Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 02, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    r PftaTC STX
. arrcPFOKD vvtl tt7t?ttf, MEm?OTCT), orcEnov.roxmy. .tttv .i, unn
4 A
Slroiifi German Position Falls on
Sunday, Following Capture of Mon
ta.ujjan and Mametz Vicious Iff
f iQhtfno Along Entire Line Ger
man Counter Attacks1 Repulsed.
TIWNCK, July Yin Ljliuloii, .July
!l There is rejoicing in (lie llrltMi
lulny nt l hi' clone of the eceond day
of t lit buttle of Hie Summit over (tut
tflkmir f r'riemirl, which llio enp
1 nt i of .Mninelx mid .Mimtnuliun ye
lerdnv Jell ah a hIiiii-! (Ionium aiilieut.
Tlic llrilndi (fiiiw eiirrmimlctl it with
inilninh of fiio mill f(r u hciivy
pounding llii' Hrilieh ior)M iiimIici
tlirmiKli tin1 debri, Inking tlic n
xivnr jinminci'H nt 2 o'olock lliin nf-
Pilemul Cnpliiieil
Ijilir they atnnneil r'riemirl worn!
lillil lioiujh hilts it could l)D Mfliti
Unit ilif (IcnuniiN, ii n llii-v were fore
ril fr-'ia Hit' wimil, were bidding w
I heir li iuiIm in Niirirmli'i'. Included in
tlu sumo iwiHirnuiH wa Ilic limn
linrtininl of a Itoiii'lln, followed hy
u Itriiwli infantry attack. When it
lliccil I he llljli'llillii gllll", which hu
iirlilliiy liml fiii I renrffed, llio right
line ii.lvcnci'd unwaveringly '"to the
( n.MUnna hiuI wits lout ri
Mfv. Tli'1 HiHWHninn of I'Vii'ourt mill
i In- twioil iiu'iiim cummnml of llii'
pi-mind tiwiirillUiiiiiiiiio nntj Ilic (Jcr
iiuiii L"tn, wrfli'n liml lii'iiu hidden in
i lit vullcyn of tlio fiont, June how
liii'ii (IhcIomiiI to thullriliidinbwirvc.r
uml Hi ml witliilniw or hit put out nf
North of tho iiicij,,lliu alijy wan
iiuii't, except for viciotta In nml out
fighting in lliu acefinna of lliu fird
luii' (In mini I rendu Imlil lly IhA llfll
i-li. I Tun tlio dentin n in great
fiii'i hi the dnv attack Ui-iil lo their
ilugniil forty feet deep tluritifc I In
limiilMixlniuiit. Then they mailed out
willi machine guim to iceeivo lliu
ltrilixli .iilumee. I 'Inter tiooN drove
HiroiK-li tin- ridge ninth of Thipvnl
iut j.illiuilly lint were forced lo re
I in- oie Ike fir of Hie machine
Wtmlliiir Plcmmnl
Tlie mutberu attack yoMlerday
mtkiI m a divormn wliieli led to
Die .neee nt Prifoiirf lodnv nml
Mout.uibliu III previoiiM 4h,v. ICvery
wlien tbtt Oeitonii mnrttiitc auttH er
iiuuiei'Mn ami tW (Ipnniiii jfiintitTK
I'oiuiln to ! dfiith n the Hrilixii
rliiM'd in ou llirm. A Oenuuti ihuiii
tii mtiiKk nt MimtiiiilmM milpnUy
mux iimweil down iy Uib llnliiili
IllillllPlIP pilMB.
The weoilmr wm fair mnl liol .
Iiiv, mi-reifnl tf wouiiilwt. TlieiH
iiiv uiany tale of luroim. Reoteli
)htn 4yi'd their reciunmt to tin
rluiiw. ' Mivd of pShMmu, wIimi
nil .tlm offietTK of hia cixnitany hail
ln kilM, aiiM on nml enptutoil n
inneliin Kun.
Mhiiv QiirmnH ilinl nr lvim ou tin
viimiiiiI nt iloiilniiluiii nml .Muineli
oii'l (lie Itnti-h III lei heai ir iie
Imim I.mIhv hliiiKUiK HI the (III mil II
AVh doenn'l mlinlie a man lniliiid
with Iho ooiiiiKf to right liU ui
froiu obncurlty. ami to lllerally Torre
for lilniMir a place an a mau amuug
In "Bw lllalr." th llrifmoiint
1'iu.luctton, Uu-tln Kariium haa oi-
atd another of bin famoua wMtirn
tla. ttt lb ordinary, brnwrho boy, but a alnrtnra, da-
lnnlnd eharaitor. with pnrpeaa ami
aromplwhawut, but without lurid
MUaattowlUm. "Ilvu (Hair" giv
WQMdrrrul eontranta of the glamor
AMd diiidlrliy of Hroaday, and the
plain. honKt llfu of tb nralrlaa.
