MEDFORD MAIL TRTBFNE, MEDFORD, OREGON RATTRDAY, ,TTTLT 8. 1916 PASB VTTJl l rsa 1 CROP ESTIMATES OF NORTHWESTERN E T DISTRICTS Weekly Market Letter of Ronue River Fruit & Produce Association Gives Estimated Yields for Wen ' atchcc, Hood River and Watson vllle Sulsun Shinplng Bartletts. We have boforo us Uiu cstimntc of llio npplo mill pear crop for the WutinttilitK district, made up by the dmtriot inspector in grout detail and npptwenttly with yront care. Thin oatimiitc allows '7.'U0 nan of tipples nnd HSO cars of pears for the 11(J crop. The largest tonungo will be in Winosnpo, with Jonathans Kocond nml Spitxenhcrgi tliinl. Only 2 per cent of the total apple crop is given n Yellow Newtown. Thin would moan approximately lf0 can of NcwtowiiH out of the Wonutcheo district, 'flic Inlest information from Hood River !h that thuy will have n relatively largo tonnage of Newtown apples. This might easily run to flllO or (100 en re. Advices from the Wnlsonville district, which eome from a very re liable kouico, place their eatiiutned tonnage at 1800 ears, and it is claim ed thai the urop in one of the clean out and beat they have ever had. Rogue River should turn out from HfiO to nnn can of Xcwlown thin neaHoii, iiuIohh all nigim fail. The latent advice from the Talifor niu pear district) is that San Joo will not have over Til) per cent of a crop of the fall and winter Vmiction of pears, and thin Ntntemout oxprosH- ly excepts Winter NcUk, which arc represented as being only one-third of lnt year's crop in other words, approximately thirty-five can. The Ilartlett situation, ncuording to the same advices, is clearing up very sat isfnctorily for this district. On July 1 the so-called river district of Cali fornia shipped out seventy cars of fruit, (pule a pronortion of which were Hurtled pears, and it is stated that in view of the size of this yenr's crop this shipment of seventy can in all probability will prove to he the crest of the season. It is further stated that the Suisiiu district is now commencing lo ship their Hartletts and that they expected to ship twenty-live cars on July (1. If these statements are correct it would mean that in nil probability the California Hartletts would be pretty well clean ed up and out of the way by the time Rogue River Hartletts are ready to roll. The sales of Hartletts at auc tion in the eastern market, whluh are now beginning to be made in more or less substantial "uautities, show, up to date, exceedingly good prices. A considerable number of half -box Hartletts are represented as being sold in New York at prices ranging from $1.80 to $J per half box, and the full box Hartletts are running; at price ranging from $3 to $4, deliv ered. There is everv indication, therefore, that our Ilartlett crop this seanou should bring extremely good prices on the fresh fruit market. Yc are havinic utmost dailv inquiries from our various old-time customers for quotations on Hartlett peare in carload Iota on an f. o, h. Mod ford basin, and we oxpect to well in (hi manner a lurgo proportion of our total tnnnnKC hoch'K Rivr.R Fitrrr & produce ASSOCIATION. H S. V. Heckwith, manager. coLoiniif WASHINGTON, Julv 8. Hope of ratifying die long-iending Colombian Irtuttv at tbi" tiession of congress vir tiiitlly wuk abandoned today by ail niltiitratioi lenders in tbe xenute. Chairman Stone said after a Mxsion of the foreign relations committee that it would b iiMiiiWo under sh.V cireuiHsUnces to jet tlm necessary two-thiidx vote, President Wilson huk been verv auxion to see nitifi cations exchanged on the treaty, which would pv Colouihiu .