumiiy in u-e of
' UlNlKJX. Jwiy if- -Uoyd' -hip-fiaf
t.y aaaouaces thai the Ilrit
ih ateaiper Kara has been abandon
ed by hur ir .ilut lrkuiK . nunc.
TAKIS, July 11. -The French con
tinue to report xntisfaetory protjre-
iu thuir grent offoiifive iu I'icaidx.
Mondny' operations HKiiiu were coii
fined to the soutlint eehelon, which
Im uoiisolidated and extended its
hold upon the northern plateau op
posite I'oronna.
The outHtundinu French shitiwj. of
the iluy wan the capture of all the,
German ponitioim on Hill 07, the
hihet point of the platonu. The
first French nih on Sunday carried
them to the wetom alopen of thw
hill, on which they imide ynnd their
footiuic; but the troop wailing there
iad been atoppud until adeiiiate
preparation perjnitlcd an uttack on
the fa i in buildiiiftfi, at the summit of
which the (icrmunn had converted a
miinll foitroHs. They are now iu full
possesion of this hciKbl, from
which they look into Pennine, l."0
feet below.
The result, Ihcv claim, from the
whole day fluliliiifj is coiaumud of
the left bank of the Hnmmc from casl
of Feiiielliiroa to u point oppoNilc
Flacoiiil, tilt' (lormaiiM holiliuir only
u few position on the edxo of (he
This dot not mean, French mili
tary ciitic ndiait, that I'oronno can
be captured oul of hand. The Ger
man, according to the Htatementa
of priaoimr4, have eonatnicled fona
idalilc defenws oulwide the city, but
the French believe that tho-m arc not
likely to delav the capture long; when
General Focb deein the (line ia rip
lo mnke it.
French arlillerv iilreadv-i,i bejin
iiiiix lo (lniiw a ling of fire aroimd
the city.
HAI-TIMOUi:, Mil., .Inly 11.
There will lie no objection on the
purl of Captain Paul Kocntg, com
UMiudur of tlio Gorman nubmurlue
noutstlilnnd to tin limpectlou of tbU
era a by officer of the Unlti.d Statu
nnvy. Till wa auuoiiuced by Cap
tain Koonlg today after thv arrival
from WnshliiKton of Captatn O. F.
Ihmliim nml two of the nuvy'a tnib
iiinrlno oxport anelKiied to aid tlio
collector of tlio port In dotormluliiK
tlio KtntiiK of the voaael.
UAIrtMOItlC, July 11. The (lor
mitii merchant aubmarluo Dmitaeli
IhiuI may lieala todHy to dlwlmrxo
hor oarKo, prluolpalty dyoatuffii, mi
leaa diplomatic complication arle.
A ipioatlon him arisen whothor the
Miibmnrluo will bo porinlltml to tnlco
bank to (lermauy a larKo (inutility
of nleknl that i on the dock to which
ho Ih mnnrml. Hlilpmout of nlokol
lo tlio Unltwl Statua from Canada,
which In the world' Rreataat producer
of thl metal, ha bean allowed on
condition (hat Ita dlitrWuillon hIiohIiI
lie o controlled that none could i wieh
the cent ml povsur. The Cnnadiaii
Kovcrument I ald to lie considering
I lie new altuatlon.
8UATT1.I:, Wn , July 1 1 Jlecnuw
iioii-iiiiIoii men lmami "workliiK" the
carxo of the lllno Funnel liner 'I'ltaii,
at thu port roniHiiMiloa' Umlth'n Cove
pier, SS0 longshoremen employed In
hmUIhi the 01 tun I freighter Asiima
m and AUgoaaa at the earn lerari
aal. quit their iol' aud walked out
thl morutug.
The oity council lnt night ceu
firmed 35 additional emergency po
licemen appointed by the mayor,
bringing th total number to 33U. The
polleemon, who icuard the dock
where uoa-unlon men are at work,
are paid b ihe cotauaHiee, whose
property they protect.
