Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 06, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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J. J. Parker, local P. & E. agent
loft this morning for a business trip
. to Portland.
Do Voo gives trading stamps wlUi
overythlng excopt groceries.
Fred Strang left last night for
Itogeburg, whore he Is employed ob
pathologist for Douglas county. Ho
hns been visiting for a fow days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clins,
A breakfast you can afford and bb
delighted with. Russell's Cafe.
Chlof lllltson recolved a message
last night notifying him that the
Ford belonging to Karl Ttimy, which
was stolon Tuesday night at Ashland,
had been found deserted and unilani
agod across the river from Grants
Pass. It Is thought that Grants Pass
boys took tho car as nn easy and
quick means of getting home from tho
Get your milk, cream, huttor, eggs
and buttermilk at' Do Voo's.-
.Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Duncan and
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Duncan of Klam
ath Falls are Medford visitors today.
Typewriter paper of all kinds at
Bedford Printing Co.
"W. II. Dagno, of Fowler, Indiana,
Is looking bvor ModTord today.
Mr. and Mrs. Hd Blnns loft this
morning for Grants Pass whom thoy
-will attend tho funeral, this nttor
noon, of Mr. Rlnns' mother who
died yesterday.
Tho world's greatest companies.
Holmes, Tho Insurnnco Man.
Hoots huvo grown Into tho small
sower traversing tho city park, nec
essitating digging up a considerable
Htrip Of tho lawn.
J'ostngo stamps at Do Voo's.
(J. G. Itobblns and C. W. Hose, of
Wellon aro In Medford for n fow
days after having attended tho Ash
land Hound-Up.
Try a King Spitz cigar and en
courago homo Industry. tf
Carl Phelps, who left hero about
n year ago for Wood Is In town to
day. In his parly aro John McC'ar
ton and Jnmos Mazzlnl also of Weed.
Dr. Klrohgessnor will ho at Hotol
Nash ovory Wodnosday. Hours for
consultation 10 to 3.
Going to sleep on tho gas tank of
a speedster traveling at a fast paco
doos not pay. At leaBt that Is tho
opinion of T. C. "Wilson who came
down from Salem to visit tho round
up. Ho took his llttlo fall last ovo
iiIiik whllo going to Ashland. Tho
vlslblo rosultH aro a badly sklnnod
face nnd bruised and cut hands.
For rentt 2-room furnlshod houso.
C. A. DeVoo.
C. L. Sponcor, who Uvea at Roguo
IUvor, arrived this morning from
Fort Jonos wlioro ho has been on
work conuoeted with tho forost sor
vlco for the past two months.
Dig Be Milkshakes at Da Voo's.
Mr. and Mrs. X. IS. Uurkllt, of
Portland spout last night In Mod
ford. Thoy are travollng In their
oar, having gono up tho Columbia
Highway through Bend and Klumath
Falls nnd will return to Portland by
tho Pacific highway. Thoy struck
bad roads boforo reuchlng Ho ml as
thoy woro In tho cloudburst of last
woek. From Ilenil to Klamath Falls
thoy say tho roads are groat, but It
Is considerably cut tip from the Falls
to Ashland.
Seo Davo Wood about that flro In
surant policy. Office Mall Tribune
Charles. True took three men to
Government camp this morning
wher they will shovel snow.
Karl Tumy left this morning for
Grants Pass where he will get his
oar which was stolen Tuesday night
nnd was lator found by the Grants
Pass ohlef of pollco.
(Paths 25c. Hotel Holland.
II. A. Freeman, of Central Point
Is spending the day In Medford.
T. K. Daniels and P. C. Illgham
motored to Ashland this morning,
where thoy attended tho ball game.
Gates sells Ford ears, $281 down
nnd $85 a month.
IWith two motor trucks and a
doien teams on the job, the work of
resurfacing the Jacksonville road Is
oxtweted to be finished by Saturday
Whipping eream at DeVoe's.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. llradley, A. It.
