rams six iuiodfotcp irAir, TinnrNic, imiodfohd. oimios, wkdxkkday, ,in,Y r, inic V QV '4' . AMj 1 20,000 AHEND ASHLAND'S BIG A u MAR CELEBRATION SEVENTH COMPANY CELEBRATION 15,004 Paid Admissions to Round up Largest Crowd In Southern Oregon's History Witnesses Many Events Provided by Litliia City Parade Spectacular. NO SERIOUS N1IE lASHLANI), Ore, July B. Under jiorfoct weatohor conditions (ho In itial unit or tlio thrno day colobra ilon whb tuhorad In yofltordny with mi nttomlnnco oatlmntod at 20,000 or ovflr. Fully 2000 nutoniohlloB brouRht visitors in addition to ex cursion trains. .MoniliiK I'flRcniit Ilontitlfitl, Queon Lltlm'n pageant, occupied tlio lnoinliiR bourn nnd It "ivna In lood a pageant nB woll ns nil In dustrial naradc. ICscortcd by four bands and tlio military, scorns of flontB, civic orKnnlzntlons, rldlnK clubs, and cowboy conlliiKonU iiiado up flucli mi onHomblo on tlio march ns lino novcr boon witnessed boforo on Anhland'a BtrootH. Aijoig thorn woro tlio Ashland Olrls MarcIiltiB club, Hod CroBs Ilrigndo, Undo Ham por Honflod in his nhlp or Htato, .Mudford llldliiK club, IMonoor outfits, tlio Southern Pacific "Utblu Spoclal," which wnM uiilriuo to a roninrkablo dOKroo, lliiuiano Bocluty, Parasol mnrchers nontly uniformed, t.nilltw' Civic Auxiliary croatlou, Suffrage fol lowers, Civic linprovomont club, Ko bokah contingent or Odd Follows, "Woodmen or tbo World, Wostoru Tnlon on 'Wheels, Krull nrfcffilHRort, Kilon Valloy nurBory, Home Laundry, AHliland Trailing company, N'ntntor Iiiiii boys In Untlilng .costume, ljotol OroKon, Whlto Iloimo Grocery oxhlb King sinplos with an oxport chuf flip. IiIiik flapJacltR ovnr.tho rudlutor, Mar nbeos, llrlgKs & Mlmoro's shoo store, AHliland IIIiIIiik club, Clovor I.onf dairy, llotol Med ford, and many oth orn, tlio piigonni holiiK led by Queen l.lthla and lior attoiidantH In tin or Jinto chariot. Interspersed In tlio parado woro lmckuroos both whlto jihiii mid IndlaiiH, also a stngo coach romlndor of tlio oarly days niauuod by a motloy orow or imasoiiKors who had for BupurcnrKo a quartet of boar oiiIih. Hqtmvva dancliiK on a plntform on wheels wan anothor novel ftmturo. The rldliiK eltibs woro Biiporh,. tho Medford orKnulxntlon IioIiik oqulppod with natty uniforms oxooedltmly npropoa. Tim evolution ns executed 1y the airlV Marching club wore Kruoled with unbounded enthusiasm. .Medford Win Hall ('nine. Th0 first hnaebull kniiio In tlm col. duration sorlee between Medford and Weed wob a walkaway ror Medford ))layora by tho overwhelming score of 0 to 0, 12,000 at Hound. ri. In tlio nftornoon tlm center of In terest was transferred to tlm round up fields, where 15,000 aaoftatora Wjngrosatod. ICarly In tlm hours ovary avnllablo coat In both grund statid and bleachers quarters wm ic ottplDd and oven eligible standing room wna nt h premium. Tlm pro Kroni Incorporated 83 ovonts, some or them thrillers. Including skilful features oh the track and lu the nrotia enumerated as follews: Oow mr pony raw. fancy roping, cow gtrte pony rac, bucking burros and Wives, maverick race, lady buckiug Imrtw rldhiK, pony express race, eieer roping tfonteat. squaw pony raeo, bull riding, cowboy relay race, ploatr's rpln rantst, tun of war, rowbos Unman race, bulldozing contest, In illun rlay rac., trick and rancy rop ing, bucking contest fur world's Six accidents and no Ni-rious in .jinicH wan tlio roHiill of Hie licnvy tinfl'ie on tlio liinliwny between Med ford nnd Alilnnl. At 8 o'clock in tlio nioniiiiK II. 1'. Ilauey, drivint' a Mnxwoll on jiluoy service, wnn Hlruek liy a Ford driven by Ilerniim Afyew of Lake Creek. Tlio neeident ooeurred wlion Myorn tiiniod out from behind a horse and liutracv jiml na Ifniicy was iiHaainir it. Myers nnkimwlpilfrcd hlnnie for tho aceicjent. A Ford f(dlowiiia: Jlyura was iinnliti; to sto ipiieklv and lo avoid running into tho wrecked earn, tho driver drovo hia ear into tlio dileh. At 1 :.'