Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 02, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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fM '
The organization of nn irrigation
district to comprise 26,000 ticros of
land under tho liijtli Hno ditch wns
jiroiMMlsrft a mcetins; of land own
er hrfd Saturday afternoon nt the
Mudford Hbrtiry. A proposal wns ru
eoivd from the Jfoguo Hivor Canal
coihjNuiy offurinR to place water up
on ' tlio land lyinjc between the pro
pped high line ciinnl and the pres
ifbt sytom its a ctut of ydO per aero,
titkinjc i" payment the bond of the
proposed irrigntion district at par.
Leonard Carpenter acted iih chair
man of the meeting and the proposi
tion was dinensHcd by P. Welch, pres
ident of the canal compiiny and others
present. Cotiiniittous were appointed
to ennvagfl the dintrict and nHcurtain
the sentiment of the land owners.
" The following is the Canal com
pany' propesal:
To tho land owners below tho pro
posed high lino canal and above, tho
rotiBtructod low lino canal of tho
Rogub nivcr Valloy Canal Cempany:
Vo aro ndvlsod that thero nre ap
proximately twotity-olght thousand
acres botweon tho two canals of tho
company. If you boo fit to organize
an Irrigation district comprising
26,000 or moro ncros, tho Rogtia
River Valloy Canal Company will, nt
a prlco of $10 per aero, construct tho.
proposed Ijlgh lino canal to cover this
nor on go, such construction to bo of
tho ttuno typo and cbnractod as tho
low lino anal and Phoenix ditch al
ready constructed. Tho company will
alio furnish nt Hradsbnw Drop suf
ficient water to Irrigate all lands In
tho district to an oxtont of ono nnd
one-halt aero foot por season, and
will agreo that at toast 25 per cent
of tho totul water necessary for such
Irrigation may bo hail during any
ono month, tho obligation of tho
company to furnish wator, and tho
wntor right thus granted to bo por-
potual, subject to tho obligation of
tho district to bear Its sharo of tho
cost of mulntnlnlng tho dams and
upprir works of tho systom nbovo
Hradsbaw Drop, which w0 will under-
tnko to' handle for the district nt $1
por aero por year.
This proposition Is maua oj con
dition that tho-district furnish the
necessary rights of' way without cost
to ths undorslgnod, and that It con
struct Its own latorals. Tho com-
iwny, however, will agree to con
struct any of tho latorals which tho
district may desire at actual cost of
labor and material plus 10 por emit.
If this proposition Is nccoptod, wo
will agree to take tho 0 por cent
bonds of tho district at par.
Tho company stands ready to com
nisnco actual construction within 30
lnys after making of a contract In
aooordanco with this proposition and
will agreo to complete tho ontlro
Hystein within six months aftor enter
ing upon tho work,
ltogiio River Valloy Canal Company,
Ily P. WKLCII. Pros.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth nnd Fir Sts.
CilixmiH Hank of Abhlaud to
L. J. I leer, lot 0 and 10
of Axhlnnd IlomcKtfud na'n
trmt, Corr. Deed $lM5.flO
Mm. 1. If. Fisher et vir to L.
L. Suoll at hx, lot on Gennes
m St., Mtnlford 1.00
H. .1. IMwnnU et ux to W. II.
Hurley,, pt .18-1K 400.00
MoUiu Soiigtr to Allen II. ('mi
ner et u., loti. ;7 and 88 Min
er add Ahlund 350.00
The Golden Hule has outgrown its
present quarters on West Main strciot
and the proprietors. O. W. Whllioek
and Sons bare leasad tho room on the
east, will cat an archway between the
two rooms and will have their enlarg
ed quarters ready for business about
Julf 16. This T-Ill give them nearly
doable the floor space and will en
able them to properly display their
stosfc that Is rapidly, increasing to
west tho demand of their trade.
Toe now proprietors have been
bare about a year ami a half, carry
Keed wsrehandlse, treat everybody
sJUm, buy In large quantities through
tW Oolden Rule Associated stores,
JM live tbe people the benefit. Mr.
Vnfck, sr., leaves soon for the eas
tern Markets with the buyers of the
QoijiM Rule string of stores to pur
chafe fall and winter goods.
Halt's Xusle store, now occupying
tho roan leased by this company, will
wove serosa the street into tho room
formerly occupied by ahe A9t store.
