" '"wmg a uHivc-Miy or urcfton 3 Library Medford Mail Tribune n WEAT&ER Maximum Yentcrtuiy 70S Minimum Today 47. FORECAST FAIIt A XI) WAKMKIt A 1 J F6rty-slxth Yar. OrIIv Klevcnth Yr. ALLIES FORCING FIGHTING ON ALL BATTLE FRONTS Havlnn Captured Whole German Second Line Souili of Sommc to Belloy, French Resume Advance to North British Heavily Engaged Maintaining Captured Ground. LONDON', July 0. UnvIiiR rap t tired the whole Oorman second line unuth or tho Sommo from the river to llclloy, the Fronch hove rosumod operations north of the rlvor nnil have cleared the Imnk almost to C'lery. Tlio French, who have es tablished themselves nt Sormont rnrm iiIko threaten Clory. Tho llrlllHh are still heavily en gaged all alonic their front from Har derourt to flommocoiirt. Notwith standing hoavy nerman counter at tack they have heon ahle to main tain all the ground gained and ex tend It at some points. Artillery Kxociilloit As the Gorman tronchos nre oc cupied, evidence accumulator of tho deadly exocutlon of artillery. In some canon eighty percent of tho de fenders wero killed by tho terrific shelling to which they wnro lubjecteil. HrltlBh Iobsob vary. Certain forma tions boliiK called on to attack de fense where machine nuns remain ed undamaged suffered heavily. Othors captured the positions which had boon set as tholr objecllvo with very slight losses. Instead of compelling the Hermans to losson their efforts at Verdun, the Anglo-French offensive seems to have Increased tholr determination, possi bly In the hopo of preventing the French from sending rolnforcontonts to tho Soinme. llrltlrh obsorvers express satisfaction with the progress which has beon made. With the heavy casualties caused by the bom bardment and the taking of 16,000 prisoners and a great quantity of war mntnflal, together with the losses In- fllctod In counter attacks, It ts bo llevod here that the Herman power of resistance must have been weak mod. Itiisslnn SurcKwu Tho ltusulans eontlnuo to record neooeaos, some of which are of grout Importance, along their wholo front from Ulga to the Carpathians. They have crossed tho railway betwoon Dolatyn, west of Kolomea and Koro hiiho, oto of the main lines between Oallela and Hungary upon which tho Austrlons depend largely to supply their armies at Stanlslau and boforo Tarnapol. This places the army of (ioneral Von llothmer In a still more dangerous position and It Is thought ho may decide to withdraw toward Lowberg. Herlln confirms report of , Withdrawal of portion of his lines '.in me uiiick wtiieiii. v ihmmmu vlehl and along the Ulga front the ltusslans also olalm to be making progress and to have repulsed count tor attacks. Herman correspondent axprees the opinion that General Ku ropatkln Is preparing an offensive In the Vllna region. I IliltMi War Itepoit LONDON, July 0 Near Thiepvnl (oh the Homme front) we made u fur llit'r lght advance and cutturl a iimuhor of prisoners, the war on ice Announced today. "South of I." Hne rnnal, after the dichiirge f K"a id smoke, 'e niude wiine -ucee Inl raiiU into the cnonnV lr-t line. In line of thec (Continued on page two.) T NHW ORI.KANS. I-a , Jul The tropical hurricane which swept the gulf coast yesterday and last night passed Inland over southern Mississippi with much decreased U mmU) tola morning, according e i wMtfcer bureau bulletin Issued at :ie s. m. l'snsacola, MoMlg and dVr poinU on the Alabama and west Florida coasts still were cut oft from comuntration and no informa tion available as to the damage rougbt h the lnd hlch at times Tea bed a Yi'louD of M UiUt au bom . ROPICAL STORM PASSES INLAND VIOLENT EARTHQUAKE LOSS OF 300 LIVES 4 LONDON, July 0. A violent earthquake tit ('iiltiiiiitettii, Sicily, cntt-ed tip deaths of nearly 