Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 07, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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King Sulphur's Saturnalia Brings
Ashland Show to Close Band
Boys Score a Winning Round-Up
Attendance Totals 30,000 Metl
ford Riding Club Wins Prize.
ASHLAND, July 7. Tho Ashland
boys bnnd scored a winning yestor
dny morning with tho dawn of Grunts
Pnss nnd Klamath Falls day at fan
coIcbr.Uion. This youthful organlm
tlon Ir making a record that Is onvl
ablo among mufilcal organizations
under the compotont coaching of
Prof. Carl Lovelorn! who Is also
loader of tho adult Instrumentation.
Their npponrnnco marked tho td
vont of tho fifth band employed hero
during tho throe days' fostlvltloa.
llulmnu's baths and tho Nutator
Itim wore also thronged by thoao par
ticipating In wator sportr
ICoimtl-Uj) Program
At tho roundup flM In tho after
noon Hon Corbutt gave a skillful dis
play In the lino of Ihreo-hotso raolng
exhibition by way jf n upoclulty In
track ovonta. In trick and fancy
tiding Jim Taylor, Tracy Lane and
I.ulcnu Williams iloplctoil tho cow
boys' drunken ride while "Broncho"
Hob Hall turned tho samo trick
v, Itliout, tho use of ,n lirlillo. Tho
to.-loya novelty race was stngod dlf
f rontly from tho two preceding days,
adr'ng even mora pop nud thrill to
t It event. In tin arena fancy rop
luc wan a main attraction ti execut
ed by lluffnl) Vernon , Speck
mail nnd Smile Corbett. n the In
i'Ipii relay rac participants were full
bloods arrayed In somlwnr costume
In keor.lng with aboriginal tradition.
Among olghteon contestants la the
bucking contest the wlnuor was re
quired to mount n stalwart and frac
tious bull. Prank Heck on "Mod ford
Oray," and Frank Co burn on "Ann
Innd Hoy" took part In this contest,
Final records In tho twenty-three
events on the formal program are not
yet available, Inasmuch as tho
euro of the throo-day meot have to
be tabulated and tho totals compiled
lluMlmll dime
The third baseball game In tho
series boUveen Moil ford and 'Weod
was won by the latter team by the
close score of 2 to 1. Tho gamos
wro played to determine tho chnm
plouaulp of Southern Oregon and
Northern California. Tuesday's bout
resulted ! to 0 In Med ford's favor,
Weed winning on Wodnosday by S
to 4. It Is understood, howovor, that
the California victor still have Klam
ath Kails to deal with.
A bolatod verdict In rogard to
merits of riding clubs In tho big
parade on the Fourth gives the Mad
ford organisation tho first prize and
Ashland tho second.
Ilaby Show u Siiccomi
At tho baby show In Klks tomplo
eoorog of promising infants wore on
exhibition, about equally divided as
to boys and girls, the entire number
being of the boautiful gender. It
will take several days for tho com
mittee to pass upon the merits of tho
vital statistics relative to tho llttlo
one, before arriving at conclusions
at to prise winners. Mrs. J. II. Tur
ner is chairman of the committee on
gaged In this exacting work.
Jast night witnessed the final
event of oolobratlon week, In the
presentation of King Sulphur's Sat
urnalia. As tho title Implies the pro
duction was one of frolic and ox
travanganza. It assumed tho propor
tions of a parade with several special
stunts Incorporating slams at exist
ing conditions as they prevail in the
aerage city. Comic otfects wore
universally, biought Into play in the
midst et great enthusiasm. With
this concluding chapter In Ashland's
1916 calibration annals, the curtain
was finally rung down on tho merry
soon at an hour varying from mid
nljlit on Thursday to three o'clock
on Friday morning. ,
A Poet I-uureato
Great ouocks hae poets laurca'o
to sing their pralees, and Ashland!)
composite celebration will find its
place Ih sang and story. This la
wUneaeed by the following Hues vmii
ttftted by Mlae Kvlda Mulkey. a Juve
nile poetess of Central Point, twelve
years of age, who la visiting the
roundup features wag prompted to
rMord her imprcaatow of the Jelly
eewboys In tbe following bit of de
scriptive vert:
On, you round-up! Ok, you klda!