With Medford trade la Medford niadt
John Dodge of San Francisco Is n
new employe at the Western I'nlon
office in the capacity of day operator.
1). A. Applegnto, Wells Fargo ngent,
left on Saturday for Baltimore to at
tend the Klks grand lodge. He will
be gone a month, making an extended
trip throughout eastern territory. J,
K. Dent of Medford Is filling the va
cancy here temporarily.
-All ss Hertha EUason, Who was elec
ted to a position in tho Klamath Falls
schools, baa decided to accopt a more
flattering offor from McCloud, Cal.,
and will teach there, beginning with
the fall term.
D. E.' Rand has resigned as mnn
ngor of tho local fruit nnd produco
association, lie was from Hood Itlv
or and will go to Wonatchoo, Wash.
A. C. Urlggs of this city has bcon
elected to fill tho vacancy. Ho was
u former manager. Chango goes Into
effect July IB,
On Saturday ovonlng, First com
pany, Coast Artillery Resorvea of this
city, took the proscribed oath pre
liminary to nervlco In tho United
States forces, subject to being oallod
upon In that capacity. This action
was taken unanimously by officers
and mon. The roport is that C. A,
Malone, former captain of tho organ
ization, now of San Fro'nclBco, will
return and rosumo command of the
company, accompanying It to tho en
campment at Fort Stevens In placo of
tho rocont head of the commnnd who
has resigned. In addition to Its of
ficers tho company now has nearly
eighty enlisted mon. First Lieuten
ant Don Sponcor recontly passed a
successful examination In technical
basic and emplacement courses at tho
hands of a government board of offi
cers at Kugene.
James McNalr, who has beon visit
ing relatives at Astoria, has returned
acompanled by his daughters, Mrs.
Howard Roso, of this city, nnd Mrs.
Luther Fry of Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack llenglo bnvo ro
sinnod management of tho Columbia
D. M. Lowe, dry farming nnd hortl
cultural wizard, will moblllzo a lot of
agricultural and fruit products for
tho JackBon county fair at Medford,
Sept. 13-10, as haB been his custom
nt all fairs, national, stato and coun
ty, for yenrs past. Nono aro bettor
qualified than ho to round up an
Idoal exhibit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNalr linvo
gone oast for a month's trip, visiting
nt Kansas City and various other
points. At Iluffalo Mr. McNalr will
attend tho Shrlno imporlal council,
representing Hillnh Tomple of this
city. Thoy will also go as far as
noston, before returning.
Soldiers nnd sailors of tho valloy,
voteraiia of wars previous to tho re
call, will moot here In annual roun
lon, Sept. 11,
Mrs. Kfflo Morrlolc of Loh Angeles,
daughter of Mrs. Martha Gllletto, has
arrived for a visit with numerous rel
atives. Sho la a vocalist of raro abil
ity and Is a member of tho Lyric club
of tho southern California metropo
lis, ono hundrotl lndlos constituting
tho membership of tho organization.
Sho wns recontly elected a member of
tho club's quartette, n special tribute
to her donor oil merits as a slugor.
This prosont visit Is tho first she has
mado to Ashland within flfteon yonrs.
Tho Misses Kathryn nnd Htta Mil
Itr nro visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. K. Miller. Tho former is
from Honolulu, a teacher In tho St.
Andrews' Priory schools, and tho lat
ter Is a graduato nurse at the sanitar
ium of Placorvlllo, Cal.
Many ABhland friends took occa
sion to greet Llout.-Col. John L. May,
while passing through hero rocontly
on a troop train. Col. May, who has
boon assistant superintendent of tho
Southern Pacific, Portland division,
for somatlmo past, was formerly train
dlspatobor hore, also captain of the
local military company, In the days
about the Spanish war period.
Harry Mathes has roturnod from
assisting In rounding up 700 hoad of
cattle In the GrUsly peak district, be
longing to Honry Ilarnebiirg and Kl
mo Nell. The animals were taken to
the Doad Indian and Johnson Prairie
sections. Five men wero employed
on the Job.
F. W. Rudolf, government survey
or in employ of the general land of
fleo, was boro Sunday, on the way to
points In northern California.
