Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 08, 1916, Image 1

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    ; t rmrTwvwmf,mRnMittmm
Medford Mail Tribune
Ma. Yr-xtenlny Hl; Mln.
today 51.
wf Forty-sixth Tar.
,r Tinllv Kiivnlh
Russians Continue to Hammer Ger
man Line New Austrian Positions
Flanked by Brussiloff Kovel Now
Threatened From Three Points
and Capture of Prisoners Contin
uesAdvance In Czartorysk Re
yion Pushed Further.
PF.THOCIltAD, July 8, vin Lon
don. The ItiiHniium Imvo pressed
buck iln (Ioniums further iit tho sec
tor ill' Cwuiorysk', occupying several
mint' t nit. More than ilOlill men
were enpliirfld yosterdnv.
In Onlioin tin' Russians have mndo
further progress ngainst the nnn.v or
Omul Von Itnlluner. In till wnr the
ater the Russians citptttrcd more limn
llltlll men yesterday.
MFKI.IN, Jnlv 8. Tin' willulrnwnl
of Ti'iilmiii' line iiliinir (lie bend of
tin- Kl.vr river in Vnlliyuin. where tlm
advanced imsilinns were exposed to
procure from notulily superior hos
tile forces, viii nnnoiineed In the
Au-t ro-1 lunutiriiui report of July 7,
received here todny. I
LONDON, July 8. While the en
tente iilliee on the western front have
lieeii tcinpniiirily hnndioiippod hy
heavy rains in the Author pushing of
their offensive, the Russian under
(loneml llnirfsiloff are oontinTling 1"
drive Imck the Teutonic lino in the
cnt. Further notulily progress has
lieen niiide by the Russians in Vol
h.Miiii. where Iheir inoviHHonl" i
tlie important railway center of Ko
vel i- iruinlng in foiee.
In Onliein n new advance of the
Russians is renirted. In the region
between Ititfu anil Volhynia the (lor
nimiH aie dcvehidng more foimidnhle
('eiuruus Admit Hetlroinoiit.
The Russian nro inukiiiK progress
in their drive against the important
railway junctions at Delatyn, in (IhI
icia, Kovel in VolliyniM and Hiirnno
vichi, north of the Pripol marshes.
Little news ha heen received in re
liiinl to the fighting in the region of
ltnrniinvichi. In Oulieiu Hiid Volhy
uiu, however, the Teiitoim inlniit the,
withdrawal of their line, the retirement-
having been forced by the
rn pil ndvanee of the Russians in Oul
ieiu mid the suoeessfnl uinnuer in
whieh they defllt with the flermuu
counter-offensive on the Lutsk see
tor. According to unofficial reports
Deliityu is surrounded ou three side
mid the Rusiulis, having out the
easternmost Hue of if I rent across
the Cnrputhinn. ore on the flunk of
the Austrian' new defence line
rumiiuK through Stanislnu and Dal
ies. General Von Huthmer may be
comiM'lled to fall biiek even further
lef or he reaebc afety.
Advancing all nlog the litte of the
I.iitk salient, the RuM are now
threatening Kovel from three oints.
.Capture of prisoner continue, and,
incordiug to Russian estimates, the
tolul fur n month' fitting i not
fur short of a quarter of a million.
ltiisilau Statement.
lM'TKOOHAD, Julv 8.-The Rus
sian advance in the Cxartorysk re-
itiou, in whieh the attaeking OerniUH
HtMHM were thrown Me k yetenl
Iiiim been pn-hed further. The war
ortiee tonight announced the capture
of the village of Dolu.wn undOrii-
(Continued on page five
WASHINGTON Julv 8. S,ienker
(lark closed ceoeral debate on tue
adiiiini-t ration revenue hill iu the
bouse today witfc as appeal Cor Hon
).iriisan action on In weasuxe,
"I congratulate the house," be
'aid, that this revenue bill is going
to uis by a good deal more than the
democratic vote, when snob repub
licans as Longvorth, Qardner and
Hill, all rampant protect ioni-t. see
llo'ir ilnl tu olc tor it to help tin
l 'in,i i ,.ut ! n Imli
President's Order of Mobilization
Shows Weakness of State Guard
as Part cf Country's First Line of
Defense Waste of Government
and State Funds.
WASIIINOTON', July 8. Thnl the
niTitiu I'tiunnt be relied upon and
xhoulif not be relied upon n part of
the country' fir.-t line of defense hns
been otnitlingly hIiowii by the proii
dent's order of mobilization to the
tnte hiopi for ervice on the bonier.
