PAGE TWO MEDFOKD MAIL TRTBrNTC, MEDFORD, OftTCOOX, TIITTfoDAT, JULY G, iQlfi t ? .. j 3 a ft I t it 1 "I ; c il i1 i 1 J i i i .1 :.. BIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDRfKNPKNT NEW8PAPSR. PUllLlfUIBO EVKHV AFTERNOON BXCJBPT 8UNMAY BY TUB MBDPORIJ PRINTING CO. Orflod Mall Tribano Hull ding. il.JTts North Fir street; telephone 75. The Democratic Tim en, Hi Medford Mall, The Medfonl Tribune, The Sun Hi era. Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune. a Bona k putnaji, Bditor. 8UBSCRIITI02T HATES! 8ne year, by mh . , Be month, bv mall If M .to Par month, delivered r carrier In Meuiora. I'noenix, jacaaonruie anil Central Point -.. .(0 UatoMsy only, by mall, per year I.M Weefclr, per year - ..... l.i Official Iliper of the City of Medfnrd. Jffletal Paper of Jaokaon County, atered aa awnnd-clsa matter at Iford. Oregon, under the aot nt March : HWOrn Circulation for 191S It 1 6. Pull lea. '1 wire Associated Preen tll patches. EM-TEES Tln-y Meant Well A postal correspondent sends the following extracts from letter that hare lioen addressed rerntly to the effiatals: "Par Sir: My husband, lms been ' nwr at the crystal palace JHid not In for ft days furlough ami ixu now huh to lbs witud sweepers." "Deer Sir: I urn his grandfather and grandmother, llo was horn anil brought up In this honse In answer to your letter." "Rear sir: You bare changed our little boy Into n girl; will It make any different In the future?" "Dear Sir: I hare not rocolvod no )Hy slwee my husband gone from newliare." Another correspondent who hail a gritvanoa renlled: "In pravloua oorrftaponilence with your offleo I am always described as 'Mr.' You would form a different opinion IT you w my whlskera." Alanohestur Guardian. Itooklug llntkuiilil, Tbere'a no danger," said tho tin. tor. "It1! only a oarbunelo coming tin flio Waok of your uwk. Hut you uinl.HBii'yflur on 111" Chris- tralfcilofclster. llllNlllllt lawyer Toy aay yon want this damage shII pushed through with the ut Hi oat ooeodT Client Exactly. I have a rlilld It wMtn old, and l want the mnHoy to ny nl collet eDHSa. Cinr- SWi. llntlier lniMiitniit Tito gentlemen who are bare tbls week looking after the locating of a sMhIm factory bore, report that tky r prairoMlug likely, and that the (AMory la a sore to the worst draw. ge stems to got the stuff to can. T1 Bom Jos (III..) Metropolitan. Ii4in)ly IntoroH Gr4 Tbls university certainly tagga aa latoraet lu a follow, doesn't M Tad How'a that? I Orad Well. I road tbat "they wmm bo rory akwi to boar Af the 4Mth of any of tbolr alumni." -Bra. 1 Xeivmik AiitlHetoit "Tbey are not going to eut me up It I go to a hospital, are they?" "Of course not, when you're going Jat for a rest. What makoa you taJMk they are?" "Uerauap hon I calltil up the hos pital a toll utd Operator ' " Hal tliuore American Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co . Sixth and Kir tits. (111 lilt Ku-iteiiliiirK rs. K nl, mil be mid mutton. Janieu Matblson I et affidavit. A. K. J. BehuU v V. U. Mlhloi at al, notlco and motion, gfddarlt. Mariiftg IJtvhom Jtverelt Theodore Trefron, Vu CaWoline Uallev. llestl li)ata( 'IVbiom" Albort II. Kranclsrua to Job. OIIImoIo. pt k-MW I l.M U. il. Rhodes et uk to Frank L. Hdldrldgo ot ux. pt " 47-SH-1W 10 00 C-ajflo H. Millar to II II. Uav- IU. loU In Ashland . . 