Al Hottensteln, employe at the
Ashland mine, was seriously Injured
last Wednesday by a caveln while tun
neling, and was brought to this sity
for surgical treatment.
The family of Karl Nlius. of Tracy,
Cal., are visiting here during celebra
tion festivities.
Mi- Kill Cad z left Saturda)
after a wetVx wittb hvr brother,
Jack Cudxoii.
Stuuley Kiwurer aud Polk smith
returned home from Pelieau bay,
where they have beeu working for
-.oiue time.
Mi-x T'ora Dulev came up frm
Medturd Tuesday to wit her friend,
Miss Muriel Brninurd, returning home
Mark linker went to Medford
Tuesday returning Thursday. His
wife nnd babe accompanied him home
Irn Tungute nnd lliomas Obican
came over trom l'elienn Hay the
morning of the first.
Rev. Gammons moved Thurdny to
Jacksonville where he begins his work
as pastor of the Presbyterian church
there. Itev. Day takes lu.i place is
pnstor heie.
A number of our townspeople nre
tfoing to spend the fourth in Ashland.
Mrs. K. H. Henchert wiw in Jack
sonville the lust of the week taking
teneherV exnliiinntioni.
Miws Lucy Nivor left Wednodnv
for Klamath Fulls for nn extended
Steps were tnken Sunday to dis
continue services in the AL K. church
duriiur chnutuutpin in Aslilnnd. Mem
bers will make it u siut to attend
services in Ashland during that time.
Former tnnnnger of tho Talent
Lumber company, Harold Simpson,
was in town Sunday,
Mrs. Vundersluis, mother of Peter
Vniidoridiiis of our city, necomimnied
by her daughter-in-law from Minot,
North Dakota, arrived during the
past week from St. Cloud, Minneso
ta. Mrs. Frank Rose left Sunday nfter
iioou for Ashland where she nnd her
children will camp out until after
the ehnutnui)uu. Other families con
templating enmpiuir out during the
chnutnuipin might be mentioned the
follewing: Jnoobs, Adnmson, High,
Holdridfte, Ames, Perry, Ilesson and
W. Stump.
Mlrw. Oeorno Ziders will leave
Thursday for Turner, Orogon, to at
tend a Sunday school convention. She
will be gone about two weeks.
A number of boys who are taking
up the Handicraft club project work
for the Htute fair met with Mr. Ager
pt the school house Thursday after
noon to talk over. plans nnd com
plete unfinished articles.
Row .C. M. Reed took the Hoy
HiHors out for a time Saturday. The
chief object of attraction wna the
swimming hole which the hoys en
joyed during the rainstorm.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Dillnrd of Port
land are now ocoupyini; rooms in the
Ames building. Mr. Dillnrd has been
in the employ of the government for
a number of years in the reclamation
service, but will now look after the
engineering work of tho T- 'ct Ir
rigation district. He will begin in
vestigating the Heaver creek and the
Hyatt Prairie irrigaton projects nt
Mrs. L, Fltzpatrlck and slstor, Miss
Myrtle Ilyrum, woro Bams valloy vis.
Itors ono day last week.
Haying operations havo bcon somo
what roturdod In this vicinity owing
to tho blustery wonthor.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Hayos roturnod
a fow days ago from n woek'a camp
ing trip In tho hills nbovo Ashland.
Mrs. Susnn Ponlnud is expecting a
vlHlt from hor threo daughters in Cal
ifornia who aro duo to arrive about
tho first of July,
A flock of Hungarian partrldgou,
consisting of two old birds aud about
a dozon young ones, was dlscovorod
on tho Nonlon ranch last week.
Dr. Conroy of Medford mndo a pro
fessional visit to tho Seabrook homo
last Wodnosday.
Tho following wero rocolved In nn
swer to an inquiry uont to tho sec
retary of tho Southern Oregon Chau
tauqua In regard to soason tickets
for famlllefl: Tho family season
tlckot Is a tlokot that Is ohangeablo
that Is, It may bo used by any mem
ber of tho family. If purchasod be
fore July 1st the price Is roduced to
$3.25; if lator than July 1st tho cus
tomary prlco of 3. HO is charged,
Families wishing to attend who can
not all go tho samo day by taking ad
vantage of the family season ticket
can cut tho cost In two.