Bradley. Albert Calloway, Ralph
Johnson and George Wagner are
ntombora of a motor party from
lltna. Cal.. who are spending the day
In Medford. after having attended
the roundup.
Buttermilk lOe gal. at DeVoe's.
Prefeaeor Flerattt von Ifackea of
Willamette University is spending
the day lu Medford. He is oh a trip
leaking up student for the univer
sity. He will go to Ashland this
afternoon to spend a few daya and
while there, will deliver a aeries of
tbrer lectures before the Ashland
gnteke a King Spits elgar, le.
Tbsr home-made. tf
. B. Whipple of Rogue Hirer Is
I Uw ou business. lit wtU also
sitond to some legal matters in
A grass flro, creeping closo to tho'
Mason-Ehrman Company building on
Front and 13th stroots lato jester
day afternoon, brought In a fire
alarm. The department used the
chemical tank aud It waB under con
trol In less than five minutes.
IWo mnko a specialty of picnic
lunches. Russet's Cafeteria.
JL. H. Werts of Ruch Is spending n
fow nights in Medford, spending hie
days at tho roundup.
Do Voe buys beer bottles.
William Humphrey of the Mos
quito Springs Mining Company of
Gold Ray Is In Medford this morning.
H0 Is bound for Ashland, where ho
will have a concentrator constructed
for tho mine. As soon as this Is In
operation, It Is the plan of tho com
pany to put on additional men and
push development work.
Huttormllk 3c quart at DeVoe's.
Milton Sohuchard Is working In
the First National Dank until tho
7th company goes Into oamp July
Weston Camera Shop for first-class
kodak finishing and kodak supplies.
Tho Hotol Medford has placed a
motor bus In service b'etween Med
ford and Ashland. Tomorrow tho
bus will roplaco the horse drawn vo
hlclc In meeting trains.
Tony Olson and his sous, Anton
and Lyle, all of Gold Hill, aro spend
ing tho day In Medford,
l.Mcdford Transfer Co. Phone DR. 95
Whllo cutting Ice yesterday morn
ing, John McMann, chlof engineer of
tho Medford Ice Company, broko his
Now that the weather Is getting
hot, and the wator supply low, why
should tho city musslo dogs and not
the knockers Sounds ronsonablo,
doosn't It? Hnttorfleld Grocery,
Phono 21 G. 9
Hold up by n breakdown, Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Cunningham of Santa
Monica, who are traveling with mo
torcycle and sidecar, are looking
Medford ovor today. Thoy are bound
for Soattlo but will return In tho
fall Intending to settle permanently
In southorn Oregon.
Harry Steel, who six years ago left
for tho middle wost, has roturnod
to Medford nnd will conduct a hog
ranch in this vicinity.
Archlo R. Pnrkor, of Central Point,
is shopping lu Medford today.
R. P. Tuokor nnd II. D. Reed came
in from Gold Hill this morning nnU
proceeded this afternoon to Ashland
to attend tho roundup.
.(K. E. Cold and K. H. Powoll of
Kerby aro spondlug tho day In Med
ford. During Ashland Chautauqua Inter,
urban cars loavo Hotel Medford dally
oxcopt Saturday and Sunday "at 7 p.
in. Return aftor program nt night.
Round trip 38 cents. The HIg Gray
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Miller of Klam
ath Falls spent last night lu Med
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick PelouM
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Drown of
Ragle Point spent the morning In
Medford going on to Ashland this af
ternoon. Hob Pelouie, who had his entraueo
to West Point deferred until next
yonr, will return to Medford In about
two weeks. He is at present visiting
with relative in Chicago.
Floyd Hart, who left here about n
year ago for Los Angeles,' arrived In
Medford yesterday accompanied by
his father and mother. They drove
lolsuroly up In their oar taking seven
days for the trip.
Don Clark of HIg Sticky Is In town
shopping today.
C. A. Wood, of Grants Pass, is In
Medford on business today.
Carl Hlanchard, of Grants Paas, Is
transacting legal business in Jackson
ville today.
Word has beeH received of the
death of Mrs. II. P. Cochran last
night In Tacoma, Washington. Mrs.