Ok. yea mm with tbe funny ltd!
( Cowboys galloping here and there,
Smiling at the ladiea fair.
BncklM bfteia Uw will rid.
Watcb latent sway from aid to aide.
nd many a man will hare bis fall
But hurrah for the towboyt, we like
em all
To tho Kdlter:
If you will give me the necessary
spnee, I will undertake on behalf of
a number of citizens who oppose the
proposed Blue Ledge railroad bonds
to make- a statement of somo of their
principal objections.
1. The contract docs not afford
tho city any fnlr or reasonable sc
curity or aseuranco that Mr. Dullls
wll take over the road when com
pleted and repay to the city Its cost.
2. Tho direct bonoficlarles of this
road, the owners of tho uiIiiph in the
Illue Ledge district, have failed to
give tho city any reaBonnblo nssur
anco or guaranty that they will oper
ate tho mines to n sufficient extent
to make the railroad a success or to
afford tho city anything llko an nde
quato return for tho amount expend
ed by It.
No lUwxinnble Imostlgutlon
3. No reasonable Investigation
has been mado, nnd no reaBonnblo
assurance or proof has lieon afforded
tho people that tho copper deposits
of tho Illuo Ledge district are of such
character that undor existing meth
ods of mining and smelting nnd tho
othor surrounding conditions, copper
enn bo produced nt a cost which will
warrant the operation of tho minus
under normal conditions.
4. Tho contrnct la extremely un-buslnoss-llko
in that It contains no
sufficient specifications nnd affords
no nsBiirartco whatever that the
mpnoy will bo wisely or properly ex
pended. rhls communication will ho confin
ed to a discussion of the first of those
obJoctlonB. I shall, however, with
in a day or two have something to
Hny nbout tho others.
1. Thoro Is no provision In tho
contrnct whatever that Mr. Hullls
shall tako over tho road or pay tho
money necessary to retlro tho bonds.
Tho reason for this omission Is that
tho wholo transaction Is conceded
to bo In direct violation of tho consti
tution of our state, and the contract
has been drawn so as not to make
matters appear as they aro, In order
that If posslblo the courts may bo
docelved and tho constitutional pro
hibition against the city lending Us
credit bo evaded.
la KwiMon of Law
However, everyone connected with
tho mattor fully understands that It
Is tho roal intention that all tho city
is to do Is to lend Its credit to Mr.
nullls, and that ho Is to build tho
road, own nnd opornto It nnd pay tho
bonds. What nssurnuco or Heourlty
does Mr. Hullls glvo that ho will do
this? Whether or not Mr. Hullls Is
honoet nnd has good Intentions Is on
tlroly bosldo tho question. Tho city
Is In fact lending Mr. Hullls $300,-
000 to build his rond. To lcmi
thl amount of money without some
rensonablo security. Is bad buslnoss.
Mr. Hullls proposes by way of secu
rity to deed to tho city his oquity in
tho Jacksonvlllo railroad subject to
a mortgago of J57.000.00. Mr. Hullls
bought this property Including tho
cars, onglnos nnd other oqtilpmont
for $00,000, paying down $3000 nnd
giving back a mortgage for $57,000.
Ho now proposos to dood tho city
his oquity In the road, reserving tho
oars, onglnos, otc. This Is all tho se
curity tho olty Is to rocelve. Neod
I add that It Is no socurlty whatever?
Hiwiul Only City Coin
The nuostlon may be asked wheth
er It is not true that Mr. Hullls ex-
nocts to oxpond considerable money
of his own in building the road In
addition to tho $10,000 por mile
which the city is to advance, Tho
answer Is, first, Mr. Hullls has not
acreod to do anything of tho klud.