1 oo Jdjkd P- Moenach et ux to JM. U Hdgeon. minlUK B)glnt in l-3W qci) . ioa D, b. Morrfll ux to as r ftlorrlU. pt i-3:i sw i. Willi Aludford itato Is Modfonl aBS 0 NEW A POISONED FAKE IX Mexican news the Orctfoiiian is almost as veracious and reliable as it is on political and conservation sub jects. Last Sunday the OreKoiiian's truthful columns pub lished what purported to be paragraphs from Oarranza's reply to the American note. From it the Oregonian gleaned the following interesting facts for its always truthful headlines: "f'arranj'.a insists troops leave now. Mexican reply both bitter and defiant. Bandits' pursuit belittled. Pres ence of Americans held eaiiBe of hi ids. Pad faith is charged. Cnrranza holds if raids cannot be avoided, gov ernment's responsibility does not extend beyond paying dti muxes." All of which would be ranr-n's reply was received it was found to contain senti ments just the opposite from those voiced for him in this delectable Journal. In other words, the first-page report in the Sunday Oregonian was simply another one of its poisoned fakes, printed in the interest of those seeking in tervention, deliberately intended to promote discord and ill-will against a neighbor nation during a delicate crisis. By such unpatriotic methods our journalistic copper head hopes to reap petty political advantage that it may echo ils envenomed clamor classing the president as ac cessory to assassins, to inspire some fiuiteau or' (V.olgosz. Air. ungues announces ijow mat ne siaiius lor "an American thai Ifnows no ulterior purpose." Sure, Mike! Hoop-la! Hurrah, bovs; hurrah! Later on look for the Iff. Off 1 announcement that he firmly indorses the multiplication table from one times one to twelve times twelve. Then look out for the fireworks and the big .scream. dnllB VriLLtl bULU HILL NUbbtld W. W. Kdihtfton Hindu m liiiMlii-K trip to Mod lord om ila.y IhhI woek. 4 II. A. Troeliam ororl home from Medfonl Fridny in n recently piir rhaeed lluwadiile. The KdiMtflHi, Itigltam ami .M.vitm fainilieH whip among Hume who iil tcniled church in Uoltl Hill Siiiidny. I. I,. Ncnlou woe liavinif wood hauled fnwi Tom N'ynH'n to Tnlilf Km'k lnt weik. .leane Trceliam, Ityrnn l)e Ponl ami Clin Hi lliticliiemi nil returned from nenr Myrtle Point Inst week willi n jrlnd-lo-iret-linek gHu on tlicir fni'a. It. K. NVnlou or '1'hIiIp Koek wna tlirongli our )rfliiPl rttountly oireu Inting m Mtition for tlio'nimi credit a ponHtitiitioiml auiHiidiiionl mid left n (Hditimi nt the Uardner at me. It ia to (he inlereHt itf nil voter lo eign IIiIm Hlitinn, ne it givee tlie t'nnncr a I'ltniM l NM'iirt inmiev nl it eliPUH'f rule, hettel'iting him, which alxo lit'tiefilH nil in geuernl. Mr. and Jlrw. I,. ritxMitrick of Tnhle HiH'k viellwl a ehml while km Sniiduy ovouittg. W. ('. K'wiiiev waa dttiitK liuaincNM in iMedfoid hod week. Thowe who atlendml the relch ration the I'Vuirth in AhIiImihI retioit n fine nine, ticctliMliK cveiylliiii hh h gmiul xoeevHe. N ,Mr-. I). ('. WiUi.n, Jr., left Sulur tlity for Hutle, ilont., where ehi will join ber huabaud. W. A. Trexlmm mode a trip hv auto Into (ho lleairle country tiikim: a teleyrutn to a II r. Davis, Mutiny tlif umI new of the tlrowninir of hi xiter niul niet-e near Portland. llituv wen- delv nrned t. rend nl the Hiiieidnl denlh of Alhert Miirnie. lie wiim well known here, himui iiiiide In- home with Mr. nod Mr. II I. I 'ell mi for a number of cor Mi Mm ine m no uncle of Ml". lYMnli WANAMAKER CALLS E NKW M)KK. July i! John Wan umuker, uf Philadelphia, and Mrs. Currle t'h.ipiuan Can, president of the National Woman's Suffrage asso ciation, were among those who con ferred today with Charles U. Hughes, republican presidential nominee. Mr. Wanamaker refused to discuss tho topic of his confereoM, but a rumor became current tbat be waa being considered for treasurer of tho national commit tee. Asked If tbia was true, the ilrwioo.U merchant merely smiled LOSI IN HURRICANE MAN