WMUMnWMHMr)Kf14'''T "? ftrEUFOftD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTCDFORD, OKKdON. MONDAY, .JULY .1. (DIG . PA'GE THREE FRUIT OUTPUT OF NORTHWEST ALBERT HE HETTY GREEN fl. Central Point, from Mwlford to Gold Ray, 7. Gold Hill, from Gold Ray to Debengor's Gap. 8. Rogue River, from Sleepy Hol low, to County lino. , 0. Knglo Point nnd Agnte, from iVgato to Trail. 10. Dutte Falls, from Drownshoro to county line. E T AT F IS DEAD AT 87 F BRITISH PRESS RULES ADOPTED AY OFFENSIV mm SU CE UN DB Y 15.000 CARLOADS ORMIDABLE TASK BECAUS EOFCANCER COUNTY IT "e i ' A W flint thero will be a pronounced movoment of western box fruit to the iKidtorn auction contqra nnd that such fruit If of oxtra fancy quality will command fancy prlcoa Is the conclu sion drawn by Arthur M. Geary, after an Investigation of eastern market conditions and an Investigation of crop prospects throughout tlto north, woat. Mr. doary, who Is tho woatorn reprosontatlvo of the groat oastorn auction houses, rcturnod to Mcdford Saturday aftor n trip through tho Hood Hlver and Wonatchco districts. "Indications arc that tho eastern centers wll nlmorb a largo output, es. peclally of pears, this year" said Mr. (Scary. "Speculators expect to offer cash and somo aro nlroady offering cash for crops out horo. Such offers at this tlmo aro an excellent Indica tion of prevailing high prices at tho caBtorn inarlots, as much of tho fruit bought here for cash Is later said at miction In tho cast. I consider that tho growers who can afford to specu late on tholr own crops will do unus ually well. , Wcnatdicc Crop Largo "Tho Wcnatchro valley have a tro niondoiiH crop of hlgh-grado npplos. Tho young orchards up tho Columbia rlvor from Wonatcheo will como In with U0O or .1000 cars as compared lo a few hundrod In previous years. It Is iwtliniitod that 8000 cars will bo shipped from tho WVmatchco valley. "The Yaklmo valley was hit hard by float In spotH, ospoclally abovo tho (lap, which dlvldoti tho valleys. How. cvur, because of tho heavy bloom, tho valley will probably ship 4000 cars of apploi alone. "Hood ltlver will probably ship 13,000 cars. i "It is oslmated that 11,000 cars of fruit will be shipped from tho north woNt ii coutpnrod with 11,000 last year. In Kiislorii Stat- "The ct op In the middle wost and Colorado Is short, while In New York, .Maryland, Virginia nnd Kentucky thero Is much fruit In sight. "Tho Now York Department of Markets, under Commissioner .lohn II Dillon Is beginning ti campaign for increased shipments of Now York barrel npplos to the fruit auctions throughout tho oast. II. Harris & Co., of Tloston have also ontorod the bar nil field Mud will soil New Kng laud barrel apples at auction this whiter. In spite of the barrel apple movement It Is thought by dealer that western box apples, extra fancy, of the hlghCHt finality, will continue to command high prices during tho coining j car" LONDON', July :. The London jmiMsrs in their eilitotinlm deal with the munition on the Hritinli Trout in soinewlint renerved fashion, some of them pointing out that it in not ot known whether tli'm i reully the Inns awaited "liijr puh," or only another feint in greuter foiee than any of the previous movements. The Kxpresu sii.vh : "The war has enteied n fresh, nnd probably the hist, phase. Our lumen may well he high, hut our patience must continue." Tho Daily News says; "Tho fact that Germany linn lost the offensive does not mean Unit she is not still a formidable foe. e can not tell what her temper may be un der the hIiikIow of defeat whether she will fight to the Inst niteii or seek to save the utmost from the wreckage. It ih enough to know that tho great eurrenl of the war has changed and that, humanly Kpeuking', thero is no power visible that enn turn the current hack into Die old ehnnnels. The end may still he fnr off; wo cannot tell. Hut today we know that victory is imsured." The Jlorning- Post suys: "The task (onfroiihiij the allies is long, hloody nnd difficult. The peo ple at