r V 4 J& ' t? ' " ' N KV V .; rEDFO'D MATTJ TRTBOTE, MTCDFOTm. CRKflONT, WTCDNTODAY. .TTLY H, mifi STAR MANAGER LEAVES Ft) R BIRMINGHAM, ALA., BY AUTO 31 r. nnd Mrs. D. L. Shnrlts, hare tltsposod of their Interests In the Star theatre, ami will leave the first theatre September 1. They will Mr. Shnrlts Is an expert meving: pic make th.o trip In their DqiIrc car ami turo artist and will make moving plc- LIEUTENANT GOQDIER RETIRES FROM SERVICE ilt'lHUtinent tod u v announced the re tiU'iuent of (.'upturn First Lieutcnnnt Louis E. floodier, Jr., Const Artillerv enri, heennxp of iilivmenl tlinliility by a full from nn iieroplnqwhilo a student nt the Snn Uiejto nn'nv nvi- tttion "eliooK With Mcdford trade Is Medford made of th0 week for IllrmliiRham, Ala., are having It remodeled nnd fixed up lures along the route for UhuiiioiiI'm uhoro Mr. ShnrltB takes chargo of a In style for graveling nnd camping. eekl VslUNOTON. .lulv ',.- The war VO 2 3Fto r "Bull" Durham is Pure all the Way from the Leaf to the Finished Flake pjyftga2sra2ragras j '" ;" rgr- , rz 3 v nv"1S2&' 1 ?av! V v52& SZSJJigZSLf'tzafflSHIEEiSafeiii IF Afterthe!eaffor"Buli"Durham Has Passed Through the "Breaker." . Almf illlv Trmmtxjnvmiftmkemmamumtim m n iiiir'awMW iiwiimni ibiiim iiSf After It Has Passed Through the SlBl Third Granulator. KkJiS , - - ii mi IIIIMMI I M After It Has Passed Through the Tenth $9p and Last Granulator. rSfe I 1IJ$& After it Has Passed Through the H Sieves the Finished Flakes. J FifF x J T 'L Z"i VLEwtiBvC w luH ll ll B fllf IILIBm "Wlicro tho Golden VircmiaC(urolina Leaf for "Bull" Durhuin Starts on Itu Journoy. Only Pore Virginia-Carolina Leaf Goes Through the "RuJP Durham Manufacturing System Only JPure Tobacco Comes Out as "Bull" Durham Grouped about a moving belt on the top floor of the "Bull" Durham factory .at! Durham, N. C, are giant hogsheads of tobacco leaf 1 07 of them. ' . ,, . To the eye they show a mass of . color ;Soft, rich, golden the distinctive? individual, matchless shades that belong solely to famous bright Virginia-Carolina leaf. Nothing else ever goes into that big room nothing but this pure, ripe leaf. From each of the 1 07 hogsheads a certain quantity is taken and placed on the moving belt. - j &;' , ".,;-., The hogsheads differ slightly in character. They are of different crops, are raised in different sections, vary somewhat in body and aroma. All the 1 07 are re quired to make up the wonderful blend which has made "Bull" Durham the world's best known and best liked cigarette tobacco. The freight of golden leaf moves forward on the belt to the ".breaker," then on into a series of ten granulators, and finally into a system of sieves, coming out three floors below in fragrant flakes of uniform size the finished "Bull" Durham. The entire operation of making "Bull" Durham, from the first "breaking" of the leaf to the final sifting of the tiny flakes, is carried on automatically inside a continuous tight-closed wooden flume. The pure leaf is kept pure. No foreign matter of any kind can get mixed with ,the tobacco at any stage of its manufacture. And that's why "Bull" Durham stands every test for purity. ' yYou can lest it yourself. Pour some "Bull" Durham on your hand or a piece of paper. Separate the grains examine them closely. You will find only tiny flakes' of pure tobacco nothing else looks like the golden Virginia-Carolina leaf used in "Bull" Durham. GENUINE, ff n M OKSHG TOBACC " t?5& Make the test today lcnrn to "roll your own" with "Bull" Durham. It's easy- practice and you'll get the knack. Then you'll quickly fiwl that money can't buy nor machin ry make a cigarette like the one you roll yourself with "Bull" Durham. FREE An illustrated Booklet, showing eotfyeri ws,j to RoH You trn GssrstUs, aad a package of cigarette papers, will hsJih, be uuilr J, fix, ia any iu&tWtw la Jaiizd. States on request. Address "Bull" Duiiuwa, OuWsaj, M. C - THE AMERICAN T0BACC6 CG!PA!Y PS F?7 TtiSHS a little MamFrrriTva BHBHi l , v,, '. . M . ""iJWi." vAif-iha m. -i t