Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1916, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Maximum Yostcrdny 1)1;
I Minimum Totlny IKl.
Forty-sixth Tear.
.' Dnllv Klpvonlh Year.
NO. 91
1 -
Capture of La Maisonette Hill Dom
inates Valley of Somme British
Gain Positions Germans Shelling
Allied Front From Lens to Coast
Attack on Verdun Renewed
Russians Continue Advance To
wards Kovcl and Battle Ranjng.
I'KTROORAI), .July 11. The
iipini.imiito tolnl of priMinore
tukun by tin1 Russians during
(lononiL Ifruidlol'fK opemtfons
lo July 10 numtiiitcd to MVili
4 officers iiml Sttll.WIO. metf, the
war office iinnouneed today.
Guns t the number of Ill'i mill ""
"" 8li(l miichiuo guns have been
I'lipllUOll. ""
-f 4-
Tho Hrltlsh linos nortli or tho
Soninio gradually aro being brought
up to n level with thoso of tho Kronen
further hoiiUi. Loiulou today an
nounces tho onpturo of Contnllmnl
boh, tunrkliig progross In tho work of
crushing In tho Uanuiin salient ex
tending from Thlopvnl to Monlnubun.
iNoarly 500 additional prisoners
have beon taken hy tho HrltlHh.
Whllo tho HrltlHh woro iichlovlng
thoso results, tho Kronen forces on
their right flank lapsed Into memon
tnry Inactivity. Thoy havo taken
more than 1300 prisoners In tho lust
few dn). - . '.
(ieriuan nttaokg on Vorduu con
tlnuu. In I.orralno, (lorninn troops
captured French first lino tronchos
on a 200-mutro front.
LONDON, July 11. With tho oap
' ture liy the French of La Mnlsonottn
Hill, which domlpntes the valloy of
tho Boinnio ami from which ovory
tlilng that hnppous In Poronno can
ho ohservod, ouo of tho primary ob
jects of tho Anglo-French offonslvo
t lias been achlovoil. Tho two arnilos
' aro now ongngod In an offort to or
ganize anil extend tho limits of tho
ground thoy havo gained and In re
pollltiK Gorman counter attacks which
aro directed lwrtlculnrly against tho
Itrltlah to the north of tho rlvor,
i where they succeodod In regaining "
footing In tho Tronos Wood. At
other points, howovor, tho Hrltlsh
havo heon nble to ninko sotno pro
gress Hlthnugli necoeearlly slow,
against fortified positions.
The Ciorinans on tholr part aro
hoavily shelling tho nlllod front from
Lens to tho Uolglan coast, but thus
far there have been no attempts at
Infantry attacks except for tho usual
raids In which both sldos engage.
Itiissiuu Advance,
The UumIriib continue their ad
vance toward Uovel, and now aro
' engaged In a pitched battle along tho
banks of tho Btokfcod, which thoy
have crossed at homo points. On tho
rest of the oast urn front, whllo tliero
U continuous fighting ut many points
no Important change occurred. Hoth
t v sides are conoontnitlng their efforts
',J on the LuUk salient to tho oast of
' In tho CaucausHs and Mespotamla,
tlm fighting between the Turks and
Russians continues with varying re
sults. The wewthnr in the greater
part of this region, which Is ex
ti oinely hot, preclude any strained
HillMi Iteport.
LONDON. July 11. Th0 Hrltlsh
raptured Contallmalnn on the
French froat last night, the war of
fire anuounced today.
(Continued on page three)
WAMHMiTnX, July ll.-wre-t.irv
M'-Ailoo today aked eongre
to appropriate $13..,tM for the pub
In he. nil h -ervire tu aid in the tiirht
.ij.iiii-t the infuiitile par.ilv-i- cjn
.!. i, . ii . 'lL aiiit .. iitfiit
- ,. . , t. ..t'.ir -Kit-
German Merchant Undcr-Scp Ship
Detitschland Declared Unarmed
Ship, Not Available for War Pur
posesFormal Protests Filed
Against Vessel.
WASHINGTON, .Inly II.-On the
strength of ailviee from navy ex
perts who inspected tho Deutselilnnd
nt Ilivltimore toiluy, the treasury de-
puitinciit infonuetl tho state depart
iir'iiI (lint the Oormnn merohunt Hub
mat ine was un unarmed freight car
rier, which could not bo converted
for offensive use without "extensive
stiueturul i'liangei."