Mr. Hullls does not propose to spend
a slnglo dollar of his own money in
the construction of this road. He
fully expects to do all the, work with
tho $10,000 por mile which the city
furnishes. I have this on authority
close to Mr. Hullls and so reliable
that l am safe In making the asser
tion positively. Anyone who states
tho contrary is either himself de
eulvod or is seoklng to decelvo you.
Security Not Adequate
It may bo olalmed that Mr. Hullls
Is unable to give adequate security,
and that rather than lose tho road
wo should accept what security he
has to offer; but If Mr. Hullls cannot
offer adequate security, he certainly
should be willing. If he Is acting
in good faith, to do all that he can
in this reepuot. He hasn't done oven
this. He has expressly reserved the
rolling stook and equipment of bis
road and the trolley wires and poles.
The very fact that Mr. Bnllta pro
poses to make these reservation In
tbe dtod of his raicroMopie equity In
the road catU a suspicion on his good
faith In the whole transaction a sua
nteion amount Jug at least to a pre
sumption tkatf hlroaelf srtely
doubts bis ability to carry oui nw
fart of the agreement.
By A. C. Howlctt
Mh Einuiii JTeCnslin of the All
Visln orchard has been visiting Miss
Fredn Lenbo the past week.
I. Af. Hates ofv Portland wns n
guest at the Sunn.vsiilo Sunday night
nnd remained over Momlny to hunt
Professor C. E. Johnson sent off
his third petition for the constitu
tional amendment to prohibit the
bringing into the stnte of intoxicating
liquors for butornge purposes, last
Friday, nnd Rev. L. L. Simmons sent
off one petition, mnking a total of
140 front thin Heotinn, nnd if the
nnti-snloon forces nil over tho stnte
hnvc done as well as they did, (he
2.1,000 unities have been secured with
plenty to spare.
Mr. Newport, our depot ngent, re
ceived fio rrnti'H of (ihiukons nnd
shipped them out to the Medfonl
Poultry company Inst Saturduy. Thev
were brought in by John Under of
Eagle Point, Jnmes Grieves of Pros
pect, W. E. Hummel by Mr. Isabel,
his foreman, nnd Inter in the week
Mrs. F. J. Ayros brought in u crate.
Tuesday, when the train emtio in
they had epiito n lot of freight for
our merclinnls nnd severnl passen
gers, and among them wns Mrs. F. U.
Hill of Derby, and she informed tue
thnt her husband wns building n saw
mill at the cedar spring, near the
property of Frank Neil, which will ho
ipiite n convenience for the people
who live off the railroad.
In in Daley came out hist Sntur
dny for u lond of lumber he hus
stacked here lust full, nnd while here
was showing spcoimciiH of tho copper-hearing
rook he has taken out of
his mine, nnd tho copper wns so
plentiful that it could he seen by n
young person with the eye without u
glass, uud 1 could see it with u mag
nifying glass. He seems to think he
has n fortune right within his grasp.
O. N. llirkley of Medfonl wns with
us lust Saturday. He represents
Failing, MeColmott Co. of Portland,
t". A. Newstrom, tin road supervism
of tho Lake 'Creek district, nnd
wife were here for dinner nt the
same time.
Miss Ituth Thomson of Dei by unme
out on the train Saturduy and the
same evening was met by her sister,
Miss Nell, and the two Hudson sis
ters, Misses (lillinu uud Loin Hud
son, recently from Scuttle, Wusb.,
but now of Medford. The two sis
ters uud Mish Thomson hud just re
turned from Jacksonville, where they
hud been to take the teachers' exam
ination, and Sunday after they nil
hud taken dinner nt the Suuuyside
they hourded Henry Trusty's Ford
and took a trip to Dolby. The uoin
puny was composed ill' the two Hud-.
