BfcWMto TODFOTCT) MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1916 raam four ,'. h V fVfl ' tf. V, ? Y . ;. ' K . " rv :3? I V It fM ' I 4 w. g v. Medford mail tribune AN tNDKt'UNDBNT NISWSI'ArKll. .. PUUMHIIRn KVI5HV AKTKItNOON .," , UXITBIT SUNDAY HY TIIW MEDi'OHD CIUNTINU CO. iOtttr Mall Trlbtino Jlulldlnir, SS-27-28 North Kir slrrct; telrplionn 76. Tlio Democratic Tlmi, the Medford Mull. Tim Medrord Tribunal. The Koiitb ni DrrKonlnn, The Aiitilniid Tribune. aKOUbl? PUTNAM, ltdltor. BunncnirTiort uatesi flno yonr, by ! T, ......16.00 One month, by mall . , . ............ .80 Vet month, drllvrd by carrier In M-Ifn1. Phoenix, Jacksonville nnd C'enlml Point -52 Bntunltfy only, by mall, pr yor.... 2 00 Weakly, rwr year .- 10 Official Pfltw-r of tho City of Medford. Offlolnl I'apor of .Teckaon rounty. Rnterrd na scond-rlnso mutter nt Medford, Oregon, under the not of March J, 1870. Sworn ClreulAtlon for 1916 l4Sf. full leaned wire Associated Press dispatches. CUggfD EM-TEES SOU KTITI'. fl linvo no phono nnd nuf buggy pony illoil with tlio torrlblo iIIkmiho (lint initiiy horses died with, tliuu nntno bad baya, two yours ago last Christ imtH, slolod our buggy nnd tore It complotuly to hiiihhIi, nnd nearly hilled tlio othor horse .Miuid, iih uvoryhody Knows lior, go you see I hnvo to collect news iih Imtil I can. Hops (Ark.) Star or Hope. li.U' tT.V.MASKH IIKIIO. Iluil Tonoy wnnt Mouth Saturday nnd rcturnud homo Sunday. Wt concluded from tho scratches ho hnd on his noPo ho hnd crossed tho border Into .Mexico, hut wo lonrnnd from tho con. stable, Solon llobcrls. who woh up Moudiiy from llnlcli to see Dud on hiiNlnoeH, Hint It wnH Just mi ordinary rluht. Tho Newport (Ark) Indopon tlcnt. i WOMKN CAN IM.OW NOW. (Inrdim making l now on. Ho member wo enn supply you with Hulk (turdon Seeds, Harden Tools, Lady llrokn Harden Plows, McCnr roll &. Hltuli. The Vnndullu (Mo.) MHll. WISH SONS OK TOIIi. (Thoy toport tluil nil tho farmers up (Jit way nro buay with tltttlr Wring lowing, whleh thT ara anxious to 14 In before It Is too lute. Tho WIUielHilnlft (Ore.) Tlmss. as voirrn siiouiiii me The tlsnr was absolutely tlio brat nus tver given under the direction of nny I'liimnlx high school olniw. The itiuslo whs fine, ths crowd whs Qflnieulsl mid uvsrytiilnn wns ooverott With suut (rold. Tho I'hosulx (Aril.) CUietto. JMSIIIONAIllilt Ht'.MiMKU fOI.OHS. ny tins wishing whiting luslilo or uhUIJb !! lib. Adv. in th Atplt- ton (V1s.) Crnt. I'nul King )turciiMI h vulunblu rfxl mimIh row Inst wtt)k Thu lUmll tuu (O.) Itfpulilliati Niw. JACKSONVILLE TO tfcw huiiuim'I' with Inn nUter. Rsv. It A lliitclilMHi. mUiUtiT of (lis J4ttb(MlUl ihuri-h. hu tmit Imwd nry rlouly III, hh rtiuoel to tk bosulUl'tit AslilsnU 'mln'dwy. Iiu (Im) and wUo ( thtltl rt gMaU at ttiw ItuiiM of ttiH laltwr's sis tsr, Mr. Count Moo, tbis wtk. Jim TlirasbtJ-, a lwuir JakMtu Tl boj. was siitoug tlit brouvu bustsra at lbs Asblaud round up. Mr. sad Mrs. 0'Kslly and ibll dra. bav mmu guusla of Mrs. Jobs Uuuntaglou ibis wsvk. KrHMb Obaurliain and family cam frxiu Dly. Ois., In iblr automublls it Uka In tha roaudup. Vw. Hroaii, who Is employed at WatNt. aitsat a fw daya at hm this WsMk. I Mrs. UU Plrieb baa raturHvd from a ouMUb's vaoatlON apul with ralaitrss and frlaads living In I'ort- bund and ftpokan. 