Allien File Protect
WASHINGTON, .Inly 11 Reprc
sentiitioiiK have been made to the
state department by the HrilUh anil
Kreneli embassies settintr up the
cliiim t tin t the Oenuuii merehnnt sub
inn line Ociitsehhinil is potentially u
wursliip, even though designed and
used as a merchantman.
Stale department officials today
expressed belief bused on unofficial
iufoimntioii that the Deutschhiud
would he declared a peaceful, un
armed meri'hautmun uud entitled to
all privileges of an ordinary cargo
carrier. Acting Secretary l'olk said
ho expected no protests from the al
lied governments ugaiiiHt such u de
cision. The state department, it wiih of
ficinlly declared, will not concern
itself with reported objections by
Ciiiiiulinn nickel interests to expor
tation of nickel on the Deutsuhland.
Agreement of American purchaser
orl nnTniffln nickel not to re-export
the inetiil, Acting Secretary Folk ox
plained, was purely private mid no
result could he hud to the state de
piu Intent to interfere with nickel
shipments on the Gorman super-submarine.
Notirieil Ity llillalii
Hefore the arrival of the Doulscli
lanil, ucliiiif on the basis of reHirH
in the pre- that a submarine was
due at an American pott, Colevillo
Marker, the British counsellor mid
charge d'affaires in tho temporary
abence of Sir Cecil Spring-Kiee,
rominunicHted to Secretary Lansing
the position of his government toward-,
the use of any underwater
emit fn'comtnerciiil service. M. Jus
serauil, the French ninlmsiilor, also
luu been in cumiiiuuicutinu with tlm
stole department.
From tlm allies' point of vjew, any
submarine i iicccarilv a wursliip.
The United States, Grout liritaiti and
France agreed ttnou the doctrine that
it is illngal to change a merchant ship
into iQjTiiiser or nrivuteer on the
high sjiK, Imt the Geiman govern
ment always hah insisted upon that
right. Fonxeipicutiv. it is argued, it
would be no violation of the Gorman
interpretation of iiternutJoiial Saw
for the Detitsidilaud to take on arma
ment oue.tdo the thrcu-milu limit
and 'rey upon commoix'o.
Inasmuch as rubber and nickel are
being imported to tho United States
under rivate agreement b- the pur
chaser that they shall not reach the
central powers, llriti-li autbontie
are beginning to investigate how the
large iptantitv of llicc matenaU pil
ed up at (lie )ciitchlund' pier got
into the hand- ot German agent'..
HOME, July 11 Tho prossuro ox
erted hy the Italian forcoa In tho
Trentlno has resulted in the recall
of several divisions ot Austrian troop
which "wore about to bo sent te the
eastern front, according to the offi
cial statement Issued today. The Ital
ian offensive continues.
WASHINGTON, Jiilv ll.-AdhTr-ent
of Dr. Kudoltu Chian. defeated
jirwkidentiul candidute of the faction
opMMiRK the liberal or government
jutrty in Panama, have given notiet
or their intention tu protet to the
stttte dfMtrtBient agmiiKt the iniidiul
t the -l-tin. What ui lion, it an .
the l-ji.irtiiicnt HmiliJ take ..''hiuI
tuil.i W. i,. I i,..t iJadu ad
Uncle Sam's First Motor Truck Unit Shatters
All the European War Records for Speed
Two imtun. of link Sam's fir
to lie taken on the trucks and the
HKIMilN', Jiilv ll.-ltussinn troops
ndvitneiiifr in the direction of Kovel
have buuii beaten back bvvtlio Ger
tnnns in a eountor-nttuck near Ilule
wiee, south of tho Snniy-Kovel mil-
road. Tho Germans captured three
machine kiiiis.
' 'Die announcement follows;
"From the coast to I'insk no events
of speuiul impoitHiiee oceiineil. Niwr
I'insk (piict prevailed. The Kussian
aniiouncetnent remtrtlinir the evaeua
tiou of I'insk is a pine invention.
"Tho enemy niaile futile Httaekn
with very fdrniuf force at soveral
points uiihist the liue of the Stok
hod, uotubly near Uxcrowiuz, I lulu
wiexe, Korysiai and .laiiinaka and on
both' sides of the Kovel-Kovuo rail
road line."
"Near llulcwiexe, we drove baek
the enemy beyond his position by a
atrnnx counter-atlitek. The enemy
lost more than 701) prisoner and
three niaehine rmiis.