Thin i the eoiiehirtion of Senator
William K. Horn 1 1 of Idaho, who in
jmipiuiiiif to Hiibmit soini' iimiimiIk on
tnt wnhjoet to tue Jennie.
ltnnili and ('liainbi'ilniu nmde the
ight in the euute aitniiiDt "federal
iinu" the tmtional guard uiiil luiying
them eiiorinniiK siiiih fron. the foderul
IrenMiiry under the plun proiocil by
,lieircHtfiiiitlivc Juiuc Hay of Vir-
ytnin. Thcfc ceniitorH eouteud tliitt
if the I'niled State need Noldiert it
hoods rent smldiors nud n1dicr who
inn trniued and prepared and who
en n nmko a huNiucHh of fiieli tniininif
nud preparation, which i not pox
xilile for the militiiiinon,
SyMciu at Kniill,
"The-e -late militiuijjtin," Kind
Sonntor Hornh tmhiy, "uro .ius.t uw
lirNVe and jut iim wood mntcrinl for
xoldiei'M iim other Americnu uiti.em.
The fad thai they do not -how up in
tin emergency like thin in to be blam
ed on the nyntoin : not on the num.
Patriotic yen I will not taho the place
of eyxtematic drill, arum nnd equip
ment. An excellent militnrv iiuthor
ity. Im (Hit his finger on the impor
tant point when he Maid thai it i-
the im-liiict of I lie untrained men
grouped together in any einerciic to
.cutler, while it i the second nature
of men trained in military service to
Htny together nnd operate hh organ
ixod unit. The effeetiveuem of the
hitter form of activity cannot be had
by mibjeeting men to fifteen dii,'
t mining nueh iik they get ou an aver
age in the militia.
"The newfcMior aeeountn of the
mobilization show already the iinpre-
jNiredueM of the militia, and it in
fortunate for the country that the
jireent denmnd umi thorn in not an
extreme emergency.
Status All Short
"The hccoiiiiU all agicc that in
practically every iutauuu the unitx
were below even the iniuimum )oue
ttongtli of uixty-fivu inon to a com
inny, the war ntreugth of which i
uppiwod to be 1.V1 men. I have in
mind the comwuy iu one weitcru
state wliieh rewpouded with twenty
officer ami uteeu men. The three
liorder stnten, when they were called
into bcrxice, were J 001) men short of
their 1000 mier btrviigth. Itight
here iu the nation' capital the 2001)
odd men iu camp have no iiimv
shoes; the infantry regiment is be
low the minimum Hace atrength; the
cavalry troop has no horses, many
of its member have never been on a
hor-e, and its officer wore appoint
ed alter they reached the mobiliza
tion camp; reject inns on account of
(Continued on pago ilx)
SAN ANTONIO, Tex , .Inly 8
For more than 20 miles eastward
irom HI I'aso, American troops are
iielng hold ready toda to mdve to
4iiv border point that might he
thiestened uy the nawly organized
bandits In Chihuahua. West at 131
Paso, an alert watch for develop
ments south of the Hue was kept.
Colonel Uastoa, commanding the
American forces in the Big Bend dis
trict was authorised by Qeaeral Illus
ion so to dispose his troops as te
prevent Mexican bandits crossing the
river. He has at Presidio at sta
tions east and west of I'rssidlo a
considerable force, lucludluf th
Sixth cavalry, his own regiment, and
the Fourth Texas Infantry;
Army officers are not Inclined to
believe the bjndiU will attempt an
movement iu tone toward the north.
Lfi, -4k - 'QQ OF AGE y .
Will he be limf Hml.'.'
speniU a great poilion ol hi- t'
ICL PASO, Tex , .1 lib l Fourteen
Mexican are reported to have been
killed In a battle with three Ameri
cana not far from' Ananara, X. M.,
according to a renort received hero
Tho Mexlcani are reported to liavo
crowed tho border and at 2 a. m.
ruttlod -10 head of uoraea from the
rqnch or Tom I'errlne, threw rnllen
out of Aim para.
I'orrlno, a Texaa rangw and a for
for customs guard, waited until day
light, when with two or his rosn he
net out In pursuit of the bandits.
uU noon today he telephoned that
ho and his men had caught up with
the M ox-leans near the boupdary, en
gaging there in a flgbt. killing 1 1 of
them and releasing his horsen. The
Mexicans, he said, numbered mors
than 30.
