Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 07, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 IT
Office Mall Trlbuno Utillttlnff, 2C-27-JJ
North I'lr atreet; telephone 71.
Thu Pornocratlo Tims, the Medford
Mull, The Mwlfenl Trlhun. The Boulh
rn Oragenlan. The Ashland Tribune.
straiDcnxvTxon bates i
On ymr. br matt
One month, by mull
Per month, iIllviT..i by currier In
ii (.enirai j-oini
RalWrtlay only, by tnall, par year-
weejMjr, per year.... ...
Offlftlal Pager of the City f.f ylfor.L
wineiai rpr or jean wniy
ft JMMomllfuui matter Jt!
Ifprd, Oregon, under the act of March
i i
flworn circulation for 111 2tl.
rtill l-a-d wire Associated I'reni din
tmtehia. EM-TEES
ll'ri An III Wind
ThB scarcity of dye will soon make
It liiipoallilu lu oIiIhIii hid more rod
topo Tor uio of Kovernment office.
War Im It ue after all.
HfifuriiiK TWent
Xour ilnugiilor li h wonderful
volap. You ought to ctiltlvato It.
WlifU forT A vole dntMti'l hIiow
up Jn ihovJiik pluturaa. Hut I've not
ii boy with a funny walk whom I ox
piiot to Mo drawing a tliouimnil n
vvgck onn of thow day. Vh Infi
ton Mtnr.
alio ii.((it 1 liitr
"Thomas Oltton Altoatod iiihii,
called up, wIllliiK to LIFT HAM' 01'
HOUHK, or tn l(o nnotlior lady In sim
ilar iionlllon." Ad "In Loudon Tole
gniph. 1
Called Ills Itlllff
(Jailor llavo you n fow moments
to Hiro, lr7
Capitalist Young mini, my time
Iff worth $100 an hour, hut I'll jslvo
you tun mliiiitoa.
(Jailor Tlinnk. hut If It's nil tin.
miiiiio to you, air, I Imlluvn I'd rather
tako It In cash. lloaton Transcript
Mutli AiIihi Alsiut Nothing
Mr Cfloll HprliiK-ltltH Im Imuu lit
MlniotW to upoloKlxo for thu action
of tho governor of Trinidad In full-
lilsVlr) rnUirn Ilia eall of tho aaeralary
tit the tnwMHirr, Mr. MeAilou, on tho
laUuri vtoll uit hoard thai AmarieaH
OTKUtfr TtmnmH,-lSxeuange Tela
ihnph, "1 1 tit I'l'IMlf
"Pro Brought back tho owt you
MHVtt mm Oil warning," said the naw
hrldtf, u thu boNi taklHg tkw aid
tiltw In qiiMillon from liur baskvt.
Tliay'ra ilwck ga."
"Ouek !" awereJ thu groery
htmi, "Vou'rw inlaUkuu, ma'am. 1
illlli't Hvr Mil no duck ogga."
"Hut I twtml tbeni." triuuipliHHUy
mid tbii matrimonial unvle. "I
kflMMi them Ittlti WMltir and they
tlmlmi." Judge.
t'urit iiir siiiu
(fruiM rrtlJhiMi of "Thu INiitllerar'a
kop," M atlll lift) imltttlHR awowii
at tan Iluynl Mt'xluuty ahlbthtu.)
"Kvarythlng Hm lit It plare a If
l( ka) Imh than for mttturUa."
IMUlwt MtM-Mlllg l(Mt.
Mr. I'tr UlliuHit fall Jowh a
fllkt uf atalra lttdlu tu tan baru
Utt r'rlOay anil frwtuiml tht Mr
irxI oonOyl of tk rai(ua.-Cldll
(JO.) Oeraoctai.
The. riHat aftwr ilUutMr Niwaknr la
tkt) inli Ih Utr man who aa,M
"WmIIit k)' Dial iliii'k b 1111'"
PORTLAND. Or.'. 1..I) 7.- Mu
uklpal JtMlttf Art l.nmitii Unlay d
0UM taml tu iumilih-t ott ' (aiull)
llBkltatkaa" dUtrthttiutl in PrtlMi
ojr Mr. Mattt rtauaer. tit N
York Wrth toutrol utlvocau, wa ttU
hnmi MUratura Ml 4vMoh wm
mmU M Mm trial oi i:i I Have, Kutyh
OiMNnrln ul K. I.. JaUlna. who aold
tk HiplMa at a matitlM which
Air atamar a Id Kara wa flnnd
Jltt, but tbo rinaa tie ramlttati.
