Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    i 9
"U ?;'; ftr
lUVUBIT uunuat iir Tina
J Office Mall Tribune Bulldltiif, 2B.27.2
North Fir atreeti telephone 76.
The Democratic Time, the Mcdford
Mall, The Mcdford Tribune, The South
ern Orcgonlun, The Aahland Tribune.
OKonan putmam, Editor!
One year, by mar. ... 8.00
One month, by mall ,C0
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medrnrd. I'boenlx, Jacksonville
and Centrnl Point - . .60
Pnturdny only, by mall, per year too
Weekly, per year. . 1.60
Paper of tho City of Mrdford,
Official Pannr of Jackson County.
Entered na Bocond-clnn matter at
Medrord, OrPKon, under tho act of March
S, 187.
Sworn Circulation for 1916 4E.
Pull teased wire Associated Press dispatches.
THOSE who lack orighiulity or creative ability must
perforce appropriate the ideas of others. This ac
counts for the liberal use of articles from the Mail Trib
une favorable to a railroad to the Blue Ledge mine per
verted to appear as arguments for the ratification of the
Bullis contract.
The Commercial club placed in front of the Exhibit
building a sign, "Who Turned the Switch?" underneath
which appeared editorials from the Mail Tribune favoring
a railroad to the mining district. With a black border of
mourning followed the editorial from the Mail Tribune
calling attention to the deficiencies of the Bullis contvaet
and advising a thorough study of the contract by voteis to
determine whether the city was sufficiently safeguarded,
tho club's intimation being that the Mail Tribune. haliiir
advocated the railroad, had at tho eleventh hour, from
some ulterior motives, been switched, because it did not
... ...1! Pi .11 .! A.1 " 1 1 li
ujHjusiiuiuuiy inuorse me uuius contract.
The inference was unjustifiable and false, but in keep
ing with the steam-roller of bluster, intimidation and slan
der iiBcd by the advocates of the contract. The Mail Trib
une favors, and always has, a railroad to the mines. The
Mail Tribune did not indorse the Bullis contract because
it did not believe that it sufficiently safeguarded the city's
The Mail Tribune made no campaign against the con
tract, because assured by the best legal talent in Medford
Tlio Wnr Fun
I road (io wur noVR (ivory day.
1 drcntn wnr In my sloop.
I tnlk wnr with my friends nlwny
Wnr books I'vti rond a heap.
I'm wine to how tlio tmltleH go,
Cun locate each redoubt.
Tim only thing 1 do not know
,1h wlint tho war'H about!
Poet's ftcenso.
lie I'rolxilily HjM'iit .Many Iron Mm
Hmiunorninri J, Junk of tho I'onn-
m'lvnnla blacksmith shop, spent thn
Fourth of July In 'Chicago.- Ft.
Vnyno Jotirnal-Gazotto.
A letter to Doc Urnns of tho Chi
cago Trlbuuo Is headed, "Lonn a
Light Eater." Well for our part we'vo
found n light enter doesn't llvo long
nnd a long eater doesn't ntay light,
so why arguo about It?
1'rotty soon wo'll hear that they'ro
arresting girls In prohibition towns
for wearing chnnipagnu colorod uhoes.
tfpenjtlni: about florninny'a food
dictatorship, how about tho cook In
tho average Amerloan hoinoT
Ho Rot tho UiuliigM
A now milliliter In a rural, district
who wished to mnko tho hcfjualn-
tnupo of Oio inomuora of hU.cougrn-
gn.tlout ami also to discover whether
tluvy ware plonsed with his dlficoursos,
mot an old farmer whoso faco ho rec
ognized as ono who hnd attended tho
oj I u roh tho previous Sunday, and,
stopping him. enld:
"Mr. Ilrown, how did you llko my
surmon Inst Sunday?"