By A. C. flnwlett
II' W. (I.r ..( iVmral Point.
who has been IxiardiiiK with u for
the pust week and is engaged thin
ning and weeding a Ihirteen-aere
tract if land the Kartegano have
ia beets, in. talking about the beet
buine hi this allev sHid (but the
land in Rtnrwe rnt-r MHtinn .i re
iii.iikntiH i-l .iil.i.i,.,l i,. ,,. , ,ii ,,,
I beef inn) tii il ii. .1 i. I. ii .i,
ot Ocela lo Ju. u.fl dJj X iUiuiJ
yield, but that it ua.VN $12 an ncic
lor the use ol the laud nml jjood
waues iie-ide. lie seems to be high
ly ulcascd with the prospect gener
ally, althoti((li he says that to make
u complete witeee of the culture of
Migur becta tlio jrroiind needs to be
pat iu the sumo condition iik though
it was to be planted iu any of the
orilinury gnrduii aecda, plowed deep
and well piilvuririnU
.Mr. ami Mrs1. Hrittfon, pnrnnla of
Mr. Hritlhou, who is living on the old
Vatehe jilace, chiiio out Thiiiday,
wan met by their son mid went on
up to (be rHiich. They had been up
to Ashland niHtientinjf.
Oliver Adams and K. A. llildrelh
were pansetHjters on the anme train
for their liomert iu -Unite Falls, and
Ralph Stanley and Mia Miller of
l.ako creek wore on thu Mime train
on thuir way home.
Ilariis (lippert n.lno boarded the
train here for IiIh home near Kdsull
cnmsitiK. on the I. & K.
Mra. A. IS. Strong, wife of one of
our prominent orchurdiula, was in
town WcduoiHluv nhoppitiir.
('. , T. II. and t). VI. Frey, three
brothera, who luaidu on the uoilh
toik of Little lltttte, iu the-Luke
(reek Kcetion, enino out from Ash
land the mniuiiur of the (!th ami look
the Lake Cieuk alnge for tlielf'j
SjM'iikititr of the Luke Creel:
stufje, the owner nml "contractor,
Herman .Meyer, Si., on his tut urn
trip from Aahbtud, hail the miafor
taiic to wrek hie Fold ao that he
had to leave it on the reatUiilc, mid
Imfore he could gtd it lo the repair
shop some aaeaJtthiaf slide one of
the tires off a wheel, and tlio ioMirt
was that he or she, whoever it wan,
had tukeit all of bis tools, but ho
Hid when I interviewed him on the
subject that n man who waa to tube.
the wrecked cord to Ins repair ahop
had taken them out for aafe keeping.
('. lliHigerhyde ha been aaaietiiur
iu the F. L. Heath store a mrt of
the time during the holiday wjiile
some of the force wore vieiting Aeh
Itind. V. J. Coffeen, who live lift on
Itogue river, near Trail, uamo out
Tliursihiy on Ida way to Jackson
ville to look after Ilia iutureet
Our ufctico of Ihe peace, F. M.
Stewart, had a little oao hoforo him
Thursday. A man bv the name of
ItidierU and his neighbor, Wollovor
Itcrgsmaii, had some trouble. In the
course of events Mr. It. alruek bba
with a tHl he had, with the reaidt
thai .Mr. II. was a nested, pleaded
Kiiilty to simple uaaaull, jwid tilt
fine and cost.
Thomas Veatul wua a buatueaa
caller Tbursday.
I. A. Howard in UtioHgli town
on bis way to bis home, hotweeu heie
and Ihe ferry.
There au a carload of pnkle,
consistiiiK uf Mr. and Mr. 0. Y.
Walker and their two daughter,
.Mi- Francis Akin, and Mr. IJwbry,
all of I'ruaiwct, iaaaed through huie
rbiitsday afteruoon on their wav
home from Ashland. They join in
the announcement that the eelebru
tioo iu that city waa a gixud am
'cew. L. S. Trclfin and his aou, Jobu,
of Itutte Falls, were heie for aiip
per gad breakfusi Friday night ami
Muturoav moruiiig on their way to
Mra. ('. IS. Ilutebinaon of I'elicau
(lay, Klamath county, waa with us
Friday night aud Saturday morHtug
he, Uarry lewi und D. l)HHaa took
the 1. ft K. tot Ilutte Fall-. They
expected to be met bv Frank lliddle
biisber ut Oerliy ami by three more
at lutiu FalU, gnd they were all go
in; to kturt tiduy, Saturday, for
I'elican Day. where they have all
boeu employed in a lumber camp.
Mi Anna tt'Uan, who baa been
nM rated on hi the Mediord hospital
)'r uoitre,' was broicbt home since
my laet writing,
Hatardav morning on boarding the
P. & K. train. I met Mrs. K. I'. Hol
lows of ICagle Point, her ite-ia-law,
Mr. L. H. Wunt, and her sis
ter, Mls Chriatina Wyanf, of A-h-
liilid Ml- It. lii'in n A-lil.HliI
! tin - I I- .mil v i il lii r i .
i ! t I , . i.