Mra, Samai. Or. Maria Kqul. Mian
Aland IkMiinar au( lira. K A. liraat
weoil. "hu wer arrrl4 at it later
11IU9MHC. also wtra plurad 011 trial,
hut r)ftra BKalnat ! iil
lllt4. luiltiM;uia i.'vJ that
nUtiougli l) i'.'lievU lii U poelpla
of birth owiittol ba M uot axiurova
of the paiupUct Imui1 U It id Man-
per. 1
WITH Hit' spirit of the proposjiJ to loan inuni-ipnl
credit to aid the development of latent resources
by the construction of a railroad to the Blue Ledge mining
district, the Mail Tribune is in hearty accord.
Jt is realized that Medford has passed the .stage where
the ordinary conservative do-nothing policy would benefit
city or country. The city must resort to the extraordin
ary and assist in unlocking the doors of opportunity. But
in doing this the city's interests should be safeguarded as
much ns possible. The question is, does the contract sub
mitted to the people to vote upon July 10 sufficiently safe
guard the city in its investment?
The Mail Tribune believes that if the Blue Ledge mine
was in continuous operation the city could well afford to
give the $.300,000 for the railroad. But it ttlso believes that
u the city votes $.100,000 to transform an idle million dol
lar investment into a profitable one the owners thereof
ought to reciprocate by guaranteeing by surety bond a cer-
..?.. I f it. ! 1 i i
inui annual revenue lor mo
operated or not. Private capital would demand this guar-..
aiiii'i'i aim u i ne mine owners
no noi menu ousuiess ana ine project siiouid lie dropped.
The timber companies in the Butte Falls section furn-
ished letters and telegrams and all sorts of promises of
operation if the P. & li. were built, ft was, at a cost of
!?J,iiU0,U00 and never a promise was made good. It opcr
ates at an annual loss.
The charier amendment
month authorized the city to
contract submitted not only
1...1.1-!.. .. it fl
ijy lUKing over ine nariium
$07,000, creates that much more indebtedness than author
ized. The proceeding will, therefore, probably be held
void by the courts and there will be that much valuable
lime lost.
Jt is proposed to build a railroad .for which not even a
survey has been made, and it is impossible to estimate the
probable cost without a survey. It is not even known
whether it is possible in the future to extend this line
toward the coast, or whether the -1500-foot pass above the
mine and the 3000-foot drop to the Klamath river and the
timber belt can be successfully negotiated. Without a sur
vey, it is all guesswork.
It is not, however, the
waste a lot of space discussing this contract, which, with
its extraordinary meager specifications, speaks for itself.
It is lor the voters to decide
sulficiently salegnarded.
Ni:V OHI.KAXS. Jttlv r. Dim-t
rvtmiln ifffiM'U from irtttitllv t-vorx
point in tin- arwi hpt liy lltf itunn
imlituU'tl tltitt iluuiayt1 lo prK'rt
ami urapM in Alabama. wut FltHitla
wnl JIiwieiij)i wotiltl
nKUrtritta wvorul millitMi iIoIIhim.
llautaKe in Mobile lo buihlinK Mini
othfr iroriy waa tvtiiuutftl at
alHiut $1011,000. KMirlH rnwi 1'i'H
Havola aaitl tlif iiinHHtl tlnmattf hail
liwn ttloHir tk WNttirt'ninl tunl to
"hipiMiiR. hut ilt'taiU Htn- lafkniK.
'IVIfKiapli nml tflcpliiPUH ottimiN
-it id Itulny il prohahlv hoiiIiI In- 'v-
ral ilayn iM'Ton. wirn ftiminitniciitiini
wa reHitirisI with lln-w two iitiiH.
All ptlitltM ultlllK lllH MlkKlNXlppi
iia( hate Ihwu heanl frw ami tht
datHMtC iu that Mtuii waa rMrtrtl
u4 an bud Ihmh fKt't'il.
