Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 10, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ft t-
(Continued from Page One.)
may mention tlmt everybody In con
vinced of the full filial victory of the
Gorman arms, and those, of our al
llos. The facta of the last 22 month
go to prove that there la no doubt of
till. All Poland. Courlnnd, a conn-'
try of n slxe two third of Germany,
are alnco twelve month undor peace
ful rulo, and the entlro country has
beon put undor the plough and thous
ands of acroa will be serving for tht
next winter' supply of foodstuff.
Rain and warm weather In April and
May havo Wrought a crop In view all
over aormnny, Austria-Hungary, Bul
garia and Turkey, finer than since a
."All Serblrt, Montenegro, and a
uroat part of Albanlfl are In the same
position. RoaldM Helglum, one sev
enth of Franco 1 In Gorman pos
sesion nml nil In a flourishing agri
cultural statu. So there really I not
tho lonst nnxloly for tho Urltlsh at
tempt of trying to kill by starvation
a hundred million Gorman and Aus
trian chlldron and women aul non
combatants, tho most dovlltsh plan
over tried by any nation In the world.
Britain Is Defied
"Our boats will carry across the
Atlantic tho malls and save them
from Urltlsh. Interruption.
"We trust that the old friendly re
lationship with the United States go
ing hack to the days of Washington,
when It was Prussia who was the first
to holp America In Its. fight for free
dom from Urltlsh rule will awake
nfrnsh In your beautiful and powerful
country. '
"Tho house flag of the Deutsche
Oienn-Bhelderel Is the old Bremen
flau. roil and white stripes with the
coat of arms of the town, the key In
tho corner. This key I tho lg" t"t
wo have opened tho gates which
Groat llritaln tried to shut upon u
and tho trade of the world. The
gatoa which we opened with this key
will not be shut, again. Open door
to the trade of tho world on tho
oconns will be guaranteed by Oer
inuny's victory ! this struggle for
Siilimerp) to I"l.
"( in KnnlK's own story of tho
Dutchland's voyage across the ocean
was told to uewspapor correspondent
soon after he made public his pre
pared statement. He laughed at the
storlee of big being chased far off
his course by enemy vossels and de
clared that during the entire trip the
vessel travelled submerged only
about 10 mile.
"I have mii." fU the eaptaln,
"that we were foreed to go hundreds
of miles out of our course In the
Atlantic because of Urltlsh warships.
This Is not so. Why should we go
... f ..r mirM except to submerge.
That Is the simplest and most ef
fective way to get out of her course.
It Is roucn easier m
'In flic ul-itton-hip ff lmtioiw with
in h other, innnv ot our ii(tifr'iiin-
in- lned on mmutKlcr-tiiiiiliiik."-, nml
as lon a von do not understand a
conntry mt eunnot trade with it."
"Lift up yur eyes to the horizon
of btwlnc-x," he concluded. "Do not
iook too eiosoiy at me nttie , pro
reen with which you are concerned,
but lot your thoughts ami vour im-
ntrinntionw run nlirnad throughout the
whole world, anil with the inspira
tion of the thought thai you an?
American and are meant to parry
libertv and justice and the principle
of humanity wherever ycto go go out
and well godds that will make the
world more comfortable and more
happy and convert them to the prin
ciple! of America."
Mo.wgo Pitmi Foul.
President Wilson was accompanied
by Mrs. Wilson. As the party was
drlvou to the convention hall, a can
non thundered the presidential sa
lute, i
Henry Ford, the manufacturer,
sent tho president a message, express
ing confidence h would keep the
United States out ot war.
After speaking at the salesmanship
convention this forenoon, Mr. Wilson
was to hold a public reception. This
afternoon lie was to visit an automo
bile factory. He will leave Tor Wash
ington tills cvinlnir.
.mnt in fit'
TltCM1 Will'
to lot ul
The Hall Taxi company began op
erating their auto line to Crater lake
this morning and will leave Medford
at 8:30 a. m. on Mondays. Wednes
days and Fridays.. The Qratw Lake
company and the Hall Tail company
have a large force of men at wora
opealng up the road and expect to
reach the rim ot the lake the latter
part ot this week.