unt sihters, Misses Kuth uud Nell
Thomson, Miss flare Zimmerman,
Miss DehilesH Miuter, Joe Moomaw
nnd the ehuuffeiir, Henry Trusty,
Now, perhaps you may think thnt
they were crowded, hut they did not
seem to be, for Henry is used to cur
rying passengers nnd ho urrnnged
tliein in the following erder: He seat
ed one Judy on each end of tho sent
nnd then seated two more in the laps
of tho two Indies, and Joo in the mid
dle, verily "n rose between four
thoius," then he put (wo of the la
dies on the fiont sout. They kind of
doubled up so us to leave room for
Henry sir ho could nianuge tho enr,
anil off they wont, iik merry as u
clam at high tide. Missus (lillinu II.
('. 7 and Dohiluss returned home,
Mihs Miuter to her home nnd the oth
ers (o the Sunnyside, uud reported
Inning hud u most enjoyable time.
The Hudson sisters are looking for
schools, as they are practical loneli
er. Profoasor ('. E. Johnson rot urinal
to his room Friday from Jackson
ville, where he had been taking thu
examination on some of the higher
Among the cullers at the Sunny-
side for dinner Sunday besides those
mentioned above were J. V. Mclntyro,
wife, daughter and sister, Miss Alice,
William von dor Hollen, wife, son nud
daughter, Jack Florey, Jr., John Fos
ter, John MePherson, Jud Kdunll,
Curl Kinger, Dr. Holt and daughter,
Misa Helen.
Marshall Miuler came out Mon
day and went to Medford on his wny
to Aliliil.
Mr. Arehhahl, living on what i
known as thu Heath place, name nut
Monday for another load of lumber,
He and bin witnur, Mr. Stepheiixou,
are building u house on a fivc-mre
tract of land they have an option on,
joining their idare, as one house H
not large enough for two fauiilien to
live in.
J. I Cany and family eaiue out on
the train Monday mi their wa lr
Mr. C.'s jmnsiU nt Kdsall Crowing,
Mr. and Mr. Oipport. They took n
liver v tetuu to Derby, where Uiey were
met b bvwe of tk family, as the
stage was so croft ded that tlwy could
not ir by stage.
Uudolph Uuli of Portland came out
Monday evening, Mnt the night at
the Kuuuyult nud took the P. & K.
train for the Duuary mill, where hi
father is eugnred as bead bawer.
Carl Sawr ot Lake ''nwk, u
in 1uh ot ('buries bcuf.cld, came out
on thu P. e E. Tueaduy, and II. N.
Mclntyn" of Deibv came out on the
same car, nnd Mrs. J, A. Jonas took
passage from here to Hutte Fulls.
French Hard of Hutte Falls, who
lives near the old Obenehniu place,
came out, took dinner with us nnd
went up homo the snme day.
Miss Loin Hudson, Frnnk Tungnle
and wife of Jacksonville nnd E. A.
Hildroth of Hutte FiiIIb were pas
sengers out on the P. & E. the -lib.
The members of tho I. O. O. F.
lodge hero have erected a flagpole
on the top of their hall, tho hank
building, nnd had Old Glory floating
from it on tho Fourth. Speaking of
tho Fourt, every business house in
town wns closed and almost every
body went to Ashland to eelebrnte.
The iilurm of fire wns given over
the hone Wednesday uftonioon, hut
the few men nnd women who aro left
here cuiiie to the rescue. The fire
unught in u fence between tho Zim
merman burn and the burn now own
ed by Mrs." Hose Potter, known ns
the Diok Daley barn, and wna nbout
to reach both burns by the time help
came. There was hut littlo dumngc
done. The cause of the fire Is un
known to the public.
Since my last report, George von
dor llellen, ouo of our hardware mer
chants, has renewed his suhsoriptloii
to the Daily Mnil Tribuno, Gits Nich
ols hits renewed his to the W. M. .T.;
S. If. Harnish, our livory stable mutt,
hus paid for nn ud in thu Eaglets and
Harris Gippert of Hutte Falls has re
newed his subscription to the Daily
Mail Tribune.