(() Furl Ifovuold, driving n pnrly of iiuraoa iiIoiik Main atreet, was atriiek h.y a Ford driven by Hill Childera of (lol.l Hill at the iiiteraoc tion of Main and Kivuraido. It ia oliiimed that Koynolda enlored tho intorsoolioii before Iho other ear and consequently wiim in (he riuht. Kevn- olda ear was tipped completely over and the driver and piiMNoitgcix were pinned underneath. Fortunately all escaped with minor bruiser nnd seniichoa. Tlio other oeeideiita were merely eai-s run into the dileh on uceoiiut of fna( driving in heavy traffic. N'ono of (ho earn woro seriousl yin jiired. Itonldenla of Jneksnn eonnly, with Hie exception 0f H few driveix of both private earn and .jitneys, ob served tlm Hpt-eil laws carefully. Speeders were mostly louristH from out or (he county. At I'lioeni.v Ihero were sevenil polieoiiien out, equipped with pads for gelting iiiimhers. A ulnckiiiiinic of Hpeed through that town whh very nolieeahle. Am far as can he learned Ihero were no accidents with lioraedrnwn vehielcM. ORDERED TO RECRUIT TO FULL STRENGTH MEDFORD VICTOR S TOF SERIES GENERAL KILLED IN JTAS Telegraphic infractions were re- eeixed thih moiuiiu by Captain Vance of the Seventh conimny to at once recruit up to full war stroiixlh. No 'indication was Riven as to the prob able reason for this rush order to be prepared for active service, but it is presumed thnt the war department is oxpcctiug to call tho Coast Artillery trooM into service at once. Orders have alroady droit received to k into eiiino at Foil Slovens on the Ifilli of this month, and it is thouxlit that it is intended to keep tho artillery I loon mobilized at the varioua count fortifications of tho country until the Mexican situation is defintely set tled. If war is tho outcome, the Coast Artillery troops will no doubt ho transferred into the infantry un less complications should arise with some other power havintr a navy. when the fortifications would he minuted by the national Kiitml artil lery corps. Contain Vance desires to urge im mediate enlistment hv thoxc desiring to join the national uard forces. The Seventh company needs about fifty men lo fill the ranks to war slrciifjth, and this number should be secured rife-hl here in Med ford within the next few days. Those enlisting in the company at this time will receive full puv while at camp and thereafter will receive art per cent of the pay of tho roKiilar soldier of tlio snmo rank. The pay received by tho national Kiiard when not in camp is as fol fel fol eows: Captain,. $f)()ll jut yenr: first "lieutenant, $'2i; second lieutenant, '$21111; first serneant, $i:i.V. ser- Koauls, .$)(); corporals, $(i:i; privates, $15. In addition to the above, the pay of enlisted men is increased for ccitaiu ratinga as follows; Second clasH gunner, $(1 per year; first class gunner, $!); expeit rifleman, $1.'; qualified sliHiiwIiooler, .$11; qualified iimiJiHinan, ,f); observer, first clu, DEFEATING IE Weed captured the second game of tho series with Medford at Ashland Wednesday by a score Of (I to 2. LINE OF TRENCHES NAVAL BATTLE IN BALTIC IS ENDED BY DENSE FOG CHAOTIC FURROW FRENCH AFTER CANNONADE CIllIltAlUA, Mev, .lul J. (ion eral Iguacio linimc wu-. killed in a tierce bloody battle that raged all yesterday at Corral ranch, fifteen miles southwest of .limiuex, between a small force of de fuclo IroopH ami severnl ivgiinenls or Villains. J tot It mdes hiit'feied heavy Iomch. I DON'T GIVE UP JlikooiimwMl CttlMMis Will Mud (Nun fuit in the I ::! leiicti of a MtslfiMil .Man. ., ISkuerleure U the modem Instruc tor. Profit by tho xptrienn of otlmrt. it way gate your life. , Tim otc)irlne of frtonda and nalghbora, Tim laaulwoay of Mtnlford poopU Will bring rttow4 aeouragtnant Hare la a emu In peint: U. It. AHrm. 510 S. Kir at., Mod ford, ay: "I wag bothorod cotutid yrnbly by tuy kidnya and bladder. I had trouble in rateiulug tk kid noy attcmtloMg ttd I alto bad a dull ajrim aeroM outy kldnaya. I