, Ajiatiillv Ihi. Krfatrmt nrrt.v
Iohmhi wra Im tb iulnrior of ,Mihhi
iii huiI AIuIihuih in tin' uilbiir
huiHl of Jui-Umiu. Mvntliau, llattn'
hurir ami Uurol, Mi., ami IMott
ami TIIhIihh'.,
In Moii!lMrti MiihiiHi, aM-oitliti)
to lali ttMirt, wttitv IwUi of roH
uiK com ami i-ollon wrro laid low
uniI probably will ho ruiawl, t'auui
many UhihmimmIm of rfwllara' Umk.
Mobile i.rtH that a nuiuber of
vi'mki'Ik liml Ihm'ii iHWelietl or loat eom
iitif into ii bay lroui tb kuU' tliirni
thi' nlorm.
I'l'i-ous arrititiit bete from Hiln.u,
Mi. , ivHtrlt'd that five M-hounerN
with eiewK of m men eah were Ih
Ihm.I tu bne iH'eu in the kuU' Iw
vntil ( lianiicleiir inlaBtl, whew tlui
eiorui IWck, and Hiat MHv Mr wn1
nut known.
Sim 111 .MuIiik XiutiittHiil
WAWIIXUTON, JtUv T. Tb trop-u-nl
torni win. It lnw.k ibe gulf ioat
VwIiu-mIu wall u bt unt'ottatetl lull
"l Im-. ami )tro( ta now oir
mu Hi Mftf,ikMiu and aiu-(nt! uoitli-
iNi-Uuul HUh 4iuuui. ueiK.u
The weather bureau twlay ropurtiJ
that the wiiii) vrioeitv at Mobil,
Ah., duniiji w hihl of the tna
vaa 100 mib an hour, aud nl IVn--mola,
Fla., il vauwit wuk ubt.v
uiilv. There aie utaUealioa the nu
way raath thw Ohio vnlhn Salunlav
.,.,... ... v ......He uoue i.n int
lAiutt ft.i i.i iL.i .!...., .!.. . . 1
muito ai.uif 1 lie miir c.att ,ui, 111 '
Miihjii iipJ Alabaiau Kere -1 tt
mealier today, but it hown
the irort lo- up. tul J amount ,,
ateral nnllknt. t'i.t .mirri'il
gready lu.m ilu l.j'atx in. Tuiiii.
on lite more iwiu.t(iHF triiU mu
ahuul MMHidi'leU lo) a ami win
eiuouMiuieuttiui with lt tiiii-0un
ranroau whether the mine
win nor inns co-operate tuey
adopted by the people last
make a debt of $300,000. The
creates a debt of $300,000, but,
1 t II 1 a
roao, sun. cei lo a mortirairo o
Mail Tribune's intention to
whutheu thev think the citv
IIHItMN, July 7 -The military
coireapouilout of ZoUim Am illt
Ihk, rommuutliiK 011 thu vsar altua-
tlon, write:
"Th0 fluhtliiK 011 all front I lu
oraaaliiK lu extent mid violence. Thu
enemy overywhero attHtHptlHR to
throw fraah troopa Into the HtrttK
Rlu whleh hhoiiim to be upuroachlnK
noaror and nearor Ita inuxlmum In
toualty. Thu liilRlitlont wertloim aro
boliiK inadu 011 all ldo to force a
ilwlalon and thu toimloa enn Rcurcoly
hoconio hlKhor."
Attor MumiuurlxliiK I ho official ru
poita from tht) various thoatura of
war, the r4irroN)iitleut leutinuea:
"It la (till too early for u final vor
dltt upon the Nltuatlon hm to thu
atruiRloa on thu principal front atlll
In proarww. Tho Oerninn, howovor,
hitherto, huro huun ablo to hold up
the oueniy'a advance 011 the weal as
noil a on tho aouth and oat. Neith
er llrltlMh, Kiencli, Uuuliui nor Hal
laua have attained lame or tlellve
aunmuie, wit I In, In plaeoa where tho
eeutral (Hiwora havo awumotl tho of
fensive, a lu VolhjnlH aud aouth of
the Dneiater, thulr opertttloua have
boon cuntlurtotl with uuau.