110(1 person, it is report- ed in tin fcxrhange Telegraph (lipiilcli from Hume. It is Miid " the vietimi wore in three sulphur miniM which the eiutli shook enured to envo in. Cnltnnis- sella, capital of tho Sicilian province of that name, hits ittoie tltnit :i().lini) inhabitant. I I .PKTHOOIUf). July C An official communication Issued last night says: "On tho wostorn front In tho ro glon of- Vulknh-Clalotulsknl, a mas slvo onomy formation dellvorod counter attacks, but wore ropulsod. "During a hostllo counter attack against the village of Kostlukkovka, we took two officers and SKtS.inon prisoner. "According to a roport Just ro celved, the onomy, oponitlng in the (region, on tho right bank of tho Dnolslor was overwhelmed and put to flight. In this action wo seized part of the enemy's organized posi tion wosf of the line Kssnkof .Ilduttcheff and mado some hundred prisoner!. "Half-way on tho railway lino from Delatyn to Korosmezo we cap turod Ue village of Mlkoupchliie. "In several sectors of the left wing or the Ulga front we penetrated the first Hue of enemy trenches and cap tured prisoners and many guns. Further nerman attacks were re pulsed. "North and southeast of Ilarno vlchl the fighting routlntios. One of our divisions took S7 officers and 1000 men prisoner. fYostorday a hostile aeroplane droppod bombs on Minsk, wounding threo men, seven women and two children. "Caucasus front; Our element! ad vanced In the upper Tchoruk region, took prisoners and captured a great quantity of rifles, cartridges and bombs and tents." LONDON', July 6. There has been a revival of Herman submarine ac tivity during the last few days. Thre llritlsh fishing boats have been sunk In theiN'orth sea. All the crews were allowed to leave In boats except In the case of one on which the skipper was killed and two of the crew wounded by shots. It Is officially announced that a llritlsh mine sweep, or was hit and damaged by a torpedo In the Norfh sea. A report from Chrisllanla says that a German submarine yesterday at tacked the Norwegian steamer I'e rtonelle off Karsund, the submarine firing three shots, without, however, damaging the steamer. HALF MILLION LOSS VANrorVKK, II. P.. July fl The fire which swept over the buine seelion of the town of Asberoft lat night caurd damage amounting to ha I J a million dollars, t'ullv inured. Chinutown wu altogether wiped out, and among other building lost were two bunk- end Uu hotel. The of fice of the Journal, a weekly paper, w;i -uftl. Willi yreul ilif'!'iriilt the limif i-r-iiit: tiif Th'iiii'-"ii ruer t"H at, I tin l .1 1 ibii'i 1I1I H 1 -1,11,, A r ' . . 1 1 1 . , 1 i - RUSSIANS PROGRESS N EXTENDED SUBMARINES RENEW EFFORTS MEDFORD DOYD'SREMAINS BROUGHT HOI FOR INTERMENT Bodies of Nine Americans Slain at Carrizal Exhumed From Common Grave Arrive at El Paso, Where They Are Given Military Escort Adair's Remains Among Them. Kli PASO, Texas, July 0. Tho bailies of Captain Cunrlos T. Hovd, Lieutenant Henry Adair and. seven troopers of tho Tenth cavalry, killed at Carrizal, were brought to Kl Paso today at S:80 a. in. Only the bodies of the two officers nnd Private Do wltt Hucker have boon identified. Klght of the Americans worn ex humed from n single grave, the un dertakers who brought back the bodies said. The dead had been gathered from the field of battle and east Into a ditch. This was then filled up. Cap tain lloyd, hletitonaut Adair and six troopers, stripped of their uniforms, wore mixed ludlscrlmlnatoly In tho dirt. The body of the ninth trooper was located two miles distant from the othors. He had boon wounded nud apparently had dragged himself away to din in the gravelly waste beyond the town. Kvciit t'unotkvtl Scones In sharp contrast to thono of n week ago