found Hood rallef from Uoan'a Kidney Pills. My kldma noted more regularly and I didn't keve that trenbte In my liaVk. TMe ItM eastvlaM-ed at that iWunifr Kbewag JHUe mv MdWiiM Prloo 5W..f Ji dealer twot bJiiiiiI ask rrt- a bldnsy toi4.v cot Doan'a KVdM. nil the tane that Mr. AwS4R- lui Yetitr Ha iiii rn Co., Mtofrt a tf(ej'HT(tf, clianiidonshlp, cowgirl's relay race, allck-oar race, oowlaiya novelty race, and wild liorao race. Jim Hoach also gave a maatarrul exhibition or roping ateer from horse without use of bridle or halter. Plgurae as to records are not yet avallablo, Inaamurh na the acoroa will bu complottal on a system of averages for the tourneys cover ing tlm throe-day meets. Tuesday ovonlng tlm Ilutlor-Poro. l meniorlBl fountain In l.lthla park was unveiled and presented to the olty, with appropriate tomarka fnm Prof. Irving 1C. Vlnlug, reapoiided to 111 a happy vein by Mayor O. II. John oii, In accepting tlm gift lu behalf of the uiunlcltwllty. The Mwlford baud furnished the musical accom paniments lo the unveiling occasion. From fi:3u to 9:30 p. m. there were concerts given by the (1 rants Paaa. Aauland and Central Point bands re spectively. On the roundup field a night show was given "rivalling Buf falo Hill's wild west attraction." Today Mcdfonl Hay, Today It Medford and Dedication day, with another big attendant e. The parade feature was a decorated automobile affair with hundreds of cars In line. This was to mark the accomplishment of the Pacific High way triumph. A patriotic ceremou) followed In the parka. The declara tion of independence was read by Miss Mlunle Jackson. There wus also an address ti Prof. Viuing. aud remarks by Chairman IS. 1). ilrlggs Music ai by the drams Paaa baud Tonight au outliue of the springs and park development till lie given by Prof. Vlulng. The christening of Miss May YVelsen burger as Queen l.lthla and Mtaa lCniiua Jenkins as the queen's maid of honor will also oc cur. Th formal addresa of the cel ebration ent Hill be gheu by John M. Scott, general paaaeuger agent of the loutheru l's tflc, his theme be ing "Future Possibilities of Ashland as a Health Iteaort." Music will be by the hulks' quartet and the four bands will be massed in giving a mu sical demonstration of patriotic airs. Souvenir programs are being Is sued dally, gotten out by I.. U Hob erts of this city. The edition ia 5000 each day. and the folder epitomises th Ynti of each particular date in retuUr order. Tlio fttvjt jtetten up l the Ladles' AoiUI&m club vss ratlh aarvied the Vbv as iTu? must attractive feature vt Tic-tfiy'B 1'ara.de All were flue. Out (bie ttriirulor ono affoMCil Jl cli- a$ j the wgv tt on'lnailiti ifl (Is $'J7; plot (or, $2"; observer, second i'Iiinh, .f'Jl ; gnu commander ami gun pointer, $'JI. The only requireineiil ueceKsary to receive the nuthorucd pay is to at tend drill en eli week. Fayinenl is made on the IuimJm of the number of drills attended during the year, the amount receixed being in proHirtiou to the weekly attendance. The drilU now lieiiii; held, hcuuinimr .luU 1, are included ill Hie enrl vclifdule. DENTIF IN PO SON IN ORPET CASE WACKFOAN. III., .lulv :. Dr. .1. A. Werner, elieinit and toxicologic, I'lrot Hitnes in the trial of Will II. Oi'M't, charged Hith the murder of Marion lumber!, testified tUnt evan ide of MtHMum in crystal form might eaiiMe death oven ouieker than when in Mtlutmn. The erystnl, he mi id, Hould form hditM'ysnic acid gas which Hould kill by being taken in (he lungs before n solution could reach the MiHiiach. It was Mitns- xiuiu cyanide Hint killed Marion I .amber t. Dr. 