The road Is open over the moun
tains to the Klamath side, and autos
can get within two miles ot Crater
Lake. Autos going to.Crater lake this
week will need chains at the snow
The roads are In fine condition be
yond Prospect, but are beginning to
cut already on this side. Much better
time can be made by tho Derby road,
as the road 1 very rough between
Trail and the Gordon ranch, I miles
nliove Mel.ood.
Iteported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts.
Html BMnlc Ti-Hiivfers
William II. Gllllset uxto If. J.
Van Fosson et ux, pt 18-10-
3B $350.00
(Icorla M. Hlchar et ux to A. C.
Abrams, lots 1 and 21 blk
21, Central Point 10.00
morge. ,
We oamo to Hampton Roads ly
tho straight course from the English
channel. We did not come by way
of the Asores. Altogether, from
Helgoland to Baltimore, we covered
8,800 miles. Of tha distance 0
mile, were driven under the surface
of the water.
Stay Undor Four !'
"Throughout the entire trip the
officer and or.w were In excellent
health and spirit. Of .. when
v, were under water for long spells.
,. air got stuffy 22- J
IliHrtt was some inw"".
U was n-ver serious. The DuUen
tend is built to stay under water
for four consecutive days, so you see
we never reached anywhere near our
submerged limit on this voyage.
"The ship ch easier to ride , In
than a torpedo ti&t destreyer: much
steadier. Nothing can happen to her.
she is so perfeetly balanced. Of
course, she rolls a little atlmes. but
that to no hardaWi).
-Any nation that can build a ship
like the peutsehJgHu. l
we did."
(Continued from pnKe bum
4 . ,
HOnS Alive, 0'Yt.
STI3KKS Allvo, (HfMViO.
COWS Alive, rfiV4.
VlfiAL Droeiud, S(311 o.
I.lvo fnultry
IIKN'R 12o; spring chickens, lfle;
old roosters, flc; liroilorw, lfiV.
DUCKS Pat, bo.
ORKSH Fut, 8c.
TUHKKYS Fat young, lfo.
BELGIAN HARKS, rt to do.
. liny nnfl Grata
(Buying Pricofl.)
OATS $30 ton.
HAY Grain ami alfalfa, $2 ton.
11AHLRY Wholo, .faO.
I'rlctxi Tata Try nvainre
KndS 22i.
nUTTElt -I)sJry, 2 II, '160.
POTATOES $1.3ft.
ON' IONS 24c
IIOHET 12o nw lb.
CIDER 2fte.
1JRKF 1018o.
I.AHD 13i4(aU4c.
HUTTKR l-'AT 2le.
llutter-Wholesale, 2fle.
LONDON, Julv HI. Al ft moment
when pulilie mlnn-1 is centered on
the bnttles pnteeeding on the eanteni
and wetern fronts, parliament i
ngiiin Hiking up the century-"ltl Irih
prohlem. After week of negotia
tion, whieh led to the rwignntimi f
the Kltrl or Helhoume, as preameni
of the Imnnl of aRriPnlluiv mid the
partial reconstruction of the minis
try, the cabinet hna reached itn
agreement, the terms of which Pre
mier Aiiitli is to explain this afternoon.
Tho settlemwl alrcnily ha heeii
irulorHed h- the niiliunnlUtfl and
'I'Kler pnrtie. lint is npMtned by
Minnll -octiun of the iinioniwls of
Knliliiil nml -milli Inliiinl.
PORTLAND, July 10 CHarles L.
McN'ary, of Salem, ex-Justice of the
Oregon superior court, Is the new
chairman of the republican state ee.
tral rommlttee of Oregon. He was
elected on the third ballot ot a spirit
ed race between six contestants at
the organization meeting of the new
committee here today.
do what
siuk in "the l.tmrun-'e. no
amount of men- ruMliiiir. .. am.-nnt
of meie :uti.e elitfi pn--
fire." In- .! ' l.irfl. .ni'l
ii -'if-
li,i-il .i'H!'