"Wtill, parson," roplled tho old
mail, "you son I didn't hnvo a fair
chance to Judge, Wight In front of
me was oh Miss Hmtth and the rust
of their gang vlth their mouths wldo
opuu Just a Hwnllorln' down nil tho
host of your sermon; V what reach
ed mo, parson, was party poor stuff,
party poor stuff."
. .ViK)iiiiwiiliy
om man have no hearts." said
tho tramp. "I'to boon a lellln' that
fuller I urn to (load hrako thnt I have
to slutp outdoors."
"Didn't that fetch him?"
"Nuw. Ho tol' me ha was n-daln'
tho tamo tiling, and had to pay tho
dootor for tellln' him to do It "
mat tne contract was illegal. It questioned the wisdom
of needlessly creating fresh enmities and bitter antagon
isms in a hopeless cause. At the same time, it did not want
the public to understand its advocacv of a railroad us ml-
voeacy of an insufficient contract.
It seems that the Mail Tribune's efforts to avoid flm
slings and arrows of outraged boosters were unavailing.
Becauso it voiced the honest convictions of its editor and
roiuscu to permit its policy to be dictated, it lias,
along with others who voiced their honest onininnfi on n
public, issue, been the target for recrimination, misroprc-
muiiiiuuu, imiiwmti uuu aouse. it nas even ucen threat
ened with boycott by advertisers which is to laugh.
The Mail Tribune has- managed to live through numer
ous boycotts, including the boycott of merchants because
of its campaign that secured the public market. Evory
time that it refuses to act as a catsnaw to mill I'hoHtnntH
out of the fire it is boycotted. After every political cam
paign ana every election somebody is conducting a boycott
against it. It is one of the penalties for publishing an in
dependent, aggressive newspaper in a small town. But it
will bo worth the cost of another boycott if it preserves
the right of free speech on public matters that affect com
munity welfare.
There are two sides to overy question and each side is
entitled to a hearing. Only by discussion can the pro and
con of a subject be brought outr-uiul it is a confession of
inherent weakness to attempt by threat and abuse to
silence discussion.
To answer the Oommyrcial club's query as to "Who
tunmd tho switch?" There has been no the Mail
Tribune's policy! It never indorsed the Bullis contract.
But there Was a switch in the Commercial-club's program
which provided that the contract was to ho approved by
tho club's railroad committee and by the Bar association
bofore submission to the council.
The switch came after the charter amendment elec
tion, which showed such a strong sentiment for a railroad
unit mum any kuki 01 a contract would go.
The railroad committee of the Commercial club was
never called together after tho clmrtoi nlm.Hnn ..,,,1 ,w
To ibo Kditer:
Now thut the railroad election La
been carried, let us Lope that a citi
zen may express hi1) honest opinion
on a nintter of grave import io the
municipality without being called u
linr and thief, or threatened with a
firing- squad nt, or deported
or boycotted out of town.
For ft number of vcurH I huve been
interested iu tho Hlue Ledge dis
trict in a sinnll way nnd bare hoped
tbnt a railroad tnif.'ht bo bnilt into
that section, nnd 1 was heartily in
favor of a bond isuc on the part of
the city to bring ubout tbnt end, but
when the contruct presented by Sir.
IJullin was called to my attention I
exprcsHcd tho opinion that it did not
Iro)xrly safegnnrd the city's inter
est nnd thnt it was vulnerable to
injunction proceedings.
I took no part in the campaign
against tho contract, if it can be said
that there wan a campaign against
it, but because I expressed an hon
est opinion concerning- the fairness
and legality of the instrument the
Sunday morning Sun accused me,
with others, of opiwsing it for tho
sinister mid ulterior purpose of get
ting the "jront of Chnrlie Thomas."
It is true tbut the article pretended
to ho n contribution from "K. L. 1).",
but I have something more than u
premonition that tho article was in
spired by tho serious-minded .Air.