Anapra In about seven miles west
of Kl I'mso The authorities have sat
out to verlf l'cirlne's ston.
lll'liMN. Jnlv . M.i I.".d-m
Todaj's news tuna the wc-icra lint
thioMs little liiiln on the 1 ivhtiiiu dur
uitf the last twent-four hours, but
the advice, show that the fighting in
the period immediately preceding was
most intense lit three (aiints nt
Thiepval. around Hem and in the re
gion eight tu ten miles south of the
Kounue river. In the Thiepval sec
tor thero was a suceession of bitter
attacks nnd eouuter-attueks. The
British several times succeeded by
violent assaults in obtaining a hold
ou Thiepval, but each time were
ejected from the ruius of (he village.
Their losse are described as "extra
ordinarily heavy."
The only British success, and this
is declared to be unimportant, was
the rupture of salient of German
trenches east of I Boielle, only a
short distance of the original German
line. Prom La Boisselle out!iurd
the righting was of a local character.
The Germans have thrown a strong"
dam around the Hri!i-h floisd wavel
Hint l-ul,iti'il .illi lniti In In., 1 1, (lie!
l.lll ll.l I III i II u i il.
; HE
r iii ii'ivr
II .l.v
,n ' i "
NI'.W YOHK. Jul.x 8fAlthugh
tin- wii- the hottest dav since the Ih--
yiuiiiiig "I the epidemic of infanlile
pn Tills -is two week- ago, fatalities
from the disease showed a decrease.
Dnrinir the twentv-fonr hours preced
ing 10 o'clock todny the disease kill
ed eighteen children in llio greater
oil., thirteen of this number dying
iu Itrotiklyn.
Ninety-five new eases of the dis
ease were reported in the five lHr
oughs. During the we'k just ending
there weiv 12(1 deaths, 10,5 r this
numlier in Brooklyn. .More than 8(10
cases were reported.
'Hie falliiig off in the number of
fntalitie and new ruses during the
Inst three duys. nlthouiHi only slight,
is regarded iih favorable Uy health
experts. There weie twenty-four
dentils during the Iwenty.four hours
ending at 10 o'cliMk Thunulay mom
iug, twenty-two on Kmlay and eight
een todny.
Assistant Surgeon (leneral W. f.
It acker of the public health
service was in lon-ultution with
Health t'ommi-ionci Hiner-on nnd
other health oltuiiil- iiduy.
leu.t seven person, li.ive loot their
lives and pris'rlv ha- beeu damaged
to the extent of more ilian tl.lHMt.OMO.
aeeording to rejioHs early twlny from
the storm-swept regions of Alabama
and Mississippi. Crops nnd limber
suffered heavily.
Rains that assumed ike pros.r
tious or eloudbiirsts followed the
tropical hurricauc in Alabanu. caus
ing serious floods at I'ruttville and
The death list eonsit of one white
man and six negro-- The former, a
locomotive engineer, whs kitted, with
his negro firemau, w hen his truin ran
into a washout nt ikmd, Mies. Three
negroes were drowned in the ltir
miagham district, and two on the
Warrior river, near Tuscaloosa, when
a small boat sank.
"Penaucola came safely through
the ' hurricane. None kilhl. Vim
damage to docks uud buildip -
This radio me-snire was reeidved
here e.irlv tmlnv tnun 'Ik' li.' Win
Ji - - -til inn at IN i i a.
IS s. Mil?
HOPES 10 BE 100
I'iill"iU'j the iiilo of Dr. Iliggar, he
.ilinosi, tiiko motor trips and walks
Mi-hop C. W. Niblev of Salt Lake
City, accouiNiiiicd bv four sons and
Field SiiHrintendeul llramwell of
the Grants I'ass sugar factory, via
iled Medford this iiuou on a tour of
insiection of the sugar fields of the
"I never saw nny heels anywhere
looking better at their age than in
this section of the valley," staled the
bishop, "and I am eonlident the val
ley will prove a great sugar pro
ducer. "Incidentally, I huve an anuoniwe
men! of general interest to make to
beet growers. The coinMty will Hiy
.Y.'iii ir ton for I'J lo 13 per cent
beets, instead of .'. as under our
contracts. For each la ier eeul of
siiKiir over 1i er cent we will pay
an additional 10 cents. Thus LHi
Kr cent beets will bring $..flO, HI
M-r.cent lieels .".7u, 17 per cent
beets $.Y!)D, fi per cent beets (.10,
cte. This will mean a grttt deal to
I lie t rower, ns the local beet is high
in M'rceiilauc ol -iifiir."