KL PASO, Tox., Julv 10 fieuerul
Milium Hiiiiio". nephew of (Jetitrul
Ignaeio Hiinio-, who wu tho
rerent lorrulilo fight, is purumg
the VillUtu gung under (lalixto Cou-Irs-
into the mountain of Durumm,
ueeording t li leletrrain received to
duy bv (leneral Uonmlm at Juurea.
The menng from tleiwrnl Tivvino
at Chihuohua City, aaid the Villi
tMH did not arie battle nt Ln Ni?-
va, as exiM-eted. hut continued up
the Rio Klorido. Riiiiio liu-. i loree
of l.'00 men.
WHiy SmoRe mt ClRnr
When J Oondss are only lfn
i Pure Blood means Itafsct Health
TDflOF.,Bfe, ft4 "sk MAKft
Will Make Your Blood IHireffigpi h
nmntniKpift Sunday wn "l)n'
of Oliidneas" In irenernl us seheiluled
in the program, and also enohnced by
a vivid dUcourac at the customary
iiuiou nen'iei' in tho tiihernaele. Dr.
W. P. White, pastor of the United
Prtwbyteriun church of Albany, de
livered the wrmon. The speaker is a
Htalwurt, not only physically, but in
telleetiinlly. and paid hi compliments
in the text from Second Timothy.
2:1ft, to Hie theological "cemeteries"
and Idgher eriekfcH." Tho Dible
as our Hole guide wus aimed at pre
vailing inconaixteneies. Contrary to
rule, the choir was an attcnuutcd one
instead of being reinforced. At 3 p.
m. Dr. Allen Moore, in charge of tho
bible study department, exemplified
"The TalwiTOMdo in tho Wilderness,"
and at 8 o'clock guve an illnslmted
leeturo on "The Holy Lund." At fl
it. m.'lhe voting people's aoeictiea held
n union meeting in mo impiibi.
ehnreh. Toduy tho initial nttructioii
won a lecture', "Tlw True Courage."
by ( A. Rexroad. At 3 p. m., Judge
L M. Wanamnker of the supremo
court of Ohio chnroelerUed as one of
Ike "men who do thing," spoke on
"Partisan vs. Patriotism," using
plain terms readily understood by the
average layman. Reform of onr ouin
herxoinn legal procedure wum ft main
contention. Tonight nt S will he a
ttraud coin-crt by tho International
Operatic company, n'Wietnuw bolng in
pliiiu LnglHli.
YV. K. PhillifM, loading official with
the Pacific Yrwi Bxpress, started
for the Dead Indian seotion on Sat
urday, neeonipnnied by his family,
where they will camp for a season.
Joe Hurt took them over to that lo
cality in hi seven-passenger Huffnlo
Pitt rondxter.
Indication Hiut to the return here
of Rev. V. I. Melliuger a piintor of
the Christian ehunb. lie formerly
tilled the iwsition. At pn'nt he pa
sides in Portlnn4 After leaving Ash
land he wus engaged in evungeliHtie
work in Mexico until the trouble
down that way made it advisable to
Camp's ford garage is now located
in the new annex to Hotel Oregon,
commodious quarters fitted up with
every convenience.
Mf. and Mrs. If. P. Kervin of Hold
field, Nov., are here fur a Uit with
rilntixe in the A. Dickev family on
.tfrfhnnii- Mreet. Mr. Ken in i u
iiiiiiin1 engineer employed on oiiie of
the In riff concern, in Nexadn.
The three Murphy boyn, fail, Mur
rv and Rn aH expert horenieu
cleaned up neaHyt$ft00 in ah prie
ut the roundup events last weefo i nri
mU-ed one of toe pain award by
only two seconds.
II. (1. tinder' versatility in com
mercial line tawUd to kvpurt
d vlinli i .'t ln:'(l U lr
tuce nt n n-iiiv; market,
(ll-lHI-it'll ot in toil lot
cr lu-t week.
Dr. W. E. llnchatinn, trincipal of
the Helleview .chool. Inn ojienetl a
dental office in the Camps Woek.
lajor C. W. Darling, retired army
officer, of Shit DUgo. Cnl.; wa here
Julv 4. witneaug tli1 big ilmnga and
renewing the awfuainlanff of Y. 11.