'Undsy 8iamra and family mo imfi Uum Kort Rlawatk to awt tb twundup at Asblaad. Mrs. Us Id Williams and daughter arrtvad (row Naola, Iowa, to spend tha susssMsr wkk lb bsrator's daugh Ur. Mrs. I Tad Ktrk. Mr aud Mrs. B. U. Collin, left for Klamath county lat wsek lo in- K,ny. U wsski ekm Mr. Collliu mill vrlt iimuraue sir T J. KimiV) unit li AaiOi s.tifi oio tpena tud voet vnt. Ssbloucl i r leu J MILITARY SERVICE 'AS A CURE-ALL "I N Hie vcara to t'oinc, none of the ninny ainnzing phe- noniHiin of 1010 will irreater wondennenl than our recent (Hst'ovwy tliat iiiiiversal military service is the cure-nil l'r every one of our Anieriean ills," states Oswald Garrison Villa'rd, editor of the New York Even ing Post, in an extended article discussing military ser vice. The same thought has occurred to man v. The prepar edness hvsteria, the coercive preparedness parades, tho i ... ... i.'.. i. . i it... .. i :i: ciamor ior giganuc iiriniiiiicius, iih? m:w cuitijjiunur.v inui tary service laws, the effort to make un-American militar ism a political issue under the name of Americanism, con stitute a truly amazing phenomena for a twentieth cen turv democracy. Mr. Villard points out that universal military training is advocated as solving the problem ot national uelense, as making the nation industrially efficient, as correcting wayward and undisciplined youth, as a tonic for halting democracy, as a fuse for our melting pot of alien races, and finally as' supplying a decadent nation with a soul. Europe for many docades has had tho advantage of compulsory military service. The world-wide war is the result. The cruelties aud barbarities of universal con scription have peopled both Americas with Europe's best blood. Jn (Jermany, universal service is not the least demo cratic but breeds arrogance and aristocracy. Militarism is the chief support of autocracy. In Russia largo armies and heavy taxes arc still the weapons to perpetuate tyr anny. In France, "the perfect model," the army has fur nished the chief scandals of (he nation shocking graft and infamy, the Dreyfus and jiumerous other cases. ilr. Villard-takes the list of nations cited as examples to America,- including isolated, mountain-locked Switzer land, to the distant British colonies of Australia, and shows the discontent and dissatisfaction bred by compulsory ser vice in even these lands, where the incentive to militarism is lacking that our own great aggregations of capital seek ing distant markets and the exploitation of weaker peo ples supply. The late of the ancient republic, the fate of the first hYcnch republic, all show what militarism does for republics. Concluding, Mr. Villard .says: l-'or what thono do not mm) who know that iiulvorsnl oorvlco In whnt wo nood to innko putrlotH by tho million Is Hint tho nplrlt of universal Hurrltude, whether AuMtrnllnn, Cor in nil or SwIhh niuhus directly AKnliiRt tho Aiiii'rlcnn Idunl, for it ludlcntos blind ohcdlouco to tho will of other, Hiibordluntloti to thono who nro innHtorH, not uoiowinrlly hvontiBo of mi- porlor wIhiIoiii or fltnostt, hut lurRoly bocmiHo of accident. Heretofore wo hnvo always vnltiod tho American's Rolf-nnscrtlvcnoHfl yes, hi a rofusul to rccocnlzo inawtorH. Ills InUopomlcnco of thought and action, his niontal alortnuHs, particularly tho happy-KO-lnoky Yankee In itiative and Individuality, ns ho'iuc of Ills bent characteristics. Wo hated tho survllo obedience of tho foreigner, hidood, our whole American ex periment wus founded us a prolost uKnlimt rortulu tundouuloa abroad akin to those wo nro now Hskud to make dominant by moans of universal Horvlce, ' ' i SUGAR FACTORY FOR MEDFORD (Contlnuod from pao ono) then- is n nlight odnl to thu. diHiiiHge, it ir imt lU't-tHHi'ilv oIiuonjiiiih. Am an evidence we hu have elen fat'- trn'H in oHrHt miii thin year, ami in mihh prhch the ilruiiiHgt' i" mUmI ilirt?'tlv into riMMV, tream, ftr. Of eounnt, wt hv to M4tufy tile liaultli liourdn that tlieie i notliiiiK leln mentul in the M-weiHue to health or niiytliiiiir alive lih n- lowl. "That the liM-alioii ot' tin la e lory lie