$15,000, OOn for the partition of Panama. SLAVS DRIVE GERMANS BACK T (Continued from Page One.) stAtya. Tae number of German and Austrian prisoners continue to in erM0. Column KtntOMiioiit. RERUN; July 8, vin iMwdon. Heavy ulUtfks by the Russians against Oeruuui troous tf Prince Iopuld iu IlarapoviAbi Region have bee repulsed, with the los of tliou uumIs in deud to the attacking forces, aoDonUwr to today's official war of fice atutoiuuMat. JfetsiM assault vortbweet of Uwsaea, in Qfdiria, also want fruit lean, and in Vsiliyaia lit Qtawoiia gained advantage south of LuUk. E 1 TO OPERATE To the Editer: If the copper mines of tbo Ditto Lodge district are all that Is claimed for them, thoy will receive an Im mense) direct bonoflt from a railroad. Without a railroad they have lnltt Idle for yoars, a continual burden and oxponso to their owners. With the road, It Is confidently claimed they will immediately provo to be bo nanzas. Certain It Is that the road cannot poealbly bo worth anything to tho city as an Indirect boneflclary, unloss it Is first worth a vory croat deal to tho mine owners ns direct bounflclarles. Yet It Is proposod that tbo city, already staRgorlnK under a heavy load of dobt, should expand $300, 000 for tho road without anyone else spending a penny. This la not only unfair, but It also suggosts n doubt as to wbothor, after all, theso mines arc so wonderful ns wo have been led to believe. No Annlstniirc Atketl. Jf Mr. Towne, who owns tho only developed property In tho region, woro asking tho city to assist him In Kotting it railroad to bis ntlno, If be wore offorlng to pay oven n small portion of the cost and .woro asking tbo city to ndvanco $300,000, wo couldn't feol assurod that Mr, Tow no belloved In h: own property and expeotod to opornto It at least long enough to get back the money ho put In tho railroad, Jltit what Is Mr. -rowne's attitude? Ten years ago he expended a large amount of money In development work; that Is to say, In finding out what kind of a ntlno he had. Having found out, ho abandoned all further operations. Ho has never mado the slightest effort to got transportation to the property. Ho hac manifested only tho most perfunctory Interest In the efforts which havo boon tnnde from time to time to promote a rail road to tho district. Ho Is not now offering to advance a dollar of tho cost of the road; ho makes no guar anty of any definite amount of ton uago for tho road. All that he ban been willing to say Is that if tho roiid Is built, he will operate his mine unless conditions change. We are In tho midst of n great world war; as a result, tho prlco of copper nl present stands nt tho hlghost point it has reached In many years. That conditions in this respeot will rhunge with tho return of peace is ono of tho cortalntlos. What then, becomos of Mr. Towno'a promlso to opernto his mlno? Atsxit llhto Ldge. "What, after all, do wo roally know about the Illuo I.odgo dlfltrlot? No one quostlons that It Is a vory highly mineralized rogton or that It contains a largo amount of copper ore. Hut this Is not enough. Tho ono Important question Is what will It cost per pound to produco coppor from this district. If this cost Is low ns com pared with that of other coppor-pro- ductlng sections, wo may safely ns sumo, that with transportation, tho mines would opornto; if it Is high, the probabilities are that In normal tlmoA the mlnea would bo Idlo. This question of cost Involve such factors as cost of mining, eharactor and quality of oro, cost of transportation of oro to smelters, smelting problems, ate. It is a quoatlon which could only b dotormlned by onreful examina tion and investigation by competent expert. So far as the public Is advised, no attempt has over been made on be half of the city to obtain auoh Infor mation. What would you think of n liusineM man who would Invest $300,000 Into this railroad, would be taking tho same risk as If It wore Investigating tho money In tho mines themselves, for unless tho mines can ba successfully operated, tho rail road will be worthless. All other tonnage combined would be Insuffi cient to pay operating nxpeuses. This Is not my opinion, It Is the Judnmont of practical transportation men who know. Without Ss'olf lent Ions What would you think of a man who turned over $800,600 to a con tractor to build him a building with out plans and specifications? That is practically what this contract pro poses the olty of Med ford shall do with respect to this railroad. True the eontrant says that tho road must be built with rails and ties. Such a clause, howover, is scarcely necessary as no one has yet discovered any way of uutldlns a railroad without rails and tis. Moreover, this contract ex pressly provides not only that the rails may be tbe very lightest In use anywhere, but also, that they may be second hand. And on the isoet Im portant matters, the contract js M lent. There has been no survey, nothing Is said about maximum eurrature. no protista is wade for Wllset The cost of tbe materials sneolfled in the IN OWNERS NEVER REQUESTED contract will bo about $3,500 per mile. The remaining portion of tho cost will bo for Items and labor and construction concernliiR which tho specifications arc practically a whtto paper. Again, tho contract, as drawn offers Mr. Dullts a premium for building the worst possible road. For example, overyono knows that In a mountainous country, there will be sovaral possible routes for a railroad. Kxmnplo nf lltislncss. 