iiUl.KWS, ,.i. JnU il. An uiii mil inuetl report m reiH'iM'd in Hoy Kt, ltuiM, Ut"., lute today thai oi'verol eninll MimiMerM hud gone down in the gull off that nmhI during I he torm and thai one H'ltoonvr had cairn-J a crew of eit- tlH'O. MottivMbiirg ri'M'tid iret dmu ii e lo growniK corn mid nvtii in that icinitv. Thou-miiN uf it Welv uprooled in the pitic fines, 'iiiiiiig Iwu v lo lo lu'Ji'jcr icr nt. Wky tiiHoiio Wt Cg.r Vhoa U OandM ure aly lPc interesting if true. When Car" .jfl1 t 1 ft . (Iroat orowda left fiold Hill early the morning of the fourth, moiiio ko lug hy auto and others by the score waiting for the S. 1. special, which was load ml whon It arrived from the Pass. Much fun was had over the fan tastic parade gotten up at the last hour to while away the time for those left ut home. Somo decorat ed with hath rohea, somo with pea nuts n stove plpo cannon mountod on push cart whuole, Uncle Sum wrap- pod In a largo fln. horns, wash tuba, wash bollora, corunte, guitar, cymbals nddod to the din. Ilvoryono roporteil n fine tlmo at Aalilaud nud c rod I tod tho affair as ono of the flnost ovor pulled off lu soiitliurn Oregon. .AInny hiithors wnro at the heach lu tho aftoruoon and ahout tho moat that can ho said Is that tho witter U flno, tho hath houses nre not ipilte completed, hut will he In a very fow days. Kirs. I.ii1ibiii who was Injurml In an auto wreck uoar Medford the, af ternoon of the fourth, Is resting very nicely at hur home lu this city. Sho remained over night at the home of a friend lu Med ford, but waa brought home Wednesday morning. Ileoldes suffering with dislocated spine she has a broken rib and arm. George Oarrett red at bis ranch Tuesday afternoon In such a manner as to dislocate his elbow. lr. Kelsey was called and reduced the disloca tion. A number u Will.iw Spuou mu pie nlleiideil the lecture "l.oben griu," itivcn bv J. II. Doruu nt the I'le-byteriiin church in Central point ou Thurnduy evening. On Julv :i. Arthur Whitlm-k and wile uf I lilt, Cnl., hmuI n few hour with Iiih mini, Mr. J. W. Iliekn. Mr. Whillnck ciime to Oregon to ultend the intiiuluii at Ahluiid. Hi-- Kern iroaglttiiil of Klniualh ittiiK e. WMtiiiir witn iter uncle, joe lloHgland. Mr. mid Mrn. Hugh Porter, who hnve been living ill Culifomiii tor atioie iiiuiilliK, hove come buck to live in their home mi Scenic avenue. The Willow KpriHga (iniiiuc will hold ili regular uiocling on July S. Mr. am) Mr. M. K. Young and ou Cleo nud Mi'M. Hiek were dinner guoaU of Mi. A. Wright of Cent ml Point on Julv . llr-. J. J. Mt'lntitrv of Port In ud wiik MMiiug her uncle, Jm Hoiivland. while en loule to the home ol her motlu r in KImiiiiiIIi I'a I U. no BEER MANUFACTURE Ol.YMPIA. uh.. Julv II. Will iam iei of TueouiU todn flUil ill (be oil let of the eerelnr uf Ktite 'tilion. lieiinng rO.tHHI iviiiitiiic-, of which itf,IH)0 have been checked, in for o' the inilietixe bill (n'linil tins the miiniitacliiiv and ale ol Imht, to u submitted to the olei- in Sovcuili.i' The exjH'iie ncruiiut .it tiiilud ! the rwtitioti how tluu ihrnv liriwimr uiipanico in Seaitlc, Tittiofiit mid Olympin eontrihiilid SiK iacIi tjor eKieii4 of gulheriiii.' tW eiviitiiret., tft anuiey boing uud for printuig, cleric ainoitrHdiin miti jiiuig fft-s. WOMEN LEAD NCR 1 MEXICAN TOWNS Ql'AYMAS. Mexico. Jul fi Women aro leading bread riots In interior towns of the west coaet Mex ican states according to reports re ceived here. The food sltnatton baa roached a Most acute stage there with practically no harvest of crops owing to tho depredations df roving bands of Indian and bandits. Heports from various districts of the state of Slnalon state that