"Thl altuattou tmalilo u to look
forward with a certain ainouut of us.
aurauce ami with half vonfidome to
further development of the fight
ing We do uot tlaro, however, to
tnerlook the fact that our uppuueuu
are making might) effort and are
throwing in all available force te at
tain auccew. Our tooim 011 all the
from are fxl by luiiunrli'ally u
perlor force aud t liar of ore are con
fronted with the proapoct of further
heavy flgbllug."
lu the boat ittatih of tho tourua-
meut, thu far aud what will prob
ably be the deciding mutch of the
irul Southern OruKun champion-
hip. Krueat Atlaiua, tho prevvut title
bolder, defeated II. W. illughaiu )
torday afteruooa by a acora of
terda afternoon ou the Country
Club lourt by a acora of 6-1, 0-4,
-l. k-6.
u, v Vllll( , wa Milord lltor
-rluil Vlltl
Absolutely Removes
Indiffostion. Oiiopnckaao
inuvwi it, gfnUit U druifgistq,,)
To the Editer:
Am 11 citiKon, legal voter, taxpayer
ami uttontcy oC Mod ton), I wwh to
Hithmit for the t'onaiileration of thoo
who will Hkoly prtmitle at aud gov
ern Uio ineetiiij; (Ii'im evening, tho fol
lowing tiuohtioiiK, aiihwoii to which
will he gladly iktonrd to bv a lurxo.
fliimher of tloeply tnlerotilcd cllirtinn
of tliiK city, incifidinir tho tindur
HiynciJ, at this evening' jrntliorin.
1. N it the intention of thre pro
piotern tti have Mctlf of tl nctually en--Kiijio
in the tuuttur of railroad con
atnii'tion inul operutiou elthor within
or without her corporate llmitht
'2. I It your honest belief that for
Jfeilford to do Ho will even tend to
relievo tho finutltiiiil atriiiKcncy uniler
wlueli ahc mid innny of her 'citizen
nrt now blm'inRT
'1. What UNHtironi'e linvc you that
if Ihc railroad i built and equipped,
lmt the Hlue filjie mining diHtriot
will he thereby developed, and n ton
nnge featillT irnve ou any uMur
anee worth mentioning Hint nny
mint. iir minr in an id dint net will he
operated 011 11 Inrjje aenlc Upon tho
rond beiiijf completed 7
I. Wliii t knowli'dxe have you til at.
tliu minert or uiinina; prnportfes of tho
Ulue Lrdgc district jutifv Hiieh nn
e.xpuilditiirt. on the pnrt of this city
Will you kindly Mihnnt sotuo xnb-
lnntial cvidenco (lint the Dropertiei
111 itieition have been proven valu
able from u mining and development
htnnilpoint, irivin tneamirnnicntft,
loniidKC, nny values and manner of
blocking out or nMcertniniriK extent oC
ore developed?
'). If (lie district i a proven one
in which the iuvintnioiit of capital iji
reasonnhly sitfe, do you not realize
that thu properties in Midi diHtriet
iiiiiv be united for the pui-pose of
floatiuir n bund ixue, and the road
built from proceeds derived from tho
Mile of Mich bond? Do von know
of belter security than a reiihonulilu
bond Imhiii' in prou'ii copper proper
ties? Would it not he 11 rooi! Iiuki
nci movo for the owner of thu
ptopcrtii in iiiotiu to do tliiK, to
the end that tlicv iniht own tho
iiiilrotid, thiM Aiiii truiiNporlution
elmrxoH, provided they intend to op-
entte on an ox ten hive scale, mid nliip
any material amount of tonnage lot
any inatciial length of timet
0. Mux auv mine or pfopertv in
the district even heeu operated on 11
paying basis If not, why not?
Why not establish a amolter at tho
property if it warrant atieli iuot
nient ?
7. fan the city depead iikiu any
tomingH from the development or tho
lumber along aaitl road, if eoniploteil
.to the Mine ldgo diatriet, and if so,
whom will Much lumbor comu fioml
What Im the true nienniiiK of the M.
U. IWekson lettern wi freiuently
pnblialicd by our piipora?