outidtt of tlu city limit m ; nnd we would like h promiHo on .mmii- Miil Hint dinimr tin life of the fHeir,v' oHrutitiiH I he eity limit-. kImjII mil Ih iirMielv eileinled to enilnaee the faeloiv Kilo for iHiriMmen of tM. Immi; h an iim ranee on your uut of otir williiiKiii'KS to eo-operule in piakmu ImiIIi thu OranlH 'h and the .Meiliurd iiIuhIk n Miecepti, and .xou will have no ohjeetioii to mil tuk- inj; come t ihe Meillord lurU nt 1 Ik Hi aU I'uki. lai'tui-y. Co-Operallini (miiikIi). MUm lrt Couch left for l.oa All- We lKllie that by Hie eo-oH-rii- goles Ut week where sht Hill spend .Hon of nil emuerueU we -au make you favor it, it would he proHtuitud to our (liieetoi-K for llioir appioval at our next meeting. hieli will oeuiir one eek l'l'oin next Wi'iliiustlnv,' .'there i miiv v to iiHKt. niton it before, a )eeial meeliiiK of the di re'lon will he culled. "I tnit I have made elent on all Mint, hut lioiilt! there he any iiie(ioiiM thai you ilcwire aiwweied will ho pleaded to eorreapoud with you fiiithor. "Ke-IMx-tfullv vourn, "LTAII-IDAIIO SldAII CO. "lly (lenenil .MnniiKer." KI'KICIKNCV. I'rtiyer meeting was held nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley John son Wodnmidny nlKht. We enn't say bow lurao a crowd was prosent, be cause the writer was not there. The Junction City (Ark.) Herald. u iurfw at IhiIu iilaeen. esiH-eially hith the etui m xiew thai ue liae other U-rritor on whieli to draw he I ween iledford and KUuiHtU l-'alU. "We thau irttuise to liuilil you a factory ut' not lo., site, but mhuIci to the one uitw under eoiiHtructioi at (Iruutx I'aoN, in time to work the ctop of 1(117. ami hc are willing to mt up if.u,tHHi bond lor the fuithful H-rlonuanee mi our 'tart of tke cou tiuct; movided. (hut Imlli the eoi tract lor llu budtluiK of the luctory and uImi the boiul for Hie $.10, 1 1 (JO may he eaneelliHl if tm N'oeuiiiei' I ot Hum year llu- beet, that yon are uow taUiiui fur Us ,u iuil khiiw aiif. lieient eeharine iualitii'M hi jus I if) our ewiuiuiin t'm on with the kiihiuek in your mii1 of Uie stale of OreKou. The heu xhould Nluriae not leH then l, ier cent sugar and Ml per rent purity to pay u to make Ibic nm-hliueut. "We uImu de'iii it ad uable, mIiouIU tbc aboe oflcr be meepted, (but tbe u,n of the fad on be ilet-Ulet) umui la-foiv alleuiptiug lo take any emilrneu Iihiui the tatmer i u to iimmiI nn 'tejt -pulling' on Hie p.nt uf llu- liiiiiiei-'. Ir a lurlon iieai their oii 1. 1 rm-. "Till- niM.-ltlo l llMOIIIIIIIIl.lcd ' o. ' i Pl III IU , iKiilinltee. Hid il - r --- t - "il i i I. T i HOTELAUSTIN A. VISTIN CIIIKIIOIiM, itp. IViIiIh OMIutc IHiuicr Cent. Hewnl)-rUo SUNDAY, JULY 9 Salome Sweet Pickles CliU-kMU (iMiubo Cunsoiumo UrulleU Saliuyn and ICkh Souse Kteuiuml J'otatoo. MwHt rteii aud MIuqimI I'iutiupidu r Krlail slurlNg Chlckon a la Murylaud. ! toast l.tilH, JreaalHg. V'ual SuKottaud Onlpu Sliced Touyitotvi. Now Cotaloes Cried In lluttor. Cauliflower aud Croam Saucw Itgau Ixrr) I'le. lie Cream and Caks Uwiacu Vr".t CT(c. ri. tioi.J Muabsl r'rnsraruu)' llcwpl on i VJtas Clorso. .Milk, b lr. i LL-A r ssssSsfaBaieBjBis Joiiioulile nn WCt JrCtrrtW.'M! AtlHolutoiV RcTriCiVCS O the Kogu rher rouudgn. tni " . , . ,ai- Aiujtinwu v;a' jutriupo 1'jnV c jt "aC fill " i uj .j : i-ts, QUllo'in (li.'son 'I'm. Hon rUIUI'"f -I" t-'sl 1 1. 1 int. i JOHH A, wmi (dy vsMnut ini s nKTia:rr (llione l ITa uiL)l7-l-a Vitoi.i.ii'ii.' Ii. ii -i- S. rvn e 1 REASONS E FOR OPPOSITION 10 RAILROAD BID To tho Udlter: Thoro nro Hcvernl roasoiiH why tho tax payers of this city should vote OKalnat accepting the Hullls contract. 1. Hconuso the contract in Illegal. The Supreme Court has so docldcdo In tho Jtoscburg case, which wn based on n Hlmllnr contract. 