Hill Cottrell hns n new Ford auto
mobile, tho third otto in A wcok
Home trader la Hill.
Cliff Hazolwood and John Drnko
took tu thu Fourth of July festivities
nt Wlmnr, and claim a fine dunce was
qulto tho feature of tho day.
Dave Cottrell Is driving bin new
Overland car which ho received IuhI
MIkh I2mma Ico finally got away
for I.OS Augulos Monday, nltho shu
plana to see how Ashland celebrat
ed tho fourth ouroutc.
Another now Ford has made Its
debut In tho Meadows with Jim
Dlnkers bohlnd tho steering wheel.
A full turn out to tho practlco
game Hunday nt the ball park. The
team Is getting In shape to beat
Iloguu Itlver tho sixteonth at tho
Winter grounds.
Theo nnd Loran Ico drove to Mod-
ford shopping Monday.
Alex Nlbley, of OrantM PnsH, Mr.
Dunno nnd Delano, mining engineers
of note with Mr. Delano's sou, motor
ed to tho mines Sunday for u trip of
Inspection. They found somo rent
mines In the making.
"Wnlter, Frank nnd Albert Cum
mltiga wont to Medford Monday. They
havo boon working on tho Hortolson
minus for some weeks past,
Mr. and Mrs, Lane Wylatid nud
their dnughtors all went to tho
Itnlph Uussell, Hill Cottrell and
family motored to Medford on Mon
day, i
Albert Cummlngs and Yultor
Frank wore Medford visitors Mon
day. Howard and Frank Mnyflold wero
lit Ashland throughout tho round-up,
VA Itussell went to Ashland for
tho roundup Monday afternoon.
Tho group ot claims on Cinnabar
mountain which have boon under do.
volopmont by Frank and Cummlngs,
aro showing a splendid body of ore
of somewhat hlghor grade than most
ot the meadows district and tho body
ot oro seems proven for soveral hun
dred feet, centering on tho spot
where Jasper Hodgors took out tho
rloh pooket ot cinnabar some years
Davo Cottrell, Hill Cottrell and
their families spent the week In and
about Medford and Ashland.
Mrs. J. P. Dlnkons has return
ed from the vatloy and is much Im
proved In health.
Wallace Dlnkons has found tho
horse and saddle whlui disappeared
last Bunday. The horse, saddle and
The Coming Baby!
Hooray! Hooray!
Nothing cho can so completely endear
us to tho present nud tho future as tho
einrctft! arrival of
baby. Hut la the mean
timo the comfort of
the mother l of vait
Important. There Un
tpleodld external r-ra
cdy known at "MoUY
tt'ti Krlcud" which ex
ert a wonderful Influ
enco upon the expand.
In j rauMlea, They In
come more pliant,
utretch without undue
pain, mate the pvrlod
one of pleaiant antic
ipation luiletul or ip
rrebemloo. In a lerlr of tjOtmlUl Utter
from nil ajtr the rountrr mother tell of tho
J teat help 'Mr4'icr Krlend" vraa to them,
'.ren rrandmother tell the wonderful tory
to their own diutrtiter about to enter the
atate of motherhood, bet a bottle of "Moth
er' Friend" today of your noartat drutjtit.
Vw) tlil aplendid help with our own haul
(Hided by our own mind, for a free book
of Interest and Importance to all mother
write to liradueM ltcfulator Co., 4 jmar
Illdf., Atlanta, Oa. It relate the permal
experUereii of many happy mother. It tdU
many tlilnn that all women (houlj be fa
miliar w 'hi It I at once a rulijo nuJ B'l
aplniittm, ,wm fur !h! book. ri
bridle were altogether When found
Guess It just got tired waiting and
waudcrod away.
John Pnyno, wlfo and llttlo How
ard wero roundup visitors from the
IMIss Jennie Drake spent tho fourth
ot July In Ashlnnd nud Medford.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts.