'For example ono route between two glvott points might bo seven miles long and by roason of cuts, fills, and rock work cost $ 14,000 I'er mile, or $98,000 In all, while by tak ing a second route 10 tulles long, it might bo possible to avoid all heavy rock work and cuts and keep the price down to $10,000 per mile, or $100,000 in nil, It Is porfeetly ob vious that other things bolng equal or nearly equal, the shorter routo Is tho bettor. Yot under this con tract, tho city would pay Mr. Hullls $100,000 for building his road over tho 10-mllo routo nnd only $70,000 for building It along tho sovcu-mlle route. Whether such n situation ns this will bo met In tho construction of this road, I do not know; without prdpor surveys no ono can know. That Is one reason why a contract to build a railroad without a survey Is even more uubuidnesH-lIko than a contract to build a building without plans. POKTRR. J. NRFF. AT THE PAGE TONIGHT A conclave of eminent inventors of tho nation, tho workshop of a genius n den of International crooks, nnd n great battle between troops of this country and thoso of n foreign coala tlou, thoso nro some of tho scoiioh and events that mako "Tho Flying Torpedo," nt tho l'ai;o tonight, one of tho most thrilling productions that has ever been thrown on tho screen. John Emerson, tho formor Frojimun star, and present actor-director of the Kino Arts studio, stars as an eccentric character. As "Win throp Claverlng, he Is an author of detective stories who Is able to "de tect." Ho discovers a Swedish maid In an Inventor's bouso, who Is n great admirer of his novels. Dossle IOvo as tho maid finds n cluo to the men who caiiso tho death of tho Inventor. Kmorson uses strategy In outwitting tho scoundrels who steal tho flying torpedo, but If It wore not for tho maid nnd tho pollco sbo brought, Rmerson would have lost out. Tho Oovornmout rushos tho manufacture of tho flying missiles of destruction and thoy turn tho tldo for tho United States In a dosporato crisis In tho lyoar 1921. "Tho Village Dlacksmlth," which furnishes the toughs on this bill, Is simply unblushing slapstick through out. As Is customary In Keystono, tho action Is so rapid that thoro is not tho slightest danger of unybody'a dropping off to sleep. TABLE ROCK TABLETS Mr. and Mm, John Vincent of Jacksonville visited relativos in this district the lint of the week. Miss Huttie Penco of Cuntml Point jr. helping with the housework at the Pendleton homo. The crop of early liny in this dis triet has been finished up and the cutting of gnin hay was begun this week. A ctew of men are thitmiittf a large crop of apples at the Tuble Rook or chard. Willi the pronont crow it will take several weeks to finish Hie work. Orundum and flrandm Vincent have returned to their homo nt this idacit ufter a Mvoral mouthk' visit with relatives in Central Point and Mudford. Mr. aud Mr. John Noalun visited relatives in Talent one day Inst week. O. P. Hall has procured a fishing license and keojts us pretty well sup plied with fish- stories. Mrs. F,ffiu Dollar and family, who liavo Ikhjii staying at the Houuliou ranch for more than a your, have pioved to the Meadows. Mn. A. L. Seabronk, who has been under the doctor's care for some time, is very much improved in health and will soon he able to be about hur lousehold duties again. Three daughters nf Mn. Susan Potdund arrived from California a few days ago and will spend some time visiting relatives in the valley, Joeph Cojlins returned homo Sun day moping from a two week' trip to Cnrvallia and Portland. The trip was made by auto, Joe and two other boys each being the