"Our aorial wuinlioiis dropped
bombs on troo (letrainiim near
Ilorodwojn, on the HaiaiiovicIii-v
Minsk railroad. They also repeated
their attack iihiii Ifussian shetterH
east of the Stokhod. In aerial en
counters one enemy machine we-, shot
down near Woroiilcu, eat of Pte
rin, and another west of Okonsk.
"A detachmeiit of cliau-.i'iirs of
the urmv stioup of General von Iloth
mer, eugaKcd in a iicre.ful fight
south of Ilurkanow wood, nud
broiiKht back a few dozen prisoners."
PARIS, Julv II The expedition
ot the German niihinuriut- )cuteh
land interest), the 1'rcuch an a diain
atie iiieident, but is not icgurdcd here
a ot leal eoiutnercial Higuifieuiice
hoeaiiMi of. the small eHrgo-earr.viug
capacity and the hazard of the voy
age. Senator Henri Itereuger raided the
ipietiui wheUier the United States
can comitejMMce such v.vk. He
suy the liberty of the seas i hi4
on the tmfi that Merchaat hip- tre
always tmkeet to potrul, "hcrf.s
submarii-T are itV) to tvuid such
contreJ, as they car siak or swim 't
ideasure. Sea tor liervuger asks
what guarantee a nubmurine can giva
Uiat it is not a vettsel of war.
The Tap, disrussiug the diplo
matic phase of the r rival of the
UeuUehknd, bays the uelion
arises whether the L'nited States will
not incur serious rsKnibiliiy
should the sulwiarine be a merchant
xteatner and atterunnl- undertake I
ai t- nt war oiitule nt Aim in ,m ti i
rit'in .1 vtiUi i - .itt. i In ,i j , vi.
I"IK 4 4lt A"if ' ul 'I1-
t or juued motor trail co'uimih,
ix resilient in the tr u !, aliout to
situation In tho lotiKshoromon'H
strlko, particularly lii-Suu Kranelsco,
was cousldorod more tnonncltiK toilny
thnn nt any tliuo slnco tho longshoio
men quit work .Juno I. it Is believed
now by porsnns In authority that
tho Kmployor's Union, In tho Unlit of
tho million dollar open shop war de
olarod yoetorday It) the chamber of
cotnmorce, will accept only complete
surrender and a return to work on
the part of the striking longshoro
inon horo.
Tho omployors, at one tlmo wIIIIiik
to compromlso, are nov iletermlnod
that tho men shall return to uork
and protout their demands under the
(iO-ilny contracta In their old working
soalo. It was said that local labor
lonilors favor this method of averting
a general open shop fight.
Tho temper of the business men
was exemplified yesterday by Cap
tain Itobort Dollar, head of tho Dol
lar Steamship Company, who told his
1000 hearers that the present strike
situation differed little from the
strike In tho regime of former .Mayor
lCugoiia Schmltz ami Abraham Iteuf.
The money raised hy the business
men Is to ho used to recruit and bring
here thousands of strike breakers
and to protect (hum. New York
busliiow interests, according to
SenoGH C. Heach, of tha .Merchants
and Manufacturers Association, a
sworn enemy of the closed shop, have
offered 10,000 strike breakers.
liAltliOO. Texas, Inly 11. The
embargo of fond stuffs fur export to
.Moxlco was lifted todus and the peo
ple of Nuevo Laredo arc now making
purchases on a large seal. A con
tinuous stream of men, woman and
children heavily laden are crossing
the bridge. J as pec torn exercise vig
ilance te prevent smuggling of fire
arms. LOSS AT
HOH1LK, Ala, Jul 11 - Itevlsed
estimates today of damage done In
Mebtle by the trophal alarm last
week iUk the total loss aft approx-
imstl jl,zoo,ooo
$WIMi Mfjudltiuns uructlfMllv hav.
been itireri. I be streets Itave been
cleared of JelirU und there has been
lio i .ill for It Me' pxi ( ii lit i i it A
jnsLtnrrs of oor r.itniiir-
faowm tlu thirtieth uitaiitr reaih
ileti.un in the desert
WAl'KKUAN. III., July 11. Argil
mo nt for tho dofonso wan begun to
day by Leslie lrtnfihn In behalf of
Will 11. Orpet, on trlnl for tho nuir-
2or of Marlon Lambort.
"Tho defondant," snlil Mr. I latum,
"took tho stand as a fair wltuoes
Tho shock of Marlon's doath and
his arrest had worn off. lie wiih no
longera the frightened youth, who,
without counsel, talked orratloally,
perhaps Just after his arrest.