Circuit Court
Theodore Ico ct ux vs. F. 0. Mnth
isou et at., suit to cancel deed.
Edith M. Antic ct nl vs. 0. II.
Young, order grnnling motion.
E. C. Evnnson vs. 1). T. MoKer
cher ot nl., order for service by pub
lication. June Cnrroll vs. Charles A. MoAr
iluir et uv, confirmntioti of sale.
lnlmto Cwurt
' Estate of Wllliniu Suronson, order
extending time for filing inventory.
Ileal Kstato Transfers,
liitphncl C. Messner to Flora
A. Kelsey, laud in twp. Jlfl-
nv. ... t i
E. It. Outinan et ux to Clint
Gallatin et ux, lot 'J, block
ID, Medford 1
Minnie Lnne el vir to William
II. Gillis et ux, land in sea.
18-40-:iV. ... . 3fi0
F. L. Iloldridge et ux to .Ins.
E. Fuller, laud in sec. 2"-:i8-
NAPLES, July 7. -Severnl strong
earthuiinke shocks have occurred in
the NeoS)litnn and Cnlahrian prov
inces. They lire believed to have
been connected with the telluric
movement which caused tho disaster
in the Sicilian milphur mines.
S. S. S. Removes tho Cause.
Specialist hnvo nareed that Catarrh
I an Infection of the blood. Oncu you
net yuilr blood aleatiied of tbe Catarrhal
poliona jou will be relieved ot Catarrh
tho drlppInK In the throat, hawking
and aptttlnir, aorea In tho noitrll. nud
the dlmnrecable brenth. It waa cauacd.
In the first place, becauie your linpov
erlfhed blood waa oually Infected. I'o
albly u alight cold of contact with some
one who hnd n cold, liut the point I
don't suffer, with Catarrh It I not nee
eary, Tbe remedy 8, 8. H dlcovrd
ovor fifty year ago, teatrd, true and
tried, Ih nlway obtainable at any drug
store. It ha proven it value in thou
and of cae. It will do so in your
cnie. Got H. B. H. at once and bcnln
treatment. If your la a lona-atand-Ing-
oaae, be iuro to write the Hwlft Hpe
ollio Co., Atlanta, CJa., for free medlcnl
advice. Thxy will tell you how till
fiurtly veKtable blood tonlo elvatiie
he Imnurltl from tho blood by literal
y waliluir It cUun.
1 T-IJ-. U J-T.
Xotltco of Sheriff Halo I'mlcr I.'xi'-
Alldn R. Minor, as Kxecutrlx of the
ostato of Kdgar K. Miner, Docoased,
Plaintiff. vs.
Victor Ileno, Dolln Ueno, htiabaud
and wife, ot al. defendants.
illy virtue of an execution and
ordor ot sale duly Issued out ot and
under the seal of tho circuit Court
of the State ot Oregon in and for
the County of Jackson, dated tho
2Ctb day of Juno, 1916, in a certain
suit thorcln, wherein the plaintiff
nbovo named recorded a judgmoiit
ugftliiKt tho defendant Vlvtor Meno,
on tho 21th day or Juno, 19 1(1, for
the sum of three tlioiitmiul slxty-flvn
($3,005) dollars with Interost there
on from the 20th day of February,
19 1C, at thu rate of G por cent por
annum and three hundred ($300)
attorney's fee and tho further auiu of
$32.00 costs, which Judgment wns
enrolled and docketed in tho clerk's
office of said court in said county on
the 2 1 th day of June, 1910, nnd Ih
of record in volume 24 of tho Circuit
Court Journal at pages 4-I3-4-6 there
of. Public notice Is hereby given, that
In pursuance to thu commands of
said execution and ordur of sale, I
will on Saturday, tho 29th day of
July, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'olo-k
a. in. at tho front door of the court
house In Jacksonville, Jackson coun
ty Oregon, offer for salo nnd will
sell at public auction, siibjoot to re
demption as Is by law provldod, all ot
the right, title and Interest ot tho do.
