Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 07, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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H. E. Messenger Wl todsy for
Agate after having spent the holi
day! In Med ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jsff Williams and
family, and Mr. and Mr. J. 0. New
land, all f RoaebHrg, spent the morn
ing In Medferd. Tbetr can were
loaded with MtnplHK equipment th7
used during the duration of the
D Voe glvea trading stamps with
everything oxcept groceries.
0. It. Qamer left today for hi
home at !irewisbn after spending
the four tit In Medford.
A break-feat you can afford and he
doltghtod with. KtiBMll'i Cafe.
Medford wiorehants ara warned to
keen watcbout for a toad eheck artiat
bnadetl title way from Northern Cal
ifornia. Ho apaaka with deeidetl
Norwegian nccent.
Oet yewr milk, cream, butter, ogga
nnd bitUortnllk at De Voe's.
Hnlo'a I'iano Hotise haa mo red to
lt now quartern acroea tho strsnt and
tho work of opening jiartltlona be
tweon thHlr former atoro hulldlnK
nnd thu Uolden Itulo Is now In iro
Typowrlter pnpor of nil kinds at
Medford Printing Co.
(Will 0. fttnol loft this morning
wiyi Court Hall for hoadiiiwrlors.
The world' groateat companion.
JldllHoe, The Insurance Man.
fltr. anil Mr. IJ. Wight of Denvor,
nml (1. C. Itarly. hie mother and sis
torn, arrive! In their oare Thuraday
night. They went through Med ford
tan day nxo onroule to Seattle.
When Uioy arrlrod In 1'orftand It whh
raining and It eontlnuod to rain dur
ing their itay. It wim reported that
twunty five mllea of tho road hotween
Portland and Roattlo wm undor water
no not liuvlriK pontoona along they
turnwl hack. Thoy are now onroutn
to Lou AiiKuloa.
I'ostago stamps nt Do Voo's.
Q. : Stelno arrived this morning
from IfiiKono liiteudlnx lo tay a fuW
iliiy on husluons.
Try n King Kpltz cigar and on
coiirngo homo Industry. tf
IS. K. Itobblne, 1). Paulson and
Olmrllo Pope, minora of the Starling
illitrlct loft thla morning for tho
minus after Iwvlug spent tho last
wpok celebrating in Medford ami Ash
IhniI. Dr. iarli)W8ner will ho at Hotel 1
Nnh every Wednesday. Hours for
ugniHltatlun 10 to I.
llmeat llueh of Utile Auplegnte, la
Ik iledford led.
Far rent, l-roem furnished house.
C. A. 'ee.
It. 0. MeOormack, vice president,
ami John M. Scott, general paeaeuger
agent of the Southern Pacific are In
Med ford today.
ttlsc 6s Mllkahanes at lie Voe's.
lljrroH ltefurd left this morning for
hta home In Sema valley, after Iwv
Ittc spent the peat week In Medford
and Ashland.
See Dave Wood ahont that fire In
annuise poller. Office Mall Tribune
Qeersje llradneek of Dorrls apaul
yesterday afterHeen linking .Medford
Maine IS. Hotal Holland.
Tba Medferd Choral aoelety will
leave thla afternoon at four o'clock
fr AakuMMl where they will put ou
the ooening program of the Chaulau
ana. OaUe sella Kurd ears, I0Q down
bh4 III a month.
Court Hall left this morning for
Crater Lake. He etpecta to atay until
Ue road la open to tbe rim. At pres
ent, tars are blocked from further
prwrese at the Corkscrew grade,
Afeent seven mites front the rim. The
anew Is melting fast and It Is thought
regular service to the lake will be
gin the first of next week.
Whipping cream at UeVoe'a.
FTbree members of the fire depart
ment and the chief spent the morn
ing In burning off the grass to the
nrth of the Medford Grocery Co.
Muttermilk lOe gal. at DeVoe's.
Uftg Territt of Rogue Hiver, spent
Thuraday aftfruoou in Medford.
Smoke a King Spits cigar, 6c
They are bonu-made. tt
Mr. and Mm. H. H. Smith will leave
tonlckt for IortUud. Mr. SmtUi IU
return Monday while Mrs. Smtth will
continue to Aberdeen where she will
b Uw guest of her daughter, Mm.
Beaumont ieih.