home must steel tliemsehes to the painful fact thnt the offensive must involve heavy low. Tho end is not in sight, hut the thing: must be fought to a finish, and we shall see to it that the sacrifice are not in vain." Tho Daily Mnil declares that tho allies' offensive is the surest nnd quickest way to victory. "Prussian ambitions," it suys, 'Van never he broken on French or Ifus siuii soil. Oennauy kept the honors of war from Oennun soil nnd in HihI fnet is its great sitenftlli. We can never rognnl this wnr ns won unless the avenging' sword of (ho allies is thrust far into the heart of the (ler niau empire." RUSSIA PERM AT PAGE MAI IlesKie ilNrriscMlc is announced for todHv nnd tomorrow in n Fourth of July photo feature, "Mullets nnd Drown Kyo." ' HnrriscHle of the won drous oyen nnd tfiwioiis ways, so wantonly feminine at one moment, mo o.(iiUitcly ho at another, a dainty, yielding exponent of iion-rouiMHiico in the pruaonco of assertive man, a oMiuiK sehumer behind his hack, withal tender in liu worst oxtroiuit'' she imporsnntatcri, not no much this or that individual member of her hu., hut the mx itself. In thnt art she i MlttMwt supreme, one of the most 10 markable soreon Hetieeai of toduv m effeetive in certain roles as to he in a class by hot-aolf. "Mullet and Drown Hyes" presents other merits than those of IlMiiiwalc. It is a romantie drama of modern war, with finely conceived eomwli, relief, the whole lining rendered pleas- )Hjr and effective by hh Bettings, Mirriuir bnttlo seeues and elovor act ing. In tho last named division, DtMaiio Darrifeeule, who, a Countess Ohjra, proves eoncliisively that bul lets aie no umteh for brown eyes. A lolhckiutr Triangle Keystone comedy entitled "A Village Vampire" with KiiniiY Fred Mace as the wrtun, will la. another frutiire on the bill at thu s.pulnr photo theater. SALE OF WINES Albert Morluo, Oil yonrs old, a woll known fnrinor of Sams Valloy, coin mltlod sulcldo In tho Sacrod Heart hospital nt 7:lfi o'clock yostorday morning, sevoilng his Jugulnr voln and tachoa with ono stroke of his raror. Mr. Morino Is an undo of Mrs. Horace Polton of Sams Valloy. Mr. Morino wns confluod to tho hospital with cancor of tho faco. Al though tho cancer had not reached tho flnnl stngos and thero was no ox- tornrll opening, ho realized that his caso wns Incurable Ho hnd been at tho hospital twlco before, In tho last year. During tho wlntor ho wns opornted on for the cancer and last spring ho wns confined In tho con tagious ward with an attack of ory slpolas for four wooks. At 2 o'clock Sunday morning ho asked Miss Kkron Gall, the nurse in attendance, to bring htm his razor so that ho might shave tho first thing In the morning. She refused to got It nt that hour and told him ho might hnvo it In tho morning. During tho night ho soemed a llttlo restless, but showed no signs of mental aberra tion. In the morning tho nurse brought him a bnslu of water at 7 o'clock and left to attend to her duties In other wards. At 7: IB she wns called by Harold Waltomolr, a boy of 15, tho other occupant of tho ward. Sho found Mr. Morino breathing his last. Tho boy was separated from Marino by n screen mid his first Intimation that thoro was anything wrong enmo with hearing tho dying man gasping. It Is supposed that Mr. Morlne, who hnd boon In tho habit of dressing and shaving himself, rose when tho uurso failed to bring him tho razor with the basin of water and procured It from the pocket of his coat In tho locker outside tho ward. Mr. Mnriue had showed no sign of dospondency, 'lacing ns cheerful ns most patients. Ho was very uncom municative having never spoken to (ho boy In tho ward with him, al though thoy had beou together seve ral da) a. One reason for his silence lay la tho fact that ho wns very deaf. As far as can bo lenrnod, tho do ceasod left no relatives except his nelco, Mrs. llorac I'elton. Ills parents died, ho told ono of the nurses, when ho was only eight years of ngo. He had been In the hospital since the afternoon of Juno 