- . ..I ' ' i . U- . M t I
-pent a while i-itiiiK. Also Mrs.
Ixce, the inolher-in-luu of Dr. V. K.
Ititchanau of Ashland, ami Mi.
DoubloduyJ. on their way 1o their
home in Unite Fulls.
Four Mlningcr front Jacksninvillc,
(wo ladles nml two gentlemen, hud
Mix. Minnie llryant and daughter,
Ixirlura. returned tli Kuglu Point
from Ashland.
Died July H, ut the home oT her
piuenta, Kubv, iiiTant daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Wilfred .luck, nged !l
ycara. Thl lillle child waa taken
suddenly with iiillammation of the
bowels and lived only thiitv hours.
Dr. WoliMtnr of Talent bad (lie ihIh
fortuuo to lone h very valuable milk
cow liiBt Wednomlny.
Mra. V. S. Stnncllff wont to Anb
land Friday where nho will oaiup and
attend the Cbaulniutua.
.Mr. L. A. KoiimoM mid Mr. mid
Mra. K. Q. Colotuan of l'hocnlx woro
at Aalilnnd Wednesday.
.Mrs. If. C. nchllug and Iter moth
er, and Mra. F. (1. nedlcor of Mod
ford, woro Hi North Talent hint Mon
day. ' i
John ( Patterson aud family of low
er California aro vUltlng Joibiui Pat
torn and wire of Talent. .Mr. Pat
terson anyV theie I ijpiro war talk
horo tlian viere bo Uvea and that ho
can look) larbiM the bo'rdor.
Jim llurvV of Myrtle Creek vlHlt
od hi anugltler, Mr. 0. C. McClnlii
Iu Phoenix .Monday.
Mr. ami Mra. J. D. Henry and fam
ily of North Talent weio at Aalilnnd
AV. 8. SUnellff (oak In the three
day at the roundup at Aahland.
.Mrs. a. C. Mct'laln returned to her
home In Phqeulx from Klamath Fall
Inat Sunday. Sho wa aaeompaiilod
by her husbnud's lter ami nlooa
who aro making a visit to relative on
the coast.
Mr. and Mr. McStorkord or Ifiaglu
Point rame up to attend the wedding
of Mia. Pearl Hartley a n J Albert
pHiigliorty at Talent Thursday.
Mrs. C. Carey sold a uuiubor of hor
fine f i 1 1 IdiHid Light llrabma piillula
lo L. Suilili this week. Mr. Hiullli
will keep the lions on his rauoli this
-Mrs. Chan. I.owo, nee Lena La von
burg, Is visiting rolatlvos In tlio val
ley. Among them aro Mrs. J. IS.
Orarros aud Mra. W. 10. Aiideraou or
ICaat Udeti. ,
Irs. J. K. Itnberls and daughter,
Miss Lula. will eamp at Ashland and
attend Chatilituniia.
'Mrs. 12. (). House, lU'companled by
two lad friend from Weeil, Calif,
spoilt (he Hi Fee day al the celebra
tion, and roundup at Aslilund.
Jtev. W. T. Mattock, former pastor
of the Methodist ohiirch at Medrord,
waa In Talent looking tor a amall
place last week. Her. Matlock Iuih
been appointed to the pastorate of
the ('mitral Point and Talent
churches for the coming year, the
past )ear having been In Kiiucue.
Neail i i i.voiie in Ibis section at
tended the big Foiu Hi of July cele
bration at Ashluud, und all reMiiti'd
a good tune.
Dewey incent, who is working -it
lr( Klamath, eugie on er to eel h) irate
at Ashlund and visit home folkn.
Miat Patterewu of Ilutte FalU i
through here vimiliug her many
Jess (Jluss mjd family ami mother
Tkr la Calatrk I Uila ftlk ai lb
MaiiUT Ikw uikn di yut lunUwr. tad
ualtl IL U.i fr Jar- waa suptsiavS la b
SaVsniaV. a sraat siasr jrrart dactot
priHXuii'l Ii j lu.l Staraw jihI iirmrlld ssal
9vmMlU-m Mtoil 0 I'unalaulljr ImIIIu Iw vurv WHS
fca'Sl IrrslUHi'i iimmhiihI It lururaltb- St'Uam
aaa Hutra i aiurrb luUi ttiihtuil..iiMl iUa,
as4 tbrivfi rniulrw ,uMi.illijii'iittl Ualiural
llaU'a I aurrU rnn. aianafa. iun4 l I' 1.