Cochran's daughter, Mrs. K. P.
SwJnson, of South Riverside street,
has been with her mother the past
throe months.
The Medford Riding club, attired
In natty white hats and black riding
costumes, captured first prise In the
Ashland parade, according to their
leader, Mrs. G. B. Satchwell.
John Dennis, who was superin
tendent of the Oregon building at
the fair Is Inspecting the valley to
day. He pronounced this a beauti
ful district with wouderful opportu
nities for development. Mr. Dennis
Is at present In charge of the state
Industrial exhibit in Portland.
Hd Ashbach of Portland is in Med
ford on business.
Theodore Ice, of the Meadows, Is
In town today. He will leave tonlRht
for his home after having spent th
past three dnjts In Ashland.
The Wr eonfeetlauery on M.itn
street has closed Its doors.
Mrs. O. B. Stewart. Mi-s Kate
Thompson and Mrs. V. L (rr of
Evans creek, came in ton tod,i
with C Chandler, to visit his daugh
ter, who Is at the Sacred Heart hos
pital and to look around town
IllVMOMt t'.Kr ril.. r81
efc'-k t 4 l AI'MM ' !
i.4Ii i;ri'rimMA
'M-bM-lF DIuimJ l!ra4 f(
I'lIU K.4 "1 UM WU IkV
i . iuio .Ji tij Stiu Y
fcir.E." .?IK.?r.AT!ri!ns
One of the most impressive parts
of the musical progtnm nt Ashland
dHriiijr this week's celebration wns
the masod band concert given nt
Lithia Park on Wednesday evening.
The full bonds of Central Point.
Medford nnd Ashland were assembled
under the direction of Medford'
nopuhir ImnditmMer, Professor Keg
innld (1. Rowland, wlin conducted the
seventy-odd musician in masterly
Tho .Nlwlfonl lintid is fust making
n name for i I self. At the Ashlnnd
celebration our baud won the praise
and admiration of almost the entire
crowd. The usual oonanrl will he
given on Friday evening nt the park
in conjunction villi tliu boosters'
railway jmriule.
The overture, "Tauered," liy Hos
ini, i one of the standard work
rarely attempted, but by the large
bunds. Our blind has been practic
ing diligently on this work for some
time ami will five the first bund
rendering of this great overture in
Medford Friday evening. A (list hint
feature of thi week's eoiieert will be
the playing of one of Htuidmtistcr
Rowland's own compositions, which
m ii miuvh Mini win written mid nr
ruiuied liy Mr. Rowland when lie wiih
only IS years old. Following is the
M-ogrnm :
.March, "Officer of the Day" Hull
Popular "Killarnev, Sly Home"
.- Logan
"Excerpts from tho Oporus"
. . Heyor
Syliop! Mendelssohn's Wedding
MhivIi. wait from "FlUist," "Tem
pest of My llenit" from "11 Trovn
tore," Sextet from "Lueiii," Torea
dor song from "Carmen," "Cuvnllerin
Itiiaticiuin. " "Koseletto, 'Murtlm,"
"Trnvintit." "William Tell," "Tnnn
hituser," "Lohengrin," "Anvil Chor
us" from "II Trovntoie."
One-step, "Sweet Cider Time"
. .V Menrieh
Overture, "Tauered". ... Rossini
.March (no title) Rowland
Vulse, ".lime" . llaxter
March. "Ciiiiinuimler" ..Hull
"Slur-Spangled Runner."
Itcrthu Kulii'h'rt wonderful dram
atic ability has not been overrated in
the leuht. The uoted Jewish traged
ienne came to Medfonl in films in
the piny, "Slander," which oiH'iied nt
the Pnge yunterilay.
"Slander is n mnnVrn aoeiely
draniH hiiilt along elm met eristic Fox
lines nnd destined, we believe, to ap
peal Miongly to the grcnt majority
of pieturegoers. It is repLte with
punches, dents with facts of life in
which men and women are interested,
iittd is staged in thoroughly effective
It leaves no doubt ns to .the ability
of Madame Kolich in screen tnto
miitie, for she is called upon to run
the gamut of the emotions, and she
succeeds without difficulty. Her act
ing holds the sM.etntor throughout
the picture, and more than ouch
flushes with great power.