8. Will the load pay, now or over,
if built no fitithnr titan the Illue
Ledge mining diutrietl What nssiii
aneo have you that it will evor he
built auv further than the $.11)0,0110
will build such 11 road as rontem
(Inttnl by the propoaed vo nt met (?)
and Hpecifieations (!) submitted tor
the ratification of the voters of (his
eitv on the lOthf. Have you any
idea whatever am to lite legality of
such pronset contract f Will you
eiprenri it as mir lioneal belief that
the contract in iHtietiim, oven if ear
rhs at the election, woubl ever be
U)held bv the couiU of thu state?
0. Do in know uf a rtHlceiuini;
feat are ta this proponed coutraet
which would even tend to stamp it
as a -imhI linsineaw uiove? U it stub
coutraet a you porwHtally would iu
tlorse iu luatteis ooutiei'ttsl with 011r
iiiiliiilual busineN or the business of
,vur elhiis f
10. Do you bolieve that iiiestious
of audi vital interest and impoitance
as the one at ismiio ahotild be op4nlv
and frcel) ilisninsml and eoiisiilcied
without such throats as the tine im
plied iu the artMe published in the
first column on i (I of the Sun in
its issue ot July 1, and is it the pur
pose of the uituytiuir tonight to hear
both side ut'lliis iiiiMiitaut muvef
I sincerely tnist that the fiiivgoiut;
iiuestious will ho taken up and ails
weieil completely and limiextlv thi
euiug. and bpt that thev wav be
so answered aud wet that I tuav set
uiy way elear to favor the move m
iiuestiou, a I eannv5tlv wish to il
what is for ibe best interest ot lac
people iu Kctnial. hut am uttetlv nn
able to this preseut hium1 n
it- pti'si-iit 1'Hlii. Tbie iiies'i 1
.lie .i-ld hi ill kiii'ne .itul v. i
nn utlier tun or purpi-e tli.iii t
lttly Assistant
I'lioue M. ITn ml 17-l-tS
Auloinohiie HaarMi irrlce
Aflfe'jncOi ttyrvfcto. Vprufjtr i
FRIDAY, JTLY 7, 1916
have the imic before the -le full
iIim Ussed.
A en- refpectfullv submitted,
F. .1. NKW.MAN.
To the Editw:
Two editorial in a rorcnt edition
uf your Htper touehetl a theme 011
which there U too little written, .nml
to which there it loo little tliouplit
jrivcri. One wa under the hendtn? of
"Cliiid PoveHv and Charity"; 'lhe
ether. ".Mhn Loinr Ilia Plaoo nr
Provider." Thw wore both pood,
ami any one who did not road them
at the time would do well to look up
the number nnd read nml tudv them.
Our country underwent one period
of davorv. a period when the nogro
was bought nnd fold, was mistreated
and benteu. all for the purpose of
gratifying the jtreedy, rHioious do
irew of'tlie mlave-owuor. Wo washed
that blot from the stnrs nnd stripes
with tho hltiod of a million men.
hut today we have another slave
the workintr mun. True, he is Inrire
lv reM)iiille for 1i!h own condition,
for, Hiilike the former slnvp, ho hna
tlic'riirht of the ballot. Hv slrntojne
mauiimlntions liis owners have per
suaded the worker lo cast hi ballot
in ways Hint have welded the bonds
of subjection abotil the modern slnvo
until lie is in 11s pitiable a plight as
the negro ever was. He is in a more
pitiable plight, breuiiho the former'
muster fed hi slave, while the mod
ern owner leaves his to starve, or at
the best. leaves him to the mercies
of charity. The first slave was
driven to servitude bv mere force of
Htrengtli. He was taken captive and
forced to work for his muster. Tho.
modern slnvo is forced into servitude
hv his own liallol, thus Mumping the
;slianii'fiil act with his own upprobii-1
1 do not speak of local conditions,
of course. We are in tl nirnl sec
tion where greater freedom reigns,
but in the broader sense of view
nothing eon save the worker but a
system of cdtieutiuv I lit musses in
tho art of easting the ballot. Train
ing in that impp mnlter will be pro
tluctho of hetlcr results than train
ing at target practice or feiioing with
the deadly sword. Twenty years npi
a movement wits started through our
public suhooW to educate the chil
dren njAiiust the evils of tilcoliol.