when the Carrizal prisoners were brought from Chihua hua City and turned over to Ceneral (loorge Hell, Jr., marked tho return of the Amorlcaii dead. In Jtiaros the event was scarcoly noticed, while In Kl I'aso only u few hundred per sons, quiet and siibduod, replaced the oheorlug throng that greeted tho 23 troopers of the Tenth. (Senernl Hell had not oxpocted tho bodies to be delivered so early In tho morning, and the Klghth ouvalry, which had been detailed from Kort Illlss to act ns an oscort, was not on hand. An Impromptu guard was formed, however, from the soldiers of the Seventh Infantry encamped near the bridge. Part of these march ed beside the car while the remain der stood at attention aa It rolled off the bridge upon American soil. Met by Cimilry Word was Immediately sent to Fort Illlss and the ICIghth cavalry was started cityward. Indifference In Juarex to tho ovnnt was explainable In the fact that tho special train bearing the bodies did not arrive there from Villa Ahumada until late In the night. Ileforo the town was woll awako an engine de tached the car containing the dead and pushed It to the center of the International bridge. The Amorlcan authorities then hitched on an on glno and completed the transit to tho Kl Paso side. Kxamlnation of the bodies showed tht Captain lloyd was shot through tho right eye and that Lieutenant Adalr"s death resulted from a wound In the breast. Although the undertaking force that made the Carrlsal trip was shown erery courtesy by the Mexl oun officials, they said the populace In the vicinity or Villa Ahumada showed considerable enmity. They were not hindered In their work, however, they said. TO BE CREATED PEER LONDON. Jul l. It i- understood (hot the reM.rt that Sir Kdwunl (irey, the toieigu sec ret si- is to lie raied to the eerage 1- correct aud tliat iu tact he iilnadv hut ueeepted such un offer. A baronetcy of the I'uited Kinuilt'in )nbubl will be conferred iimii him. HAITI'S WIFE GRABTtD DivoRce raorc pubperer fill AND KAIMDK. Mich . Jul .--A decree ot onnulmetit of marriage was grunted todu to i'. Claru tauUe I'e-k Wane, wff? ot'Dr. Ar thur Warreu Wuite. The latter is in Snt Sllllt ill-nii iindt-r -cliltlirc i,f dt'utli tur tin iiiirdii ut In-, luilirr- 1, !.,.v J .l.i, ) I'. , I ,! I'll 11 .1 li.ip 01?M(). TlllTHSI)AY, .JIM,Y (J, 191( TEN THOUSAND TEUTONS TUREO BY RUSSIANS IN YESTERDAY'S BATTLE l'KTHOnilAD. .Inly 0. The war office announced today the capture yesterday of more limit 10.0110 Trntntit, of whom .1000 were token on Hie Dneisler limit. f- T E P.KIILIN, July fl - Attempts made by tho French yesterdav to advance In the wood southwest of Fort Vnux, In the Verdun sector, were repulsed, says the official statement Issued to day at Oorman army headquarters. Similar efforts made by tho Fronch to recapture Damlotip hill battory, tho statement adds, wero unsuc successfitl. Kronch troops yesterday mado an attack along a narrow front In tho Alsne district to the south of Villa Aux Hols, northwest of Uliolms, tho official statoment says. The attack was not successful and cost the French serious losses. Jiotwoon tho Ancre brook and the Hlvor Soninio and In the region south of tho rlvor, says today's Cormnn of ficial statement, fighting continues. Minor progress mnde by the llritlsh troops near Thlopvsl, It Is added, was balanced by rouiitef attack. Farther to the south the llritlsh sua ceeded In obtaining a firm foothold In an advanced trench salient. The headquarters stall announced that the small village of Hem, In the Somino valley, has been evacuated by the (iermaiis. llolloy-eit-Santerre Southwest of Peronue, has been rap tured by the French. The fighting around Kstieen It Is added, ban come to a standstill llO.Mi:, JiiK tl.The Italian of I'i'iimwi 4-uiuiMiuiit is making further Irt'ogTCMN, cotnM'IHug the AuxlrimiM o withdraw in ome seetorw. These operations are described in today' communication from the war office. ' I let ween l.nyarinn and Suginiii valleys our ol tensive continued yes terday," y the eommiinicalioii. "In the Adige vnll.v and iu the upHr A-tico lni in ur presume eomM'lled the ciii'inv tu ttttlitlniw, iiin'm'rinu new liatti'iM - "ii cutiiitui mlintr poi liu! picMiiii-U pri'imrt'd b him." S OF HF.KLIX, Jtil v 0.