With M ml ford trade is Bedford made
Cleaner sparkplugs
Your spark plujs will keep cleaner if you use
a straight-distilled, refinery gasoline.
A mlied ox Imperfectly rehned gatollne breaks
up and depoilu caiboa Instead of exploding com-
Red Crow
-the Gasoline of Quality
is the all-refinery Ro'ino not a mixture.
mvui iuiioni
Uilifor u)
Mejr -a
iPMjniTf i II 1 i
The fair-mindtd brnk aUas manifests in IN liallngs
recognition of the jr Jut that a banking r i.ition Is
a two sided affaii one In which the bunk concedes,
a dot-.i tlit- .Tjckhoit uu nt. v, thut the d io-iur may
rlKlit f ull rxpci t, in rturn for Jils biihltiexs .un. coafi-il'ioi-,
a fiiciiiiK (ntciit, o)ult and suiiort
n sHinsK
Routlno work nnd the considera
tion of petitions occupied the coun
cil nt Its meeting last night. Re
ports of city departments were road
nnd approved, tho report of tho po
lice judge showing three speeders
arrested and fined, two arrested for
drunkenness, ono for allowing wnter
to run from nn open hose nnd ono
for failure to turn off water at tho
blowing of tho fire whistle. Total
fines collected for the mouth of Juno
were $11.50.
A petition was presented asking
that $500 be opproprlated by the
city to tost tho validity of the con
tract drawn betwoon the city of Med
ford and tho Southorn Oregon Trac
tion. The resolution attached to tho
petition provided that attorneys se
lected by a majority of tho signers
of tho petition should bo allowed to
carry tho caso to tho supremo court
of tho stalo of Oregon. Howover,
no mention as to the Identity of tho
lawyers was mado. The potltlon
which bore nbout 30 names was
tabled by tho council on tho grounds
that tho city should not contost her
own action. Tho petition was
fathered by Karl Fohl.
A petition was nlso presontod to
tho council by n number of rostdonts
of Queon Anno addition asking that
drlod grass and brush In tho vicinity
of tho Roosevolt school bo burned
off. On cbnsultntlon with Flr0 Chief
Lawton, It was decided that tf these
people would assist In tho burning,
a flramun would bo sent out on any
morning designated by tho peti
tioners and would assist In the work.
This hns boon tho custom for several
years, according to tho chlof. Uo
attributes tho Inrgo number of grass
fires that have occurod of lato to
tho failure on tho part of thoso burn
ing grass to soo a member of tho
flro department In rognrd to a per
mit. Such n pormlt should always
bo obtalnod.
Tho mnttor of placing strcot signs
wns brought up and reforrcd to the
Strcot aud Road commltteo for fur
thor consideration. Knumolod motal
signs cost from 35 to 63 rents each,
and according to Wator Superinten
dent Arnsplger, botweon two nnd
three hundred will bo required,
(Continued from pago one)
the lloynl Welsh fusiliers osieciully
distiiuniiNhed themeIvoa, capturing
loity prisoner, u trench mortar nnd
a machine gun.
"lu another raid tho Highland light
infantry uceeHt'ullv onlored the en
emy's trenches went of Ilulliicli. A
machine gnu emplacement was destroyed,-
uiHtiv Hcrnians were killed
ami many prUoner taken,
"There win no change of Impor
tance on tho ivt of Hir front."
l'murli War lleMiit
l'AIMS, .liil- fl, 2:10 a. iii.--Tat
night whs genernllv quiet north ami
south of tho Itiver Soinmu, anya to
day's official statement of the war
There were a few local engage
ments north of the Somme during the
night ,in which the Germans enptnr-
twi two small woods it kilometer
north of Hem. The French nlso cap
tured h wood.