Let me sny now that I nm not in
terested iu politics, or concerned iu
tho fauna or flora that inhabit the
Thomas political epoch iu Jackson
I oin, however, concerned In tho
attitude of the morning pujer uud
its insinuation thut those who make
liunest opposition to the contract in
tho courts better leave town or be
boycotted. Tho suggestion thnt the
action to test the validity of tho
contract bo so friendly as to not im
pair its integrity in the courts is a
suggestion thnt u fnle suit be
"brought nnd the issues disguised.
This Vould bo entirely in keeping
with the whole rneeedinits. from the
euphonious nnd intHlundiui: ballot
'title down. With due respect to
Judge Gov nnd the jurisdiction of bis
celebrated court lot. ion sugeest that
it have original uud final, jurisdic
tion of this .case, .as tho only court
Ijkel.T to validate the' proceeding.
Very truly,
J9&titow ' Tjfa&eSJ'
Mr. mid Mrs. Iaih Tclletfon on porcliof their California bungalow.
LOS ANGELES, Oil., July 8.
Gcrnldinc Farrnr, now .Mrs. Lou Tcl
legcti, is back in tliis city with her
husbnud for her annual summer en
gagement, in pictures.
It bns not been defiuitol" decided
whut films Miss I'nrrnr will take
part in, but they will undoubtedly bo
spectucular productions such as she
was featured iu last year. She will
ngain play ut the Lnsky studio. Her
husband iiImi will play before the
camera, hut not iu the same company
with his famous wife.
Ujmiii ller srrival in this city Miss
Knrrnr wih offered n chance to name
her own figure to sing in the grand
ojicra company plnyniw a summer
season here. Tho celebrated diva de
clined the offer, however, replying
that "the voiee-box is closed for tho
"I have been singing nil winter,"
Miss Farrnr said, "and I am out here
for u rent first, to be followed by n
Jot of hard work. I am not going to
sing again until next winter."
Lou Tellegeu is one of the most dis
tinguished actors on the .American
stnge. DccnuHc pf the popularity of
his previous inctures, it has been de
cided to put him ut the head of a
compnuv of his own.
The Tcllegeus were nceomunnied to
California by five servants, a dog nnd
two automobiles. They will live in
"I am glad to be hock for another
dip into pictures," Minn Farrnr an
nounced, "back where my romance
BERLIN' .Tuly 11. The Austrian
admiralty announced today thnt an
Austrian cruiser, had Mink four or
five Hntish armored patrol bonis.
Only nine men from the British ves
sels were rescued. v
The announcement follews:
"Our cruiser Novnrn met n group
of four or five, according to the dec
larations of prisoners, armored Brit
ish pntrol boats off Otrmilo road (at
the lower end of the Adriatic). All
tho putrol bouts were destroyed by
ortillery fire. All the steamers sunk
in flumes, throe of them after the
explosion of their boiler's. The No
va ra was able to rescue only nine
members of the British crews."
The Xovarn is n scout cruiser of
.1384 tons displucemeut. She ban
figured in several engagements in tho
The Candid Grouch
WAttfltNOTON, July 11 Instruc.
tie Hit for statu and city authorities
oeiieornlng means of preventing tho
spread of Infantile. parnlvhlH were
uouiHlntsd by the public health hot
vluo today to bo mallod throughout
tho United Htntu. it rinjonuiioiids
Isolation of patients for three or four
wokjit and of persons coining; In
QoutaQl with them, and u general
MtroijtsthQnluK of all sanitary precau
tions. Honoris to the health service to
day Indicated that lufniitllo paralysis
In not ompldttiule uxcont Iu Now York
City. UlMwhore tho number of oastM
J Iwroly above normal.