1W i .. T.ksto. (SOs. la lliv unl Caajatll.
Ikaul run ou IU SMrkH II la UkM UlaJMily
a Saaaa frwu 1 drM i. a traapuaunil. ITMU
fliartljr aai la kaaaS a4 aiasm awtSSM at
tl.-- .-.m. T3. Jft w. uuiiilr...! li41ars fur
all m li full. I. (julv a. iiti I r i ir ular. anil
Icllii u 1 I
A.I' I I HIIMU ' III lll.U
relumed horttu li itluy " ft'lii their lo Californln, lcpoiting a fine
Itubc Mooiv, Mr. Duuhip and ou
started for Drown' cabin Snudtiy
ni'ii'iiiiik' with their cattle.
Thoe. (llasi and family worn mo
loinisr Ibrough tlio valley Saturday.
Frank Denton and fiimily of Fort
Klamath is in the valley towns visit
mjr with relatlvoa.
Will Ilanseoin nml family ware
Suudav callers on Mra. .1. Glnaa.
I'huule Chiipnmii niolored out to
Sam's Valley ono uftonioon . Inat
week, taking wane folks bnek with
linn I'm the celebration.
Mr. Snyder has been on thu fck
1-t tor a number of daya.
Mr. Marsh waa a eallor ut Hurt
( hapman's- one duy Inst week.
John Coruin wns a Sunday culler
.t Mr. Hay'-.
lleniy Morgitii la ill Cralur lake
uorking with u team.
David Walker and ('Hurley Mnr
ipicHH Urt Inst week for Fort Klam
ath, where they will woik during
linyiug. atiitllng wllh Tom Joiick'
A number from the Meadows woro
panning by luat week in their uuIoh.
V. Joiioa wa shopping in town
one dny lual week.
Will JoluiHon und family, who lias
been living; al Foil Klamath, lina ros
turned lo Aalilnnd, where thoy aro
goinur (o make their home.
Itcportcd by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts.
Follx A. Wllfrot vs. Holmrt Hnrt
ot al, order denying motion.
Lottlo L. Pelton vs. II. M. Cosa ct
nl, motion nud order confirming sale.
llnnk or Jacksonville vs. Tho Trail
Lumber Co., order confirming sain.
J. T. Sullivan vk. P. Welch et nl.
unawor riled.
Hoguo R. F. P. Assn. vs. J. W.
Klrkpatrlelc, HiimiitoiiH riled.
II. II. Van Slcklo vh. A. K. Dotwller
et al, HiimmoiiK tiled.,
Josho Houck vs. Mark A. Dover
Idgo, summons riled. ,
II. C. Mnckoy vs. Owou Dun lap,
summons filed.. i'
Mamie IC. Itlddle vh. CharloH W.
lHaacs, HiiinmoiiH filed. , ,
Follx A. Wllfret vs. Ilobort Hurt,
notice filed.
(lion Clulluy vs. II. F. Rnosor, Biim
niohH rilc'd.
W. II. Whlpplo vs. Mary A. Whip
plo, order.
Medford National Dank vs. ,L , K.
hitiyiirt, affidavit aud onlor for iilibll
oatlon. '' '
Theo. Ice ot nl vs. F. (I. MnHiehon,
roslruliilug order. '
Thomas Handles vh. J. M. Meiiuii
Thouiae Itanille v. . O. Metiuo,
ut al. order.
'Hurt Amlorsou ot al . J, M, Mo
Phee, answer rilod.
ICatnte of lUinJnmlu W. Ilariilsh,
proof of pub. final notlco.
10atat and guardianship of Hanlnl
Wh'utatouo, order to soil run I prop
erty. Heal Ibiluto 'I'riiisferK
Geo. W. OndKirf ot ux lo J. W.
Loshor et ll v, lot I hi If 2.1
Chllwood tract, Aalilnnd ...'.fgSO.OO
F. IS. Conway et ux to Mra. C,
L. Miller, lot 2s blk M ijuiii
mlt add. Asbliiml ...., 10.00
W. II. Hlnglnr, sheriff to C. J.
Niinan, pt IH-I0-IW, shor
Iff's deed 780.00
II. IS. Hint I wry et ux to Joalah
W. (Ira) leas nl ux. pt 0-38-
2W 100.00
Geo. Darren to Martini A.