fondants had on tho dato of tho
mortgage, herein foreclosed or have
since acquired or now havo In and to
tho following described real piop
orty, to-wlt
The fractional southoast quartar ot
Section 27, and the fractional south
west quarter of Section 2C, and the
west half of tho northwest quarter
of Section 35, also an undivided one
half Interest in and to tho -nst half
of the northeast quurtor of Section
34 and lot 7 In Suction 27, all of
Have party witli well improved 25-aore trnct, located
4 mllos from Santa Cruz, Calif; that wants to trado
fyr good business here. His properly is clear.
It enl Hstnto Loans,
102 West Main.
said described land being In Town
ship 30 South Ot Rnhgo 3, West Of
the Willamette Mcdldlan, and con
taining In nil 20C acres more or less,
located In Jackson County, State ot
Snld above described lands will bo
sold as per the provisions ot tho do
cree rendered In the above-entitled
case to satisfy the Judgment, at
torney's fees, costs and accruing
costs ot sate.
Dated this 27th day ot Juno, 1910,
Hy E. W. Wilson Doputy.
FOR HUNT Choap, modern house
10th nnd Laurel. Inquire Fred
Menrs, Qarnott-Corey Hldg. 93
FOIt 11ENT 3-room nnd 2-room
houses, modern, furnished. 417
Jay st., Phono 742-J. 92
FOlfuENT My rosldonciTon South
Oakdale during my nbsonce on
Mexican border; select parties
only. Dr. 13. T. Porter. 2
FOR RENT Coy cottngo, gas,
bath, stove, somo fumituro, gar
den, good neighborhood; $C00.
Phono 2CS-W. 94
FOR RENT Fire room houno, hard
wood floors, full cement bnsomont
nnd gnrngo. Phono 370-W.
FOR SALE If you want a good
'trailer for your outing or delivery
lnqulro Jack's Uarago, 132 South
Rlvorslde. 93
FOR SALK 1914 Indlnn motorcyclo
with full equipment: nearly now,
at n real bargain. Wnlkor's Gar
age. 93
TOR SALE 100-acro wood claim on
Jl. It., $1500. Wrtto R. II. iBotl,
Jltitte Falls, Oro., for particulars.
FOR HALE Nearly now bicycle at
your own price. Phono 403-J-4.
FOR SALE Alfalfa hny cheap.
Phono 310. "
FOR SALK Second crop alfalfa and
grain hay. Bnldor's Dairy.
FOR 8ALB Leather upholatorod
furniture Central Point Oregon,
Box 17, Houto 1. Phono 147. 91
1 lORSB FOR SALK Ilonnlo, tho "five
year old driver ot Missionary
Smith's, 208 S. Central. 92
FOR SALK Casollno engine four
and half horse power, choap. Pox
A. II. C Mall Tribuno. 90
FOR SALK 4-ycnr old Jersey cow
In milk; uluo G-mo. old Jorsey
heifer cutf; alio good tank pump,
nearly now. Janes Uron., Phone
370-X. 91
FOR BALK Registered Hereford
bulls. M. F. Hunley, Medford. 93
FOR SALK A No. 1 milk cow nt
Union Stables. 91
FOR SALE Horses, and grain hay
in the field, one mile northeast ot
Phoonlx. K. E. Reamoa. IPC
FOR SALK Reduced again, my
$7000 city much, froo Irrigated,
dairy, chicken, fruit, toolH, stock,
$4000. Tho Carlsbad of America;
unsurpassed scenic beauty. Pop.
(1000; altltudo 2000 ft., fishing and
hunting. Mrs. M. Jnckor, Ashland,
Oregon. H
flier cent profit. Small Investment
required, light work. For further
particulars lnqulro Medford Poul
try and Ugg Company. 91
WANTKD Hy an experloucod girl,
ciro of children, hour or day.