volun teer sworn In hy -the de fanto gov ernment In anticipation of an Amer ican Invasion are being mustered out and are returning to their homes on the strength of Cnrranslsta state ments that tho daugor of a conflict with the United States has passed. The body of John Anderson, an American refugee from Alamos, So nora, who waa reported missing from tho cruiser Cleveland stationed here was washed up on tho beHcli today. In order to avoid complications with Mexicans, the body was burled In tho gulf waters outside the three nillo limit from the destroyer Whipple. C. J. Anderson, an official of tho Southern Pacific railroad of Moxlco, at KtnpHlme, Souora, Is afe aboard tho Cleveland. tlW - ? AT MUMMY The public libniry Im- rci-e'ned the following liookx on bunnies; Accounting Practice, Day; Ada and Snlee, Ciihhoii; Advertising, Slnrcli; Advertising. Selling the Coimuinir, Mnliiu; American Artienn Wimlow l)iailny Mniiunl, Pratt: American Of fice, Schultc; Itii"!iH'ss IMuciUioii niul Accouutmicy, HaHkiux; Huiiu' Power, Hnddoek; roi-jHirntion lin niice, flreeno; IIIoiiu'iiIh of Account ing, Klein; Kaaentlnl Hlementa of tliiMinewH riiurneter, Slockwell; Kv- ory-dny MiiaineWe for Women, W1I linr; (lenenil Definittims Copy for AilvertieemeiitM, liitciiuitioniil l.ili mry of Technology; (iiMting the Jloi-t Oul of lluineH4, Irf'wi.; Hnrdwiue Showcnrd Wriling, Ilnril; llnrdwiire Window Dri'M'iing, llinl. IliHtorv of Commerce, Day; How lo del a Position nml How to Keep It, Hall; Imagination in Ituaiiie, )e liind; hit rod net ion to HiiMineiK Or- gnnicnlion, Spnrliii'.': The Job, the Man, the Itoaa, Itlnekford nud Xew eomli; Milking of n Merehunl, Hig iiihothnm: Minlern Aeeounting, lint field; Modern lluinet.a CoriHirii lion, WimmI; Xcwh. Ail mid Sulei. ()Mlveke; One Hundred Advertising Tnlkx, I'rooMian; One Iluiulre.1 lCn-y Window TriiMH, Hyxhee PuUliehing Co.; Original Sketches of Decorative Hnekgiioindx for the Show Window, Slmileup; Pel or Cmwllier, Salesman, r'crrin. Principles of Advertising Arrnnge nient, Parsons; Principles of Prae lienl Publicity, lVweoee; Salesmnn ship, Maxwell; KiiIcmwhuih in Mer euntile Stores, lbiltimore, Itutler; SelliiiK Suggest ion , two volumes. I'orringtoii; Show.nrd Writing, Show enixl Desiifii mid Ornament, Interna tional l.ibrurv of Teeliuology ; Siprii nud Ha nner M.ikmi:. Inlei'iinlioual Libra i of Techiioloiv Trade of the World, SJiejplcy . Window Display for Di'iipgists, M.isou. E BILL TO REACH VOTE MONDAY WASHINGTON. Julv l. D.b..te on the iiiliuiuistr.ilioii general n venue bill began lodiiv in the hue uiidci ngreeuient to rem b u fiufll ote Mon day. The uit'ttMirt' provides u method of mixing 2tbl,UtNi,IM)Q additional rexciuie from taxes oh iuherilaiues mid war niiiiiitiou pro fit mid bv ui i reiisiu)( he ur ta on iiusiniee. iK-inocrutie U'ader Kitehiu opened iltb.ite with an upiel for the same nun treatment uf the 'rev enue lull that wits accorded. NEW YORK CENTRAL SELLS NICKEL PLATE HOLDINGS NKW YOKk. July b The N, u Yoik I 'cnl ml i ill mid comiMiu mi linaiiiid tlie s.J, ,,( s!!, m i he New York, t In. air" & st Louis imlin.iil to l 'i i '.iinl uiti lists i,,r it eoiisiili i.n . .i ii,ilviiik: h."iiii.iniii ELJL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackagp prova it. 26c at all druggiits. BusiraooKsf COMFORTABLE LIFE LED BY SOLDIERS El FIELD HEADQUARTERS. Colonla Dublin, Chihuahua, June 19. (via Army Motor Truck to Columbda, N M., July 0.) Comimct, prepared anU unostentatious is the American field headquarters camp In Moxlco. A walk through It showed no ovlrteoee of the hurry, the curt commands or military stiffness sometimes asso ciated" with