Ilarron, lot I aud 2 till! H,
Hullruad add. Ashland too an
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Ono package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Aj.WhjiiioiiI Notice.
Culiforulu-OreKou Powor Company,
location or prluoipul pluco of busl
uusa, Hau Frunclaeo, California.
Notice Is hereby given that ut a
meeting of the diroctora, held on
Tuesday, Juno 20, 1910, an usinss
meiit (No. u).of ouo dollar ($1) per
share was levied upon the onpltal
stock or tho corporation, payable Im
mediately to the Secretary at the of
fice of the corporation. No. 131
Leldsdorir street. San FrauwUco,
Have partv with well improved fj-acre tract, locntoil
4 niiles from Santa Cruz, Calif, that wants to trado
for good business here. His property is olonr.
Real Estate Iamuis,
il)2 West Main.
California. Any slock upon which
thin nsftoflBinotit srmll remain unpaid
on Tuesday, July 25, 191C will bo do-
llnipient and ndvertliod for snlo at
public miction, mid, unlom pnymcut
In niiido boforo, will bo Bold on Tuoti
dny, Aumist 15, 1910, at tlio hour of
12' m., to pay the delinquent assess
ment, together with tho costs of ad
vertising nud cxponsoa of sato. Dated
Juno 20, 1910.
Secretory of California-Oregon
Power Company.
Office No. 131 I.oldndorff street,
Snu Francisco, California.
FOR ItrCNT Coiy cottage, gas,
bntb, stove, somo furniture gar
don, good neighborhood; JG.00.
Phono 258-W. 01
FOR RBNT Flvo room boiiao, hard
wood floors, full coniont bnsomont
and garngo, Phono 370-W.
FOR RI5NT Nlcoly furnished two
room house. Closo In. Enquire
310 N. Ilartlott. 9S
- ' ' II mi mi ll " Il
r .iit-iiii ii-j- ii iiiiiibii r - ii ii si -u i
FOH SXlAi Rnycyclo bicycle In good
condition; now tiros mid saddle;
cheap. A. ft. P., caro Mail Tribuno.
FOR SALE Finn fruit land, Im
proved, near Contrnl Point. Ad
dress F. A. Palmer. 107 K. 20th
street, Portland, Oro. 9t
FOR SALE 1000 foot or two-Inch
Iron plpo. W. J. HnrUall, Phono
I08-.1 1. 00
FOR SALE Motor cycle, enrt elcc-
trie riingo, bicycle, Arthur Rowley,
711 E JnckBon. 97
FOR SALE Peucliou. Fnrroll
ranch, west ot Phoenix. Phono
. IU1.J 1. 91
Phono 310.
-Alfalfa liny cheap.
FOR SALE Second crop airnlfa and
grain hay. Snldor'a Dairy.
rou BALn-MYjnynCK
oploce. R.
-Team, weight, 1100
F. I). 3, Dox CI. 91
FOR SALE At Hiicrlflco. Clyde
daln utiilllon, 8 yonrs old; wt,
1000. Will work nnywhoro. D.
W. Sturgofls, R. H. I; Dox 34, Med
ford. 94
FOR SALE ansollno engine tour
mid hnir hnrso power, cheap. Dox
A. II. C Mall Tribuno. 90
FOR SALE Roglstorod Hereford
bulls. M. F. llauley. Mcdford. 93
FOR SALE Horses, and grain hay
In thn Hold, ouo mllo northeast of
Phoonlx. E. E, Roamcs, 100
WANTI"l)Sccond "hniul3 in iiiiTy " re
frlgerator. AddrcHu Dox A, Mall
Tribune. 98
WANTED To ronovnto your feath
ors mid mnlto your beds Into fold
ing mattrosees. Phono lOii-.I,
322 K. 12tb. 05
WANTED Fixtures for store What
havo you? C. A. DoVoo.
WANTED -Illustrious lioy to do
storo work. Iiniulro M. M. De
partment. 94
WANTKD Man ro run gnsollnn on
Hluo nud do somo shop work on
non r-by ranch. M Ira vista Orchard.
WANTED compotont woman for
general housework. Uood wngos.
Phono 721 l-J. 91
1 - r I ' ' '
MONEY TO LOAN Havo money to
loan upon city and country prop
erly. Qulok sorvlco. Monoy on
bund. Earl S. Tinny, 210 (Jarnott
Corey Dldi;. tt
for ecilx;e
aahl-aaa-aia-a -a-ask(ai--aka--a----a-aaaia-aa-a-aaaa-k-j
TO TRADE - Wood for autoniolillo,
Ford iiroferrod. M. Congor, Wll
dorville, Josuphlno Co., Oiu 9..