820-X. 107
WANTKII Olrl for cooking nnd
gonornl housework. Dr. Salado,
Soven Oaks. 81
WAiNTKD To rouovnto your feath
ers and make your beds Into fold
lug mattrosMos. Phone 19G-J,
322 K. 12tb. 95
WANTKD FIxturoH for storerwhat
have you? O. A. DoVoo.
WANTKD Man to run gasoline en
gine nud do some ahop work on
noar-by ranch. Mlravlsta Orchard.
TO LOAN Prlvato party will loan
money on flrHt-olasa furut lands.
Hox 1). C , Mall Tribune. 92
MONKV TO LOAN Havo monoy to
loan upon city and country prop
erty, Quick sorvlco. Money on
hand. Kurl S. Tumy, 21 U Qarnett
Corey Hldg. tf
Al'TO For a scenic trip to the beach
go to Crescent Clt, cal., faro $10.
Phone 1G2-R or Co:t-J. 95
Rentals, Insurance.
Phone 700
Aero HsppHe
Vi mm!
are oporntlng the largest, oldest
and best equipped plnt la the Pa
cific northwest, use our Bprings
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee 26 North Flttwnta 8L,
Portland, Ota.
GEO. W. CIIERRT Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Bank Building.
A. E. REAME3, LAWTEIt Oarnatt
Coroy bldg.
Q. M. ROBERTS Lawyar.
Medford National Bank Building
colloctod some accounts 14 yean
old. Wo know bow to got the
monoy. Tho Bullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, S, II
kins' Hldg., 210 E. Main it
Oarnott-Coroy Bldg., mlto
Me'dforii, Oro. Phone 86C.
Collections nnil Report
M. F. & H. Bldg. Office Hourc
8130 to 12; 1 to 6. Phone G07-R.
Engineer anil Contractor
FRED NT ciriiMTN"as"nglne"er aHd
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
drntnago, orchard and land Im
provement. llousoMocm
Movo Houses, Rarna,, Oarages. Ma
chinery, Kto. Phono 488-M, or
488-X. G12 8. Nowtown, 811 Da
kota. InsorABC.
EARL S. TUMY General Insurance
office. Fire, Automobile, Accldont,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Suroty Bonds. Excollent com
panies, good local sorvlce. No.
210 Oftrnott-Coroy Bldgi
Instruction tn Masle
FRHl) ALTON IIAinilT Toachor of
piano nnd harmony. Hnlght Mimic
Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy Bldg.,
Phono 72.
OARBAOE Got your premise
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons tor
good sorvice. Phone X74-U r,
Y. Allen.
Pbywlclans and Bargeoa
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathle
physicians, 41C-417 Gamstt-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Realdenc
20 South Laurel st
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopathH
physician, 303 Garnett-Corty
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMKN3 Physician and
surgeon. Practice Umltod to eye.
oar, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 587.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Phyalolan and
surgeon Phones, office 80, rest
donee 780. Office hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
elan and aurgoon. Office Pala
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
Printers an Publishers
best equlppod printing oftlco In
southern Orogon; book binding,
Ioobo leaf lodgors, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortfl.
Fir it.
Office 42 North Front st. Pbona
815. Prices right. Sorvice guai
;- n
I havo a IGO-acro stock ranch;
good location; 100 acres In grain,
somo alfalfa. Thla placo recently
sold for $12,000; no incumbrance.
Will trado for good orchard, prefer
poars, or would take city proporty.
Would trado even or assumo somo In
cumbraneo on orchard proposition,
102 Wtst Main Street.
Wo can deliver a flue stook rauqh
of 370 aoros ovor half now tu uron
of wheat, barley, alfalfa and corn,
and coutldarnble oro can bo culti
vated none of It stoop land.
This placo Joins a boundless out
ruugo and has vory good buildings,
and abundance ot springs for stock.
Anyono wnntlng to get Into tho stock
business should take thU ope. No
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phone 1(17