'ciier naid e.Keruiienl. .bowed that a Miper-kuturnte of cy anide ot Htii-Muiu could not hac lelt the - l - on Meiion' eout. "It w,.,,!d jM( i.dled off ktlidmle i mt'ii'iii " he aid. Tho SlobortB-llnkor coinblnatlon proved too much for tho touted strong Wood tonin with Its nggroga tlon of Unlvoralty of Orogon stars Tuesday In tho opening gamo ot tho Borlos or three gamoa for the cham pionship of Soutliorn Orogon nnd Northern California, it was a shut out pure and simple, 9-0. Wood had only ono chunr.o to score, getting two mou on In tho Hovonth, but mlssod this with a bonohoad attempted steal to socond. Sloborts started tho gamo by shut ting tho Weed batsmen off 1-2-3, but Medford uIbo failed to got on. 'in tho second, Wood roplacod Tuorck, tholr university pitcher, with Sheehy, anothor university man. Ho proved easy moat. With two on. In the tlilril HnHlnr iilnntfwl nnn .Innit In I right flold, brlnsliiK lu Mclntyrc. Miles followed with a slnglo that brought In linker. Castor camo In, thon, on a passed ball and Sloborts sent out a slnglo. Ml Ion got ns far an second nnd wan called out there ror Intorforlng with tho ball. Tho gamo was tight, thon, till tho seventh, Weed putting Morgan In tho box. Sloborts was holding tho mound down lu wonderful form, and Indeod allowod only two hits during tho gamo. In tho sovonth with three Medford mon on hasos, Weed pulled n pretty don bio shutting off any ohnnco of piling tho long end of tho scoro hlghor In that Inning. In the olghth Medford followed with a double, shutting out Weed's host clinnco to scoro. In tho last or the eighth Mo ran bounced one off a car lu center Held and brought In Castor. Scholtz followod and brought lu Slo borts, the ninth tally. Tho playing ot tho Mciirord tonm wns strong nnd Btoady,. tho whole tonm backing up the bnttory. Wood's woakost point wns lior buttery, both Infield nnd out working woll. Tho Weed toani was inoro or loss logy, hnvlng played tho Willows on Sunday and Duiismulr on Monday. Thuy shut out the lattor team 2-0. Ilryant wnrkod In tlm box against Dunsmulr and will work again today. Ho Is a steady man with n collection of fast jump balls that will koop the Medford team guessing. A largo crowd attended the game, packing the grandstand and lining the field with cara. Medford was out In force, as were the Wood rooters. A lare number of non-partisan root ers choorod on both sides. The liuoiip follews: Modrord Woel Ilakor c - Noleon Wilson lb Cromer Miles .. b Kalr PARIS, July rt.-The firt French officer to inspect the (Icnnnn posi tion captured by the Ilntish around Motitaiibau, describing tho battlefield, today says: "At Maricourt roofs wore torn from houses whoso wulls had great breaches through them. Gardens had been swept away. It was the samo in village after Village. Turning from Maricourt, wo paused through tho Avenue of Poplars, the prido of tho region. The poplars nre wily, bare trunks. "Hefore us opens n vnst plain plowed with four-inch shells which are still bursting and giving off their greenish smoke. "As I reached what was the first (teiniau line, I thrilled with sutisfue- t ion. VJiu t wonderful work has been done by our batteries! How hplou didly have our British comnides aid ed us! What was formerly tho Clor iniin line of treiicheH has now become only ii vngue, chaotic furrow. It re sembles a choppy sea. "A little farther on lie tlio first corwes of the fleriiiiins a hideous line along whut was the parapet of their trenches awaiting the moment when it will ho possible to give tlioiu ii decent hiirial. "The communicating trench lead ing to Montaubaii is nothing hut it rough path cut every two or three UEItLIN, July 5. Details or tlio ongagomont between Gormnn torpedo boats nnd a Hussion naval force In tho Unltlc on tho night of Juno 29-30 woro mado public today In an official Btatomont issued by tlio Gorman admiralty. Tim nnnotincomont says: "Gorman torpodo boats which on tho night of Juno 29-30 had an on. gagomont with Husslan soa forces now roport In dotall. Tho Gorman torpedo boats whon twenty mllon south of Hnofrlngo sighted throo lios tllo torpedo boat destroyers apparent ly or tho Novlk typo. Tho (JormniiB shelled thorn. Tho oiiomy Immo dlatoly turned nwny and escaped In n rain Bhowor. An hour