- The iiiliiiniilt toduy gave out the followiiiif leprnt: "Oue of our ulrtwarinc xnnk mi enemy uhmnriiie ile! rover in the Noith sea on Tuesday. The ubuia ime I'-JW, wliii'b carried to' Ciirtu tieiia, KfMtiii, 1111 nutogiaph letter of Kuificror Willi. mi. to the king of Suin, nnil he- leiurueil ufter curry iiiir out it- tn-k iieci'l'ull. mi it-. jitiiriif -nnk 1 lie 111 mill Kiench -tl'lllli-llli III 1.' lit, t'.iililllliu it- giin" TO E POIlTI.VMi ire, luL -Lloyd (1. Hyatt, pohtni.ister at Telotaset, Ore., toils a- sentnued oy the United States dlxtrlct court here to a term of three months iu Jail for misappropriation of federal funds. The prosecutor did not urge a heavy sentence as the nhortage had result ed, it wan .aid, fiom I halt' attemptx to aid hotncnteailein b shln th m 1 r-'dit .it In. (1,1 J . FRENCH ATTACKS VERDUN SECTOR IE REPULS ITALIANS FORCING AUSTINS BACK FRENCH IKING GOOD PROGRESS IN OFFENSIVE Larue Area of New Territory Occu pied and Extensive Captures of Guns and Munitions Army Firmly Installed Between Second and Third Line of Defense. l'AUIB, July fi. Tho Fronch of fensive hna mado steady progress In the Inst twenty-four hours. All coun ter attacks have been repulsed, n largo area of now territory has boon orcupled and oxtenslxo captures of guns nud munitions have been made. In the first five days of their bat tle against tho Oorniane the French have advanced with remarkable uni formity. The ground gained varied each day In depth nt different points, but the gains havo averaged about the same along the entire front, nnd the Freuoh'nro now firmly Installed between the Oerinau second and third lines of defonso over n front In ox cess of seven tulles. I ohm's ComiuntUvHj Unlit That tho Frenoh losses have boon comparatively Insignificant Is ludl- catod by the maintenance on the front line of attack at their own request nt tho samo time of army corps that made the first assault on (lerman po sitions Saturday morning. One of these rorpa distinguished Itself bo fore Verdun In Fobrttary after hav ing won laurels lit tho battle of tho Mnruo and at all parts of the front where they havo been fighting. Tho other corps comprises chiefly colon ial troops. Tito generals command ing each corim wero nguln congrntu- loteil yesterday by (Ioneral Foch. Not all the divisions of those two corps have been actually in action, but has lug tho calculation upon 9000 moil made prisoner by these troops, the Fronch clearly appear to have suf fered only slightly In comparison with the forces with which they were engaged. Th result Is attributed by (lerman prisoners to the efficiency of the French heavy artillery. In Front of I'omuuo The new French trendies at the most advanced point are now In front of Peronue and the village of .Mount Ht. Queutlit, situated on an elevation aoo reet from the point from whloh, in 1S70, the (lermaua bombarded Peronue. The dermana' second position had been so demolished by ai Hilary that they were unable to make a strong resistance except at the village of Hem, which had been strongly for tified. Here the attacking troops met desperate opposition. Uy dint of hard fighting the village was won as well as Mouacu farm to the southwest. The Hermans are beginning