2. Ducausn the omission to glvo contract as originally planned Is n more subterfuge to escape provisions of said decision. 3. Docuuhc of the statement In tho cqntrart that the road was neces sary to ti(! health and penco of tho city, which we nil know Is not truo. 4. Docaiifio tlio speclflcntlonn are Inadequate. Fifty-I'oiiud mils are obaplotc. Modern roads use from DO to 100-pound ralle. r. The price .per milo 1b much too, high, considering the fact that second hand rails aro to be used. ft. UccaUBo bids wcro not asked for upon specifications drawn by competent engineers. ' ContJiict Is VnKiie. 7. Decnuso tlje contract does not ntnto by whom or upon what terms tho rallrpnd Is to ho operated. Will Medford Im called upon to Issue more bonds to buy rolling stock, build sin tlous and etc.? S, Itccaud.n It would Incrnaso tho taxes and confisrato property of widows, orphniiH and Hiobo whp, by thrift, linvo been able to purchaso homoH, 9. dlecnuuo II will brand Medford as ii city of wildcat KclionioB and drive away luvostorfl by au outrageously lilgh tax rate. 10. necaiifld It will injure tlio credit of Medford. Vote HIh down nnd wo will bo able to Issue refund ing bonds nt D per cent, upon which wo or now paying i per cent 1 1. Ilocnusc Interest must he paid on these bonds, which will eventually ho held in the east, thoreby taking moro money out of circulation here, which, by tho way, Is ono of tho.baslc causes ot hard times In the west to day. . Kdward Kelvin, of Seattle, finan cial expert, nys that Inflation nnd high taxos, are the two' loading fac tors, responsible tor the low prices of real estate In the west. Sinellcc"t Mines. 12. IloonuHt a. railroad would not restore values of roal estate In Med ford. Cltlos like Spokane, which Is sued bonds to bring railroads to that dty aro relatively In worse condition than M (Hi ford. 13. llecnus If tho Blue Ledge district' Is all that Is claimed for It, the logleul place for a smaltur would be at tho mines, and stores ot all kinds would locato there. II. Hecnuse the contract does not square with the statements made by the promoters of this schome to In duce us to vote In favor of the bond ing amendment. Illuo "Ledgo Facts" (so-called) Issued by the Commercial Club, stated that wo would not bo called upon to pay cither principal .'or Interest, und now wo are asked not only to build tho road, but lo take nil the risk without knowing by whom it Is to be operated or upon what terms. ir. JJccnuse wo arc asked to ns sumo and agree to pay tho further sum of $.7,0u0, taking over some as sets, hut not nil of thoso covered by this mortgage. In other words, the prosent owners nre getting rid of a losing proposition, n heavy mort gage, and nt the. same time reserving nil of the nssots having any real value. Ilecovery In Sight. 1G, Hccause Medford, along wlUi the entire coast country, will recover from this period of doprosslon. His tory rcpoats Itself. Another wave ot cnBtcrn buyers will come, and whan that time arrives, the city which has the most to offer In healthful, econ omical living conditions, will profit the most. The roasons against accepting this contract could he continued almost Indefinitely, while "we ought to do something" socnis to ho the only rea son that the avorago man can glvo for voting for It, they nro like the Frenchman In the boat, who losing their oars, wore drifting townrd 'Mu gra Falls, they had an a.nchor In the boat, but no rojio. Ono said to the, ether: "W0 ought to do something."