South of the Somme the night
1 r ir InrilliiTtiM
- " m ' -
pucd in ipiiet. A Oennnn counter
attack on Helloy was repulsed easily.
The French have captured sicnty
hix cannon and several hunilrcil mn
I'liiue I'lins.
There wna no infantry, fighting on
the Verdun front. The war offico
ayi the Gorman are nttcmpluu? to
boinlmrd the cathedral at Verdun.
JrAH5?IIPIKf.n, Or., Julv 0.- ('. T.
Lewi, alias Kmnk Smith, wn ar
rested here today on a charge of
having robbed several imstoffices
nnd other places in central Califor
nia. The jHilicp claim to have found
in hl. possesion skeleton keys dn
amitim? accesiones nnd n ivoler
A Fine Aid Fori
Mother -to -be
We nro nil irreflllv Iniletiteil tn ihntn
Who tell their experiences. And among
tlia msnr thlnps which
we rcftii nlwnt nnd
tiro nf Imtnedlslo lm.
portnnro to tlio expec
innt mother, l a fplrn.
did external tvnint
called "Moth or'
Friend." This is sp
irited over tho muelri
of ttio stomnch. It l
ilociily penetrating In
Itt inltuencc. Mother
CTcrj-wlicro tell of Hi
scKitlilnft effect, bnw It
nl'avs piliu Incident t
,. , . streirlilnf of conln,
PimmcnU nnd mucle. lliey loll of roilful
romfoit, of cnlm. icnccful nl(tlit, nn nb
fenoe of tho-o dUtroiKe iwilinr to the pe
r .hi of cxpcctnncr. relief from momlnit
lekncss, jio moil) of that npprehewlon villi
which m mnnv voting wtimen's rnlndi bo
como biirdeneil. it Ii a Mlemlld help. Get
n Initio of "Mother's Friend" from your
nearest ilnijgliit. Alc jour IiuxIkmi! to get
It for pii. Tlicn wrlto to Brnilllelil Itrg
ulntor Co, 408 I.nmr PMr., Att.iutn, On.,
for n xery liamlsoina nnd iiutructlro book.
It Is Oiled villi mrirellTO Ideas of great
help to nil women Ititcrrolcil In tho mlijcrt
of maternity. And hrt of nil nro omo let
'"'""" tnothcra thut atu ral jplrttll,
KummoiiH Suit for Divorce.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Htuto of
Oregon, for tho County of Jack
son. Luclnda Slovor, Plaintiff, vs. Alonzo
Slovor, Defendant.
To Alonzo Slovor, tho aboVo named
In tho namo of tho Stale, of Orogon
you nro horoby roqulrq,d to npponr
ami answer tho plitlntlft'R complaint
against you now on fllo lu tho nbovo
entitled court nnd causo ou or boforo
tho last day of the tlmo prescribed
in tue orilor for publication of sum
mons heroin, to-wlt: On or boforo tho
10th day of July, 191C, said date bo
lug tho expiration or six weeks from
mid after tho dato of tho first publi
cation of this summons.
And If you fall to appoar and an
swer, for wnnt thereof, tho plaintiff
will apply to the Court for tho relief
prayed for In snld complaint, succinct,
ly stntod as follews:
That the bonds of matrimony exist
ing betweon plaintiff and defendant
be forovor abrogated, dissolved and
annulled, and that tho plaintiff be
awarded such other nnd further ro
ller ns to tho court shall appear
Just and equitable.
This summons Is puhllshod lu .tho
Medrord Mall Tribune by order or
the Hon. V. M. Calkins, Judge or the
shove entitled court, which said or
der was made and entered ot record
on the Xflth day or May, 101G, and lu
compliance therewith, the date or the
first publication hereof Is the 27th
day of May, 191C.
W. 15. IMIIIM'S.
Attorney fur l'lslutlff.
Interurban AutocarCo.
Special Time Card
for July 4, 5Jnnd 6
Leave Mwlfonl ror Ashland at 7:80
aud 0:30 a. m. and at 12.30, 2:30,
5:00 and 7:00 p. m.