The lii-liop teiiiin-. to Portland to
WASHING foN. Julv h. A punt
resolution providmu loi the ue with
out cxM'iie lo I he ledeial govern -inent
of hospital lacilili at the Klli
Island imuiiu rat ion -talma foi New
York viclinis nt' iiitnulile paialvii
was passed iniauiiiioiislv lute loilav bv
the house. Jt was inlrodueed bv Itep
resent alive Hiegel under au agree
ment with house leaders. Concur
rence by the enale is expected Mm
To permit hnMrtuiiou from the
I'lnlipplnes uf muukeys wanteti by
New York health authorities for ex
periment in their fight against in
fantile paralysis, Kecietan Houston
ii f the department of agriculture to
il v amended the iiuurantine against
Lvurm-lnVidVd animals from Pacific
i-IiiiiiIk so Us to permit monkeys to
he liii'ii'lil in lie - untitle put
Utali-ldahn Sunnr Company Offers to
Put Up $50,000 Bend to Show
Good Faith and Rcmicsts Donation
of Factory Site First Business
Proposition Ever Made to City.
A meeting of the diroelors of. the
Coin i Heroin I club has been called for
Wednesday ovening tn dleenss ti pro
posal iceoivpil from the riiih-ldttho
Sugar oompniiy for tho oroelion nf n
sugar factory at Medjord for the sim
soii of 1017. Tho sugar eoinpnny
asks tho donntinii of a factory site
and ngroo-i to put up n lAO.finn hnnd
fur the erection of the factory. 1'ivo
thousand acre nf beets for the first
vniii int. I ftnnn nnivi. f.p lln. muuinil
,.... .iii, tiuiiir ,!...-. ii.i nn- m-v.iini
year is asked. The proposal renda
as follews:
"Salt tjtlie fit v- .lnlv 1. in 111.
".Mr. A. I.. Hill, president CoiiutioreiHl
' chili, .Aleiirnrd. Ore.
"Mv Dear Kir:
"We have a proposition lo submit
lo you, as per igy nroinise, but we
wisli lii-st in eall your attention to
the fact that this ooniMinv is iu no
way nsHoeiatod with tho dofunol Or-oguii-rtnli
Sugnr eoiiipany. 1 Ibiuk
von will appreciate, after our con
vorsutioii, that wo found very tin
foituiiHlo ronilitiiin lu Grants Pass.
Ask .11)0(1 .cnvi.
"Iu milking this proposition, you
must also fully appreciate Hint wo
Imvo had no experience whatever iu
Oregon, nnd wliilu vvo linve at our
ilispusnl, tlnniigh vottr Agneitltmttl
college, bullutiiis sIiowIiik the mo
leoroliHtieMl oniiilitioiis nlTiictliiu
soar ilistiiol. and in ntius shuwiiur
tho experiments that Imvo beun miido
iu boots, it is one thing to show conili-
tons uffoeting exiiei'iinenial witches
I' heels and atiotbei- Ibiinr to mist
beets in eoilliiioiviul ipisutities. I
vviii highly jMeased to note the eon-
lition of tho himts which you bad iu
tour locality. Tbev Imikwl well, hul
we must uiiurd sgalnst niiythiim that
we do not ce and do not understand.
"I he proposition which we have to
make to you is as follows, nrov tiled:
"That the farmers of Medford and
icinitv will cillitrncL for not less than
flnill) Hcros of boots for 10J7, and
flOOO acres for It) J 8, the contracts
for such beets to be taken bv us with
yonr aid nud influence, so (hut ovary
iwteii or lanu wnich we take will Have
to 1h gone over twice. Il will lake,
of course, a great deal of time, dis.
erelion ami luiliencv lo innko thss
ootititiels. Raid eoutraels are to be
nmde for n term of five years, ou the
lis sis of ." per ton at the factory or
railroad point, or auv other sintioMs
whu-h our agricultural men may con
sider dcsirnble, for beets coittaliiiug
not less than 2 per cent sncehariiio
with W) ir cent purity.
I'liiloiy Silo as Ihiniis,
"Further, thnl vou will ulnee at our
disHisul, free of exsiise to us, forty
acres o lami ror the raclory site,
riuhts of way free for railroad siturs
lu the factory, sufficient waler to run
the factory from the tune that we
commence operations in the fall
which we presume In your ease would
be some time between September 1
and October 1 until we get through.
The amount of water required will
be under Ax -eeond feel. We Are to
pay a reasonable price for wnler for
domesiie purMisfs mid the wushiug
of .near.