Hodgson, the mun being old friends
wny back in l"Vrgo, N. D.
A room iu Rika block, filled with
curios, attracted much attention n
a celebration feature last week. In
the collection was an American fng,
the firt in n Wisconsin celebration,
Ji lv 4, 1861, the property of Mis K.
A. Adams: also the firt flog raised
in southern Oregon nt Fourth of
July celebration, ISfll. Roth flag are
hnndnnde and in good condition.
Rev. K. C. Richards and family or
Khunulh Palla ne campers In Chaii
tuuquu erk. MF. Richard? pas
tor of the Met!iollst ehnreh m that
Pmnk J. Shinfl it tempornri'y act
ing as secretary f the Commercial
The Axhlniul flmtring mil! luve i
stitnted f.'PC dcllygn- to outlying ilia
triets na far as . Talent, providing
trade amounts In A stipulated sum.
ltnlpti Snlsbwrg of Oaklund, Cnl,
Tormer resident, was here vlaitinu
frienda dnrfng eelbrntimi week.
Kreil Schtiormgn and Loroy Ash
craft, Aslilainl lioya employed-nt Mc
Cloud, Cnl., worn home for Ihe
Rnili-oml men ftwing allegiance lo
the wirioiiM brotherhoods of S. P.
employco loeatod at Dunsmnir, ere
tnking active slop in the eight-hour
ncitntioii movement. Pour of thee
orders hnve liendttnartera nt Duua
niuir. their membere comprising om
idoyes of the Shasta division xetend
imr from Ashland to Red Bluff. In
the trainmen's organisation them at.
140 members; uouduelors, In"; fire
men, HI; Brotherhood of Firemen
nml Kugiiiftcra, TO.
Oscar Hergner, manager of the
Vining theater, lias purehaseil the
Lyric moving pietnre establishment
and now con I nils both of Ashland's
amusement places.
A. C. Diuionii, inmnber of a ftirmer
Aslilnnil family, and now n rancher
in the Langcll vnlluy, IClaMialli coun
ty, wiih bore last woek witnessing the
All those having bills against the
celebration committee are duly noti
fied to present Uiew to II. O. Froli
Imeh at his office in city ball.
Funeral aervinea.of R. P. ltdgiug
ton, who died last woek, were held on
Friday nt the Ch Italian ehnreh t con
ducted lv .1. I .Ri-nver. The deceas
ed was 82 years or ago and was a
native of Brown county, Ohio. Hi
wife died several years ago. He
leaves two sous, Charles of this city,
Floyd of Modesto, Col., and a daugh
ter, Mrs. F. L. Parker, of Hutchinson,
Kan. He was a veteran of tho civil
war, having served in the 129th Illi
nois volunteer. Burial was in Mt.
.lic of ill.' luitii'i'ul (icn-'ir ili-piirtim-iit.
I'm! wr M-tt'iMii nml imt
nl imii respondent, will enter the Elk
imtioinil bom1 at New Med ford, Va..
on . pein .iiie-it retircil IiiiIhiilIi
Pr-i"iil In- li ul I" ii mi minute i'1
varioii Holdteix' lininc-i.
The remain' of Lieutenant Henry
Rodney Adair, hero of Carrianl, are
exiwcted to pass through Ashland
tomorrow morning on the Shasta lim
ited, having left El P-o lust Satur
day, for the fanrtly home in Portland.
According to Sacramento papers,
Clair P. Bowling and Mnbct Stanley,
both of Aahlnnd, wen married at
Yreka, .Inly 1.
Professor W. T. Tan Sony is home
for the summer vanation. ne will
begin teaching the fall term of school
at Wimer, eight miles from Rogue
Miss Orace Collins of Bellingham.
Wash., is a vacation visitor here with
the family of F. J. Shinn, old-time
John MeCttll of Klamath Yt -mm
visiting his sister, Miss Lydia Mc
Call, and other relatives last week.
He is an employu of the Klamath
Falls postoffioe.
Frank Raallield of Winlock,
Wash., has tmett in Ashland recently
attending to business mailers, he
havinii property interests located on
Fourth treel.