Kd Carnegie, who has been doing
considerable mining during tho last
year, Is employed at tho 7ablu Rock
Several from here ateudod tho
wedding of Miss Hazel Iloobo and
Mr. William Atkins' last Wednesday
ovenlng at the Ileebo homo in the
Agate district.
Mr. Lold Corliss and wlfo camo
down from tholr homostead In tho
Meadows district last Thursday and
Tbere If nut Catiirh la thU MetUa of tb
rwU Ibu til ottwr iJUmm at Utb. awl
UMII O Uit fw 7 w M4 U !
ucvrM lue IMI uiujr mil iiuWn
uiwuiHrd II a Kl 4U aud 4tn-tUt4 kx;l
rluSl4 u4 by cutwuail UlUag U cwa wllh
Iwal UntaiMt. kmwuiumm1 It IimmVuU. S4ai
(a pruiru tmtrti to tw a it-iulltulWwl Jl,n,
and iknfof rauelrra cukailiuiluual Uiaat.
Hall I atarra Cur Bwwirailiuwi by V J.
IVHr & V.. Tolt. OUo I tl ealy Cuwllta
Uwwl vra wi Urn airaat. It U tatou UtcuUy
It d (ram ID drot tu tuaaraJ It aci
iiUti ua tit btal ad aaegn auilM (
IW ajataaa Tkr uttrt w kaaJrwl SollaM It
aaf m U (lta la e4. Kob4 tut ctaalaca a4
ao4 r J riies'EY & co Tiio, otio.
B..1J tr I'ftifglan T
T UiU 1'IUi Ut cvoitlyitWa,
will spend a few days visiting rela
tives In tho Agate district.
Tho blight Is still to- be found in
n majority of our orchards although
most of our orchnrdlsts havo been
working diligently to control It. This
has been a long hnrd fight, ono that
litis taken much courage aud ondur
nnco to stny with.
L. Fltzi'atrlcki who suffered a so
vcro attack of tdnsllltla, Is able to be
about his work again.
Miss Angllne Cameron Is spending
tho week visiting friends In Ashland.
Initiative petitions for tho rural
credits constitutional nmondment aro
K. iNonlon, and so far every voter ap
proached has willing signed.
If this tuoasuro Is passed by the
peoplo in November tho farmors will
bo able to secure money at tho rato of
C per cent Instead of tho customary
rates of 3 and 10 per cent charged
by tho banks.
Tho beet growers In this district
seem to bo well pleased with tho out
look for a good crop this fall.
Those bonding their land In this
vicinity have much faith In tho deal
being closed In tho near future
Mr. nnd Mrs. IlenJ. llurch motored
to Medford Thursday, accompanied
by McsdnmoB 11. D. Reed nnd Win.
Mrs. John Hnmorslcy of Grants
PnBs arrived Thursday for a Bhort
visit with rolntlvos at tho home of Dr.
W. P. Chlshoim.
Mrs. II. C. Racdel roturncd to Med
ford Thursday aftornoon,
Hon Homier loft Thursday to re
port at Sacramento as ho belongs to
tho Long Itench company of tho Cali
fornia guards.
"Wednesday evening tho Cosmus
theatre was filled for the vaudovlllo
and movlo program given for tho
benefit of tho Greater Gold Hill Club.
First was n reel of films followed by
a skit, "A Day In a Country School."
Thoso taking part wero schoolmaster
It. P. Tucker; Peggy, Mr. Lloyd
Simmons; Sally, Miss Clalro Tuckor;
Mammy, Mrs. P. Langdolt; Johnny,
II. D. Reed; SCeko, L. O. Walker; Jo
seph, J. II. llcoman; Hiram, John P,
Kolscy; Suowbnll, Lloyd Simmons.
Among tho numbers given wore
Holo, "Never Let tho Snmo lleo Sting
You Twlco," by "Sally." Solo, "Child
hood Daya, by "I'oggy." Recitations
by various pupils; solo and dnuco by
"Snowball," closed by all sinning
"Stnr Spnnulod Manner." Anotbor
reel of comic movloa then was shown,
folowed by another skit, by Mrs.
Lnugilull and Lloyd Simmons, as
"Mammy" aud Sam. Music at tho
piano by Mrs. C. A. Peterson and
Harry Porter with tho drums. Tho
entertainment closed with another
roel of plcturos. About (11 wero
clenrod for tho club and another show
Is being arranged to bo given In about
ten days or two weeks for thu benefit
of the club.