Tiiara la geuulua axcltamaut and
lirlil whau lion DUlr romea aaat lo
tn tba jlayrfaf bt a"!k bohood. He
0A bar augagad to a aorlt mau
Denaaty eUabea with duplli'ity. and
baflr wlna. Wlnlfiad Ktagalon
1llRi' ilta rlurlial femlnlna role.
that f flaraiiea Wlntbrop. whs, rt
OT a girlhood In Hie e, dpnarl It
Jfer M alHle or orli lu ihu ci
VeiwlUiaUMillHf, limiln KarnuiK .
gtt Kiid tory HrlUin i.y Will l.llll
brldto, tbia nlcluie i''-e a num
ber of oilier diitluoi unirik, such a
magnificent iliotogruia ami -iiea,
moat or wlili li are hU lu u .hi that
f truly Mild, ami S miukk ' we
lioihlng at nil lb kfl Uflil"'!
ASHLAND, July 3. -"Piepnrml.
iiokh" mark" all artMtgM04iita for the
ccleliriitiiiii here Tiipwlay, WedHea
diiy nml Tliurxilny of llii week. Tim
niaclit illumiiintion of the pnrk in wr
fcclion iii it Htlf. nml fiom the Plngn
lo (he Cilirena hunk comer on linnl
iMnin street there1 ia n hhixe of elec
tric lurhl. AtnoMfr eMrn ntlrni'tiniiK
will he a hig nigiil ahaw mi rmimlnp
ffmumla the niKht of .Inly I, when
1'inulilln nml Ivlnmnth Iniliitu will
compete in HiIi'iih' nml bucking con-
PIcHt. Thii itrouiiili will he lighted
up nml eninp fiiex will mid a wpiid
nra In lhr rrne. On Weiliipwlny
iiflernoon there will he iluylight firo
workn in the vnrk.
There will he n roundup ilmica ami
vniuleville. r'ploI of the enrly fron
tier period, ut (he pnvlliou nenr the
I'lmt Nntiouul hnuk, three ilnj nml
IIikI.iiiiw) llemliimrlers
lluekurlm hcnilipinilcix hic ckIhIi
IImIiiiiI nt the "Ul 'Km lluek Hotel."
the hnildiiiK formerly occupied h.v the
I'olyteehnic npIiooI, where n"eommo
ilnlioMM a iv in ivtidineN Tor lfill holh
Hi5 lo ineiiU nml lodiriiiK. Ivxpctl
elief frtmi .Mike llnnley'N much will
dih up the ciiIiiIiIcm.
.MiH Mnry Wtdheiihiiivfir linn heeii
eleelfil Qnem l.ilhiu, hnviiig received
l.'dl.tllin voIch, ah eiuiimi-Hil wild
.ri'l,olin voti'H for .MSmh Kimmv .len
kiiiH. The fori ner wnn (he ciiuilidnte
of the ShrineiM, while the Intler le
eeived the upHiit of the IHkn. Minn
WeiKciihuruer in n Mipnhir ch-rk nl
HiiIIci'm confiH'lioiieiy., nml .Minn
lenkiiiN is nn employe of the Inenl
tiilephoue ovchiuiKc. The eorouutimi
rohc in n heniiliful ervnlion uml
mi dUpluy in Vnupel'M xtoie win
down, in tiie iiiiilt of nn idenl eiivir
oniiiout iim iiiliMticnlly nrrniiRcd hy
V. fl. (llieve, cAjiert deeorntor fimu
Sun I'VuiieiMeo. Queen l.itliiii will
reign Tuemluy uml Vilnediiy, when
die will nhdicnle in fuvor of King
Sulphur. (). T. Ilergiicr, mnunuer of
till) Viliilitf t lien t re, luix heen cIiomcii
liii(. I'mlcr the lerum of the xpeciul
prutoeol Mi mm JenkiiiH will net ii
mniil or honor lo thc-iuccu.
1'mttile.s nl i) it," m.
On Tuemlny nml WcdiicHihiy the
(mi mile will mIiiH nl U n. in., nml mi
TlmrMilnv Kiiitf Sulphur will lend hi
polmrtN in the Sntumnliu ut 7 p. in.,
nil from Knl M-hmd itrmimU.