"We make a speelilty of plcnla
lunahos. Hussel's Cafeteria.
Married, at the home of the uiide'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Prate.
of tba West Koot Hills district, Mlsa
How Margaret Krusee and Mr. Scott
Noel Hurtou, Mwde. Jul) S, at t
Da Voe buys beer bottler
A Kord auto was stolen in AshUm!
on the Fourth and has been found
hurt' bv Chief of Police MeUne. Th
or l" longed to S. Tumy, of Med
ford iin a as stolen while he
gUb!"' ' " Ashland celebration,
'i'lio ii" ' " wu looated across
tflB rtv('1 '' ,lo tR0 ro' WBr
It had i" it )'" x h "iios who took
(CH.-otfl'""1 '''MJ ('"r'l"r
I'aul Ulanohard of Grant Pass was
a Medford and Jacksonville visitor
Untternillk 3e quart at DoVoo's.
The 4th of July and the Itound-up
are over and the real place of amuse
ment, after alt. Is the pavilion dance
at Cold Hill Saturday evening. !1
Jf you ever lived In the Sunflower
States, or was bom there, you should
prepare to attend the big Kansas
celebration and plcnlo at Ashland
July 18. Program starts at 10 a.
m. Picnic dinner at 12 m. Sutton of Klamath Palls, who
hee been attending tho roundup Is In
Medford and will remain until Sun
day. Mr. Sutton is a former resident
of Medford.
Now that the weather Is getting
hot, and the water supply low, why
should the city muscle dogs and not
the knockers Sounds reasonable,
doesn't Jt? Iluttorfleld Grocery.
Phone 210. 92"
C. 15. Abbott or Jacksonville Is In
town today shopping.
Prank Johnson of ICaxle Point ar
rived from Salem this morning,
bringing his brother, llube, who has
been discharged as cured from the
James flood, Jr., the San Fran
cisco millionaire Is In Medford today.
Itogular drill will ho hold by the
7th company this evonlug at 7:30,
taking part in tho boostors railroad
parade, aftor which examinations
will be hold at the armory for 1st
and 2nd class gunnors ratings.
Voaton Camera Shop for flrst-clase
kodak finishing nnd kodak supplies.
A large sign Is dlsplayod In front
of tho Commercial Club advertising
It as "Itallroad Campaign Headquar
ters." I
It. II. MoCurdy of Portland, and
formerly of Medford, Is spending a
fow days In town.
During Ashland Chautauqua Inter
urban care lonve Hotel Medford dally
oacept Saturday and Sunday nt 7 p.
ih. Ketiirn aftor program nt night.
Itound trip 86 cents. Tim Hlg dray
Dr. K. P. deary arrived last night
from Portland and wll spend a few
days on his ranch on (Irlffln Crenk,
visiting his sons.
Urge number of Jltnnys that car
rlod tho crowds to Ashland for tho
round-up nro still In servlco, this
time hearing Chautauqua penuiints.
M ml ford transfer Co. Phono !G. UR
Ijtst .Saturday night the munagor
or tho Ashland mliio paid his nion
2,ooo, so that thoy might holp liven
up things for the fourth. Ho states
that tho company has spout SI 0,00,0
ou the property, and that thoy are
well pleased with results and nro
ready to spent 210,000 more.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Thompson of
Lake creek epenl laet night in .Med
ford. J
Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Alter of Pod
ding arrived In Medford last night.
Mr. Ahor Is looking for business pros
pect. (Daily llolle and Mis MeCurily of
OratiU Pass spent Thurwlay after
Hon In Medford.
Itev. W. P. Oloeehnor of (lranta
Pass spent laat night In Medford
and left this morning for a visit In
the Applegate.
Through an error In the report of
yeslefday' game, Kclioltx was cred
ited with miffing the drive that let
In the winning run. Aa a matter or
fact be was playing In deep short,
the drive was faat and he was unable
to reach tt. The better was stored
a hit and SchelU credited with an
errorless game.
Mies llasel Itader arrived In Med
ford this morning. She was accom
panied by Miss Charlie Ponton who
Alii be her gi'est.
A telephone straw vote was taken
at the Commercial elub this morning
on the bond question. Out of 131
called by one, were against,
wavered and 122 for. Out of 120
called on aitother phone only 4 were
against the meaauie.