an army ready for action. Instead, there was ease about men and animals, sprawling around camp with the comfort of perfect health, each man knowing Ills dutlea so well that half an hour's warning would be sufficient to empty the great camp and change It Into an army on the inarch. Long rows of shelter touts marked tho camp of a cavalry, command, Just In from a 200 mile march. The tenia stood In three inch dust, tliflr tops only the height of a small child's head abovo the ground, their inter iors, ovens, because of thu slight apaco botwuon the hot sun above and tho oipially hot earth below. In them tired men were sleeping. Hard muscled and brown skinned, these men were prepared for any strain. llnyond loomod refreshing bowers of groan boughs, Interiors darkened and cool, where kitchens showed food prepared In clealnlliiess, a part of the contributions of preparedntiss for keeping the fighting men In trim. In the heart of the camp rowa of hugo groy motor trucks were parked In geometrical designs. About them men crouched In the shade of the big bodloa, lliolr olive drab clothing stained beyond washing, with road dust. On the steering wheels hung brilliant rod, green and blue handker chlofs Just washed and drying. These woro the hoodgear of the truck driv ers, who have learned that they enn not hopo to protect more than their head and their mouth from the dust clouds. ANOTHER BATTLE WASHINGTON', Jul fi - nother engagement between 2."n roolutlon lits In Santo Domingo and American marine in which 2T Dominicans were killed and five captured and one ma rine killed and olght wounded, was reported to the navy department to day by Rear Admiral Caperton. The fight occurred July 1 before the ten tative agreement waa made for the disarmament of the rebels. ma xv ix Muncoitn TRY SIMPI.K .MIXTllH Many Medford people arc surprl-cd at the qi'lt'K action of simple Imci. thorn bark, glycerine, etc. a ml' id in Adler-l-ka. This simple reimdv arts on IIOTII upper and lower boi l removing such surprising foul mattir that ON'K 8lOONKl'L relieves at most ANY CASli constipation. Hour atomach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stom aeh trouble Tho INSTANT. eas action of Adler-I-k.i is .mtonlshlng 1. II llKKktna. Iriii'l-i "It's all right, Mary We don't have to worry" The operation won't le dunvrerouH. And my new AITNA DISABILITY POLICY will wy for It, and besides will bring us in $100 every four weeks while I'm tii the hospital and on the mend at home. Later, when I can hobMe around a little, lie fore suiting; work, we'll atill it $12.60 a week. In fact, Mary, I can take that rest you've bn wishing on me the past couple f year and now neither of us need worry. I tell you, u good muny men would vCTNA-IZE if they only could foresee what bur den it lifts from your mind at a time like this. You never ini the little it cot for .1 tna-tiing, and the pay menu are a life-saver coming when you need them most. Do you won der that I'm alway after my friends to write or 'lHou or go see McCURDY INSURANCE AGENCY TBLKPHONK 1-3-3 Bedford Xatlooai Dauk BMg N ISH1NB S CAMP tfc. "HiKT -i Vr -AisMfiS VILLISIAS AIM ENGAGEMENT AT L KI. PA HO. Tex., July 0. - Villi-tn-. piir-mntr their ictorv over Cnrrnn sistni at Corral ranch on July -I. have attacked Jimines, according to report reaching mininir aioti here to day. Military authorities in Jnarer wore unable to confirm or deny the report, nceerting that th?trrnpli line to the city hnd been cut. ftVort from Chihunhnn City, fol louititr the engagement at Corral. nid lliat the broken Curnintistu command had retired lo Jiminer, which i I'Jfl milen south of Cniliun