"Also, that vou furnish us, free of
charge, a rijjht oi way for our drain
age f.vsteiu Irom the factory, which
might be piHd or iu oin ditches, ne
cordinu lo I he condition; but the
drainage hum he Itbtaiiied While
(Continued on page four).
weather bureau's predictions for the
ensuing week any:
"Roekr Mountain and plateau re re
geons: Generally fair, temperatures
near normal.
"I'arliie states: Uenerally fair en
cept for widely seattered local
showers in the north Paetftc st t ,
first psrt of the week Temperatures
iieur the seasons! uveiatyi.
NO. 92
iiiriiii inLiu
British Army Continues to Hake Slow
Progress Most Furious Flflhtlnji
of War In Propess Belujum De
nuded of Troops to Resist Allies
Crown Prince Renews Attack at
Verdun French Make Further
Advance Repulses Claimed.
LONDON, July 8. Wffli I'lCUUM
inniunernble guns and' vvos oT hi
fnulry, tho llritish nrmv t'njUitnfiH to
inako slow pnigrosn In its oUCortH to
bring tho front lino between tho An
oro and Mnntaubnu ou a lovol with
the Freiieb line further smith, the
French having pushed fnttlior nliond
IIihu their allies. Thin effort on tho
mrt or tlio Dritish Iibh led to tho uioM
fiirinns fighting in whieh the Ilritiih
trooi hare been engnged. Tho
flower of tho dot man army hns boon
brought forward to oppoo them, nnd
guns and ammunition uro lioinu' used
According to reports from Holland,
Ilolgiuiii hns been iloiimli'd nf Ger
man soldiers to meet tho Anglp
I'ronrh offensive nnd the niilwny
fllntioiis oven iu tho btrgur towno uro
guarded by tho older rofeorvinls.
Verdun Attack lteiiewcd,
Iu l.oiidon the reports of tho lliit
isb eonimnndor, flonuntl Sir Douithit
lluig, nro awaited enpeilv nnd nl
thiuigh the urrivnl of wounded tolls
tho prioo vvliiuh is boiiig "paid for the
adviiuoe, the news of tho sinnll gain
ts bhgseceiVilH wllli ijnlot Hiitls
factiinu Notwitbstaiiiliiig the ounrmniis call
on Herman reserves for tho battle in
'I'ieardy, the (leriiwu orown princu
hue lesiuiHid tho offensive nt Vurdun
and yestorda.v iiiado furthnr ropnat
od nttaoks near Tiaiimont work ivlth
out .meeting any success.
In the field of the westont offens
ive of the allies a rejuy night whh
employed chiefly bv the Uritish in
streuntheniug positions wuu yester
day. The French were busy with
minor operslious un the Soinino front,
making a siieeossfid surpiHse ultiiek
near Hellny-eti-HaHterre, and gniulug
ground east uf ICstroe in lianil-gren-ade
Ill-lllsll lt0M)I.
LONDON, July SV-Tho opera linns
of the llritish army un the yiiiumo
Cinnt between the Anere anil Somuio
rivers have again heati impeded by
unusually heavy rains, the war officii
announced today.
During the last few days the Brit
ish have oaidured twenty gun ninl
lifty-oue miichine guns.
French lteMirt.
TAUIS. July S.- Ths French made
a further udvunee lust night mi (he
Homme front in the vicinity of tel-loy-en-Snnterre
and Kstrees, the wnr
office announced today.
The gaiua a- a whole in this sec
tor were not large, ojh rat ions being
biwlered by bad weather. SororaJ
hundred Hermans were capiat oil,
Ou the Verdun frtuit thero worn
violent artillery engagements, par
tieularly in the districts or Hill 301,
Ksnes and Souville.
(iii-iiiaii ltoHrt.
MKKLIN, July H. Qennau troops
on both sides of the Suiuine, lu thu
field of the entente offensive along
the western front, have rupuUud with
hoavv Iiism-s rtieatetl nttaoks by tho
IlHti-h and IVeiicli, the wnr office
aniioiineed lodtiv.
POHTLAND, Or., Jnlv 8 Ordure
issued g .-.luut time ago by the wnr
department m Wu-luugton instinct
ing (ill in i- nt the Olvtfou untiuliul
giiiinl tu uuilei in linn- ihIiIiIhiiibI
i iiinpniiii - uf in.i-t intillcr have
In n I ol' 1 1 led, 1 1 i a-. -t.Mi it .it tin ad
I'll, ml ntlni lull I'llllV.
I'n . i ii i.iii , - it i it 1 1 i i mil .1 H For-
es drove, TillaiiK'ok, Muohtield ami
r vi