winner of a prise at the ft county fair, going with School SujierviMor Petenou In his Ford. Tlje seeded cutting of alfalfa is now ready for the mower at the M. l. Root orchard. AM urain crops is this disiriid tlmt were put in in good season are look- ing very good, excepting n few places wlicro frost did serious dnmane. Very few nests of gnme birds have been destroyed in these parts this lycnr during the haying operations, .owing to the backward senson, ns prnctienlly nil the young birds were hatched before the cutting of hay was commenced. Albort Morine, who committed sui cide nt tho Sacred Henrt hospital last Tuesday, was well known in this dis trict, having resided here Fovernl years ago. Belmont Pnnkey, who lias been employed nt the Modeo orchard for some time, left n few tlnya ngo for llornbrook, Cnl. Tho CorlisB fninilv. former resi dents of this place, but now of Med ford, passed through here Sunday in a new Dodge ear. A. L. Vincent is doing considerable rond work in the Hcngle district. Nearly every family in the district was reireonfed nt Ashland's cele bration on the Fourth, some few feel ing nhfo to stay over for the fith'nnd Ilth. Kvory one returned well pleased with tho entertainment afforded them, and all npree that a city would be hard to find that is better shu nted to handle n crowd than Ashland .is In its present shape. Last -onr tlm Imorovcmont associ ation appointed n committee to hnn die tho district exhibit nt the fair, nnd ns n result we won the first priro. So far this vear nothing has been done in this line, although the sea son for gathering exhibits is nt hand. GOLD HILL NUGGETS Mrs. Colla Sherman arrived Thurs day morning for n month or more with hor sister, Mrs. R. T, Simmons. Mrs. Sherman's homo Is In Portland. 1). 11. Miller returned from Hnlem Thursday morning, whonco ho had gone about a week ago on buslnqss. John II. Palmer, flold Hill's artist photographer was at tho Rogue River round-up Thursday to get n few views. J Fletcher Stout, our gonial prarma clst, lms been spending the first part of tho week with his relatives at Jacksonville. iRvangcllst .McKay of Wonatcheo, Wlisb., Is conducting services that are vory Interesting nt tho Church of Christ. Mr, and Mrs. L. O. Porter, parents of Harry Portor of Gold Hill, nro over from Mcdford spending the day with their son nnd family, boforo tho lnt tor leaves for their future homo In Idaho. They woro accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Holms. Christian Sclonco services nro now being held c,very Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, at tbo Odd Fallows Hall. Sunday's subject will bo "Sitcru mont." iFrunk M. Avory, rural freo de livery carrier for tho Foots Creek district met with qulto a serious ac cldont Thursday. Whllo going nt n lively gait near tho Jacobs ranch, In Riverside colony, tho cart axle broke, scaring tho horse and throwing tho driver some distance. The enrt and harness woro fl0 badly demolished, when thu horse was caught at tho Illttle ranch, as to nccossltnto new onos. Mrs. C. H. Price returned Friday morning from an extended visit with hor ststor In Pasitdona, Cnl. Miss Ina Austin came Friday to visit at the homo of A. T. Llthrop south of dole! Hill. Alt Lowls returned Thursday to tho Mountain King Mine in the Moadows district. In tho fourth sootlon of tho Wash ington guards wbloli passed through (Sold Hill Wednesday, was Joe Pan- key, a former resident of this place and whose parents still remain here. Miss IJertha Wolverton of the colony was In Cold Hill Thursday. Mr. West of Sams Valley was transacting business In our town Wednesday. T Reported by JaekBpn County Ab stract Co , Sixth and Fir Sts. Circuit Court. Kd Wilkinson vs. (leorge W, Ilniu tin et ul., affidavit for publication of summons, order for same. Pollock Mercantile Ayetie" vs. Win. A. Aitken, dcfuult, judgment. J. M. Under vs, T. 0. Rovd et ul., uuswer and eroaM-eoiuplaint. JtMil listato Transfers. If. W. Scott to Julia C. Hock- INTKItUIUJAN AUTOOAK CO. TIME OAItl). Le&re Medtord tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix dally, excopt Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and B:1B V. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. tn. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a, tn. and 1;00, 2:00, 6:30 and 0:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, excopt Sunday, at 9:00 a. n., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:16 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 6:30 and 2:20, Sundays learo Aabland at 9:00 a. m, and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. HOUSE NEWS ett, land in see. 17-30-1 K. $ 10 W. M. Seott et u.t to Julia C. I locket t, land in sec. 17-39- lfi 10 'E. II. Thompson to First State Hank of Regno River, land in sees. 10 and M-.1S-4W. ... 10 Why Stnolio Hit Cignw When La doming nro only lOo NOT1CR OF AHSESHMKNT. CollfornlA-Orcgon 1ovw Company. (Location of principal placo of bus iness, Ban Francisco, California. Notlco Is hereby given that at a meeting of tho directors hold on Tues day, April IS, 1910, an nssessmout (No. 4), of fifty cents per share was levied upon tho capital stock of tho corporation, payable Immediately to tho secretary nt tho offlco of tho corporation, No. 131 Loldoadorff street, San Francisco. California. Any stock upon which thfcj assessment shall romnln unpaid until Tuesday, May 23, 191C, will bo delinquent nnd advertised for salo at public auc tion, and, unless payment Is mndo before,, will bo sold on Tuesday, Juno 20, 191C, at tho hour of 12 M., to pay tho delinquent assessment, to gether with tho costs of ndvortlslng and cxpenso or salo. Dated April 18, 191(5. J. O. THOMPSON, Secretary of Calltornln-Oregon Pow er Co., offlco No. 131 Loldcsdorff fit., San Frnnclsco. California. Notlc or Appointment of Kxeoutor. In tho County Court of tho State of Orogon, In nnd for tho County of Jackson. In tho matter of tho cstato of W. McDonald, decoased. Notlco Is heroby given that tho undorslgned has boon nppolnted by the Hon. F. L. TouVello, County Judge, as executor of tho ostate of W. W. McDonald, deceased, nml has duly qualified an such executor, ac cording to law. All persons having claims against said cstato nro hereby notified and required to present them, with proper vouchers nnd duly verified according to law, to tho undersigned nt tho of flco of the Jackson County Dank In the city of Mcdford, Oregon, within six months from tho dnto hereof, which said offlco tho underslgnod so. lects ns his place of business In all matters pertaining to snld cstato of W. W. McDonald, deceased. Dated at Mcdford, Oregon this 8th day of July, A. II., 191C. Dat0 of first publication July 8, 191C. C. W. McDONALD, Rxcrutor of the estate of W. W. McDonald, deceased. .Vol Ice or Sheriff's Kitto of Heal Proierty t'nder execution. K. J. Myers, plaintiff, vs. Uohn Whlto and Julia F. White, defendants. Hy vlrtuo of un execution and order of salo duly Issued out of and under tho seal of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, In and for the County of Jnckson, to mo di rected, dated the 3rd day of July In a certain suit thorelu, wherein the plalntltr, K. J. Myers, on tho 27th day of June HMO, recovered a Judg ment against tho defendants, John Whlto and Julia F. White nnd each of thorn tor the sum of throe hundred twenty-five ($325) dollars with In terest thereon from tho Kith day of Februury, ID 16, at tho rato of 10 por cent per annum nnd fifty ($60) dollars attorney's feo. Public notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tho commands of said execution and ordor of salo, I will on Monday, tho 7th day of Au gust, 191 C, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., nt the front door of tho court bouso in Jacksonville, Jnckson Coun ty, Oregon, offer for Halo and will soil, subject to redemption ns by law provided, all of the right, tltlo and Interest that tho defendants nbovo named hnd on tho dato of tlm mort gage herein foreclosed, or havo ac quired or now have In nnd to the following described real proporty, to wit: Lots four (I) and flvo (6) In block four (-1) of dcorgo Halls Ad dition to Woodvlllo, (now Rogue River) In Jackson County, Orogon. Tho above lots will bo sold at said time and place In the manner pro vided by law for tho sale of roal property undor oxocutlou to mitlBy the Judgment, costs, attorney's foe nnd accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 7th day or July, 1910. W. II. SINOLMR. Sheriff. Hy K. W. Wilson, Deputy. Numinous Hull for Dlvora.'