Iiiiii City, and had Iii'oh reMiforced there by 2000 men under General Domingo Arrieln. The VilliKtu forces are nid lo numlier .1000. Another report brought here today by an American who had exteniiw nteret in nmtberii tTiitinnhiia wn that Frnnclueo Villa recently xent n communication to Cannto Ifeyw, )ii former lieutennnt, who wbh formerly granted nmncaty by Hie do facto governmenl, iiskinir him to recon sider hi decision. This meaangf I(eye turned over to General Jucinto Treviuo, Carre nra commander of the army of the north, it was nniil. The American asserted thai he bud defin ite information that Villa, at the time he sent for lleycs, wns at San Jumi Mniilispo, nboiil thirty miles south of Parrel, nnd bad with him 1000 men. Why Smoko Hit Cigars When Dn Gondas are only 10c TODAYi'ONLY PRMOl ST PRESENTS IN SBrdou'K cirtut International Drama ' and THE FNMOIS HRAY CARTOON'S Bobby Bumps Gets a Substitute eatre wiikiik i hi: (ho wns go Have Glasses Fitted to i orrect our ex t s-lnht and hioii Hint heailnche Your work will then be dune on time and with ease. Don't lose out tbrouKh ee strain when re lief iiwuUm you here. Dr. Rickert ggSJ, .Siillo I anil II, (her Ma) 'a Medftuil, Oivgon JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER l-iuly sss(nt 2S S. lltTl.i:TT Plioue M. 17a ml IT-Mi iitoiuo,,ile IN arse Service itiiilance Set vice. Coroner. CEMA RANCH mW afTII . n En m Mane 1 UOiO Diplomacy tarTh PAGE SB TONIGHT Your Ilast Opportunity to See BERTHA KALICH In Her First William Fox Production s'CJi A iifiGiri '$ i ii Soi u i lir.uii i Tll.ll ! SIiiiiiKI PATHE WEEKLY World's Latest Events A J, ' I1irp In m r i ta-ru m lhl fctlon of the tr.,ry il IB" .IH'' I"Ht t"Btb and t until the l"t 'i-W Jir - iu.jl lo t limiri,M.' S r,", u",l,Jr J"r defter i pn nounreil II 4 ll dloa mill prMcrllwil local i fTlnllM. and lr exaatantlr fallln . iur with I kKal imasirtt, bMoiiBHJ II Im-wjM, Brieete I U.. i.rnwn caiarte lo a n.uetiaaval iHHaw, and lbrrfnr iiealfwl conatltullvMI Irralimtit. , llnil a Catirrti CiOw. Biaiiafartiiied by P. J. i linr . Co.. Toledo. Ohio. I lb only Cntiatltu I Donnl'iafe n tb aiarkat. It t taki Inlrrnally In iliui from lo nwnw o a iraspooniyi. n ocu illr.-iilr on the bleed Met mtic-oe fmtturrt of th,. ...i.rii Tbry offrr one bmidrrit dollar far ar . It fall Id !. StmI fr clrrular and IrMlu Mlili U. AiMn" r i rnnir.v i ro., TWito, oiit. a. i.i t I'MiiraM. I.v Take Hull i lauillr I'Hta for coolllpalloo. A guaranteed spark plug, all sizes, 35c each 3 for $1 E. GATES WESTON'S Camera Shop 20S East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Commercial Photojraplicra in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any time or place by appointment. Phone 147-J We'll do the rest V.. D WESTON. Prop. TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Clcaninn. Prcsslnq nnd Altering ( 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS 'TKLL US YOUR FOOT TROUBLES MARINELLO CURES THEM Marinello Hair Shop la; tiutii't t'nrcy nidg. ICE CREAM FOR THE CHILDREN Children (annot tut loo much Ico cream, it's tho bent thing for thorn. Doctor and Food Kx ports tell us It has more real rood iualltles and can build mora actual sireiigth than most of the rood we are now eating, and furthermore It's a real tissue builder. That's why you should giro plouty of It to the children they uood any thing that will give them mora Kirength or act as a tissue builder. li h the purest and most wholesome food ou can buy. Older It for linn h today. THE DAIRY I'linuo INI vel v VV iiiii Siulv S!i . i,, .s,, nid Men TOMORROW The Village Blacksmith kffcn Suits (In ' VHEOfORD vWHtw3 lothe H i) I