FOB HKN'T Cheap, modern house
10th und Laurel. Inquire Krod
Mesrs, Uarnett-C'orey Bldg. 93
nut iKr l7 cottage, gas,
Imlb, stmt', in-ii,' r'liiilture, gar
den, nood ueluiiiioi'hood; 6.00.
Phone 25&-W. 94
hubiness nnttrroHr
Anto flnppltcs
FOB BRNT Five room house, hard
wood floors, full cement baaemont
and garngo. Phone 3T0-W. ,
FOB BKNT -Ntcsly furnished two
room house. Close In. Knqulre
310 N. Hartlett. 9S
yon 8ALB .instnviitjAJJEOus
FOPfsALES Fine fruit laud. Im
proved, near Central Point. Ad
dress F. A. Palmer, 167 H K. 26th
street, Pertmnd, Ore. 4
FOR BALK 1000 feet of two-Inch
Iron pipe. W. J. llartioll, Phone
IB8-J1. 05
are operating tho largest, oldest
and bo oatilDped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
whsn others fall. Sold under' guar
antor 2C North Flftoenlh Bt,
Portland, Ote.
Attorn ey
OBO. W. CHBBBY Attornoy anfl
Notary, Booms 0-10, Jnokson Coun
ty Bank Building, ontranco N.
Contrnl, Medford, Oro.
POBTBB .T. NBFF -Attornoy nt law,
rooms 8 and 9, Modtord National
Bank Building.
Corey bldg.
FOB SALE If yon want a good
trailer for your outing or delivery
Inquire Jack's Oarage. 183 South
FOR SALE Motor eyele, cart elec
tric range, blcyele. Arthur Rowley,
711 B Jackson. 97
raft balb -ranch,
flll-J 1.
- Peaches,
ot Phoenix.
FOR gALK 101 1 lndlau motorcycle
with full equipment: nearly now,
at a real bargain. Walker's Oar
ago. 9
IC cry body In Medford is Kllglhlo
Old people, stooged with suffering.
Middle age, courageously fighting,
Youth protesting Impatiently;
Children, unable to explain;
All In misery from their kidneys.
'Perhaps a little backache rtrst.
Urinary disorder, dropsy may
quickly follow.
tboan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Are endorsed by thousands.
Hero's Medford testimony.
Mrs. Ida rtenworthy, 608 g. drape
St., Medford, says: "I mtve. taken
Dean's Kidney Fills when I have
indited my kidneys haven't heed act
ing as they should and they have
never failed to do me good. I always
give Doan's Kidney Ptlls to one ot my
grandchildren who Is subject to weak
kMueys ut times nml they are very
Price BOe, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Kenworthy nail. Foster-MII-linrii
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ty, " - i J1 mm mil. ' i JJ L-u , I I
FOB SALE 100-aere wood claim on
B. 11., $1600. Write It. H. leell,
Butte Falls, Oro., for particulars.
0. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
collooted some accountd 14 yours
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Bullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Booms 1, 2, 3, Hie
kins' Bldg., 21C K. Main st
Oarnott-Coroy Bldg., ulte
Medforo, Oro. Phono 858.
Collections and Itciiorts
FOR BALIS Nearly now bloyole nt
vour own nriee. l-none iua-.i-i.
Phoua S10.
-Alfnlfn liny cheap.
FOB 8ALU Second crop alfnlfa ftiid
grain bay. Snlder'a Dairy.
FOB SAliti trtVKS'niOtt
---- - -
FOR BALK Team, weight,
apiece. It. F. D. 8, Box 54.
FOR 8ALW At saerlflee. Olydee-
. dale stalUoii, 8 years old; wt..
lflon. Will work anywhere. D.
W. Sturgess, It. R. I; Hot 9 1. Med
ford. 94
M. F. & II. Illdg. Oftlco Hours
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Thono 007-IL
Knglnccr nml Contractor
FBI3D N. OUMMINOS -Snglneor an
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg.
Hurvoy.1,, estlmato, Irrigation
dralnngo, orchard and Und Improvement.
I louso Movers
Move Houses, Barns, Qarngos, Ma
chinery, ICte. Phone 488-M, or
4S8-X. 01S 8. Newtown, 811 Dakota.