. In the Circuit Court or tho Htatn of Oregon, for the County of Jack ton. Luclndn Slovor, Plaintiff, vs. Alonzo Slovor, Defondant. To Aloii7o Hlover, tho nbovo numod defendant' In the name of tho State of Oregon you are hereby roqulred to appear nnd nnswer thu plaintiff's complaint against you now on file In tho above entitled rourt nnd cause on or before the last day of the time proscribed In the order for publication or sum inons herein, to-wlt: On or boforo tho 10th day of July, 191 C, said dato be ing tho expiration of six weeks from and after the dato or the first publi cation of this summons. And If you fall to appear and nn swer, for want thoreof, thu plaintiff wilt apply to the Court for tho rollof prayed for In said complaint, succinct. ly stated as follews: That the bonds of matrimony exist- BUSINESS Have party with well improved 25-aoro tract, located 4 miles from Santa Cruz, Calif, that wants to trade for good business here. His properly is clear. BXXHXTT INVE8iaHJn? CO. IWd Siiqo Lcvust, BvrftttlB, Juwanre. Hot Wrst 4n. Phone 700 -w Ing between plaintiff and defondant bo forever abrogated, dissolved nnd annulled, uind that tho plaintiff bo awarded such other and further ro ller na to tho court shnll appear Just and oquttnblo. This summons In published in tho Medford Mall Trlbuno by ordor of tho Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judge of the above entitled court, which said or dor was mado and cntorcd of record on tho 2dth day of May, 191C, and in compliance therewith, tho date of tho tint publication horeof Is tho 27th day ot May, 191G. W. E. PH1PPS, Attorney for Plaintiff. FOH 11KNT1 noCSKfl FOR RUNT Cheap, modorn bouso 10th and Laurel. Inqutro Fred Menrs, dnrnott-Corey Dldg. 93 FOR RENT 3-room and 2-room houses, modern, furnished. 417 Jay st., Phono 742-J. 92 FOR ItRNT My residence on South Oakdale during my absence on Mexican border; select parties only. Dr. K. T. Portor. 92 FOR. IIRNT Cor.y cottngo, gas, hath, stove, somo furniture, gar don, good neighborhood; $0.00. Phono 258-W. 94 FOR. RHNT Flvo room house, hard wood floors, full content basomont nnd garage. Phono 370-W. VOn BALK MtBURliliATTKOCfl FOR SALR If you want a good trailer for your outing or delivery Inquire Jack's Garngo, 132 South Riverside 93 FOR SALR Motor cycle, cart elec tric rnngo, bicycle. Arthur Itowley, 711 K Jackson, 97 FOR SALR Pouches. Furroll ranch, west of Phoenix. Phono CU-J 1. 94 FOH 8ALR 1914 Indian motorcyclo with full equipment: nearly now, nt u real barguln, Walkor'u Gar ngo. 93 FOR. SALE ICO-acro wood claim on St. It., $1600. Wrlto It. II. Isoll, dlutto Falls, Oro., for particulars, i 93 FOR SALE Nearly now bloyclo at your own prlco. Phono 403-3-4. 93 FOR 8ALE AlfaUa hay cheap. Phono 310. FOR SALE Socond crop alfnlfa nnd grain hay. Snldor'a Dairy. ' ' ' - -.11.1 ! T- J JU FOH BAIA TtrraTOOK. HORSE FOR SALR Uonnlo, tho flvo year old driver of Mlsslonnry Smith's, 208 S. Central. 92 FOR SALE Gasoline onglno four and half horso power, cheap. Ilox A. 11. C, Mall Trlbuno. 90 FOH SALE Registered Hereford bulls. M. F. Hanloy, Medford. 93 FOR SALE Horses, and grain hay In the field, ono mtlo northeast ot Phoonlr. E. E. Roamcs. 106 WANTED vMISCHLLANICOUH WAjNTRD To renovnlo your feath ers nnd mako your beds Into fold lug mattresses. Phono 19G-J, 322 E. 12th. 96 WANTED Fixtures for store. What havo you? O. A, DoVoo. HICLl" WANTKrv MALE WANTED Good brick layor nt once. Phone cement plant, Gold Hill. 92 WANTED Man to run gnsollno on glno nnd do somo shop work on near-by ranch. Mlravlota Orchard, 697-J2, llKLV WANTED FHMALH WANTED Refined, noat-appearlng young lady for dining room work. Must bo experienced. Apply L. 15. McDonald, Trail, Oro. 93 WANTED First-class lady cook for resort. State oxporlencu and sal ary expected In first letter. L. E. McDonald, Trail Ore. 93 WANTED compotont woman for genornl housework. Good wages, Phono 72 14 -J. 94 HELP WANTED AOENTH WlTKI)-"Agents to "sell California orange peelod. New Invention, qulok seller. 100 per cent profit. Send IK cents for sample and spec ial agents offer. Harlow nnd Richardson, 321 Citizens Hank, bldg., Los Angeles. 