They weic (might that it cotifaiiied
poison. What has been the result I
Those school children of twenty
yours ago have become men and wo
men and Imve mu relied to the polls
ami east their ballots. No power of
the opposition can stop them; they
tire Invincible because thuy are edu
cated. The worker has for years listened
(u the siren plea of tho monopoly.
The mun who represent those con
iiorns cry aloud for spueinl privi
lege. The gUt of their hue aud cry is
"(live us protection ami wo will give
you higher wages." The woikur
catches up the ciy aud (Hisses it on.
"Protect lhe monopolies and they
will xivu us better wages." And so
it has gone on mid on, until now
the monopolies are at a point whom
thev onn force protection for lliem
selve; they can foreo the ctst of
living up uuil force the wotkeiV
wages down.
What wo neisi is some groat-hciot-ml
hiiK-iuuitarimi (o stem tho ourrent
of this ftilae philosophy and, like
Harriet Ileechnr Stowo, turn the tidu
in favor of the modem slave. Othov
men besides Socrates, in their own
time and wnv. have drained the hem-'
lock 1 up rather than -nrmiili'i' their
own toiiMctmii-. We haw such men
todav, ami we -hou'd call theni lo
public Mmci'
When w vend n !
Home Bakind Reduces
Co$i of
J aV
THE U. S. Dept. of Agriculture In Experiment Station Bulletin
No. 142 says tliat ten cents worth of wheat supplies almost
three times ns much protein nnd ten times ns much energy ns
round steak, and with some other cuts of meat the difference is
even greater.
If then, ono really desires to reduce her weekly meat and grocery
bills, she need only make more use of her oven.
Who evrr heard man, woman or child complain that Reed homr.made
biscuits, muffin, cake and cookie appeared on the table too often? Instead the
tendency Is "to make a meal of them" and the variety Is ro great that something
you bake yourself could well be the chief feature of every meal.
Home Baking is Simplified by
the Use of K C Baking Powder
Wit". K C you can make tbinf s moist and rkh yet have them
light and feathery, wholesome and digestible. Biscuits may be mixed
the night before and baked fresh for breakfast. Muffins need not
b dry and heavy You can make cale so light that you can
hardly get It out of the pan whole, yet it will not fall. t
K C Is not like the old fashioned baking powderc. It Is double
acting and continues to give off leave wng ga until the dough ta
cooked through. K C is sold at a fair price a large can for 23
cents. This would be no object if strength and purity were sacri
ficed, but every can is fully guaranteed under State and National
Pure Food law and to please. We take all the chances. Your
money back if you do not get aetter results with K C than any
baking powder you ever used.
Include a can In your next eroeery order, try ome in! the new
' reaipes that appear in this paper horn time ta time. Then yo wMI
hae gone far toward solving this nmuuj "Com of Uvina" rttohlew.
IIKIILIN-, July 7. The Autro
HiiDimriun war office statement of
July ;i says:
"The fighting in the vicinity of
Ivolomea was extended. A strong
hostile advance west of the town waa
checked by a counter-attack. South
cast of Tlutnncli, Gorman and Atm-tro-Huiigurian
troop broke up an
attxick by Kussiurt cuvnln-.
"South of Lufsk the attack of the
Teutonic allies gained further ground.
Violent Ittimun advances west and
northwest of LuUk woru repulsed.
Northwest of Harmiuviehi, German
and Atistro-Huiigarian troops re
pulsed strong attacks for which rep
aration was made with violent artil
lery fire. These engagements havo
not been ended.
"Italian frent: There was great
activity on the part of thu enemy's
cannon f'lid miuc-throwivrs nguinst
the Doherdo heights, particularly
south of Monte Dcioidusi. In tho
Mannolnta district and between the
Hrentu and the Adige several attacks
of the enemy were repulsed.