to re act moie vigorously aa reserve! ar rive, particularly south of the 8ommo and the French advance there la hot ly contested. FreHeh erltlci expect that the Hermans will concentrate all tbHr energle In defense of the villages of Hurleux and Vlllers-Cur- I bonne), whith bar the ay to I'eron- ne. SLOT HOPE OF KAN IKAN't 1st t), Ji.U (i. J. J Foley, prc-iiU'iil "I the I'licifie count distiict of the liitciniitionnl Long nhoremeii'x iioeiniion, aul toduy "that ,it lotks a if all conference are of I" between union officio U and employer 111 the Pacific i'oat, long horcmen' -tnke for higher wages and a iloeil h". lleniv M. White, federal medi ator, exHc.nl hope of yet com-.niii-irnf ih otrikc, however. Doth -tiileniiiil rt aiatle liuriilv the liroyre-- of 11 aittiM? I'tin White nud the cxeciitit I'onimittce of the I ,on"liori'ineif union Mure noiiiiuiou men ere put to work ut Mirioti dock-. , liiioii men are working on only thoe docks which Ibex declare fuir. The ehauilMM' o? eoioilicrce Hll- l.lllllil I ,i 1 III. I M.l'lllllU' I "I Ml'll'lil 1 -1, , i . 11 ' 1 Imii 1 uK 1,1 , I . SETTLING STRKE PETITION FOR REAL TO SALEM BY WEST . .j. .. .. . .;. .. .j. :, .;. 4. : POUTLAND, Or., July . A petition to place 011 the Novombor ballot au ninotid : ment to the state prohlbl- Hon law forbidding tho Im ! (portntton of all splrltous nnd malt liquors, signed by 30.- 107 names, was transported to Salem today lit an nutnmo- k title in which roue lorninr Oovemor OsVnld West. Mrs. ! Jonnle Kemp, president of ! tho Women's Christian Toni- ! jiernnre union and other pro hibition leaders L HF.ULIN. Jul) li rter repeatod Kussluu attackit 011 positions held by troops of (leueral Count Von llotli mor along one sector of the front In Oallclu hail been repulsed, the Teu tonic lines were partially trnmforrod to a neighboring sector, the war of fice announced today. Today's tinny headquarters stato ment dealing with tho eastern front says: "Army group of Field Marshal Von LiiiRlugeu: The buttle at Koscxlu ehnowka nnd In tho neighborhood of Kolkl have not been concluded. Army group of Oonerol Von llethmer: On tho front of the Mar ys sector the defense, nfter the re pulso of repented enemy attacks was partially transferred lo the Koro plec sector, Russian assaults fre quently broke down beforo the (ler man Knew 011 both sides of Clincint Irx, southeitHt of Tlumuch." 20,000 FREE HOPS E fOl'I'.NIIAHIA, .l.ilv b. The Ai.l- liui'ir 'N"iillluiid n - that in the lif-t eur nfter the ending of the war n great iiiteiiiiitioiial immico eel ehrntion im to he held in the Uiiclnld liilU near Authory. The initiative in thi mine is xaid by Hi eueWHpiiHr to Iiiim been taken by the preiilcnl of the nMMociatiou of DuuiHh-Ameri-can. Mux tfleniu. of Chieagti. Keprexeutniive persons of all eoiin trifH are to heiuvited. According to lliis account, Dr. lleiiiim is to receive litmncml a-fcifciHiice from Henry Ford, Mho i- to lnv the exwllM' of JII.IIIHI Aiiii'iirnn- wlnun he wilt in ilc In nttflid ll cli-lil.ilinli. OF HYSTERICAL TYPE WAl KI.U.W. III., Jul. . Ans wering 11 loiiit hMttheticul iUCHtuia, Dr. W. o. Krohn, phician and iilicuil witucM, today iu the trial of Will II. (It-pel, charged with the uiur dei of Mnnon Lambert, said iii l.iinibert wn of the hvlericgl t.VIe nnil li.ul a tendency toward suicide. ll-!ciin, of which the defense tiiiiieiiiL Marion was a victim, is a ili-tiiiit tliM-iute of the imagination, the Willie- aid. "The Mctiius of the ili-ee," he uilileil. "have a di-tinct leiidenev to iiiorbidncK- mid to commit iucide." SEPARATE COUNTS ON BALLOTS NECESSARY SALKM. Or., Juu fl. Attorney (Icneiiil (Icttrge M. Hi'own totluv vuve an opinion to the effect that the re publican und plo(jre ive ballot cut fur t'huilc