93 ACT QUICK Kvory automobile Is suffering from "Motor Diphth eria." Tho Llttlo Friend Is a sure guaranteed cure. Now Immensely profitable field for agents. De tails free Whlto Mfg. Co., Alro Dopt , Cincinnati, Ohio. 93 'J I r 3X3T. SIONKY TO LOAN TO LOAN -Private party 'will loan money on first-class farm lands. Ilox II. C , Mall Trlbuno. 92 MONEY TO LOAN Huv monoy to loan upon city and country prop orty. Quick service. Money on band. Karl S. Tuiny, 210 Qarnott Corey Dldg. tf r ' .. -- i . i MISCELLANEOUS. AUTO For a sconlc trip to the beach go to Crescent City, Cal., fare $10. Phono 1C2-R or tiOJ-J. 96 -H- H0SINES.1 DIKRCTORr Anto Happier LAHBR AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best oqulppod plant In the Pa cRlo northwest. Uso bur springs when others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ota. Attorney GEO. W. CHEItrtY Attornoy and Notnry, Itoomn 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Dank Ilulldlng, ontranco N. Central, Medford, Ore. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 0, Medford National Sank Building. A. E. ItEAMES. LAWTER Garaett Coroy bldg. G. M. ItODEIlTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Building. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the monoy. The Butiock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main st. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN RnoYnn DR. O. O. VAN 8COTOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy Bldg., ulte SIC Medforo, Oro. Phone 866. Collections and Reports DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. M. F. & H. Bldg. Offlco Hours 8:30 to 12; 1 to5. Phono 607-R. Engineer nnd Contractor FRED N CUMMINGS sVglBeor and contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg. Surveys,, estlmatos, lrrlgatioa dratnago, orchard and land im provement. HotiM) Movers MEDFORD HOUSE MOVERS Wo Move Houses, Burns, Gnrugos, Ma chinery, Etc. Phono 488-M, or 48R-X.. 012 8. Newtown, 811 Da kota. Insurance. EAnL S. TUMY Goneral Insurance office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Pinto Glass, Contrnct, nnd Suroty Bondrt Excollent com. panics, good local sorrics. No. 210 Qarnott-Coroy Bldg. Instruction In Mnslo FRED ALTON II AIOHT Tench' r ot piano and harmony. Hnlgbt Muslo Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy Bldg., Phono 72. .Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cloanod up for tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone J74-L. T, Y. Allon. Physicians nnd Bergeone DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathls physicians, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 1036-L. Rosldenr 26 South Laurel st DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopithH physician, 303 Garnntt-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and urgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sur pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 667. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician an surgeon Phones, offlco 3C, real donco 780, Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, oppostto Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. i . Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has ths best oqulppod printing offlco In soutborn Orogon; book binding, looso leaf ledgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prlcos. 27 North Fir st. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front st. Phons 316. Prices right. Service guar WHY? ' NOW TIME TO TRADE. I bare a 100-ncro stock ranch; good location; 100 aorea in grain, somo alfalfa. This plaeo recently sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance. Will trade for good orchard, profor poors, or would take olty proporty. Would trade oven or assume somo In cumbrance on orchard proposition. J. C. BARNES 102 Wt Main Street. NEW TODAY Wo cun deliver a flno stock ranch of 370 acres over half now In orop of wheat, barley, alfalfa and corn, and consldorablo oro can bo culti vated nono of It steep land. This placo Joins a boundless out range and has vory good building, and nbundauee ot springs for stock. Anyone wanting to got Into tho atoek business should take this one. No trade. Hoon-Cathcart Co. Phono 1(17 -4 - K