The general board of tho puulle
luiHlth top-Ire tuvt aualu to complete
plum for fighting Infantile paralynU,
CungrtNM will b urged to liwUu ap
propriation of too, ooo for the pur
ooiiHiilti'd rognnlinjf tho contract. The Bar association
which had volunteered its services, was not nslv-oil t
upon tho contract. Xot even the city council hnd n chance
to consider it. Tho contract was suhinittoxl n Tew hours
hetore the council met and was steam-rollered throuirh
ltlHwilli lUVtlll! ,1 fa.j. I i .,,... P 1 I "
vim"!" rininimwjimm in incni, against tlio protests
four eouncilmen, who did not wish, however, to stand
tho way of a popular vote udoii the cnnf.ivmt
Who altered tho program Was it tho president of
the Commercial club, who is heavily interested in mines
and owner of the proposed townsito for the Blue. Lottec
dis net Or was it the vice-prosidont of tho Commercial
club, who, since he appointed hiuiHolf chairman of the rail
road committee, has become attornoy for Mr. Bullis and is
muiior iu ino uoniraotT
Who turned the switch i
The Great Russian Drive
WASHINGTON, jiv , rffHl.
di?,t Wjlon relumed at Suit) H. iu.
today fitnii Detmit, whttrt he Mjuk
yosturduy Iwfoie the worldV huIi-s-innni.hip
ttongreos H wnt direftl.t
to tho whito linu-M- Tin- riiilrout'
journey u vutliuut in- idtnt.
Not since the Hussiaiis were de
fwtiNl on the Diiuujee has there beeu
o urest h victory won by either side
thut which erovvnoil jtuxsian anus
in the intMt luonth. Kvon now, after
two weeks of fighting, it is still ini
Msi,iUle to set h limit to tho ltuMHii
triumph or decide whether or nt the
defeat of the Austrian will have con
swpu'ii(ie. approaching thone of the
omlisr Austrinn lefet at Lemberg
pr the Ister Kussiau disaster at Dun-
WIihm thw eouiineut is writtwi, Juno
20, it is HMnihle to see that the Itus
siftu Mdvnuee has kohs fsr enough to
MtiKril the wliulv front of the ceu
trl Miwrs ti-im the llaltie ut tl
gulf of Itiirn to the KuuiHiiiHii Iron
r. It i MWMllde to dts'lare that
NuMMiji mm slrnady ndvuiusd some
forty mil nt sowie pin I&J fr,tl,
twenty to thirty in iuu; klul Wir
itdvituetf is now spprimchin iat1
ou Uie north, Ilnwly iu th center and
bn iiMtnuntMl fwrnowiti t I He
south and at least temporarily hru
koa tiw cuiuiwtioij IwIwhu the Buko
vinu m.v uud the othr Austrian
fi.uld the liuiHiun 4idvnnii be
pn-Mtl i.r ..u..t(. r .it On- i.rcs
iiit rule, nlmu it iiUojitihtr uuiikelij" u"th ugo, uud ti
K'onoJ would fall, Lenders would be
iu danger and the Buwan front
would. approHoh tho Carjmthiaus
fouth of the Dnivsiur. So fur as ono
can judge by the outward evidences,
such an ivdvunce would compel the
Clenmiiis to retire behind tho Nicnion
and the. Bug, resign their fotirlnud
and Volhynlan eon.iuy.ts and stand
mi the eastern frontier or Russian
I'olmul, thus giving np about half of
the territory eomplcred in thegrest
campaign of IsM Miminer. Such a rv
treat would not involve tho surrwidor
of any Oennsn territory; it would
leo above nO.OOO sipiHiv inihw of
Kiimuhh land to tho kHierj hut it
would yield .-.owe Xfi.dOO square miles
of AuktrisM tomtory in Oslioia mid
ItukoviuM to the cutr.