AUTO For a scoulo trip to tho beuoh
go lo ('reecmit City, Cat., fare $10.
Phone 102-R or U03-J. 9C
FORHALE llargaln, on account of
eicKuoas, lino oouiury, sioro reus
ouahle tnruiH, stock will Invoice
uuotit 12300, half cash, security
tor halation or stouk at 8 per cent;
runt ot buildings on oar loaso,
$15 per month. Will soil outright
for $4000, bait caab, balance in 3
yours at 8 per tout. Will resign
pout offke in favor or buyer. Mrs.
IC. Uurdnor, Sams Valloy.
FOR SALE Country morcaiittlo
proposition; good location; 4 aoroa
reesoll; water right appurtenant
to land. Dox 791, Medford. 9C
per cent proTlt. Small Investment
required, light work. For further
liurtlculars Inquire Medford Poul
try and Ega Compani. tf
Rentals, Insurance,
Phono 700
unsiNKfls innauTOKr
Anlo HttpitlW
are oporatlng the largest, oldest
and boot oqulpped plant la the Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Flftoonth St.,
Portland, Oie.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Dulldlng, entrance N.
Central, Medrord, Ore.
PORTER J, NEFF Attornoy at law.
rooms 3 and 0, Medford National
Dank Dulldlng.
Corey bids.
0. M. RODERT8 Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Dulldlng.
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got tae
money. The Duilock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, H
kins' Dldg., 216 B. Mala at.
r . js
Qarnett-Corey Dldg., alte SIR
Medforo, Ore. Phone BBS.
Collcctloua and Report
M. F. ft IL Dldg, Ortlco Hours
8:30 to12; 1 to C. Phene C07-K.
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINOS Saglaeer sal
contractor, 404 M. F. ft H. Bldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
drainage, orchard and Uad lM
prdremoot. IIoiko Jlovcrs
Movo Houses, Darns, Gnr.igan, Ma
chinery, Etc. Phono 488-M, or
IKR-X. 012 S. Nowtown, 811 Da
kota. Insnnmoe.
BARL 8. TDMY Clonornl Insurance
office. Flro, Automobllo, Accident,
Liability, Plate Qiaos, Contract,
and Suroty Donds. Excellont com
panion, good local service. No.
210 flarnett-Coroy Dldg.
Instruction In MhsKj
ii in i in ifi ii in i ii ii n i i r
piano nud harmony. Hnlght Musla
Studio, 401 (Jarnott-Coroy Dldg,
Phono 72.
OARDAOE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good oorvlce. Phone 274-L. T.
Y. Allen.
I'liy-lclans and ftargeoas
----a----a--aa,JMi-VJa-wa-,--aM-t,--tw--- a----i . aaa
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 anrnott-Corey
bldg., phone 1036-L. Resldesca
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgoon. Practice limited to eye,
onr, noso and throat. Eyns scien
tifically tosted and glassos sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. It. Co. Offices M. V. & H. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 667.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician ana
surgeon Phones,, office 36, resi
dence 780, orrico hours, 10 to
12. 2 to 6.
and surgeon. Office Palsa
block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hour
10 to 18, 1 to 4. Phono 110-3.
Printers mill Pabllstter
best equipped printing office In
southern Oregon; book binding!
loose loaf lodgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prices. 27 Norm
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front st. Phens
316. Prices right. Service guar-
a. lead
I have a 160-aoro stock ranch;
good location; 100 acres Iu grain,
soma alfalfa. This placo recently
sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance.
Will trado for good orchard, proror
poara. or would tako city proporty.
Would trado ovou or assume somo In
cumbrauQO on orchard proposition.
102 Wcet Mnlu Street.
We can deliver a flno stock rauoli
of 370 aoros over half now In urop
of whoat, bnrloy, alfalfa aud com,
and concldorable oro can lo culti
vated none of It stoop land.
This placo Joins a boundless out
range und has vary good putldlncs,
and abundance ot springs for stock.
Atiyouo wanting to got Into the stock
buslno-s shdAild tako this ono. No
Hoon-Gathcart Co.
Phono it7 i
'fll. K.l.i. .tllHI I. ill- l.i- H.l-
buni iu lWb Jini i'mJ im L-'udvu,
in; II...