2(1. NKW YORK, ,lul :i. Mrs. Uettv Oieeii, known us the wealthiest worn mi, who was eighty years old, died here todny. She hnd suffered tlueo strokes of paralysis in tho last two mouths mid for several weeks had been prneticully helpless. Her death ocennetl at 8:05 o'clock at the home of her sou, Colonel Hd ward II. It. Green, adjoining the plain brick four story house on the cor ner of Central Park 'Went, Avhore Mrs, (liven had lived lately in so- elusion, except for her son and sev eral, .lapaneso servants mid trained nurses. For several weeks Mrs. (Ireen hnd been nimble to walk nnd had spent practically all of her time in a wheel chair. The nurses occasionally lift ed her info her automobile, where propped up by pillows and protected by furs, the mistress of fuintico en joyed u few afternoons in the paik. Most of the time, however, she sat in the wheel chair nt one of the fiout windows of her home mid xurcd over the park. Her son, Colonel Oreen, and her daughter, Mix. Matthews Aster Wilks, who wore the only children, had been with her much of the lime and it was recently rcorlcd thnt .Mrs. (Ireen hail turned over nil of her financial uffuirs to her son. Wall sheet's usliinnte of Mm. Green's fortune mne from .fliO.OOO, 000 to $100,000,000. Officials of the Chemical National bank, in which Mrs. Green made her downtown hond-' quarters, declined to hazard a guoss concerning the sire of her ostntc. Hi! E JMCTItOGHAD, .luly 2, via London, July 3.- Tho prohibition bill imwod by tho diima, which on first analysis, was generally Interpreted as embrac ing all kinds of alcoholic drinks, now has been found to contain nu unpub lished clause which makes an excep tion of wines not containing more than twolvo per cont of alcohol. Tho bill as original)- published would hnvo meant ruin, to tho Immoiiso vino yard Istorosts of south Husslu, tho Crimen and tho Caucasus. RftlftH nt Mm nvpnnfml u'ltinii u-lll a nnrmltln.1 In wlnn i.rn.lnnlnir .ll.lrlnt. i "' ',,v, w'if" '"l r 'lilll II. and In towns of other regions ovcopt ' ( 'Mi,lk '!"',' "f '",,r,,,I,,! ? ,K- J DIED Alter iiihiiv years of patient nuf ft'iin' Levi M inkier passed nway peacefully at 1 o'clock Sunday morn ing1 at the family residence on K. 1 ltd stieet. lie wns born in New York state Aug. 7. 18ft I. lie euiiie to Lltosehuiy, Ore., with his family in lbHIl, where he lived until he came to Mcutord ears hko whore wiso. local, option declares other- XOTICK Harbor shops will bo opon until 0 o'clock p. in, tho 3rd and closod all day tho 4th. Why Kmoko Ilk Cigars When La Gondas nro only 10c ATHENS, July .1. Fresh fuel has been given to tho flames of political discord which nro blazing throughout Greece, by a dispatch from Saloslkl stating that a number of Greek offi cers hnvo sacked tho offices of a uows papor Inthnt city and moi tally wound ed the editor. Tho editor's offense Is said to have been tho publication of alleged revelations regarding the sur render of Fort llupsl to tho Ilulgar-laus. ChniniiHii I). M. Lowe of the Coun ty Fair o-xliihit committee niinnunees the following eoiiceining oounly, dis trict mid exhibits: llMrkt Kvblblls All exhibits in this class must have been grown in Jackson county, and will include nil the products of the orchard, field and fiirut, and should constitute the follewing: Hurley, not limn thnu two varieties. Deans, not less than two varieties. DeOts, not less thnu half a bushel. Droom corn. Cabbage, celery, kale, egg plant, melons, fiuits, nil kinds, Clover seed, corn in oar, 1'J enrs ouch variety, not lens than f vuiie tics. Irish potatoes, II vnriulios, ntio fourlli bushel. Oats, !1 vuriotiet. Onions, it vuriotiop, one fouith bushel ouch variety. Peas, 2 varieties. Il.vo, one variety. 