U the st ten dsys ntwriv n.OOO
J.untrtHU Imvw hn iwptred by the
Jtuvu. totiier ith hu euoriuuus
booty of supplies, uumtioHs sud ar
tillerv. A the AustrtNu killetl and
wounded cannot be W than iaft.000,
(he blow huh already eot the Ham
burg tats .-laO.Ol. Add to this fig
ure 1U0.000 Aa-tnan- killed, wound
ed aiul I'nlrtlirvd crv Tnw i-uitturml
in tlie li.ili.ii. tt vo that begun a
BKKL1N, July 11. -The official
Austro. Hungarian btatemrnl of
Monday repoits the continuance of
heavy fighting on the Italian front.
Monte Conio was captured by the
ltuliauH, but was won back by Aus-tni-Hungurian
troops, which took
prisoner -jM lUiliuns. An Italian at
tack In the sector of Monte Inter
roto foiled.
Austro - Ilanearisn acmidunes
again have bombarded the Italian
military establishments at Adria.
The foregoing was not included in
the Austrian statement of Monday,
ns cabled from Loudon last night.
BALTIMOHB, July 11. The first
business m-moh of the grand lodge,
of the Order of Elks was hld this
morning. The records of the regis
(ration bureau showed that 7600
js'oplo had registered and officials
estnnnted that twici thut number ne-
tuolly Hrnved in t)ie city. According
to Grand Kxulted Buler James It.
Nicholhon of Boston, the totuj num.
her of Klks now iu the order iv IM,
000, uud there are 18 ID lodges.
(From E W. Howe's Monthly.)
Notice I like tq be let alone. And
I practice, whut I pieuch; I let others
iilouc. You muy. scrauiblo, and hoiyl,
uud he. funny und noisy;- that is
your, privilege,' but let me but. of it.
I've seen it all. nnd do not' cure for
it. '."; f
I paid a good stiff nrice for peace,
and, by the eternal, I propose to
have it. I do not go where the fools
are, and demand that the fools do
not hunt mo up in iny retirement.
I enjoy tho respectable amenities
of life and object to nothing expect
ed of a mnu of my age, but I seri
ously object to the fool who comes
along and wants to play with me. 1
don't like his jokes; 1 don't like hie
talk; I don't like his schomos. 1
have tired of it all and demand the
peuco I am fairly entitled to.
Clarion notes, when sounded prop
erly, do not disturb mo; if it is an
nounced iu tho newspapers that h
thousand marchers are desired to
mnko n demonstration I will appear
at the placo and hour appointed,
icudy to innroh, If sufficiently inter
ested; but 1 object-iV (ho organizer
of the Durudu calls on mo, nuif in nil
impudent wa'v urguos Hint it is niv
duty to turn out when I do not think
it is.
If n committee decides thnt it is
importnut to raise a fund, let an an
nouncement be mude iu the newspa
pers, with tho name and address of
the treasurer; if interested, I will
send my contribution, but I give no
tice thut I do not personully wish to
see the nut linger of the collection, or
auv of his assistants.
I cannot miitoli in nil of tho par
ados suggested; I cannot give to all
the funds suggested, and wish to
miilo my decisions in private.
Mr. and Mrs. n. I). Klllott, and Mr.
und Mrs. A, II. Charles of Bantu
Ilosa, and S. W. Klllott, of Santa
Anna are spending the day with Med
ford friends. They expect to start
tonight for Crater Lake.
PHIGAQO, III., July 11. Federal
Judgo Carpenter today entered th
mandate of tho United Slates Su
premo Court, ordering John Bingham
sent back to Canada for trial on
charges of complicity In tlio robbery
of the branch of the. Bank of Mon
treal at Westminister, I). C, of mora
than $200,000, two yeara ago. Bing
ham Ih now in tho county Jail horw.
Today And AH
Generation Hencs
Tho fllcht of tlmo makes us think of
tho future. Tho baby of today reflects
want crcatnew may M
acquired w U o n ha
amn-a uv. And an,
influence that brim
relief to tho expectant
mother Li tbe tint andj
greatest of obligation.