"Avintor" Cmik made n proliiuin
n ry ImlliMin iiMiiiiion nml nriichiite
drop mi Hutimla nftermmn, which
wiml n Miieeewo in t,pic of adverse
wanther comlitioim. Thin muu will
he n daily oceiiricnee. Itv HHeiul
iliMM'iiMnliiui of the city million! lew
hillinrd rmuiiM enu mini in ohii nil
night on TueMilay. WednewluN nml
Thnnnlny, mile roinplieutloiiM enue
'mr a leiMtrtud veto in pioiMet re-
luting lo the emergent oiiliunnce iim
I'licuorkM nt riimlotn will he
dnced under tho hnu. The celehru-
lum iiiniingenienl hm- token over thiM
fenlme under the guaranty of em
ploying uf and aano inelluMU, and
with IIiim exeeptinn in iU fnvor Iho
No. 2S will be rnfoix-ed nguint all
OtllOMIIM riuilcliHiio
Ohio H'oplc Imve decided lo nii
liciinU us n IhmIv iu t'tdehriiliiig le
lib iiiKlced of I he ."ith, u Hiimmm'i'd
hercliil'ore, mid are urged lo me. I
prompt ly ut Mast xcho.d purmh
S..III iu he morning.
AiiIom for lure, July l-tl, are mnil
ed n- nr iiiKirliMcmeiit of ut ni-hcinl-.
The licence will he,
ilic minninl lo he fixed li the ciij nu
ll v of nH-iive enr.
A foretaat of roundup tart lea waa
expcrlemed Saturday, nkeu rowloM
Indulged In rehvuralng "aub-eallbre"
prartlra to tba extent of riding tbelr
mounts directly Into several store
aud roping proprietors and rlorks
during rush buslneaa hours.
The report tbatt be round up per
foriuaucaa would last an hour and a
half la a mistake. They begin at
l;0 and laat until .'.30 and eonxUt
of tweuty-two events each day. The
committee auoutineea that there v. Ill
b some of tbe best riders in the wot
to take part.
Kigthy five thmtanml nnd twenty
ix pnokagi'ti nf ('nllfoiMu dee'du.
ma frnita aohl nt aiitei.m n: New
Veil, during-tin weel. were com
priaed moatly of nprieol. mnn,
Mnehea nml .durriex. (irrit" eon
liniied to re Hire 'high !' oar mr
lo limited i.intililie liit reenheri.
.Vne ttnr Wn.-i i id n hg c m Jl.2."
I cr Imx ( nr of nil aver
aged from $2.00 to $2.30, Apr.ciU
hiivo heen very atning, pric" runjr
itisr from &2.2A for deairnhl. ie to
fl.10 for Hinnll fruit pnekmt Ox(l on
tin lop Inyer.
I'liunm weie oxcei dingle high. Tiiik
dy. f'limnx ni I'lir-on-. Hfri
xhown n prpfeicnce. I 'en die hnve
met with gmnl demand Triumph
being the heal vnriety. Priee nuig
ed from $1..'0 to llOe i cnitc
Ihciii hnve heen llhernl Miipplic of
enrly x-nrielies of im-iiin uch n t'oiu-
cl, U'ildoi' nml Inwaon, hull' lnes
Hcllintr fniui .(10 to .$1.10, the Kil
ler pi ice hciug for ery innll I mil.
Tim muumoii for Horiilu frnil i
ended. There wna one enr of gni;ie
fniit of very ordinarv ipmlily, allow
ing Hiitiie decay, which Immghl f i.OII
to .-f I .AH.
The' firl enriol of ('ulifnriii-i
gnMH ia due In nirive nml if the
fruit i iu gimil eoiulili.iii shout I
renilily Nidi rrnm $2M lo $3..'il) per
The wen I her during the tnl week
Iiiih heen very much ngiiin! the I mil
murkel,. Uieii' liHug only one duv
Ihnl It did not niin. Hut imtuilli
Mtnmliiig the inclehient wciilhcr there
lm heen good demiiml for all wnic
lie. No oilier 'Hem of imiikctiliK
except Ilic ituctioii ilil have pif.-i-
lilv taken the Iiiil-c muoiiut nl fruit
offered nml -.liown I he suine re-.ult,
i the opinion o U. , Thoimi. ol the
I'ruit m imu
MADRID, via IMrlu, .Tu! 3 - Pre
mier Itniminone declured lo (he As
sociated Press today thut Spain Is
"willing lo do nil In her power tn
prevent war betHuon (he I'nUod
Stnlea and Mexico ami la ready lo en
tertain any proposal to that end rrnm
el I her aide.