"It would have been folly for him
to have taken the stand iinloaa he
was to tell the truth and the whole
i"Vlieu ho whs arrested tho whole
cnurso of his life was changed. Of
ficers of the law hostaged him and
the newspapers cried: 'miinlor, mur
der.' It snemod to him as If tho
whole world was arraigned against
him. He simply did his best until
the advice to whlaji he was entitled,
oame to his aaalstaViie.
Mr. Ilanua referred to Mr. .loslyu's
cross-exam I nation of Orpet as "brutal
and unfair," warned the Jurors that
they were not to remember Mr. Joh
lyu's Insinuating questions, hut Or
pet's replies to them.
WAI KKGAN, III.. Julv 11.-Tho
si-.ihihtv that I be detciiM in tho n William II. (lipet, uiincrsily
-indent, charged with the murder of
Minion l,aiulerl, might waive argu
ment when their turn to aildiess the
liirv eauie, wus believed resHinailile
tr the determination of State's At
torney Dady to continue tha iqieniiig
olutement begun vcsterilav by liU a
.itaut, Ii. M. Rmiyartl. 'Hie state's
attorney vru exMetd to take the
floor I bi alteiiiiniii.
Indieatioiix lodiiv pointed to the
Miihlc c'iiiiliiioii n the trial by the
end ot tit ui i k
WASillNOTON, July 11 Nomina
tions for the promotion of several
hundred officers to carry out te
army reorganisation were sent to the
seuate today by the Whife House.
The list included 17 lieutenant
colonels to be colonels, 1 1 majors to
tw lieutenant colonels, one hundred
captains to be majors and several
hundred rtrht lieutenant to lie sp
tftillH, dllll Kl'llilll llt'uK IlillitX t lf
In -t In uleu.ii.i
Famous Imperial Corps Sent to Halt
Slav Drive Analnst Kovcl ami Aro
Met by Equally Famous Russian
Division Willed Repulses All
PHTROGRAI), duly 11. A dis
patch to the Riiftikn Sloven from
south western huuihpiuilern snys:
"When news of the rolling up of
the Austrian first army uud tho
forcing of the defenses of Lutsk wiih
received in Merlin, the emperor or
dered the immcdiiito dispatch thither
of the best available forces of tho
slrntegienl reserves in Franco. Tho
first troops sent to support tho
AustriaiH were tho tenth impel iul
eurp, luoliiding the twentieth
nrunswiek, tho so-rtilled "steel divis
ion," coucurning whose prowess nu
merous legends have a risen in Ger
many. t Steel vs. Iron.
"The coiH reached Vladimir
Volynski uud wna hurled iiguinst
Geiiurul IxiilediueM iirniy. Tho col
lision occurred ut Kiseliu, ImlC way
between Vidimir-Volyiiskl and
Lutsk. The onslaught of the German
steel division wiih met by n Ritssiuu
division which in the earlier atagea of
the war won the niime of tho "iron
division." Advancing to the attack,
the GcrmiitiK fired lens of thousands
of shells in nu uninterrupted citn
iiouade for four duys and nighta;
then ehnrgc followed ehargo and one
after another broke. Russian iron
was proof ngainst German steel.
"During ifshort lull on the evening
of the "ccotlil day the Oermnns dis
played sign boards abovo their
trenches ben ring the inse'riplien:
'Vur RiiMsiau iron is no woi-se than
the Geimun steel, but all tho Mime
we shall smnsli vou.'
' i
I loth Corps Dcclmltntod.
"The Itussians retorted, 'Come on
and try.'
"The Mrunswieka resinned their
charges throughout the day and
night, but next morning the Russians
suddenly delivered a smashing coun
ter attack ut nu unexpected point
and overthrew two battalions, enp
tliring a nuiubur of cannon and ma
chine guns.
"After the forly-seeond attack the
remnants of the steel division were
withdrawn ami are now at Vladimir
Volyuski, a waiting reorgaiiiwition.
The corns in four days' righting lost
three-quarters of iU officers and
half its men. The Kii"iuu Iohncm
nIo weif licnw."
WASHINGTON, July 11 -Impoaeh-uiHiit
proeeedlngs against II. Knowden
Murshnll, United States attomoy at
New York, were tahlwl today by the
hoiiso Judiciary committee which hy
a divided vote adopted a rosolutlou
recommending to the house that nn
further proceedings be taken against
The action of the committee In
such rases usually la sustained by the
homo and the vote therefore Is ex
pect to close the whole proceeding
which originated with Representative
IIucIihiihh ef Illinois, who was Indict-
od In cenneettoN with an investiga
tion of Labor's Peace louncll at New
York at the Unlaw e of Mr. Marshall.