There la a (pleuOlil
remedy len o w n as
'Motber'a Friend" that
hoi been a safeguimfa
a ticlptut ilallr Influ
ence, to a boat of
women. Applied exter
nally to tlio mmcle
tliev becorna nllant.
they stretch wllliout undue pain, tlicra U an
ataence of dlitress, tlio ncrrcn uro Bootlittl
If taltlnc awar tho burden of leatlng all to
lust natural conditions.
Tkero l In "Mother's Friend" tbo dlrecC
and Immediate help that all expectant moth
ers rrculrc. Used by their own hand, guided
It their own ulndu, they learn at once tbo
Mewed relief from rooming itlelncxi mult
Inr from unduo itrttcblnr. Tbcy expcrlenca
dally calm and nightly rest. It Is Indeed
"Motber'a Friend." (let a bottlo today ot
any druntlst. Then rrrlto Dradfleld Iteculaton
Co.. 410 Lamar Hide., Atlanta, Co., for ona
of tho most entertaining and valunblo llttla
boobs orcr procntcd. It U yi-orlh writing
Bri.Tu'Jr if I
lohs for recent wqek is at least 400.
000, Hourly threc-ipinrterii certainly
a peniisnent Iom. Hen is a mtms.
uro of the ltussiuii blow nnd the Aus
trian disaster that is easily to be
gmspod. for we Jiuvtv nt nil times
roeogntied the jnon, rather than jhwj
tioivs or towns, were (ho rent element
m this war f attrition. Frofii "KW
sia Com Buck A flrwit SUv Vic
tory,' by FrHk U. Simmouds, Iu the
American Heviow of Ileicws for
July, lyitl.
Ijidy VKUtnt
uh s. luiiTitiirr
IHjodo .M. 4?m ud 47-J-'J
AlllnninMlii 1lnra pvirn
totul Austrian Ambulauc Serrlco, Coroner,1 Intmirtiafl Motor Car Co
Why shouldn't the Stand
ard Oil Company make the
best oil-with over 40 years
experience in refining with un
equalled plant equipment? And
Zerolene is scientifically refined
from selected California crude
asphalt-base. Prominent authori
ties have recently declared that an
oil correctly refined from asphalt
base crude can be made not only
equal but superior to paraffine
base oils. Next time you empty
Dealers everywhere and at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil
1fo:n(hrd Oil for Notor Cars
tternard Mtr Car Cs.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
Garnett-Corey Hardware Co.
C E. Gates
Pacific Highway Garage
Vounp. L Ha Motor Co.
Young's Garaoe
A. W Walker Auto Co.
I iflv nVHKiiiiiiiiiiiiH
iijlk vol ja ru tiioight
How stronR a connection there Is
between Kycache and Ileadacho?
Many pcoplo suffer unnecoasarlly
from Headaches tbnt could bo entire
ly cured by wearing proper Glasses to
rellove oyo strain and leaaon tho ner
vous tension.
If your Hoad or Uyoa ache, try
Glasses fitted by
UL. iN.lCtt.eit Siecaist
Hullo t and 2, Over Muy'a
.ItMlfonl, Oregon
Within city limits, outildo halt
mllo zone, 1 or 2 paaseneara, 2Sc, 3
passengorB, 0c, 4 passengers, COc,
Country ratos, 16o mllo. Spooial
rates alone paved highway.
Stand at llrowu's,
San Francisco
Orrgonians Head-
'Xteetmeat ouaittrs while in
thsAlanx V V Sm F;ancisco
moderate rates
RMMIlftll duilLVd A
ice water .it very i
room. Sjvft-ia! aili
tfon ivw to loJiet
Irawloii uiKfc-or.
11, A la i urfe
diiuHj room.
l fH vjVw 1
1 ,V:C YatHL' I
VvAxVJiV j
y v - y
of Cnester
W, KtlUy
1 hull isaig
PHONE 300 J j
First half mllo from atand, I paa- " V
senKor ISc, two pnsaeneori 25c. j
t .
P ',