"The racl," he added, "that there
la u large 8panlali colony In Mexico
doea nut atfect Spanish Impartiality
or neutrallay. Wo have received
telegraphed petitions from Mexico
aaklng Spain to Intervene, but as they
emanated tram persons unknown to
us aud not from an authorathe
source, we have taken no notice of
IlOili:. J nl v 1. (Delayed in trnii
HiiMsiou.) -After a teuiietiioim Kit
ting thi evening the Italian cham
ber of depul icm pncd a ote of con
lidcncc in llo' ui'U .' il.uii'l nl Pifimcr
liu-elli 'flu V'.tc -I.m.,1 .17(1 ,i .
The iim lulu I - . . i m li,' I. ii 1 1 till
"I i "i ' im iih inli.iii'-i'.'int
-i i. ih i
Willi llt'dfuid Uade Is -odi.'ii n.aJc
UASIIIMiTiiN. Jul .1. Two eii
cimntr iifui Sunlmgo, S.inlo i
uiiiigo, Julx ; lirioeen American iim
line olid rexoluliimi! huml in
which one marine, Pnuite Mill .( the
A4 compuuy, wu killed and three
aoiiudctl, acre reM.rled IimIiix lo the
navy detriment by Hnu Admiral
t'uMr(im. O
V)i) SmnKe nit Cigar
When L,a Uoauas nrtt juij lu.
Stoppod Most Terrible Suf
fering by Getting Her Lydia
E. Pinklmm's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Tcni .m T.a. -"After my llttlo
girl wan lHrn two j i'ar ago I bvgun uf-
ft ruikJ with female
trouble and could
hardly do my vork.
1 was very nervous
but just kept dni-
ping on until lnt
summer when I not
xx h. re I coukl not do
my work. 1 xvotild
haxe a chill every
day and hot (lasliei
and dissy 8elU and
my head would al
most burst. I got where I wan almost
a walking skeleton and lite waa a burden
to me until one day my husband's step
sister tokl my husband if be did not do
tomcDiina; for me I woujd not last km
and tokl bim to get your medicine. So he
jot l.ydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
Vt'U.I Ur me, ml kfter taking the nrst
thre rV).f. I b'gan to improve. ) ion
tinued It use, and I have never had any
female trouble since. 1 feel that I owe
my life to you and your remedied. They
did for me what doctors could not do
and 1 will always praise it wherever I
KO.M-Mrs. G. O I.tWKgY. 419 W.Mon
Jiyrey SUrvet, Denial, Tesa,i.
lTyou are auli'ering from any form of
female ills, get a bottle of lydia K
l'lnMiam s Vegetable I'ompound. and
iummeik thv tr.uUin.nt wilhjutdJay.
I feg jjl
II MgaW 4fHI
I'1 V4
After several weeks ot hard work,
the Mudtord bull olub qompletod thair
ftnnl training prnpnrattona Sunday
afternoon for the IIk Kmo with
W'mul nt Aahlnnd July Kb. 5tb and
fitli, by trouncliiK Knsln Point 13 to
Tlio locnl boya showod to good ad
vantage with Hie atlck, and also field-
ml nlcoly what few clinnces camo to
them. '
Local fans thoroughly antlsflod
that the team Is lu excellent condi
tion nnd roudy to tnko the field
against Wood In the most Important
games of the seaeou for the cham
pionship of southern nml northern
Tlio promoter of the Knmos nf
AbIiIhikI, rccolved Weod'a lhin-up yes
terday. AmouK thorn are llryant,
I'nlveralty of WualiltiRton pltchor;
Tuerck, V. of O. pltchor, and Sheeny,
third -acker ot U. of O. J
Attention la called to tho fact that,
the gamoa do not start until (he pa
rade Is over, which le advertised to I
atari about 9 a. in. As the parade
forms near the high school ball park
It Is advlanblo for thouo Intending to
ee the gamo to tako up a potdtion
nloiiR the boulevard. '
The big balloon ascension tui.e;
place from the hall park at noiuc
time dm lug tho game. Prof Cook
will ascend 3000 feet before cuttiiiK '
the parachute loose. '
feature of the game wa tho Ditching
of Force of Hold Hill, who had not
played ball for two months, but suc
ceeded In henchliiK 1 1 of tho Glon
dalo busklos by tho strike out sys
tem, allowing only four blta. Prultt
graced the mound for Glendale and
pitched his usual stead v game, but
whs nimble' to break that Gold Hill
spell. A vory notlcoable fenturo ot
the game was the entire lack of
crabbing, consequently much credit
Is due to the two umpires, one of
which was supplied by tho Glendnlo
boys and who had all the car-tuarkR
of having been there before.