Miss Helen Yockey reached Port
land in her car thla morning. Krom
Portland she will return to Corvallla
and thence to Newport for two week.
Boudlnot Conner will leave today
for the military training camp near
Monterey. This camp is conducted
ou lines similar to that held at Plaits
burg, New York.
I'nlon uveuliiK sermons will be held
In the city park during July and Au
gust at 7 o'clock. The Methodist,
Christian. PreMliyieHan aud M. K.
South will participate In the ser-
Capt. i. T. C Naah. of Uerkeley,
Is speudlug week lu Medford. Mr.
Nash has been engaged (or tbe past
four years In developing a mine ou
Sucker creek, a short distance east
of Yreka. At a depth of tto feet he
has struck a rich body of ere. He
says there are a large number of
prospectors working in that vicinity.
h. V. Kerguson of Ashland is sho
ping In Medford today.
A fire Krlday noon, sweeping
(i em the north burned down the Ash
iHlt aai Nichols barn, scorched the
reMeuu and slaughter house on the
hllU east of tbe city. The fire burned
oft HlKhcroft addition and threatened
several residences. The arrival of
the fire department saved the build
ings except the bam Itanjj firing
checked tbe flam on from tUjy J'ao
ICntiK'UX' O
For Uie benefit ol voter of Mod
ford who do not know President S.
S. Ilullw of tiie .Southern Orojcon
Tmetlon enm-winy, the Comtnoreffil
VMi1) of thix ellv wired to prominent
liunitieffs men of other eomiminitie
in which Mr. Holli lias owraleil ex
teneivul)' m railroad huihler ami hue
ilium promoter jrenerally, for their
opinion of his integrity. hi loyalty
to every oltliuntion na n citi7on and
the -oiffoft that Iihn invariably at
tended his effort", however grunt mnv
have been hi io-ooni1ilil v. Ans
wers came hy wire from former hue-
iniHui nNttorinte ami from the head
of hiiHinoe intittitiou thnl have
Imcii henefieinriew of lib progressive
work. They nro nt follew:
"IlHltioaliiirg, .Mis., .July (1, 1010.
"Meilfor.l Commercial. Club, Medford,
Ore. :
"Hmvo known S. S. Hullia twenty
one yenr. He huilt the Gulf & Ship
Inland railroad, which haa been tin
immense factor in the development of
.South MisHiasippi, I lie road tins
lieen very Hii!cofiil ami linn been
free of uny finnneml iliffimlltio. Jfr.
ItulliM achieved a greet nuece and
ia n man of largo nhilitv nml exec
utive force. "P. W. FOOTK,
"J'reaiilenl of Hank of iiattieahuiv,
.Mist., ami diriM'tor of Federal Ite-
aon-o Malik."
"Hulfpoit, Mia., July ft, 1010.
"Mori fori I C'oinmercinl ('lull, Medford,
Ore. :
"S. H. llullia wum ronneeleil with
the (lulf & Hhip ImIoikI rnilrotid nod
peraonHlly conatruetcd aume. Thin
rnilroail Iimm lieen the principal fac
tor in the development of .South Mia
ipui nnd the eiionuoue growth of the
citieM of (lulfporl, llattieiiiirg nnd
liicknon aiuee 1 1100.
"Vi preai.lent (lulf & Ship Island
"ClulfM.rt, .Mia., July fi, 11)1(1.
"Medford Commercinl ('lull, MiHlfonl,
"(lulf & Ship Uland rnilnmil waa
priHonlcd and ceUMtructed by Mr. S.
K. Ihtllia mid haa lied no finaiioml
difficullie And Iiiih heeu highly miic
eoHsfttl from tho start. It lirfk on
lirely huilt llti city ami adds,, ev
ernl hundred ei- cent to the Hi'puln
lion of cilia of JlitttlcMliiuy nd
"A. C. I'unde, CnMbior."
"OMSAV, N. Y.. July 7. U6.
"Commercial Club, Medford, Ore.
"Acting niton auggootlun or W. T.