FOB SALE Oasollne engine four
and half horse power, cheap. Box
A. II. C, Mall Tribune. 6
FOR HALM Registered Ilorerord
bulls. M. F. Ilaiiley, Medford. 98
View nemeterv with Qrund Army
honors, he havinir boen a member of
the local post.
Miss Viva YYnght, employed a
stenographer in Portland city offices,
is visiting daring Hie vacation hen on
with her mother nt the .family home
on Woolen street.
On July 4, ut the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mf. Ij. K.
Brown, their daughter Marguerite
and Jumea W. InVhop were united in
miirriiige, Rev. R. W. Fanpihur per
forming the ceremony. The bride has
been teaching recent I v at Kehiiu. Mr.
Bishop is a loggimr fontrnetor ul
Durris, Cnl., where tho newlvwcd
will reside, having left fur their new
home on the duy of the wedding.
Vice-President Mi Cormick of the
Kouthern Pueitic, who come here to
iartieiittte in the dedication exer
eises of the celebration period, wu
to pleased with the outlook in Ash
land that he reuinmed several tnr,
being Mhown tho entire scope of the
springs project by Chairman Oreei
of the commission.
. Mr. and Mrs. W. . Richards und
niece of Albauy aro hare for the
nhuutautua seaxon, at the same tunc
testing the virtues of spring water.
They are located m the building used
as headquarter for the Kir I Spirit
ualist society. Mr. If tenant wiih
oandidate for governor of Oregon on
the Micialut ticket at Ibe last prtsi
dential ehiction.
Ashland cherries are being lilpxd
to Hawaii. .Oi 8atnrdy n consign
ment of choice Rovnl Anns was
started for '110110111111 by D. P. Blue,
who is Bcndiuir them to relatives
there, with the ( pi-Hation that the,
will airiie inule ul' a week.
Max Pnti 'it, the irrepre-'-iljIe cm-
POTtALlfiDarttln. -on account -of
sickness, flue country, store reas
onable terms, stock will Invoice
about $8300. half cash, neclirlty
for balance of stock at 8 per cent;
rent of buildings on year lease,
!5 per month. Will soil outright
for JI000, half cash, balance In 3
years at 8 per cent. Will resign
post office in favor of buyer. Mrs.
M. B. Oardner, Sams Valley.
FOIl SALE Couutry mercantile
proposition; good location; 4 aeres
feesoll; ater rmht appurtenant
to laud. Box 78 1. Medford. f
b1ib"i1B8 OPI'ORTPNItV 800
per cent profit Kmall Investment
(required, light work. For further
nnriiniiinra tniiolrn Medford Poul
try and V:gg Company. tf
FOB BALE Horses, and, grain hay
ln tlia Held. on intie nortuenai oi
Phoatilx. ID. 18, Reames. 10G
- - -r--viAt. 5 f-rx -M1: -
WANTED- Second iiMid Tamlly re
frigerator. Address llox A. Mall
Tribune. 9S
Loavo Medford lor Ashland. Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. in., 1:00, 8:00, 4:00 and I:1R
p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
m. Sundays leave at 8:60 and 10:30
a. iu. and 1:00. 8:00, 6:80 and 9:30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, exeept Sunday, at 8:00 a. m
1:00, 8:00, 4:00 and 6:16 p. in. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:80 and
1:10. Sundays leave Ashland at 9t00
a. m. and 1:00. 4:80, 8:80 and 10t30
P. in.
WAiNTIDD -To renovate your teeth'
ora and .make your netia into toui-
lug mattresses. I'lioue luo-o.
888 18. 18th. 96
KARL S. TUMY Gonoral Insurance
office, Flro, Autotnobllo, Accident,
Liability, Plate (Bass, Contract,
and 8urety Bonds. Excotlont com.
pnnlee, good local service. No.
a 10 aarnott-Corey Bide.
Instruction In Mnslo
FRJID ALTON HA1011T Toachcr of
ntauo and harmony. Ilnlght Mimic
Studio, 401 Oarnott-Coroy Bide,
Phone 72.