H. lleau of Grants Pass camo up
Thurxday for a visit with frlauds at
this piano. i
D. II. Mllloi loft on No. H Thurs
day morning on a business trip of a
fuw days at Salum.
.Max Schnltz of Sriuh Valley wau
shopping In Gold Hill Friday.
IDIod, on Sardine crook, Wodnos
day, Wash Miller, a pioneer of thoso
,MIbh Zurkholder, a cousin of Mrs.
D, H. Miller, who has been visiting
with friends In Medford, stopped for
a fchort time In Gold Hill Friday even
ing before 1C, having motored ovor
with her Medford friends.
Home Celebration
of Wonder Interest
Tho arrival of a baby In tho fiomehold
completely chaugca tho cntlro asiect of
ma mture. nut in tno
meantime, dntlnr tlui
Btiilom priod of oz
txx tuner, there 1 a
ipleii'llil remedy known
a 'M-tlicr' Frleml"
that dot-4 vronden. It
U for t-itcruat iwe, ro
Hctci tbo piilin of
oiwlo axpnnnlnn,
Itcotliei nnd quiet tho
ncrrttf, cxtnU Its In-IIucr-o
to Uta Internal
organs and remotm to
a treat extent tin ten.
il ncr to worry ami no-
, prehension. It It a natural treatment, aafa
lur lito uiuilicr, hum iiu uiuf vuti.1 nroimr
etcr and for tlil rcamn must exert u mot
beneficial Influence upon tUne functions di
rectly connected wltu motberliool. In a
very Interesting IjooIc the subject l freely
dUcuel and a copy will be nulled free to
nil expectant mothers by Ilrmlfkld Hegulator
Co., tit Lamar Mg., Atlanta, Oa. Get a
bottle of "Mother Friend" today of any
ilmrrUt. Vuo m dlrccteil and )ou will then
know Mhy inotliern for nearly half u century
hate n.l and rvrominendol thU vplcndid aid
to motherhood. TlKilr letter nro inaMagM
of cheer, that breathe touifoit III every vtord.
BBBLSBBBb bbbbb'
Have parly with well improved 25-aoi'c tract, located
4 milt's from Santa Cruz, Calif, that wants to trade
for good business here. His property is clear.
Heal KhtaU) Loans, Rentals, Insurance.
102 West Main. Phono 700
Opnt, Valentino and Hilton 011
morc, grandchildren of Mrs. K. J.
GUmoro Mclntyre. returned to tliolr
home In Riddle Friday morning, huv
Ing part of tho week with their
relatives at this place.
F. Wnhl returned Friday fromhls
business trip to Medford, '
Quito a morry party of young peo
plo wero untortntned Wednesday
evening nftor the vaudeville at tho
homo of Miss Marguerite Wharton
with n candy pull.
H'ho Dlblo class had a very success
ful business meeting aud social Mon
day evening. Ice cream nnd enko
wero sorved, aud tho ontortalnmcnt
to bo glvon In tho near future Is re
ported as well under wny. Rohoar
sals aro now being bold at tho Cosmus.
First Sign of Blood Disease.
il'lmptcs, acaty ltclitnar akin, rnahea,
buriiliiir aontntlona nod Hcrofulii denote
with tinfnllliiir certainty a. iloblllliited.
weakpiiPil and Impure atnte of the
blood. Tho trouble limy liuvo beon In
your blood from birth, but no mutter
how you wero Infected, you inust treat
tt throliKh the blood. 11 l a blood dirt
ene. You mutt uto S. 8. M.r the stand
ard blood tonlo for 60 yuurn. If you ex
pect relief. l'or purlfylnK the eyatem.
nothlnK la enuul to It. The notion of
H. 8. 6. la to cleanao the Mood. It nonka
throunh thu eyatem dlrrot to tho eent
of the trouble nctlnr aa nn untldoU
to neutrnllio the blood polaona, It ro
vltnllio the red blood corpuacles, In
orenaea the flow to that the blood can
properl perform Ita phyalcnl work.