lntor now smoke clouds woro sighted In tho oust, townrd which tho Gormnn tor pedo boats immediately turned. Two IiohUIo crulHors, apparently ono or tho Maknrov and ono or tho Olcg typo, and tlvo hostile doatroyors woro rec ognized. "Tho Gorman torpodo boats attack ed tho enemy with torpodoos and artillery. Several explosions on the ouoniy ships woro noticed with certi tude. "At tho beginning ot tho attack tho onomy shelled tho Gorman torpudo boats heavily with all calibers or guns, but aftor tho explosions on the yards by shell holes. It is strewn I ono,' 8l,,l,B M f,r0 "locronaoti con- PICARDY BATTLE SURPRISINGLY LIGHT with broken rifles, abandoned gren ades, cartridges, scraps of gurmciilH and pieces of equipment. Every where nre corpses. "Moiitauban, like Vermelles, Al lium, St. N'azaiiv mid Carency, has almost disappeared under the fire which it suffered in order to become French again. Having been recon quered, it must wtill suffer, for shells arc ruining on the ruins. The Her mans had sent awe- the civilian pop illation and the town was empty when the British entered. But the ceme tery wiih crowded lo ow-rf lowing, peopled with German coipM-.." stdorably. A rising tog caused the ndvorsnrlos to other. lose sight or ouch ONLY 200 AMERICANS REMAIN IN MEXICO WASHINGTON'. Iluly rt. Special Agent Budget's informed Hie state department today that over 'J0I! Auiericntis remained in Mexico, nnd nil tliee probably would stay in the city, un mutter what happened. He snid sixty-six American citizens, the last dcHiiug to leave, started for Vera Cruz on July 2. PAH1S, July .'). .'. :.'!. n. m. The as tonishing fen I tire of the Picnrdy bat tle, so far ns the French nro con cerned, is the small loss incurred. Reports thus far received show Hint one army corps which took a prom inent part in the fighting lost just 800 men. The regiments which took Flnucoiirt did not lose a single mini. All the wounded who lutvo liodn brought to Pari shospitals spoalc of this extraordinary immunity. ' "What surprised us," said one, "wns the few lose. When wo climb ed out of the trenches we expected to walk into it hail of bullets. Well, I covered u mile and n quarter without hearing one whistle past. It was when wo entered the eneiny'rt linos that a Mauser bullet struck my nnn. Few of my comrades were hit. "The Germans literally had been pulverized by our bombardment. Those who wereJ still alive in under ground shelters eaine out at our np- preach and quietly surrendered. "The six-day preparatory shelling was terrible. When the time fixed for (he attack came our major said simp ly, "Now, boys, the country is counting on you.' Then he explained to us the object of our attack, end ing with the caution, "And when you get (here, not nu inch further.' "We were given throe days' rations and off we went. Wo uecoinplished the task an hour before the time fix oil. Helped by sappers, the trooxi soon put our positions into it stole of defence. As for me, I walked back to the ambulance and on the wuy met cooks currying pnils of hot soup ami stew to the newly won t vouches." STOCKS PICK UP ON MEXICAN SITUATION NF.W YORK, July .'.- Stocks re sponded to the more favorable devel opments in the Mexican situation nnd with it scries of substantial gains ut the opening of today's market. Scholtz an... Mo ran Sb... Caater or. Mclntyre ir... Coleman rf. Sleborta P Cowan Sheohy Lilly Morgan Garcia Tuorck, Sheohy Morgan like NEW REVENUE BILL WASHINGTON, .lulv V When the house ui- and iiie.ui committee met ttnlu to pa-.