Orlevu, It gives mo pleasure to on
dors S. S. Ilullls as a man or wide
and successful experience In both
steam and electric railroad construc
tion. 1 believe Mr. Ilullls Is finan
cially nolo to carry out his undertakings-
W. A. DUSlC.N'lltJItY."
(Continued from pago onn
HO mile under pressure or groat
forces which were brought against
it. but elsewhere from the lllack Sea
to the Persian frontier, the Itus
slaus, according to their own state
ments, sre more than holding their
own. No news has been received
recently from the lirltlsh army In
Mesopotamia, but I believed inac
tivity has been enforced by the great
Petrograd ltiwit.
PkSTItoaitAI), July 6, via London,
Jul) 7 The following official state
ment waa Issued tonight by tbe war
"The number of prisoners w took
ou July 4 aud ( during the fighting
which still Is going on weet of the
line of tbe Styr and below the town
of Kulkl. totals more than 300 of
ficers and 7.4 IS men. mostly un
wound!. We also captured six
guns, several thousand rifles, two
searchlights. 1 1 bomb throwers aud
73 ammunition llgwU.
We repulaed vlolmtt German at
tacks near (Iruslatyu. Oh the right
bauk of the Duelster lu tbe region
of Jldattcheff and llotinrs. there
was deaperate fighting.
There waa a lively artillery duel
In many sectors of the front uorth
of the Plask marches. Uast of
naranovtenl the enemy launched
several desperate counter attacks,
whloh we repulaed. Several times
the enemy opened gusts of 'fire with
ueary and light gun against the re
gion of the village of Labusy. east
of Baranovichi. Under cover of this
fire the euemy delivered two lolent
counter attacks. We drove him back
on both occasions, bringing to bear ou
him the fire of our artillery, machine
guus and rifle."
Tl war olfVe
t4lia -as- tin
.li'V ,in, til. ul ,ii,
aunotuvetiivot "f
village f Koin
the luilrotui -t.t-
tion of Manevitchi are now in Hus
eiun hand.
These threo point nre in the re
gion to the west of Cznrtorysk,
whore there has lieeti violent fitlitinjf
for several day, the Hermans hav
ing thrown inlioaw reinforcement
to cheek the Kifmian advance toward
the itnHrtnnt atrntejric oitimi of
Kovel. The Mnnevitchi ttion i
fourteen mile west of Czrtoryk,
on the railway line between Saniy
and Kovcd. Koinnrow and Grady ara
Youthwoel of CatHorysk. A Gorman
retirement in titles region was an
nounced in Berlin today.
PKTKOailAI), Jnlv 7.-Tbc offi
cial Kimftiitn coiWmtmicntion saya:
"The battle oT the lower Rtyr nre
eonlinuinff with irmcli suece for u.
In the OalHRin-Otptovo-Vnltcetzk re
gion wc have taken tHssuion of
fortifiel Gennnu iHition. The en
emy took flight under the fire of our
artillery. Our cavalry pursuing
fhnrged into thmn in the region of
Voltculr.k nnd captured a Knipp but
tery of six cannon, which hnrdlv had
time to fire u fow shots. At tho end
of the violent brittle we occupied the
village of Konmrow nnd Grady.
"According to the latest report,
our onvnlry curried the railway stn
,tinn of Nnncvitchi nnd in the course
of the pursuit cupturcd another but
tery of four eminon and three pieces
of lienvy nrtillery."
WASUIN'GTON, July 7. Demo
cratic and republican niemlierw of the
aennte commoreo committee came to
fa parting of the wav todav insofnr
hh any prpspeel of an agreement over
the ifovoriimonl nhippui- hill is con
cerned. Democratic senator de
clared it would he impoib1f- tn
din ft a hill to build un the uiurolmut
murine which republicans would ue
cept, without mtcrifieing overy prin
ciple in tint hotlse hill nnd for which
tiie administration stands.
The problem facing the democrats
now ia to frame u measure command
ing unanimous party HiipMrt mid to
force a vote on it, despite the deter
mined repuhlicHii opHition. Such
course will Iohv, lenders realiste, to
proliinsrnliou of the session. Dome:
cratic HetiHtor will caucus nguiu to
night on the hill.'