"In the vicinity of Monte Interrolto
Lieutenant Kaiser, with a patrol of
six men from the twenty-sixth Aus
troiHuiigarimi territorial logimeut,
returned froth 11 siict:usfiil outer
prise against hostile machine guns
with '-'OH captured Italians, among
whom were four officers. In other
places ycstcnliiv fourteen officers
und'.ltJlJ men were captured."
to the legislature, to congresa or to
tho senate ehamhur, let us be sure
(hut he is u limn who will tpiuff his
etui of hemlock brew rather than be
tray the trust of the people. We will
find such men 111 the rank and file
oftenur than in thu list of agents of
special privileged monopolies. Ami
if the workers will it they can purge
the nation of this withering blight
of povoily and do it with that invinc
ible weapon, the franchied ballot.
.To the Editer:
If .Medford is voing to build a rail
road to the Illue Ledge mine, why not
go at it in 11 busiiioss-like way? Get
the survey made, gut the right of way
ami then gel up specifications mid
ntlvcttisc for bids to build the rond,
giving it to the lowest responsible
bidder that can .furnish bonds to
protect the city? Should the pres
ent lop-sitled proposition carry it
would be a long time before thy. road
would bo built, if ever. There is a
higher court than the Comemrcial
club, and the .Merchants asaocitt
tion. First Mr. Ilullis) prosed to de
posit .f;lO,(MIO to the city's credit to
Hiv interest on the bonds and to give
a bond that ho would take the road
over iu a year or two and reimburse
Medford for the loan of :100,OI)0. I
fail to see anything iu his proposi
tion where he proposes to make good
tho wildcat scheme should it be vot
ed down. If there nmt be a road
built, let the county build il, for if
it will benefit Medford it will be a
benefit to the entire county. Then
why should Medl'urd take all the
. .1, DLTMH1LL.
Why SmoUo nit Ctgnni
When La Ootid ora only JPo.
V JL f
UKKL1X, July 7. Official an
nouncement was made today that thu
Uritish steamship Lestris was hold
up by German warhip nenr lhe Ung
lih east and seized as a prize.
The statement says the Lestris was
held up by a "Hirtion of the German
high-scu forces."
The announcement follews:
"The Uritish steumhip Lestri,
from Liverpool, has been held up by
a H)ition of the Gurniun high sea
forces not fur from tho English coast
and seized as a prize."
The wording of the German MhIh
muni indicates that a pint, at least,
of the Gerninn high sett fleet was
near thu English coast lit the time
the Lostri was seUed.
Tho Lestris is a vesseljof HIS I tons
gross, owned in Cork.
Now Is the Time to (.'el Hid of These
t'gly Siots
There's no longer tho nllKhteBt
need of fooling aahnmod of your
freckles, an tho proscription otlilno
doiiblo Htrongtb I gtiarntiluod to
romovo tho0 homely apot, .
Simply got nn ounco of othlno
double strength from any druggist
and apply a little of It night and
morning, nnd you Hliould noon seo
that ovon tho worst freckles bnvo bo
gun to disappear, while tho lighter
onos have vanlHhed entirely. It Is
seldom that nioro than an ounco Is
ncailod to completely olonr tho aklit
and gain a bunutlful clear complex
H0 uro to nsk for tho double
Htrongtb othlnc iir this Ih gold under
gunrnntee of money back It It falls
to romovo freckles.
S. II. llnrnlnh's auto will lonvo
Englo Point at 8 A. M. nnd 1 P. M.
dnlly, oxcept Sunday; lonvo Medford
0 A. M. and 5 P. M. Will call for
passougors at hotel In Medford and
hotels and baslnoss houios in Euglo
PIIONK .1-X2 OK 3-X.'t.
Leavo Modfora tor Asnland, TMont
and Phoonlx dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a, m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and C:16
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
ra. Sundays leavo at 8:00 and 10:30
a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 nnd 9:30
p. m. Lonvo Ashland for Medford
dnlly, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. ni
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:20. Sundays leavo Ashland at 0:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
p. m.
It Has Pleased Those
Who Have Tried It
It Will Please You
Jt popularity ta attributed to Ita
HUperlor purity and flavor, tho re
sult or being pnatourliod. There la
no higher quality or butter on the
uiiirkot today.
'Medford Creamery'
Camera Shop
208 East Alain Streol,
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photopruphoro
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time oj
place by appointment.
Phono 147-J
We'll do the rest