1ieat, winter mid spring, not les than 11 vnrietie. TiiriiiM, '2 vn riot uw. Cnrrots, 2 vurietlos. Oilier vegetables for u creditable display. Fruits and vegot allies in season. Apples, penches, penm, gmpen, mel ons, squush and pumpkins, each for a creditable display. The above enumeration is intend ed merely us a suggestion mid is pot u full list. Scores for Kxhlhlts Kuch exhibit seorimt (in points will leceive $25, and the one scoring- high est number of points $TiO, provided it scores 80 points or more. Any district exhibit must score (1(1 point to receive premium money. Canned mid preserved fruits mid vegetables will score ns fruit mid vegetables. The following seme will govern : Garden products . 1.1 points Orchard . . .......... in points Field products, including- ATHI4N8, July . The ministers of tho entente allluM have presented a doiuand to the government for the dismissal of III police agents In Athens who are accused of activity against the luteiests of the entente. RUSSIANS DESTROYING , BLACK SEA FLEET Smith, of Talent; Mrs. J. W. Adams, Mr. Wo I?. DeUemer, Mrs. C. II. Mean, all o Seattle. David Miukler, a brother, lives in Ashland. All were at his hcdidc. Funeral services were held at Weeks A: McGowan's chapel, Mondn iiileiuoon, the Itev. Smith olfieiating. Interment in 1. O. (). F cemetery. '5 34EXICO CITY. June 3 President Wilson's speech before the press club bM made a deep Impression here and la lbs subject of general comment. Taa papers print la large type the tatement of the president that the American people do not want -war and that he is not the servant of those who il-irp to Increase their tiriTuicier , It's the uniform unva rying heat of a Reed oil stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pro serves the savory goodness of the moat and givos that evon brownness all over. tastier f oasts PKTKOOHAD, July :i. - Russian toipedo honth destroyed " I ciieuiv sailing vcmncIk hi the I thick cu near the Anatolian cia-t on June JO, mi.Vn an official -tatenn ut. sheaf gruin Grain tlireshed AiliiiiMUiueiil Quality . in points .If) points .10 points .'10 points 100 points Ten pel cent will be deducted fol iate entries. Fut Hex for district exhibits must be made to insuie plane by Septem ber 1st. Coimly District The following will constitute Ihe districts: 1. AhIiImiiiI, from oouuty line to Fiedoriek. '2. Talent, from l-'mderick to Stev ens gardens. .'I. Phoenix, to Medford eoiporn tiou. 1. Applegale. from Itueli locounty line, down Applegate. 5. Jacksonville, from Medl'oid to Itueli. The man on the left: "I never had a better smoke ! " The man on the right: !!!!! What's the reason ? The reason goes deep, my friend. Goes right back to long-leaf filler and careful curing. Goes right back to hand-workmanship and square-end shape that make the even-burning cigar draw freely and burn evenly. And that cigar is the OWL. You know now that a true -burning cigar is not a matter of price. It's a matter of dependable workmanship of known and established quality. It's a matter of reputation. And when it comes to reputation, you can't beat the OWL. The Million Dollar Cigar M. A. GUNST & CO. INCORPORATED 0I00IIZJ!CJ a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and lest fuel expense A NEW PERFECTION OIL COMTOVE ? t 'L Jl,esl J r lit Re ultt AH the convenience of gas. Cooks everything any wood or coal range will cook, but keep ifaur kitchen cool The long blue chim neys do away with a 1 smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate Also cabinet models with Kueles Cooking Ov ens. Ask your deaier today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C'lilulmt) r sSSBi wxPKhtr-fikil W If j j i f ? ? ? t f f r r ? t f t ? V ? f y y y y 4 Hours Performance Every Day 22 EVENT: EACH DAY Performance Starts at 1:30 and Lasts Until 5:30 Each Day Admission to the Grounds, including Grand Stand Seat Admission to the Grounds, including Bleacher Seat . Children Under 12 Years of Age, Half Price $1.00 50c ASHLAND': ROGUE RIVER OUNDUP JULY 4 6 t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 't y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y "' AAA4BkAA4A.A.A.A.AA.A.A.A.AA.AAA.AA.A.A.AA.A.A.A.A.AA.A.A.A.A. ilMKK"tli WW w V w- w m mm i.tlA "T TflteT T T V J T TT T T - V V W V XKiH:KHXM:weo:MoooMM