Amendment being considered 1
tiie committee iiuHude n jirovihion
eliminating the secretaries of the
navy and conimeree from the proKi--ed
shipping board, modifying the
"overtiuiont ownership end operation
feature of the house measure and a
plan to make tho nuviil nuxiliaiv
scheme the dominant feature of the
(Continued rrom pko ono)
Hngllshmon aud Pronchmcn claim
that the accord will check efforts at
Cormau aggrandizement after the
war and prevent China becomliiK the
oaiiHO of a new International tur
O'he Japanese ar olated over the
conclusion of the convention and the
siguiug of the document will be coin
mumorated at u ministers! banquet
and probably by a lwpular lantern
' The newspaper welcome the ex
tension of Japanese Influence lu the
Orient. The Time says:
"Mngland, Prance, Ilusslau and
Japan, banded together, can thwart
all Herman intrigues for a subse
quent war. Furthermore, the main
tenance of peace In the Par Kast
must full more heavily than ever on
tbe shoulders of Julian and Russia.
"It la learned that the entente has
decided upon the exclusion tn fu
ture of Germany from the qulntupue
eoatstlon regulating China and that
it has been decided to eouud Ameri
can financiers rogardlng the acthe
participation of Amertoa lu a loan
to China for the reorganisation of
the republic "
The treat) was drawn up in tbe
Japanese aud French IsuKUagen, but
uot lu KuglUh
Parts fpr Stewart
and Stromberg
in stock
TO ORDEft $25.00 UP
Afs CittMlng, trtuv and Altering
rat 8. AI8, UPSTAIRS
(IP) Suits (If1)
FRIDAY, JULY 7, 191(1
Th Seventh company, Captain A.
J. Vaneo, will Join the parado to
night. The boys who are willing to
Ko to the front ara willing alto to
fight for the development or heme
Industrie. Additional automobiles
have been oirered to the women for
the booster demonstrations. Farmers
and their families nro Interested and,
although thoy have no vote In this
mattor, being outside of the city,
they have promised to join the pa
rado and help to show the Doubting
Thomases that the people of the cty
are finally and unfalteringly deter
mined to start the business ball to
spinning for better time.
The line of march this, ovcnlng at
7:80 will be down Main street from
tho library park to Front, to Hlghth,
to South Itlveraldo, to Mnln , to
Front, to Sixth, to North Central, to
Mnln, to lllveralde and to the Xntat
orlum. Tho Medford band will load the
parade and render a fow number
also at tho Natatorlum between tho
(Continued from pac,o ono)
jiistment of thc-e difficullie on n
linmil and amicable bnsis. The same
.pirit of friendship nnd of solicitude
for the continnmipp of fordial rela
tions between our two oouutrie in
spires my government, which oqiiallv
desires nn immediate solution of the
matters of difference which have
long vexed both governments.
I'louslug to (overiiiiieut.
"It is esMcfnllv pleasing to my
government that the do fneto gov
ernment of Mexico is disced to stive
iiuick as well ns practical consider-
ntiou in a spirit of concord to the
remedie which mav he applied to the
existing condition. Keeiprecutitn:
the same desire, the government ol
the United states is prcred imine
dialely to c-xcluiiuw view as to .i
practical plan to remove finally and
prevent a recurrence of the difficul
ties which huvc been the source ot
the contioer.
"Accent, 111". Secret. irv, the reiww-
Lydia E. Pinkltama Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
Wot Donby, N. Y. "I lmvo had
nervous trouble ull my life until I took
Lydia B. Pinkham's
YoKetnblo Com
jiound for nerves
nnd for female trou
bles und It straight
ened me out in good
shape. I work nearly
ull the time, ns wu
live on a farm and I
have four girls. 1 do
all my sewing and
other work with
their help, so it
shows that I stand it real well. I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped me a lot.
I have also had my oldt girl take it
ami it did her lot of good. 1 keep It in
the house all the time and recommend
it." Mm. Dkvvitt Sinchiiaucii, West
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil
ity, Iwiekashe, liendaches, dragging sen
sations, all point to female derange
ment which may be overcome by Lvdlii
K. I'inkhnm's Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of whloh nre derived from
native roots nnd herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
ami invlgoratorof the female organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi
mony to the wonderful virtue of Ljdia
B. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound
Coolest Store in Town
You'll 1 ujoy Shopping nt This More
i-how to tli. f-t n l,m.Uf "
If not. Iu us i - t it in Platinum,
and by all mean. If selecting a rtug.
bt sure that IMattnum is usod to In
ireaso tbe stone's brllllaacy.
Martin J. Reddy
TIm .loweler.