E BY 7 TO 2'!
Tor tlio second successive time,
Gold Hill defeated Glendale bv a 7
to 2 score In n fast game, plnu'd on
the Gold Hill grounds jesterda.x The
When You Want Something
Particulary Nice
You can alwavs denend noon K C not to
disannoint vou. The double raise makes
doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the
baiter is a little thin, K C will raise it light and
feathery and it will be all ihe better. Jarring the
stove or turning the pan around makes no differ
ence K C sustains the raise until baked.
When there's a birthday or wedding cake
to bake, or refreshments for reception or party
to provide, take no chances
7 .. m sm:
rrnmrwi """""-
rmaarrii -fTr-iwi aswaisi
TE(R In mind that tho Maxwell
- car has not been changed.
It Is standardized. It will not
bo changed except in minor
rospects where we see oppor
tunities from tlmo to tlmo to
make refinements and additional
Tho new price of 5595 Is only
made possible by our greatly
increased production and tho fact
that we specialize In only one
Every Maxwell car Is Identically
the samo as every other Maxwell
Last year tho Maxwell car rep
resented a big value. Many
thousands of satisfied Maxwell
owners arc the evidence of that.
But this year at the reduced
price of $595 the Maxw ell stands
out as tho one big automobile
value of all time.
Nothing liko It haa ever hecu
offered for the money.
Just consider, complcto electri
cal equipment for starting and
lighting; speedometer; demount
able rims; one-man top; raln
vlslon windshield; and overy
other device for tho comfort nnd
convenience of tho owner.
Kvery thing that tho expensive
cars have. And good looks, com
fort and economy of operation
that some of the others haven't.
There has been a naton-wldo
demand for Maxwell cars at tho
former price; there will be an over"
whelming demand for these cars
nt the new price of $595,
And this proves that the Amer
ican public has admitted and
verified our unqualified claim
that the
Maxwell Motor Car is the
Big, Outstanding Motor Car
Value in the Country Today.
!)".Mtwfcf. Mill Hwed. feur-eyllnjrr motor;
S in Ail wIIm en lUth gear; SO to 21 milt, to the
gulloii ol iswlltve (svcnig),
liravsniule starlit sr; automatic motsr
lubcUallon by tplMh ami pomp) 600 to 1.000 loll.
r-r aallon of ell.
Tbarao-qrphon coaling.
A ruBta..'iwlt dutch, so emoaih si to make
tbt diivlnc ot a novke a fte from sr.U4Mi
and Ircax wdJen jnki ai tlut of a auHiea driver.
Toll, aatrow, tacln- typ Muuell.aude ntehur.
W4JCtt.Jo ul-I4m fnwt ob.1 ttmh
floatieg iwri UhMt ijiuUtr tMut.traaKd alla
Catottac tank a amis aert, aeeculUc gn Uoe
to carbiuMor.
UwMlt-aMde rt.Nar body, wtil ttnWwd
la every kult. Iev, ooatliMMbk uWuHfy.
10 X aj tins all around, hom-AW oh iwr;
v-4ae U &jm to 10WO nttee. Vtm uau
Tint carrier at rear, wtth uira rtei.
SttlMUeUat, IaxweM.aud erMi4 fsad're and
Beuleum-covwi nuwia aoooti.
Ktactrk: tuner. i:rli Uaau, tawtrta ,
IHsb-Tstwlon Mjgsew, au UkiaMeJt -mxt
el Icniliou.
Cew-aun Tjp ultii qukk4uaWe euiula.
Rais-vUM. adtaetaUa. xeeMaaliaj UUMtU.
lliU srad .perdunniur.
TUe Uiuit Taurine Car le a full avcpaMwiter
nr. very MoaweU audel Mute mmlnn iM the
uoubct U imatiitatt xvaka U k rut to rry.
CuiHire rftrt, Mautt features ullh
IhuM u curs jtMnti at hUhir prices.
y We have some go.od territory unoccupied for live dealers
Maxwell Motor Sales Corp.
Motor Compawy Dfvoi.Micb.
-Ti- i 1 1