The dull. aluuKlah feollna- leave you
the complex lull clean up. Kven Ion.
atnnrtlnK caaea reapond promptly Ilut
you muat taKe S. 8. H. lrUK and "b
stltutes won't do. det 8. 6. H. from
your driiKHltt. If you need expert ad
vice write to -Swift Bpeclllo Co., Allan
ta. a.
for iucni noosica
FOR RKNT Furnished C-room
liouso, gas and electricity, on paved
utrect. Phono 01!9-W. 89
FOR RENT Flvo room house, hurd
Avood floors, full comont bnBouiont
find garage. Phono 370-W.
FOR U13XT Ono -room
house. Phouu 370-W.
FOR RKNT Modern housn koep't
roouiH, down stiilm. 315 North
FOR RKNT IIoubo keeping rooms
down Htnlrs, close In. 37'J-J. 94
FOR SALE Utiggy aud BOt"of double
buggy linrnnAB. K. L. March, Cen
tral Point, Ore. ' 90
FOR HALE Nearly now bicycle at
your own prlco. IMioiio 403-J-l,
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay cheap.
I'houe 310.
FOR SALE Second crop alfalfa and
grain hay. Bidder's Dairy.
FOIl SALE Lonthor upholetorcd
furniture. Central Point Orogon,
Rex 17, Routo 1. Phono H7. 91
FOR HALE Cholco grain hay!
d'hono r39-Ji, Call mornlnc, noon
or ovoiilng8.
FOR SALE cheap, property at 1100
West 8th stroet. 88
FOlt SALE Ono ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 40 ncros land to
trndo for Ford car, Dnhaok's
Oarngo 482-J. 88
KoTlSALR B monthB old Jorsoy
holfer calf; albo good tank, pump,
noarjy now, Janoa Rros., Phono
370-X. 89
FOR BALK One Duroc boar, regis
terod. Phons 19-F24. 88
FOR SALE Horses, and grain bay
In tho field, ona mild northeast of
Phoenix, M. E. Roninea. IPC
FOR SALE Roduced ngaln, my
$7000 olty ranch, fri'o Irrigated,
dairy, chicken,- fruit, toola, stock,
$4000 The CarlBbad or Amorlou;
utisurpaHsiKl acenlo beauty. Pop.
G000; altltudo 2000 ft., flHblug aud
huntliiK- Mrs. M. Juckor, Ashland,
Oregon. 91
FOR SALE-Ilargaln, on account of
slrknosH, fine country store, rouH
onublii terms, stock will Invoice
about $2300, half cash, security
for balance of stock at 8 por sent;
rent of buildings on year leaio,
$l.ri per month. Will sell outright
for $1000, half cash, balauco In 3
years at 8 per cent. Mrs. M. E.
Gardner, Sams Valley. 89
WANTED Uy nn expsrlenoed girl,
care of chlldrou, hour or day.
820-X. 107
WANT12D Bxporlonced girl, general I
Housework. 711 Palm. St. 0
WANTED Olrl for cooking nnd
general housework. Dr. Salado,
Seven Oaks. 81
waxti;d aiiscKiiiiAXKous
WANTED- Two dozon Plymouth
Jtock lions. Phono- S19M, 90
WANTED Auto passenger going to
San Frnnclsco; start about Wednes
day. Inquire Monarch Feed Store.
WANTED Fixtures for store. What
havo you? O. A. DoVoc
WANTED Party to conduct n res
taurant In this city; "Ktiod opening
tor right party; tow rent and no
competition. Call on or address S.
13. Dunntngton, Jacksonville, Ore.
WANTED To rent n lioueo or apart
ments furnished, uox L'o .Man
Tribune. 89
WANTKD Wo do feather work,
folding mattresses, comforters, pil
lows, renovating nnd repairing.
Phono 19C-J, 322 10 12th. 88
irKM' WANTim aiAiii:
WANTED Man to run gasoline on-
giua nnd no some suop woric on
nenr-by ranch. Mlrnvlsta Orchard.
MOXHV TO LOAN Hovo money to
Jean upon city mid country prop
erty. Quick service Money on
linnd. Earl S. Tumy, 210 Onniett
Corey Illdg. tf
UUSIXK8H nmp.froitT
Auto BuppIlM
are operating tho largest; ' oldoil
and boat oqulppod plant in tho Pa
cttlo northwoHt. Ubo our spring
when otbora fnll. Sold under guar
antvo. 26 North Fifteenth Bt
Portland, Oio.