IIomw of Quality.
lit Kast Mala Street. Medford
litltorh Always olixuno
ed assurance of my highest consid
eration. I am, sir, . (
"Your very ajnuorpj.
(Signed) "hoitKftT UNSIXO."
toyiilty Mast He Insured
WAKIIIXnTOW July 7. The pro
pped exchange of views probably
will be carried on through intonnat
cnersntions between Mr. Arredon
do and ConnaeJor l'olk, who will net
as -eeretary of state during the next
month. Secretory tanning leave to
day to pend his vnention at Water
town, ??. Y.
While bffiemt have admitted that
the Ainencan gvveniment would in .ail
probability do whnt it could to en
courage American hanker to aid the
de facto government if Carrunxn
wouhl furnish proper guarantees,
Chnticellor l'olk took occasion today
to ntate that his conference yestenl"
with Henry T. l-letclier, ambansadnr
deignnte to Mexico, aud i'aul M.
AVnrburg of the federal reserve
'honrd liad nothing to do with -this
asHcl of the situation. The fact
that his visitor came together, he
said, wn merely a eoineideiico.
it is not known what form of guar
antee the United Stale will geek
for tiki safety of its own und other
foreign interest in Mexico, it nan
he stated authoritatively, however,
that the loyalty of Mexican civil ns
well a military official to the cen
tral government must he insured in
some way.
The Medford band will glvo its
regular weokly concert at tho Nata
torlum tonight Immediately aftor tho
pnrado. Tho program will bo the
same as announced last night.
Karl Obenchnln of Central Point
spont the morning shopping lu Med
ford. Cet tho Round Package
Uiecl for Century.
- i 'liln'
f" Caution ,
v,Avold Subttltutejg
The Fl)iiitf Torpedo" has suppoi-i of
oni' I ntlc Sam.
ABig Military Preparedness Production
Griffith Supervised
The Village , Blacksmith
"Resole Real Plot-Great
O iXCCia Action New Stunts
The Summer Oeting
Boiled Ham
Chipped Beef
Lunch Tongue
Veal Loaf
Vienna Sausage
Deviled Meat
Deviled Ham
Deviled Chili Moat
Liver Paste
Chicken Tamale
Baked Beans
Ci.lll Choate
Pimento Choose
Cream Chotie
Swiss Cheoso
Ripe Olives
Green Olives
Stuffed Olives
Sweet Piokles
Mixed Pieklos
Seur Piekles
Dill Piokles
Personal Aitention
-r e . jijO'.
Tlut iiaw' copper discovery on Lnke
Creek prove to hfl n rfire fmilt of
nature. The rock is of volcanic na
ture, which would probably he clns
ed as nn ftmleaite, i Jtifk bluinh
groen with large envitie filled with
secondary minerals. Roino of tliese
are mwlite, hydro nilieiMe. And light
oolored cnleium enrbounte, or, Com
mon iiuie. Rome of the cavities nro
filled with harder material, a speoies
of ngnte or geodes, and nro filled
with salt water." This i a rnro for
mation, hilt carries a good per cent
of unlive copper, also Robi and nilwi
in paying quantities. ,
The mmo i being oneneo up ny
Conley A Daley. Tliey mv now down
n ilstvlli of 100 feet anil wifi-sonli he
nhle to show something that will at
tract the attention of the mining cir
cles of southern Oregon and allow
what is po.ible in a volcanic coun
try. They have named the new dis
covery the Copper Wonder.
A number of claim huve been
slaked in the immediate vicinity,
among the locntors being flcorge It.
,Hrown, Clinrle Terriil, II. I,. Young,
W. II. Thompson, and others.
JIALTIMOItB, July 7. Judge John
C. Iloso In tiie United States district
court liorc today slxnod a final decree
In the government' nntl-trlist suit
against tho American can company.
Ho refused the motion of tho gov
ernment to dissolve the company and
also dismissed' the defendant's mo
tion for dismissal of the case.
Ask For and GET s
Made from clean, rich milk with tjc ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.
Infant and children thriva on it. Ae'e with
the tveakctt ttomach of the invalid or the aged.
Need no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes and sustains more than tea, coffee; etc.
Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu
tritious food-drink may bo prepared in u moment.
A clauful hot before retiring induces refreshing
sleep. Who in lunch tablet form for business men.
Substitutes Cost YOU Snmo Price
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