Lonve Ashland ror Medford at 8:80
and 11:30 a. m. and 1:30, 1:00, 0:00
aud 10:00 p. m.
IMrst half rollo from stand, I pas
songar 16c, two passengers 2 So,
'Within city limits, outside half
milt zone, 1 or 2 paasongers, 2So, 3
passengers, 10c, 4 tiaswagsrs, 50c.
Country rates, 15c mile. Spaclal
rules along paved highway.
Stand at llmwn's.
Leave Medford lor Ashland. Tnlont
and Phoenix dally, oxcopt Sunday, at
8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd 5:15
p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p,
tn. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30
a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. m, Leave Ashland for Medford
dully, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. rn.,
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:20. Sundays leavo Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, C:30 and 10:80
p. m.
HsH -.Ol-ss
Have party with well improved 'J.l-ncpo tmct, located
4 miles from Siuitu Cruz, Calif, that wants to trade
for good hiuiine8 here. Jlis properly is clour.
Ileal Hatikto Iamuh,
10'-' West Mnin.
WASHINGTON, ,lu!v 0. Ronnlor.4
Week, Riiioot, I'nrtiw, Sterling nnd
Wailsworth were appointed today ns
h special committee to suporvisc the
republican senatorial campaign. It
will ho conducted in co-npcrnlion
with the republican national committee.
FOll 11KN1 -T10UBB8
FOll JtKNT Cozy" "cottage, gTT
bnth, stove, somo furnltute, gar
den, good neighborhood; $0.00.
Phono 25S-W. 91
FOR HUNT Five room houso, hard
wood floors, full commit bnsomont
nnd garage. I'hono S70-W,
FOK IlHNT Ono 4-room modorn
lioilao, Phono 370-W.
FOU KKN'T Houso keoptng roomn
down stairs, close In. 379-J. 94
roil BALIS atlSllVliliAHEOUII
FOrVaLR11)H Imllanmoiorcyclo
with full crpttpment: nearly now,
nt a real bargain. SVnlkor's Oar
ago. 93
FOR SAM3 100-acro wood claim on
Jt. It., 1 GOO. Wrlto H. II. Isoll,
llutto Falls, Ore, for particulars.
; 93
FOR 8AM3 llttggy ond set of doublo
biiKgy harness. U. L. Mnrch, Cen
tral Point, Ore. 90
FOR BALK Nearly now bicycle at
your own prlco. Phono 403-.T-4.
Phono 310.
Alfalfa bay cheap.
FOR BALK Second crop nlfalfa ntid
grain hay. Bidder's Dairy.
FOR 8AL12 Loathor upholstered
furniture. Central Point Oregon,
Uox 17, Route 1. Phono 147. 91
FOR SALK 4-yonr old Jersey cow
In milk; also S-nio. old Jersey
heifer calf; also kooiI tank pump,
nearly now. Janes llros., Phono
370-X. I 91
FOR BALK Registered Hereford
bulls. M. F. llnuloy, Medford 93
Union Stables.
milk cow nt
FOR 8ALK Homes, and grain hay
in tho field, ono nillo northeast ot
Phoonlr. K. K. Renmcs. 100
FOR 8AL13 Reduced again, my
$7000 city ranch, treo Irrigated,
dairy, chlckou, fruit, tools, stock,
$4000. Tho Carlsbad of America;
unsurpassod nconlc beauty. Pop.
0000; nltltudo 2000 ft.. rishlnR and
hunting. Mrs. M. Jacker, Ashland,
Oregon. VI
iTTsiNlss""oip6imTNiTY 200
iiuir cent profit. Small Investment
required, light work. For further
particulars Impilro Medford Poul
try and Kgg Company. 91
FOR SALIC Ilnrgaln, on account of
sickness, flue country store, roas
onablo terms, stock will Involco
about $2300, hair cash, aeourlty
ror balance or stock at 8 per cent;
rent ot buildings on year loaso,
$15 por mouth. Will sell outright
ror $4000, hair onsh, balance In 3
years at 8 per cent. Mrs, M. IS.