- t i nut 11 mi the $'J10. IMHI geni'ial revenue bill trained by the dchiorral. Kepie-enlalive Ford ney of Michigan, ranking reuillicnii member, insisted Hint uuy additional money needed should be raUtsl through the larilf instead of b in come, inheritance and munitions taxes. li motion to report adverse ly un the measure was lost 13 to I. three republicans otins with the democrat. DIED Mrs. deorge Btnns, age a 7 years, died yesterday afteruoou at Urauts Paaa from Bright disease. She leave alx children. Mrs. au!mi O'Xeal of Grants Paaa; Mrs. W..1I. Harris of Omnia Pass; Mr. J W. Coauey of Marahfield; Ira Biuna of APan: (lu Minis of a Angeles and Kd Hlnn of Mntford. Services will be held at to o'clota. tomorrow afternoon at the KpUcopal eh urea. I i.rauia t'at iniCMneDl MH e In ' toe, want fs xyinctcry., FOREIGN RELIEF PlilhADKLl'lllA. July .V -Kr". foils to make Hie lebef of suffering Jews abroad a const motive work rather tbau a mere respite from hiu perism were discussed at the final sessions tods- of the Federation of American Zionists, The convention indorsed the idau l' the Palestine committee of the fed eration to undertake the organisation oi a coifMtrntion with a capital slock ot fltHlll for the puriMtae of conserv ing Jewish colonies in Palestine and developing the economic resource- ui the Holy I .and on a business hai.. The exiiiditun of $!sfttUUil iinno ally for the maintenance of a ho pilal Hint in I'ulontino was also up proved. Why Siuoko Hit i igars When I.a GomKu are only iuo Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. ,c Post Toastf From House to House the Good News Spreads Mjiiiv housewives have foiuitl a happy solution of the breakfast problem in Now Post Toasties. These new corn flakes are distinctive in that they bear a self-developed flavor all their own the delicate, fascinating flavor of choice, white Indian corn. Tnlike other flakes, they do not depend on cream and sugar t make them palatable. Try a handful withoul cream and sugar note the fine flavor and new form; jiIko the tiny "bubbles" on each flake. These bubbles are a distin guishing characteristic ami are produced by the quick, intense heat of tho new process of making, which also brings out the wonderful flavor. Although the Now Post Toasties are a great improvement in flavor and form, they cost no more than ordinary flakes. J lave a package deliv ered for tomorrow's breakfast. New Pos A, I Toasties - Mild by (Jrocei's everywhere. IKK ETKiO f . -V-W- w rs?SSW ilYCARSi. m MADErn0 jLEIN I It IN I llll (ftroR I Five Facts You Should Know (1) That disease Is tho rrult of a d.sordercd condition. (2) That when wo correct tho disordered condition, wo eliminate tha disease. (3) That the blood I the carrier of poisons throughout tho body, (4) That to successfully treat any dlseaso originating In tho blood, wo navo o ircai mo oiooa, as me cause. (5) That S. 8. 8. Is tho most reliable remedy for removing Impurltle from th blood. S. S. S. is no experiment ot to- Iday, but Is a successful remedy for tho blood that has been n blessing ' to thousands ot sufferers for the last fifty years. There la nothing mysterious about S. S. S. It is an extract from natlvo herbs, roots and bark, each knows for its pecu liar medicinal value. These Injre dlenta combine and act In a beao flclal and helpful way with nature u aoesn't matter wtiether your J . m . . . 1 vfj Poison, taironlo skin trouble, or any iJI other form ot blood trouble. S. 0. 8. will go dlrecUy to tho seat of tho trouble; giving the blood a thpr ough cleansing, drivlnz out the Ira purities In a natural way, and leav. ing the blood pure and refreshed, ready to do its full duty la building tho tissues up to a normal and heal tiy state. Begin today on a bottle ot S. S. S. and note bow soon you will begin to feel relief We will gladly give special advice and free TO ORDER S25.00 UP AtSO Cleaning, Pressing, and Alterln, 120 E. MAIN, UPSTAIRS . caoo ot uiooa trouoie u ono ot tne i consultation. If you are in doubt many turns of Rheumatism, or Oa-; about the nature cf your case, write tarrh 8. rofula. Contagious D!ood MeJfral rvpn-ttnnt, Renin 78 lilt: awit'r at'fciltiu lOMPWY, ATT N4A, GLORuU Bsa toHtnwi, TWJwirrjntincca auAT4.eA frteSLOOrtiBcflli. hW lift UK4. lfco.i TOswTSPfcmcca AXLAHXAJUaUOI, 'a& 73, y Hib asi urUHW Juatfttt'&rit, . j i