WASHINGTON. Julv II. -Further
emergency appropriations for the
army aggregating almost $.'1,000,000
were asked or congiesa today by the
a hi ileiwtrtment. ' The included
1,200,1X10 for mountain, field and
iege artillery practice; 4Ki. 1 ,0110 for
alteration and maiuteiiM of mo
bile artillerv malarial: i.V).IMMI for
tin ii)f tHcilitie-. for icci ve -upplv
ui -minim liitrute mid i. liT."ml tu
iiii i-i fm. mi J, ii tlii i. - at the It." a
J at, I ,11 I n il
Main Body of Bandits Rctrcatinn
From Jlmtnez, Vantitilslicd hy Car
ranzn Garrison After Savage Bat
tle Dcdillnij Battle of Campalrjn
Fought In Next Dav or Two.
main body of tho Villa fnrco retreat
ing from Jlmlnoz today attacked 1'ar
rnl, firty mlloa to tho aouthwcot but
was defeated by tho Currnii?n garrl
Ron, after n savage bnttltwiccordllig
to an official roport rccciyc'd by Gen
eral Jnclnto Truvlno,
Tho report sent In hy General Kn
nowlo Garcia, cominandor at I'arrnt,
saya that tho bandits, nufforlug heavy
losscfl, rotroatod to Sombrorotlllo, a
fow inlloa southeast ot I'nrral. It
nddfl that It thoy mako n stand tbcro
tho deciding batMo ot tho VIIMstit
oampntgn will bo fought Into today or
tomorrow, nftor tho do facto govern
motit'H cnvnlry, under Ocnoralu Do
mingo Arrlcta nnd Mntlns Ramon, Ih
ulmoflt within striking dlatnnco of
this placo.
Ionising Not Ncciletl
mslllNOTON, July 11. Gotioral
Carranru hna been notified that nego
tiations for tho settlement ot tho bor
der difficulties need not nwnlt tho
return of Secretary Lansing from hta
It Is oxpected horo that Cnrrnnza
will propoHO a formal conference,
rathor than Informal convorsntloim
betweou Ambassador Arrcdondo, nnd
tho stato dopartmont.
American officials will nccodo to
any plau.whIchossurcB tpilck. action.
AVnr dopartmont officials had no
reports upon nnd discounted rumors
ot a rovolt In tho Cnrrnnza garrison
nt Chihuahua City. Tho Mexican
emlmtmy Issuod n formal denial of tho
Villa Forces Hpllt.
Tho Villa ImndltH who nttnokod tho
Carrnuzn garrison nt Jlmlnoz and
Corrnlltos last wook, woro reported
today In u dispatch to tho Mexican
embassy horo to havo sopnnitcd Into
two divisions, one going northwnrdti
towards tho Texas border and tho
other pushing townrds Chlhunhuu In
to Duraiigo stato.
A moasago from Androas Garcia,
Cnrrnnza consul nt. Kl l'nso, said that
troops of tho da facto government In
sufflolont numbers to destroy tho ban
dits had followed thorn In oloso pur
suit. Ilordor ropnrta that tho Cnrrnnza
garrison at Hnnta Itowtlla had rovolt
od and Joined forces with the bandits
woro douled by Consul (lurcla.
I'ORTLANI), Ore., July 11. Tho
rate on lumber from tho Pacific
const to Missouri river points will he
reduced from 50 cent per thousand
feet, to-15 cents over Union Pacific
Hues If the railroad carries out n re
cently formed plan, It became known
here today.
Other railroads are oxpootod to
make a similar i eduction and Oregon
and Washington shippers will bo nhlo
to eoaipete with profit with the yel
low pine producers of tho south to
the Missouri river territory. Tho
proposed reduction boenmu known
following a visit hero Inst wook by
Ii L. Wlucholl. traffic dlrootor ot tho
I ulon Pacific system.
WASHINGTON. July 11. Presi-
dent Wilson probably will bo formally
notified of his nomination by the St.
Louis convention nt Shadow Lawn,
his summer home In Now Jersey, dur
ing the first week In August. This
was tentatively decided today en the
understanding that former Justice
Hughes would be notified July 31 ot
bis nomination b the republican
jit . jut I "-"S -vW