.Oardnor, Bams Valley. 89
WANTKI) Hy on oxporlencod girl,
enro of children, hour or day.
820-X. 107
WANTKI) airl for cooking and
general housework. Dr. Balado,
Seven Oaks. 81
WAiNTlCDTo rennvata your foath
ers and mako your bods Into fold
ing mattresses. Phono 196-J,
3X2 IS. 12th. 95
WANT1CD Two dozen Plymouth
Rock hens. Phone 819-M. 90
WANTBD Fixtures for store,
have you? C. A. DeVoo.
WANTKI) Party to oonduot a res
taurant in this city; good oponlng
for right party: low rent and no
Aompetltlon. Call on or address S.
18. Duunlngtou, Jacksonville, Ore.
WANTICD Man to run gasoline on
glne and do some shop work on
near-by raueh. Mlravlsta Orchard.
TO LOAN- Private party will loan
money ou first-class farm lauds,
llox II. C, Mall Tribune. 12
MONUY TO LOAN Have money to
huu upon city and country prop
erty. Quick servlre. Money on
hum!. Karl 8. Tuaiy, 210 (larnett
Corey Itldg. tf
ItouiiUb, Iiuiirta,
l'lione 7(l)
Wo can deliver a fine slock ranch
of 370 ncros over half now In crojJ
of wheat, barley, alfalfa and corn,
and considerable ore. can bo cultl
Tatod nono ot It steep land.
This pluco Joins a boundloss out
range nnd has vary good' buildings,
and abundnnco ot springs or stock.
Anyone wanting to get Into tho stook
business should tako this ono. No
trado. '
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
I havo n ICO-ncro stock ranch;
good looatlon; 100 ncroB in grain,
somo alfalfa. This pluco recently
sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance
Will trado for good orchard, jirofer
pears, or would tako city property.
Would trado ovon or assume somo In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
102 AVct Main Street.
An to H applies
are oporatlng tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Uso our spring!
when others rail. Bold under guar
antee. 20 North Flftoonth St.,
Portland, Om.
QRO. W. CHERRY Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building, ontrnnco N.
Central, Medford, Oro,
PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Bank Building.
A. B. REAME8, LAWYER Qarmett
Corey bldg.
O. M. ROBERTB Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
monoy. Tho Butlock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hat
kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main st.
Oarnott-Coroy Bldg., tilte 111
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 85S,
Collections and Reports
M. V. & H. Bldg. Offico Hourc
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono G07-R.
Knglnccr nnd Contractor
FlTElo'uMMiN088nglne"er an
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldr.
Surveys,, rotlmatos, lrrlgstloa
dralnago, orchard and land Im
provement. Houso .Movers
Mdve Houses, Ilarns, (Inrngos, Ma
chinery, Etc. Phone 488-M, or
48K-X. CIS S. Nowtown, 811 Da
kota. Insurance.
EARL B, TUMY Qonornl Insurance
offico, Flro, Atitomobllo, Accident.
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds, Excollent com
pantos, good local sorvlce. No.
210 Oarnott-Coroy Bldg.
Instruction In Muslo
piano and harmony. Halght Music
Studio, 401 Oarnett-Coroy Bldg.,
Phone 72.
QA1U1AOH (Jet your promises
clonnod up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons tor
good sorvlce. Phone I74-L. T,
Y. Allen.
Physician ana Rmrgcons "
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Coref
bldg., phone 1030-L. Residency
26 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey
building. Phone ISO.
DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tosted and glasses sup
piled. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P.
11. R. Co. OHlccs M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 687.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician an
surgeon Phones, office 30, resi
dence 780. Offico hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
cian and surgeon. Offico Paint
block, opposito Nash hotol. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
Prluters und Publishers
best equipped printing office In
southern Orogou; book binding-,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
ot. Portland prices. 27 Nena
Fir Bt.
Olfloe 42 North Front st. Phone
315. Prices right, Sorvlco guar
aatsed. .
i i i i -i i i -i. n -i..r"i ii- -l -Li"Lrt -lj