K. Hughe could not be collided together, aud that either one or the other party niut have a uia- jurit over the dcniocralie vote to elect their incident ml elector. Three rcpubiicun uiul one progreive Iium- nil cad v accepted the nomination lr pria(reive elector. U is ueliil Hint the name of thete four will he iil.i'-iil u thu rt'piiblieao ballot and 1 li 1 1 1,, ut In r 11 1 nn w .11 li, ,ntili d tu li I . l l'l llM till? GRINS OMIT WITHDRAWA GALICIAN FRONT XO. .00 UNITED STATES OF Formal Acceptance of Proposal to Settle Differences by Direct Nego tiationFinal Outcome Yet Uncer tainOnly Preliminary Step Taken Test Efficiency of Measures. , WASHINGTON, July 6. Formal nccoptiiiico of General Carrnimi'n proposal that dlfforoncos botweon the Uultod Htatos and tho do fncto gavornmont of Mexico he settled by direct negotiations wilt be dispatched, soon to Mexico City. This was de cided by President Wilson today at a coiife'ronco with Secretary LauslnK. Tho Mexican nolo yesterday said the do fncto government hnd ac cepted Iu prlnolplo, Latln-Anicrlcan offers of medlntton, but was nwnlt- lug Information as to whether tho rnltoil States belloved tho doslrcd ro stilts could be accomplished by di rect exchanges between tho two gov crnmonts. TiiuiliiK Off for Vocation. Secretary Lansing will leavo to morrow for a mouth's vacation. It was not stated today whether or not ho would prepare the reply to Mexico boforo his departure, but ludlcntloun oro that It will go forward within a day or two nt most. While fioneral Carranza's ami cablo rojolnder to tho last two American notes has greatly cased touslon, no official wan willing today to prodlrt tho final outcome of tho negotiations which nro foreshndow- ACCEPTS R CARRANZA ml. It was mado plain that I in me diate, withdrawal of flenornl Upr Shlng's force from Mexico will not he nn acceptable, basin for wualcvcr plan of co-operative action along Ihii border Is worked otif. Only l'tcllmlimiy Stop. Washington officials tnke tho po sition that only the preliminary step has been taken by General Carrnnm toward the friendly ndjustmont ho now appears to desire. Demonstra tion of Ids ability to carry out tlio. policies accepted and Implied Iu bin note Is still lacking. Kfflclency ot Mexican pollccj measures may be put soon to a ne-t vere test, according to rumors trans milled from the border today to thu state department. These state that FrajKlsco Villa has recovered from, his wounds and Is personally leading; a force northward from the region, just south of Pnrral. CRUISER BRESLAU TORPEDOES P ,j LONDON, Julv (I - Di-init'lti'a from Soteh. a ltu-iuu ott on tint Ithii-k ca, forwarded froiii IVtr" Ifrud b Kculcr, sn that the loiinir? (lerman cruiser Itrc-litu. now lenmii i'tl the Medullu, iu Hie Turkih lunnf Mcrxice, approached Sotuhy evcrul cienings ago flying the ltiinu flasr. Subeiuently shtf hm-ted the Turkili flag, torpedoed a trnnport loailul with ttej4ie and nok il aailin ve el. Off Vnrttiir hc completed tho tie -true! ion of a tranport which hud been iiiMilu.il on the prcxioti- day b a Tuiki-li -iibinarpic. -' ' E K1KI.0 HKAUQI'AHTICUS. July 5, la radio U ColHiubus, N. M., July G. Starving Mexlean women havo stormed the governor's palace at San Luis Potoel, according to reports re ceived by Qeneral J J. PeteX'lns. ami have sheuted: "Viva Orlugoea." Pood rlota, the regorta to tho American coiumaudor said, aru 09 curring In all the larger Mexican cities. i flsu Luis Potest, the gov ernmeut's supply of corn for dis tribution has boii cxluiusted and tho dem.iuitM of women .nut choldren fop mine bave to be 1. 'u-cd. The gold paid to the natives by (l.neial Pershing's men for supplies and lubor Is said to have increased tin.' dUiontiut of many Menu ana. T