GEO. W. CHKRnY Attornoy and
Notnry, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank llulldlng, entrnnco N
Central, Medford, Ore
PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Hank Iluildlng.
Corey bldjf.
0. M. RORERTS Lawysr.
Medford National Dank Uulldlns
colloctod somo accounts 14 year
old. Wo know how to got tnt
money, Tho Bullock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 8, lUs
kinn' llldg., 210 E. Main st
Oarnott-Coroy llldg., ulto III
Medforu, Oro. Phono 8C8.
Collections anil Reports
M. F, & II. Illdg. Off Ico Houn
8:30to 12; 1 to 6. Phono 007-R.
Engineer and Contractor
contractor, 404 M, F. & H. I)ld(
Surveys,, rstlmntos, irrigattot
dralnago, orchard and land Im
EARL 8. TUMY Oonoral Insuranc
office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident
Liability, I'lato Olans, Contract
nnd Surety nonds, Excollent com.
pantos, good local service. No
210 Oarnott-Coroy Bldg,
Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Ualght Music
Studio, 401 (Jurnett-Corey Illdg.,
Phone 72.
GARUAGE Get your pramliM
cleaned up for the summer. Cal
on tho city garbage wagons foi
good service. Phono 274-L. J
JT Allen.
riiyNlclunn and rmrgeona
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathli
physlclann. 410-417 Garnott-Core)
bldg., phono 1030-L. Resident
26 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostsopsthb
physician, 303 Garnett-Cor
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. E.MMENS PhysIoJan an f
surgeon. Practlco limited to eye
oar, nouo and throat. Eyes scion
tlflcally touted and elnsses sup
pllod. Oculist and Aurlat for S. r
R. R. Co, Offices M. F. Sc II. Co
bldg., oppoHlto p. Q. Phono &07
DR. R. W. CLANCY- Physician am
surgeon Phones, office 30, real
deuce 730, Offlco hours, 10' to
12, 2 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Office Pain
block, opposite Naah hotel. Houn
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers anil Publishers
best oqulpped printing otfico it
southern Orogon; book bindlni
looso loaf ledgers, billing, system
etc, Portland prices. 27 Noril
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front st, Phom
SIC. Prices right, Service sun
aaBkrife LSSaaaaaaal
SSaaaaaaaaaCL1.?""'' ' """5SaaMI
Children cannot eat too much Ico
cream. It's tho best thing for thorn.
Doctors and Food Experts tell us It
hna moro real food qualities and can
build moro actual strength than most
of tho food wo aro now eating, and
furthermore it's a real tissue builder.
That's why you ahould glvo plenty
of It to the children thoy need any
thing that will glvo thorn moro
strength or net ns n tlssuo builder.
It's tho purest nnd most wholosomo
food you can buy.
Order it for lunch todny.
Phono IH1
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Alterlni
Wo havo ntock ranches, high grado
hay ranches, and general farms both
largo and small on our list. Somo
city property also at attractive prices.
40 ncroa with liouso nnd barn, flno
luvel laud, $7000.
22 acres full bearing npplea nnd
pears, elegant bungalow, $8000.
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
I havo a ICO-acro stock ranch;
good location; 100 acres In grain,
soma alfalfa. This placo recently
sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance.
Will trndo for good orchard, profor
pears, or would tako city property.
Would trado oven or nssunio some In
cumbranco on orchard proposition.
lOii Woit .Main Htrtvt.
A block of ground, modern bunga
low, l-rooms, hath, Bleeping porch,
largo barn, Just outsldo city limits,
off King's Highway, or will trado for
Binall city property.
Medford House Movers
Phone 488-M
612 S. Newtown. 737 W. 14th St.
First half mllo from stand, I pas
senger 15c, two passougora 2Cc.
Within olty limits, outsldo halt
mllo zono, 1 or 2 passongors, 2Cc, .1
passengers, 40c, 4 passougers, 00c.
Country rates, lGo mile. Special
rates along paved highway,
Stand nt Itruwn's.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Streot, '
Meaford : ' r '
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Mado any timo on
place by appointment.
Phono 147-J
We'll do tho rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop. ,
HOtWbJUIlj VHiOTitty