! "Trow over zee nnk," tho other re plied. "There cez no ropo to 'e nnk," whereupon tho othor replied,.! "wo must do Bomothlug, throw oet over nnywuy, It may do some good." CIIAHMK D. COL11V. L . I J The Fine Flavor the delicate taste of malted barley blended with the sweets of whole wheat is sufficient rea son in itself for the won derful, popularity of . Grape-Nuts FOOD Hut it is more than delicious it is the fin est kind of concentrated nourishment to thor oughly sustain body and brain tissue a food that benefits users re markably. A short trial proves 'There Va Reason" Sold by (Jrocers everywhere. "CC t ! 45 X X X ? t T ? i CHAITAUQIA ASHLAND- S DO NOT FAIL TO BE THERE MONDAY Judge Wallemak'er, of Ohio International Operatic TUESDAY Skibinsky-Welch Co. Charles Veublin and Lou Beauchamp t T ? ? T T ? ? ? ? .t t I 5 x x X , v V Y ? Y ? Y Y M1IM It's Our Treat Ii- Pure water and expert attention will do won ders with a storage battery. We know from experience. ME JSMCTHIC SHOP 103-105 Sowfc Gati Phone 22J Free intpection of tarty tuttay at any time M MI1 i t ...'.".''- 'ft fai?4 .v VA' a mmmmte Wmk f I prices 1 1 ", 'M ..-...r'.- MMSWUMt " 1 .. I ATinr.v.... . ex::::::::--!. H-JKS4rXwA. ;-S?Ss?? '&&:::::.' :v:Fi:-:'::. KvSSSJffivM mmmi C?X?S?Z?Xv XXvXVAvX :' SIZE 30x3 30x34 32x3') 3Bx4 34x4 30 x 4 35x4 3Sx4", 37x4 37x5 ruin Tread $10.00 12.70 14.50 19.60 20.15 21.50 27.90 28.25 30.00 33.00 Savage Grip Tread $12.uO 15.25 17.40 22.55 23.15 24.75 32.10 32.50 34.50 37.95 Crafinito Tubes l23fT 325 3.50 4.45 4.50 4.70 5.75 5.90 6.00 6.95 " Z 2 a L . a. a. n .! nf 4RAO tnllfll prices Are Sublet to Chsnile Without Nollce'i::i I-jJavSSSw .::ii:.:':::tti':. ....V.V.V.V.V.V.- a:-xx- mmmm vljfXvXjX-S?' a;XvXvXj: i-5-Swtf.v '.v.v . i XiKvvX-XvXv. I xigjr&kr"' "" i ! """ v'sK.--v!'X'X .v.v ; V.V.. Cva'avXv.v" wmm FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR C. E. GATES Medford A. wmm ...v.'.7if.v.y.i $M$K"&: W& . ". M&ffi(&W- r "Out of Work, Old Man?" "But. the Money Comes In JUST THE SAMEI" Taken mora than s compound frattur tn put you out of tha running, wh-n yuu'vn inwttTNA ACCIUENT rolJCV. Anr time any aecidont comn alonr, roui JEIttA trpi rliht In and become tha ws. tirnf r for your laralljr With HS or itO a Wfek for total dl.aUlltr. arfordlnir to tha nature of th mccld.nt; anil IlitO or fiS tor partial dltabllltr. I'arabU rrr tsu; Ticckt. If jrou don't think It come. In tat, Juit aik kit wifr 8h almost w.nt to piacti until I told br I'd had tha uood moh to ETNA-IZE Wa'd haT bn p acaloit It for fair. Yon ran't hold olf th landlord and the ererrr and bmrhfr (orf v.r, tou know. And I'd hat ITVe In to have tbe wlf try to tain our lirlnr. Af It U, ki'ti wanted for nothins, and thi ATTN A paid my lursron'i Nil In tha bargain. If I'd sen to th hcxplul, it woold'harc paid th charge for m there. In fact, I't rotten eurh blar return that It' almoit a thama lo Ull how little I pay for th pby. Tk my tip, and set all th fact tly from McCURDY INSURANCE AGENCY T1CI.IS1MI0NK 1-2-8. Medford National Hank llldg, 1 NEWPORT 1 Reduced Fares 10 It Summer.Trips When sunnncr conies and a vaca tion outing is planned, remember Newport is cool. The breeze from off the mighty Pacific never fails. With the many diversions and at tractions to pass the hours away, surely you could find no better plitce for your vacation. Tho Cost 1$ Low Kound Trip TielwU are on ale dally ftom till Suntlumi 1'aeifip 4ation iu Weatarq Oregon. Tbe return limit i Oetobet Ul. Dally Trains from Albany and CorvallrS make AVIt.tlAnl HnnHAl.UK calciiciu UOIIIICUllUlla, W'lit for I b.M.Uli-t -, WM,rt." i,t Usk, luial U.-1-Ill liil (iilll,,i lit lilt. .1 111. itiOU. .lolm M v.,ii ii.., i, - , , ,, A. nt. I'., Oretton (SOUTHERN PACIFIC V "' ' .V.V.V.VV.VeV l i i i ii i ll'll i . fj " II'YjII'' . 1 ' ' I ' ...... T . I , I I "' ' - IM I.I ' i uii"ii.iiui vlie (,'orouor.