WANTED Fixture for store. What
have you? C. A. DeVoe.
i mmtmmtm
WANTED ilduslrlann Imy to do
store work. Inquire M. M. De
partment. 4
WANTED Man t( mn gasoline en
gine and do some shop work on
near-by ranch. Mlravlsta Orchard.
WANTED Refined, neat-appearing
young lady for dining room work.
Mast he experienced. Apply L
E. McDonald. Trail, Ore. 83
WANTED Flrst-elsss lady cook for
resort. State experience and sal
ary expected In first tetter. L. E.
McDonald, Trail Ore. 83
WANTED comiHitent woman for
general housework. Good wages.
Phone 734 l-J. 4
Shotect Ifctmoi
Buy It In the sealed glass Jars.
The Beat ia always the Chaapeat
Substitute coat YOU sajna c rjee
Camera SP
208 East Main Stroet,;
Tlio Only 15xcliIvo
Oomniorclal Photoyi'apliorn
in Southoni Oregon
Nagativos Ivrade any tiino ot
plaeo by appoiutirwnt.
Phone 147-J
Wu'll do Hie rost
G. n. WESTON. ProD.
WANTED Agents to sell California
oranae peeled. New Invention,
quick seller. 100 per cent profit.
Bend 1 8 cents for sample and spec
ial agents offer. Bsrlow and
Richardson, Til Citlxens Bank,
lildg.. Los Angeles. 93
AC"F Ql'It'K Every automobile Is
siifferiug from "Motor Dtnatn
erlu." The Little Friend Is a euro
guaranteed cure. New Immensely
profitable field for agents. De
tails free Whit Mfg. Co., Alro
iM't . Cincinnati, onto. a
OABIUOE (let your Vrsmlses
cleaned up for tho Bummer. Call
on tho city garuage waxons tor
good norvlce. Phone 874-L. T,
Y. Alien.
Pliyslclnns nml Burgeons
bn?ia"oABLowi dil eva
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physlolana, 410-417 Oarnott-Core7
bldg., phono 1030-L. Bcsldence
2G South Laurel at.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ofltoopathls
physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey,
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice llmltod to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested, and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for B. P.
It. R. Oo. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg-, opposite P. O. Phone C07.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phone, oftlco 36, resi
dence 780. Office hours, 10 to
IS, 2 to 6.
oUn and surgoan. Oftlco Palis
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 13, 1 to 4. I'houo 110-J.
rOR KXrilAKfiB Soutnern raw
ornla nropertle for Southwest
Oregon, In or near Medford, Ash
land or Urauts t'asa preferred. No
geuts. Address ewner: W. F.
Arebart, Hawthorne, Cal.
and Publishers
MEDFORD PltlNTINO CO., has the
best equipped printing offleo-ln
southern Oregoa; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
ote. Portland prions. 27 North
Fir at.
Of flee 48 North Front aL Pbons
315. Price right, aoriioe guar
MONEY TO LOAN llav money to
loan upon city and country prop
erty. Quick service. Money on
band. Earl H. Tumy. 810 Oarnett
Corey Bldg. tf
'- im.
AI'TO- -For a scenic trip to the ueacn
go to descent City, Cal.. faro f 10.
I'lioue 168-R or 803-J. 85
iiil 1 ii. - mi jwse
Have party with well improved 25-acru Iwt, located
4 miles from Kantu CJru, (.'alif, that wants to trade
for good business here. 1 1 is property ii elear.
Ileal Itatftte Lottna, Itantals, Insurance),
ll We MatM.
Pban Trip
I have a 160-aore stock ranolt;
good location; 100 acres In grain,
some alfalfa. This place recently
sold for fl3,000;ino lueuoibrunee.
will iraao tor homi otoimru, (iiuint
pears, or would tnke city property.
Would trade even or assume tome In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
I(i West Main gtroeL
We can deliver a flue stock ran oh
of 370 acres over half now In crop
of wheat, barley, alfalfa and ourn,
and conUderable ore con be culti
vated uoae ot It steep laud.
This place Joins a boundless out
range and has very good buildings,
and abundance ot springs for stoak.
Anyone wanting to get Into tka stock
business should take this one. No
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Kioua 1117 j
! ' .4.
I -